HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO #2190MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. 2190
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SECTION 1. The City hereby approves the Professional Services
Agreement ("Agreement') between the City and Thomas P. Miller & Associates, LLC,
("Vendor") in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A and made part hereof.
It is further determined that it is necessary and desirable and in the best interest of the
City to enter into this Agreement for the purposes therein specified.
SECTION 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the Agreement,
authorized in section 1 above. This contract shall expire May 31, 2019.
No. DT0044. .
SECTION 3. This expenditure will be charged TIF Application Project
SECTION 4. This Order shall be in full force and effect on and after the
date as approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky.
Brandi Harless, Mayor
Lindsay Parish, City Jerk
Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, December 11, 2018
Recorded by Lindsay Parish, City Clerk, December 11, 2018
\mo\agree-Thomas P Miller Opportunity Zones Marketing 2018
THOMAS R AIRLER a assocrnr s November 25,2018
Thomas P. Miller & Associates, LLC
Professional Services Agreement
This Agreement, entered into by and between The qty of Paducah ("alent") located at 300
South 511 Street, Paducah, Kentucty 42002, and Thomas P. Miller & Associates, LLC
rCentractar"), located at 1630 N. Meridian St., Suite 430, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202.
WHEREAS, Olent has the need and desire to obtain the services of a contractor; and
WHEREAS, Contractor desires to perform said services detailed in the attached 'Scope of Work
for Client and is able to do so In a professional manner; and
WHEREAS, Client has selected Contractor to perform these services,
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein,
the parties agree as follows:
1. TERM. The term of this Agreement shall be January 1, 2019 to May 31, 2019.
2. SERVICES TO RE RENOERED: Scope of Work as outlined in Attachment A: General Soope
of Services.
3. COMPENSATION. Client shoil pay Contractor $50,000 (Inclusive of expenses) during the
term of this Agreement for the satlsfactary completion of the services to be rendered.
4. PAYMENT TERMS, invoices wRl be submitted to Client:
January 31, 2019
February 28,201.9:
March 31,2019:
Aprli 30, 2019:
S. CLIENT'S OBLIGATIONS. Client shall provide Contractor, at no charge, all existing
information, data, and documents, available and necessary farthe carrying out of services
underthlsagreement. Client shall Cooperate with contractor Ineverywaypossible Incarrying
out the scope of this agreement.
Thomas A Miller & Assadcrtes, LLC
G. TERMINATION. In the event that the services of Contractor are unsatisfactory or that
support rendered by Client Is inadequate, either party shall have seven i7) business days after
delivery of written notice of such unsatisfactory or inadequate services to rectify or correct the
problem. if either party falls to correct the problem, either may terminate this Agreement with
30 days notice in writing, delivered to the business address of the ether party. Contractor shall
be compensated for services provided to the date such termination becomes effective.
7. INDEMNIFICATION. Both parties shall Indemnify and hold harmiesseach other,, their
respective officers, employees, and agents from any and all loss, liability, claims, judgments,
and liens, including costs and expenses, arising out of any negligent act or omission of Client or
Contractor or any of their officers, agents, employees, or subcontractors in the performance of
this Agreement.
a. CONFIDENTIALITY. Both Client and Contractor understand that information provided
during the performance of this Agreement is confidential and may riot be disclosed to any
person not connected with this project without prior approval.
4. NOTICE. Any notice,Invoice, order or other correspondence requiredto besent kinder
this Agreement shall be sent to the addresses out[Ined in the first paragraph of this Agreement.
Ia. APPLICABLE LAWS. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of State of Indiana, as
the same shall be In force and effect upas the d ate this Agreement Is executed.
11. NON-DISCRIMINATION. Contractor and Its subcontractors shall not discriminate against
any employee or applicant for employmentto be employed In the performance of this
Agreement, with respect to firing, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, or
any matter directly or indirectly related to employment because of race, religion, color, sex,
age, handicap, disability; national origin, ancestry, disabled veteran status, or Vietnam-ara
veteran status. Breach of this section shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement.
12. NECESSARY DOCUMENTATION. Contractor certifies that It will furnish alent,If
requested, any and all documentation, oertiRcation, authorization, license, permit or
registration required by the laws or rules and regulatians of units of local, state, and federal
government. Contractor furthercerdflesthat ItIsnow Inand will maintain Its good standing
with governmental agencies and will maintain its license, permit, registration, authorization, or
certification Infarceduringthe term ofthis Agreement. Failure of Contractor to comply with
this paragraph constitutes a material breach of this Agreement.
