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Agenda Packet 2-26-2019
/ Amended: February 25, 2019 CITY COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA FOR FEBRUARY 26, 2019 5:30 PM CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS 300 SOUTH FIFTH STREET Any member of the public who wishes to make comments to the Board of Commissioners is asked to fill out a Public Comment Sheet and place it in the box located at the end of the Commissioner's desk on the left side of the Commission Chambers. The Mayor will call on you to speak during the Public Comments section of the Agenda. ROLL CALL INVOCATION - Abraham PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Harless ADDITIONS/DELETIONS — Deleted Firehouse Subs Safety Grant PRESENTATION Barkley Regional Airport Annual Financial Report & Update - Richard Roof on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Board of Commissioners and will be enacted by one n and one vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member so requests, in which the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. The City Clerk will read the items I. 11 CONSENT AGENDA Adopted A. Approve Minutes for February 12, 2019 Adopted B. Reappointment of Thomas Whittemore to Paducah Area Transit System Board Adopted C. Appointment of Sarah Holland to the Board of Ethics Adopted D. Personnel Actions MO # 2208 E. Lot Mowing Bid Acceptance - M THOMPSON MO # 2209 F. Purchase Eight (8) Police Pursuit Rated SUV for use by the Police Department - R MURPHY MO # 2210 G. Purchase of One (1) Diesel Dump Truck w/Snow Plow and Salt Spreader for use by the Engineering -Public Works, Street Division - R MURPHY MO # 2211 H. KDLA Local Records Grant for City Clerk - L PARISH DELETED I. Firehouse 4s Pubrie Safety Foundation Grant ppneation —S K-YLE MO # 2212 J. Transfer Funds from Commission Contingency for Kresge Building Demolition - J ARNDT II. RESOLUTIONS) Adopted A. Resolution in Support of the Tax Increment Financing District in the Downtown Riverfront Development Area - T TRACY Adopted B. Resolution Authorizing Assistant Public Works Director as Applicant Agent for FEMA Disaster Assistance Documentation related to the 2019 Flood - R MURPHY III. ORDINANCES) - EMERGENCY ORD # 2019- A. Kresge Building Demolition - J ARNDT 2-8561 IV. ORDINANCES) - ADOPTION ORD # 2019- A. Approve Contract with Innovations Branding House - M SMOLEN 2-8562 V. 11 COMMENTS A. Comments from the City Manager B. Comments from the Board of Commissioners C. Comments from the Audience VI.EXECUTIVE SESSION Barkley Regional Airport Factoids • 1,016 total acres, 80 acres of pavement • 6 miles of perimeter fence • Airport operates a fire and rescue and a police department • 41,787 airline passengers arrived or departed in 2018 • 10% of passengers are international • 10% of passengers are Chicago local market • Jet service (United) to Chicago — O'Hare, country's 2"d largest hub • 23,560 aircraft operations in 2018 • $43,000,000 annual economic impact on the region • 150 jobs on the airport • 100+ rental cars available from Hertz and National • Over 770,000 gallons of aviation fuel pumped annually • 45 based general aviation aircraft CONSENT AGENDA FOR FEBRUARY 26, 2019 1�;51 jj y� `y.. I(A) Minutes for the February 12, 2019 City Commission Meeting I(B) Reappointment of Thomas Whittemore to the Paducah Area Transit System Board. This term shall expire June 30, 2022. I(C) Appointment of Sarah Holland to the Board of Ethics to replace Jill Gott Wrye whose term has expired. This term shall expire February 10, 2022. 6 v Q._- j cnn — o...�o I(D) Personnel Actions I(E) A MUNICIPAL ORDER ACCEPTING THE BID OF KENNY'S LAWN SERVICE AND MORE FOR GROUNDS MAINTENANCE OF CITY OWNED PROPERTIES IN AN AMOUNT OF $14.49 PER LOT, PER MOWING, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR SAME H64*-3L3L016 I(F) A MUNICIPAL ORDER ACCEPTING THE BID OF LINWOOD MOTORS FOR SALE TO THE CITY OF EIGHT (8) POLICE PURSUIT RATED SUV' S IN AN AMOUNT OF $303,080 WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE TWO (2) ADDITIONAL SUV'S AT THE UNIT BID PRICE BEFORE JUNE 30, 2019, FOR USE BY THE PADUCAH POLICE DEPARTMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR SAME Mo zt4 a aa0 I(G) A MUNICIPAL ORDER ACCEPTING THE BID OF STRINGFELLOW FOR SALE TO THE CITY OF ONE (1) NEW DIESEL DUMP TRUCK WITH SNOW PLOW AND SALT SPREADER IN AN AMOUNT OF $133,885 FOR USE BY THE PADUCAH ENGINEERING PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR SAME Mo#+ a. a 10 I(H) A MUNICIPAL ORDER AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION FOR A KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT FOR LIBRARIES AND ARCHIVES GRANT THROUGH THE KENTUCKY LOCAL RECORDS BRANCH FOR THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE TO BE USED TO DIGITIZE AND CONVERT TO MICROFILM PERMANENT RECORDS, INCLUDING ORDINANCE BOOKS #6-18 AND MINUTES FROM 1924-1969 µ0--tr a a I I(I) -A-MUNICIPAL O T TO —APPLY FOR AN ONLINE GRAN I�L_THF Frur IC RTAL TO , O C E , UNQ-A I(J) A MUNICIPAL ORDER AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO TRANSFER FUNDS FROM THE COMMISSION RESERVE FUND TO THE KRESGE DEMOLITION PROJECT ACCOUNT IN AN AMOUNT OF $600,000 FOR EMERGENCY DEMOLITION OF THE KRESGE BUILDING Mom a atm February 12, 2019 q At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held on Tuesday, February 12, 2019, at 5: p.m., in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 300 South 5th Street, Mayor Harless'^ presided, and upon call of the roll by the City Clerk, the following answered to their names: Commissioners Abraham, McElroy, Watkins, Wilson and Mayor Harless (5). INVOCATION Commissioner McElroy gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Harless led the pledge. PRESENTATION RECOMMENDATION OF STORMWATER IMPACT FEE John Lyons with Strand Associates took the Commission through a presentation on the Stormwater Impact Fee. The following information is provided by Public Information Officer Pam Spencer: "Principal-In-Charge/Senior Planning Advisor John Lyons with Strand Associates provided an update to the Paducah Board of Commissioners on the work completed in partnership with the City of Paducah and BFW Engineering & Testing on the second phase of the Comprehensive Stormwater Master Plan. The Plan's second phase addresses the creation of a Stormwater Utility with an associated Stormwater Impact Fee. The proposed fee is a revenue stream that would be used to fund items such as capital improvement drainage projects, operations and maintenance -of -the -existing- infrastructure, the City's flood protec-tionsystem-(floodwall), regulatory compliance requirements, infrastructure repair and replacement, and the administration of the program through staffing and equipment. Lyons explained that a stormwater utility most often uses an Equivalent Residential Unit (ER U) as a funding mechanism. The ERU is based on the impervious surface on a parcel such as rooftops, driveways, and patios. Strand sampled 50 residential parcels in Paducah to determine an average amount of impervious area. The average is 3500 square feet per residential parcel which would equal one ER U. It would be proposed for each residential parcel to pay the same amount per month, one ERU. Lyons proposes the monthly cost per ERU to be $6.13. The proposed fee could generate $2.7 million annually which would be dedicated to stormwater programs, projects, administration, and maintenance. Please note that this is a recommended rate. The Paducah Board of Commissioners has not approved this rate and would like to have additional information about how the rate would impact various businesses, schools, and other entities. Non-residential parcels such as commercial entities would pay a monthly fee equal to the total amount of impervious area on the property divided by 3500 and then multiplied by the proposed monthly rate. The City also could look into developing a credit policy for non-residential property owners that exceeded local stormwater detention and water quality requirements. Strand will be providing the City with the calculated impervious area for each non-residential parcel in Paducah. Stay tuned for details on how individual businesses or non-residential entities will be able to get information regarding the amount of impervious area on their property in order to make total fee calculations. February 12, 2019 There are approximately 1500 stormwater utilities in the United States with about a dozen of them in Kentucky. In Kentucky, the fees for residential parcels range from $1.50 per month in Murray to $9.90 per month in Louisville. The national average is $5.34 per month. Paducah's proposed Stormwater Impact Fee includes covering the costs associated with the floodwall which currently are funded through the City's General Fund. If the floodwall costs remained in the General Fund and were not included as part of the Stormwater Utility, the proposed monthly fee for residential parcels (I ER U) would be $4.44. As a reminder, the first phase of the Comprehensive Stormwater Master Plan has been completed. The first phase used the July 7, 2015, storm event to create a model of Paducah's natural and manmade infrastructure including storm and combined sewer systems, topography, drainage basins, and river systems. This computer model along with community input was used to determine flood prone areas in Paducah. The first phase identified more than $43 million in flood mitigation projects located within ten priority areas. If the drainage projects outlined in the ten project areas were completed, 245 homes in the City would not be flooded with an additional 289 structures seeing a reduction in flooding. " CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Harless asked if the Board wanted any items on the Consent Agenda removed. No one asked for any items to be removed. Mayor Harless asked the City Clerk to read the items on the Consent I(A) Minutes for the January 22, 2019 City Commission Meeting I(B) Receive & File Documents Minute File: Certificate of Liability — Johnston Fire Services, LLC Deed File: 1. Commissioner's Deed — 1622 South Sixth Street, Paducah, KY 2. Commissioner's Deed — 720 North 241h Street, Paducah, KY Contract File: 1. Contract between City of Paducah and Galls, LLC — Paducah Police Department Uniforms — MO #2199 2. Kentucky Department For Libraries and Archives — Paducah Police Department — MO #2202 3. Change Order #5 — City Hall Restoration — MO #2204 Financials File: City of Paducah — Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Year ended 6/30/2018 Bids 1. Bids for Paducah Police Department Uniforms a. Summit Uniforms February 12, 2019 Mayor Harless offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, that the items on the consent agenda be adopted as presented. Adopted on call of the roll, yeas, Abraham, McElroy, Watkins, Wilson and Mayor Harless (5). MUNICIPAL ORDER(S) STRATEGIC PLAN ACTION STEPS UPDATE Commissioner Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Watkins, that a Municipal Order entitled, "A MUNICIPAL ORDER AMENDING THE VISION AND KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS OF THE CITY'S STRATEGIC PLAN AND ADOPTING THE STRATEGIC PLAN ACTION STEPS FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll, yeas, Abraham, McElroy, Watkins, Wilson and Mayor Harless (5). (M.O. # 2207; BK 10) ORDINANCE(S) — ADOPTION RIGHT-OF-WAY CLOSURE BETWEEN BUCKNER LANE AND EXALL LANE Commissioner Watkins offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSING OF AN UNNAMED RIGHT-OF-WAY BETWEEN BUCKNER LANE AND EXALL LANE, OPPOSITE PINES ROAD, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL b. Galls (Winning bid) MO #2199 2. Bids for Felony Records Scanning/Digitizing Paper Records Project a. Global Scanning Agency b. Data Records Management Services (Winning Bid) MO #2201 c. Rise Business Services d. KOFILE Technologies e. InStream I(C) Reappointment of Jeff Holland to the Paducah -McCracken County Riverport Authority. This term shall expire September 26, 2022. I(D) Reappointment of William Baxter to the Paducah Board of Adjustment. This term that shall expire August 31, 2022. I(E) Personnel Actions I(F) A MUNICIPAL ORDER AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO TRANSFER FUNDS FROM THE COMMISSION RESERVE FUND TO THE MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS PROMOTION ACCOUNT IN AN AMOUNT OF $20,000 FOR FUNDING FOR A CONTRACT WITH INNOVATIONS BRANDING HOUSE (M.O. # 2205; BK 10) I(G) A MUNICIPAL ORDER AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF BOMB SUITS, HELMETS AND SUIT REPAIR KITS FOR THE PADUCAH POLICE -DEPARTMENT—IN AN AMOUNT OF $49,499 THROUGH THE U.S GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION COOPERATIVE PURCHASING SCHEDULE 84 VENDOR MED -ENG AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS RELATED TO SAME (M.O. # 2206; BK 10) Mayor Harless offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, that the items on the consent agenda be adopted as presented. Adopted on call of the roll, yeas, Abraham, McElroy, Watkins, Wilson and Mayor Harless (5). MUNICIPAL ORDER(S) STRATEGIC PLAN ACTION STEPS UPDATE Commissioner Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Watkins, that a Municipal Order entitled, "A MUNICIPAL ORDER AMENDING THE VISION AND KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS OF THE CITY'S STRATEGIC PLAN AND ADOPTING THE STRATEGIC PLAN ACTION STEPS FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll, yeas, Abraham, McElroy, Watkins, Wilson and Mayor Harless (5). (M.O. # 2207; BK 10) ORDINANCE(S) — ADOPTION RIGHT-OF-WAY CLOSURE BETWEEN BUCKNER LANE AND EXALL LANE Commissioner Watkins offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSING OF AN UNNAMED RIGHT-OF-WAY BETWEEN BUCKNER LANE AND EXALL LANE, OPPOSITE PINES ROAD, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL February 12, 2019 DOCUMENTS RELATING TO SAME." This ordinance is summarized as follows: The City of Paducah does hereby authorize the closure of an unnamed right-of-way between Buckner Lane and Exall Lane, opposite Pines Road, empowers and directs the Mayor to execute quitclaim deeds from the City to the property owners in or abutting the public ways to be closed. Adopted on call of the roll, yeas, Abraham, McElroy, Watkins, Wilson and Mayor Harless (5). (ORD # 2019-2-8559; BK 35) TOWNHOMES OF LABARRI FARMS: FINAL PLAT AND ESCROW AGREEMENT APPROVAL Commissioner McElroy offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FINAL REPORT OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING COMMISSION RESPECTING THE PROPOSED FINAL SUBDIVISION OF LABARRI FARMS LOCATED AT 1720 AND 1740 NEW HOLT ROAD AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATION OF RIGHT OF WAY AND EASEMENTS." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the City of Paducah does hereby approve the final report of the Paducah Planning Commission respecting the proposed subdivision of property of LaBarri Farms for property located at 1720 and 1740 New Holt Road, and accepting the dedication of right of way and easements. In addition, the City of Paducah hereby authorizes the Mayor to subscribe a certificate of approval on the plat and to execute an escrow agreement in the amount of $250,000.00. Adopted on call of the roll, yeas, Abraham, McElroy, Watkins, Wilson and Mayor Harless (5). (ORD # 2019-2-8560; BK 35) ORDINANCES) — INTRODUCTION ----APPROVE CONTRACT _WITH -INNOVATIONS BRANDING HOUSE-- Commissioner OUSE Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner McElroy, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND INTEGRATED VISUALIZATION SYSTEMS, INC., D/B/A INNOVATIONS BRANDING HOUSE, FOR WEBSITE, VIDEOS, DESIGN OF PRINTED MATERIALS AND SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT RELATED TO THE CITY'S STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $20,000 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019 AND $36,000 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the City of Paducah does hereby approve an agreement with Innovations Branding House in an amount not to exceed $20,000 in FYI and $36,000 in FY20 for professional services related to branding and community engagement for the City's Strategic Plan. COMMENTS CITY MANAGER COMMENTS City Manager Arndt updated the Mayor and Commissioners on the budget process for FY20 and let them know that everything is currently on schedule. The City Manager is working on creating a 5 year Capital Improvements Plan. The Commission can expect quarterly financial reports to be provided at Commission meetings beginning in FY20. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS Commissioner Abraham has been meeting with key people regarding vocational training for inmates. He hopes that there will be a program started locally by this summer and will keep the Commission informed on the progress. February 12, 2019 Commissioner Wilson commented that several Commissioners will be traveling to Frankfort for a one - day trip on February 13th for the annual Paducah Chamber Day in Frankfort. Commissioner McElroy encouraged citizens to sign up for the 2019 Citizen's Academy. Mayor Harless shared a letter from a local girl asking for a crosswalk light near the Coke Plant to be repaired. Mayor Harless thanked Engineering Public Works Department Director Rick Murphy for following up with the Highway Department who maintains the signal. The Highway Department quickly repaired the crosswalk light. PUBLIC COMMENTS Randy Beeler made comments regarding the Veteran's Day Parade. ADJOURN Mayor Harless offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, to adjourn the meeting. All in favor. Meeting ended at approximately 7:00 p.m. ADOPTED: February 26, 2019 _Brandi Harless,_Mayor__ ATTEST: Lindsay Parish, City Clerk BOARDS and COMMISSIONS APPOINTMENTS and REAPPOINTMENTSRF A' FOR CITY COMMISSION CONFIRMATION Appointment NAME:, ✓ Reappointment Thomas Whittemore —Joint Appointment oint Reappointment NAME OF BOARD OR COMMISSION: Paducah Area Transit System DATE TO BE PLACED ON AGENDA: February 26, 2019 EXPIRATION OF TERM DATE: June 30, 2022 APPOINTEE'S HOME ADDRESS: Street: 1820 Olivet Church Road City/Zip: Paducah, KY 42001 Phone: Email Address: thomas.whittemore@att.net -Appointee's Business Name: Address: City/Zip: Phone: TO REPLACE ON BOARD: hank you Resigned ADDRESS: erm Expired Other (explain) City/Zip: Appointee Confirmation: Date: 2/11/2019 By: Mayor Harless/Arthur Boykin Board of Commission Approval: Original to: City Clerk CC: Arthur Boykin BOARD CHAIRMAN: William W. Cox chip@wcoxcpa.com BOARDS and COMMISSIONS' APPOINTMENTS and REAPPOINTMENTS FOR CITY COMMISSION CONFIRMATION V( Appointment NAME: Reappointment Sarah Holland Dint Appointment pint Reappointment NAME OF BOARD OR COMMISSION: Board of Ethics DATE TO BE PLACED ON AGENDA: February 26, 2019 EXPIRATION OF TERM DATE: February 10, 2022 APPOINTEE'S HOME ADDRESS: Street: 4556 Quail Hollow Drive City/Zip: Paducah, KY 42001 (270)442-9870 (H) (270)994-6155 (C) Phone: Email Address: stewart.holland@gmail.com p_ointee's_Busine_ss Name:------ Address: ame:_ __ Address: City/Zip: Phone: TO REPLACE ON BOARD: Jill Gott Wrye hank you Resigned ADDRESS: erm Expired Other (explain) City/Zip: Appointee Confirmation: Date: Board of Commission Approval: 2/14/2019 Original to: City Clerk CC: Sarah Holland P.f i.G�2�"Q �1. C.Slu.o._b.CQM Q ` G YvLcL. C4YY1 esn a.rdon ri @ J By: Mayor Harless BOARD CHAIRMAN: .6f Pad- .. Request or Appointment to oar®sick Ston Ifyou are interested in serving on one of the City Boards or COMAH. . sionO, please, QUESTIONNAIRE CITY OF PADUCAH PERSONNEL ACTIONS February 26, 2019 EPW - FLOODWALL POSITION RATE NCS/CS FLSA EFFECTIVE DATE Claxton, Donald F. Temp Pump Operator $10.00/Hr. NCS Non -Ex February 15, 2019 PREVIOUS POSITION CURRENT POSITION NCS/CS FLSA EFFECTIVE DATE AND BASE RATE OF PAY AND BASE RATE OF PAY POLICE - OPERATIONS Bryant, Joshua D. Police Sergeant Police Patrol Officer NCS Non -Ex February 7, 2019 $28.06/Hr. $25.28/Hr. FIRE - SUPPRESSION Husky, John H. Husky, John H. Kirkham, Timothy D. Kirkham, Timothy D. Jarvis, Ward T. Jarvis, Ward T. Burton, Joseph L. Powless, Christopher C. Hendley, Preston R. Johnson, David M. Orange, Timothy A. Hall, Rodney D. Owen, Christopher T. POLICE - OPERATIONS Gholson, Conrad Muscovalley, Derek Acting Asst. Fire Chief #1 $19.08/H r. Acting Asst. Fire Chief $20.33/Hr. Fire Lieutenant $17.06/H r. Acting Fire Captain $18.20/H r. Firefighter/Relief Driver $15.37/Hr. Acting Fire Lieutenant $16.85/Hr. Acting Asst. Fire Chief #1 $19.08/Hr. Fire Lieutenant $17.18/Hr. Fire Lieutenant $17.18/Hr. Firefighter/Relief Driver $15.72/H r. Firefighter/Relief Driver $15.60/H r. Firefighter $14.68/H r. Acting Fire Lieutenant $16.85/Hr. POSITION Police Officer Police Officer EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SRVCS Duke, Ryan B. Telecommunicator Acting Asst. Fire Chief $20.33/Hr. Acting Asst. Fire Chief #1 $19.08/H r. Acting Fire Captain $18.20/H r. Fire Lieutenant $17.06/H r. Acting Fire Lieutenant $16.85/Hr. Firefighter/Relief Driver $15.37/H r. Assistant Fire Chief $23.72/Hr. Fire Captain $18.29/Hr. Fire Captain $18.29/H