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Minutes Book 8, Page 439, June 11, 1883
499 Aw-i �oiiaMr �ir►..cs - �,.. .,< <�.. ^i r• ._.._ __'- __ . '�.b..�..�.�.........., aa67 IA- t..... , �..u.f., Jam, i!9«c�....•.n.. �...lc. �6. �.., 'SL. ...... _....... _. __. .__._ f-..• �.,,•... C...e i. ... �-.• .iii. 3�..,..,,_ . A�j vet{,. mss s.+.. e.f, ice.•...-.... _ �tZu.- �&q_e..�s...'!e /! 'e. .-lee J,« «,. at+ k ar-a-��- � , stCf s / �✓�....e.�v / rs-.s a.lL v++-� � os+. .� _ems r c -+-e c l � a. /; �: e..v�,. � ' G' �i.le�,.. 8.0 0,.;,.f. fie., c3►'..,, z. , G. jv_ 7- ✓-G I j _ .. /h- ��. �t'a...,..,. J..t..�, �. yr�.'t v..�. r�c.wt1.:�. t af,,,,:c �,.. �/ d • ` .:. ..... - _. %.. �• /101+« /•%.<.C. � Q//.,. t •-.. �..:.. 3�'�s•... r+.+ L � �. 1 S` .. .. r • r • . �.w..a u �.. � Oh., a.s as.«. �:s.. .+ J� C� /O. Y �, .! a � l prs a.c<T 7x- 14. `%�sy, �....: �y �. <f.+• �J-- � �,,, s.Lf �r� � f. J& ��, �.. <.. < ,... s.:. �...k Py. •� o -r o . V 4!.110 (/7odA....� Tn 1 /i 1�10N.►/IK. ..t� ✓Ilv . J-�t i p s ,� .�� 104 14114.,l 0,;e f.. Ae 0 . of _je -.)e 7,�/ '/Y�wi � iss.4 t-srt � sr.....? /.f..•l �y/. /r. (/6c.�vlE-... Cl..�j P/ i s ,..i s •-..c.. /� a �f a..� .. � ssn I7� � �,� � �;. . 0 ' Lti,.. � /Tsa. � a .t. of t• ! /....+w-vL �P� . „ a .'!,. tt 7 v .:.0 4%' flr+�.t- Os �.... �7-.�.-..i i . ,a 11..+-) wt OL —VT�«es.asv� IKi.vw es d.z; �s.�r mss. lt1.7„ , .1 I�/.1y! �, cL.: ra, e 4,o6- j. A /I��: CUA/ f .�/. /lJ �o %.+. %Jf, /a.: f 2e t . i '46 �f o. r Ar. t044. Lid�./ ' 1'.' 1y.1 •Lfl 4�0 /Ai �-� Is. O Oaa•.r Q i�4 S �I.r . r �4.e e. �, z. e... ,+�i H. oa e.�tL o� J. ,�ej:, s s.V, e► r% L�.r Iii. s..... y R r�a 2�e .w . Q.. c. s7w/� �oGcLGa e.t� �!J erLl c. r.ti t�• ,. x 9.fsµj�' .,/f..`..l 44A/ ss....Lgl1,P�Ls�i.--'�.•...-...., t?ny.--•��-..f.. �s/.. � ..../.�� T LJ sw,.4 .i...t ,ay.--lJ It.s / �,y�j A !+-.. !�-_ !/ �-s QO 4. I=•f+ �I 4 Cu (s T+�- ,d!p. 0. f7 s7� M+SLS s w s► 4 bh. �u"'y. /to ./ 41%e A« c� 9t a-.ys � �Nj t« u.. a.�.f�/��� s.w/ '�► i /C/ �s�! � � � /)G. �-�L-v.v sG« gr 4^r7i/..f� . L./R d . `/ s//(� �sau. Y/aa-a. r 4�e..w , //hll• ws++.sA c�a. , Sf • Age.c /�v✓c-�... --'OL , �rlta.,. • �° /.l.I e ...G,.ee,. OV .. 46.- &I elo,s I-leA. . //y ae. w C4` s s s /ss fi Y QL .j Ilow t// !!H o / •. /..-e C.P v1wWOY+s.++ s'CGI� -,- 1 a•. . ``I v.a GI J/t Clt+. �/H�O' Ka e. a+/t�.I�/7�/s�7•r/v a ,+. ejI �fr.- d �s�♦Ga-a-.�e�'6C ii!/�Ie 4}retiN�i. .It 1i.e'. t�I/'•,-(/�./Gr. W/ . 'W✓� �r MA rt-. w O /tea.--Ti+�-L, fr%�-s. 7-a• e..,. f1a Z•s7y-t.�i styis.es-s-. , { a -s -e -c a. �re� trt*�If'� /ne—t-���. trs-esus-e-4 .A/+-e- 6YL��esa . (/ H✓ s.[/ s♦ Gt.C4e/Ce",eI �.} rye Ad- f 4tt....-..: 9. �'tY Ct rL? �.eti.. ./7s.. .....�.s,.. �!/ fktr....•.t♦►- . ' �je,�, �s.,.s.e 1 ✓ raaq ��-_L. II Lf.a1 4!/4.44 , Vf..� faY.-a.e I'M/ I. • f 1 • •�1' .�in MI �fs� �c�es� c / � �N.«+•w Klsw. tw 2tfs-+.4 .+ A1. las�W.s,_K.� .. +�. /l 7�..�... 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G c �♦l..a}ls- re al,... -...+.I --h �7:- � t/, --ems. �. err.-� ... �._.e.*'2-v e',, �-rss, _ ro.4 or he ft 4.. a�.a LG ivM.I �-� .r. -i as 'g"�•s. b CI Gl• sf" ... ,� /��,s_ It t.I Q -r -•... ' .-a.. Li Le <-GE' �sa.(•�,,�.�,, �risat �e•-�4`�.r.�L",..a./.d�e.Ll� W�I � IL_A. . 1 �i'+w, t.«w 4-a+-vs-rti , �� ✓/ �ral�Aww4. �. .(yh+... o.✓rs.. s'.....�, ;�;0 L'ea+.►.- a`1 /.�+ �t o.t-a-ai.L Cits4se.s .% wT /-..,4r �M �at+-.vC�, awe /.(i.. s� • • cstr - Mov...r rT �>✓ir..,.1_ 9 s a..tt .....,G �� _ yr. 1: 91 ' '• 441' �P�UYLCf IC "dJ-1: III .� ..-..�+.r-. _' .. /V..•.... a.�.« s.•{a._ ��il�..,....,., .•... f� `✓�r.,.11... H .?�c �%I .. � v .... t.•. i l'G«k �i�f1C CJ> �{.x:., -�t, :r > �...,� .. t •0/{{tl �,....,.. ems. e ....Af .1. , .3.-? /. G �J14•tL. ?+r..0 , T / %. �i �.v... q /i. t/yJ v dee. a .l0wl�.s.0 c�' ;J / �./ Vis. �..:/s,.� ..lt. 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