13, WAIVER. A contractar's delay or inaction in pursuing its remedies asset forth in this
Agreement, or available by law, shall nat operate as a waiver of any of a contractor's rights or
remedies contained herein or available by law.
Thomas A hVier & Associates, LIC
14. PERSONAL LIABILl IY. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating any
personal liability on the part of any officer, director, agency, or employee of Client or any public
body, which may be a partyto this Agreement.
15. SEVERABILITY. if any provision of this Agreement Is held to be invalid, illegal, or
unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the provision shall be stricken, and all other
provisions of this Agreement, which can operate Independently of such stricken provision, shall
continue in full force and effect.
15. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Contractor certifies and warrants to Client that neither it nor
any of its agents, representatives, or employees who will participate In performance of any
services required by this Agreement have or will have any conflict of interest, directly or
indirectly with Client.
17, AMENDMENTS. This Agreement may be amended, modified, renewed, or
supplemented only by a written instrument signed by each of the parties hereto, and any such
amendment may pertain to one or more of the provisions of this Agreement without affecting
the otherprovisions of this Agreement.
1& INTEGRATION. This Agreement tepresentsthe entire understanding between Client and
the Contractor and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and/or contracts, either
written or oral.
19. TAXES. Contractor agrees that itlsanIndependent contractor asthat term iscommonly
used and is not an employee of Client. As such, the Contractor is solely responstblefor all taxes
and none shall he withheld from the sums paid to the Contractor. The Contractor
acknowledges that It is not insured by Client in any manner for any loss of any kind whatsoever.
The Contractor has no authority, express or Implied, to bind or obligate Client in any way.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Client and Contractor, by their respective officers hereunto duly
authorized, have executed this Agreement on the dates shown below.
Thomas P. Miller & Associates, LLC The City of Paducah
By: W.
Thomas P. Milier Brancil Hadess
President & CEO Mayor
Date: ^k`a Date:
Thomas A Miller& Associates, LLC
SUBMl7ED 70:
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Thornes A Miller & Associates, tl.0
Thomas P. Miller g. Associates (TA" envisions a world that thinks strategically, works collaboradvely,
and acts sustainably. In keeping with that vision, we empower organizations and communities through
strategic partnerships and informed solutions that create positive, sustainable change. Through over 29
years of business, we have worked with numerous nonprofits, economic and workloree development
organizations, chambers of commerce, colleges and universities, and private businesses to more than 40
Our emphasis Is not Just on strategic ideas, but strategic leadership and Innovative, action arieMed goals
— helping leaders to identify datwdriven opportunities and mobilize resources for Implementation. We
take a collaborative approach to planning, recognizing that the greatest Impact is through transparency
and the aligned goals of multiple stakeholders. We excel at tra misting completed research, analysis, and
planning efforts Into Implamentasion activides tailored to the assets and opportunkies of each client, and
we will utilize this strength to maximize this projeces value for Paducah, KY.
Opportunity Zones are economic development toots promoting investment In distressed communities
through legislation enacted by the Federal Tax Cuts and lobs Act of 2017. Communities have had selected
distressed census tracts designated as Opportunity Zones by the U.S. Department of Treasury,
Incentivizing Investments to better address local needs in areas such as business growth, real estate
Investment, and area Improvements.
Kentucky has a total of 144 Opportunity zones In 94 counties. While each Opportunity Zone offers
Investors the same federal capital gainstax advantages, all Zones are not created equal. it Is estimated
that them Is Dear 23 trillon dollars in eligible capital gains eligiblefor investment — although only a
percentage will actually be invested in Opportunity Zones. All Opportunity Zones will compete for
Investment but some Zones will stand out immediately due to clear pro -investment market conditions.