r. Fire Lieutenant $17.06/Hr. Fire Lieutenant $16.85/Hr. Firefighter/Relief Driver $15.37/H r. Firefighter/Relief Driver $15.37/H r. REASON Resignation Resignation Resignation NCS Non -Ex December 31, 2018 NCS Non -Ex February 2, 2019 NCS Non -Ex December 31, 2018 NCS Non -Ex January 30, 2019 NCS Non -Ex December 28, 2018 NCS Non -Ex February 2, 2019 NCS Non -Ex January 31, 2019 NCS Non -Ex January 31, 2019 NCS Non -Ex January 31, 2019 NCS Non -Ex January 31, 2019 NCS Non -Ex January 31, 2019 NCS Non -Ex January 31, 2019 NCS Non -Ex February 1, 2019 EFFECTIVE DATE January 21, 2019 February 8, 2019 February 9, 2019 FIRE - SURPRESSION Leneave, Michael D. Fire Captain Retirement February 3, 2019 Arterburn, William G Fire Lieutenant Retirement February 28, 2019 p'' 4 MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. o� a o A MUNICIPAL ORDER ACCEPTING THE BID OF KENNY'S LAWN SERVICE AND MORE FOR GROUNDS MAINTENANCE OF CITY OWNED PROPERTIES IN AN AMOUNT OF $14.49 PER LOT, PER MOWING, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR SAME BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. The City of Paducah accepts the bid of Kenny's Lawn Service and More for grounds maintenance of approximately 120 city owned properties in an amount of $14.49 per lot, per mowing, said bid being in substantial compliance with the bid specifications, and as contained in the bid of Kenny's Lawn Service and More of February 4, 2019. SECTION 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Kenny's Lawn Service and More, as authorized in Section 1 above, according to the specifications, bid proposal and all contract documents heretofore approved and incorporated in the bid. Said contract shall begin upon execution and shall be for the remainder of 2019 and calendar year 2020 ending December 31, 2020. The contract may be renewed at the expiration of its term by agreement of both parties. Such renewal may be for up to three (3) additional one (1) year periods. SECTION 3. This purchase shall be charged to Grounds Maintenance Tree/Weed/Debris Account No. 10002402-523100. SECTION 4. This Order shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. Brandi Harless, Mayor ATTEST: Lindsay Parish, City Clerk Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, February 26, 2019 Recorded by Lindsay Parish, City Clerk, February 26, 2019 MO\ contract -grounds maintenance -Kenny's Lawn 2-2019 CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT made and entered into on this the day of , 2019, by and between the CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY", and Kenny's Lawn Care & More, hereinafter referred to as the "CONTRACTOR" WITNESETH The Contractor shall provide grounds maintenance (grass cutting, weed-eating/edging, blowing off sidewalks, limb/trash removal, etc.) in every detail of the work and furnish all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation, and supplies required to complete the work in accordance with the Contract documents. The City shall pay the Contractor in the amount of $14.49 per cut per lot for grounds maintenance of approximately 120 city owned properties for the performance of this Contract as quoted in the Bid Proposal by the Contractor dated January 31, 2019. The term of this contract shall be for the remainder of 2019 and calendar year 2020 ending December 31, 2020. The contract may be renewed at the expiration of its term agreement of both parties. Such renewal may be for up to three (3) additional one (1) year periods. THIS contract is executed by the City pursuant to Municipal Order , adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, on this the 26th day of February 2019. WITNESS the hand of both parties hereto on the day and year first above written. CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY M CITY CLERK MAYOR WITNESS KENNY'S LAWN CARE & MORE TITLE 00330 OWNER EVALUATION FORM PAGE 1 OF 1 EVALUATION FORM CITY OF PADUCAH PARKS & RECREATION CITY OWNED LOTS GROUNDS MAINTENANCE DATE: BIDDER: Y�nngl /J awn Cart � JU1,ut Grading Criteria: Evaluate the Bidder's Criteria on a rated value scale: 0 = the lowest value to 10 = the highest value for each item listed below. Rating x Weighted Percent = Criterion Score The Sum of all Criterion Scores shall be the Owner's basis of the Bidder's Overall Score. GRADING CRITERIA NO. CRITERIA ITEMS WEIGHTED - PERCENT RATING VALUE 0-10 CRITERION SCORE 1 Proposed Maintenance & Equipment Plan 15 10 50 15-0 2 Proposed Personnel 5 p 0 5f) 3 Qualifications & Experience 10 o 4 Reference Checks 5 O 5 Price 65 G BIDDER'S OVERALL TOTAL SCORE Q, 00 ,-,P, K","m a /qli9 00330 OWNER EVALUATION FORM PAGE 1 OF 1 EVALUATION FORM CITY OF PADUCAH PARKS & RECREATION CITY OWNED LOTS GROUNDS MAINTENANCE DATE: 2 BIDDER: Solana) l -awn Grading Criteria: Evaluate the Bidder's Criteria on a rated value scale: 0 = the lowest value to 10 = the highest value for each item listed below. Rating x Weighted Percent = Criterion Score The Sum of all Criterion Scores shall be the Owner's basis of the Bidder's Overall Score. GRADING CRITERIA NO. CRITERIA ITEMS WEIGHTED - PERCENT RATING VALUE 0-10 CRITERION SCORE 1 Proposed Maintenance & Equipment Plan 15 2 Proposed Personnel 5 3 Qualifications & Experience 10 4 Reference Checks 5 5 Price 65 � E + I „•�, � `%O �� BIDDER'S OVERALL TOTAL SCORE N0�� Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Short Title: Lot Mowing Bid Acceptance - M THOMPSON Category: Municipal Order Staff Work By: Les Evans, Mary Wurth, Taylor Morsching, Mark Thompson Presentation By: Les Evans Background Information: The City has over 120 vacant lots to maintain annually. On an average of every two years staff recommends the rebid of the mowing contract or the acceptance of the built in annual extensions. This year staff recommended the rebid of the mowing contract for two year period with an allowance for up to three one year extensions. Does this Agenda Action Item align with a Strategic Plan Action Step? No If yes, please list the Action Step Item Codes(s): The mowing of vacant lots reduces eyesores in neighborhoods across the City. Funds Available: Account Name: Grounds Maintenance Tree/Weed/Debris Account Number: 10002402-523100 Staff- Recommendations There -were -four contractors -in -attendance at the mandatory-pre=bid-conference-held-on January 29, 2019—.Two bids submitted by mowing contractors on February 4, 2019. After evaluation of the submitted bids the Parks and Recreation staff recommend Kenny's Lawn Service and More as the most responsive bidder at $14.49 per lot, per mowing. This is a reduction over the previous bid by $2.51 per lot, per mowing. Attachments: 1. Municipal Order 2. Contract - Kenny's Lawn Care More 3. Lot Mowing Bid Pack Kennys 02042019 4. Lot Mowing Bid Pack Solomon 02042019 5. Lot Mowing Bid Evaluation 02042019 MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. A MUNICIPAL ORDER ACCEPTING THE BID OF LINWOOD MOTORS.a>f FOR SALE TO THE CITY OF EIGHT (8) POLICE PURSUIT RATED SUV' S IN AN AMOUNT OF $303,080 WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE TWO (2) ADDITIONAL SUV'S AT THE UNIT BID PRICE BEFORE JUNE 30, 2019, FOR USE BY THE PADUCAH POLICE DEPARTMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR SAME BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. The City of Paducah accepts the bid of Linwood Motors for eight (8) Police Pursuit Rated SUV's at a unit price of $37,885.00, for a total price of $303,080.00, with the option of purchasing two (2) additional Police Pursuit Rated SUV's at the unit bid price as needed before June 30, 2019, for use by the Paducah Police Department, said bid being in substantial compliance with bid specifications, and as contained in the bid of Linwood Motors of February 7, 2019. SECTION 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Linwood Motors for the purchase of eight (8) Police Pursuit Rated SUV's, authorized in Section 1 above, with the option of purchasing two (2) additional Police Pursuit Rated SUV's at the unit bid price as needed before June 30, 2019, according to the specifications, bid proposal and all contract documents heretofore approved and incorporated in the bid. SECTION 3. These purchases shall be charged to Rolling Stock/Vehicles Account No. 71000210-540050. SECTION 4. This Order shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. Brandi Harless, Mayor ATTEST: Lindsay Parish, City Clerk Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, February 26, 2019 Recorded by Lindsay Parish, City Clerk, February 26, 2019 MO\police SUV's 2-2019 Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Short Title: Purchase Eight (8) Police Pursuit Rated SUV for use by the Police Department - R MURPHY Category: Municipal Order Staff Work By: Randy Crouch, Dena Alexander Presentation By: Rick Murphy Background Information: On February 7, 2019 sealed bids were opened for the purchase of Eight (8) Police Pursuit Rated SUV for use by the Police Department. Two bids were received. The lowest evaluated bid is from Linwood Motors for a total of $ 303,080.00 and a delivery time of 70 days. The bid includes the option to purchase up to two (2) more vehicle prior to June 30, 2019 at the bid price of $ 37,885.00 each. Does this Agenda Action Item align with a Strategic Plan Action Step? No If yes, please list the Action Step Item Codes(s): Funds Available: Account Name: Rolling Stock / Vehicles Account Number: 71000210-540050 Staff --Recommendation: T -o -authorize -the- Mayor -to execute -an -agreement with -Linwood -Motors -for -Eight (8) Police Pursuit rated vehicles in the amount of $ 303,080.00 and with the option to purchase 2 additional vehicles at the unit price in the event the City loses a cruiser. Attachments: 1. Municipal Order 2. Agreement 3. Bid Tab 4. Paducah Ford 5. Linwood Motors 6. Evaluation 7. Paducah Sun Ad (fir MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. A MUNICIPAL ORDER ACCEPTING THE BID OF STRINGFELLOW FOR SALE TO THE CITY OF ONE (1) NEW DIESEL DUMP TRUCK WITH SNOW PLOW AND SALT SPREADER IN AN AMOUNT OF $133,885 FOR USE BY THE PADUCAH ENGINEERING PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR SAME BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. The City of Paducah accepts the bid of Stringfellow for one (1) new Diesel Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Salt Spreader, for a total price of $133,885.00, for use by the Paducah Engineering Public Works Department Street Division, said bid being in substantial compliance with bid specifications, and as contained in the bid of Stringfellow of February 7, 2019. SECTION 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Stringfellow for the purchase of one (1) new Diesel Dump Trick with Snow Plow and Salt Spreader, authorized in Section 1 above, according to the specifications, bid proposal and all contract documents heretofore approved and incorporated in the bid. SECTION 3. This purchase shall be charged to Rolling Stock/Vehicles Account No. 71000210-540050. SECTION 4. This Order shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. Brandi Harless, Mayor ATTEST: Lindsay Parish, City Clerk Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, February 26, 2019 Recorded by Lindsay Parish, City Clerk, February 26, 2019 MO\Diesel Dump Trucks (Snow Plow Salt Spreader) 2-2019 2019 Dump Truck LOWEST EVALUATED BID BID OPENING: 2:00 p.m. CST - Feb 7 2019 OFFICIAL BIDDER OF RECORD Contact: Mailing Address: Stringfellow TAG Truck Centers Mark Dodds David Hoelscher 2710 Locust Street 215 Campbell Dr. Nashville,Tn 37207 Calvert City, KY 42029 502-773-1350 270-519-8501 cell Dump Truck w/Snow Plows and Salt Spreaders $133,885.00 $134,906.00 Delivery Time 312days Incomplete Manufacturer Freightliner Freightliner REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: 1. Bidder's Required Certification Yes Yes 2. Manufacturer's Specifications Yes Yes 3. Warranty Information Yes Yes 4._Compliance_with Tech_Specs_form _ ___ _ __ Yes -Yes 5. Deviations with Information None None 6. Kentucky State Bidders No Yes Responsive & Responsible Bidder: Yes Yes Evaluation Score: 1,000 844 BID RECOMMENDED FOR ACCEPTANCE Yes No CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY ENGINEERING -PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OWNER EVALUATION FORM PROJECT: One (1) New Diesel Dump Trucks w/Snow Plow and Salt Spreader BIDDER: TAG Truck 00330 OWNER EVALUATION FORM PAGE 1 OF 1 DATE: 2/7/2019 Grading Criteria: Evaluate the Bidder's Criteria on a rated value scale: 0 = the lowest value to 10 = the highest value for each item listed below. Rating x Weighted Percent = Criterion Score The Sum of all Criterion Scores shall be the Owner's basis of the Bidder's Overall Score. GRADING CRITERIA NO. CRITERIA ITEMS RATING VALUE (0-10) WEIGHTED PERCENT CRITERION SCORE 1 Cummins Engine — 300 HP 10 10 100 2 Price $134,906.00 1-3-3-885..-00/1-34906.-00 .992x10=9.92 9.92-- 75 744 3 Delivery Incomplete 0 15 0 BIDDER'S OVERALL TOTAL SCORE 844 PREFERENCE TO KENTUCKY BIDDERS 1. Bidder is a resident of the following state: Kentucky 2. If Bidder is a non-resident of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, indicate if any preference is given by the resident's state: 3. Addition of any reciprocal preference for resident bidders: CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY ENGINEERING -PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OWNER EVALUATION FORM PROJECT: One (1) New Diesel Dump Trucks w/Snow Plow and Salt Spreader BIDDER: Stringfellow 00330 OWNER EVALUATION FORM PAGE 1 OF 1 DATE: 2/7/2019 Grading Criteria: Evaluate the Bidder's Criteria on a rated value scale: . 0 = the lowest value to 10 = the highest value for each item listed below. Rating x Weighted Percent = Criterion Score The Sum of all Criterion Scores shall be the Owner's basis of the Bidder's Overall Score. GRADING CRITERIA NO. CRITERIA ITEMS RATING VALUE (0-10) WEIGHTED PERCENT CRITERION SCORE 1 Cummins Engine - 300 HP 10 10 100 2-Price—$1-33;885:00 -- - - 10 75 7-50 3 Delivery 312days 10 15 150 BIDDER'S OVERALL TOTAL SCORE 1000 PREFERENCE TO KENTUCKY BIDDERS . 1. Bidder is a resident of the following state: Tennessee 2. If Bidder is a non-resident of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, indicate if any preference is given by the resident's state: No 3. Addition of any reciprocal preference for resident bidders: 00500 AGREEMENT Page 1 of 1 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY ENGINEERING -PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE ONE (1) DIESEL DUMP TRUCK w/ SNOW PLOW and SALT SPREADER THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of , 2019 by and between the CITY OF PADUCAH, hereinafter called the OWNER, and STRINGFELLOW hereinafter called the VENDOR, for the consideration hereinafter named, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. SCOPE OF WORK The Vendor shall provide One (1) New Diesel Dump Truck w/Snow Plow and Salt Spreader to be used by the Engineering -Public Works Department, Street Division in full compliance with the Bid Proposal Dated February 7, 2019 and with this Agreement, the Specifications and any Addendum(s) issued. ARTICLE 2. TIME FOR COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES The Vendor hereby agrees to commence work under this Contract and to fully complete the delivery of the aforementioned Vehicle(s) within 312 consecutive calendar days thereafter from the date of this Agreement. ARTICLE 3. THE CONTRACT SUM The Owner agrees to pay the Vendor the following, subject to additions and deductions provided therein: One Hundred Thirty -Three Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty -Five Dollars and Zero Cents ($133,885.00) as quoted in the aforementioned Vendor's Bid Proposal and as approved by the Board of Commissioners -on by -Municipal -Order No. — ARTICLE 4. PAYMENTS The Owner will make Payment in full upon satisfactory delivery in accordance with the Contract Documents and the Specifications. The Payment shall constitute full compensation for the work and services authorized herein. ARTICLE 5. GOVERNING LAW The Parties agree that this Agreement and any legal actions concerning its validity, interpretation and performance shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The parties further agree that the venue for any legal proceeding relating to this Agreement shall exclusively be in McCracken County, Kentucky. ARTICLE 6. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Specifications and any addendum that may have been issued are fully a part of this Contract as if thereto attached or herein repeated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF: The parties hereto have executed this Agreement, the day and year first above written. VENDOR CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY BY _ TITLE ADDRESS: M Brandi Harless, Mayor ADDRESS: Post Office Box 2267 Paducah, Kentucky 42002-2267 Deadlines: IN•COLUMN ADVERTISING Sunday .... .,..•............ . .......:..........Friday I pm. Monday .................................. Friday 2:30 pm. 7besdaySamrday.,..:.-•12 Noon previous day Ch inges•Cancellations.,.12 Naan previous day and Friday at I pmt, for Sunday k Monday DISPLAY ADVERTISING Sunday ............... Wednesday 4 p.m. Monday .................Thursday Noon Tuesday ................Thursday 4 p.m. Wednesday ................Friday 4 p.m. Thursday ..................Monday Noon Friday .......................Tuesday Noon Saturday ......... Wednesday Noon We accept Mastercard, Visa, Discover & American Express! WE a O Office Hours: Monday -Friday 8 a.m. • 4:30 p.m. Adjustments: Advertisers arc requested to check the first insertion of their ads for any error. The PadnraH Sun ¢•ill W tespomlble, f ¢only one incorrect Insertion. Any error should be reported immediately so comections ¢un be made, 1 4 1 t o lines Per J. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Day Day Days Days Dap Days Days Days 2.110.45 $15.41 SI1AD S'.4m 32250 S271q:5t8J0 3 S1453 $2112 VIA Will $33.15 539.71 S4113 4 S1661;S21a033288iq&!"S13A7'.SStJ6'SSid6:; 5 $22.69 53215 $1032 $5316 $54.15 56.131 S09 6 '426,77438M S416163A 165.10 V1.12 $011 7 SM15 Snit $f 10 571.6) 575.75 59090 S94.15 Call about our 30 day'spedalsl ' 1 r MW I �r125S'� paducahsun.cem POLICY sand ala ppads. CHECK The Paducah Sun reserves the right YOUR AD to divulge the Advertisers are re- name of the party quested to check placing the ad, the that Insertion of Also, we will no gds for any erre r. longer put any age The Paducah Sun on happy birthday will be responsl6'a ads. for only ONE IN - FREE PALLETS CORRECT INSER- The Paducah Sun TION. Any error Is pleased to offer should be reported free wood pallets immediately. so to the community. corrections can be They may be made. CHECK picked up daily YOUR AD care - while supplies last fully and notify The In the alley behind Classified Advert. The Paducah Sun Ising Department building: during business Classified hour. h oughMFriday Advertising 8:0OAM '6:30 PM Dept. In case of an error. p 270-575-8700 270-575-8700 MONDAY -FRIDAY 0e141npdnfend 9:00AM TO 4:30PM 980SOLDI OR EMAIL: p,dw,h Sun Cu,tlOed, nla=ealedS@ 5754700 SALE has an Immediate Assistance Program And opening for a quali- The Paducah Sun fied Web Offset has newspaper Press Operator. end rolls available Qualifications for sale while - would include: supplies last at our Familiarity with office located at Manugraph DOM 406 Kentucky Ave., color lowers or Paducah, KY, from equivalent web 8 a,m. to 4:30 p.m.. presses Monday through MegTech web Friday. Depending splicers or equival- on size, large rolls ent pasters - auto - are priced from $3 mated registration to $6 and hall rolls systems - basic are priced from $2 c o m p u t e r to $4. There Is no skills/louchscreen charge to applications ;m CTP non -profits or systems and pro. teachers with ceases - capable school ID. of other basic Experienced Tire Tech for Semis, press task asas- I signed. LOST YOUR DOG?? The Paducah Sun, Check your focal Paducah KY Is a 6 Humane Society night per week op - 270.443.5923 eration printing apply at Dry tee Sales 6760 KY various other area Dam Rd. Paducah I web publications. M" Please send re- sume to 408 Ky r willfederal Winglyaol Ave. PO Box 2300, Heartland looking Paducah KY for detail person 42002-2300. Elec- r eSale tronic resumes 21, have good drly-. may be sent to ire. ECIAL gers@paducah- gle Family Fill!"MAIIIIII sun.com. No walk es/3days in Interviews so. Ing to help wtin cepled. 279=575.8700 , Ir Assistance Program And NOTE TO PARENTS; ERI Kentucky State Provide Case Management of Law requires Individuals to assist them licensing for child becoming more self-sufficient care facilities story: Salary Negotiable. providing care for 4 Hb`iFACTS or more children to °jhotJobs' not related the Ifeatures byblood, curtly to submit an application to: marriage or arms York, WKAS Executive Director, adoption. 'fir I"I' layfleld. KY 42066 13gst storage limitationsor building for sale. discdminailon Middle Lone Oak 34% 62 units, fenced color,religion, sex, with extra Ig. lot. by a!xep�aeW.xa appointment Serl- Ix,pttn mponum ous Inquires Only toneipuaamv,manr - -270.217.3414- I •,r4aa , I Reldland, 1 5 2 BR Experienced Tire Tech for Semis, opts. $485•$600. good driving re- f ) cord 270.443.2301 eerIng•Publlc Part- Time Driver - Local Delivery 2 days a wk please II apply at Dry tee Sales 6760 KY I' Dam Rd. Paducah I THIS NEWSPAPER COULD BE YOURS EVERY DAYI M" What better gift to r willfederal Winglyaol give yourself or e Heartland looking friend. for detail person Cell The Paducah need to be at least Sun Customer 21, have good drly-. Service Dept for Ing record, have details, 575.8800 some detail expert• or 1.600.599.1771, encs, and be will. 72 thous miles Ing to help wtin $4250 good cond, CU 6lOm0rS a9 hvd. 270-559.6012 needed. sten pay AUTOMOVER Is $10 hour, j i the Low•Iacoma Home Energy Assistance Program And I I MW Wealherization Interviews will be conducted at Provide Case Management of "Rudolph Tire Individuals to assist them ton Rob, Mason Rd " Murray, KY 42072 becoming more self-sufficient murine eamp.0wo,, • S.,, medical, d•nml, and matehina 4p1k story: Salary Negotiable. Yyqr�y,CI1t�OlphYiCO.COtt1/CSCCCPS rings benefit package provided .. _ ou must be a resident of Fulton avoiding time. curtly to submit an application to: share and real as. arms York, WKAS Executive Director, I i O. Box 736, 33 Construction Dr. the Federal Trade layfleld. KY 42066 Commission at ons for the position can be at the WKAS office located Highland Drive between of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. vough Friday or at the antral Office, 33 Construction aid, KY 42066. cation and/or resume should )d no later that 4:30 p.m., ro(ect funded, In part, under a A with the Department for Health man Services, Cabinet for and Family Services and the. unity Services Block Grant Acr otina aaotloallons for. Eddyville Herald Ledger is hiring a Full -Time Office Manager, Duties will include, customer service, creating classified ads, Postal Reports, Weekly and Monthly Billing, Calling on advertisers for inserts, Candidates must be computer savvy and willing to learn multiple platforms. Candidates should send resume to General Manager, Matt Jones at miones®paducahsun,com, 0 I I MW aWHUf)�r" SEEING Is b.1101 - PUBLISHER is Ingi Don'! buy NOTICE property based on All real estate pictures or repres- advemised herein entations. For free Is subject to the Information about Federal Fair avoiding time. Housing Act which share and real as. makes it Illegal to Tete scams, write advertise any the Federal Trade preference, Commission at limitationsor Washington, DC discdminailon 20580 or call the based on race, National Fraud In• color,religion, sex, formation Center, handicap, lamlllal 1.800.876.7060. status or national at Dump Truck orlgin, or Montlon I to make any such Prmeferences, Reldland, 1 5 2 BR Iitations or opts. $485•$600. discrimination. 270.098.6500 Slate laws lotbld eerIng•Publlc discrimination In messaga from The the sate, rental or -advertising of real --- - estate based on factors In addition , , I' to those protected I I ( 1 under few. r willfederal Winglyaol 2010 Maxima Pearl knowingly sccept white dual sun any advertising Por roofs VO alloys roil estate which is 91K miles 9,350 In violation of the 270.443.1045 law, All parsons 270 217.8906 are hereby Inlormedlhateil 2011 Suzuki SX4 dwen 8S 72 thous miles are $4250 good cond, available on an available hvd. 270-559.6012 equalopp0rtunlly AUTOMOVER basis. ' SPECIAL 6 lines • 14 days I I any $25.00 1 BR., Clean a Quiet ea11270.575.8700 location In Lone Oak. 5440 mo. 270.554• 0211/270.217.5890 I' II I I I I 3br 1b West Padu• I' I ,• cah great location. 2650 mon, SOME ads In this 270.559.3252 classification are otina aaotloallons for. Eddyville Herald Ledger is hiring a Full -Time Office Manager, Duties will include, customer service, creating classified ads, Postal Reports, Weekly and Monthly Billing, Calling on advertisers for inserts, Candidates must be computer savvy and willing to learn multiple platforms. Candidates should send resume to General Manager, Matt Jones at miones®paducahsun,com, Jell's Auto Body Is announcing the sale of a 2011 Subaru tm• preza WAX With t h e V I N /JFIOV8J60BL52407 7. Belonging to Mr, Cody Jones of 104 Hill SL Waverly TN 37185.4756. The vehicle is being sold to pay for unpaid re- pair and storage ch erges end the vehicle will beof• ficially for sale on I. 21.19. (The vehicle Isn't running at this lime•) All offers by sealed bids sent air• ectty to Jail's Auto body 2985 Husband to. Paducah KY 42003. Phone num. icor 270.442.1777 �J not necessarily for •help wanted" but for employment In. Doling formation booklets. 44)9104 Chmb Chamber Floor, C 300 So e cah's website: s www,paducahky.g I Clessifleds ov under Request 575.8700 for Bids, i fAf�fR7NANAJIffO/A'CJ1/JLff c Call Be flaulAdul/t Use Please see the 4 , su'doku and 'I ,ju�nb'le on'llB , LUX31 ' t' I 1 1507I A1111it `M101 i 59llril� CLEAN OUT GENERAL t Affordable Home COWBOY UP HINES ' HAUL OFF CONTRACTOR Improvement AND SONS ROOFING ae Sun liffilim Sp�¢cialmng In •Metal Roofing �PI��TE� -Garages, -Attics OserJOYram Fxpn7enre �Lt,y0Uth0111E g Shingles6Metal Service Directory / Shingle root 35 Years Expadenca 1x1 e . BE• easements Ooors Wind9ws,5idin , m rover entneeds ys ' ea 0 Flat roof INSURED $90•QO I„ Osdbuildin s Decks, Covers. ale, , , ( ooling,Flooring •Free Estimates• All WorkGuanmt=v'a elumsAtlW. KYS So. I. A¢payS. etc.) Will beat any 270-443.5339Call for more Info, No Job Too Smalll Issured, Free ESI. conlWar'a price Alfaf�we Prkes•.FREEESTIMATES Mike Downin 270.349 •9988 270.556.5474 270.575.8700A S9', Military 0isc0unl TO Place ACIauI11M70 (270)210.5470 27001&3009 $WE SUPK)RT 4-11 sooIt, 210.309.3026 ace,.¢¢•,, wnvc ma n,.uv AEC GET GOVERNMENT "ADVERTISE- IT IN WILGreat 'MENT PGR_ Pay and SEALED BID PRINT Benefits. No Benelils. No Experience The City of Padu. AND Necessary. The cah, Engineering- - ticket to a dream Public Works De. A!T IT job might really be partment will re- Ali,, a scam. To protect ceive sealed bids 1402 .111111116 yourself, call the - for the -purchase of Federal Trade one (1)NeW,Dies- Commission at Dump Truck toll-free, w1Snow. Plow and 11- 77 -FTC -HELP, Sall Spreader for or visit www.ftemov use by lM1e Engin• \ A public service eerIng•Publlc messaga from The Works, Street Dlvi- Paducah Sun and .elan at 2:00. the FTC. P. M.0 ST, on Jell's Auto Body Is announcing the sale of a 2011 Subaru tm• preza WAX With t h e V I N /JFIOV8J60BL52407 7. Belonging to Mr, Cody Jones of 104 Hill SL Waverly TN 37185.4756. The vehicle is being sold to pay for unpaid re- pair and storage ch erges end the vehicle will beof• ficially for sale on I. 21.19. (The vehicle Isn't running at this lime•) All offers by sealed bids sent air• ectty to Jail's Auto body 2985 Husband to. Paducah KY 42003. Phone num. icor 270.442.1777 �J not necessarily for •help wanted" but for employment In. Doling formation booklets. 44)9104 Chmb Chamber Floor, C 300 So e cah's website: s www,paducahky.g I Clessifleds ov under Request 575.8700 for Bids, i fAf�fR7NANAJIffO/A'CJ1/JLff c Call Be flaulAdul/t Use Please see the 4 , su'doku and 'I ,ju�nb'le on'llB , LUX31 ' t' I 1 1507I A1111it `M101 i 59llril� CLEAN OUT GENERAL t Affordable Home COWBOY UP HINES ' HAUL OFF CONTRACTOR Improvement AND SONS ROOFING ae Sun liffilim Sp�¢cialmng In •Metal Roofing �PI��TE� -Garages, -Attics OserJOYram Fxpn7enre �Lt,y0Uth0111E g Shingles6Metal Service Directory / Shingle root 35 Years Expadenca 1x1 e . BE• easements Ooors Wind9ws,5idin , m rover entneeds ys ' ea 0 Flat roof INSURED $90•QO I„ Osdbuildin s Decks, Covers. ale, , , ( ooling,Flooring •Free Estimates• All WorkGuanmt=v'a elumsAtlW. KYS So. I. A¢payS. etc.) Will beat any 270-443.5339Call for more Info, No Job Too Smalll Issured, Free ESI. conlWar'a price Alfaf�we Prkes•.FREEESTIMATES Mike Downin 270.349 •9988 270.556.5474 270.575.8700A S9', Military 0isc0unl TO Place ACIauI11M70 (270)210.5470 27001&3009 $WE SUPK)RT 4-11 sooIt, 210.309.3026 ace,.¢¢•,, wnvc ma n,.uv AEC Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Short Title: Purchase of One (1) Diesel Dump Truck w/Snow Plow and Salt Spreader for use by the Engineering -Public Works, Street Division - R MURPHY Category: Municipal Order Staff Work By: Randy Crouch, Dena Alexander Presentation By: Rick Murphy Background Information: On February 7, 2019 sealed bids were opened for the purchase of One (1) Diesel Dump Truck w/snow plow and salt spreader for use by the Street Division. Two bids were received and the lowest evaluated bidder is Stringfellow for a total of $133,885.00 and a delivery time of 312 days. Does this Agenda Action Item align with a Strategic Plan Action Step? No If yes, please list the Action Step Item Codes(s): Funds Available: Account Name: Rolling Stock / Vehicles Account Number: 71000210-540050 Staff Recommendation: To adopt a municipal order authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with Stringfellow for the purchase of One(1)-Diesel Dump -Truck w/snow plow and salt spreader -for -use bythe Street Division in the amount of $133,885.00. Attachments: 1. Municipal Order 2. BID TAB 3. BID EVALUATIONS 4. 00500 - Agreement 5. ADVERTISEMENT PADUCAH SUN 6. STRINGFELLOW 7. TAG MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. ;� 0 1 I A MUNICIPAL ORDER AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION FOR A KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT FOR LIBRARIES AND ARCHIVES GRANT THROUGH THE KENTUCKY LOCAL RECORDS BRANCH FOR THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE TO BE USED TO DIGITIZE AND CONVERT TO MICROFILM PERMANENT RECORDS, INCLUDING ORDINANCE BOOKS #6-18 AND MINUTES FROM 1924-1969 BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. The City of Paducah hereby authorizes the submission of an application for a Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives grant through the Kentucky Local Records Branch for the Paducah City Clerk's Office to be used to digitize and convert to microfilm permanent records including Ordinance Books #6-18 and Minutes from 1924-1969. The amount of the grant is dependent upon the bids received by the City. No local cash or in- kind match is required. SECTION-2—.This-order-will be -in fiill force-and-effect-from-and-after-the-date-of- its effect from-and-after-the-date-of its adoption. Brandi Harless, Mayor ATTEST: Lindsay Parish, City Clerk Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, February 26, 2019 Recorded by Lindsay Parish, City Clerk, February 26, 2019 mo\grants\application- Ky Dept Libraries & Archives KDLA — Clerk 02-2019 Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Short Title: KDLA Local Records Grant for City Clerk - L PARISH Category: Municipal Order Staff Work By: Lindsay Parish, Melanie Townsend Presentation By: Lindsay Parish Background Information: The Kentucky Local Records Branch provides records management assistance to more than 2,900 local government agencies in the Commonwealth. The Paducah City Clerk wishes to apply for a Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA) grant to digitize and convert to microfilm permanent records including Ordinance Books #6-18 and Minutes from 1924-1969. These are permanent records. The digitized versions will be uploaded and made available for public viewing in order to improve ease of access and to safeguard the original records. The work to digitize the records and convert them to microfilm will be competitively bid according to the city's and KDLA's guidelines. No match is required. The grant amount is dependent upon the bids received. Does this Agenda Action Item align with a Strategic Plan Action Step? Yes If yes, please list the Action Step Item Codes(s): 0-2: Create and sustain a customer centric culture aligned with our organizational values. Funds Available: Account Name: Account Number: Staff Recommendation: Authorize and direct the Mayor to execute all required grant application documents. Attachments: 1. Municipal Order MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. A MUNICIPAL ORDER AUTHORIZING THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO APPLY FOR AN ONLINE GRANT THROUGH THE FIREHOUSE SUBS PUBLIC SAFETY FOUNDATION GRANT PORTAL TO REQUEST BETWEEN $15,000 AND $25,000 FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT TO PURCHASE PUBLIC EDUCATION AND ENGAGEMENT EQUIPMENT BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. The City hereby authorizes the Planning Department to apply for an online grant through the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation grant portal for fiinding in a range between $15,000 and $25,000 for the Paducah Fire Department to purchase public education and engagement equipment, including an inflatable firehouse to be used in the Fire Department's public education and community risk reduction initiatives. No local cash or in-kind match is required. SECTION 2. This order shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. Brandi Harless, Mayor ATTEST: Lindsay Parish, City Clerk Adopted by the Board of Commissioners February 26, 2019 Recorded by Lindsay Parish, City Clerk, February 26, 2019 \mo\grants\app-firehouse subs public safety foundation grant 02-2019 Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Short Title: Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation Grant Application - S KYLE Category: Municipal Order Staff Work By: April Tinsman, Melanie Townsend Presentation By: Steve Kyle Background Information: Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation is dedicated to improving the life-saving capabilities and the lives of local heroes and their community by funding: Lifesaving equipment, prevention education, scholarships and continued education, support for members of the military, and disaster preparedness and disaster relief. Applicants must be located within 60 miles of a Firehouse Subs restaurant and the grant requests must be between $15,000 and $25,000. The Paducah Fire Department is seeking a grant from the Firehouse Subs grant program for purchase of public education and engagement equipment. The equipment includes an inflatable firehouse that can be used in the department's public education and community risk reduction initiatives. No match is reauired Does this Agenda Action Item align with a Strategic Plan Action Step? Yes If yes, please list the Action Step Item Codes(s): P-10: Develop and implement a fire community risk reduction program Funds Available: Account Name: Account Number: Staff Recommendation: Authorize and direct the planning department to submit an online grant application through the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation grant portal. Attachments: Municipal Order MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. <4� 0M A MUNICIPAL ORDER AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO TRANSFER FUNDS FROM THE COMMISSION RESERVE FUND TO THE KRESGE DEMOLITION PROJECT ACCOUNT IN AN AMOUNT OF $600,000 FOR EMERGENCY DEMOLITION OF THE KRESGE BUILDING BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. The Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed to transfer $600,000, from the Commission Reserve fund to the Kresge Demolition Project Account #MR0073 for funding for the emergency demolition of the Kresge Building. SECTION 2. This Order shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. Brandi Harless, Mayor ATTEST: Lindsay Parish, City Clerk Adopted by the Board of Commissioners February 26, 2019 Recorded by Lindsay Parish, City Clerk, February 26, 2019 \mo\budget transfer emergency kresge demolition Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Short Title: Transfer Funds from Commission Contingency for Kresge Building Demolition - J ARNDT Category: Municipal Order Staff Work By: James Arndt, Lindsay Parish, Audra Herndon, Jonathan Perkins Presentation By: James Arndt Background Information: This Municipal Order is for the transfer of $600,000 from the Commission Contingency Account to the Kresge Building Demolition Project Number MR0073 for emergency demolition and related services for the Kresge Building. Does this Agenda Action Item align with a Strategic Plan Action Step? No If yes, please list the Action Step Item Codes(s): Funds Available: Account Name: Account Number: Staff Recommendation: Approve a Municipal Order authorizing and directing the Finance Director to transfer $600,000 from the Commission Contingency Account to the Kresge Building Demolition Project. Attachments: Municipal Order a� RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION UPHOLDING THE PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND THE COUNTY OF MCCRACKEN TO PURSUE AND SUPPORT A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) DISTRICT IN THE DOWNTOWN RIVERFRONT DEVELOPMENT AREA WHEREAS, the riverfront is a core feature of our community's identity affording the community unique economic development opportunities, particularly in tourism and river industries; and WHEREAS, the use of the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) economic development tool authorized under KRS 154.30 would capture for local use state tax dollars that would otherwise go into the state coffers; and WHEREAS, the City and County acknowledge that economic development is an important focus of all public officials that benefits the whole region; and WHEREAS, the City and County recognize that executing the Tax Increment Financing Development Plan for the Downtown Riverfront Development Area could bring significant resources and improvements to the immediate and wider area; and WHEREAS, the City and County desire to work together to participate in a TIF district for the Downtown Riverfront Development Area; and WHEREAS,, local governments are -empowered under -KRS-65.210 to KRS-65.300 to enter into agreements with other governmental entities to enhance efficient provision of services to their communities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah agree to enter into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with the McCracken County Fiscal Court by March 27, 2019, to jointly pursue and participate in a Tax Increment Financing district designation for the Downtown Riverfront Development Area. This Resolution shall be in frill force and effect from and after its adoption. CITY OF PADUCAH Brandi Harless, Mayor ATTEST: Lindsay Parish, Paducah City Clerk Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, February 26, 2019 Recorded by Lindsay Parish, City Clerk, February 26, 2019 Resoln\City-County TIF Cooperation Final TIF Development Plan for the Downtown Riverfront Development Area L Introduction. 1.1 Purpose. The City of Paducah ("City") intends to establish the Downtown Riverfront Development Area (the "Development Area") pursuant to the provisions of KRS 65.7041 to 65.7083, and KRS 154.30-010 to 154.30-090, as the same may be amended (collectively, the "Act"), and to ask for the support and participation of McCracken County ("County") and to request funding from the Commonwealth of Kentucky (the "State") to support public infrastructure necessary to support a mixed-use development (the "Project") within the Development Area being undertaken by several different development groups or their affiliates (the "Developers"). The City proposes to support the Project and provide redevelopment assistance through a pledge of certain new City, County, and State incremental tax revenues generated from the Project within the Development Area and to undertake certain public infrastructure improvements needed within the Development Area. The Project proposed by the Developers or its affiliates is expected to include mixed- use retail and restaurant space, additional hotel rooms, and residential buildings, as well as the construction and renovation of public buildings that will provide meeting, entertainment, and educational space. In order to help ensure the success and support of the Project and the revitalization of Paducah's riverfront, a variety of public improvements are needed within the Development Area. 1.2 Size and Location. The Development Area consists of 315 acres and is located along the downtown riverfront in Paducah, Kentucky and through the City's main corridor down Broadway. 1.3 Current Uses. The Development Area currently contains a wide variety of zoning categories and uses, including business/professional/service, residential, and industrial. 2. The Development Area. 2.1 Assurances Regarding the Size and Taxable Assessed Value of the Development Area and Other Matters. The City finds in accordance with the Act that: (a) The Development Area is a contiguous Area consisting of 315 acres, which is less than three (3) square miles in area; (b) The establishment of the Development Area will not cause the assessed TIF Development Plan for the Downtown Riverfront Development Area 2/17 taxable value of real property within the Development Area and within all "development areas" and "local development areas" established by the City (as those terms are defined in the Act) to exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total assessed taxable value of real property within Paducah. The assessed value of taxable real property within the Development Area for calendar year 2018 was $22.0 million. The City and County have not previously established any other development area pursuant to the Act. The total assessed value of taxable real property within the County for the calendar year 2018 is approximately $4.0 billion. Therefore, the assessed value of taxable real property within all development areas is less than twenty percent (20%) of the assessed value of taxable real property within the County; and (c) That the Development Area constitutes previously developed land as required by KRS 65.7043. 