However, mostZonee,given theirdesignation as "dlstressed"will havetostrategicaly, pmitonthemselves
to appeal to investors,
Paducah has two Opportunity Zones (Orsl in the northern part of the city each with notable pro-
investmentfeatures Including frontage along the Ohio River, adowntown c istdct, as well aslnduu,trialand
residential land uses.'Ihesefeatures suggestthe OpportunityZoneshave the ability to supportand attract
a diverse set of Investments. However, Paducah will likely have to compete for irnestment with large
MSAs In the mId-vaest and south-east regions. Investors looking at Opportunity Zones may net consider
or be aware of the advantages offered by Paducah's Zones. Furthermore, potential local investors such as
business owners may not know how to take advantage of Opportunity Zone Incentives and the potential
to assist with local expansion or capital investments.
For these reasons, Paducah shouldconsider developing a plan or prospectus to tell the Cityvs story with a
narrative that demonstrates the community's pro -Investment opportunities, with the goal of attracting
Investors and new development. This prospectus will be developed through the approach described In
the remainder of this proposal.
TPMA proposes the following 2 -Phase approach to developing an Opportunity Zone Investment
Preparedness Strategy for Paducah, KY. This approach will focus on data collection, land -use planning,
workshops, identification of aligned Opportunity Funds, and creation of a marketing prospectus and a
local leadership and business outreach strategy.
Thomas P. Miller & Associates, ttdr
Task One: Reclaw of Relevant Reports and Plans
A review of all local pians and reports will be performed. Special attention will be given to land -use
planning, public investments(past, present, andfuture), Paducah's Downtown Masterplan, and local and
regional demographic and economic trends. This review will help to establish an initial context far the
Opportunity Zones (04 regarding appropriate land use and lnvestmentconcepts..
Bask Two: OR -Site and Windshield Tour
TDMA will conduct an on-site visit to assess existing Improvements (buildings, infrastructure, and roads)
and identify underperrormingreal estate.7PMAwill complete a windshieldtourofPaducah's Opportunity
Zone with City and Umnomic Development Leadership to visualize key opportunities and liabilities In the
OZ that will inform an eventual investment strategy. While on-site, TPMA. will also facilitate up to four
meetings with local government and/or business leadership to discuss the 02 incer6m and to identify
priority development locations. An existing conditions analysis and asset map will be prepared that
graphically describes the OZ..
Task Three: Existing Conditions Report
Based an previous studies, windshield tour, and interviews with local'. leadership, the projectteam will
assess existing Improvements lbuildings, Infrastructure, and roads) and Identify underperfarmtng real
estate. This assessment will also explore community development and infrastructure Investment
opportunities. The pmJact team will; 3) target businesses that are growing or demonstrate evidence of
needing to upgrade their facilities and equipment, and 2) identify target areas or "prloetty pockets" that
may be most Ilketyto leverage Opportunity Zone lnvestmem. Existing conditions,. targetedbusinessesand
Identification of priority pockets will be lnformad by both primary and secondary business data that has
been collected. The existing condnionssurvey will also rate the general real estate conditions within each
of the Opportunity Zones,
Paducah hastwo Ms each with differing compositions of Industrial, commercial, and residential property.
Paducah's northwesters OZ Is predominantly residential development with some industrial in the
northern part of the zone. The Southeastern zone includes parts of downtown Paducah which is
characterized by commercial and residential development. The downtown area has been positioned for
future investment given local planning a nd improvement efforts. The existing eDrul tions surveywill detail
the make-up of each Olin a waythat demonstrates key land -use patterns and howtheycan be reinforced
and/or modified to support future investment. After completing the assessment an asset map will be
prepared thatgraphicallydescribes each Zone.
Dalfverabfes: ExlsNngConditions and Asset Mop
Bask Three; ).end-use Planning, Project A'lignmant & Ontrearh
Following the completion of Tasks 1 and 2, TPMA will work with the City to align its current land -use
planning in and adjacent to the Opportunity Zones to determine potential infrastructure, community
development, business, residential, and commercial real estate Investment opportunities to market to
prospective Ltevestam Thlsassessmentwllitake.Into accountthaithe Opportunity Zone program has time
constraints that require Investmentsto be eiihershort term opportunities or capable of being expedited
in order to align with investor requirements.
The project team will, factor the city's zoning aswell as findings and observations from the existing
conditions and asset map to form OZ land -use recommendations. Draft recommendations will be
established which wilt identify a variety of project investments that will support the Citys economic and
community development objectives. Potential projects likely will Include mixed income housing
development, commercial retail development, Industrial facilities and Infrastructure improvements. The
projects will be reviewedand prioritized by community leadership.