2.2 Statement of Conditions and Findings Regarding the Development Area. Pursuant to KRS 65.7049(3), a development area shall exhibit at least two (2) of the following conditions to qualify for designation as a "development area" under the Act' and to qualify for a pledge of State incremental revenues pursuant to KRS 154-30.060 it must exhibit at least three (3): (a) Substantial loss of residential, commercial, or industrial activity or use; (b) Forty percent (40%) or more of the households are low-income households; (c) More than fifty percent (50%) of residential, commercial, or industrial structures are deteriorating or deteriorated; (d) Substantial abandonment of residential, commercial, or industrial structures; (e) Substantial presence of environmentally contaminated land; (f) Inadequate public improvements or substantial deterioration in public infrastructure; or (g) Any combination of factors that substantially impairs or arrests the growth and economic development of the city or county; impedes the provision of adequate housing; impedes the development of commercial or industrial property; or adversely affects public health, safety, or general welfare due to the development area's present condition and use. The City has reviewed and analyzed the conditions within the Development TIF Development Plan for the Downtown Riverfront Development Area 3/17 Area and finds that the Development Area exhibits at least three of the qualifying characteristics: (1) A substantial loss of commercial activity has occurred. Commercial activity within the Development Area has been in a state of economic decline for years. In its present state, only some of the parcels zoned for commercial use within the Development Area are being used for commercial purposes, while the majority contain underutilized, unoccupied, or deteriorating structures. The Development Area includes many empty storefronts and buildings which have been unoccupied for years and continue to deteriorate. (2) Public improvements and public infrastructure are inadequate. While the City has invested a significant deal of money and effort in recent years to assist in the revitalization of the riverfront in downtown Paducah, the area is still significantly lacking in terms of the infrastructure needed to support the desired redevelopment. The construction of the requisite public infrastructure creates a heavy financial burden for any potential developer within the Development Area. The following are non-exclusive examples of public infrastructure improvements that will enable construction of the Project and catalyze additional growth and redevelopment within the Development Area: Parking — As downtown develops, the Development Area will face an increasing deficiency in the number of parking spots available to support future projects. Most of the parking near the riverfront is surface parking that takes up significant valuable acreage, an inefficient solution due to the reduced density it creates in the downtown area, utilizing some of the parcels with the most economic potential in a least impactful way. Structured parking will be required to accommodate both the new and existing businesses, particularly regarding peak traffic times related to events and conferences as the Project and Development Area is redeveloped. This investment will allow the area to attract vertical redevelopment, maximizing the land use along the riverfront and allowing a level of density that a successful revitalization and reimagination of the downtown Paducah riverfront will require. Connectivity Improvements and Public Space — The possible re-routing of existing roads, various streetscape improvements, and the creation of new pathways and walkways to accommodate increased pedestrian and bicycle traffic along the riverfront and through the downtown corridor. These improvements will go a long way towards attracting visitors and residents, alike, to Paducah's riverfront by creating an inviting pedestrian TIF Development Plan for the Downtown Riverfront Development Area 4/17 and bike -friendly environment with plenty of outdoor space, including a Riverfront Park, that will be well-suited for hosting public gatherings and events. • Waterfront Public Landing Improvements — The dredging of the river near the banks and the construction of a new steamboat landing area will allow increased boating access. The dredging and additional landing will allow more large-scale boats to dock at Paducah's riverfront throughout the year, bringing more visitors into the community and the downtown area, in particular. Combining these improvements with the rest of the Project will create an exciting and welcoming environment that will encourage increased visitorship while providing an opportunity to realize longer stays and a significantly greater impact to the local economy. • Utilities — Utility improvements necessary to provide service throughout the Development Area may include expansion of broadband internet access, sanitary sewer lines, storm sewer lines, water service lines, electric, gas, and telephone, to provide sufficient access throughout the riverfront and to accommodate the increased usage that the Project and its patrons will require. Environmental — The Development Area is likely to require some demolition and brownfield remediation from past commercial uses within the Development Area. Several areas of concern include lead- based paint and asbestos remediation in older structures, however, the true extent to which remediation may be necessary is uncertain. Public Buildings and Amenities — The Project plans include the rehabilitation/construction of certain public buildings focused on promoting increased visitorship to the area, including the redevelopment of museum and event space in the Showcase Lounge and the rehabilitation of the Columbia Theatre. These amenities will provide modern space along the riverfront for hosting conferences and events, museum space, and a unique setting for performances and presentations at the heart of Paducah's riverfront and its downtown corridor. (3) There is a combination of factors that substantially impairs growth and economic development of the Development Area. Paducah sees the need to reshape its downtown riverfront core in order to generate the critical mass of activity that communities of its size so often struggle to reach. Reaching this critical mass would allow the City to achieve significant growth an economic development TIF Development Plan for the Downtown Riverfront Development Area 5/17 in this Area, but it is inhibited by a variety of issues. The presence of the floodwall along the riverfront makes cohesive and seamless development in the Area more difficult and creates additional costs that must be mitigated in order to attract private investment. The connectivity and visibility issues that it creates will require thoughtful investment from public sources, such as the TIF program. Traffic circulation in the area creates impediments to safe and pleasant pedestrian movement throughout the riverfront area that will require, additional investment from public sources to reshape its flow while providing adequate and appealing transportation safety features. And while increased pedestrian traffic throughout the riverfront is the goal, it is likely that many of these pedestrians will still be planning to drive to the riverfront and park their car nearby before exploring the Area, which will require the construction of structured parking. This will allow more efficient land use by facilitating and promoting increased vertical construction along the riverfront, creating higher levels of density and allowing the community to maximize the Area's economic impacts. The Project's proposed mix of uses will be highly impactful within the Area and to the whole region, but these various factors have prevented such growth from occurring and will remain a barrier to achieving meaningful private investment in the area without financial assistance from public sources. 2.3 Assurances the Development Area Is Not Reasonably Expected to Develop Without Public Assistance. The City finds that the Development Area is not reasonably expected to be developed without public assistance. The public infrastructure costs within the Development Area are too high for the Project to occur without public assistance, particularly as relates to the lack of structured parking and pedestrian connectivity throughout the Development Area. It is estimated that the total cost of the public infrastructure improvements planned within the Development Area is approximately $56.5 million. Without public funding, including the critical pledge of State incremental revenues under the Commonwealth Participation Program for Mixed -Use Redevelopment in Blighted Urban Areas, the proposed Project within the Development Area would not be possible. 2.4 Assurances the Public Benefits of Redeveloping the Development Area as Proposed Justify the Public Costs Proposed. The City finds that the public benefits of developing the Development Area justify the public costs proposed. As detailed in the Commonwealth Economics Report, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", (the "Report"), the investment is estimated to reach $156.3 million, $99.8 million of which relates to private costs, and $56.5 million of which is for TIF Development Plan for the Downtown Riverfront Development Area 6/17 approved public infrastructure costs. Over a 20 -year period, the project is expected to support over 1,100 jobs annually and $1.9 billion in total economic impact. While the City may pledge certain new ad valorem property taxes and occupational taxes to pay for the proposed public infrastructure, it will attract significant private investment in its downtown riverfront while leveraging a reinvestment of state tax dollars and will generate new revenues from local incremental revenues not pledged (including school and fire district taxes). . The Project is expected to generate much more tax revenue than is currently being generated within the Development Area. According to the Report, over a 20 - year period, the Project is estimated to generate $118.0 million of on-site eligible state and local tax revenues. This includes $23.4 million in local taxes and $94.6 million in state taxes. After subtracting the estimated baseline tax revenues, total incremental tax revenues generated within the Development Area are estimated at approximately $113.5 million over a 20 -year period. After 20 percent is retained by the state, such amount translates to an estimated $75.0 million available for State participation and an estimated $19.8 million for local participation. Based on research and analysis document in the Report, the Project is estimated to have a significant economic and fiscal impact to the regional economy. Its construction,—alone,—is-estimated-to-generate a one-time impact -that -includes -over $156.3 million of total spending, $89.7 million of total wages, support for 1,935 jobs, and $258.9 million in total economic impact. 2.5 Assurances Regarding the Area Immediately Surrounding the Development Area. Pursuant to the Act, the establishment of a development area requires a finding that the area immediately surrounding the Development Area has not been subject to growth and development through investment by private enterprise, or that there are certain special circumstances within the Development Area that would prevent its development without public assistance. The City finds that very few portions of the area immediately surrounding the Development Area have been subject to growth and development through investment by private enterprise without the use of incentives, and certainly none to the extent contemplated by this Project. Additionally, certain circumstances within the development area would prevent its development without the use of public assistance, due to the infrastructure needs as described in Section 2.2, particularly with regard to parking and the beautification and connectivity of downtown Paducah and the riverfront through pedestrian -friendly amenities and improvements. TIF Development Plan for the Downtown Riverfront Development Area 7/17 2.6 - Development Area Description. The Development Area includes the real property within the boundaries described on the site plan and legal description attached hereto as Exhibit "B". 2.7 Existing Uses and Conditions. The Development Area currently contains a variety of zoning categories and uses that allow commercial, residential, and industrial activity. Because the boundary includes the downtown core, there are some existing commercial businesses located within the Development Area. However, the businesses currently in operation are joined by those who have gone out of business and have shut their doors, leaving behind empty store fronts and unused deteriorating buildings, which not only provide no economic benefit to the area, but have deleterious impacts to both investment in and tourism to the Area. Furthermore, the lack of sufficient, well-designed infrastructure in the area has prevented interested developers in pursuing redevelopment projects due to the prohibitively high costs associated with rehabilitation and abatement of deteriorating structures, the provision of adequate parking, and developing attractive streetscapes and walking paths. Without public investment, the riverfront in the downtown corridor will continue to sit unoccupied, allowing one of the City's most valuable assets, its riverfront, to continue to underperform economically. -_ _- There-are-nc-apparent-conditions- in the -Development -Area that -would -prevent - it from being developed as contemplated by this Development Plan with the assistance of the state and local government to defray the significant cost of public infrastructure. 2.8 Proposed Changes in the Zoning Ordinance, Zoning Map, Comprehensive Plan or Other Codes or Plans Necessary to Implement the Development Plan. It is not anticipated that any zone changes will be necessary to implement the Development Plan as currently contemplated. 2.9 Certification of Compliance with the Comprehensive Land -Use Plan. The Downtown Riverfront Development Plan has been created through the process of Developers collaborating with the working group that was assembled by representatives from the City and County. The Development Plan was submitted for certification of compliance with the duly adopted Comprehensive Plan. Attached as Exhibit "C" is the documentation of certification. 3. The Development Programa _ The Project proposed for the Development Area includes the following approved public infrastructure and public improvement elements, in addition to the private portions of the Project, as described more particularly in the report attached TIF Development Plan for the Downtown Riverfront Development Area 8/17 hereto as Exhibit "A". 3.1 Private Development. It is currently estimated that the private development components within the Development Area will cost approximately $99.9 million and include hotel, retail, restaurant, residential and manufacturing space, as described more particularly in the report attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 3.2 Public Infrastructure and Improvements. Qualifying public infrastructure expenditures could reach up to an estimated $56.5 million within the Development Area including, but not limited to, the following components: • Parking - As downtown develops, the Development Area will face an increasing deficiency in the number of parking spots available to support future projects. Most of the parking near the riverfront is surface parking that takes up significant valuable acreage, an inefficient solution due to the reduced density it creates in the downtown area, utilizing some of the parcels with the most economic potential in a least impactful way. Structured parking will be required to accommodate both the new and existing businesses, particularly regarding peak traffic times related to events and conferences as the Project and Development Area is redeveloped. This investment will allow the area to attract vertical redevelopment, maximizing the land use along the riverfront and allowing a level of density that a successful revitalization and reimagination of the downtown Paducah riverfront will require. • Connectivity Improvements and Public Space — The possible re-routing of existing roads, various streetscape improvements, and the creation of new pathways and walkways to accommodate increased pedestrian and bicycle traffic along the riverfront and through the downtown corridor. These improvements will go a long way towards attracting visitors and residents, alike, to Paducah's riverfront by creating an inviting pedestrian and bike -friendly environment with plenty of outdoor space, including a Riverfront Park, that will be well-suited for hosting public gatherings and events. • Waterfront Public Landing Improvements — The dredging of the river near the banks and the construction of a new steamboat landing area will allow increased boating access. The dredging and additional landing will allow more large-scale boats to dock at Paducah's riverfront throughout the year, bringing more visitors into the community and the downtown area, in particular. Combining these improvements with the rest of the Project will create an exciting and welcoming environment that will TIF Development Plan for the Downtown Riverfront Development Area 9/17 encourage increased visitorship while providing an opportunity to realize longer stays and a significantly greater impact to the local economy. • Utilities — Utility improvements necessary to provide service throughout the Development Area may include expansion of broadband internet access, sanitary sewer lines, storm sewer lines, water service lines, electric, gas, and telephone, to provide sufficient access throughout the riverfront and to accommodate the increased usage that the Project and its patrons will require. • Environmental — The Development Area is likely to require some demolition and brownfield remediation from past commercial uses within the Development Area. Several areas of concern include lead- based paint and asbestos remediation in older structures, however, the true extent to which remediation may be necessary is uncertain. • Public Buildings and Amenities — The Project plans include the rehabilitation/construction of certain public buildings focused on promoting increased visitorship to the area, including the redevelopment of museum and event space in the Showcase Lounge and the rehabilitation of the Columbia Theatre. These amenities will provide modern space along the riverfront for hosting conferences and events, museum space, and a unique setting for performances and presentations at the heart of Paducah's riverfront and its downtown corridor. 