Thomas P. Miller&Associates, LLC
aaDvembir Opportunity Zone Land -use Overview andor*0ZPrajertLW
;rill Four - An OZ °OppnrtunRy Assessment ilaatkshop'
Following the completions of tasks 1.3 a 2 -4 -hour workshop will be facilitated by the project team with
local leadership. Theworkshopwill identify and prlortt[zethe business and project opportunitlesthat have
emanated from the Assessment Phase, Strategies will be discussed on the key steps needed to realitethe
desired Investments. potential local and non -local partners that may be able to contribute to the
strategies will also beldemified. Theworkshop will discuss possible roles for the5tate of Kentucky to play
In helping to activate the Opportunity Zone investment Strategies.
Task Five:11pportunity Zone Business fdessagjng Prpgram
Once the initial OZ assessment has been performed and the workshop has Identified and prioritized
investment opportunities,a messaging program will be established. The project team will provide a
PowerPoint presentation that City and Economic Development leadership can use to explain the benefits
associated with the Opportunity Zone Program for local businesses and Investors. The presentation wilt
detail key elements of the Opportunity2one legislation such as the caoital gains incentives, machanisms
of opportunity funds, eliglble investments, and how the incentive can be specifically leveraged by local
business ownersto liwest their own gains for improvement and expansion projects. The project team witl
attend up to three presentations with local leadership assistingwith the presentation to the business and
investor groups.
The project team will also work with City Leadership to engage property owners and determine the
availability of property for future land -use development as Identified In the ianduse overview from Task
Three. Initial outreach will also foals an engaging property owners who may be willing to have their
properties availableto promote developmentthat alignswlththe land -use overview. Propertyacquishten
strategies will Lae outlinedIf appropriate. it Is important that the Cityworks where needed with property
owners to demonstrate some form of site -control where possible to enhance project readiness and
increase the Opportunity Zones' competitiveness to attract investment.
The messaging program will Include meetingswlth targeted budnessesto encourage utitliation of the OZ
Tool. The project team will use research from phase I combined with local leadership's knowledge to
Identify businesses that am likely to expand or upgrade their operations. The project team will work to
ensure that identified local businesses in expansion mode will receive the necessary Information to
process and take advantage of the Opportunity Zone program. The project team will, attend up to a half
dozen meetings with. Individual businesses as part ofthis process,
Dellmrobfesc Opportunity Zone Business and Project Inventory A Opportunity Ame Presentatfan
Task Siit: Aligned Opportualti: and IdertifiLation
Nationally, there will be entities that have organized Opportunity Funds by soliciting multiple investors
wishing to take advantage of the OZ program but not wanting to search for theirpreferred Investment
type. The projectteam will provide a Ilst of eni ttlesthat have formed an Opportunity Fund that allgnwlth
the types of investment in Paducah's Opportunity Zones, This list can be used by city and Economic
Development leadership to direct outreach efforts and drive investment. The project team will also work
with City Leadership to explore the creation of a local fund(s) formed by local business people. A
description of possible local funds will be Included along with the final list of aligned Opportunity Funds.
Defiv mbiea Opportunity Fund List
Task Sw= Opportunity Zane Wrketlnlq pfuspeettis
The project team will create a marketing prospectus designed to construct a compelling investment story
about PaducaWs Opportunity Zones to potential investors. The prospectus will provide Clear and concise
evidence that Paducah has a well-canceived plan for is Opportunity Zones, designed to optimize
ThOMDS A Miller & AssOtiates, LLC
outcomes for both Investors and the focal community. The prospectus will serve as an engagement tool
that leads to concrete Interactions with Opportunity Zone investors.
Oeirverablea OpportunMy tone marketing Prospectus
Technical k5istance
The project team will provide technicalassistance to Catty and Economle Development leadership as
needed throughout the project. Members of the project team will be available on call for up to 30 hours
to provide assistance, recommendations, or advice throughout this project.
It is anticipated that this project will have a 150 -day timeline with a total cost of $50,000, Phase I will be
completed in approximately, 60 days and Phase N will span an additional 90 days. A 150 day timeline is
critical to this project because the majority of Opportunity2one Investment VAR occur tidare December
31st, 2019 as Investors cannot reatixe the ful l benaflts of the program on Investments made after 2039.