4. Development assistance and Finance Plan. The Proposed "redevelopment assistance", as defined in the Act, to be provided in the Development Area is estimated to cost up to approximately $56.5 million, not including interest expenses. The City and County may pledge up to one -hundred percent (100%) of their incremental tax revenues from real property taxes and occupational taxes from the Project for up to a 30 -year period and, in accordance with the Act; will create a special fund for the deposit of pledged incremental revenues. In addition, the City and/or an agency thereof will submit an application to the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Administration ("KEDFA") to request State participation in the form of a pledge of up to eighty (80%) of incremental State tax revenues generated from the Project for up to a 20 -year period. The City will establish a special fund for the deposit of pledged incremental revenues. Pledged incremental revenues deposited into this special fund will be used to provide "redevelopment assistance" and to reimburse the financing and/or upfront expenditure by private parties and/or the City or County on "approved TIF Development Plan for the Downtown Riverfront Development Area 10/17 public infrastructure costs" or to pay directly for such redevelopment assistance and approved public infrastructure costs, and any other purposes in compliance with this Development Plan, the Act, and all agreements and documents entered into in connection therewith. It is anticipated that, in some cases, private parties may pay for some portion of the public improvements within the Development Area and seek reimbursement in conformity with the TIF statutes and agreements between the Developers and the government. The City will enact an ordinance establishing the Development Area and adopting this Development Plan (and the County may do the same). The development ordinance will designate the Finance Department (the "Agency"), organized by the City, to oversee, administer and implement the TIF ordinances and agreements. As set forth in more detail in the attached Report, the Project is estimated to directly generate approximately $113.5 million in TIF -eligible incremental tax revenues over a 20 -year period. The extent to which these revenues may be available to provide redevelopment assistance and reimburse approved public infrastructure costs will ultimately depend on the levels of participation agreed to by the various governing bodies and the extent to which the incremental revenues are actually generated. The Development Area's mix of private investment and public improvement will allow for the continued revitalization of Paducah's riverfront in creating a unique destination for visitors and residents, alike. The proposed assistance is critical to achieving and incentivizing successful redevelopment throughout the Development Area as it will attract significant private investment and provide a useful funding mechanism for the future and continued revitalization of Paducah's riverfront. List of Exhibits Exhibit A - Commonwealth Economics Report (Separate document) Exhibit B - Map and Legal Description of Development Area Exhibit C - Certified Letter of Compliance with Comprehensive Plan Exhibit A - Commonwealth Economics Report (Separate document) Exhibit 6 - Map and Legal Description of Development Area Map of the Downtown Riverfront Development Area Exhibit B - Map and Legal Description of Development Area CITY OF PADUCAH TIF BOUNDARY DISTRICT LEGAL DESCRIPTION An area to be known as the Downtown Riverfront Development Area containing 317.01 acres located on the northeasterly side of the City of Paducah on the banks of the Ohio River and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the thread of the Ohio River, a plat of which showing said thread is recorded in the McCracken County Clerk's office in Plat Cabinet "M", Page 516 and also being the northwesterly corner of the herein described tract; THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING with said thread for the following five calls: S 45°11'49" E a distance of 1160.24 feet to a point; S 43°45'46" E a distance of 1708.12 feet to a point; S 42°59'08" E a distance of 422.05 feet to a point; S 40°13'00" E a distance of 1249.02 feet to a point; S 45°34'19" E a distance of 1306.71 feet to a point; thence S 64°46'05" W a distance of 2008.99 feet to a point on the southern bank of the Ohio River; thence in a westerly direction and crossing a river access ramp, S 84°46'47" W a distance of 206.37 feet to a point in the City of Paducah Flood Wall; thence travelling parallel to South Water Street and along said flood wall, N 24°54'56" W a distance of 341.80 feet to a point in said flood wall; thence crossing Kentucky Avenue, N 24°57'33" W a distance of 66.31 feet to a point in said flood wall; thence crossing South Water Street, S 64°43'38" W a distance of 66.07 feet to a point at the intersection of the right-of-ways of South Water _Street_ and_Kentucky Avenue; -thence-continuing northwestwardly with -right -of -way -of -said -South -Water- Street, N 25°01'16" W a distance of 258.88 feet to a point; thence S 64°27'13" W a distance of 186.00 feet to a point in the centerline of Maiden Alley; thence with the centerline of said alley, N 24°44'01" W a distance of 93.15 feet to a point in the southerly right-of-way of Broadway Street; thence with said right-of-way, S 64°59'21" W a distance of 175.69 feet to a point in the easterly right-of-way of Market House Square; thence with said right-of-way and crossing aforesaid Kentucky Ave, S 24°52'09" E a distance of 416.22 feet to a point in the intersection of the right-of-way of Kentucky Avenue and Marine Way; thence crossing Marine Way, S 6519'04" W a distance of 108.77 feet to a point in aforesaid southerly right-of-way of Kentucky Avenue; thence crossing Kentucky Ave and running with the westerly right-of-way of Market House Square, N 25°57'52" W a distance of 416.44 feet to a point in the southerly right-of-way of Broadway Street; thence with said right-of-way, S 65°46'12" W a distance of 121.49 feet to a point in said right-of-way; thence S 24°42'07" E a distance of 418.67 feet to a point in the aforesaid southerly right-of-way of Kentucky Avenue; thence running with said right-of-way, S 62°38'30" W a distance of 168.11 feet to a point in the intersection of said right-of-way with South 3rd Street; thence with the right-of-way of South 3rd Street, S 23°00'06" E a distance of 137.97 feet to a point in said right-of-way; thence crossing South 3rd Street, S 41°56'04" W a distance of 71.63 feet to a point in the westerly right-of-way of said South 3rd Street; thence S 65°14'37" W a distance of 348.63 feet to a point in the easterly right-of-way of South 4th Street; thence with said right-of-way, N 24°37'29" W a distance of 171.62 feet to a point in the intersection of the right-of-way of Kentucky Avenue and South 4th Street; thence with the right-of-way of South 4th Street, N 64°59'11" E a distance of 114.97 feet to a point; thence crossing Kentucky Avenue, N 34°57'03" W a distance of 67.00 feet to a point in the northerly right-of-way of said Kentucky Avenue; thence N 25°03'27" W a distance of 174.91 feet to a point; thence S 65°01'18" W a distance of 45.28 feet to a point; thence N 24°48'24" W a distance of 174.90 feet to a point in the southerly right-of-way Broadway Street; thence with said right-of-way, S Exhibit B - Map and Legal Description of Development Area 64°44'44" W a distance of 57.62 feet to a point in the intersection of Broadway Street and South 4th Street; thence with the right-of-way of South 4th Street, S 24°54'58" E a distance of 174.62 feet to a point; thence crossing South 4th Street, S 65°04'00" W a distance of 278.52 feet to a point; thence S 23°31'59" E a distance of 63.08 feet to a point; thence in a southwestwardly direction and crossing South 5th Street, S 64°48'59" W a distance of 193.09 feet to a point in the westerly right-of-way of South 5th Street; thence N 25°09'08" W a distance of 62.95 feet to a point; thence S 65°01'39" W a distance of 167.98 feet to a point; thence N 24°48'05" W a distance of 175.37 feet to a point in the southerly right- of-way of Broadway Street; thence with said right-of-way, S 64°58'06" W a distance of 178.28 feet to a point in the intersection of the right-of-way of Broadway Street and South 6th Street; thence with the right-of-way of South 6th Street and crossing Kentucky Ave, S 25°01'27" E a distance of 762.55 feet to a point in the intersection of the right-of-way of South 6th Street and Washington Street; thence crossing Washington Street, S 64°51'35" W a distance of 60.01 feet to a point in said intersection; thence with the right-of-way of South 6th Street, N 24°59'27" W a distance of 596.03 feet to a point; thence S 64°55'13" W a distance of 86.19 feet to a point; thence N 25°05'10" W a distance of 165.70 feet to a point in the southerly right-of-way of Broadway Street; thence with said right-of-way, S 65°02'20" W a distance of 316.59 feet to a point in the intersection of the right-of-way of Broadway Street and South 7th Street; thence N 28°32'21" W a distance of 66.14 feet to a point in the northwesterly intersection of the right-of-way of Broadway Street and North 7th Street; thence crossing North 7th Street and with the northerly right-of-way of Broadway Street, N 64°59'00" E a distance of 407.46 feet to a point in the intersection of the right-of-way of Broadway Street and North 6th Street; thence with the westerly right- of-way of North 6th Street, N 25°08'51" W a distance of 347.54 feet to a point in the intersection of the right-of-way of North 6th Street and Jefferson Street; thence N 64°51'35" E a distance of 60.00 feet to a point in the southeasterly intersection of the right-of-way of North 6th Street and Jefferson Street; thence with the easterly right-of-way of North 6th Street, S 25°08'51" E a distance of 346.93 feet to a point in the northeasterly intersection of the right-of-way of North 6t Street and Broadway Street; thence with the northerly right-of-way of Broadway Street, N 65°03'01" E a distance of 344.71 feet to a point in the northwesterly intersection of the right-of-way of Broadway Street and North 5th Street; thence with the westerly right-of-way of North 5th Street, N 24°48'41" W a distance of 173.06 feet to a point; thence crossing North 5th Street, N 65°07'19" E a distance of 60.00 feet to a point in the easterly right-of-way of North 5th Street; thence with said right-of-way, S 24°48'43" E a distance of 173.21 feet to a point in the northeasterly intersection of the right-of-way of North 5th Street and Broadway Street; thence with the northerly right-of-way of Broadway Street, N 64°45'05" E a distance of 174.01 feet to a point; thence N 2505'03" W a distance of 196.20 feet to a point; thence in a northeasterly direction and crossing North 4th Street, N 63°13'48" E a distance of 238.92 feet to a point in the easterly right-of-way of said street; thence with said right-of-way, S 25°02'01" E a distance of 204.08 feet to a point in the northeasterly intersection of the right-of-way of North 4th Street and Broadway Street; thence with the northerly right-of-way of Broadway Street, N 64°57'31" E a distance of 172.96 feet to a point; thence N 23°36'18" W a distance of 347.60 feet to a point in the southerly right-of-way of Jefferson Street; thence with said right-of-way, S 64°53'20" W a distance of 478.09 feet to a point; thence crossing Jefferson Street, N 24°59'46" W a distance of 240.09 feet to a point; thence N 65°05'06" E a distance of 59.20 feet to a point; thence N 23°27'01" W a distance of 4.60 feet to a point; thence N 64°52'00" E a distance of 12.43 feet to a point; thence S 24°59'57" E a distance of 4.64 feet to a point; thence N 65°05'07" E a distance of 159.85 feet to a point in the westerly right-of-way of North 4th Street; thence with said right-of-way, S 24°45'50" E a distance of 172.60 feet to a point in the southwesterly intersection of the right-of-way of North 4th Street and Jefferson Street; thence crossing North 4th street and along the northerly right-of-way of Jefferson Street, N 65°00'39" E a distance of 827.30 feet to a point in the northwesterly intersection of the right-of-way of Jefferson Street and North 2nd Street; Exhibit B - Map and Legal Description of Development Area thence with the westerly right-of-way of North 2nd Street, N 25°07'02" W a distance of 346.61 feet to a point in the southwesterly intersection of the right-of-way of North 2nd Street and Monroe Street; thence S 64°55'49" W a distance of 346.02 feet to a point in the southeasterly intersection of the right- of-way of North 3rd Street and Monroe Street; thence with the right-of-way of North 3rd Street, S 25°20'42" E a distance of 147.24 feet to a point; thence crossing said street, S 64°33'53" W a distance of 241.19 feet to a point; thence N 25°27'54" W a distance of 971.87 feet to a point in the southwesterly intersection of the right-of-way of North Loop Road and Harrison Street ; thence with the southerly right-of-way of Harrison street and crossing North 4th Street, S 65°54'51" W a distance of 232.58 feet to a point in the southwesterly intersection of the right-of-way of North 4th Street and Harrison Street; thence generally with the westerly right-of-way. of North 4th Street for the following three calls: N 25°16'17" W a distance of 236.37 feet to a point; N 40°43'43" W a distance of 60.14 feet to a point, N 62°58'37" W a distance of 144.85 feet to a point and S 64°26'17" W a distance of 239.30 feet to a point in the southeasterly intersection of the right-of-way of North 5th Street and Martin Luther King Jr Drive; thence with the easterly right-of-way of North 5th Street, N 25°02'48" W a distance of 294.92 feet to a point in the southeasterly intersection of the right-of-way of North 5th Street and North Loop Road; thence crossing North 5th Street and generally following the southerly right-of-way of North Loop Road for the following three calls: N 85°40'45" W a distance of 160.89 feet to a point; S 82°59'13" W a distance of 118.29 feet to a point and S 68°08'39" W a distance of 155.05 feet to a point in the southeasterly intersection of the right-of-way of North 6th Street and Park Avenue; thence crossing Park Avenue, N 25°28'50" W a distance of 62.61 feet to a point in the northeasterly intersection of the right- of-way of North 6th Street and Park Avenue; thence with the northerly right-of-way of Park Avenue, N 65°55'25" E a distance of 339.29 feet to a point in the northwesterly intersection of the right-of-way of North 5th Street and Park Avenue; thence with the westerly right-of-way of North 5th Street and following the City of Paducah Flood Wall, N 24°57'44" W a distance of 479.73 feet to a point in said flood wall; thence following said flood wall, N 38°18'54" W a distance of 251.26 feet to a point in said flood wall; thence N 67°50'04" W a distance of 142.29 feet to a point; thence N 32°55'26" E a distance of 239.83 feet to a point; thence N 58°09'36" W a distance of 265.92 feet to a point; thence N 29°56'31" E a distance of 513.53 feet to a point on the bank of the Ohio River; thence N 42°54'07" E a distance of 1885.13 feet to a point; the point of beginning, having an area of 317.01 acres. There is excepted and not herein included all of that property currently leased to Holiday Inn Riverfront and more particularly bound and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northeasterly intersection of the right-of-way of Executive Boulevard and North 4th Street, THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING and with the easterly right-of-way of said North 4th Street, N 41°12'07" W a distance of 330.15 feet to a point in the southeasterly intersection of the right-of-way of North 4th Street and Park Avenue; thence S 64°24'18" W a distance of 155.91 feet to a point; thence S 25°01'05" E a distance of 318.36 feet to a point in the northerly right-of-way line of Executive Boulevard; thence with the northerly right-of-way of Executive Boulevard, N 64°19'10" E a distance of 247.94 feet to a point; the point of beginning, having an area of 64251.97 square feet, 1.48 Acres. This description was prepared for establishing the City of Paducah Downtown Riverfront Development Area only and is not to be used for the conveyance of real property. Bearings and distance have not been verified via field survey. Uepasrn mt of Pluming T1Xr=araMaLY, DIMM01 Exhibit C - Letter of Compliance MY OF PU 340 saudl 5Th smax Phone: (270) 444-86" P. 0, BM 2267 Fax: (27€7) -0609 Aiducaldf KY 42002-2267 tivwa•,�adu,t�SYE°y' January 17, 2oig PROPOSAL K-COIVit4 ENDA`l'ION The staff of the City of Paducah's Department �f Planning has revlewed the proposed TIF Development Plan that extends along a portion of our riverf nt and Broadway. Upon review, it was found that this mixed use s velopmerrt plan Is In �comptlance with our omprehenshre Plan: The proposal Is wfthln our Rlverfront and Downtown Redevelopment Areas, Please feel free to oontact me If you have any further questlons., Warmest Regards, TammaraTncy Director MAN9Ff 3T .. TDO T, 247-250 February 26, 2019 I move that a Resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTION UPHOLDING THE PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND THE COUNTY OF MCCRACKEN TO PURSUE AND SUPPORT A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) DISTRICT IN THE DOWNTOWN RIVERFRONT DEVELOPMENT AREA," be adopted. \motions\resoln- Joint City County TIF Cooperation RESOLUTION ' F4 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY ASSISTANT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE DOCUMENTS FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH TO APPLY FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE THROUGH THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY RELATED TO THE 2019 FLOOD BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. That Chris Yarber, Assistant Public Works Director is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of the City of Paducah, a public entity established under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, this application and to file it in the appropriate State office for the purpose of obtaining certain Federal financial assistance under the Disaster Relief Act (Public Law 288, 93rd Congress) or otherwise available from the President's Disaster Relief Fund. SECTION 2. That the City of Paducah, a public entity established under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, hereby authorizes its agent to provide to the State and to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for all matters pertaining to such Federal disaster assistance the assurances and agreements printed on the reverse side hereof. -SECTION 3. That this resolution shall take effect upon adoption as provided bylaw. Brandi Harless, Mayor ATTEST: Lindsay Parish, City Clerk Adopted by the Board of Commissioners February 26, 2019 Recorded by Lindsay Parish, City Clerk, February 26, 2019 \resoln\FEMA Funding — 2019 Flooding CERTIFICATION I, Lindsay Parish, duly appointed and City Clerk of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed and approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, on the 261h day of February, 2019. Date: (Official Position) (Signature) �r February 26, 2019 I move that a Resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY ASSISTANT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE DOCUMENTS FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH TO APPLY FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE THROUGH THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY RELATED TO THE 2019 FLOOD," be adopted. \motions\resoln- FEMA Funding — 2019 Flooding ORDINANCE 2019- a - a 56 - AN AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR DEMOLITION SERVICES WITH DANNY COPE AND SONS EXCAVATING, LLC, IN AN AMOUNT OF $573,000 FOR EMERGENCY DEMOLITION SERVICES OF THE KRESGE BUILDING LOCATED AT 316,318 & 320 BROADWAY; RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S DECLARATION OF AN EMERGENCY AND EXECUTION OF SAID AGREEMENT AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY TO EXIST WHEREAS, on February 19, 2019, several bricks fell from the fagade of the former Kresge Building which created a public safety hazard; and WHEREAS, the structural engineer assigned to the Kresge Building Demolition Project, Gardner Engineering Consultants, confirmed that the Kresge Building poses a threat to human life, as well as property damage, and recommends an emergency demolition of the facility; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has made a written determination that an emergency exists which will cause public harm as a result of the delay in competitive_ procedures, in accordance with the City of Paducah Code of Ordinances Sec. 2-659 and KRS 45A.380(1); and WHEREAS, the City Manager entered into an Agreement for Demolition Services on February 21, 2019, on behalf of the City of Paducah with Danny Cope and Sons Excavating, LLC; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners now wish to ratify the Agreement for Demolition Services with Danny Cope and Sons Excavating, LLC, for the emergency demolition of the Kresge Building; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. Authorizations & Recitals. The City hereby authorizes and approves an Agreement for Demolition .Services, in substantially the same form attached hereto as Exhibit A, with Danny Cope & Sons Excavating, LLC, in an amount of $573,000, for emergency demolition of the building located at 316, 318 & 320 Broadway, known as the Kresge Building. Further, the City hereby ratifies the City Manager's execution of the Agreement for Demolition Services and ratifies the City Manager's declaration of an emergency. This expenditure shall be charged to Project Account # MR0073. SECTION 2. Emergency Declared. Pursuant to KRS 83A.060, the City Commission suspends the requirement of a second reading of this ordinance. As grounds therefor, the City Commission does hereby declare an emergency to exist due to the need for immediate action to prevent public harm and property damage that could result from the instability of the building. SECTION 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption by affirmative vote of 2/3 or more of the legislative body. Brandi Harless, Mayor ATTEST: Lindsay Parish, City Clerk - Introduced & Adopted by the Board of Commissioners February 26, 2019 - - - - Recorded by Lindsay Parish, Paducah City Clerk, February 26, 2019 Published by The Paducah Sun, \ord\Emergency- Kresge Demolition — Danny Cope & Sons Exhibit A AGREEMENT FOR DEMOLITION SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT FOR DEMOLITION SERVICES (hereafter the "Agreement) is hereby effective this' day of February, 2019 by and between DANNY COPE & SONS EXCAVATING LLC, (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"), and the CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY (hereinafter referred to as "City") (collectively referred to as "Parties") agree as follows: WHEREAS, City owns the building located at 318 Broadway in Paducah, Kentucky, commonly referred to as the Kresge Building (hereinafter the "building"); and WHEREAS, City has retained Gardner Engineering & Consulting PLLC (hereafter "Gardner"), a structural engineering firm with experience in building demolition projects; and WHEREAS, Gardner has notified the City that in its opinion, the building has deteriorated to the point that it is in imminent danger of collapse and as such, a serious threat to the health and safety of the public exists; and WHEREAS, given the condition of the building and pursuant to its powers and authority, the City has determined it necessary to order an emergency abatement of the building and any debris associated with the abatement pursuant to KRS 65.8838 and Paducah City Ordinance Section 42 et. sect.; and WHERAS, due to the emergency nature of the Project (as defined herein), the City -hereby determines that an emergency exists such that it is necessary to engage in no negotiation because competition is not feasible due to the emergency nature of this matter, rendering the provisions of KRS 45A.380 and Paducah City Ordinance Section 2-641 et seq. inapplicable; and WHEREAS, Contractor has agreed to perform all work necessary to temporarily brace portions of the building in order to protect the public health and safety of the public during the demolition process and to lawfully remove all debris (hereinafter known as "the Project"). NOW THEREFORE, for and inconsideration of the foregoing, the undertakings of the Parties set forth herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and intending to be legally bound, the Parties agree as follows: Section 1. Scope of Work 1.1. Work. Contractor agrees to provide all necessary labor, professional services, supervision, materials, tools, accessories, equipment, permits, fees, testing, inspections, certifications, transportation, disposal, permitting, fencing and utilities necessary to demolish the building in its entirety and to remove and lawfully dispose of all debris associated with the Project to the satisfaction of the City an all applicable governmental authorities or officials having jurisdiction over the Project (hereafter the "Work.") The term Work, as used herein, includes all demolition, services, labor, materials, tools, machinery, equipment, transportation, disposal, permitting, utilities, and other facilities and services necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work. 1.2. Scope of Work. The specific Work to be performed under this Agreement includes the temporary stabilization of portions of the building prior to demolition, the dismantling, leveling and demolition of all improvements, including but not limited to all components of the building, the below -grade foundations, utility installations located on or under the building; removal and proper disposal of all debris resulting from such Work and proper filling, compaction and grading of the site following removal of all improvements and debris therefrom. The Work shall also include all backfilling of the basement areas and/or other voids or depressions with appropriate fill material with testing to be performed by an approved geotechnical firm. The Work expressly includes identification and remediation, removal and proper disposal of asbestos and polychlorinated bi-phenyls or any other hazardous substances that may be present in the building or in portions of the building. Contractor shall be required to perform all work incident to the above Work that is necessary to complete the Project. 1.3. Workmanlike Manner and Compliance with Laws. Contractor shall complete the Work in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and generally accepted demolition practices adopted by firms performing services of a similar nature to the Work. Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state and municipal laws, codes, ordinances, rules and regulations. 1.4. General Requirements. Subject to additional requirements as set forth herein, >, Contractor shall perform the following duties in connection with the Work: 1.4.1. Utilities. Contractor shall contact all relevant utilities to 1) insure that service had been disconnected; 2) to. determine the location of any underground utilities located at the site, and 3) to properly cap off all utilities as appropriate with all applicable legal requirements. 1.4.2. Fill and Compaction. Any depressions or voids resulting from the demolition including the removal of underground utilities, building foundations, or other items shall be filled to grade with clean fill and appropriately compacted. 1.4.3. Grading. Following the removal of all on -grade improvements, underground improvements and debris, Contractor shall grade all disturbed surface areas. 1.4.4. Disposal of Hazardous Materials. Asbestos, polychlorinated bi- phenyls and other hazardous materials, if any, shall be removed and disposed of in a properly licensed facility in accordance with all applicable environmental laws or other state or federal requirements. Contractor shall promptly provide all original waste manifests and other evidence of proper disposal following removal of any hazardous waste 2 from the site. All activities in the demolition process shall comply with all state and federal environmental Iaws and regulations. 1.4.5. Salvage Rights. Contractor shall have all salvage rights to all components of the improvements to the site, except any components containing any hazardous materials which must be disposed of as provided herein. 1.4.6. Safety fencing. Contractor shall supply and install safety fencing for the Project including fencing for the sidewalk areas. 1.5 Safety. Contractor further agrees that it will, during the performance of the Work, take proper precautions to prevent injury or damages to persons or property, including without limitation providing, erecting, and maintaining all reasonable, necessary, or required safety devices for its employees and flagmen, erecting proper barricades and other safeguards around its Work, and posting danger signs and other warning devices where warranted by the nature of the existing condition of the Work. In any event, Contractor shall promptly and properly replace any safety devices provided by others or Contractor and which are disturbed by Contractor's operations or forces hereunder. Contractor shall take all necessary steps to protect and secure its Work, materials, tools, scaffolding, equipment, buildings, trailers, and work shacks from vandalism, theft, and fire damage and City shall not be responsible for losses or damages to such items. Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining, and supervising safety precautions and programs in connection with the performance of its Work hereunder. Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions for the safety of and shall provide all reasonable protection -- - to prevent damage, injury -or loss to: -(i) all Contractor's employees on the Project and all -other persons on or near the Project Site who may be affected by Contractor's operations; (ii) all the Work and all materials and equipment used in connection with the performance of the Work, whether on or off-site, under the care, custody, or control of Contractor or any of Contractor's Subcontractors; and (iii) other property at the site or adjacent thereto; When the use or storage of explosives or other hazardous materials or equipment is necessary for the execution of the Work, Contractor shall exercise the utmost care and shall carry on such activities under the supervision of properly qualified personriel and in accordance with all applicable Legal Requirements. Contractor shall properly remedy all damage or loss to any property referred to herein caused in whole or in part by Contractor, any of its Subcontractors, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable and for which Contractor is responsible hereunder. The foregoing obligation is in addition to Contractor's indemnification obligations set forth elsewhere herein. City will not in any manner be answerable or accountable for any loss or damage that shall or rimy happen to the Work or any part or parts thereof respectively or for any of the equipment, materials or other things used and employed in finishing and completing the Work, or for injury to any person or persons, either workers or the public, or for damage to property. 1.6. Additional Services. At the point the building has been demolished and leveled, the Contractor and City, along with the City's consulting engineer, shall evaluate the condition of any adjoining buildings. The City may issue an additional scope of work to Contractor to stabilize such adjoining structures. In addition, in the discretion of City, the City may direct Contractor to perform other work necessary to complete the Project which addition work shall be performed on a time and material basis or on a mutually agreed lump sum. Section 2. Conducting and Supervising Work. 2.1. Means, Methods, and Techniques. Contractor shall use its best skill and attention in supervising and directing the Work and shall have full control over and sole responsibility for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of the Work and shall coordinate the Work with any other work being done by City or City's separate contractors. Contractor shall be responsible for worksite safety, but shall at all times comply with any safety rules or programs maintained by City at the Site. Contractor shall be responsible for all acts and omissions of Contractor's employees, agents, subcontractors, licensees and invitees at the jobsite or elsewhere while acting in connection with the Project. Neither City nor City's employees or agents shall be responsible for Contractor's (a) means, methods, or techniques; (b) safety precautions or programs; (c) acts or omissions; or (d) failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Agreement, applicable environmental laws or other legal requirements. 2.2. Jobsite Order. Contractor shall maintain good order at the jobsite at all times and shall not permit unqualified personnel to work on the Project. Contractor shall not permit the use of drugs or alcohol by its employees or those of its subcontractors on the site and shall immediately remove from the Site any such person under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 2.3. Subcontractors. Contractor shall supply to City a list of any subcontractors to whom Contractor expects to perform work valued in excess of $5,000.00. Each such subcontract shall: (a) require that such Work be performed in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement; (b) require the subcontractor to carry and maintain liability insurance in an amount not less than those set forth in this Agreement and to furnish a certificate of such insurance naming City as additional insureds prior to entry on the site. Section 3. Contract Sum. 3.1. Lump Sum. For all Work required under this Agreement, City agrees to pay Contractor the total lump sum fixed fee of $573,000.00 except as may be modified by.a Changer Order or Change Directive. The lump sum quote provided by Contractor to City is attached hereto as Exhibit A. To the extent any conflict exists between this Agreement and the quote, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. 3.2. Amount Changed only by Change Order. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, it is the specific intent of the City and of Contractor that the Contract Sum may not, under any circumstances, be increased, other than by a written Change Order signed by authorized representatives of both the City and Contractor or by Change Directive. 3.3. Amounts Outside of Contract Sum. Contractor agrees that it will not perform any work outside the scope of this Agreement prior to receipt of a signed Change Order or Change Directive from the City. Any such additional work performed without a Change Order or Change Directive shall not be subject to reimbursement by the City. Contractor will be solely responsible 4 for all its costs and expenses incurred in connection with this Contract that are not specifically provided for herein or in a written Change Order or Change Directive. This provision is of the highest importance to the City and the City would not have entered into this Agreement absent this provision. 3.4. Changes in the Work. A. A "Change Order" is a written agreement signed by the City and Contractor stating their agreement upon a change in the Work and the amount of the adjustment of the Contract Sum, if any. B. A "Change Directive" is a written order prepared by the City directing a change in the Work and stating a proposed basis for adjustment, if any, in the Contract Sum. The City may by Change Directive, without invalidating this Agreement, order changes in the Work within the general scope of the contract documents consisting of additions, deletions or other revisions, with the Contract Sum being adjusted accordingly. A Change Directive shall be used in the absence of total agreement on the terms of a Change Order. C. Changes in the Work may be accomplished after execution of this Agreement, and without invalidating this Agreement, by Change Order or Change Directive, subject to the limitations stated in this Section 3.4 and elsewhere in the contract documents. A Change Order shall be based upon agreement among Owner and Contractor. A Change Directive issued by the City -may or may not be agreed to by Contractor however Contractor shall perform the changes in the Work under applicable provisions 'of the Contract Documents, and Contractor shall proceed promptly to perform all such changes in the Work (including, without limitation, under a Change Directive whether or.not agrec&to by Contractor) even if Contractor does not sign the Change Directive. D. A Change Directive signed by Contractor indicates the agreement of Contractor therewith, including adjustment in the Contract Sum and/or Contract Time or the method for determining same. Such agreement shall be effective immediately and shall be recorded as a Change Order. E. No more than 10% profit and overhead will be allowed on any change order. 3.5. Payment of the Contract Sum. After Contractor has completed all of the Work in accordance with the Agreement and other controlling requirements, Contractor shall notify the City in writing. When the City is satisfied Contractor has completed the Work in accordance with the Agreement, the City shall notify Contractor of final acceptance of the Work by issuance of an "Owner's Certificate of Acceptance" in such form determined by the City. Upon receipt of the Owner's Certificate of Acceptance, Contractor shall deliver to Owner an invoice for the entire Contract Sum along with the following documents: 5 A. An affidavit or final waiver of lien, in such form as the City may request, certifying payment of its subcontractors, laborers, suppliers and materialmen; B. Releases and/or final waivers of the subcontractors or materialmen of Contractor of liens arising out of or in connection with performance of the Work as Owner may request; and B. A release by Contractor of all claims against Owner arising out of the Contract Documents and/or performance of the Work. 11.2, C. 3.7. Payment of Final Invoice. The City shall pay the Contract Sum to Contractor within 30 days after Owner's receipt of the final invoice and all of the items listed in Section 3.5, all to the reasonable satisfaction of the City. 3.6. Effect of Final Payment. The payment of the final payment by the City shall not affect or impair the City's rights with respect to any defect in or nonconforming Work or any other breach or right or remedy under the Agreement or the law. 3.7 Inspections. Prior to making the final payment required, the City (individually or through its structural engineer or other consultants) shall have the right, but not the obligation, to conduct inspections of the Work to determine the level of completion of the Work, the quality thereof and the compliance of the Work with the Agreement and all applicable codes, ordinances, regulations or other legal requirements. Should the City elect to retain a consultant for such inspections, such consultant shall have the authority, in the consultant's sole discretion, to refect -all nonconforming Work and to make recommendations to the City regarding the acceptance or rejection of any Work. 3.8. Withholding Payments. Payments may be withheld by the City for any of the following reasons: A. Contractor fails to correct defective or non -conforming Work; B. Claims or liens have been filed or threatened; C. Contractor has failed to make timely and adequate payments to subcontractors or others; D. Contractor has failed to carry out the Work in accordance with this Agreement; E. The City incurs costs and expenses to cancel or discharge the lien of a subcontractor, laborer or rnaterialman of Contractor; and F. The Contractor defaults in its obligations under this Agreement. Section 3.9. No Liens. Contractor agrees that any monies it shall receive in payment for Work performed under this Contract, other than the portion of such payments being a part of Contractor's fee for services rendered under this Contract and remaining after payment in frill of all expenses associated with the Work, shall be received in trust and used to discharge its financial. obligations with respect to such Work. Contractor further agrees that it will not file or cause to be filed any mechanic's lien for labor performed or to be performed unless the City fails to pay in accordance with the Agreement. Contractor further agrees that if any subcontractor holding a subcontract from it or any materialman supplying materials to it or anyone claiming by or through it or any such subcontractor or materialman shall file or cause to be filed any lien, Contractor will, upon notice from the City, cause such lien to be canceled and discharged within 15 calendar days from such notice; and in the event of Contractor's failure to do so, City shall have the right to cause such lien to be canceled and discharged, and in that event any expense so incurred by the City, including the premiums upon any bond furnished for such cancellation and discharge and reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements, shall be paid by Contractor, or at the option of the City, shall be deducted from any payment then due or thereafter becoming due from the City to Contractor. Section 4. Schedule All parties agree and understand that time is of the essence in the completion of all Work for the Project. Contractor shall immediately commence performance of the Work upon receipt of a signed copy of this Agreement. Contractor shall use its good faith efforts to complete this project as rapidly as reasonably possible, while ensuring the safety of its employees and the general public. Contractor agrees to perform the Work on a continuous Rill time basis from the date work is commenced to the date it is complete. Contractor shall supply adequate manpower and resources necessary to complete the Project in a timely manner. Section 5. City's Responsibilities. The City shall have the following responsibilities: 5.1. Representative. The City will designate representatives to act on its behalf relative to the Project. The City's representatives shall examine documents submitted by Contractor and shall render decisions pertaining thereto promptly to avoid unreasonable delay in the progress of Contractor's services. 5.2. Consultants. The City may engage the services of a consulting engineer who may assist the City in this regard. Section b. Indemnification. 6.1. Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its Board of Commissioners, officials, employees or agents (collectively, the "City Indemnified Persons"), and individually, a "City Indemnified Person" from and against: A. All claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorneys' and consultants' fees, arising out of the failure, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, of Contractor, any subcontractor, or material or equipment supplier, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them and all other persons for whom Contractor may be legally liable to comply with applicable environmental laws or the release or disturbance of hazardous materials by the Contractor or those under its control. Contractor hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold all City Indemnified Persons harmless from and against any and all costs, penalties, fines, remediation expenses, accountants', experts' and attorneys' fees and costs of litigation in the event of any allegation of improper disposal of hazardous materials by Contractor or any subcontractor in connection with this Agreement. B. All claims, damages, losses, expenses, liabilities and judgments which may be made, asserted or entered against the City or any other City Indemnified Person (including attorneys', consultants' and experts' fees), which arise from, are incident to, grow out of or are connected with bodily injuries to any person, (including employees of Contractor or employees of any subcontractor), or damage to any property, caused in whole or in part by Contractor or any other subcontractor of Contractor (except to the extent caused by the sole negligence of any City Indemnified Person). Contractor hereby waives any immunity provided for by the applicable workers compensation laws so that this indemnity may be enforced against Contractor for any action against any City Indemnified Person by any employee or alleged employee of Contractor or subcontractor. C. Any and all liability imposed by reason of Contractor's or any subcontractor's actual or asserted violation of laws, regulations, ordinances, or -other rules of government or any quasi -governmental body or agency, including but not limited to, OSHA, or any other federal or state agency. Section 7. Insurance. Contractor as well as any subcontractor shall maintain at all times, the following insurance. Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance to the City prior to commencing work. A. Commercial General Liability with limits of no less than the following: $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate, $1,000,000 product -completed operations aggregate limit, $1,000,000 personal and advertising injury limit, $100,000 damage to premises rented to you limit, $10,000 medical expense limit. B. Business Automobile Liability with limits of no less than $1,000,000 C. Workers Compensation with the statutory limits. D. With the exception of the workers compensation policy, Contractor shall name the City as an additional insured on all policies of insurance. In the event an insurance carrier refuses to add the City as an additional insured, Contractor shall immediately notify the City. 0 Section 8. Termination or Suspension 8.1. Termination. The City may terminate this Agreement or any portion of the Work at any time, with or without cause, by providing written notice to Contractor. In the event of termination, the City shall pay Contractor for any work performed and verified expenses incurred up to the date of termination subject to the right to withhold payment as provided in Section 3.4 above or as otherwise permitted under the law. 8.2. Suspension. The City may suspend performance of all or any portion of the Work at any time, with or without cause, upon written notice to Contractor. In the event of a suspension, Contractor shall protect and secure the Work in such manner as the City or its consulting engineer may require at the City's expense. Following a suspension, the City may at any time give Contractor notice that the suspension is lifted and Contractor shall immediately resume Work. Section 9. Default. 9.1. Events of Default. Each of the following circumstances shall constitute an "Event of Default:" A. Contractor institutes a proceeding in bankruptcy or a receiver is appointed or seeks a corporate reorganization or is unable to pay its debts when due; B. Contractor fails to perform any material obligation under this Agreement and such failure continues or has not been remedied and/or the effects of such failure have not been remedied, in each case, for more than three (3) days after notice'by the City or if Contractor. C. Contractor abandons performance of the Work and such abandonment is not cured within three (3) days after first written notice is provided. D. Contractor breaches any applicable environmental laws or regulations and such breach is not cured within three (3) days written notice. E. Contractor fails to obtain or maintain, in full force and effect, any insurance required under this Agreement. 9.2. Payment Obligations. If City terminates this Agreement as a result of an Event of Default, the City is not obligated to make any further payments to Contractor until the Work that remained outstanding on the date of termination has been completed by or on behalf of the City. Any payment to Contractor shall be subject to the City's right to set off from such amount owed the Contractor from the costs incurred by the City to complete the Contractor's unfinished Work and/or any other losses incurred as a result of Contractor's default. Section 10. Miscellaneous. . 10.1. Governing Law. The validity of this Agreement, its interpretation and performance shall be governed exclusively by the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. 10.2. Venue. The Parties hereby agree that any legal action relating to this Agreement shall be filed in the State Courts located in McCracken County, Kentucky, 10.3. Prevailing Attorney fees. In the event of a dispute, the prevailing party shall have the right to recover from the other party its costs and expenses incurred by reason of the dispute, including attorney's fees. 10.4. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including any exhibits, contains the entire agreement by and between the City and Contractor pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement and fiilly supersedes all prior contracts and understandings between the City and Contractor pertaining to such transaction. Any modifications shall be made in writing and with the mutual consent of the Parties. 10.5 Severability. Any provisions of this Agreement later held to be unenforceable for any reason shall be deemed void and all remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. All obligations arising prior to the termination of this Agreement and all provisions of this Agreement allocating responsibility or liability between the Parties shall survive the completion of the services hereunder and the termination of this Agreement. 10.6, Non -Waiver. The failure at any time to enforce any provision of this Agreement or failure to exercise any'right herein granted shall not constitute a waiver of such provision or such right thereafter to enforce any or all of the provisions of this Agreement. 10.7. Headings. The Section headings contained herein are for reference only and shall not be construed as substantive parts of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have, through their authorized representatives, executed this Construction Services Agreement as of the date first written above. (SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE) 10 DANN OPE & SONS EXCAVATING LLC B (Title) �(.rrn �• Printed Name -06-VAN 60,P - Date CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY By /Q W ----- (Title) Ce , Printed Name a s w. Ari ,d - Date - r= -e -6 2 o t 11 DANNY COPE AND SONS, LLC 52 CHRISTIAN COURT BENTON, KY 42025 OFFICE: 270-898-7636 CELL: 270-331-7636 FAQ{: 270-898-7166 DEMOLITION OF KRESGE'S BUILDING 318 BROADWAY PADUCAH, KY 42001 FEBRUARY 21, 2019 COST ON KNOWN AND EXPECTED EXPENSES INCLUDING LABOR 1.) SAFETY FENCE, SIDEWALK PROTECTION 2.) CRANE, EXCAVATOR, HYDRALIC LIFTS, SAWS, LIFTING EQUIPMENT, TOOLS AND MANLIFT 3.) DUMP TRUCKS AND TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT 4.) STEEL SAFETY BRACING TO PREVENT COLLAPSE 5.) DUMP FEE FOR DEMOLISHED DEBRI ----6.) - ---SUPERVISION AND CONTROL 7.) SKIDSTEER AND SWEEPER 8.) ASBESTOS SURVEY AND EROSION CONTROL 9.) SIGNAGE FOR SIDEWALKS, STREET AND PARKING LOTS 10.) REMOVE AND REINSTALL PARKING BUMPERS 11.) FIRE HOSE AND SPRINKLERS TO CONTROL DUST 12.) WELDERS AND LABOR INSTALLING STEEL BRACING. ALL WORK WILL BE PERFORMED ACCORDING TO KELLY B. GARDNER, PE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 13.) BACKFILL ALL BASEMENT AREAS & VOIDS WITH COMPACTED BANK GRAVEL. WILL PROVIDE TEST FROM BFW ENGINEERING TOTAL ESTIMATED COST FOR WORK OUTLINED IS $573,000.00 THIS DOES NOT COVER ANY UNKNOWN CONDITIONS THAT COULD BE ENCOUNTERED. THANK YOU, DANNY COPE AND SONS EXCAVATING, LLC Exhibit A James W. Arndt City Manager ICMA-CM To: Mayor Harless Commissioner Abraham Commissioner Watkins Conuriissioner Wilson Commissioner McElroy City Clerk Parrish Finance Director Perkins CITY OF PADUCAH 300 South 5th Street P O. Box 2267 Paducah, KY 42002-2267 Phone: (270) 444-8530 Fax: (270) 443-5058 From: James W. Arndt, City Manager Michelle Smolen Assistant City Manager ICMA Subject: Emergency Authorization for the Former Kresge Building Demolition Date: 02/20/2019 During the evening of February 19, 2019 several bricks fell from the facade of the former Kresge Building creating a public safety hazard. The incident was discovered by the City Public Works Department and reported immediately to the City's Fire Prevention Bureau which encompasses the City's Building Inspection unit during the morning of February 20, 2019. City personnel promptly closed the south lane of Broadway and the sidewalk adjacent to the storefront. Fire Prevention requested our structural engineer, Kelly Gardner with Gardner Engineering Consultants, to respond to the scene to verify the structural integrity of the vacant structure. The engineer advised he would come as soon as he was able, but requested the City to reach out to a local demolition contractor to come to the scene to conduct an immediate safety evaluation. Upon the City's request, Danny Cope and Sons Excavation came to the scene and inspected the conditions of the building. They expressed concern that the building could potentially collapse into Broadway and into the rear parking lot to the south of the structure creating a large amount of property damage and that the condition of the building creates a public safety threat. The public safety risk was promptly reported to the City Manager's Office and I requested our City Attorney Stacy Blankenship to begin drafting an emergency contract for demolition pending the analysis and recommendation of our Structural Engineer. Xeyttu UN9RlOLED 9PfRIT At approximately 1:40 p.m. on today's date, I along with Deputy Chief Cherry, Chief Kyle, and Assistant City Manager Michelle Smolen met with our City Attorney Stacy Blankenship and David Kelly from KKHB to discuss the details of the emergency with our structural engineer and the local contractor. Our engineer confirmed that the Kresge Building poses a threat to human life, as well as property damage, and recommended an emergency demolition of the facility as soon as possible. A copy of his recommendation is attached hereto. Therefore, I have determined that an emergency exists in accordance with the City of Paducah Code of Ordinances Sec. 2-659 and KRS 45A.380 (1) and I have authorized a contract for of the emergency demolition of the Former Kresge Building be entered into with Danny Cope and Sons Excavation without competitive bidding: The city may contract or purchase through noncompetitive negotiations only when a written determination is made that competition is not feasible, and it is facrther determined in writing by the city through the office of the City Manager: (1) An emergency exists which will cause public harm as a result of the delay in competitive procedures. Respectfully submitted on this 20"' day of February James W. Arndt City Manager, ICMA-CM I—G ardner Engineering Consulting PLLC "Build on the Rock" Matthew 7:25 February 20, 2019 RE:. CONDEMNATION DECLARATION The Kresge Bldg. (300 Block of Broadway, Paducah, KY) GEC #16-158 To Whom It May Concern: Based on my site observations today, February 20, 2019, it is my professional opinion that the above referenced building is no longer safe and is in imminent danger of collapse. Since my last site visit in the Fall of 2018, the building conditions have progressively gotten worse and new safety issues exist. Immediate actions should be taken to barricade off a safe perimeter along all public ways adjacent the building (front and rear), install temporary wall bracing and commence with building demolition. Sincerely, 40,8AO,— Kelly B. Gardner, PE Gardner Engineering & Consulting PLLC KY PE #22832 ,.� KENT& �•. �� ¢ • • ... • C�� ,• pFFSSIaN Structural Engineering • Forensic Engineering • Special Inspections • Connection Engineering • Building Code Reviews 1030 Burlew Blvd, Bldg. B, Suite 2 Owensboro, Kentucky 42303 270.929.6354 www.gardnerec.corn S`L�F`T� It February 26, 2019 I move that the Board of Commissioners introduce and adopt an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR DEMOLITION SERVICES WITH DANNY COPE AND SONS EXCAVATING, LLC, IN AN AMOUNT OF $573,000 FOR EMERGENCY DEMOLITION SERVICES OF THE KRESGE BUILDING LOCATED AT 316,318 & 320 BROADWAY; RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S DECLARATION OF AN EMERGENCY AND EXECUTION OF SAID AGREEMENT AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY TO EXIST." This Ordinance is summarized as follows: In this Emergency Ordinance the City of Paducah approves a contract with Danny Cope and Sons Excavating for the demolition of the Kresge Building in a total amount of $573,000, and ratifies the City Manager's execution of the contract and declaration of emergency. \motions\ emergency — Kresge Demolition — Danny Cope & Sons Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Short Title: Kresge Building Demolition - J ARNDT Category: Ordinance Staff Work By: James Arndt, Steve Kyle, Greg Cherry, Michelle Smolen, Stacey Blankenship, Lindsay Parish Presentation By: James Arndt Background Information: On February 19, 2019, several bricks fell from the facade of the former Kresge Building which created a public safety hazard. The structural engineer assigned to the Kresge Building Demolition Project, Gardner Engineering Consultants, confirmed that the Kresge Building poses a threat to human life, as well as property damage, and recommended an emergency demolition of the facility. The City Manager has made a written determination that an emergency exists which will cause public harm as a result of the delay in competitive procedures, in accordance with the City of Paducah Code of Ordinances Sec. 2-659 and KRS 45A.380(1). On February 21, 2019, the City Manager entered into an agreement on behalf of the City of Paducah with Danny Cope and Sons Excavating for the demolition of the building. The Board of Commissioners now needs to ratify the agreement and the City Manager's declaration of emergency. Does this Agenda Action Item align with a Strategic Plan Action Step? No If yes, please list the Action Step Item Codes(s): Funds Available: Account Name: Kresge Building Demolition Account Number: MR0073 Staff Recommendation: Adopt an emergency ordinance to authorize an Agreement for Demolition Services with Danny Cope and Sons Excavating, LLC, for the demolition of the Kresge Building and ratify the City Manager's execution of said agreement and the City Manager's declaration of Emergency. Attachments: Ordinance 2. Agreement for Demolition Services 3. Emergency Authorization Letter A 0 il ORDINANCE NO. 2019- L AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND INTEGRATED VISUALIZATION SYSTEMS, INC., D/B/A INNOVATIONS BRANDING HOUSE, FOR WEBSITE, VIDEOS, DESIGN OF PRINTED MATERIALS AND SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT RELATED TO THE CITY'S STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $20,000 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019 AND $36,000 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the City of Paducah desires to engage the community in the City's Strategic Plan with a program called "Our Paducah"; and WHEREAS, the City of Paducah desires to contract with Integrated Visualization Systems, Inc. d/b/a Innovations Branding House for website, videos, design of printed materials, and social media content for the initial launch of the project and for ongoing projects associated with the Strategic Plan; and WHEREAS, a written determination has been made by the City Manager that this contract is for professional services and will be a noncompetitive negotiation purchase pursuant to KRS 45A.380(3). NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Recitals and Authorization. The City hereby authorizes and approves an Agreement in substantially the form attached hereto Exhibit A, between the City of Paducah and Integrated Visualization Systems, Inc. d/b/a Innovations Branding House for services related to community engagement with the City's Strategic Plan in an amount of $20,000 in FY2019 for the initial launch plus four quarterly installments not to exceed $9,000 each during FY2020 for ongoing projects and authorizes the Mayor to execute said Agreement. SECTION 2. Expenditures. The expenditure shall be charged to the Mayor & Commission Promotions Account, account number 10000102-539090. SECTION 3. Severability. If any section, paragraph or provision of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be read on two separate days and will become effective upon summary publication pursuant to KRS Chapter 424. Brandi Harless, Mayor ATTEST: Lindsay Parish, City Clerk Introduced by the Board of Commissioners, February 12, 2019 Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, r Ayr ur' r `i �).LL , 'r�O I Recorded by Lindsay R. Parish, City Clerk, Published by The Paducah Sun, \ord\agree-Innovations Branding House — Our Paducah — Strategic Plan Exhibit A 214862 CITY OF PADUCAH SERVICE AGREEMENT This Agreement is made this L% _ day of re—b , 2019, by and between CITY OF PADUCAH of P.O. Box 2267, Paducah, Kentucky 42002-2267, a municipal corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "City") and INTEGRATED VISUALIZATION SYSTEMS, INC. d/b/a INNOVATIONS BRANDING HOUSE of 612 Broadway, Paducah, KY 42001 (hereinafter referred to as "Innovations"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Innovations Branding House is a full service branding provider; and WHEREAS, City wishes to contract with Innovations for services; and WHEREAS, it is the express intent of the parties hereto to enter into a contractual agreement which will set out the terms, conditions, and covenants of the parties' contractual relationship; and NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the terms, covenants, and conditions herein set forth and contained, Innovations and City agree as follows: 1. ER CESS. Innovations provides and performs services, -which includes but is - -- not limited to, business branding, graphic design, logo development, website development, website hosting, social media, video production, photography, tradeshow display creation and 3D illustration. By signing this agreement, City hereby creates an account with Innovations for the purchase of services. Attached to this agreement as Exhibit A is the project proposal describing the scope of work between Innovations and City. All services and work shall be provided and performed in a workmanlike and professional manner and shall be diligently and timely completed. The Initial Projects, listed within Exhibit A, shall be completed by June 30, 2019. Upon completion of the Initial Projects, Quarterly Projects will begin each quarter, beginning July 1, 2019, and be completed within the end of the quarter, with the first Quarterly Project to be completed by September 30, 2019. 2. TERM. The initial term of this Agreement is four (4) months, commencing on the Effective Date of this Agreement. The Effective Date of this Agreement will begin March 1, 2019 and ending on June 30, 2019. Upon the end of the initial four (4) months, the term will be quarter -to -quarter, with the second term, following the initial term, beginning July 1, 2019. Thereafter each term will continue to be quarter -to -quarter. Either City or Innovations shall be permitted to terminate this agreement and end the relationship between City and Innovations by providing thirty (30) days written notice to the other. Draft #3 PAYMENT TERMS AND INVOICING PROCEDURES. (a) A detailed invoice for services rendered shall be sent by Innovations to City for services or projects rendered on at least a monthly basis. Invoices shall clearly display the corresponding Project for which services are rendered, including the quarter for which services are rendered, or for the Initial Project. (b) All invoice amounts are due within thirty (30) days after the date of any invoice. The payments shall be sent to Innovations' address above, or to such other address as Innovations shall designate, from time to time, by written notice. 4. PROPERTY OF CITY. Innovations hereby specifically acknowledges that all drawings, graphics, logos, websites, videos, photos, creative work and online designs created for City, are owned by the City and shall be copyright to the City. S. COSTS OF SERVICE. (a) As full compensation for the performance of the Initial Project, listed within Exhibit A, City shall be pay to Innovations an amount not to exceed Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00), which shall be paid within four (4)_months from the Effective Date of this Agreement. (b) As compensation for Ongoing Quarterly Projects, listed within Exhibit A, City shall compensate Innovations at a rate not to exceed Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000.00) each quarter during the term of this Agreement, commencing on July 1, 2019. 6. INDEMNIFICATION. Innovations hereby specifically releases and discharges City and shall fully protect, indemnify, keep, save, and hold City hannless from any and all costs, charges, expenses, penalties, and damages imposed for the violation of any law or regulation of the United States, or Commonwealth of Kentucky caused by any act or omission of Innovations, their employees, agents, or contractors. This shall specifically include any cause of action caused by Innovations in which City is suggested to have infringed upon any copyrighted, trademarked, or patented material posted on said web site. 7. DEFAUL . Innovations agrees and understands that if it should fail to perform any services contracted for herein or abide by any condition or covenant herein stipulated or to fail to comply with any and all other provisions of this agreement, then in any of said cases, it shall be lawful for City, at its sole option, to declare Innovations to be in default of this agreement and to immediately terminate this agreement and cease rendering payment. Innovations agrees and understands that this option shall be at City's sole discretion and can be without any further notice to Innovations. Upon such Draft #3 termination, all rights of Innovations shall immediately be forfeited. Innovations hereby understands and agrees that the actions taken by City to terminate this agreement shall not incur any liability to City for damages, economic or otherwise. 8. ENTIRETY. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto, and neither party is bound by any representations or agreements of any kind except as herein contained. 9. CHOICE OF LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, both as to its interpretation and enforcement. Venue shall be in McCracken County, Kentucky. 10. EFFECTIVE DATE. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the date first written above. INNOVATIONS B G USE: By: _ Title: c4/ o Date: 5— / i CITY OF PADUCAH: By: Title: Date: Draft #3 215874 EXHIBIT A CITY OF PADUCAH SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH INNOVA I N BRANDING HOUSE DATED 2019 Below Is a non -exhaustive description of scope of work to be completed by Innovations for the City of Paducah. Initial Proiects: • "Our Paducah" Branding o Branding, design, photography, video • Strategic Plan Book o Online & printed • Design/Create Website/Landing Page o Develop structure of information, content and graphics • Finalize Key Vision and Performance Area document o Goals, progress, completed projects, timelines • Social Media Plan for the launch of Website o Creation of social media posts • Create launch video o Script for each Key Vision and Performance Area o Determine locations o Storyboard • Integrate new plan with current communication tools of city - -- - o ---Emails; Newsletter, Mayor FB posts, social media,press releases- - - - - - - Employee Launch o Develop materials for employees ■ Reference cards, Informational posters with actionable quotes o Letters (email and standard letters) o Meeting with department heads to introduce "Our Paducah" Oneoine Projects: • Campaigns o WIN action items are the priority o Determine strategic plan engagement methods • Design o Direct mail, posters, social media, press release, video • Monthly Progress Reports o WIN action item priority o Design one sheet overview to highlight progress made in each performance area for the month. Visual elements to quickly educate. Digital and print for internal and external use • Social Media o Graphics for City of Paducah to use o Templates for strategic vision o Posts that educating public on performance areas and progress o Action item posts - explaining how to get Involved • Emails & Newsletter o Monthly email focusing on progress J CITY OF PADUCAH CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY HALL, 300 SOUTH 5T" STREET PADUCAH, KY 42001 • (270) 444-8503 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Commissioners FROM: James Arndt, City Manager Michelle Smolen, Assistant City Manager DATE: February 5, 2019 RE: Innovations Branding House Non -Competitive Determination The City of Paducah is proposing to enter into a professional services contract with Innovations Branding House for community engagement with the strategic plan. The contract is for $20,000 in fiscal year 2019 and $36,000 in fiscal year 2020. This contract is for professional services and will be a noncompetitive negotiation purchase pursuant to KRS 45A.380(3). 215862 CITY OF PADUCAH SERVICE AGREEMENT This Agreement is made this _ day of r -A , 2019, by and between CITY OF PADUCAH of P.O. Box 2267, Paducah, Kentucky 42002-2267, a municipal corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "City") and INTEGRATED VISUALIZATION SYSTEMS, INC. d/b/a INNOVATIONS BRANDING HOUSE of 612 Broadway, Paducah, KY 42001 (hereinafter referred to as "Innovations"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Innovations Branding House is a full service branding provider; and WHEREAS, City wishes to contract with Innovations for services; and WHEREAS, it is the express intent of the parties hereto to enter into a contractual agreement which will set out the terms, conditions, and covenants of the parties' contractual relationship; and NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the terms, covenants, and conditions herein set forth and contained, Innovations and City agree as follows: 1. SERVICES. Innovations provides and performs services, which includes but is - not -limited to business branding, graphic design, logo development, website-development,-- website website-development,_website hosting, social media, video production, photography, tradeshow display creation and 3D illustration. By signing this agreement, City hereby creates an account with Innovations for the purchase of services. Attached to this agreement as Exhibit A is the project proposal describing the scope of work between Innovations and City. All services and work shall be provided and performed in a workmanlike and professional manner and shall be diligently and timely completed. The Initial Projects, listed within Exhibit A, shall be completed by June 30, 2019. Upon completion of the Initial Projects, Quarterly Projects will begin each quarter, beginning July 1, 2019, and be completed within the end of the quarter, with the first Quarterly Project to be completed by September 30, 2019. 2. TERM. The initial term of this Agreement is four (4) months, commencing on the Effective Date of this Agreement. The Effective Date of this Agreement will begin March 1, 2019 and ending on June 30, 2019. Upon the end of the initial four (4) months, the term will be quarter -to -quarter, with the second term, following the initial term, beginning July 1, 2019. Thereafter each term will continue to be quarter -to -quarter. Either City or Innovations shall be permitted to terminate this agreement and end the relationship between City and Innovations by providing thirty (30) days written notice to the other. Draft #3 3. PAYMENT TERMS AND INVOICING PROCEDURES. (a) A detailed invoice for services rendered shall be sent by Innovations to City for services or projects rendered on at least a monthly basis. Invoices shall clearly display the corresponding Project for which services are rendered, including the quarter for which services are rendered, or for the Initial Project. (b) All invoice amounts are due within thirty (30) days after the date of any invoice. The payments shall be sent to Innovations' address above, or to such other address as Innovations shall designate, from time to time, by written notice. 4. PROPERTY OF CITY. Innovations hereby specifically acknowledges that all drawings, graphics, logos, websites, videos, photos, creative work and online designs created for City, are owned by the City and shall be copyright to the City. 5. COSTS OF SERVICE. (a) As full compensation for the performance of the Initial Project, listed within Exhibit A, City shall be pay to Innovations an amount not to exceed Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00), which shall be paid within four -- - - -- --- -(4) months -from the Effective Date of this Agreement._____- -_ -_- (b) As compensation for Ongoing Quarterly Projects, listed within Exhibit A, City shall compensate Innovations at a rate not to exceed Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000.00) each quarter during the term of this Agreement, commencing on July 1, 2019. 6. INDEMNIFICATION. Innovations hereby specifically releases and discharges City and shall fully protect, indemnify, keep, save, and hold City harmless from any and all costs, charges, expenses, penalties, and damages imposed for the violation of any law or regulation of the United States, or Commonwealth of Kentucky caused by any act or omission of Innovations, their employees, agents, or contractors. This shall specifically include any cause of action caused by Innovations in which City is suggested to have infringed upon any copyrighted, trademarked, or patented material posted on said web site. 7. DEFAULT. Innovations agrees and understands that if it should fail to perform any services contracted for herein or abide by any condition or covenant herein stipulated or to fail to comply with any and all other provisions of this agreement, then in any of said cases, it shall be lawful for City, at its sole option, to declare Innovations to be in default of this agreement and to immediately terminate this agreement and cease rendering payment. Innovations agrees and understands that this option shall be at City's sole discretion and can be without Any further notice to Innovations. Upon such 2 Draft #3 termination, all rights of Innovations shall immediately be forfeited. Innovations hereby understands and agrees that the actions taken by City to terminate this agreement shall not incur any liability to City for damages, economic or otherwise. 8. ENTIRETY. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto, and neither party is bound by any representations or agreements of any kind except as herein contained. 9. CHOICE OF LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, both as to its interpretation and enforcement. Venue shall be in McCracken County, Kentucky. 10. EFFECTIVE DATE. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the date first written above. INNOVATIONS B G OUSE: By l Title: Date: 4�/2 - - CITY OF PADUCAH: - -- - - -- - - - - - Title: Date: 3 Draft #3 215874 EXHIBIT A CITY OF PADUCAH SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH INNOVATION BRANDING HOUSE DATED 2019 Below is a non -exhaustive description of scope of work to be completed by Innovations for the City of Paducah. Initial Projects: • "Our Paducah" Branding o Branding, design, photography, video • Strategic Plan Book o . Online & printed • Design/Create Website/Landing Page o Develop structure of information, content and graphics • Finalize Key Vision and Performance Area document o Goals, progress, completed projects, timelines • Social Media Plan for the launch of Website o Creation of social media posts • Create launch video o Script for each Key Vision and Performance Area o Determine locations o Storyboard • _ -_ Integrate new plan with current communication tools of city o Emails, Newsletter, Mayor FB posts, social media, press releases • Employee Launch o Develop materials for employees ■ Reference cards, informational posters with actionable quotes o Letters (email and standard letters) o Meeting with department heads to introduce "Our Paducah" Ongoins Projects: • Campaigns o WIN action items are the priority o Determine strategic plan engagement methods • Design o Direct mail, posters, social media, press release, video Monthly Progress Reports o WIN action item priority o Design one sheet overview to highlight progress made in each performance area for the month. Visual elements to quickly educate. Digital and print for internal and external use • Social Media o Graphics for City of Paducah to use o Templates for strategic vision o Posts that educating public on performance areas and progress o Action item posts - explaining how to get involved Emails & Newsletter 0 Monthly email focusing on progress 2/13/2019 WE'RE LISTENING. Our Paducah is a vision for the community, from the community. After hundreds of surveys, sit-down discussions and phone calls, we're bringing a better home closer to home. AND BY'WE', WE MEAN YOU TOO. Every community needs a vision and this is ours: a community that is connected, safe and unified by our diver- sity; a community that charts its own course; a community that prides itself on the successes of one another. THIS IS OUR PADUCAH. OUR PADUCAH FRAMEWORK KEY VISIONS Bringing the mild to Paducah and Paducah to the World. Arts Is Culture To expose our community to creativity of all kinds and celebrate the stories of Paducah, both past and present. Celebrating Diversity To encourage pride in each other and opportunity forall. �iJ TOURGROWfH _ '� Building Paducah In our homes, businesses and eerylhing In between. Economic Mobility To connectPaducah residents with opportuni- ties to earn more and save for their own future. Infrastructure Maintenance To pave the way for better roads, better energy savings and better operational systems. INITIAL PROJECTS March - June 2019 OUR COMMUNITY Making art neighborhoods safer, cleaner and more connected. Enrichment & Accessibility To develop diverse, connected and distinctly beautiful neighborhoods across our community. Parks & Recreation To bring world-class recreation and leisure to Paducah's backyard. Public Safety To keep our streets safe and our communities accountable. tttLjepen each other Open & Engaged Government To constantly improve our administration for the betterment of the community. Involved Citizens To empower citizens to make the changes they want to see In their community. 1 Strategic Plan Information Touchpoints 2 Employee Launch 3 Launch Campaign 2/13/2019 IFlnnovations branding house 4 Integration into Current Communication Tools IIIHnnovatons branding house 6 2/13/2019 INFORMATION TOUCHPOINTS OUR � PADUCA KEY VISIONS OUR CULTURE OUR COMMUNITY LL Bringing the world to Paducah and Making our neighborhoods safer, Paducah to the world cleaner and more connected. Arts &Culture Enrichment& Accessibility To expose our community to creativity of all To develop diverse, connected and distinctly kinds and celebrate the stories of Paducah, beautiful neighborhoods acrossoureommunity. both past and present Parks & Recreation Celebrating Diversity To bring world-class recreation and leisure to To encourage pride In each other and Paducah's backyard. opportunity (Drell. Public Safety innovations To keep our streets safe and ourcommurirtles To accountable. branding house EMPLOYEE LAUNCH Email Message Example: "In a short few days, each office in the City will be given material to get them started - these materials are straightforward, easy -to -read and make sense. These will introduce you to the future of our city, but that's just the start. Read the plan, see how else you can get involved and most importantly, let your voice be heard." Every community needs a vision and this is ours: a community that is connected, safe and unified by our diversity; a community that charts its own course; a community that prides itself on the successes of one another. This is our Paducah. Join us in seeing the vision and making it a reality. To find out how, visit ourpaducah.com branding house 3 2/13/2019 LAUNCH &INTEGRATION Introduction Video Templates + Strategic Integration City of Paducah 0 Fotiow 4PaducahCity After two weeks of training and a half dozen meetings, The Pines Subdivision Is ready for their first Neighborhood Watch meeting) If you would like to see more #OurPaducah programs like this In your neighborhood, reach out to us at: httpsl/bit.ty/2NsertD #OurPaducahCommunity OUR COMMUNITY Making our neighborhoods safer, cleaner and more connected. ------ -------------- ----- ----------- ... _....... ................................................................. .._................... 7:49 AM - 8 Oct 2018 Q t_'1 G 0 ■innovations branding house ONGOING PROJECTS July - September 2099 - Ongoing Quarterly WIN Action Items Strategic Communication Plan • Direct Mail • Emails • Posters • Video • Social Media • Press Releases 1InnoVatons branding house 2 branding house 2/13/2019 5 I fr�,iF� r py w Qt J t�j.`f February 26, 2019 I move that the Board of Commissioners adopt an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND INTEGRATED VISUALIZATION SYSTEMS, INC., D/B/A INNOVATIONS BRANDING HOUSE, FOR WEBSITE, VIDEOS, DESIGN OF PRINTED MATERIALS AND SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT RELATED TO THE CITY'S STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $20,000 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019 AND $36,000 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the City of Paducah does hereby approve an agreement with Innovations Branding House in an amount not to exceed $20,000 in FYI and $36,000 in FY20 for professional services related to branding and community engagement for the City's Strategic Plan. \motions\agree- Innovations Branding House — Our Paducah — Strategic Plan February 12, 2019 I move that the Board of Commissioners introduce an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND INTEGRATED VISUALIZATION SYSTEMS, INC., D/B/A INNOVATIONS BRANDING HOUSE, FOR WEBSITE, VIDEOS, DESIGN OF PRINTED MATERIALS AND SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT RELATED TO THE CITY'S STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $20,000 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019 AND $36,000 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the City of Paducah does hereby approve an agreement with Innovations Branding House in an amount not to exceed $20,000 in FYI and $36,000 in FY20 for professional services related to branding and community engagement for the City's Strategic Plan. \motions\agree- Innovations Branding House — Our Paducah — Strategic Plan Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: February 12, 2019 Short Title: Approve Contract with Innovations Branding House - M SMOLEN Category: Ordinance Staff Work By: Michelle Smolen Presentation By: Michelle Smolen Background Information: The City is proposing to contract with Innovations Branding House for community engagement with the Strategic Plan. The agreement will include a 3 - 4 month public launch of our initiatives. After the initial launch, Innovations Branding House will lead quarterly campaigns to promote the plan, our accomplishments and ways to get involved. We are calling this "Our Paducah". The cost is $20,000 in FYI for the initial launch and $36,000 in FY20 for the quarterly campaigns. The costs include a website, videos, design of printed materials, and social media content. Does this Agenda Action Item align with a Strategic Plan Action Step? Yes If yes, please list the Action Step Item Codes(s): All Funds Available: Account Name: Mayor & Commission Promotions Account Number: 10000102-539090 Staff Recommendation: Approve the contract with Innovations Branding House for $20,000 in FY 19 and $36,000 in FY20. Attachments: 1. Ordinance 2. IBH Procurement Memo 3. IBH Signed Agreement 02062019 S M A a 9 z n V1 � � d s � u b J O 4 y 1 H O x O b °z S M A a 9 N F V1 N F M- Hl z ci ° � o 0 o ° tzj cn G' U � o � Er W ° O v b O O NJ � h O N ri- © y O Q � N n rn O c+ • H O 0 co b °z M- Hl ci ° � o 0 o ° o �. � o � Er W ° O O � h O N ri- N n rn O c+ • 0 CD M- Hl ci 9 i i MOTION FOR CLOSED SESSION I move that the Board go into closed session for discussion of matters pertaining to the following topics: 1. Future sale or acquisition of a specific parcel(s) of real estate, as permitted by KRS 61.810 (1) (b) v Y 2. Proposed or pending litigation, as permitted by KRS 61.810(1)(c ) 3. Collective bargaining with public employees, as permitted by KRS 61.810(1)(e) 4. Issues which might lead to the appointment, dismissal, or disciplining of an employee, as permitted by KRS 61.810(1)(0 5. A specific proposal by a business entity where public discussion of the subject matter would jeopardize the location, retention, expansion or upgrading of a business entity, as permitted by KRS 61.810(1)(g) 6. Topics required by state or federal law to be conducted in secret, as permitted by KRS 61.810 (1) (k) Motion Made By: __ =_ C Motion Seconded By: Date: MOTION FOR CLOSED SESSION I move that the Board go into closed session for discussion of matters pertaining to the following topics: 1. Future sale or acquisition of a specific parcel(s) of real estate, as permitted by KRS 61.810 (1) (b) --- 2. Proposed or pending litigation, as permitted by KRS 61.810(1)(c) 3. Collective bargaining with public employees, as permitted by KRS 61.810(1)(e) 4. Issues which might lead to the appointment, dismissal, or disciplining of an employee, as permitted by KRS 61.810(1)(1) 5. A specific proposal by a business entity where public discussion of the subject matter would jeopardize the location, retention, expansion or upgrading of a business entity, as permitted by KRS 61.810(1)(g) 6. Topics required by state or federal law to be conducted in secret, as permitted by KRS 61.810(1)(k) Motion Made By: Motion Seconded By: Date: