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~''~~_ °. '.y ........ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Deo. a9th tg~ Sept. E6, 1819 !or rental on attaohmsnts from Deo. , 1 1 o eos , , • i amount o! ~10E.86, be allowed ana ordered paid sad eharged to Oity Light Plant- oarrieQ ;' upon Doll o! the roll by 4 yeas. ~ • On motion o! Member Tully, that the pay roll !or the Dspt• o! Publio World 3or the - , •. .` week ending Deo. E7, 1919 be appsovwd as loilowst Streets $E09.E7, 8gwera $36, carried ' ',upon Dell. o! the roll by 4 yeses 1'sN.Bmras ~' Oa motion o! the .above, that payment o! salary o! F. N. Bnrae se Mayor, to Dso. 8th, •'i;'"•`~ salary. ~; 1919, the date o! hie reeignstioa, amounting to ~77.4E, bs approved- oarrisa upon call ~: ~ o! the roll by 4 yeas. ~;. On motion o! Mayor pro tam Wooldridge, that the reeolntion o! lE/E/19 adopted by the eohool u, Hoard of Education o! Paducah, Sy,, requesting the Board o! Commiesionsre to leans at ~ . bonder ~ once the ~E60,000 'o! bonds !os school purposes, pursus~ to the vote oast in lavor o! ~~ I~ such isstanos at the d.eotion held on Nov. 4, 1919- be reoeived a tiled, and that the Oity 8olioitor be instrnetsd,to.bring in an ordinanos !as the ieenal o! Baia bonds- ~ ;, oarzied upon wall o! the roil by 4 yeu. ' i? lSlghman, ' On motion o! Member Hss;eiip, that the Oity:Bolioitor be,inetrnotsd to bring is Bros. ~ i~ resolutions properly expressing the gratitude of the oitiaens o! Padnoah to T'ilghme~ ,,,.gilts ,. .~ eroe. !or their gilt o! a eight !or s high eohool to the Oity- oarriea upon call o! the ~r./~~: ! ; cz ~ roil Dy 4 yeas. 3 On motion the Board,ad~onrned upon Deli o! the roll b9 the following ~ote1 Yeas, i y °, aasdner, Hasslip, Tully ana Wooiasidga- 4. , l~L...,~.r pro tem. u~ ~r a.,a `~ - ~. January 3, 19E0. r At s Dolled meeting ol,ths Board o! Commiesionbre held in the Oomre' Chamber o! the ..,~ City Hall, Paducah, Sy. on January 3, 19E0, upon Dell o! the roll the following ,k answered their nameet Qardner, Hazelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. Repor6 0! .~, On motion o! Member Gardner the re ort o! Comer o! Pablio Works Yor December 1919 Oom~r o! Wks. ~ p and !or the entire year o! 1919 was reoeived and lilsd upon Dell o! the roll Dy 4 yeas. , Reports on ~ On motion o! Member Tully, that the repast o! Com~r.o! FSnanoe regarding ,the checking 'Spacial Sewer Fend with Oity~,:, nooount o! the spacial Sewer Sand in the Cit National. Bank bs reoeived d, tiled- Ndt~1 Hank y , carried upon Dell o! the roll by 4 yeas. ~ . ~~ On motion o! the above,•the accounts amonating to ~E6,E78.79; as per report o! Corns " d o! Finanee herewith tiled, were allowed and payment o! earns approved upon Dull o! the ," +,! roll by 4 yeas. On motion of the above, the report o! Com+r'o! 8lnanos !or the month ol.Deoember 1919 ` ''"woe reoeived, lilsd sad ordered published in the oi!loial newspaper- upon call o! the roll .by 4 yeas. • On motion o! the above, that payment o! the pey roils from the Dept. o! Public Works s ~~.for the week ending Jens 3, 19E0 be approved ae lollowsi Streets :pE64.87, Hewers $78.E0, . Hewers $39.Eb- carried upon call o! the roll. by 4 yeas. • Resolution o! .~~ ` ~ " thanks to ~ ~ motion o! Member Wooldridge, s Resolution wap adopted expreaeing the thanks and; ~'ilg6siRi- Bross gratitude o! the entire popn]atioa o! the Oity o! Paducah to Mssesa. Tilahesata Bros, o! ;~ ' New York for their recent donation to the City o! Paduosh of a valuable site !or the !` " iodation 'o! a asw higli eohool building, and s Dopy o! rams ordered sent to Meeere., ' i~ Tighlman Broe• upon Dail o! the roll by 4 yeas. ~~~ogort o! Oity " On motion, of the shove, the report o! Jao. MoQnirs, city hailer, !os the year 19194 JaiUrr ;! t was reoeived.and Yii~d npon.osli o! the roll by 4 yeas. is ,. ~: !f •. • ' ., 1, r• I ,..--~;, .. ~ . . ~• i 4 ~-~ r ..~~ :; ~' ~w• ~., ~' 1 • ~rrrF4Fr. i r r...~:_, Na.,~y Commissioner's Proceedings City of P d h Jsauar s 18a • ~- r a .uea - y ~• 1.91i_. Repor! o! On' metiob ei Member Wooidridge~ the report of Heart' 8ailey~ Aoting Ohiet d , ..1 Chiei o! Poliee• Polioe~ of arrests made sad Dash eolieotioe dnrlag the year 1819 was reoeirsd and tiled upon Dail o! the roll by 4 yeas. On motion o! the above, that Shsrrill-Raeesil hln+. Oo. be allowed $8680 e'a par • Allowaaee en • Hmees Homs oertirioate ~3 of W. B. aore~ Arehiteot, hsrewlth tilsd~ sad which le the balaaoe ~. • ~' dus said Qompeay for the Oonstruotion of the Nnrese~ Home at Rirereide Hospital F ~° pursuant to contract- oarrlsd upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. • Boeignation of ~ On motion of the above, the rseigaatioa of Mies Teresa Boike~ Oity Btenographe;~ Miss Boike ~ etieotire Jan. 6, 19E0~ was eoospted upon Deli of the roll by 4 yeas. ,, ~ On motion the BoarB adjouraed upan call of the roll by the icliowing rote= j' Yeea~ Oardaer~ Haseiip~ Tully sad iYooldridge- 6. ii ;. ~~ ~/ • ~.~lT(r~P~~ ~ ~~ . ; r ~, f~~ ~ (" i a O ~ ~, ~ /~ s ifs _ 4~^'7' ~1e +, • .. ter..- + ~.JC ~.-.1 I ti,,. -~~,n ~d,w,t y ~ ~..~.. ~.,,. ~~~ ~ U~ ~-..cam, - «.. .~ I { '' ~ ~ ~ s .~ ~. :.~ ~ . ~. ~; ,; ~' - . . ~ f ; .. !~ u , . . _. .. ~., , .. .^ t , . .~ P ~, P ColltlYiissioner's Proceedings, City Of Paducah-_~enuers 6th ' jQ,~io ~1riNUnRY bth,, 19£O •t s oelled mssting of the Board of Commlaelonsse hold !n tho Commieelonera' ~ '~~,> • '; Obembes in the City ~1e11, Paduoah, Kontuoky, Jartunsy bth, T8E0, upon sell of the roll ~ ~' ;: the following anawsrsd their names= Baton, Gilbert, Tully. Williams and itayo r . ' '' gattor~oha. 6. ~ j. ,. Resolution firing On motiop .of Commieeioner Estop the resolution filing the order of buelneea ~ . order of buaineea, ? ~ Osgauleatioa moat- „far Organixatlon lfeotinR vsa adopted upon Dell of the roll by tbs following vote;. ! ~. y$ • ~- 1~' Yeae; Eaton, Gilbert,.Tu11y, B'i111ame and Katter~ohn. 6.~ ~ i , Resolution aeaign• `, On motlon of Commissioner Baton the resolution eaeigning the Commieaionere Y '! ing Commieaionere i; to the different departments was adopted ae read upon sell of the roll; by Lhe follow- to different depts., ~ - 4 a' ing vote; Yeas; Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, B'i111ame end Kattes~ohn, b. f ~' Commiealoner Gilbert nominated Commieeioner Eaton for liagor pro tom, and ~ • Nomination of j the nominatlon waa oloaed, and Commieeioner Eaton waa eleoted Mayor pro tam upon . Commmisaioner ~; aall oY the roll by the following vote; Yeae; Gilbert, Tully, W1111ama and S Eaton for Mayor. , ' pro tem. ~, Katter~ohn. 4. ,Commieeioner Eaton not poting, f ~ ,"... ;~, ~Mayor'e addreae ~~ On motion of Commiaaionar Eaton. the Mayor's address waa received and.filsd; . Yeae .. 6, ! , ~; Commieeioner Eaton read the following Ordinanos;"riN ORDINANCE PRBSCRIBINGj Osdinanos pre• ~ RULES FOR THE BO..RD OF Cpi3M235I0NaR3 OF THE OITY OF PADUCaH, Kh~ TUCKX; FIXING THE I ' soribina rules for Board of Commies- TIME FOR BOLDING REGULAR MEETINGS OF SAID BOARD, dND REPEi-LINC ALL RULE9 iND . ion3rs~ fisina time ~ for ho181nr regn• ', ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREP+ITB." Said Ordinanoe was adopted and glven its .. ' lar meetinga• peaesgs upon Dell of the roll by Lhe follotirinR vote; Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, I „ - Williams and Katter~ohn. b. . n,,, '' "'+ On motion the Board adjourned to meot at E o'olook P. M. January bth,.19E0,:{ ; Yeas ~ ~.G'y ~ .. cos ci..r - Md7~T0~: !'' - JANUAI?Y bth,_19L0. • ~ pt an adjourned meeting of the Board oY Commieaionere, held in the i Commieaionere' Chamber in Lhe City Ball. Paduoah, Kentuolry, at E o'alook P. M. :$ :.<, Jennary bth, 1820;.thoae preeont were Commieaionere Eaton, ,Tully, 8illiams, Gilbert I • { and Mayor Batter~ohn. b. ~tt + On motion of Commissioner Tully the nailed meeting of January bth, 19k0 i } '' i; at 9 A. H. was adopted and read January bth, 1920. Yeae 6. } . ~ , ! ~ , On motion oY Commieeioner Gilbert the oommunioation from The. Even-Litn Sven•L1te Co ~ CommunioaLloa. ~ Company waa deferred Yor further lnveetigation, Yeae b. Caspentera' On motion of Commlasioner Gilbert the oommunioation from the Carpenters' f- Union oommnnios Ualon was reoeive4 and filed. ~Ysae.S. Lion. ` 4 ' Oommiaeioner Gilbert offered the following motion; That the rseignatioa }} ,. D. D..itohiaon ':. Reeigpation, ~ of D. D. Atohison as StresL Inepeotor be aoospted; said motion was oarrisd upon ~ } ' Dell oY the roll, Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, 141113ama and Kattar,i,ohn. 6. ; On motion of Coawiaeloner Eator. the oonwmnioation fro m:Ilaltar Yaughn t ~ Walter yeuahn ( in regard to h1a Popoorn arena waa reoelved and filed. Yeae b. t i oommun oa ion.~ ~~ Commtaaioner Tully offered the following motion;'That Lhe appointc;ent of .• E ~. 4 Appointment' George pahlaohlaeger to carve op the Board of Supergisore be approved; oarried upon • Gao. 06hlp~h• ; I . ' f 1 laeger. `I Dell of the roll. Yeaa, Eaton, Gilbert. Tully, 6illiame and Katter~ohn. 6. ' ! "'~ ~ •s .~ . ~+ _. ~_ •_-- .-~ .,_~,_ , <-:,. I 1 _•nx~~ ~~~:~~w~:rd x i.J.~sJnr ,a. ~ l,i.. , ~ i ~_ ~ i ~ .. r `, ~ `! , .~ ' .. ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~.'~'!.v.-.+-~~u.. .a. ~~ + .+ .an. gas ....way..-f+4.. ~..a,..~a...~_.tti. ... ... ~_ .....r... a ..Y 51...E \ // <~~~~ No .7_:P..lQ_ , . . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah '~`'F 19~P-^ Commissioner Eaton read an ordinanoa entitled APl ORDINANCE DETERMINING J 0ordinanoo do ~ --•-"; termiaing the a 1 ~ . iun~tion~ o~ ~, TIiS FUNCTIONS OF THE DEPARTEiENT3 OF PUBLIC BFFAIRS, PUBLIO FINANCE, PUBLIC 3eFSTY. } rer oue ep e., PUBLIO 6'ORBS dilD pUBLIO pROPSRY, AND PRESCRIBING THE DUa^IES OF THE COIOdISSIONERS ~ 6 ~ tea: y OF THE CITY OF pADUCA$, SBNTUCBY." On motion said ordinance was adopted se read I ~ • a., upon Dell of the ro21. ?sae, Eaton, Gilbert. Tully and SillieIDS, 4. ~ li ~ . • Nave, Satterjoha,- 1. 4 ' . J ~ Commissioner Eaton read an ordinance entitled pAN ORDINANCE CREATING THE •{ ' i; Ordinance ° POSITION OF CITY STENOGRAPHER, PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES AND FI%ING ARE 00ISPEN3AT10N. Granting ppeel Lion of Oity i~ THEREOF, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT iRS~iSR'ITR." Said ordinance wan ' Htsnographar.• :adopted ae read upon os13 of the roil; Yeae, Eaton; Gilbert, Tally, 1Plhiem6 and ~ .Katterjohn. 6. i • ~ A~ f Comoiiasioner Eaton read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE ?• , '~ Ordinance ~ P09I`1ZON OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIO YPII'FOV:GY3Na^S, PRE30RIBINC :HE DUTIES AND FIEING ~ Creating poet Lion of Supt. THE COMPENSA^, ION ^aREREOF. AND REPEALING AI.L ORDINANCES YdJ CONFLICT TfiEREiCITR." Oa f j -: public I rove J' - ~ f manta. ~ ~~ motion said ordinance wen adopted as read upon Dell of the roll, Yeaa, Eaton, Gilbsrti •. , e '. 8 4'~. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn. 6. 4 Qommieeioner Tully road an ordinance entitled °AN ORDINANCE CRR.:TING THE i. :'ORDINANCE ~~ P09ITIOII OF CITY ATi0RN3Y: PRE3CRI$ING'THE DUTI35 AND FIXING THS CCiiPENSATION THERE- f Granting poet-~•,•: tlon of City ~ OF, .AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT TiiSREB'ITH." On motion said ordinance Atty. h; was adopted ae read upon call of the roll. Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert; Tnily and Eillinma. ~ .. _; ~ 4. Nays, Batterjohn,- 1. j {~ Commissioner Eaton read an ordinance entitled "API. ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ~ mm n+ _ 1 ~ . ~Ordinanoe ..THE APPOINT}TdNT'OF CERTAIN OFFICERS, AGENTS. AND Ef1PL0YEES OP''TRE CITY OF pADUCAR. ~ • providing .for ~ ~ ~ :' certain offi= AND PRESCRIBING THE DUTI83. AND FIXING THE COIfPENSitTION TRTi::OF. AND REPEALING ALL ` oars, etc, of '~ ' City of padnoah ,ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREBITH." On motion said ordinance was adopted as read jE on Dell of the roll. Yeas. Eaton, G1lbort, Tully, Williams and Hetterjoha, b. ;, ~. ~ 0ommisaioner Eaton offered the followinP motion; That 1,Irs. Llsttie Rerndon ,, •Appointment ~ `.: be and le hereby appointed City Stenographer; carried upon Dell of the roll, Yeas. ~! `t I ISrs. liattie - ~! i Rerndon, City ',; Eaton. Gilbert, Tully, Williams and P;atterjohn. b. i `; Stenographer. g jj x.,:, Commissioner Eaton offered the following .motion: That Renieq Franklin De, j . ~,' ~.` ~ Appointment ~, and ie hereby,appointed Chief of police;. carried upon oelt oY•the roll. Yeap. SsLOn, Henley Franklin , Chief of police,- Tully, Gilbert. and B'iiliams. 4. Nays, Satterjohn,-1. i. _ C Commissioner Tu11y offered the following motion: That T. N. liazelip bs 'Appointment . . -T. N. Heaellp; eppolnLed to the position of City Attorney. Mayor Batterjotui dealared.eaid motion alts Atty. I ;. out of order. Commissioner Tully, with Lhe power invested fn him, and the motion i being duly seconded, ordered the Clerk to call the roll. Said nation was carried ~ t upon Dell of the roll, Yeae, EsLoa, Gilbert. Tully and Williams,- 4. gettsrjoha ~ . not voting. ~ ~ ~ @!-. ~~ ~ Oommieaioner Gilbert offered the followinJr motion; TTiat Mo0lsia Mitchell ~ "Appointment, Mo0laia Mitohe7l. be and ie hereby appointed Superintendent of Pnblio Improsements; oarri ed npon Dell 9upt• public ~ _ Improvements. of tae roll, Yeae, Baton; Gilbert, Tnily. Williams and BatLerjohn.• 6. . t ~~. a i• On motion the Hoard adjourned. 'Yeas b. ~ i`; ~-~ i ~ I ~• y' ~~ .~ ~ -;~;FPRO~~ . . . , or ;~ . Z 1 ..:.,..w t- ...,t •. ~ ~, ~ .. t• ~.. ... .r... .. ~.,. .. ... ., •,.•.._ ~ i, r .. i } i .. ~ i i ~ ~ ._ .. _ _ .. ;. .:,~ , ,. . ~, . ~ .. . ~ p ,~~: F 1 , 2 •: , Commissioner's Proceedings, City of PBdueah3annarv s. 1920 "L1j_ ` JADIUARY 8th, 1920. 1 r , ' At a osllad mest.iag of the Board of Commissioners, held 1n the Commiasioner8'.ChamDer j . ~, ~ in the City Hall, January Bth, 1920, at 4 O'olook P. M. "Those present sere Commie- ! ' aioners Eaton, Gilbert, tilliams, Tully and lfayor 3Latter~ohn: 5. Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for oell to-wit;. To reaeiva the report of !. . fx„a„J~_'. Auditor Smith and tho report of Commissioner of Finanae Yor 1919,. and"any other i 'buslnoas that ;vey some before the Board, #; .. i ?~~ Report John D. Commissioner gully of re red the folloa3na'motion: That the report of John j Smith, in re, rorort Cor^rr, of D. Smith, ..noountant, in regard to the auflit of tie books and reoords in the depart- ~. Finanoe :ally for 1919, ? ment of the Commissioner of Finanoe for the year 1919 be rooeived and filed, and ~ ;.ordered ublished in the OYfioiel Llawspa r p per. Adopted upon oall~f the roll, .yeas, Saton, Gilbert, Tully, C'i111ams and Katter3ohn. 5, r. ' ' ~' Commissioner ;ally ofYerad the Yollouing motign; That the reports of the i Report Commr. of ~ _ • Finanoe reoeived, Commissioner of Finanoe for the year 1919 be rooeivod anal Yiled, and~that the Commis. ' - filed and published, .b' stoner oY Finanae be instruatad to have 500 oopias of sans published in phamplet form ;`" Yor distrib¢tion. Adopted upon Dail o Y the roll, yeas, Sato n, Gilbert, Tully, ~"_. •;}Gilliams and Katter~ohn, 5, i } On motion tr~a Board adjourned, Yeas, 5. ~ ~ kls~pi - iO~Q dPPRO s d ~ i i i { i . t !~ '~ ~ i ~. . . i `- e .. F f, e ~ ~ANQARY 12th, 1920. ~: i. At a regular meetinK of the Board of Corte~isalonera held in the Commiasionera~ P Chamber in the Gity Hall January 12th. 1920; those present were Cgmmiaslonere Satoa, ~ •. ~-.. ., ;Tully. P~illiama and Mayor Ratter~ohn. 4. ~ ' • Diiaates of the previous meeting stand ae read. { Appointment L'ias Commissioner Tully offered the Yollowing motion: That the appointment oY i Boike to assist in .' Misa Teresa Boike to assist in the oYflaa of Commissioner oY Finanoe temporarily bo ~ •reasurar's offioe;. ~ - b" , confirmed, Adopted yeas 4, Commissioner Tully offered Lhe following motion; That the bill of John D. ~. 611owanoe oY bill ` '' ' John D. Smith for Smith for awaiting the books oY the City of Padnoah for the year 1919, amonnting to aunitinp hooka Yor 1919. $100.00 be slloa~ed, and that the money be appropriated irgm the general funds sad .. the payment of the same approved. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Saton, Tully. "-4 ,`• .~._ r~iliiama ana Katter~ohn. 4. ~ ~' ~ 4 Commissioner Tully offered the following. motion: That the resignation i RealPnatlon C Z of C, L. vanMeter ea a member of the board oY supervisors be accepted. Adopted yeas 1 Van}:eter, Board of Supervisors, 3, ~ ~ , M" . ' Commissioner Tally offered the following motion; That the appointment oY ~ Appointment C. !:. C. R.. JenninRe ae a member of the Board of Supervisors be ratified, Adopted yeas ~ , JenninFa, Boarcl of 40 ~ Suparriaora, Commissioner Tully offered the foliowinv motion: The sum oY R30.00 having ~... been paid into the Treasury as evidenced by the receipt filed herewith, I move that Cemetery deed to ° , Sd 9iooda, ~ deed be eseontea to Sd 1'ooda Yor lot No. 14 in look No. 2 on the East aide of ~ w P: Miller Street, between Foad and Hannan Streets iA Oak Grove Cemetery. Carried yeas 4 ~~ ~~~ ~(• _ ~- - ~ ' ~ ., ~ l ~ ~ t j- ~ ~ ,: n. - C i.~ ,.C: u... .. - ~ .~. ~ '. I ~~ - ,~" - Sn. - - M- h-,4"`m,` nXX'y"y~'~S~"?~..'~..~4{i4e~;'..., i ~ Fc r ., Y ~ :. • ~ ' / ( ' • f . . ...~ •., p _ r _ : _~~ ~ N ~ - ~~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City Of Paducah January 17th, 1920.191_ t' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The amy of $30.00 basins ; .# Cemetery deed been ,paid into the Treeanry ea svidenoed by the receipt filed herewith, I move that j .. ..:--~ to 1S. J. 6riei deed be eaeonted to !S. d. Grief for lot No. 83 in B3ock No. H on the North side .of ;; , Baker Street. pet:veen Ford and Hannan Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Carried yeas ~. Commissioaer Tully offered the followinP motion; That the commnniaation { - '," r.• i Z. D. Potter oP L. D. Potter with reference to renting the farm known ea Jaokaon Hill be referred oomcmnioation to the Commissioner oY Property. Carried yeas 4. !~ reference rent=. ~..ing Jackson Hill.. ~ Commissioner Tally read an ordinance entitled AN ORDIN:.NCS I3SUYHG BONDS ~, `' ~ FOR TH3 BURFOSE OF CONS^aRUCTIIiG nLiD REpi-IRING 3CHOmI. PROPERTY ACCiB.IR&D AitD` TO BE E _ ~. ACQUIR3D,FOF. :H3 SCHOOLS OF PADUCAH.KENTUCKY.AND TO PROYED3 FOR THE PAYISJNT OF ~. School Hond Ordineaoe INTEF.EST ON SAID BONDSAND TO GREATS A SINKYNG FUND FOR SSg-PAYm&9T.CF'3AID.BCMDS AT MATURITY. ,: On motion of Commissioner ^sully said ordinance was given its passage, neon call of ~: a; the roll, yeas Eaton, Tally, Williams and Bstter~ohn. 4. ,.,, . '~~ Opinion City Commissioner Tally offered the following motion: That the opinion of the .Atty. reference Lioenes Ordi~ !: City Attorney wish reference Lo the Lioenas Ordinance be received and filed. Carried ~ yeas 4. ~ • ~~ On motion the BoarB ad~onrned, .vase 4. ~ ~- APPROV~7I3 G . t~1 ° --+..r ! . ` / 1ttdXOlt. i cs°s "' ~ i '. - i• ; ,.. JANUARY 17th. 1920. ~ ; f`°"'^ At a called meeting of the Hoard oY Commissioners, held in the Commiaaionera° rj ._._i~ ,~' -, } Chamber in trie City Hall, January 17th, 1920. at 11 0°olook A. 1I. Those present d were Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Rilliema and Kayor Katterfohn. ~ i~. ' ''Heaolutioa of The bSayor stated his reasons for call, to-wit: To adopt a resolution of ,,:thanks Bernhsim thanks to Bernheim Brothers, ana 'the resolution extending lima oP the Board of ~ •. :. Broe. ; Snperviaora, and receiving and filing the oommnnioation of the Newe-Democrat and Sun Publishing Company, and to adopt s resolution appointing the paduoah Evening Sun ' { " se the official paper for the year 1920, and viving the Commissioner of public t~orks j ;:,~~ instruotiona to alose contrast with the Austin iFsatern Road ISeohinery Company for j `=r road rolls;. 1 i - ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the oompeaeation of . VEztention of ~ ~ -time Board of y the respective memoers oY the Board of Supervisors be fixed at $b.00 per day. Adopted. Supervisors. upon cell oY the roll, yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, fi~illiama and Ratter~ohn. b. , and compensation. ' - Commiaeloner Tully offered the following motion: That the time be extended ': ` ' Yor session oY the Board of Supervisors. Adopted as read upon call of the roll, 'j ~- yeea, Eaton.. Gilbert, Tully; Rilliams and Katter,ohn. 5. On motion oY Commissioner Eaton a resolntion oY thanks to I. F. end Bernard ~- 3 , •' Bernheim Broe. Bernheim was adopted as read upon call oY the roll. yeas, Baton. Gilbert, Tully, t ih'i111ama and gatterjohn. b, - On motion of Commissioner Tully a resolution designating the paduoah Evening padnoah Even- gnn as the offiaiel newspaper for the City of Padnoah, Kentucky. far the year 1920 - Sun as official newspaper. wsa adopted ea read upon Dail of the roli, yeas. Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, SYilliama end 'i ~.• L gyp' KatterJohn. 6. ,. On motion of Commissioner Tally the communication from the Newe-Democrat and . Agreement Sun the Sun Pnbiiahing Company in regard to their agreement wee received and filed. Yaee •`Publishing Co. ,F - and Newe-Demo-1 b. _ Orat• n _. .. .~ ~ .~ ' ((i f ` r . 1 . • • < .:. ', _''' ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadacah_~~+n~s 1?tbL,19EO.191._ JANOARY 19th, 1880 (Oontinusd~ { .. Oommiesionsr Gilbsst ofisrsd the following motions That the Commissioner o! '}' Oontraot wish Austin ` Pablio corks be instruotad to oloae oontraot with tae Austin Geetern Road Idaohinsry Lsetern Goad Dleohinsry Co { for road roller. f. Oompaq~r,for trial order, for one puetion Road Rol U r elth Soariliar attaohment aL a ~ • `,~ prior of $b,b00.00. Adopted upon osll of the roll, yeas;' $aton, Gilbert,. Tally, I ~ IPilliams and Ratter~ohn. 6. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ l :, .t , ! On motion the Board ad~ournsd, yeas 6. ~ ~ { • ; ~ MAYOR. ~ ~ .~~ ~ . i. JANUAR 19th 1980. ! ;;.~ y' ,• i ' '~ pt o regular meeting of the Board of Oommisaionsre held in the Commie- !; .' ',` sinuses' Ohambor in the City Hall, January 19th, i9R0. Those present wore Commlesion ere $aton, Gilbert, Tully, Gilliema and Hayor Katter~oha. 6,' ~ On motion the minutes oY previous meetinea wore adopted as read, Yeao 6, .~., ~ i ~ On motion of Commleaioner L•aton the oommunioation from. the Plumbers m j Plumbers & Steaelfittsre i `, Onion X184 Communloatlon. w 9teamPitters Union, No. 184, in regara to the Sewer Inapeotos was rsoeived and filed, i~ . . f and referees to the Commiealoner oY Publio Gorke. Ysae b. + x. I ,~•" • On motion of Commissioner Eaton Lhe oomcunioation from ices. Georgia E ' iire, GsorPie Hayes " Beyer, in regard to the City Stables, was referred to the Commissioner of PuUlio ' - oommunioation. ~ , property. Yeas 6. ' On motion of Commissioner ?:atop tae oommunic-atioa from Chief 91auRhLer '~ Chief 91anRhter oommunioa.' r Lion. in reRerd to the puroheae of s oar was ;eoeivad end filed, Ysae b. r': ,. On motion of Commissioner Gilbert the oommunioation from property owners I " Communioatlon property ~, ;; ovmere 19th & Harrison $t, in rapara to a atrset light at 19th & Harrison Streata wee referred Lo Lhe Supt, of '• . :; Lhs LSaht Plant, Ysea 6. ~ . ! Commissioner Tully ofigrad the follova ng motion; T.haL C.. Y. EBLOp, s , t; Commissioner oY Publio SaYety, be authorised Lo oonfer with Lhs representatives of III <k ` the other aeoond olesa oitiea oY the State,oi Kantuolry, and to attend oonYersaaea j ;? W. V. Saton authorized to ~: ' ?` attend General Assembly. ~ with the repreeantativaa oY sacs oitiea at auoh plans or planes ae euoh doAYerenosa i of Rentnoky and other non- Yerenoee, may be arranged, ana for the purpose oY oonaidering Headed end penning lsgialation ! i ', eYYeotinR the welYara oY Sala oitiea, ann that he be authorized Lo appear De Yo re Lhe ~:_, , ~' General assembly oY Kentnoky, os any sommittae or member Lhareof, ea repreeent~tivs i r ' • !'. of the City of Paduoah, Yor Lne purpose or procuring aonsiaeraLlon of Headed legie- ! , ' lation ana for opposing harmYul legislation that might be presented Lo the General ',, assembly of Kentuoky. Adoptea upon sell oY the roll, yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully. a. {71111ama and Retter~ohn. b. `'s: ~ * Commissioner Tully offeraa the YollowinR motion; That the report bf ~ ~~~ F Commanioation T. N. Hazelir ;i City ALty, in re; J. Bell Thomas N. Hazelip, City Attorney, reverdina the suit of J. Ball Gardner ve, City of ~rdner va City of Fadaoah.' , ~'. i paduoah, be reoeived and riles. Adopted upon oaii of the roll, yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, `, Tully and C'i111ama. 4. Nay e, Xatter~ohn. 1. ! .:' ,~ , ~;,y' Commissioner Tully offered Lhe following motion; Thal the eooounts for }, Allowoaos ao.oonnts Yirst the first halt of the month oY January 1920 ae per report of the Commiaeionsr of `;; half January 1920. j Finanoe filed herewith, amounLinR to $8b94.b0, bs allowed and orde;ed.pald, and,thut the money bs appropriated from Lhs general Yund to pay cams, Adopted upon nail of .=i . ~' the roll, yeas, Eaton, CSlbert, Tully, flilliame and Ratter~ohn. b, i ~ .;i' `~ .Oommiealoner Eaton ofYerea the following motion; That Lhe City health ~ ,'.. CSty.HSalth oYfioese, eto.!: pertynaa dept. pnD11o pro.}, pfiioera, City physioiane, Sleet 4nd Milk Inapeotosa, Sanitary Inepeotore ana all ~ •'' t,, ~ - 1 ~ .: '. . ! 'I ~. .~ r No.~ '~ • Commissioner's Proceedings,. City of Paducah aannarq 19th, 19zo.191_ •... ~• other employees not espresalq heretofore aeaiPned to Brw pertioular department of the' { _ Citq Gavsranent be now hereby eaeignea to the Department of Publio properLq> Adopted - '' upon Dell of the roil, gees, Eaton,. Gilbert, fully, Rilliama end 8atter~ohn, b. ' , .E- . Commieaioner Ta11g rasa an ordinanoe entitles,"aN OADIN6NC8 REGULATING ~ .,;: . . 'i.Ordinanoe raga- THB as^IIiE OF PAYING nLL APPOINTIVE CITY F1iPL0YEES OF PADUCAH: On motion said ordi- { - lnting time of i ' . '.payment appoln- nanoe was given its passage upon sell of the roll, gees, Baton, Giibert, Tully, tive city Em- j plogese. Williams and Katter~oha. 6.• , , Oommieaioner Eaton.Reea an ordinanoe entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING ~ ti• yOrdinanoe pro- FOF ^aH3 PAYbt3NT OF PAEltIULi3.ON OFFICIAL BONDS OF ALL PUBLIC OFFICBR3 AND'EEtPL0YE33 vld3ag pegmenL r "premiums pffioi- OP' THE CITY OF PADUCAH, WHEtt THS SUAETI°•S IN SUCH i30ND3 ARE INCORPORSTBD SURET7 OA i ' el Bonds, eto. ~ .. BOND COSSQANIES." On motion said ordinanoe was adopted upon Dell of Lde roll gees • Eaton, 611bert, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn. ,b. `~ " CE E TI G T " ( di ti l LA N Qommieaiones Eaton read an ordi nanoe.enLitled, AN ORDINAN R O . aanos re a n Or Polios powers. g THB GRANTING AND EXBRCIS.°. OF POLICE P0~3R8 IN 4HE CITY OF PADUCAH." On motion said.; • •. ordinenoe was Given its paeeaRe upon Dell of the roll, gees, Eaton, GilDert,.Tnlly, '•~' ;~• ,. . Williams and Satter'ohn. 6, - •~' On motion the Board ad~onrnsd. 7ssa b. ' r, r Ac3;~-~ 6u APPRO tc ~' ~ j • .. a ~~'' 77~WWRR ~ _ v. . JANUARY 21st. 1920... + ~~ At a oalled meeting of the Board of Commie eionere, held Jannarq 21st, 1920 ' .. °. i i; aL 3 O'olook P. H., in the Commiesioaera' Criembere, those present were Commissioners ? ~~~' ': Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Ltagor Katter~ohn. 4. `•~" r ' The itnyor read roeaone for Dell, to-wit; "pursuant to Lhe request rs- f - oei.ded from the Central Labor Union, aakinp: for a meeting of Lhe City Commiaeioaere ~ . '_~tsgor'a reasoae •"for gall. at 3 O'olook this after mon, for the purpose of protesting aasinsL the illegal die- , ~; oharge or demotion of aitq employees, eto., qon era hereby oalled into apeoiel session `;' 'N aL 8 O'olook p. id. Januerq 21st, 1920, .for the purpose of aonsiaering the protest and , 't^ other matters presented bq the representatives of safe Central Labor Union." On mo- , n. S tioh•of Hagor Katter,ohn Lhe request of the Central Labor Union wen reoaived sad fiied.~ , ' ,~, Yess J. Qommiseioner Tnliq entered Lhe meeting. ~ " Communioation Commissioner Tully offered the following motionr That the oommnnioation ~ ;Central Labor Union reoaived of the Central Labor Union be reoaived and filed and sot ion an same deferred to await k filed. ' return of Commieaioner Eaton. Adopted gees 4. On mots on the board ed~onrned. Yeas 4. t , adopio `~ Sia~ ~ -.: J -r ROV13~J ~. . ~ ~i ~ '~ - `..~.••'" ... _.. i n YON- • Je? f ... ; ,~ - o Y , , • ;. i ' ,. . ,; • ~ . ~ . g k . .. ~ _ ~ 7 ! _J L ^..-^~, ~. I . ~~*~ l ~' { • i. -f-- ,, r i .•.: JY :;, ,. CiOll7Tl11SSlOACI'8 PTOCBCd11TgS~ City Of Paduosh ian~UsHY 26th ,1920 jqj_ ~^ JeDIUnFiY 26th. 1920 + ~ At a regular meeting of the Hoard of Commieaionere held in the Commiaeionere' r ~ ' 'i. ~ Chamber in the City Hall January 26th, 1920. Thoas present were Commiesionere Eaton, ~ •! Cilbert, Tully, Cilliama and heyos Kattar~ohn. 6. •• j Commissioner Tuily offered the folloaing motion; lfhereaa, it le neoeseary, ~ i ~ Nsw.Typewriter to bs .' for the purpose of making oat the tax bills, that s new maohina be pusohaead, I move purohaeed by Com'r. of Finanos. ;, that the Commissioner of Finanoa be authorised to buy a naa~ typewriter or to exohenas t ~; one of the old maohfnea for a nay one, wiohovor in hie ~udnment is the most deairabls ~ s, ~:fos the City, Adopted upon Dell of Lha roll yeea, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, b'i111ama ' !. " (~' and Kattar~ohn. 6. 1 i ( '' •, • r Commissioner Tally,offered the folloaing motion; Thal sum of one dollar, as ~ . i X. D, aoark, dup13- !:required by ordlnenoa, having been pain into the Treasury as svidenosd by rso'eip6 ~ ! . F oatB.Csmetsry Deed, ~ ~ ' • "_ • P. hereyith Piled, I movq that a duplionts of sne dsed exeouted on February 10, 18H6 to ! • ~ ,`,Lot 43 1n blook °C", in OeY. Crove Cemetery, be laeued to T., D. Roark, the original ~ • .deed having been. destroyed. adopted upon Dell of. tna roll yeas., Eaton, Gilbert, •., • ' ~ Tully, G1111ama end Kattar~ohn. b. r' rp IIi Cofimieaioner Eaton offered the folloaing motion; That the Commissioner ~ . Pnsohaes of new auto- 1 {: of Publio Safety be authorised to lmmeaiately obtain bias on a enltable automobile ! '~'' mobile for Chief of : , Fire Department. i •,'for ueo oY the Chief oY the Fire Department; said D1da to lnolude the ooet of a ~ , ' ~ new oar and Lhe prioe that mould be alloyed by the dealer for the proaent oar noy ~ ,, ' ~' ~ •~~ in use by the Fire Chief, to be takon in ea a a eat on the usoheae P y~'~ p prior of a new ` . • ! ,.oar; said bids to be reported to the Board of Commissioners es soon ae convenient. ':ado Led u on Dell of the roll 1 p p yeea,- Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, 7~illisme and Katter~ohri. Qi . a. Commissioner Eaton offered the Pollowina motion; That the Commiaeioner.of ! i , . '~ ~<• ~Bmployment ISOtor iPublio Safety be authorized to employ a oompatent motor meohanio to taY.e oharge of I ., . lleoheaio for 1920. i; ''and superintend and perform all of the York neoeasary in maintaining motor repair ± shops for all motor veniolea belonging to the City; said motor meohanio to be under• I ;the Chief of the Fire Department, at a salary not to axoeed ~1b0.00 per month., ~ feffeotive as oY the 16th day of January 1920, adopted upon Dell of the roll, gees,. j r ;Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Cilliama and Katteraohn. b. 4 +' Commissioner Eaton offered the folloaing motion; That the folloaing offs- 1 • 7.ppointment G. M. ~' Dare and employees or the Polioe Department here toYora dealFnataa by the Commissioner ' ! ~~ ( . Dorris end E, Cr. Sts- }.,wart 88 patrolmen, and Of Publio Safety be nog appointed by tna Board OY Commiaeloriora, LO-R•it; G. 3t. Dorris ~ { , Hsnsy Hale as nllrht ~ . n patrol driver. ;ana E. ~.. Steuart ae patrolmen, and Henry Hale ae rii@ht patrol driver, adopted f ~ ?~ 8erritt ae flremon, ~ ~ i =x •.. d. Commissioner Yilliama offerea the .followinP- motion; That the Commissioner ;of Finanoe be inatruoted to pay the ~udement in favor oY J. Be11 Gardner avainat the Faye~ent 'udgemont J.Holl Gardner ve G1ty oY Paduoah, together vrith the bill of L;arahail Jonas for transoribina plaintiff~e ~ . •City of paduoah, , tovother rich bill of;svldanoe in the above atylea suit, ~udRment to be oharRod to the Spaolal 3ea•er Fund ~., i;arahall Jonas. i , sand t}:e goats, together r.~ith bill of Ltarahall Jones to be ohargaa to Coate and Suite ~~~: ,and the money appropriates from thane aooonnts 'to pay same, adopted upon Dell of •f ~F the roll, yeea,- Eaton, Gilbert, Tilllama ana KatLar~onn.- 4," Naya,Tully,-1. I sy • r Commissioner Gilbert offerea the Yolloe•inrr motion; That. the Supt. oY 6he r• t Street light 19th d City LiPht Plant be inatruoted to plane a li(rht at Lne irtteraeatipn oY 19th ands I Horrieon Sta. z . ii { y ''.,. ~ ;, .', (', • s~ r: .. , r; _ .• upon Dell of the roll, yoga,- Eaton, Gilbert, Tully ana t;illiame,- 4. Nays,- Katter- ~ ,,, ' ~ onn. 1. ~ Commissioner Eaton offered"tae following motion; That John Lt. Slaughter Appointment John M. ~be eleoted ae Chi of of the Fire Department, and that $. F. L".oCOrmiok, V. F. btaehmeysr S1anRhter es Chief oY, ~, •. Fire Dept, and Y.. F. :.and ;d Lierritt be eleoted ae firemen,' Adopted upon Dell of the roll yeea,- Eaton, LioCormioY., V. F. ' `'~ liaehmeyer and Ed ,Gilbert, Tully and t;illiama, 4. Nays Katterlohn 1 ~ ,. . . ~~ • - • Commissioner`s Proceedings, .City of Paducah 191_ . ~ t' Harrison Streets. •dopted upon call oY the roll yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally and. ~' ~ :: @ ~ ' ~illieme.-4. .Hays, Katter~ohn, 1. i U `.- ; On Notion the Board ad~onrned, yeas B.. fi _~ • 4. k ~ FrBRIIARY 2HD. 1920.. }! ' ~ -. , i, ilj r, ~ g At a regular mooting o4 the Board a4 Commission era ,held in tho Commisaionere'.~ '~~. Chamber in tho City Hall, Padnoah, Kentneky, February 2nd, 1920; those pre$ent were. ~ . Commiaelonora Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Yilliams and iJayar Katterfohn. b. '~ On motion o4.Commiasioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meeting were adopt-;, . {' 1 • ~ ed as read; yeas 6. I i Whet Ky. indus•~ Oomraiseioner Eaton o44ered.the 4ollowing motion; That the oommunioation 4rom ~: . trial College ~; ~ oommuaioation.,s the Weet Kentucky Industrial College ba received and 41Ted and xe4erred to the Mayor (; 4or attention. Yeas 8. >~OOfunusnioation .k. Oammisaionor baton o44ered the 4ollowing motion; That the oammusiiaation 4rom County Judge. , ~;. ~ ~•~Jsmes H. Lang. ,":County Judgo James H. Isng relation to the County Sanitorinm be rogeivod and Oiled. ~ Yeea b: ~: ' ~. ~`Coao>•ete side- t On motion o4.0ommissioner Gilbert the petition,Yrom prc~operty owners and reai- ~ _ walks, eta.. c . Noxth 12th St. :. donta in rogard to the concrete aidev+elks and gutters with granite~aurb abrosa old Fo Cairo Road. . • ,; Cairo. Road ou Ir'orth 12th Strout was reaoived and 411ed. Yeas b. ~' Commisaionor Tully o44ored tho 4ollowing motions .The sum o4 ;p30.00 having }l.'.W~,}ditJhell y•_beon paid into the troeavey, as ovidonoad by tho rooeipt 411ed horowith, I move that ! cemetery aaod : _ . ~s i! flood be oxocutod to R. YJ,. i33.tohol"1 4or Lot X91 in Illook i~2 on the north aide o4, Baker- { -~ ' _ ~ . ,. ;:`Strout botwoon Ford d;iiannan atroeta_, in Oak Grovo Oomatory. Adopted upon call 04 thol. w ~. roll yeas, };aeon, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Xattorjohn. b. " Commieeioner Tully o44erod the 4ollowing motions YYHEI2FAS, on the. 23rd day o4 i . r Doo. 191.8 s dead wen granted to .A. 2. Sohoening to lot X14 in Seation.2, on the east `: A. H.'Sohoening.j• r ~Oemetery de9d aide o4.hiiller street between Ford Bo. Hannan streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery, Whoa the i °:sorreoted. 8eefl should bade boon t.o lot alb in_Seotion 2, osi the oast aide o4 &iillor Street - ! ~~ between Ford & Hannan streets, I, move that the correction to this e44eot be made la '' !' the re.oorda o4 oak Grove Cemetery,. and that the deed issued to A. H. Sohoening be ~ '.. ~; oorrooted:. Adopted upon;oBll o4.the roll yeas, n"aton, Gilbert,, Tully, Williams. and i ~. ," Katterjohn. b. Cooaaissioner Tully s44ored the 4ollowing motion; It appearing that L. C. ! ..~ '~L. C. Yralker `Walker, 04 the Terrell Apartments, paid two .poll taxes 4or the year 1918, one on poll .+, :` poll tax p1.60 _re4uaded. m: reooipt ail and ono on poll tax receipt.;~b3, I mono that the sum o3 1.50 be re- ~ 4unded to him. Adopted upon Dell 04 the roll. yeas{ Faton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams j ': and ,matter john. 6• - ' ' Commissioner Tully o44ered the 4ollovring.•motian; That the deed o4 Young Taylor Trana4er o3 '' 'Young Taylor to~', to Jao. E: Gr1a4 oY this date,,oo~eying the rest ha14, 16 x 16 4t., 04 lot 279 in .•John E. Gria4 • :04 Oemetery lot: block "18" in Oak Groove Oemotery, be.rati4ied as per m itton request o4 Mr. Taylor, 1 `- end that said trana4or be recorded in the cemetery deed book. Adopted upon aa11 04 ii T ~~~tho roll yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Satterjohsi. 6.• ~ • r ' .. ;'` '; >::, y ,.: 4 ... ''r . ~ I ~ i. .. ~ .~ • ~' I .. } 1 - .. , ' .. ~. S ~• '6. . ~' • ~D~i~' •tlAl9"^»yb~^. .i C..'?A'Y1~`~ b xw 4 ~... .~' .. ?: ~ E[...- 1 ~ , i .. ..• ... ' .. ~ ,. 1 ' ' -..-.- _ ~.... .__~.••...~ ..,-~.~ aw v..~..... ... .W~..-.ate+.un.'.:.r'~ •+•.. .. rK,V~. 'iT _, . • xo.:l~Y-~ . ~ _ ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Febrnarv" 8nd 19pp Commissioner Hilbert offered tdia following motion; That the City Attorm y be . Sidovralk oonetruotion instruatod to bring in an ordinance Por the oonstruotion oP Concrete side. walks, ourb• ' N. 6th, 1.Iadie?n to Trimble i IL 7th " " " ing, Gutters, and drain pipes, also all necessary catch basins and intakes, if needed, j • It. Bth Mearae n " tI. 9th Ltonroe " " on the Yollowing* streets; North Sixth, Madison to Trimble. North Sonenth, Madison to Id. 11th, JeYPoraon to " •. "'. 13th, " " " Trimble. North fight, 'lton'roe~ to Trimble. North Ninth, bSonroe to Trimble.. North S, 7th Jac.'s m to Jones . )?road Yrom 5th St. Eleventh, JaYYoraon to Trimble. North Thirteen, JePYoraom td' Trimble. South Seventh ~ • Jackson to Jones. Broad Prom 5th Street. Adopted ycas b.••, .a` • +~ Commissioner Gilbert oYPered the Yollowing motion; That the City Attorney bring •~. Sidewalk oonatruotion is an ordiaanoe to oontiaue the•oonorota side-walk, curb, and gutter across the old j N. 12th St. Old Cairo .i . i;cad. Cairo Road on North 12th 3t. to conform with trio pa•esent typo oY oonatruotion, to ~ralieva the bad drainage in the locality oP 12th and Flournoy St., and charge the ~: ' ~ f • improvements to the abuttirg property holders. Adopted upon cell oP the roll, yeas, • Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, t'lilliama and Katter'ohn. 8. ~. • Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; That the City Attorney be '..•{ . Craval 14th St, lrom i. . •I{onroe to Clay. instructed to bring in an ordinance for the oonetrnotioa oY a graveled street on 19th: 'j.`•• ` ~Stroet Prom Monroe to Cloy. Adopted yeas b. Ij Commissioner Williams offered the Yollowing motion; That the resolution fixing ? Resolati~n Mixing , prices oP rooms River- ;prices oY.rooma and service at Riverside Hospital be adopted. Carried upon call of ! side Hospital. i .~ • the roll yeas, .Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and I{atter~ohn. b. • Commissioner Eaton oPfcred trio Yollowing aption; That the ordinance providing I •, Ordinance to purchase Por trio purchase oY an automobile Yor trio ChieY oY the ?•'ire Department lie over Yor ! a~.ito. Por Firc C)~1oY. ~ consideration to the next regular mooting oY the Board oP Commieaionore. Adapted n':; . '.yeas b. ~ • ~ . ... . • '! Commiaaioaer Eaton oPYerad trio following motion; 'Brief trio rules and regulations I+ •. r, 'governing the employment, removal, suspension and dismissal oP men in the Fire Depart- ; ' • Rules &• ttegula,tions j Civil Service, Fire invent of Paducah, which have heretofore been promulgated by trio Commissioner oY Pablio ~ ~ • Department. ~ • ~•. Safety, and approved by.him on January 28th, 1920, be now adopted by. the Hoard oY •. Commiesionora and spread upon the record oP trio proceedings of the Board.of Commis- ' • + 'sionera, to bane the same eYYoot as ea ordinance. Adopted upon call oP the roll yeas Eaton, Gilberts Tully, Williams and I;atter~ohn. 8. Said Rules and Regulations are ~ - • . ,,. i ea follows, to-wit; • "i• "RULES GOVERNING THE ETSPLOY1:iENT REIrtOVAL SUSPEITSION. i ` • ' AND DISIIISSAL OF I.:~It IN THE FIRi DEYARTLL~ItT OF PADU- ` •1 CAR, IC~..1tTUCIa'Y. F,;„.:. r PART 1•. ' BULL'S GOVI1~.IlIIdC EI11f'LOYIS~iT. 't.'. '1. All applicants Por smploymmt as members oP the Fire Department shall be examineA !~ •• ~ by the Board oYnc~aminera. Said Board oP Eycaminors shall consist oY the Commis- ' • aionor oY Public Safety, the ChioP oY trio Firo Department and one physician to be ~, selected by them, and one Piroman who shall be selected bg the members o! the Fire; Department. `R. All applications shall be in vn•iting and tiled with trio Commissioner oP Pttblio Safety;-and trio Board of Examiners shall con dew L• its examinations once eaoh month,': ` 6' or as often as may be tteooasary. • 'S. Ito applicant will be eooeotod vdto is not oY ;;cod moral character, or vrho is under twenty-ono years aP age. or over Yorty~-Pius years oP ago, or who is not physiaallyi • or mentally able to perform trio duties inoidcnt to his employment. ' 4. Said Board of raceminera shall re~eot all applicants Who are usable to Purniah ;' satisYaotory evidence oP good character, or who may have infectious or oontageous ~•, diseases, or who are unable to read and write the English language; or who may ! _ belong to any society, association or organization that is disloyal to the United States, or whose principles, rules, or laws axe in conflict with the laws oP this i..' State. - • b. The medical examination oP eaoh applicant shall include a complete iaenootion oP ~ hie head, neck, body and extremities; hie eyes, ears nose throat, proper teats • oY his heart and lungs; cheat measia•omonta at expana~on anc~ contraction; mantel i" end physical development, and general condition oY health. ~ 6.. In grading appllcants a perfect grade shall be based upon the following; moral +, oharaeter; 33 1/3 S; physical fitness, 33.1/3~; and mental qualifications, 33 1/3%.x; ' The examinations and gradings oP eaoh applicant shall. be ma de. 'by trio Board oY • examiners, and must be agreed to and signed by at least two members oP said Board.; ~d;._ 7. Applicants shall be listed Por appointment in the order oY their grades or general ~~'':':- • ~ averages,- that is, the ones having the best grades or anorage grades shall be . eligible Por anpointment Yirat. But no man shall ba appointed wlio la personall ~ .. y ~. ~ .,, ,• • - .5 .,, ..,., .,.:. .. ...t .. o-„. s+f:?* ~~ti'~?~vtT';^"i^.~YL~YR1T9T='~:a- ~ - .... No.~9~ • Co issioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_. ob.ieotionable to the men of the Station where auoh appointee is to serve. But in • suah canes the firemen ob~eoting.to the appointment shall state their ob~eotions in ,. writing, and cause same to be delivered to the aommiaeioner of Public Safety. If ' • the Commissioner of Public Safety'be o4 opinion that said objeationa are well found-~ • ed, then said applicant shall not be appointed; but ii' the Commissioner of Public { Safety be in doubt as to-the merits of such ob~eotiona he may aanae same to be in- veatigatod by the Board of Coromisaionera Whose notion is the matter shall be final. ' If said ob~eotiona appear to be oaptiotua, frivolous or without merit, they will be '', disregarded by the Commisaionor,of Public Safety. ~. ~, II 8a The provisions of these 'Rules Governing Employment' shall not apply to" men now j •.• ", J woxking in the Fire Department; but shall only apply to those whq may hereafter ; . A seek employment in the Fire Department. And should thorn be a vacancy or vaoanoias.i ~ . ~, k to be filled, and no applicant hsa been examined or gtu3lified.ae herein provided; • then auoh vaoanoies may be filled by temporary.employmont until qualified persona 4 ~ " - F have be on found to aooept auoh positions. But the provisions of these Rules shall ? ~ " • also apply to temporary employments, so far ea a.pplioable. • PART 11. ~ ' RULES AND REGULATIOIiS FOI3 THE TRIAL REISOVAL DIStiISSAL OR SUSPEITSIObt "; OF Ob'~'ICERS, 1,TIAiB1•;RS aIID 1;I.IPL07CGl;S,OF THE~FIRE DEPAItTI,li:11T. ~;1• Teo offioor, momhor or omployeo of the Fire Department shall be removed, dismiss-i • ~ ed; or suspended until written ohargoe have boon made or pa•oforrod against him, nor shall ho bo removed or dismissed until suah ohargoe have boon examined, heard, is-''' ~'- veatigatod and suataine,d by, the Board of Coromissionera. ilhen charges have been made, f or pr oferrod agsinat nn officer, member or employee of the Pire Department, the Commissioner of Public Safety shall immediately investigate said charges, and if it appear that the interests of the Piro Department require it, ho shall temporarily i suspend said member or omployeo.ponain~; a trial of said charges by the Board of • Commissioners. But in such ease the officer, member or employee so suspended shall I' • bo given an immediate trial. i • ; E; All ohargea against officers, members and employees of the Fire Department shall' • - y be filed with the Commissioner of Public Safety; and notice shall be .given the ! officer, member or employee that said charges have been filed; but such notiao need not state the oontonta or aubstanoe of the charges. Such .notice shall be sufficient. • if it inform the officer; member or employee that charges have been filed agsinat • ., him, and advise him of 'the time and place of trial. .. '$. Any officer, member or employee 'of the-Fire Department shall stand diamisaed•or i removed from the eervioe and employment who"upon his trial is found to bo guilty of drunkenness, drinkinry intoxicating liquors While on duty, violation of a.~y rule or • the Department, oommiasion of any offense agsinat'tho law, immoral conduct, nonduot ` unbecoming an offioor or employee of the city, neglect of duty, disloyalty to the ' State or United Statoa Government, aisobedienoe of orders, disrespect to superior offioera, or inability to perform the duties portainiriq to the employment of the department o4 such employee. Pernicious political activity shall bo oauae for die-"! `;~ missal of ah offioor momhor or employe o. • ' 4. Upon the tri~.l o~ said ohargea if the Board of Commisaionora be in doubt as to vJhothor the ofeonso oommityed and proven is snoh as to warrant the removal or di~- '"~, _ mis.eal, the Board may suspend suah officer,.member or employee for auoh' length of time no it may doom proper. i6. All trials by tYeo Board of Commissionora shall bo public, and the aacusod offi- nor, or employes shall have the right to bo ropxosontod by counsel ana to Dell and introduoo witnoi~soa in dcfonao of the ohargea proforrad ag~:.inst him; but no ploadingi • or response to auoh ohargoe shall bo.roquirod. It shall require the affirmative • votoo of at inset t]n•oo of the Board of Commiasionors to.sustain ohargoe against an offioor or omployeo, whon"eamo is tried by said .Boar d. ;d. 'Pernicious politiaal.aotivity' shall consist of engagisiq in the conduct of any political campaign-, "or taking an native.part therein by any offiaer, member or , employee of the Firo Department, but aha7,1 not apply to the.right to veto. "7. Chargaa mny bo proforroa by any person having lmowlodgo or information of the ; facts oonetituting the nwttora complained of; and they ohsll bo addresses to nad filed with the Commieeionor of Public Safety; and all notices of hearings thereon shall be given by said" Conraissioner. 8. The Chief of the Fire Department may assign offioei•s, members or employees to # auoh duty in said Department ea in hie judgment will boat promote the effioienay •! of said Department. APProved..Janvary.2gth~:1920. W. Y. EATON, Commissioner of Pubiia Safety." Cemmisaioner Eaton offered the following motions That the oommnnioation from ' Communication '!the Board of Education relative to the 80 Qent Levy for. interest and sinking fund be Board of Eduoa= tion 20~ Levy. ';refer.rea to 4he City Attorney 4vith request for him to report in writing on the legality; ` oP the questions presented therein. Adopted yeas 6. ' Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motions That the oommunioation of the .. Communisation" ~ Board~af uduoation bo received and filed and spread upon the reoorda. Adopted ae 6. Board of Eduoa~ 3'e Lion 60y~ Levy gaid.oommunioatioas being as follows, to-with • `k" "Jannary,$9, 1920. • ,~.,••~' F. W. ICatter~ohn, Mayor, ana Bas rd" of Commieaioaera of Paducah, • = Paducah, Kentuo]Rr, , • • '-Gentlemen: A resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Board of Eduoatioa of the City • ~•of Paducah, held in .said City on the thirtieth day of Jannarjr,•1920, levying a taa.oi slaty-five.oenta on the X100.00 valuation. of property in ea id City of'Paducah for the year 1920, 'pursuant to the authority given by the Stal;nte Law of Ksntnaky in suah asses' • ,,,.ti~'~' roads and provided; same being necessary, in the opinion of"said Board, to produce for ' 'are , the year 1920, the estimated sum_to be rained to support and maintain the Public •p~',, ;$ohoole of the City, lase the estimated enm which will be received from the Common I ;8ohool fund of the gtate, cad suah resolution certified under the seal of the said • a ~ _ . c •: i i ~_ - ,. ~ ,: ~ .. ~ • ~. ~ ~, • - ' ~ w • . . h ~!., .. ,, j ' I. C i i .. .z.,~'v^. .. ~ ~ . ' Commissioner's t ' of Paducah _ ~a~ . No •71~L Board, e.s required by law, is hereto attaohed. • You are reapeotYully requested to add same to and inolnde same in the regular tax bills oF'the City, containing the oa~dinary leby and have same oolleot d as th ' , o e law direots.. ;. Respectfully submitted, ~. `'! J. T. Reddiok, President, Board of Educe- ` tion of tho City oP Padnoah, Koatuoky. ATTRST: Marguerite Redd, Secretary." "BE IT Rr:SOL rY'~:- By the Board oP Education oP the City of Paducah Kentucky, ~! ', that there be and is now imposed and levied an ed valorem tax upon all ~he real and ;personal property in the City oP Paduosh, ;iontuoky, sub~oot to taxation For the yoar ;. 1920. oP elxty-Pine aunts on the X100.00 valuation oP said proporty tho samo being , necessary in tho opinion of said Board of Education to produao Por said year oP 1920, j the total estimatod sum neoosasry to be raisod to sup?rort and maintain tho Public + " Schools oP the said City of Paducah, Kentucky, leas tho oatimatod sum to bo reoeivod. ,Prom tho Steto Common School Fuisd.^ ' `,.z . We, tho undersigned, J. T. Roddiok President of the Board oP.Eduaetion and ,Sfarguerito 3odd, Seorotaryr do duly aer~lPy that the Foregoing resolutio d ' n vms a opted by the Board of Education of the City of Paducah at s mooting of aaid,Board hold Sn ;:the said City oP Paduosh on the thirtieth day o~ Januar 1920 d +~ ~' , y, , an is.oertiPied to ;the Board oP Commissioners of said City Por the attention of auoh Comroiasionei•s, as., the Tarr directs. I: This th1rt18th day of January, 1920. ( . • ;'ATTEST: J. T. Ruddick President, Board oP Eduoa..` tion of The C~,ty of Paduosh Kentucky , , . Marguerite Redd, 3eoretary; j .. ~; At a meeting of the Board oP Education of the City of Paduosh Kerrtuoky helfl ~'• said Board oP Lduoation in said City on the Thirt~oth day o¢ Januar y ;~ 9 he c • - 20 1 there bein ~ g present the Folloving members 'to-wit; Dr. J. P. Reddioft Airs, L, D•.. ;Sanders, Ar. J. L. •lannor, Tho said Board haven„ been drily oallod to rr o d . o r, an the :.purposes of the meatier; stated-.the Following resolution was introduacd and nnanimoua7y! adopted; ' • 'BE IT RESOLYF~D;• By the Board oF'Ediwation oP the City oP Psduoah Kentuoky- ~ • 'that thorn be and is now impoand and levied an ad valorem tax u on ull ~h • p . o ronT and porsonal property in tiho City of p:~dttouh- Kontuoky- wub~oat to taxation Por the yoar 1920, oP aixty.Fivo aunts on tee ~11UO,V0 valuation of said •o e t t ' m p r y- he nano being neoasaery in the opinion of said ]Bard oP Education to produoo Por esid yoar or 1920 • - the total eatimatod suro noooeeary to bo rslsed to support and maintain the Eublia ,8ahools oP esid City oP Paduosh, Kontuoky- lefle the eatiroatod snm to be reoelveii Pr m ! • it • , . o the State Common School Fund.' ~ '~" Aoport Gh1oF of Rolioe ~ .; Commissioner Eaton oFForod the Following motion; That the raport•oF the j ChieF of Yoliae be roGeived a,nd Piled, Adopted yoae b. ~ ~ ~ ~,,.,r;"•' •'' E :Report ChieF of Firo F , Commissioner Eaton offered the Pollovring motion; That the report of the Department, ;3 ~ 'Ch1oP oP the Firo Department bo rooeivod and tiled, Adopto.i yoae 6. ' ' Commission or Tully oPForod the Pollorrin~; motion; That the Lfayor, Cornmisaion~ ; . Ameriaaa Road.Buildera ''er oP 1'ublia ,lorlcs, srid the Suporintondont of 1'ublia Improvmnonts be authorised to 6eeo. meeting, Louis- , ,ville~ Ky. !attond.the annual oonvontion oP the American 14oad Buildora' Aasooistion to•bo helfl in. ,': Louisville, KY., February 9, 10, 11, 12 end 13th, the oxponse of the trip to be borne • by the City. 'Adopted upon sell of the 'roll yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams anfl ;ifattar~ohn. 6. ~r. e ~ ~ On motion the Board ed~ourned, yeas b. ~ • ~, - Aci~yla ~ :~.~ !iP .c~OV:FiD ~ "_~" i - is • tBffitWIRY 6th. 1980. F •. . i~ - i ` ~. A! s oaiisd meitirog o! the Board oi.Qomaaiseloners, helQ Febrnery 6th, 198Q { Est 10 O'olook A. Y., in the Commissioners' Chamber; those present were Commiseioaere ~ - • _ ~ t 4811bert, Tally, Williams and Mayor Yatterjohn. 4. - e. .. The Nsyor stated zsasone For call, to•wit: To allow payroii, salaries, ete.~ • •" ~ Commisaloaer Tally offered the Following motions Thst the sooounte amount- Paz ~ Re t Comer 0! ing to $16 Sb1.S1 8s ~ , , per report of Com r of Finance herewith tiled, be allowed snd ; lianaoe,-Payroll. ~d~~ paid and that the muse be a y ppropriated From the general Fuad to pay same. ~;_ ',Adopted upon Dell of tl;e roll yeas, Gilbert, Tully and Williams. 5. Hays-Katter~ohn •1 ,' x' 1 T i t . ti_ ,.. e ?Report Oeie'r. Oommideioaer Tally offered the following motLoas That the 8epart.of Commis- + ` ~ i Finanoe month ef of January bs rsoeived and filed and ordered pnbiish~d noe for the month er ! Fin i 0 . a o on . e January 192 ' _ ~ ,, in the ottioiel newspaper. ®dapted upon Dail of the roil yaae° 811bert° Tally sn3 1 111111•ams. S. Bays, Shtter~ohn,-1. yeas 4. Oh motion the Board adjourned ' ~~ ~ -~ " t i ~~ 1?~ ~ ? . Ado p ~ .AP VFi117 D I ~Z ~ / ` . ; . ~.. y oR ~' . ~ FEBRUARY Bth, 1920. d4 s oslisd meeting of the Board a! Oommiesionere, halA 3n the 0ommiaeionerb° i Chamber in the City Hall, PaBnoah, gentnoky, oa February 6th, 1920, at 2:30 P. M. • Those present were Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams and Tdayor Satter~ohn.5 The Mayor stated reasons for Deli to-wits To give pea sags to an ordinance .. • 'amending 9eotione B and 9 of nn ardinenos eatitled,•"An Ordinanoe Regulating and Gove~n- • •iag Burials, Disinterments and re-interments charges in Oak Grove Osmetsrg and nddi- ' Amended j Ordinance ; Lions thereto." apprcoved October 23rd, 1909; and also to advertise Yor.bids oa the " Oak Grove " •° Oemstery• ` Oity's property. • ~ 'u:M . °~ •On motion of Commiaeioner Williams said ordinance was adopted upon Dell of ` the roll, yeas, Baton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams and ~sttersohn. 8. ~ y ~. • Oommisaioner Williams offared the following motlons That the Commissioner of .`Property be authorised to advertise in the official newspaper of the City for at least ' • ., ~• Advertise- tlsree times, covering a period of l0 Eays, ell the vacant property owned by the Oity of • moat for ease of ' Padnonh and not in sny wine need by said Oity, ino]uding a number of vacant iota and , Oity proper- ~ ~ , ~'ty. phat ie known es the River Fsa~a and the Jaoksoa Hi11 Farm, that said Oommissioner of i , • $roporty be authorised to advertise 4or aealod bids, eoparately and oolleotively, oa .'• said property, same to be opened at a time fizsd by said Oommiasioner in said advsr- ~:.x tleement for the purpose of~ se11i said property with the oonourrenoe o! the Board ng ;~ of 0ommiseioners, provided a agtislaotoryr price is offered. Adopted upon Dell of ! ., + the roll, yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams end.~.-ttor~ohn. 6. • ' On motion the Board sdjonraed, yeas 60 ~ A.PPRQVSID ~~ , ' ~G ~~. ~ ~~T~- '~ ^ C FEBRUARY 9TH, 1920.. ,. At a regular meeting of the Hoard o! Oommieeionere, held in the Commiseioners'I; ` Ohanber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Febroesy 9th, 1920. Those present • • ~ were Oommissionere Eaton, dilberl,.Tnlly, Williams and Mayor i~tter~ohn. 6. ' Oommiseioner Gilbert offered the following motion: That Oho minutes be changed • to read that improvemente•on H. 8th 3trest begin at Yoaroe 3trest instepd of liadiaon ~, Street. Adopted yeas 6. On motion of Oommsissioaer Eaton the mimitse of the prsvions•mestinge were ' ~;.{.adopted•as read sad corrected. Yens 6. ` ' `s~~.. Oommissioner Eaton offered the following motions That the oomnnsnioation from Oommanioation Fire Depart ..r the membsre•of the Firs Department bs rsoeived and filed, and that said oommnnioation , meat. ` d remain as•nnli»iehed basinsse bsiors the Board o! Oommisaionars until finally disposed • of., Adopted yeas 5. ~' ~ . - ! • ,,. _ ., • ... , ~, ..,:. ,. y . .., .., .... ,, .., , . n. .. ,. ~; , 1 ,. r,. -~ r ----~, .. •9 ' ! 1 • • . v.w-~.w«r r.s-l.. ..~ArwWM wa* .T~ rLJl.rr-~ ..w...+...,h..-s~++ .~ ~+a..Y ., x2. aa.L._...+.w....._..~ .,,... . • .r • .,' • .• ..y nn ~.... ~..,.~. , 's No. yg Y Commissioner.'s Proceedings, City of Paducah ~9~~ . Commissioner Eaton o!lsred the loliowing motions That the opinion of the City Opinion Oity ~• Attorney on 80~ Attorney mpon the question oY the legality o! the Twenty Csat leiy by the Board o!. i Levy by Boesd of f , $dnostion. Education !or interest sad sinking Yand be reoeivsd sad tiled. Adopted yese 6. Commleeioner Tully o!lered the following motions That the Qeed dated 8/'1/1980.; " Tranvter of 'Yrom 8. ~. Miller and wits Sua$lla Miller oonveyiag the south one-halt o! lot X19. in • Csmotsry deed ~ " Yrom S. R. Mil1er81oak X46 is Oak Grove Cemetery to Sam Robertson, bs ratiYied'and aaid'tranelor re= i ; and Sne$lls Miller to ram corded in the Cemetery Daed Book, in sooordanoo with request o! the party grantors ~• Robertson. herawith• filed. Adopted yese B. i " Commissioner Giibart oYlered the following motion: That the improvements on `k improvements N. 13th 8t. N. 18th Btraet be a:tended Yrom de!lereon Street to Broadway to conform to resolution ~ • so drawn. Adopted yeas b. { . ~ ,. i• Commiveioaer Gilbert read s resolution providing Yo7r the oonetruotioa o! son- , orate sidewalks, curbs and gutters, together with ail necessary drain pipes, manholes ~•. sidewalk ooa-~ etruotioa N. ?' an8 intakes on the North side oY BroeB Street, Yrom the West property line o! Fourth aide Broad 9t. !' Street to the East propertyr line o! Siath 8treat, and on the Soutb side o! Broad ~ Street Yrom the Weat lino oY Fifth Street to the East property line o! Henry 8~1b'e ~ • i property. On motion oY Commissioner Gilbert said resolution was givoa its passage ~. ' ' ~ upon Dail o! the roll,-yeas Baton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Rsttor~ohn. 6. j • Commissioner Gilbert read a resolution providing !or the oonstruotion oY ooa-, ~ ' ' orsts sidewalks, curbs and gutters, together with ell necessary drain pipes, manholes 8ldewalk Don- and intakes on the West eido oY North TwelYth Street, beginning at the concrete olds- ~ etruotioa, N. ~ ! 1Zbh 8t. walk oa the property o! d. DuPerrleu sad sxtsnding~to the aonoreto sidewalk on the ! proporty oY the Henderson Brewing Company, a distance oY approzimatsiy seventy ilaosl I • ! ~. toot. On motion o! Commiaeioasr Giibart Bald rseoiutioa was givoa ita poasngs upon !' ~, • i; call of the roil, yeea,~Eatoa, Gilbert, Rully, Wiiilame and IGitter~oha. 6. ~ ' Oommisaioaer Gilbert road a rsvolutlop providing Yor tho oor-vtruotioa pY Don- t • • i~ oreto aidowalke, curbs sad gutters, together with all aeoeaesry drain pipes, manholes i~ • 8ldewaik Don-, ~ atrnotion and intakes on Both sides of South 8oveath 8treat Yrom the South property line oY ~ 3. 9th St. Jackson 8treat• to the North property line oY Joaea Street. Oa motion o! Commissioner ~ • i , f Gilbert said rovolutloa wsa given Its passage npoa Dell oY the roil, yeas, baton, ~.,*. Gilbert, Tully, Williams sad 8atterJohn. b• ~ ~. Commissioner (311bert read a resolution lmoviding Yor the oonetruotiaa o! ooa- • ~~ orate aidewai$e, curbs sad gutters, together with all nsoeassry drain pipes:, manholes i 8ldswalk Don-.! and intakes on both sides oY North Thirteenth Street, Yrom the North property flab oY f etruotioa j lI. 13th St. Broadway 8treat to the South property line oY Trimble Street. On motion o! Oommie- •~ ' • ~ eioner Gilbert said ;evolution was given its passage upon call ol,the roll, yeas, `` I .. Eaton Giibart, Tully, Williams and I{stterjohn. 6. f y~ •. Commissioner Gilbert•read a resolution providing !or the aonetruotion oY Don- +" `~:• orsts sidewalks, ourbv and gutters, together with all necessary drain pipes, mxnholesj ~, Sidswslk ooa- and intakes on both aides oY North Eleventh Street, lrom.ahe North proporty line o! .~ etruotioa N. 11th 8t. JeYferson Street to the South property line oY Trimble Street. On motion of Commie- , ! eioner 611bert said resolution was given its passage upon Dail o! the roll, yeas ; ^ i Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Ifatter~ohn. b• ~ . .. i Commissioner Gilbert read a resolution providing !or the oonetruotioa o! Don- or~te sidewalks, barbs and gutters; together with all n0oessary drain pipes, manholos~ Sidewalk ooa-' i - strnotion and intakes on both aides oY North $ighth Street, Yr ® the North property lino o! , N. 8th St. ~. Madison 8treot to the Soath property line oY Trimble Street. On motion o! Commie- i ; • eioner Gilbert said resolution was given its passage neon Dell oY the roll, yeas, !`, $atoa, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn. 6. _„ • ",k.; `~ x, , b • +' • s .. •Y ! ',. , ,; . ~ F • .'. ;~, `~ i ~', i I r i ~. i ~ i -. 'rya % • .__ r .. _.. ., Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_._. . ~ Oommieaioner Gilbert read a resolution providing for the oonatrnotion o! i ` t 1 j ioonoreto sidewalks, onrba and gutters, together with ell neoeaeary drain pipes, man- ` 9ldewalk tholes and intakes on both sides of Borth 3evanth.Strest, lrom the Borth property line ~ ----~ oonatruotion ' tl..7th.8t. •;oi Madison Street to the South property line of Trimble Street. On motion o! Oommis- ~.. { ~tioner Gilbert,eaid resolution was given its passage upon call of the roll, yeas, I ,,,,,` j •`" rEdton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams sad Satterjohn. 6. ~ } Oommieeionsr Gilbert read s resolution providing for the oonstrnotion si •~ ~ j .... . ~': l:oonorsts sidewalks, ourba and gutters, .together with all neoeaeary drain pipes, man- ~. i, .. ,; ~.,• ~ .. . f,.;.L ;holes and intakes on both aides o! Borth Sixth Street from the Borth property line o! ~ Sidewalk " , • . oonetraotion ;Madison Street to. the South property line o4 Trimble Street. On motion of Commiasionerj ~; Gilbert said resolution was given its passage upon call o! the roil, yeas, Baton, ~ , ~,: #., ~iilbert, Tully, Williams and Satter'ohn. 6. Oommiaeioner Qilb'ert read a resolutioa providing for the oonatrnotion o! ;',oonarete sidewalks, sorbs and gutters,.together with ell neoeaeary drain pipes, man-, Sidewalk .holes an8 intakes on both aides of of Borth Biath Street, from the Borth property line oonetrnotion ' ; B. 9th S!. ..ioi Monroe Street to the South property line o! Trimble Street. On motion o! Commiar i , jsioner Gilbert said resolution was given ita.pasacga upon oall o! the .roll, yeas, Eatoae• !Gilbert, Tullyr, W1111ams and Katter'ohn. 6. i Oommiasioner Gilbert read a resolution providing for the aoastruotion o! the ,. , Improvement ldriveway oa Fourteenth Street, lrom tha Borth property line o! Moaros Street to tho ! (}ravel eta. 14th 8;. ;South property line o! Olay Btrset in the City o! Padunah, Sentno~, at the oast o! tha abutting property owners, and providing that same shall be oonstrnoted npaun the, tan ~ . !year payment plan. On motion of Oommissioner Gilbert avid reaolntion,wea:given its j , ^~-n. ..,passage upon oall o! the roll, yeas, Raton, Gilbert, Tally end Williams 4. .Buys %'ptterioha, 1. ~ ~ Oommiaaioaer Estoa offered the. following motion; That an ordiaenoe entitled a r '-j"AN ORDIHABCE PROVIDIBG FOR THE PZktCRABP OL' AB ABTOMOBILE FOR T$E CHIEF OF TR8 FIRE j • Automobile ~ ~ Ohiai o! rDEPARTtAENT," Wt-ioh.aas introdnoed at the last regular meeting o! the Hoard o! Qommie- i dire Dspt, ; ~~ sioaere, held on February End, 1980, and whioh wen ordsre8 to lie over as provided by ~. j. ~iaw until this meeting, be sow pleoed upon its passage. Adopted upon ea11 oP the roll, J 6 t. yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams. 4. Bays, Sstterjohn, 1. { _ • Oa motion o! Mayor Satter~ohn the reoeipt from Commissioner o! Finanas, ~ i Harrison i Co-Operative T'nlly, for a oheok !or ~lO6.Ot from the Harrison 0o-Operatl:ve Servioe was reoeived and ~. Sarvioe. ~r ~fils.d. Yeas 6. i . i~ Oommiealoner Eaton offerod the following motion: That Lhe Hoard o! Oommie-~ ~aioners now prooeed to the investigation, trial and determination o! the oharges that j . ~i Thoe•.p. have been preferred against Thomas P. Glynn ior_vioiations of the CiFil Ssrvioe ordi- ! Glynn, trial. ;' . aeaos while sating ae Chief o! the H'irs D~psrtment. Adopted neon oall of the roll, yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Wtiliame; 4: Sayre, Sstter~ohn, 1. Oommieaioner Eaton offered the following motion: That the ohsr.ges preferred .j . Thos• Y. ;against Thomas P. Glynn for violatioae od the Oivil Service Ordinanos.and Rube of the j GOhar~gis;eto,bity ol.Paduoah, governing the Firs Department, oomeitted ti•Ihils hs wsa sating sa Oflief of the Fire Dsparlmeat, bs ad~ndged to bs enatained neon investigation by the Board of Oommiseioners, and that the said Thomas Y. Glynn be adjudged to bs removed as tmoh ` Chle! of said Fira Department, sffeotivs se ad the date of Jeamry 6th, 19E0, same '~ - • i ;~ .> being the date on wh"ioh he left the Firs Department'. tdoptied upon oali of the roil, ~ ~ ~d ae 'Eaton @iibdrt end Williams,- d. ~ ~ , ~ ~ i'e . , . , Tully Pays Eattsr ohn -1. , • 1. ~, I f -~~.. .. ~ ... , ;. , ., ... ..,,, ~ .~ : , i .. ., .., ,. , ~: - ;., c • I ' ~ • ~ , ?,.:~- '.a:50iiiil d - - +sY~~~6r~."as. kiyw.~v~ar~p«, ..a ~+•., r} a ~~9-T,ty~''k,~~. < ~. \ 1 L '~i .. T" .... - -~.: r -: , I ~....., Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ~g~~ Commiseloner Tully- oitsrad the following motion= That the oommunioation oY Oommaaioation of J. 1[. BraaehewJ. M. Bradshaw be referred to the City Attorney Yor investigation and report to this Board ea to the iiability of tho City,oi Padnosh. Adopted yeas B. On motion the Board adjourned, yeas B. A/~ e~ ~ i°^"ALt9 i '. A:PpRO'i~D _ ~~ ~ ~ i ~~s~:~ w ~. n~rsxo~e. - ' I ..:. FEBRIIARY lAth, 1920: ~•; `. ~ ~. r . ~ ,..• At a regular meeting oi.the Board o! Coaseissionere, held in the Commieelonere~ Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Eentnoky, on February 16th, 1920; those present 1f` ' ;were Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, W17:11ams and Mayor Satter john. 8. ~ !. . r On motion of Commteeioner Eaton the minutes oY the previous meeting were ~ adopted ae read ~ ~ ,yeas b. I Commieaioner Tully offered the following motion; That the report oY the Commie- Pu;ohase oY Your,sioner of Finance, regarding the purchase, Yrom the sinking Fund, oY tour $1,000 ~ $1 000 P.T.& A. i R.~. Bonds. P.T..A~A.R.R. bonds, be reoaived sad filed and approved.. Adopted neon call o! the {~ roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams end Batter john. 6. ~ t ' •; Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; That the report oY the City d. 8. Bradshaw ~ Opinion, Attorney regarding the claim oY' J. M. Bradshaw; be reoaived and filed. Adopted yeas 6. • ~ Commiaeioner Gilbert offered the following motion; That the City Attorney De i instructed to bring in resolutions eztending the time for completing the improvements, .Z. ~. Sxtensioa of sidewalks, etc. on Goebel Ave. Yrom Deo. lbth, 1919, to July let, 1920. On Husbands ~ . time oomPieting ~ improvements on de 7th 8t. Yrom April 21st, 1920 to July let, 1920, said work having been ordered and 1. Goebel Ave. sad i Ruabaada 80 7th the contractor being,unabie to complete same in time given in ordinance. Adopted j • Ste. upon call of the roli, yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tu11y, W111iama and Ketterjohn, 6.. •~ i Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion= I move the adoption oY the ~f Resolution resolution protesting against the change in schedule of Illinois Central Paseeager protesting , change of time Train X801. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll, yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully anfl Williams. ~ . of L C.Train . X801. 4. Bays, IDatterjohn, 1. ~; { Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; That the oonaideration OY as { Parking ordinance to Yurthor regu]ate the use of certain streets and parts oY streets by ordinance. ,automobiles and other vehicles, sad presoribiag penalties for violations thereof, be i laid over to the next regular meeting oY the Board of Commissioners for oaneideration. Adopted yoea b. Mayor Satter john offered the following motion; That hie bill of $34.33 Da Bill oY Mayoz ? Satter john allowed; said amount was tor. hie expena66 on trip to Louisville, Kentucky, to invsati• Louisville, gy. trip. gate reed improvements. Adopted upon cell oY the roll, yeas, Eaton,. Gilbert, Tully, - Williams and Batter john, 6. j~. ~ .. , Commissioner Tally offered the following motions That the report of the Board +~ Report of of Supervisors Yor the year 1920 be received and filed, and that the members of said i.. • Board of Supervisors. Board be relieved from further duties at thin time. Adopted yeas 6. f ~ 1 ,, ~. ;r~: , ~,: s:ai,r, ~.~~..:,, a.~,_: _,..~ ...r.. •.~..~ No.~/99 .. No.b DD _.. . , :. . .• • ~:ommissioner.'s.•Proceedings, ~ity-of. Paducah X91_. ?'EffiiUARY 19th. 19E0. i ~ ., ~ At a oalled mesting•of the Board of Oommiseionere, held in the Oommiseion-• ere' Chambsr.in the City Ha11, Yadnoah, Kentnoky, on February 19th, 19E0, at E o'olook ~ P. M. Those present were Commisalonere Saton, Hilbert, Tn].ly, W1111ama and Mayor "KSttsr~ohn. b. 4 .(, s The Mayor stated reasons for Dell to-wltt To allow salaries and to entsr•! . ;fain nay other baeiaesa that may Dome up before the Board of Commissioners. ~ ~~ j "~ Oommieeioner Tally offered the following motions That the aoonunte for j Report Oos'ra the first half of February,, as. per report of Oommissioner of Finen6e filed herewith, ~ ' Fi-anoe for '; ~ • Flret half of be allowed and ordered paid, sad that the amount thereof be appropriated from the ~ 19EQ.ary igensrai fund. Adopted tipon Deli of the roll, yeas, Eaton, Hilbert, Tally, W1111ams ., ,. • 'i. and Ia~ttsr~ohn,'- 6. ~ . . . I . . !~ On motion the Hoard.ad~ourned 'yeas 6• ~ i'4 2Q A~'PRO'V',671~ G~~ • ~ ~ Ado i . • ,~ • . { o, ..: FEBRUARY E3RD. 19PA._ At e, regular meeting of the Board of Commieeionera, held in the Commission- ; . ere' Ohamber in tho City Hall, Paduoah, %entuoky, on February E9rd,, 1920, at E O'olooki - • Y. M. Those present we1•e Commissioners, Eaton, Tu17y, Wi111ams and Mayor Kntteriohn.! " 4. Y ~ ~ • ~, i . , t• _ ., _~. F; Commieaioner Eaton offered the following motion: That the regular meeting c "`~. '. of the Hoard of Oommiaeioaorg of the 01ty of Paducah, Kentnoky, bs adfourpsd from 8 !, o'clock P. M., on Monday February ESrd, unt11;10 O'olook.p. M. on Tuesday,.Febraary ~ ~ ; • ;: E4th, 19E0. .Adopted yeas 4: j ' On motion the Board ad~ourasd yeas 4. '~ i Ade•IadG17$Q - } • r ~~,G~,,-f,Gt.,~•~ ~ ~ ~ .. • . . ~ FPBRUARY 24th. 1920. i j .. At an ad ~ovrned,meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held is the Commie- eionet•e' Ohamber in the City Hall, paduoab Kentucky, on February 24th; 1920, nt 10 ' o'clock A. M. Those present were Cosmniseionera, Eaton, Hilbert, T'n3.ly, Williams and ~ • Mayor IUetteraohn. 6. . The minutes of the previone meetings. were adopted as read. Yeas,. 6. s 1 Communioatioa Commissioner Hilbert read a oommunioation from property owners on Cedar ; • . property own- ere on Cedar •.$treet and Linooln Avenns, asking that Cedar Street, one sgmre Last from Mayfield $t. do Linooln • Ave. ,.Road sad Linooln Avenue one square North from Cedar Street be'graded and graveled. ' On motion of Commissioner Hilbert said petition. was received and filed. Yeas 6. „ Commissioner Hilbert offered the ioliowing motion: Whereas, the majority ~' Oity Atty. instructed to oP the property holders oh Cedar St. do Liaoola Ave. desire the improvemeutt of said bring in reso- r~ lution in rs: streets, that the City,A.ttorney be instructed to bring in resolution for the grading '4• ~ Osdar $t. de Linooln Ave.,, and graveling of said streets, and all improvements to be charged to abutting property.. • holders., • Adopted upon aa11 of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams. 4. j llaye, fitter john, 1. D. Harry tlommiseioner Williams oifsrad fhb following motion: That he, as Oommiaeion• Jamison, `; plane, etc. „ es of Pnblio Property bs instructed to have D. Hnrry•damison, Architect to draw i Nnraes'Home F f . ,: • ,, . ,. .. ;< ., ~.,, ,. ~.._ ..,.. ~.,, J; • .r ., :~ ~ F ~,~. ., ~' ~• .~..:.s-. .ci....i.,:._.... trtr;w+w-ni•-+~- -..,tl..~.1•+-n.r+.ul lu.-r.+t'.'%r+.L +.rt_;.+~..-..i/ _.u~..r"'_•"~ .u.... _ .. ... 'Sr~h~M1}M. i' .. .,.~ n. _ _ . ~. ,.. . ' 1Vo.~ e / • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ' 1g1- oomplete place and apooiPiastione Yor the oompletioa sad additions to the Nurses' Roma „ • .. 'at the Rivarsida Roapital, Yoilowing the•teatative plane heretofore submitted. Adopted • upon sell oY the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams 4. Rays Katterjoha 1. i~~. Commissioner Gilbert oYYered the Pollowing motion; That the Commieeioaer of ~' • Yanoey 3r'Johnaon I!uDlio Works ba inetruoted to enter into oontraot with Yancey d, Jobneoa ae suthoriasd oontraot Yor aide- ~ ' calk oonatrnotioa by the previous Board of Commisalonera Yor the aonatruotioa oY eidewalka, ourba cad 7th b Husbands St. sad S. 9th St. gutters on Husband St. Yrom Weat property iiae of 3. fish Street an8 on both aides of .Murray Avenue. Adopted upon oe71 of the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tu11y, Williams and • %atter~ohn, 8. Oommieeioner Gilbert oYYered the Yollowi I ng motion, That the City Attorney be i ., City Attorney ,inetruoted to bring in a resolution Yor the re-oonatzuotion oY North 4th St.,irom they ` , r. inatrnoted to I•' bring in resolu- ,North property line of Jefferson Street to the end of North 4th Streot, if ezteaded, !~ . tion, in re. I re-ooaatruotion with a hard surYeoe; to be oonstruoted with one oY the Pollowing types of oone~ruotions'~ of N. 4th St. I, ' Tarvis; oonorata; or Kentuoky Rook Aaphslt. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll yeep~Eston, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Ratter~ohn, 6. ~~ ;,~ I ' Comroisaioner Gilbert oYYered the Yollowiag motion; That the City Attorney: be in+-~ „•~ ,, i; . City Attorney etruote8 to bring is a resolution Yor the re-oonatzuotion oY North 7th 9traet Yrom the c',~~ ~'•' instruoted to bring in resolu• 'North property line oY Jefferson Stzaet•to the Railroad property north oY Trlmblo ~.,, tion, in re: ~ ~ ~;: re-aonatruotioa Streot, to be oY a hard eurYsoe type of one of the Pollowing; via; Tarvis; oonorete; 1 of N. 7tb 3t. or Kentuoky Rook Asphalt. Adopted upon Dell oY tho roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, ` . Williams and Katter~ohn, 6. ? . Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion= That the City Attorney bs in-~'; City attorney etruo-tad to bring is s resolution Yor the re-oonatzuotion oY South bth btrost with a ! , instzuotsd Lo bring in resolu• hard aurYeos Yrom south aide oY Kentuoky Avenue to tho north property line oY Norton ~ ' tioa in rat re-oonatzuotion oYStreat, with one oY tho Pollowing types oP oonstruotioat Tarvis, oonorete or Kentuoky i, S,.btb St, Rook Asphalt. Adopted upon oall oY tho roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams apd i. Ksttsr~oha. 8. Commissioner Gilbert oYYered tho Pollowing motions That the City Attorney be itt~~ •• i City Attorney atzuotad to bring in a resolution Yor the aoaetruotion of Broadway Yrom the•end oP the .~, • inatruoted to , , bring is resolu• Prseent Bitulithio at 17th Streot to the County Line on Broadway= to be paved with t ~'; tion in re= oonatzuotion B'w~yhard surfaoe with ono of tho Yollovriag type; Tarvis oonorata or Rontuoky F!ook Asphalt• ~ . 17th to 2bth. '. ~ adopted upon Dell oY the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williena, 4, Nays, Kettar~oha,1 • Coum-lseionor Gilbert oYYered tho Pollowing motion; That the City Attorney be ia. I • ' City Attorney ia• struated to bring in a resolution Yor the re-oonatzuotion oP JeYYereon Street Yrom the ' atruot~d to bring ].." 1n resolution, in end of the proaent F}ithlithio at 17th Streot to the County lino on JeYYereon St. to be ~,•' re; oonatzuotion JoPferaon St., paved with a hard auzfaos with one of the following types, eto. Tarvis; oonorete or ~' ': '! 17th to 26th. Kentuoky Roak Asphalt. Adopted upon cell of tho roll yeea, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, end ; ;''•~' • 'Williams, 4. Nays, Katter~oha, 1. ~`~ ' Commissioner Gilbert of fared the following motions That the City Attorney be 1A- Clty Attorney in-atruoted to bring is a resolution Yor the re-oonatzuotion of both elder oP Murr.ell Blvd•~.• •• atruoted to bring i in resolution, Yrom the South property line oY Broadway to the South property line of Caldwell Street ~ ' in re- re-Don- etruotion oY and Yroa the East side oP Murrell Blvd. on Caldwell Street, west on Caldwell Street to ~ Murrell Blvd. • Caldwell Avenue; and thence on Caldwell Avenue to the right-oY~way oY the N. C. a 8t. '. f L. R. R. right-oY-way, eto., inoluding all interaeotions, to ba paved with a hard eur~~:i • Yeas with one oP the Pollowing types, via: Tarvis, oonorete or Kentuoky Rook Asphalt. ~''°"' Adopted upon Dell of the roll yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams, 4. Nays i', xatter~ohn, 1. ~ Contraot Yanoe & i Y Commlaeloner Gilbert oYYered the Pollowing motion; That the Oommieaioner oY Johnson, Side- . walks N. 16th St.,publio Works be inatrnoted to enter is oontraot with Yancey drs Johnson se made by tho ;y .: • •, r i previous Board of Commisaionora Yor the oonatzuotion oP sidewalks, ourba and gutters ~~ . f ,. ~ _ . , ,. i . , ,.. ~. ,... ~,~ . . +.d .°vH +. r•a r ~"Ae.w ,.. y .. yam'` 9~ M+~. „.~ Y. ~. ~. ' ~.r. ~ + . 1 ., ,:.. ,. .. • No: ~~~ .. . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ % 1 • on N. 16th 9treeQ from West aide o4 Broadway to $ast property line on Je44areon. Adopt-: ,ed upon oall 04 the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams and Ketter~oha, 6. Gd~ournment Oa motion the Board adjourae~ to meet at 2 O'olook P. Y. February 24th, 19E0, ~ to moat at 2 O'olook P.M. Yeas 6. ~~ ! Ad3dusned meeting o4 the Board o4 Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' Chamber •" . Adjourned Meeting, r~ Clty Hall Padnoah ~ ~ . $V• Those present were Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, ~ , °iWi111ama anfl Mayor I~tter~oha, b. ~ - `" " . Commissioner Gilbert ot4ered the following motion; That the City Attorney be in- 1 'City Attorney .etruoted to bring in a resolution 4or the re-oonstrnotion o4 North 3rd Street Prom the ~ ' ' inetruoted to - i bring in reso- North property line of Jei4erson Street to the North property line oP Harrieon.Street, ~. lotion in re; rs-oonatruotim to bs paved with e. hard enr4aos with one oP 'the following type: Tarvis, Asphalt, non- N. 3rd St. a 'orate or %ntnoky Roak Asphalt, etoa Adopted upon Dell of the roll yeas $aton, Gilbert ~ i • . Tully, Williams and 8atter~ohn. 6. j - Commiseloner Gilbert o44ered. the Following motion: That the City.Attorney be in- i I City Attorney `etruoted to bring in a resolution 4or the re-oonstraotion o4 North End street Prom the inetruoted to ~. . bring in r.eao- North property line oP defferaon Street to the North property line o4 Monroe Street, to ; ~ " lutioa in re; re-oonstruotion be paved with a hard enr4eoe with oas oP the 4olIowing type of oonatrmstion: Tarvig N. Sad St. , • %ntnoky Rook Asphalt or oonorete. Adopted upon Dell of the roll yeas, $aton, Gilbert, . Tully,. Williams and Satter~ohn, B. - , ' Commissioner Eaton o44ered the following motion; i move that an ordinanoe intro- ~' duoed•at the last rogular meeting o4 the Hoard of pommisaionera, he18 oa Fobrnary 16th,; , Parking Ordi- 1920, entitled "AN ORDiNANC$ TO FURTHER REGULATE THE US$ OE CERTAIN STR$ETS AND PARTS"QF nanos: - STREET BY AUTOtdOBILID AIJD OTHr~t VEHICLES, AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS TH$RE- ~ • OF," be now taken up 4or oonsideration. Adopted yeas 6. ~ Oom:eissloaor Eaton.o4fered the following motion: I move the adoption o4 an ordi- ! ~ -~ . asno4•entitlgd.as 4ollowsi ^AN ORDINANCE Tb FURTHER RE(iULATii THE USE OF CERTAIN STRnETS Parking ordl- AND PARTS OF 9THriET9 BY AUTOMOBILES AND OTHi~Z VhRICLES, AND PRESCRIBING YENALTI$S FOR , nsaos adopted. VIOLATIONS THERMOF", this day offered. as a enbetitnte 4or an ordiaame o4 the same title', introduoed at the last regh],ar meeting o4 the Board of Commiaeionera, held on February ~ ~ ' 16th, 1920. Adopted upon oall 04 the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tnily and Williams, 4. { ' Nave, Katter~ohn, 1. Commissioner Gilbert offered tho following motion: That an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CON3TRi,Y'.TION QF CONCRET$ SIDEWALKS, Cffi2BS, GUTTERS, T0- ~! ~ ~ . ` Ordinanoa pro'- GETHER 'NIiH ALL NE6E33ARY MANHOLES,. INTAICri3, SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH SID$3 OF J' ' viding side- Balk Don- SOUTH 3$Yr;NTH STREET, FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF JAC%90N STREET TO THE NORTH PRO- struotion.~, S. 4th St. PERTY LINE OF JONES STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH; KENTUCKY; AND PROVYDIIdG THAT TH8 !, SAME SHALL Bh COt~.STRUCT$D UPON `PHh TEIi YEAR PAYtdENT PLAN AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPr~tTY OWNERS," be introduoed sad ley over•for consideration Por ten days. Adopted ' -- upon Dell 04 the roll yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn, 6.' ~ - • Commissioner Gilbert offered the Following,motion: That an ordinanoe entitled, . ~ "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE 3IDEYlAL%3, CURBS, GUTTERS, ~ ", Ordinanos pro TOGETHhR 1YITH ALL Nh089SAc'iY MAIJHOLI~S, 'INTAi;li.9, SEWERS AND CATCH Bll3INS, ON }30TH SIDES -. viding 4or Oi~ NOitTH 1-T,]tiYi~N~9i 3TRnH-P., FROM THi~ NORTH PiaDPERTY LINls' O1~ JiFFr:R90N STREET TO THE SOVTH ~~ , elflewalk ~on- . etruotion N. . PROPERTY LINL OF TRIMHLIi 3TR1s~T, iN THis CITY OF PADUCAH, ~NTUOKY, AND PROVIDLNG THAT 11th St. '"THE.8AME SHALL BE 0Di'ISTRUC`~D UPON THE TEN YhAR PAYMENT PLAN AT THE COST OF THE ABUTT- ~ `'"' IN6.Pi0PERTY OWNERS," be introduoed sad ].ay over 4or ooneideration 4or ten days. j .~ " 'Adopted npoa oall of the roll yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams sad Satter John, 6. ~ ,. ,0. .. . " ~' ~ • , "i .. ., ~~~' ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~.. .. '. .. ... ... .. ,.. ,., .: a v ~ ~. ..:. i '~ . ~ 11 . • ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . ~p,.C+a4hwt. aC:arei.Y' ..!-1du+.:tatiw~~ a ,s~ilar:.r.7w: is 'wl. w ... / ` ` r ' ~ • 1 ~ " Oommiesioner Gilbert off~rsd the lollowiag.motion; That an ordimnoe entitled, P ' :, • ~"AN,ORDINANC$ PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALIO3, QURBS, GUTTERS, + Ordinanoe Roviding i eidenalk oonetruotionTOGETHER tYITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH SIDES ; N. 9th St, OB NORTH NINTH STREET, FROM TH,E NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF MONROE BTREET TO THE SOUTH PRO+ ! I~~ j ,~ PERTY LINE OF RRIMBLE STREET, IN `PHE CITY OF PADUCA$, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING THAT THE $AME SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN AT C03 ~~ PROPERTY LIIIa OF TRIi3BLri 3TRI;rET,, III THE CITY QL'' PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING THAT `,~.• ' TH$ SA1~ SHALL Bli OONSTRi~TED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN AT THE COST OF THE ABUTT- i• ,,w..;';. INO PROP>RTY OWNERS," be introduced end lay over for oonaideration for ten days. ~„~ ~-, . Adopted upon Dell of the roll, yeas Eaten, Gilbert, Tully and W1111ame, 4. Nays Ketter~oha, 1. ~ . Ordinance pTOVid- 0 E , INTAKES, 3EYlI.R3 AND CATCH BASINS, ON THk IIORTH ~ . ing eidowaik Don- struotion on N. SIDE OF BROAD STREET, FROLI THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF FOURTH STREET TO 'PHE EAST PROPERTY aide of Broad St. ~ LINE OF SISTH STREET,'AND ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF BR,0.4D STREET,FROId THE WEST PROPERTY LINES . OF HENRY KOLB'S PROPERTY, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, At1D PROVIDING THAT THE SAME . SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON '1'HE TEN YEAR PAYltEIdT PL.9N AT THE COS'P OF THE ABUTTING PROPER- TY OY/tii;RS," be introduced and isy over Yor oonaideration for ten days. Adopted neon . Dell of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Kattor3ohn. 6. I ••, Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; That an ordinance entitled, Or3lmnoe provid- "AN ORDINANCE PROVIi)•L1aG 1•'OR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, CURBS, GUTTL429, ing eidewslk'soon-. l struction N. 12th. TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES INTAKES 3EYlERS AIID CATCH BASINS OI! THE YlEST ' '° . , , • SIDE OF NORTH TWELFTH STREET, BEGINNING AT 'PHE CONCRETE SIDEWALK Otl 'L'HE PROPERTY OF • J. DnPERRIEU AND EBTENDING TO THE CONCRETE. SIDEI"TALK ON THE PROPERTY OF 'PHlti HEtIDERSON ~ , ffiI$WING COMPAIIY, A DI$TAIICE OH APPitQ$Ih14'PELY 9EVi:1JTY LINEAL FEET, • IN 1'NE OI'PY OF PADUOAl# • KENTUCKY, AIID PROVIDING THAT THr; SAh'i>: SHALL BL'' CONSTRUCTEll UPON 'PRE TEN YEAR PAYMhNT j .. I PLAN AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS," be introduced and lay over for ! ,'; oonaideration Por ten daye. Adopted upon Dell of the roll, yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, f ~. Tully, Williams and Katter'ohn. b• j . Commissioner Gilbert oflered tho following motions That en ordimnoe entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRIIQTION OF CONCRETE SIDIsYlALI6 CURBS GUTTERS j • • Ordtmno.e providing . , , y tar eidewalk Don- . ' struotion on TOGETHER YlITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES INTAKES SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDES i ~ . .. N. 7th St. S OF NORTH S1:VIs'NTH STREET, FROit THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF MADISON STREE°P TO THE SOUTH . ~.. Tally, tVilliame and Katter~ohn, b. Commissioner Gilbert offered the tollovring motion:, That an ordinance entitled, ~ - ,^AN ORD]NANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALK4, CURBS, GUTTERS, i .' TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANH L THE T OF THk ABUTTING PROPERTY OYlNERS," be introdnoed end ley over for oonaideration Yor ten.daye. Adopted upon Dell of the roll, yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams, 4. Nays, %atter~ohn,l~ Commissioner Gilbert oflered the following motion; That an ordimnoe, entitled ',^AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TAE CONS'RUCTION OF CONCRETE OR KEN'UCKY ROCK ASPHALT ;, , • SID$Yt1LIC3 AND CONCRETE CURBS, GUTTERS, TOGETi~R WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, I. ing eidawn kovid- SEtVERS AND CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH SIDE OF NORTH THIRTEENTH STREET, FROM THE NORTH PRO- !~ oNonlgruhog~.n oa PERTY LINE 06' BROADYlAY STREET TO 'PHE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OY' TRIMDLE STREET, IN THE OITY OF PADUQAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING THAT 'PHE SAT,t:; SHALL BE CONSTRUOTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAli AT THE QOST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS," be introduced and ley over j for consideration Yor ten days. Adopted upon Dell of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, . _.__._..--t-~~:... ~ 1 . . -.. ~: ,~ ~,~, _. ... ~. ~ ~~u G~.r .. i ~~ ••'! . ;r .. No.~ • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ _.. Commiaeioner Gilbert offered the following motion: That an ordinance anti- ~ " f. • ', , ' Ordinanoe pro-;^tled, "AN:ORDINANCB PROY.IDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE 9IDEWAL&4, CURBS, GUTTERS, • -vidiYig sidewalk oenatruotian .. TOGETH&t WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH SIDES on N. 6th St., '~. bF NORTH SISTH STREET FROM THE HO~iTH PROPERTY LINE OF MADISON STREr7r TO THE SOIITB PRO- P1~'RTY LINK OF •TRIMBLls' STR3s'ET, IN THE CITY aR PADUCAB, SENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING TRAT T8E SANE SHALL BE CON9'rRUCTED UPON T8E TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN AT THE C03T OF T8E ABUTTING " .PROPERTY OWNhR3," be introduoed and ley over for oonaideration for ten Jaya. Adopted apon oe11 •af .the roll, yeas baton, Gilbert, Telly and Williams, 4. Naye,. Ifatter~ohn, 1 ~, Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motions That an ordinance anti- ; " I1tled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF FOURTEh'LiTH STREET, FROM TH8 NORTH i. Ordinance pro-: viding street YROPLRTY LIN1~ OF MONROE STREis'T TO THE SOUTB PROPERTY LINE OF .CLAY STREET IN T8E CITY OF ' improvement of N. 14th St.. i.PADUCAR, KENTUCKY, AT, THiy COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNdRS, AND PROYIDTNG THAT SAl[S . ;` SHALL .BE CONSTitUCTED UPOFI~TRc~'TEN YEAR PAYMENT FLAB, BY GRADING AND GAVELLIIiG SAME," i~be introduoed and lay over for ooasideration for ten days: Adopted upon cell of the f • a .. ' ;roll, yeas, EatBri; Gilbert, Tully sad Williams, 4. Nays,itatterjohn, 1. !" Communisation ~' On motion of"Meyror Kstterfohn a oommunioatioa from the Padnoeh"Evening Sea } Padaoah Evening ~ San in re; Days in regar8 to Daylight Saving be reoeived sad tiled. Adopted yeas b, ~. light."saving. ' ' On motion a# Mayor Kattor~ohn a oommnniantion from Minton S. Burns nod Bohn Commugisation"'SW, Alvord was reoeived sad filed Gad ordered spread oa the minutes, upon call oY the i" , Clinton S. Berne nod Bohn W.. ;,roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, W1111ame end 8atter'ohn. 6." Aivord. 'a '' "February 2nd, 1920. "~;:;;"• The Padaoeh Water Company, .~~ .;.. Paducah, Kentucky; •- r•. ~ °~ ~~ Ronorable Mayor and Commiaeionera,. • ""~',r,". H Padaoah, Kentucky, . ~ "Gentlemen;- w ' ' We, the nnderaigned- Clinton 3. Btmna representing the ~ , ' ': ``' - City of Paducah,. Kentucky, and John W. Alvord, representing the •+ it ~ Paducah Water Company., have completed the Board of Appraiaere by •• .~ . '~ the appointment of Dean W. G. Raynwnd•oY Iowa City, Iowa, 4 ~ Reapeatfully yours, ~ ~" CLIPJTON S. BURNS ~ ~ ' `"~ epreaenting a ty o ao : ` ~. ~ ' JOHN i'r. ALYORD CW epreaen ng e a uae ~a er ompeny," i Oommiseioner Eaton offered the folirnving motion; I mono that the revert of .Report of Oom13'. " '.Public Safety the Commieaionor of Public Safety ca the.acaident to the Tiro Department, gconrring oa ', is re; accident ,~~Firi Dept, (the night"pf February 16th, 1920, be.reoeived.and filed.. Adoptel apse cell oi! the :roll; yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Willioma and Katter~ohn. 60 ( ' ~"~' '~`•• ~ •. On motion"oY Commissioner Williams the bid from Frank Walker and Charles Bid"Frank and ~; '~.Ohas. Walker Walker on lots 10, 11 and 12 in Bleak H. wan reoeived and filed and action deferred fete. 10-11-18 , „ ;upon cell of the roll, yeea Eaton. Gilbert. Tul].v. Williama"end Katter9ohn_ 5. •. _~ r No. 0~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ MARCH 1. 1920. At a Regular Meeting oY the Board oY Commissioners, held in the Comm~isaionera~ ~~ Ohamber in the Cit Hall Paduosh Kantuok on March 1st 1920 Those ~ ~ y ~ • y, ~ present wars i Commiselonera Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Mayor ICatter~ohn, B. I' On motion the minutes of the ~ previous meetings were adopted ae read and oorreeted,j _ - Yeea b. ti Petition property owners N ~llth 8t ~ On motion oY Commissioner Gilbert the petition from the property owners on N. llth~ . . Between Finley & Barnett: Street, batwoen Finley and Burnett Streote;eleo Biniey hetWaen.l0th do'llt~ was reoeived~ . and tiled yea b. C i i omm ss oner Gilhort offered the following motion; That the City Attorney be ia- •j „ . Oity Attorney 'etruotod to bring in a resolution Yor the construction oY the passago way or etroot ! • ~ instructed to bring .knovm ae Finley Street, between 10th ffi 11th St. by the grading and gravcling same; all ~ in resolution:- . Passage Way or ~ improvements to ba paid by abutting property holders on tho Ten .Year Plana Adopted ' Street Finley, b t lath 11 h 'u ~ e n. & . t pon call of tho roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams 4; Nays, Kr.tter~ohn, 1.~ I • j Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: That tho City Attorney be 1n-~. City Attorney in- struoted to bring in a resolution Yor the construction o Y North 11th St. between . _ atruoted to bring , ' in resolution- Finley and Burnett Street by grading and graveling same; all improvements to be paid construction N. 11 j 3t. batn. Finlay 80 , by abutting property holders on the Ten Year p7.an. Adopted upon Dell of tho roll yeas ; Barnett 3te.. . ~ • ;Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams, 4. Nays, Katter~ohn, 1. ~. ' Commieeioner Tully offered the following motion; That the Mayor. and Commissioner -~ Borrow }Soney of Finance be authorized to borrow from the City National Bank Yor the use and benefit I X20,000 Yrom City . i ~ National Bank. OY the City of Paducah, the sum oY ~20,D00 in anticipation of the tax oollootiona to bo` made in June, to bo repaid June 20, pledging ae security tho good Ysith and credit oY ~. ' the City oY Paducsah and the tea oolleotions Yor tho first half oY the year 1920. Adopted upon Dell of the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and ICatter~ohn, 6. I' Co®niesiones Tully oYYored the following motion; That the laboratory eguipmorit ~~ ', Laboratory equip- ;loaned to the 1toCracken County Health league be turned over to the Superintendent oY f went. Rivcrside Hospital, it becoming neooasery to make use oY this egnipmont at the hospital ;Adopted upon call oY the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn, 6• ' ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; The sum oY X87.60 having boon • Amanda Strove paid into tho treasury, as evidenced by tho receipt filed herewith, I move that deed bs~ Cemetery Deod. executed to Amanda Strove Yor lot ~12'in block #3 on the south aide of Hannan Street ;.: • between Baker and Hank atreete,•in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon Dell of tho roll j . . • ~:,~.~ 'yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn, b. { Cormnisnionor Tully o.~Yured tho Yollowink motions Tha sum oY j3G.00 having boon i • R. B. Layoook, ~ '~ Paid into the treasury, ae evidenced by the receipt tiled horevrith, I mono that decd Comatory Daed, ~bs executed to R. B. Leyoook for lot '~`~18 in block ~P, on the eonth aide o4 Mi~.ler street) between Ford and Hannan etroets in Oak Grove Cer~tery. Adopted upon call oY the roll i yeas Eaton, Gilbert., Tully, Williams and Ifatter~ohn, 6." ' Commiaaioner Tully oYYored the following motion: Whoroae, the Isolation hospital ' Isolation Wsrb. ,< ,... Ys now being operated candor tho auperviaion oY the Supe~•intondent oY Riverside Hospital;,; , and as a part oY that hoanital, I move that Yor oonvenienoe it be named and known as- the ISOL-4TIOH WARD vrhile so oporatad Dy tho City. Adopted upon Dell oY tho roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Ifatter~ohn, 6. Salaries lnoreae- ed- Police Dept. Commissioner Eaton oYYored the following motion: I move that the oelnrlee oY the ', and Fire Dspte. Police Departmont and Fire Departmonta of tho City oY Paducah, when fixed in the,Ordi- ? "" ' • ~nanoe retaining certain employees Yor the City oY Paducah Yor the year 19P,0, shall bs ~ a: ~ offeotive, and tho aslariea fixed as of the data oY March let, 1920. Adopted neon call ~,~~, ~ ~ -~,, oY the roll. yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter'.ohn, 6. i w;:~h • §. 3 ; .. r _-- - - - - -- I k. i.. ... .. r~ ...~. , y.~ e..~ „~ ~ .. ...+'~ ~ y ~ . * ... ` ~ ` Commissioner`s Proceedings, City of Paducah 191r tReport bhief of i Polioe February; Comnieaioner Faton offered the following motion: I move that the Report of the ' ;1920. ~ Chief of Polioe for the month oP February 1920 be reoeived and filed. Adopted yeas b. ~ • • Report Chief of ~ Commissioner Teton offered the following motion; I move that the report of ' Fire Department (Fobruarq 1920. 1 the Chisf,of the Fire Department Yor the month of February 1920 be reoeived sad Piled. Adopted yeas 6. i Commissioner Willinma offered tho following motion: I move that Dr. W. H. ~ ~.e '~Dr, W. H. Par- Parsons and T. L. Coloman be elected ae members of tho Board of Health of the City o4 .~ •., . , sons and T. T. 1 Oolcmasn, elect- Paduoab, Sontuoky, to fill the vaoanaiea oooaeioned by the aspiration of the terms oY • ~ ed mombora of r. Board o! Hoalth.' ~ • ' offioo of Carl Wells and Dr. M. M: Cooley, effaotivo as of Janmry 6th, 1920. Adopted ~ upon Dell of tho roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams end Katter~ohn. 6. Commissioner t9illiame offered the following motion: L move that the salary !- • { ~Mre. sale Harmeri of Mrs. Gale Harmon Martin, Snperinteadent of the Riverside Hospital, be increased !Martin, salary ~BO.OO.per month, effective ea of this date; said increase in aalary being made to pay {increased. (~ 'her for extra services and duties devolving upon her in the snperiatendenoy of the ~. ';,Isolation Hospital. Adopted npoa Dell of the roll yeBa Tatoa, Gilbert, Tully, Williame~ and IOatter~ohn, b. • ' ~ ' Resolution Don-; Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motioa: That the Oity Attorney •. ebrnotiea aids- be laatruoted to bring in a resolution Yor tho oonetruotion of both aidee of North 16th walks, sto- N.. , 16th St. ben. gt. from Jefferson Street to Trimble St. with oonorete walks, oonorete curbs, ooaorete Jefferson and Trimble. 'gutters, together with all necessary drain aatoh baeina,and.iptakes, etc., to be paid ' for by abutting property holders on the Ten Year Plan. Adopted upon Dell of the roll ~yoae Teton, Gilbert, Tully; Williame,4.. Naya, Katter~ohn, 1, ~ Commieaioaor Oilbort offored the following motion: That tho City Attorney Resolution Don- ~•be instructed to bring in a reaolrition Yor the oonstruotion of both aidee of 4th Street`. atruotion aide- 'Prom Broad Street to Elisabeth Street with oonoreto walks, oonorete curb, oonorete walks .etc., i 4th S~i. from, i Broad bo Elias- 'gutters; togothor ti7ith all necessary aetoh basins, intakes sad drains, etc,, to be paid; bath. for by.abutting property holders on Ten Yoar Plan. Adopted upon Dell of the roll yeas ,Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter3ohn, b. ~ • " dommieeioner Gilbert offered the following motion: That the City Attorney bed Reeolntipn Don- ,instructed to bring in a resolution for the oonatruotion o3 oonorete walks, oonorete ; ' atruotion aids- .curb, ooaorete gutters, oast iron drains, ate, on both aidee of Broad Street, between walks, et0., . Broad St.., beta. gth St. and Bridge Street, together with all aeoessary intakes, catch basins, drains, ' 8th St, sad Bridge St. "etc,, the sew oonorete walk., etc. on tho south aide of Broad St. to start where the e ' ~ald oonoreto walk stops in front of the residence of J. C. Kolb and oa the North aide ;. of Broad Street from the Weat property line of 6th 3t. to a point where the Teat pro- ~ w. , ~~ I. i ~' ~~ ~I'. party line of Bridgo etre9t would i~toraeot tho North ousb line whon extended, to be ~ .'; ';Paid for by property holders on Ten YeeP' Plan. Adopted upon call of tho roll yeas ' Estop, Gilbert, Tully., Vlilliame and IOxtter~oha, b. Ordine,noe. Mayor Katterjoha road an ordinance providiag.that pity employee shall not ~' Oity Hnployees ~abaont thomaelvea from thoir work or leave tho Cit of Paducah without first Navin absenting them-, . y , g ' solves Yrom '.obtainod leave of aba9noe and rovidi a po.nalt for violation theroof. Commisaioner;~ their 'work.. ~ t p nB y ' Tully offored tho following ordinance ea s anbsbitnte~ to the above ordinance, to-wit: .~ ' TMAN ORDINANCE RTGULATING T$F: GRANTING OF PERMISSION TO'AFPOINTIVB TMPLOY8T3 OF TS8 C1TY.~: ~ QF PADUCAH, ~NTUOKY', TO BT ABSENT FROM THETA EtdPLOYMENT," and offered the following ~ !. emotion: I move tho adoption of sa ordiaanoe entitled, "AN.CQtDINANCE RTGIILATING THE • , ,GRANTING OF PEE~ISSION TO APPOINTIVE EMPLOYETS OF TH8 CITY OF PADIICAH.,. K6NTtJCK7~ TO BB ,~ ' ' °ABSENT FROM THEIR HbtPL07atTtiT," Adopted upon apli o! the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbort, ~ ~ .. ;Tally end Williams, t. Nssn, Katter~ohn, 1. ~~ J~ ~: ~ ~. .' w. i _ .,.,«~. ..M ., ~ . ~ Commissloner's Proceedings, Clty of Paducah 191_ ~ ~~ • • ~ Commissioner Eaton offered the following motions I move the adoption.ot sa ordi• Ordiaenoa provid- Hanes entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING T$AT T$E OFFICES OB 'PHE COMMIS3IONER3 MAY CLOSE+ ing aloaing.of City oYfioes at ,AT ONE O'CLOCK ON SATURDAYS," adopted upon Dell of the roll yeas Eaton, 611bert, ?'ally, 1 0 olaok P. M. , Saturdays. Williams and Katter~ohn, 6. ~~ Commissioner Eaton oFFered the Following motion; I move the adoption of an ordi- ~ • s • ' nan.oe entitled, "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN pRDINANC$ ENTITLED, 'AN ORDINANCE PRO$IBITIN6 hibit~ingeparking VE$ICLa3 OF ANY C$ARACTER FROM PARKING OII I:ITHr''R SIDE OF BROADWAY STREET BETWEEN FIRST Broadway, beta. ,AND SIBT$ STREETS, IN T$x CITY OF PADUCA$, K1:IJTUCKY, ANll PROVIDING PENALTY FOR.YIOL.4- ~ r,',~'~ lat. and Sixth 3t. TION OF SAME,' tl$IC$ WAS ADOPTED BY T$Iti BOARD OF COLIGIISSIOIJEA3 ON SEPTEMBER ?.3rd, 1918.! Adopted upon Dell of the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams an8 Katter~ohn, 6. Mayor Katter~ohn offered the Following motion; I move that the Mayor and Commie- ~eioner of Pub1lo.Finanoe bs 3nstruotod to execute sad deliver to the Hoard of Eduoation~ ,Sohool Improvement of Paducah, fir, the School Improvanont 8onda heretofore authorized to be issued by the • Bonds. City of Paducah, and spread on the minntee. Adopted yeas b. ! "At s meeting of the Board of Education of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, • held in the ofFioe of the said Board of Eduaatioa in said Oity on Thursday, the ! • 1.. twelfth day oY February, 1926, at 4 P. M., there being preeenL• the following I members, to-wit; ~ ~ '~ i Dr. J. T. $addiok, Dr. M. 9teinfeld, • - Bir. J. L. Wanner... ! • ~ The said Board having been duly oeiled to order, and the purpose of the ~, ~ .. f' meeting stated, the following resolution wee introduced by Mr. Wanner, aeoonded by Dr. 3teinfeld and unanimously adopted; ~.• ' ~: 'Resolved that the bid for the Sohool Improvement Benda of the Oity National ~ Beak, Paducah, Kentucky, thru its President, Mr. J. C. Utterbeok, be eaospted by . ' ~' . the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, provided that aetisYaotory aeourity ': ~~ be given by the City National Ban L• to the Board of Education for ell payments of i ~°,,;~. }' , ,. money sa stipulated in its bid, vdiioh bid is flied herewith and made a part of the resolution. ~ u ~We beg to anbmit the following bid for the Two-$uadred-Fifty-Thouannd Dollars ~, •' i. Sohool Improvement Benda, dated January 15th, 1920,- x`260,160.00 with aaorua8 in- {. ' j' tercet from January 16th, 1920, to time of delivery, to be paid for as follows; ~' :< • Cash ~ 1b0.60 ~ ! 1. April let., 19'L0, 26,000.00 I ~; July let, 1920, 2b,000.00 + ' October let, 1920, 60,000.00 ~. January let, 1921, 7b,000.00 , ~ April let, 1921, ~7b,0~_.~O,Oa j , ' t° .Total ` . '~ , '' We also a ee to pay our own attorna 8r y.' Yeee and the cost of printing said j, beads, sad to give approved bead guaranteeing the payments to be made on the dates ', ~, ~' ~` ebop0 epeoiiled. ~ ~ ~ ~ j r', • ~.~~ In the event the money should not be used on the. dates apooitied, ws will allow: ;: 4~ interest upon any deferred payments, and in the event you should need the pay- money to the da.tea above apeoified we will pay same neon demand., charging 6~u inter- I .. 1'' i. }' oat for unexpired time. ' ~` Pie herewith enclose Cashier's Cheek, 2,600.00, pledging our good faith in the ' above bid.' ' ~ Mr. Planner offered the following resolution; Resolved that the Board of.Eduos- ~ ;, tion, of Paducah, Sentuoky, accept the offer of Mr. J. C. Uttorbaok; President of ;, ,, !'~ ~, ~ ~ the City National Bank, oFFering said Bank as security for the deferred payments ' p ~ ~a .; ~ ~ and as further aeourity the personal bond of saoh of the board of direotora of the ;.~.: ~J h . . . ... ~.. ' t $• . ~, i i - i . ..... N..w..,,, , a ~~.. .. ........ ...:.~ ~ u.. rwuM xww..uww~..rw.: .u~,.....u..w w a. ..... W,ww •..sw.....~ .....~.._......... . ...".., .~.~.. ~•„yam:- Jn.„.,...~-.... ~ .~:, ~t )','i .~ .. ,. II l uu•~w w.~~m. -~m.:_n ~ ~_:,:,:~:..~c.ups,-..-....~-~,I~~.~e.~~~,.au~~;.a.~~4 ~,~~Wmplw*vcmua~uepm. ~- - ~u,.~...~. }, d . . + r . j ' `` ~ ,,' a t ... ~ ~ - may{ 2 rw~uMr N 1" ~ ~ '. 6 - - • Y ~. ,t .+ ~ - ...r. .~. . x... wu.~~.swr,. ~a.w~ -!.. .r.i.dOw..~_...I.,u~w. +.~w. .w..rs..i...... ~. K...~ / r ..... .. tip. x ~ ~ .. . • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ _ ,. ' ',said City National Bank. 9eid resolution wee eeoondbd by Dr. Steinfeld, ead. on roll ., rz ~-~^ ,Dell vase nnanimouely adopted. ~ f ~z';q ; ' We, tho undereigaed, J. T. Reddiok, Prea.ident oY the Board oY Education, and. ~ ,,r i idarguerite Redd, 9eoretary, do nnly.,aerti4y that the'Yoregoing resolutions verb adopted i " f . (by the .Hoard o4 Education o4 the 41ty oY Padnoah, nt a meeting of said Board held in_th'ai.-~ I ~eaid City o4 Paducah, on the twelfth day oY Febrmry, 1920, and ie certified to the. +• ' III ~ ~~ Oity National Bank oY said Oity. ~ { y This thirteenth day oY February, 19$0..' ~ ~ ;' ATTTv9T J. T. REDDICK ea en oar o uoe .ono „ ` the City oY Paduaeh, gentuoky. ~~ ` ' ~eore ate y• `~: . 9, M. Smith ' {. ~ On motion oY Mayer Batter john oommunioations Yi~om S. M. Smith in regard . fi oommnnioation ! ' Iv! re: Peat ,to the 41ty, Peet House were received arad tiled. Yeas 6. ~ •, House. ~ On motion oY Commissioner iTaton the City Milk, Meet and Live Stook In- ~ .. . City Milk, 1[ea1 and ~ j ,epeotor was instructed to en4oroe an ordinance in regard to tuberculosis sows was ~ ~ Live Stook. n adgptdd upon Dell 04 tho roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 6• 1 Inepootor, in-i ~ rs: Tnborou- loafs Cows. A ~ ~ On motion the Board adjourned yeas 6. i y~ i Adopie~ f9 _ .A1~~,,,PRO~~ `-~ ~y ~ . MAYOR. I ~ ~ S I °t,, , .. i ~ j ,..v.l, . f '' ][ARCH 4th. 1920. , I ' AL a Called Meeti 04 the Board oY Comvrtiesioners, hsid in the Commisaioaera' - -~~ Chamber in the City Hall, Peduaeh, Bentuoky, at 2 o'aloak P.'~l[., March 4th, 1920. ; • r .;Upon oe1T o3 the roll. the following answered to their named i 'Cominibeionere Laton; " , .:. • '; Tu7:~! and Williams, and Mayor Katterjohn, 4. r .. ' ,t>?~•. The Mayor atatod reasons Yor Dell, to-~+it: To aliovr eeiaries ead aaaounta !or i the month o4 February, 1920, and to take np any other baainess that may Dome before i i ~! '~ the Board o4 Ccmmieaionera. ,: , ~„ .. '! Oommisaloaer Tully o44ered the Yallovaing motion: That the report oY Coaoaiasioner! Old ~ `,Typewriter. _ ; oY Fiaanoe regarding•eale o4 the old Underwood typewriter o4 the City oY Paduaeb to I the Paducah Labor Newe be received and Oiled. Yeas 4. ~ . " Report Com'r ..' Commissioner T-tl,Iy o4Yered the 4o11owing motion: That the aaoocnta Yor the last f Finance Yor , Feb. 1820,- ~ hsli oY February. 1920, ae .per report of the Commissioner oY Finance 411ed herewith- ,... , ~ ~ -~ AOa0ltntar ~ ' ~ .;;; be ailowed and ordered paid,. and that the anoaey be appropriated 4rom the general fund; , - ~ to pay same. Adopted yeas Eaton, Tully and Williams, 8. Nays.. Batter john 1. I ~~~ ~' + ~' Connniseionor Tully o44ered the Yollowing motion; That the report oY the.Commia= ~` Report Oom r~ :~:,, ! ~ Finance Yor Feb. 1920. ~;., aioaer oY Finance 4or the month of February 1920 be received and Oiled and ordered I c,:..publlahe,d in the oYYiatul newspaper. Adopted yeae.4. j i • Commi~~ioner•Gilbert•enLersd the A+esting. Commissioner Eaton oYYered the 4ollowing motion; I move that the Ch1eY o4 the r ~ ' $~e Alarm artment be authorise8 to order on behal4 oY the City one Peerless ltoa-inter- giro De I . p i ' .. - C. Perin 9eotor Fire Alarm Box Model M-26 at ~120.G4. Adopted yeas Eaton, Gilbert." ~ g . i., t._ ~+ Tully, Williams and•Batterjobn, 6i ' • ~', i On motion the Board adjonraed yeas 6. ~',. , ~'l~19~Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '' ~ ~~ I ~ -- . Aie . ;, d e+tr n ~ ~ r ~ YOR. .` + ~ r •,. " . I ,. ' r • • ~. r _ I' f - i ~ .. ' ' . . . No..~S'O9 Commissioner's Procei y of Paducah 191_. MARpH 8TH. 3950. ~:.--. ~~ ~. •. ,':I :~.. .;'; •~` ' 1 , r '~ v • ~> . ;'a At a regular meeting of the Hoard oY Commissioners, heid,ia the Commiseionsre.' 'Chamber in the City Hall, Padnoah, Kentuatq, Maroh Sth, 1950, upon nail of the roll thel, .following answered their names; Commissioners Baton, Gilbert, Tuily~ Williams and '-. ~ ^ ' ~ !Mayor Katter~ohn,, b. On motion o! Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings wars adopted' • ;as read and oorreoted, yeas 6. •, •, } Commissioner Eaton ofiersd the Yollowing motion; I move that the question of ,' ooneidering a Daylight Saving Ordinanoe be taken up Por ooaeideration at the regular I} Da~Vlight Bswi.nge,meeting oY tho Board oY Commissioners on Maroh SSnd, 1950. Adopted yeas 6. I " Commlaeioner Eaton offered the following motions I move that tho oommunioation Woman's Hoepital.Yrom Woman's Hospital League be reoeived and Filed. Adopted upon nail oP tho roll I,eagae. !yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams sad I~tter~ohn, 6. ~ .1 ' On motion oP Oommieaioner Giibort tho petition from proporty owners on North i N. 13th St. ' • Petition pro par- Thirteenth Street was reoeived and tiled. Yeas 6. ' ty owners-Protest On motion oP Commissioner Gilbert the oommunioation Prom employoos of the Oity f , Employees City Light Plant, relative to raise in salary, was reoeived and Yiled and left open. Yeas ; Light. Plant. :6. Mayor Katter3ohn oYYered the Following motion; I move that the pay of S, M. Smith' S. M. Smith, 'Peathouee keeper, be inoreeaed to X60.00 per month, in aooordanoe with his request Psethouas Keep- er- Salary in- •hereto?ore filed with the Board of Commissioners, and that he be allowed pay Yor Peed- !. oreeaed. • .ing two horses instead oY one, on eooount oY the Yeot that two horses ar0 now required j,, ,to drew the Peethouae ambnleaae, pay to be eYYeotive Yrom 1st oY Maroh, 1920. Adopted upon nail of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and.KstL•er~ohn, 6.' { i Commissioner llilliama oitered the Following motion; Ia the matter of the o]aim Mrs. Georgia ~oF Mrs. Georgia Heyer Yor 8amagea against the City, on eooouat oP brink wall, I desire , • deniod,olaim •, to report thnt upon invoatigation I Yind tiiero is na legal liability and Ithergfore • move that said oleim be denied. Adopted upon nail oY the roll yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, j~, •• 'Tully, 141111eroe and Katter,ohn, 5.. • { • • Commissioner .Eaton oYYered the Yollowing motion; I move that the Genornl Assembly! ' l "of Keatnoky be inYormeB that the Board oY Commissioners heartily endorse. and approve j ' Yteat Kentucky • . ' , Iadnetriel ;'the appropriation Yor the benefit of the Weat Kentuoky Industriel,College and urge the pollege- appso~ priatlon. anaotmont oP the bill appropriating X50,000 ea an annual appropriation Yor said ool- ~ . -, l.ega. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Kattar- ` • • john, b. !' .. Commissioner Gilbert oYYered the Yollowing motion; I move that the ordinanoe ~ ,, ~. • Sidewalk oon+ ,Providing Yor the.ooastruotion of oonorete or Kentuoky asphalt sidewalks and oonorete ~ . atruotion N. 18 - ~ Street. ourba, gutters, together with all neoeseary manholes, intakes, sewers sad oatch basins,;, • on both aides oP North Thirteenth Street, Yrom the north proporty lino oY Broadway ,3treot to the Sonth property line of Trimble Street, be planed on Yta passage. Adopted ;neon nail of the roll, yeas Fston, Gilbert, Tully anQ Williams,-4: Nays,: Katter~ohn,l.; ? Commiaeioaer Gilbert oYYered the Following motion; I move that the resolution Improvement "providing Yor the oonstruction of the driver~ay on Cedar Street and Liaoola Avenue, i Cads! St. and Linoo111 Ave. ;Yrom the East property line oP the Efayfield rend to the East property line oY Linooln ' Avenue on Cedar Street Yrom the north ourb lino of Cedax Street to the South proporty ~lina of Coxeye' Street, be introduoed and lay over to be introduoed For its pnaenge at • j,tha next regular mooting of the Board. Adopted upon nail of the roll, yoga Eaton, j1,:-~ ~iilbert, Tully and Willfame,-4 Nays Katter~ohn, 1. • '.1 ~r~ , • ~ 1!!' " ....; . _. •C ~ _ _ :~ c.:. .. ....~ r ......>,-,. y~:e.,i..,w~...... -,. .. Commissioner's .'~ ti ~... ~ ~. ity of Paducah 191_ t Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that the resolution pro- ,~ Improvement of ' ~ .: driveway N. 4th viding.for the oonatrnotion of the driveway on North Fourth Street, Prom the North prod Street, from , ~' Jefferson to porty line of Jefferson Stroet to the South property line oY Trimble Street, it eatend~ :j Trimbls. S od, Ue introdnoed and ley over to be introdnood tor~ite peaaage.at the neat regular ~ meeting o! the Board. Adopted upon Dell of the roll, yea@ Eaton:, Gilbert, Tully, ~ t :F ! Williams and Katterjohn,- 6. _.. ~ 1 Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that the resolution ..~ ... • =Improvement of '~ Providing for the oonetrnation of the driveway on North Seventh Street from the Northi `driveway. N.9t)s` r ' j . St. from Jeffer- property line of Jefferson Stroet to the line o3 the property of the Illinois Central i eon to Trimbls.' ' ;r Railroe8 Company north of Trimble Street, be introdnoed and ley over to be introdnoed ~ j ' ij Yor its passage at the next regular meeting of the Board. Adopted upon Dail of the.~o11, . j~ yega Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Ketter~ohn, b.. 1 , • ~ pommiseioner Gilbert offered the following aootion; I move that the resolution ! Improvement of ;,providing for the oonetruotion of-the driveway on South Fifth Street, from the 4onth '` drivoway 3. 8th': St. %y. Ave. to;proporty line of Kentnokyr Avenue to the North property line of Norton Street, be 9.n- Norton. !,trodnoed and lay. over to be introduoed Yor its.peaeage at. the nazi regular meeting of I, ;the Board. Adopted upon Dell of the roll, yeas 8eton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and ~ .. ~( %atter~ohn, 6. y Commieaionor Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that the resolution ~ .. . Improvement of .providing .Yor the oanstruotion of the driveway on Jefferson. Street,,trom the East pro- driveway on , Jefferson St. ~ pony 11ne.oY Seventeenth Street, (or Fountain Avesine) to the Eeat property line of from 1.9th to 2bth. `. Twenty,Yifth $tr9et,, be introduoed and lay over to. be introdnoed Yor its passage at thei •, `:-'.next regular meeting of tho Board. Adopted upon call of the roe , yeas Ee.ton, Giibert,~,. ,Tully and Williams, 4. ,Nays Katter,ohn, 1. ! . ?. Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motions Y move that the resolution i Improvement of yproviding for the oonetruotion of the driveways on both aides oY.Mnrrel2 Bivd. lrom they driveways on .Murrell Blvd., ,South property line oY Broadway to the South property line of Caldwell Street, and Yrom• and Oeldwell St. ;:the East side of Murieli Blvd. on Caldwell Street, bleat oa Caldwell Street to Caldwell • °;Avenue, and th©noe on Caldwell Avenue to the right-oY-way of the.N. C. °~ St. t. Rail- ':.!roud Company, be introduoed and ley over to be introdnoed Yor its passage at the neat ;regular meeting of the Board. Adopted upon Dail .of tho roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, ~ , ~. ;Tully and Williams, 4. Nays, Itatterfohn, 1. , Commissioner Cilbert oY3ered the following motion: I move that the resolution 'Improvement of ,; providing for the oonatruotion of the driveway on Broadway, from the Enat property line':. drivowey on ' ;Broadway from of. Seventeenth Street, for Fountain Avonue~ to.the bloat property line of Twenty-fifth 19th to 26th. - , Stroet, be introduoed end lay over to be introdnoed for its peasage at the neat regulerE- 'meotng of the Board. Adopted upon Dell oY the roil, yreas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully end. ~.William~, 4. Nays. 1Catterjohn, 1. 1 Commieaioaer Gilbert offered the following motion:. I move that the resolution ~ ' ;Improvement of providing Yor the oonatruotion of the driveway on North Third Street, Yrom the North ~ ' driveway on ''N. Srd St. from-property lino of Jefferson Street to the Sonth.proporty line of Harrison Street, be Jefferson to ; Harriean. introduoed and ,lay over to be introduoed for its passage et the next regular meeting tof the. Board. Adopted neon Deli of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gi~.bert, Tully sod Wiiliama,4 ' + ,Nays, Itetter.)ohn, 1. i. ~~ I I u ~~ .. 1 Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: Y move that. the resolution ! r i ~_ Improvement of ,providing Yor the oonatrnotion of the driveway on North Seoond Street, from the North ~ drivovxiy on • ' N. P.tid 9t. from property line o! JeYYoraon Strest to the South property lf~ne o! Btonroe Street, be in- Jeffer~on to. ~ Monroe.. txoduoed and lay over to be introduoed for ite.paaeage at the.aeat regular meeting of i. the Board: Adopted upon oah of the roil, yege Eaton,. Gilbert:, Tally, Williams and • 4~atterjohn, 8.,. ':' .. a . ...; . .. >._ .. . .. •;.. .. ' ~ _ ~ ~ .. ~ .. .. .. .~ ~~a: ~aW:•~rk. m1**'T.d+GwR.*:~ :a','~. .x,. r..±r.•r~- o-;..~ i^,e. , S~ ~ ~~ ~ + _ ,' .. - is s f ~ ;" • ,;-F n ~' . ! • ' I. i • Commissioner Gilbert oYYered the Yollowing motion: I move that the resolution Conatraotion oY ';.providing Yor the oonatruotion oY tho driveway on Finlay 8treat Prom the West property] driveway on ,lina~oY Tenth•Stroat to the Esat property line oY Elevattth Streot be introduced and ~, Finley, between . 10th and 11th. r.lsy ovor to be introduced Yor its passage at the next regular meeting oY the Board. ' '-Adopted upon onil oY the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert,. Tully and Williams, 4. Nays, i , f Katter~ohn, 1. i Commissioner Gilbert oYYered the Yollowiag motion; I move that the resolution ~ Construction oY providing Yor the oonstruotion oY the driveway on North Eleventh Streot, Yrom tho driveway on N. 11th St. betwaea rsouth proporty line oY Finlay Streot•to the North property lino oY Burnett Stroet bs Finley and Bnrneit ' introduced and lay over to be introduced Yor its passage at the Host regular meeting dl, ' the Board. Adopted npoa cell oY the roll, yeea Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams, 4.' Nays, Katter~ohn, 1. 4 Commiaeioaor GSlbert~oYYerad the Yollowing motion: I move that tho resolution } . ' i prroviding Yor the oonetruotioa oY oonorete sidewalks, curbs and guttore, and all neoee- Sldewalk oonetruo tics Broad St., - sary manholes, intakes, sewers and catch basins on both aides of Broad Stroet between },• . between 6th and Bridge St. Sixth Stroet and Bridge Stroet, beginning at a point on Sixth Stroet where the oonorete,. walk atoga in front oY J. C. Kolb's residence on the iJorth aide oY Broad Street, on the West pm pony line oY Sixth Street to a point where tho East proporty line oY Bridge atreot-would intoraeot the north curb lino oY Bridge stroat, iY extended, be iatroduoad ;and lay over to be introduced Yor its passage at the next regular meeting of .the • , . Board. Adopted upon call oY tho roll, yeea Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and ~ F.attor~ohn, 5. • ~. Commissioner Gilbert oYfarod tho Yollowiag motion; I move that the rea.olution ~ • Sidewalk ooa- providing Yor the 4oastruotioa oP concrato eidewallcs, curbs and' gutters, end all i.. atruotion 4th 3t., Yrom Broad neooasary manholes, intakes, sewers and catch basins on both sides of Fourth Stroet ~ ~ .• St. to E112aboth.;from Broad Stroet Yrom tho South proporty lino oY Fourth Street to the North property . ..line oY Elizabeth Street. be introduced and ley over to be introduced Yor its paesage,~•~.. at the next regular meeting oY the Board. Ado ptod upon cell oY the roll, yeas Eaton, 1 • :. Gilbert, Tully, 571111ame and Kaister~ohn, b. 1 •, • Commissioner Gilbert oYYered the Yollowing motion; I move that the rea:Olution j • ! providing Yor the oonatruotion oY oonorete sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and all Sidewalk con- neoaesary manholes, intakes, sowers and catch basins on both e.ides oY North Sixteenth ! atruotion N. ibth 8t., Yrom Jeffer- gtreot Yrom the North property line of JefYereon Streot to the ,south property lino oY son to Trimble. ' • ` Trimble Streot, be introduced and ley over to be introduced Yor it4 passage at the ?, ' w; neat regular meeting oY the Board. Adopted upon Dell of tho roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert,4. { `'Tully and t91111ama, 4. Nays, Kattor~ohn., 1• • Commissioner Eaton oYYered the Yollowing motion; I movo that tho vote by which 9ldewalk con- ' the Board adopted tho ordinanoe.providing Yor constructing sidewalks on North Thirteen-I~ atruction N. 13th th Street, between Broadvray and Trimble Street ba roaoneiderad. Adopted upon call oY i~ 'St. between Y Trible Stad '' ' the roll, yeea Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn, 6. ~ •. -'i Commissioner Gilbert oYYered the Yollowing motion: I move that the oontreat,be- . Contract Yanoy de tween Yanoy k Johnson and tho City of Paducah; Kentucky, Yor tho construction oY oon- Johaeoa, aidevrel construction N. k I " orate sidewalks, curbs, and guttore, and all nooaseary manholee, intakee, aeware sad 16th 3t: catch basins. on both aides oY Sixteenth Street Yrom the North uroperty line oY Broad- i _ way to the South property line oY JeYYoraon Streot, in the City oY Paducah, Kentnoky, ! Abe received and Yiled, and the Commissioner oY Finance be instructed to refund ;their ~Yor4eit oY j~b0.00. Adopted upon call oY the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams' 'end Satter~ohn, b. ' I d i {. ~ . -.~~, , .,..,, -., ..., . .,~.o:„„.~.. ,.. . ~, g . s ,_ .. • ~ v •1 ~r1 *. x;1.1. ~~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ ~ Commissioner Gilbert offered the Following motion: i move that the oontraat ~ 1 ' ~ Contraot ~,botweon Yanoy & Johnson and the City of Paduaeh, Kentuoky, For the ooistruotion of ooa-- I Yanoy & John- '~ son, sidewalk 4,orete sidewalks; onrba and gutters, and all neoeasary manholes, itltakes, sewers and 4- ooastruotion j• Husbands St. ?oatah basins; on the South aide of Husband Street From the Weat property line of Sixth i , 'Street to the Eeet property line of Seventh Street, and on both.eidea of Seventh Strest~ ! ` from tho South property line of Husband Street to a point.100 ~ee.t South of Murray ~' E +F" 1 !;avenue, be_reoeived and filed, end the Commissioner. of Finance be instructed to refund ice; the Fifty Dollars to Mr. Yanoy Ee Johnson.. Adopted upon Dail of the roll, yeas Eaton, ~ ,• :}Gilbert, Tully, Williams end Kxtter~ohn, 60 ~ ( Oommieeioner Tul i lyr oFFered the following motion: Contraot not having been entered; ~~ Refund $60.00 ;into by the City of Padnoah with W. L. Yanoy 4or sidewalks on Goebel Ave., I move that ~ ' Yanoy & Johnson Goebel Ave., 'the Oomroissioner of Finance be is~etrnoted to refund his Yorfeit of ~b0.00 to W. L.. ~ sidewalks. - ~Yanoy. Adopted upon call of tho roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and xatter-~ k john, b. ' I { r tlomnieeionor Eaton offered the Following motion:. I' move that tho oommaaioation • -John W. Sailer ;:from John W. Keifer be roooived and filed and. referred to tho Commiaeioaer of Publio oommnnioation.;' • ~Fiaanoo, with power to sot. Adopted upon Dail oY tl}e roll, yeas Tsaton, Gilbert, Tnlly,~ ';Williams and 1~.tter~ohn, b. 1• •. F On motion the Board ad3ovrned, yeas 6. i Ada le .~'~-a-,z:__i9$~ API~].4~OV'l~ll~ 1 ~ d Gee cti.r MAYOR . i ~~ ~; .i MARdH 16TH. 1920. . ~ A$~e. regular meeting of the Board of Commieaionera, held in the Commis~ion- ,~ .,..- ere' Chambor in the O1ty Ha11, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on Maroh 16th, 1920. Those present;. • " were Oommiseionore Tully, Williams an.8 Mayor Katter~oha. 3. ~ i~ . Ott motion of Commissioner Tully tho miantes of the previous meeting were ;. gaoptea as read, yoas 3. i ' "~ Commissioner Tully oFFered the following motion: T move that the petition ~ ' PETITION of A. signed by A. V. Bauor and othora, protesting against eidowalk improvoment on aonth j V. &+uor and others protoat- ~ 4th gtreot botwoon Elisabeth sad Broad, be resolved and filed. Adopted upon Dell of ing sidewalks ;4 , 4th St, betweoa ~~ tho roll, Yana Tully, Y~illiams and I{atter~ohn: 3. I J' Elisabeth ~ad. ~ • Broad.. i! Oommiasioner Tully offered the following motion: That tho oommanioation { i r. from the Meohaniosburg Lodge #P.18 L O.O.F. is rogard to a oaraivrii to be hold. during ~ ` Commiinioation +~ Meohanioeburg tho.week of Apr11 19 to April 24th ittoluaive bo reoeived filed and ti f d ! ' ' , ; , ca on e erred Lodge X218 IOf®' ;, . relativo to until the next re afar meeti ~ oeraiveii. g ng, Maroh E2nd. .Adopted upon oall of the roll, yeas ~~ Tully, Williams sad Ithtter~ohn. 30 ~ .. •~ • k t ~ '. 4 tlommiseioaer Tully oFFered the following motions The sum of X37.60 having Cemetery Deed. 4 beoa paid into the treasury as evidenoed by tho reoeipt herewith Filed, I move that• ~, 0. 0. Orr.. ~ ' . `: deed be exeouted to 0. W. Orr Yor Lot ~li.ia biook ~3 on tho eo$th side of Hannan Street between Baker and~iank streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon.oall of the!: ._,J ?: roll, yeas Tully, Williams end Eatter~ohn. 3. tlommisaionor Tu11y bffored the following motion: That the report of Com'r. ; ~ • • '! of Finance, with reopipt and duplioato oertifioate of dApoait atteohed, regarding 9ohool Heads. x + delivery oi' 600 City of Paducah 69b School Ymprovement Bonds, numbers.one to. Five hnn• j ' , ~ ~ ;. dred~ iaolusive for ~b00 oaoh to the Board of Education be reoeived and Filed and , • • '. • , ... rsoord~d. Adopted upon Deli of the roll, yeas Tully Williams sad Katter~ohn, 8. ~ , ~: '. ' w ~~ Y. y. .. • i . , -.~. _. ...,......~ ...-~.,:.. ..,:.>.,<_......._,...~t..-r,~i-::' .ate .~ ., _..._ ~.., ._,,,..._.;;:;._,. No,_ ~ /3 . ~ ,~ 4. Commissioner's P. raceedings,. City of Paducah • IQI,_ 3aid reoeipt and duplicate certificate of deposit and report being ae Yollave; "Paduaeh, Kentucky, March 12" 1820. ~ • t. Honorable Mayor & Board oY Commiaaionera, { City oY Paducah; •, Kentucky, ~ ; ~ . Gentlemen: • 4 Herovrith we present the reoeipt from d. T. Heddiok, president oY the Boa: d Report oY Wynn • oY Education Yor Yive hundred (600) CITY OF P!IDUC.4H by SCHOOL IMPROVc:.;ENT BONDS. , Tully, Sohool numbers one ~l) to five hundred (600), inclusive Yor flue hundred (~`b00) dollars each.'; ~. ImprOVeAent BOnda, We also wish to report the reoeipt oY ~p150, being tho premium on the lesuo 'oY ~Eb0,000 Sohool Improvement bonds; also the reooipt of.......... ;c1960., being the eaoruod intor4at from January 16th to biaroh 12th, and wo have depoaitod these amounts, ~p2100, as per duplioato oortifioate of deposit ailed herewith, to the credit oY the .School Improvomont Bonds Kinking Fund with the Citizens Savings Bank of the Ait'y. Respectfully submitted WYNN~TULLY, G~ommiaaioner of Pub. Finance' WT.TB ' °---OO---- Paduoah, Kentucky, March 11" 1920. Received oY WYNN TULLY Commiaaionor of Finanoo, five hundred (800) City of Receipt Board of Padupah b~6 Sohool Improvement bons numbers one to Yive hundred (1-600) Loth inclusive,; Education, Sohool Yor Yive hundred (~b00) dollars each. Improvement Bonda~ . . J. T, RI~'DDICK, Free. i ~. . -----oo--°- ~ Citizens Savings Bank, Incorporated, Deposited by Sohool Improvement Bonds i 3lnking Fund,- Paduash, Ky., L'faroh 12", 1920. ' Premium Bonde ....................1b0.00 # Duplicate Deposit? Aoorued interoat 19-'~L6b~ba0 t Ticket, Sohool '.,..........'. Improvement Bonds, i ' {Duplicate Deposit Tiokat) • i ------coo---_---- i On motion the Board adjourned, yeas 3. j_, .~dc, to ~~..~''~~~ .- ~"22C~~-j.:~.i.~.:1 . -- .. f . ~ , . • MARCH 19th. 19P,0. ~• '; At a Call I:aeting of the Board of Commiseionera, hold in the Com~uiesio Here i;. Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on March 19th,,. 19?.0, et S o'clock P.;M. f t , ;Those present were Commiaeionera Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Liayor Katter~ohn. ~~ i • b. (.' Mayor atatel roeaone Yor cell to-wit; To give passage to the Apportionment `; ,. ,Ordinance, and allow pay roll, and any other business that may come before the Commie d '*~ ~aioaere. ,, 1 Commiaeioner Tully oYEerad the Yellowing motion; That the oommimioati,on Prom f • l Qommunioation the Board oY Education be reooived, Piled and concurred in, and that same ba spread ~,;`' oY Board oY Education, in rs upon the records. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams r • i Tsa levy o! 11~ i •,, and Katter~ohn. b. 3aid Communication being ea foliowe: ~ • "At a meeting oY the Aoard oY Education oY the City of Padgoah, Kentucky, held in Dr. Reddiok'a office in said City on the eighteenth day oY ,Meroh, 1920, there being present the Yoilowing members, to-wit: Dr. J,, T. i2oddiok ' ~ " ~ ].Sias Dow Ruabands; 2Srs, Lillard Sanders, ,' ~~ Dr. kI. 3telnYeld. ~:. The said Board having boon duly aellod to -order, and the purpose oY j. •. ';the meeting stated, the following resolution wee introduced and nnsnimously adopted, .. 'The Board oY Education being advised by Commissioner oY Finanoo, ,Flynn Tully, that a tea rate of eleven aonta per hundred will bo suYYlaiont to 'pay the interest on the Sohool Improvomont Bonds for 1920 and aroate a sinking. ~~, fend Yor the retirement of said bonds, it is hereby ordered by the Board oY ~ ',Education in s.meeting called Yor this purpose this eighteenth day of Marsh, . 1920, that the resolution adopted the thirtieth day of January, 1920, be ~•.~ ~ .=~ • -~ ,. ;ak '.;•;;~; .',: +. i S i ~ ~ 1 _ . ~:,,~ +. ,. } g ~ ~.~~ ,..,.ati. ri:.~,-;~.ar~-..~.-~. ~~a~:^' ~ .° ;-^~'-`++was'~`+`"`~~ ~ ~:ww»-wjd&.ra4..»,,.~y_.~.. r..+?~ - - ~~ " ~' 1. ~, 'r . r Mk"~',iy,«vTirrRF i+... x +,.Y,~`,y,aK {•e- {~ ~~~ . . ; ~~ ' • ~ • •.y n.. =R: ~~ ,. 8 Na~ - • " Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ • ,reooneidered and the following resolution be now adopted in oonforffity with the re- I ' ~M~! . ; quest and edvioe oY the Commissioner of Fina m e of the City of Paducah. I BE IT RESOLVED;- By the Board of Eduoation of the City of Paduaeh, Kentnoky, ~ ,., that Chore be and is now imposed and levied an ad valorem tax neon all L•he real and j ;personal proporty in the City of Paduaeh sub~eot to teaation for the yoar 19?,0 of I ';"elevon Dente on the :w100 walnatioa o3 said property, tho eamd boing neoeasary to ` Droste a sinking fund for the payment o3 bonds of Cho City of Peduoeh issuod for sahool~• .- • , ?pnrpoeos datod January lbth, 1920, and for the purpose of pe.ying the interoat.on said bonds when and as due.' ~ r ~" lYe, the underaigried; J. T. Reddiok, President of tho Board of Eduoation, and ` ~ , - ~ ~Marguorite Redd, 3eoretary, db duly certify that tho foregoing resolution wee adopted ':.by the Board of Eduoation of the City of Paduaeh, at a meeting of said Board held in ~ ' ~ ~~,,` ' , ;sai8 City of Paduaeh, on the eighteenth day of Marsh, 1920, and is certified to the ' ~ 'iBoard of .Cbmmiesionora of said City Eor the attention of Snoh Commissioners, ae the ]aw4 ..- ~~ " direots: ~ .' P This, eighteenth day of Marsh, 1920. y , ' J. T. REDDICg ~." . .. • `, President of Board of Eduoation' ! A " . ; TTEST: _ City of Pednoah, Kentnaky. ~. 1Sarguerite Redd, ti '~ z seoretary." ' j Commissioner Tully offered the 4ollowilig motion:" That the eooouata for Aaoouats ':the first half.oi.Meroli, ea per report of Cgm'r of Finanoe herewith filed, be ellowed• ~ •" • flrat halt Lend paid and the money appropriated from the general fund to"pay same. Adopted upon Marsh, 1920. p { !Dell of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Ketter~ohn, b. ~ ~{ ~ ' ~~ K" Commissioner Gilbert offerod Cho following motion: That tho Gommiesionor I of Publio Works be inatruoted to diaposo bf ell delapidated wagons, useless materiel, li Disposition of~i" - delapidated :and other paraphernalia in the Dept. of Public Ylorks. Adopted upon call of tho roll, wagons, eto. { '---,, in Dept. 03 :yeas; Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and ICatterjohn,- b. - I' Pablio Works. Oommissionor"Tuily offered the following motion; That the ordinance Yix- : ~ ~ ..~i+~ Tax Levy Ordir~ing the Tax bevy for the yoar 1920 be plsoed on passage. Adapted upon Dell of .the ra11J ~, name, 7.820. + 'yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and KBtter~ohn, b. Oommieeionor Tully offered the following motion: That Cho ordinanoe Yix- ~ b" APportionmsnt .'ing~the apportionment of the pablio funds of the City of Padudah for the year 1920 be ~ ~ Ordiaenoe, ` ~ '..1920. " 6pleobd oa paeeage. Adopted upon oall.of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tnliy, Williamm ! " z'' "and Katter3ohn, 6. I # . I , Commissioner Eaton offered the .following motion; I desire to introduoe an 1, i ' II ~ord7.neace entitled:, ^AN ORDINANCE CREATING A FRANCHISE OR PRIYILEGB TO FURNISH BLSCTRI+ ~ I ~Frenohias - 'CITY FOR LIGHT, POYIFAt, HEhT AND ANY OTHER PURPOSES FOR YlHICH ELECTRICITY IS USED IN THS • . to furnish CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND FROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF SAID FRAiYCHISE.OR PRIVILEGE." ' sleotrioity, A 8to.. ;-. 'And I move that said ordinance lie over for oonsideration for ten days. Adopted neon. a 4 J I Dell of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Kstterjohn, 6. j , " ~ "` On motion tho Board adjourned yeea.b• ~ Adc i ~ ~a~dd "~j9 ~ ` " I • .. IT~1 I ay u..r RO [7R. C M9R H 22ND 9E 1 0. egu7ar meeting of"the Board of Oomffissioners, held in the Commissioners'; - '~ " :,:,' ;~ ~ Chamber in the Cit Hall Padnoah Beatnc r Y , , kg, on 4iarah 22nd, 1920. Those present were ' ~,k.. ~ ~ Oommiasionere Eaton, 611bort, Tu11y, Yilliams and Mayor Katter7oha,- 8.. ~ . ; ""'~" +; On motion"of Commisai:oaer Eaton "the ffinntee of the pa•evioas moetinga"were I adopted"as read, gAas b. i. P" i, Commissioner Gilbert. offered the following motion;.That the potition for now I' Street light F stregt,light at 9th & $andors Ave. be referred to the Comffiesioner"of Pab11o Works 9th .& Sanders. - - I~' ' Avenuo. - ~ with powor"to sot. Adopted upon Dell of the roll ae Eatori Gilbert Tully ..ye , . William9 ~ ~' ." '..and i~tter~ehn,- 8". i II . . ,: , . -.. r ...: ,. . . • .. _~ ~ . ~ . i ,. • ~ 'III' ' . p I i L..~ - ~: ~. • ' ' s> ~.'. uw ..- " ". .. ' I S Proceeding, City of Padp~ah, ~~-~ ~~ "d • Coa'enussioner's l,~'~- . .. Commissioner Gilbort oPPered the Following motion; 'that the potition for n ew ~ street light to bo looatad at 10th sad Booldnan Streota be reforrod to the Oommlesioner Street Light 10th do Beohan ' of Publio Ylorka, with power to sot. Adopted upon Dell oP the roll, yeas Eaton, GilberE ' Ste. Tully, Y11111ams and Ifatter~ohn,- b, k • ` Commissioner Gilbert oPPored the PollowinE motion; I move theti the resolutioq Improvomont oP ~ , Driveway Fin].oy , ; providing Por the oonetruotion oP the driveway on Finley Street Prom the Weat property % St., Detveen ~. 10th k 11th Ste, line oP Tenth Street to ttie Eest property line oP Eleventh Street, be planed on its, ~ '.passage. Adopted upon Dell oP the roll, yeas Eaton, 611bert, Tully, end Williams,-4. j i , • ~, Nays, Katter~ohn,-1. ~ ', Commissioner Gilbert oPPered the Following motion; I movo that the resolution • Im~ovement o! Driveway Cedar ;providing Por tho oonetruotion oP the drivowsy oa Cedar Street and Linooln Avenue, st. and Linooln ' ~ Ave. ;Prom the Eset property line oP the hfayPleld Road to tho Eeat proporty line oP Linooln j Avenue on Cedar Street Prom the North ourb line oP Cedar Street to the Routh property ' i, line oP Coaeys~ Stroet, be planed on its passage. Adopted upon call oP the roll, yeas ~toa,.Gilbert, Tully and Ylilliame,-4, Nays Xsttor~ohn,-1. H Commissioner Gilbert oPPered the Poilowing motion; I movo that the resolution ~'' • Improvement oP D i N ~ providing.Por tho oonetruotion oP the driveway on 1Jorth Eleventh Stroet, Prom the Southl' r veway on . 11th St. i property lino oP Finley Strout to•the idorth property 1"inn oP Aurnott Stroet, be plao'ed s. • !; on its passage. Adopted upon Dell oP tho roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and 4Y1111amsi • ' 4, Naye Kattor~ohn,-1. j Commiaeionor Gilbert oftored the Pollowi ! , ng motion; S move that the reaolutioa . ~ hmprovement oY ;providing Por the oonetruotion oP the driveways on both aides oP Jyfurrell Blvd. Prom the Driveway on ifurroll Blva. & ~South property line aP Broadway to the South proporty line oP Caldwell Street, and Proms ~., , Caldwell St. f . the East property line oP 1Surrell Blvd. on Caidwoll Street, Weet on"Celdwoll Stroet to ! { i 'the Eset property lino oP Twelfth Streot, be planed on its p6eaeg©. Adopted upon oall• oP the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, and Williams,=4, Nays F.atter~ohn,-1• I a Commissioner Gilbert oPPered the Following motion; I move that tho resolution ' Improvement oP iproviding Por the oonetruotion oP the driveway on North Seventh Street, Prom the North drlvevray on N. ,!,. i .7th St. !,proporty line oP JaPPersoa Streot tp the line oP the property oP tho Illinois Central i ; Railroad Company North oP Trimble 9troot, be planed on its passage. Attopted neon sell ' I'oP the roll, yoae Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, 141111ams and KattGr~ohn,- 6. ~ ii' Commissioner Gilbert oPPer©d tho Pollovring motions I movo that tho resolution Improvement oP •;provlding Por the oonetruotion oP the driveway on North Fourth Strout, Prom tho North ~ '~" . driveway on N. i '~~' " 4th 9t. '`;proporty lino o£ JoPPoraon Stroet to the South proporty lino oP Trimbl9 .Strout, 1P""ox- ~,.. • '~'tonded, be planed on its passage. Adopted upon oe.ll oP the roll, yoae, Eaton; Gilbert,' ~ • • ~ Tully, :'liliiama and Itatter~ohn,-b. ~ ` " Commissioner Gilbort oPPerod tho Pollpwing motipn: L move that the'resolution ! . .' I •" Improvement oP ~ •,. providing For the oonetruotion oP the driveray o~!•North Seoond~Streot~, Prom the North driveway.on N. ' " .,,2nd St. !; property lira oP JePPeraon Street to the South property lino oP bbnroe Streot, be , '.planed on its passage. Adopted neon Dell oP the roll; yeas"Eaton, Gilbort, Tully, 'Williams and Kattor~ohn,-5. ~ ' • • 9; A. ' ~! Commissioner Gilbert oPPered the Following motion; I.move that the resolution ~ Improvement oP ;'providing for the oonetruotion oP the driveway on North Third Streot, Prom the North ~ ' driveway on N. ' 3rd St. { ';property line oP JePPoraon Street to the Routh proporty line oP Harrison Streot, be' • ;'planed on its passage. Adopted upon Dell oP the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, aril ! . •i • •"Williams,-4; nays, Katter~ohn,-1. ~.' Commissioner Gilbert oPYerod the Pollowi ~ ng motion: I move that tho resolution ~ ~. Improvement•oP :providing Por the oonetruotion oP the drlvevray on South F1Pth Streot, Prom tho,South I driveway oa 3. 6th st." ~;pronorty lino oY KontuoSsy Avonuo to tho North proporty line oP Norton Strout; bo planed} " ~.. ~ :, iron its passage. Adopted upon Dell oP tho roll, yoae Eaton, Gilbort, Tully, YHllinme '. , :~ . ~" .. ~; ~..__~..r • ;, ~- , ....b.z.• r. ,;. .. ,~..,.,. _.c ~:.r -.,_.ur: •_~~'_ ~_ ~.rNm~.a4mka,:a~.mnnm:~s~~.n~s.:mi~uet<sW-.,ax I:~M~ ~...~,.. ~ ~:: ...~ ~._ ~-~~r~,,. ~_ ___ my~.. ~+...~.,._ ~ ~ .. ~- i . ~'~ ~ ~ ~ i it .3~. . .~ a P ..~ _ .:... :. .. ..... my yw~ ' m' t ::^aM ..F t ''X 7 ' . ~ ~, '~ ~. .~ wr ~'+•uwi~i....... .iw ...r.~..r.~r..... ..4.vtc~.. ..r..~a...,+-f3_-.s_:..r'...~..w~v.~~...r....+ ..l v _ . .r.aa -, .~ .. +r1 Ills 1Vo. ~ ~ , '~., Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ~~ .2.2'~`~ 1914 and Katter~ohn,-6. ~. '~,' Commissioner Gilbert oYYered the following motion; I move that the resolution ~. .y~ Immovement oY ' 1 driveway on i providing Yor the oonatruotion oY the driveway on Jefferson Street, Yrom the East pro-! Jefferson St, ' Yrom 17th to party line oY Seventeenth Street, (or Fountain Avenue) to the Weat propea~ty line oY I ;I `i 26th. ~~ Twenty-fifth Street, being approximately 3210 linear Yeet, be planed on its passage. '~~, 'Adopted upon Dell oY the roil, yeas Eaton Gilbert Tull and 471iliams 4• as + . y ,- ys Ke.tter+ . „ iohn.-l. ~ ~ . ^ .,. - ~~ "~ , Commissioner Gilbert oYYered the following motion; Y mono that the resolution ~ '`~Ymprovemont oY.s providing for the oonetruction oY the driveway on Broadway, Yrom the East m~oporty ling :' driveway on Broadway Yrom '` oY Seventeenth Street, .(or Fountain Aveauei to the West property line oY Twenty-fifth ~. '.17th to 26th. a .Street, being ap7aoaimately 3210 linear foot, be p]soed on rte passage. Ado»ted.n»on 3 ~ ~ ~. Dell of the roll, yoae Eaton,. Gilbert, Tully and Williamay-4; nays ICntter~ohn,-l. ~~ j ", ..Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; I wave that the resolution ' :.Sidewalks N. ''providing Yor the oonatruotioa oY oonorete sidewalks, onrba and gutters, and al•1 nooea~+ ,'16th St: JeYYerj son tp Trimbls.: eery manholea,.intakes, sewers and oatoh basins on both ,idea oY North Sixteenth street ~ ~ •I'l • 5 Yrom the North property line oY Jefferson 9troet to the South property line oY Trimble ' r Street, be p]aoed od its passage. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll, yoae Eton, Gilbert, a I ~- ~ Tully, end Williams,-4; nays Katter~ohn,-1. i 1 . j; Oommieaionor Gilbort oYYered the following motion; I move that the resolution .E ' ,:Sidewalks on ~ providing Per the aonetruotioa oY oonoroto sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, and ali nee-`: I ._-..~ 'Broad Sb., be- ".twoon 8th d, a Denary manholes, intakes, sowers and oatoh basins on both aides of Aroad Stroot, be- "'Bridgs Sta. ; , ; tween 91xth StreoL• and Bridge Street, beginning at a point on Sixth Street clhore the l _ ,~ • i 'u oonarete walk stops in front oY J. C. Kolb', residence ,on the North aide oY Broad street, on the West property line oY Sixth Street to a point.whero the East property ', s cline cY ffiidgo Street would intersect the-North curb.liae of Bridge Street, iY extended, ~,. 'be.placod on its passage. Adopted neon Dell of the roll; yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, ~ l ~I Wlllisme and Katter~ohn,-6. l Oommiaaionor Gilbert oYYered the following motion; I move that the resolution ! f l E. ;,Yor the oonatruotion oY concrete sidewalks, curbs and gnttera,. and ell necessary man- ~ ~. t Sidewalks,- 4th,. i l $t. Yrom Aroad „holes, intakes, sewers and oatoh basins on the Nest aide oY Fourth Street Yrom the I to Elisabeth. .,North property line oY Broad Street to the South property line of Elisabeth,Street, be ~ '. placed on its passage. Adopted neon Dell of the soli. yeas Eaton, Gilbort, Tully sad s Yri111ems,-4; nays Katter~ohn,-1. .'~ ~~. ~ ~ '~ ~ J ~ . 1 Commissioner Gilbert oYYered. the following motion; Y move that the resolution ;, x . i, providing, Yor the oonetruotion oY concrete sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and all neoea 5ldewelke '~ ,'..6oebel Avsnne ',;vary manholes, intakes, sowers end oatoh basins; on the Ytest aide oY Goebel Ave mie Yrom ~`- !~ .~. F,tho Eset property lino oY Guthrie Avenue to a point where the sonth.onrb line oY ?'1or- l ~'r 'ton'e Avonue, .if extended, would intersect the West property lino of Goebel Avetme; ~- Il ~, also the Feat side of Goebel Avonue Yrom the north curb line oY Tennessee Street. to the ! ti ~Sonth curb lino oY Worton~a Avenue be placed on its pav ''- , sage. Adopted neon sell oY the.; . ~, roll, yeas Eaton; Gilbort, Tully, Williams and Satter~ohn,-b. .,:, •Commissioner ,geton oYYered the following motion: Y move that an ordinance en- l :`'Parking Ord. ;titled, • AN C~DINANOE RRPEA1rING AN tXiDINANC$ ENTITL&D, °AN ORDINl11~CE PROHIBITING 4EHIC7,^sS " ''~ Broadway. ' 'DE ANY CHARACTER FROM PARKING ON i~ITHiiR SIDS OF`•BROADWAY STREET BST'~tEEN FIR3i AND SIXTH'. STR1'ET YN .THIi CITY OF P4DUCAH; SliNTUCKY, AND PROVYDIIIG A P&NALTY FOR YI07.ATION OF 3ALtE," ~* •~ , ',. , ' 'which was. adopted by the Board oY Commiaeionors on September 23rd, 1918, and ae tSe~s- ~ µ II w.. . a3tirwards amended, be placed anon its passage. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll peas. ~ I , ~,_ , ' ~ !Eaton' Tally an8 Williams,-3g ntsys Gilbert sad Better john,-2. ' . l.4 j j P . ... ...~ .. ~.. _. , • ` ~ I, r Commissioner Eaton offored the Yollowing motion; I movo that an ordinance Perking Ord, ~ entitled, AN ORDINANCE Ris'LATING TO THE PARKING OF Vr~iIOL~:S ON EITHER SIDE OF BROADYIAY • et &V 7th b~eween gTREET9 HETVIEEN FIRST AND 3EVENT$ STREETS'IIJ 1'HE CITY OF PADUOAH~ KENTUCKY, AND PROYID- ,. IN6 PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS Ob' SAME, be placed upon its passage. Adopted-upon Dell ofd ;the roll,.yeee Eaton, Gilbort• Tully, 1Yilliame and Katter~ohn•-6. ,. Co~aisaioner Eaton offered tho following motions I moos than an .ordinanoo. ;entitled, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE '!'0 FURTHER REGULATE 'i`HE USE Ob' "CE~tTAIN I . ' Perkl~nOrd. ~ STREETS AND PAi;T9 O7!' STitr;i~"P3 8Y AIITOI!OBILES Aldll UTHliit VEHICLES. AND PRL;OitIAT19G P1:NAL- {. ~ ~ :TI$3 FOR VIOLATION `!'I~IJEOF, which was adoptod by tho Board of Oommiesionore on Fobru= G nary >;4th, 19E0• ba placed upon its passage. Adoptod upon call oY L•ho roll, yeaa Eaton. Gilbort, Tully, 1Y1111ams and Kettor~ohn,-b. ~" ,, Commissionor Eaton oYYored tho following motion; I movo tb,an an ordinance t ontltled, "9f1 ORDINANCE EST4BLISHIIiG THE SYS'T'EM Ob' TIPdE IN ~i'HE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEN- 1 Daylight Seeing. Ardinnnoe, 'TUCKY," be now introduced and that tho Yurthor consideration oY same be indofinitoly fpoatponod• and that same bo not again oonaidored•in 1920. Adoptod upon oal'1 of tho i ,roll., yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, t"lilliame and Ke.tter~ohn,-6. ~ 6 .. .~. .~ ` Commissioner Tully oYYored tho Yollowing motion; That all pot>aiona regarding ,• Daylight Saving ,I~y Light 3aving.be roaeived and filed, Adopted upon call oY the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert Tully Williams and Katter ohs -6 .i" Commissioner Gilbert oYYored tho•following motion; I move that the ordinance j. Impo"ovement 14th•providf.ng Yor the improvement of Fourteenth Street, from the 1QOrth property line oY ~ Cleo 14onroe to Monroe Street to the South property line of Clay Street in the City of Paducah, Ken- . y tuoky, be placed on its passage. Adopted upon"call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert., ~ , I t Tully and Williams,-4; nays, Ketter~ohn,-l. ~ i .~: Mayor Kettor~ohn oYfcrod the following motion; I move that the report of the Report Board ot';georetary of the Board oY Park Commissionora for 1,919 be reoeivsd and flied sad that '•. Park Oom:niseion-~ . era. ,snid report .be published in the official newspaper. Adopted upon Dell oY'the roll, yee~ ,Eaton, Gilb©rt, Tully, ';Yilliams and Katter'~ohn,-&. 4 Dick Rudy appoint- On motion of Mayor Kattor~ohn Diok Ruc>,y was olootod a member oY the Hoard of ~• od to serve on. .;.Park Commissioners, upon call of the roil, yoas lka.ton, Gilbort, Tully, Williams and Board oP Park .. Commissioners. !;,Katter~ohn,-b. ( ' On motion oY 1deyor Kattor3ohn it"wsa adopted L•hat no mars Yree pity licenses '. - Carnivals and be granted to any carnival, or any other shows during the year 19?.0, upon oe],1,oY.th6 " shows, no Yrea ;roll, yoas Eaton, Gilbort, Tully, Villiams and.Katter~ohn,-b. f• licenses. ' On motion of Mayor Katter~ohn the oommunlcAtion Yrom A, s. Thompson"and 0, W,I "~ Communication ;Katter~ohn in reference to a b0 foot strip of ground Yrom ~eYferaon to Monroe .4treet,~ ' A.S,Thompson 8e~vrher© 18th Street s}iould o throu h was referred to Commissioner Williams to bring,ia ~.. ' G.'.Y.KPtterfohn g g regarding 60 a legal opinion regarding same. Adopted upon call of the roil ees Eaton Gilbert Yt. strip of - y . . i ground, JsYYer- Tull Williams and Y.atter~ohn $. son to Monroe. y'" •- ?• On motion the board adJourned• yeas b. . r ' i ' '. Gtr :w. ...._,,,~ ..w ~. • ATULR. ;. ". i. ' • ;. .~ ' ~ , • .. r i 1.. -„„ .~ ' {~~~~ 1 ~ a ~. ., ..;_ u ..~,,,, -- ~ _ "•~ - ~'.~, . , No r ~~ • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ ' ;~ MARCH 29TH. 1920. ~ r ,. At a Regular Meeting oY the Board of Commiasionera, $eld in•the Oommisaionora' f ~ '~ 1&° ' Ch+smbor in tho City Hall, Paducah, F.entue;cy, on }lrsrah 29th, 1920: Thos present. were" 1 x CommiaalonoY•s Eaton, Gilbert,. Tully, Williams and Wayor Katter3ohn,-b. ~ ~ ~, ~i On fiction of Commiealoner:Eaton•tho miantea of the prsviona'meeting were adopted ' ~~ae read, yeea 6. ~~ I ~ .. ~. ~: 9.K.Eele de On motion of li+syor Katter'ohn the petition qY 3. K. Hale and YVm. H. Poore in j ,- i oommnnioation. ~ regard to tho•reoonatruotion of North Qth Street was reoeived and filed. Yesa 5., of ,; ~; On motion of Mayor Kattersohn the petit ion~gitisens and residents of the pity ~ • G ~ , ..'. ' bommunioation of idin th N th id i Triinbi St t d h Y ~~I ~. , ~' ,rea g on e. or a e o e ree regar ing t e closing o the alley abaft- ' ;~ p~perty owners i .~ ' ,•. ~ a ~ ' Trimbls 9t.' ~, ing'their property which alley rune into the Oak Grove Cemetery, wee reoeived and ,y ~. filed. Yeas 6. ~ 3 i. r i ` Comnieaioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that the oommunioation i Dr. H. P. Linn { . Oommnniaation. 'from Dr. H. P. Linn, City Health Officer be reoeived and filed. Yesa 6. ~ , Oommieeionor-Eaton offered the following motion: I mode that idea Helen j , I; ;Donaldson, who has been nerving in the capacity of~Pablid Health Nurse in connection ~ "' ''I. ' Donalgaon,Y f with tho McCracken County Public Health League, be now employed by the City of Padnaah '` '~ ' ` sa such Public Health Nnree,.to work ender the direction of the City Health Officer, ~ S ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~,aad that aho be required to report to, and work Hader his direction and anperviaion, ;. ~ .' ''end that she bq paid the sum of X106.00 per month out of the.Contingent Fend, beginning ~ ; ~ ~"• ~ Apr11 let, 1920. Adopted upon cell of the roll yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams ` ~ :' ~ g ; i ' • '' and Katter~ohn,-6. i, r !'~ Commiaaionor Eaton offered tbo following motion; I move that nn exohaago of , ~ j utomobilee !!autgmobilee betwoen the departments of Public Safety end of Pnb11c Ylork, whereby one • ^ exchanged. i ~• . ~' `Dodge automobile hna boon trariaferred to the Department of Public Works, sad that one '~ i]Pord automobile }iae been traneforred to the Department of Pnblio Safety, be ratified by" ~ the Board of Commiealoner8, and that said departments respeotigely be changed with eaim i F ~ " ;.properties ea exchanged. Adopted upon pail 04 the roll, yeea Eaton, Giltiert, Tully, ~i +, Wiilisme and I{atter~ohn,-6. ~ " ~ ~, .. ~ ' ~~ Commieeioner Williams offered the following motion: Y move that the deed of i ~ s bemetery Deed J.W.Frakea 80 ' ; conveyance of the North end of the Southeast quarter oY Lot„$404 in 9eotion 28 la Oak wife and Marie Yrillieme to Mrs 'Grove. Cemetery from J. tiY, Frakee and his wife, and' Marie Williams to i'h•a. Grape .Wight- i . ~ Grace Wightman. ; ,man be aonourrod in. Adopted upon cell oY the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, f ~~ " j Williams and Ka.tterlohn,-6. 4 ' .~ Oommisaioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that the resolution ~ ~ Sidewalks con- '.providing for the aonetruotion oY ooaorete qr Kentnaky Rook Asphalt sidewa]ka, curbs ~• etruotion N. 7th St. ,end gutters, together with all necessary drain gipea, manholes and intakes on both ' ~ ; ,aides oY North Seventh Street, from the north property line of iiadieoa Strout to the ~ . i ~ . "' South property line of Trimblo 8troet, be placed on its pea.sago. Adopted upon call of ~ ~t - `, ~ . ._ ~~ tho roll, yeas Haton, Gilbert, Tully, Willinme and Kattor~ohn,-6. ~ , Oo+md.esionor Giibort offered tho following motion• I move that tho resolution .;providing for trio oonetruotioa of concrete or Kentnolpr Hook Asphalt sidewalks, curbs, 8ldewalk ~on- etruation N, 'sand gutters, togethes with aTl necessary drain pipes, manholes and intakes on both i ' 6th St. ~ • 'aides of North Sixth Street, from the North. property line oY Madison Street to.the ? 9onth property line of Trimbls 9treel~~ba p]aaed oa-its passage.. Adopted upon Dell ~.j ~Ma ,the roii, yeea S'aton, Gilbert, Tully, Wiliiame and khtter~oha,•6v "~' Y ~, •~. i~ _ ± . ,..,.,-, ,,..~J i . ~i; . :.~ .y . I _ . . _ .; F _ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191 ~~ a .• Oommieeioner Gilbert oYYered the following motion; I movo that the resolution I1 ~1 .' ~ providing !or the oonetruotioa of oonorete or Kentuoky Rook Asphalt eidewalks,.ourle ',~ i.. 8ldewalk oonetrao- • ~: Lion N. 11th st. and gnttere~ together with aii neoeaeary drain pipes, manholes and intakes on both -~ • ~ 'from Jefferson to • i~_ Trimble st. aides oY North Eleventh 3treat~ Yrom the North property line oY ~efYerson 9traet to ~ ~' the South property line of Trimble Street, be pleoefl on its passage. Adopted upon Dell of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilhert, Tully, Flilliams and Katter~ohn,-b. i Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; I move that the resolution pro- ~. viding Yor the oonstruation of oonorete or Kentuoky Rook Asphalt sidewalks, onrba and ~ 9ldewalk ooastruo-; + tion S. 9th St. ;gutters, together with e11 neoessary drain pipes, manholes sad intakes on both sides - Yrom Jaokaon to donee St. of South Seventh Street, Yrom tho South property lino oY Jaokson Street to the North property line oY Jones Street, be plaoed on its passage. Adopted upon oall oY the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams sad Kattor~ohn,-b. f ~ Commissioner Gilbert of tared the following motion; I move that the resolution pro- ~ . ~ viding Yor the ooastruation oY oonorete or Kentuoky Roak Asphalt sidewalks, ourbe and I - Sidewalks ometruo- tion N. 13th St. guttera~ together with all neoeessry drain pipes, manholes and intskae on both aides } ~ Broadway to Trimble ~. • ~ st. of North Thirteenth Street, from the North property line oY Broadway Street to the ~, - South property line of Trimble Street, be plaoed on its paseaga. Adopted upon Dell of r the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams,-4; nays, Katter.~ohn,-l. ' Commissioner Gilbert offored the following motion; I move that'the rosolutiori pro- 8ldewalk oonetrno- vidigq for the oonetruotion oY oonorete or Kontuoky.Roak Asphalt sidewa]ke, ourbe and tlon N. 8th SL., , from Idonroe to ~uttere, together with all aeoeseary drain pipes, manholes and intakes oa both aides i•,. Trimble st. oY North Eighth Strout, Yrom the North property line of 1loaroe Street to the South property line of Trimble Street, be plaoed oa its passage. Adopted upon oall of the f , .... ' ,roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Yilliams,-4~ nays, Ketter'ohn,-1. I ` ~, I ~ Commissioner Gilbert oYYered the following motion; I move that the reealutioa pro- ~____ I ~ - Sidewalk oonetrno- : vidiag Yor the oonstruotion oY aonorote or Kentuoky Rook Asphalt sidewalks, ourbe and t . tion N. 9th St. ~ i Yrom ltanroe to gutters, together with all neoeaeary drain pipes, manholes and intakes on both sides ~ ~~' 'Primble. • of North Ninth Streets Yrom the North property line of ESonroe Street to the 9onth pro-'; .f party line of Trimble Street, be p]aoed on its passage. Adopted upon osll o! the roll: , yeas k'eton, Gilbert, Tully sad Willinme,-4; nays, Katter~ohn,-1. I + Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that the resolution pro- !vidiag Yor the oonatruotion oY oonorete or Kentuoky Rook Asphalt sidowalks, oaths sad ~ '. .~ Sidewalk oonstrno- • tlon Broad Street gutters, together with all neoeseary drain pipes, mnaholeA and intakes on the north • between Fourth and Siatth Sts. aide oY Broad 3treet~ from the Fleet property line oY Fourth Street to the East proper- . ty line of Sixth Street, and on the South side of Broad Street from the West line of Fifth Street to the mat property line oY Henry Kolb's property, be plaoed on its • 'peaeo.ge. Adopted upon Dail oY the roll, yeas Exton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams slid ~ . Sattor~ohn,-b. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: An ordinaaoe entitlod, "AN ORDI- NANCE CREATING A FRANCHISE OR PRIVILEGE TO FllBNISH ELECTRICITY FOR LIGHT, POl`IER, HEATS • Franohiss Ordi- nanoo Yor Eleotri- ~ AItD ANY OTIIr:R PURPOSES FQR t1fiICH ELECTcZICITY IS USED IN 'PIid CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY oity„ heat, eto.. ~. AIdD PROVIDING FOR 'PIIE SALE OF 3AiD FRANCHISE OR 1'RIYILEGE," having been.introduosd at' ; • ;a oall meeting of the Board of Commissioners on L'laroh 19th, 1920, sad having laid over ~ _ in its oo fete Yorm Yor ten da ,, ~~'" „ mp yep I move that.eaid orainanoe be now plaoed upon its '' I passage. Adopted upon Dell of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilberts Tully, Willis ms and ~, Katter'ohn,-b. ' ... ,. _ ~~ ' On motion the Board ad'onrnad. ~' sae I ~ ~ t9 ~ ~j -~... 4 _ ~! i. ' { .• i . ' ~ , ~...~ -.-.~~.~.. ~• -:,:-~xanowumxmumnmmur.~--.-~. _~~-.x~t -~.~~ v~-ad-r .... ~ \[ w +~,....y~, ...r+:3a«....»a-~..`ir."b'x""'°'^,.:+~...r ".« '"~"„w.0"" '.,.ua++w-...~..rr.~.~a*w~ .....,w,~~~~r . _ i[.. .ai~~'~ is ..' , ~ '.x .. i. ., __ No.~ ~ ', Commissioner`s Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ ~ ,~ ~^ ; ~--- ' APRIL 6TH. 1920. I I' ; At s Call Meeting of the Hoard of Commissioners, he id in the Commissioners' { ~~ ~..: ) ~ ~' Chamber in the City Hall, Padnoah, Kentaoky, April 6th, 1920, at•10 O'olook A. M. ~ ~ ~ j `,ThosA present.were Commiesioners.Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams and Mayor I~tteriohn.bl ~ ~; The 'Mayor stated reasosrs for Dell, to-wits To allow salaries and aoaonnte taa~ ~ . {,: ~ the' month of Maroh, 1920, an8 any other busineea that may Dome before the Board of ~ " " S ~ • - :~tlommiesi.onera. i ,. E . ~~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the Mayor and Com'r of ~` ~Finenos bs authorised to borrow from the Citiaena Savings Bank, Yor the nee sad benefit ~„' ~ tlit author. '.; of the Cit of Pedn.oah the anm of "20 000 payable June 26th 1920 `' s', y Y , ~ , , • Pledging ae seonr-' ," ~" ~ iced to borrow,;. '„ money.. i•ity therefor the tex'oolleotions for the first halt of the year 1920 due daring the moth ~" a :> ~ } ;~ . '• iof June, and the good'taith and oredit of the tlity oi.Padnoesh. Adopted upon Dell of the d ~ rroli, yeas baton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and 1C;tter~ohn,~ 6. ~!" • Oommieeioner Tully offered the following motions That the pay rolls and a~"Payrolle.and ~aooonnte for tho last half of Maroh, se per the report of the Com'r of Fiaenoe filed ', •aooowsta last ~ " half of Meroh,:;herewith, bs e~].lowed and ordered paid., end the :Honey be .appropriated from the general" I ,a is ~~ i,f ~ ~ r ~ ;fund~to,pey Dame. Adopted upon Dell of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, TnTiy and. i ~. '" c ... ',,Williamti,-4; nays, Katter~ohn,-1. ~ `" . ~; tlommiaeionor Tally offered the following motions That the report of the Oom'ri ~~ III Roport of Com'r of Finsnoe for the month of Maroh 1920 be reoeived and filed and ordered published in i ;", of Fissenos far , ~ ~: ,, `. Maroh 1920. "ttse otfioial nowepaper. Adopted upon Dell of the roil, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, ;Williams and Katter3ohn,-6. ~'- Oommiesioner Tally offered the following motions I move that the pay of Peters ~ `'~' 'Peter Ao1wr Aoker, Clerk to the Commissioner of Finanoe be fixed at X160.00 per moth, ooemsenoing ~ ~ salary in- ; `s `~; i ., Dressed. ';with the first of Meroh, 1920. Adopted upon rill of the roll, yens Eaton, Gilbert, ~ ~ i , Tally, Williams and ICatter;ohn,-6• Commissioner Gilbert offered the"following motions I move that the pay of ~`: `~ I . C1yydds Bell, •itllyde Beli, ee Ciork to the C.ommisetonor of Publio Works be fixed at X126,00 der month,'. ~ ~'; esiary in- ~~ I . oreaNd, ,oomnenoing with the first o~ Maroh, 1920. Adopted upon Dell of the roil, yeee,Eston,, ;.'. •"`Gilbert, Tally, Williams and Katter~ohn,-B. ~ ~ ~ II ~~ ~~ I' On motion the Board, adjourned, yeas 6. ! ~' ~~ r. , APRIL bTH. 1920. ' '~ . ' ii ~ ~ ~~5 a; 'a- At a gega]sr Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' S it ;Chamber in the C1t $ell Psdvoah Ksntuck A it bth 1920. ,"Those ~ ~ ,+" Y , , y, pr ,. present were ~ ~ ~ Oommissi0nere Eaton, Gilbert, Tu174p, Williams and Mayor Satter~ohn,-b. ~ ~` On motion of Commissioner Tally the minutes of the previous meetings. were ~ ~~_ , adopted as read, ~ ~ ~' r. yeas 6. ~ ,.-_.-, Mayor Katter~ohn oftored the following motions That the proposition of ~ ~ 'ivc~,1 Dedication of tlornelis R..1lurrell; oY~ering the dedication of a strip of ground through. her property . "p ~~ EOth end ESrd ,through 20th and E3rd Streets, be aooe,pted,by the City through,its oommlasioners and' i 4_,~ ' 8treete by , ~ i • ~~ Mnrr ilg R, ordered Hpread }spon the minutes. Adopted upon Deli of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert,, ~ f ~~ Tully,. Williams and IGatterjohn,-6. - ~ : ' I, said proposition being ae follows, to-wit; ~ i ,h.~ "DEDICATION Cc' WASHINGTON STREET THROIIGH TBB PROPERTY Dsdioation of OF D. G BELL ' Weahinng ton Sb IRTR , ESTATT. 3tarrsil Eetats. ~ F I hereby flsdioats a etrip.of: ground 66' in width Lost street pnrposse i ~. I " ~ I ~ - s r , • .rs ., .,. ;E .. . ~. • . i. ' 1 i . ,, ._-___ -~ _.,. _.__.___._ -,.,. t ~.}; No..S• s a • ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 19J_ ~~ ' to the City oP Paduosh, Kentucky, through my property between 20th ' F Street, iF eema were extended, and 28rd Street. This 66 Foot strip • oP ground to be a part of Washington Street, when said Washington s Street is extended Prom 19th Street to 26th Street. It le further f' dare a ~ un to od tli t t e e h o Y at 1 o r P nd 1 0 la eo deflioatad w l 0 par i 1 oaf P or m , r with washiogton Street as laid out and platted in the .West End Improve- ' went Company's Addition. . j • Signed, this the 25th day of March, 19£0. ~ , f y°~ ' ~ (Mrs. D. G.) ,Cornelia R•. Murrell." ~ . ~'' j I . 1tayor Kattar~ohn offered the following motion; I awes that the oaamunioatioa i ' Boy Soouta. G from the h7ceoutlve Comp;ittas oP the Soont Council of the City of Paducah bs reoeived ? ' ! and filed, and left open Yor further investigation and oonsideratioa. Yeas b. f . I; ' . ~ Mayor Ifatter~oha appointed Commissioners Eaton.and Tu11y es representatives of .•i ~: i ;the City of Paducah to attend the Water Ways Convention to ba haid nt St. Louie, Mo, i Nlntor Ylaye Coa i vention to be ~` on April 20th and 21st 1920. Adopted upon Dell oP the roll ens katon Gilbert bald at St. LonSa•i ' ' y ~ ~ ~ . Tully, Williams and Katter,ohn,-6. ~ ' Report Chief o! j' Commissioner k'aton oYFerefl the following motion; I move that the report of. the j • I ' Polioa. ~ Chief of Polioa for the month of March 1920 be reoeived end filed. Adopted yens 6.. Report Ch1eY of ~~. Commis~ionerretoa offered the Following motion; I move L'hat the.report of the ! ' - - Fire Department. Chief oP the Fire Department Yor the month oY Marsh 1920 ba reoeived and Yilefl. Adopt-r {~ ad yeas B. 4 'a •. is 4 Commissioner Paton oPFered the following antions I move that the olairo pxeeerit-! ed by Mr. John Clemente Yor ~t243.b0 and the opinion of Thomas N. Rsselip, Oity Attor-'~ John Clemente' • Claim. ~ i nay, in relation thereto ba reoeived and Piled. Adopted upon Dell oP the roll, yese f '~ i Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams sad Katter~ohn,-6. . ~; ~. ~ '' Commissioner Gilbert offered the Poilowing motion; That the oommunioetion From ~ ',?~ ~ Attorney Gilbert regsrdiag the claim oP E. C. Spann against the Oity of Paduaeh bs ~ • ;1~ S. C. Spann. i ---- !; referred to the City Attorney to investigate and report bank to the Board oY Commis- i "' ~ eioners. Adopted upon Dell of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tn11y, Williams and ; .y, c Katter~ohn,-b. ~ • ' ~~ ' . Commissioner Tully offered the Following motion; Tbat the Chicago Bonding.& ! i ~". '~; i Bond released,- Insuranoa Co. be reiesaed from the Following bonds of patrolmen ss of February 1st, ' Hugh Garrett • '' Robt. Thornton ~ 1920,'nav; bonds having been given in plaoo oP those; Hugh Garrott, Robt. Thornton, •;. .`~ L. Z. Valentine } M. F. Dowell L. Z. Valentine, M. F. Dowell and"Henry 3ltgory. Adopted upon onli oP the roll, yeas ,~ ~ Hoary Singery. y . Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter~oha,-6. ,, ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following mo£ion: That the National Surety Co. bed Bond released i released Yrom the b•~nd of A. F. Hurt, Former Assistant Street Inspaotor. Adopted upon` ?' A. F. Hurt. `~ t Dell of the roll, yeas 'r~ton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-6. ~' Commissioner Tu11y offorefl the following motion; That the Chicago Bonding do Bond released,- •. Inenxreaoe Co. bo released Prom the bond oY Joe Ivorlstt, s former lwtrolman. Adopted ;. doe Iverlett. • ~ upon Dell of the roll, yeas $aton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. ;':"~ I ,. ~"'. Comudesioaer Eaton offered the following motion; ~I move that the Commissioner .. ,: -~` of Public Safety be euthoriaefl to groovre one set of neoeesary summer equipment. Yor i~ Firs Department ,: summer equipment.;, each member oY the Fire Department, provided Bald expenditure shall not be in ezoese of the apportionment to the Fire Department For 19P.0, after allowing for all spooifio ; . - apportionments in said depart:nont Yor said year. Adopted upon call oY .the roll, yreae ~ 4'f"', i ' ;Eaton, Gilbert, Williams sad Isattor~ohn,-4; nays, Tully, 1. J _ ;~ j Commissioner Williams offered the following motion; That the proposition oY ~~' ?~ Chas. B. Ylslkear i Chse. F. Ydalker be reoeived and Piled. Adopted yeas b. , .~, bid on City property. Commissioner Y/illiams offered the followint, motion; That the proposition oY ~ • i ,, Chas. F. Ylalkar be eooepted by the City oP Padpoah, and that the 2,4eyor be .and ha is 1 • (i ~ I r • 1 ~ i .. ;, i. , ~.. •. • ~.~ ~ ,. , ' ,,~ • ~ -.,--' r ..,.w........ _. ~s~--,-~-o- ..,,~-r-r-~ ~,r- ... ..,., ....,~,-, ,,,.....R-...._ro. i i.. 'a:. Why"" C '~ 'L'. ' y ,. ~, . li ' ~ ', ~ ~ i _... _ . .:..... ,, • ,.• - ~~~ dY ,. ,. ,.: Qsxz . ~"° Commissioner's Praceedings, City of Paducah .191_ • herebq authorized to exooute deed to lots numbers ten, eleven and twelve in blook ^B" ; •~_ .~ . ~ •A. B. 3owe11*s addttion'to the City of Psduoah, upon the'pa.gmeat o3 x`76 in Dash and the ~~ ,, ~^ III exeoutioa o4 three notes for X100 eaoh, bearing 6~b interest, and payable in acne, two and three years after elate, a lien to be retained in said deed to secure tho payment of the' ' above. mentioned notes. Adopted upon rill of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, - j • 1Y111iame and Katterjohn,-6• ~ ' '~• Commieaionor Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the renolntioa ' ~ '~ ' ; West Keatnokq ~'~ ~ ~ ~?~~ ~.Maueoleum Oo. aooepting the oonvegsnoe of property from the 1Yest geatuo ~rtanusoleum Company be noR in- deed aooepted• ~ ~,trodnoed and ordered to lie over one week in its present oompieted form. Adopted epos ~ _ "Dell of the roll, yeas Eetoa,•Gilbert, Tally, Williams and Katterfohn,-6. ~ ~ ~ ' - On motion of ide•yor ICatter~ohn Commissioner Williams wen instrnoted to gat a17: ~.~City Property the deeds together o! the City's property sad have same filed, Adopted upon Dail of than ~ ,`,? _ deeds. `~ 'roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams and Katter~ohn,-6. - •~, • ~ On motion the Board ad~o~ned, yeas 5. ; ~ ,~ A3a~i c1~~.19~a - ~1'~t7''Ir51~ ~ .. ~fi 1 "fib! APRIL 9TH, 1920. ,_.~ • ~ At a Call 16eeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' '. ~ Chamber is the City Hall, Paduoah, Ky., et 10 O'olook Aa M., on Alan 9th, 1920. Thoee~ ~',, `~pressnt were Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert, Tnllq, Williams end &Tagor Satter~ohn,-6• `,~' 1[eyor stated reasons for Dell, to-wit t To peas a resolution sooeptisg the pro-1' ~~ . ' ." ,, 'position of T. A. rdiller, C. C. Paoe aa8 E. D~ Thurman for the purohase of the Jaokean =Hill Farm, authorising the bfayor, F. Yl. Katter~ohn, to exeoute and deliver deed for ~ •~ Same. ~ ' I ;' Commissioner Williams offered t}ie following motion; Y move that the resole- ~ ~ I " ~,. a , r - , :tion.eooepting the proposition of T• A: ibi.l]sr, C. C. pace and E. D. Thurman for the ~i Sale •"oi'•> pnrohaee of the Jaokaon Hill Farm, authorising the l~iiagor, F. y~. Batter~ohn, to eaeonte ' ~ i Jaokson Hill '; e•`. Farm:. 'end deliver deed for eamo, be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll, yeas. Eaton, ~;•°~ I. :Gilbert,. Tuliq, Hi111ams and ICatter john,-6. ~ '~ ,' ~ ' "• On motion the Board adjourned, yeas b• ` ~ • _ F " Ads ~t d ~~.Z~/?)~ ii' ~,! QF P ~t~ V ~;,1,~ " ' ~: .. i ~ t APRIL 12TH. 1920. ~, ~ ~I ~' ,. i °'• At a Regu]ar Sleeting a8 the Board of Commieaioaere, held in the Commissiomrs' ~ '. ,' ~':.Ghamber, is the City Hall; Paducah, Kentnoky, on April 12th, 1920: Those present were i iK,. j' •.Comad.oslonere Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and }dagor Xatter3ohn,-6. ~t f°.+ ' On motion of Commissioner Tn11y the mitmtes of the previous meetings were adopted ~ I~ J.. .d' ' , as read, geaQ 8. ._-~-,,. Commieeioner Gilbert offered the following motion; Y move that Roy 7nanoheeter be ~ n '1#OY'MANCHh.9TER•,smployed ae 5npervisor o! Pnblio Pie Grounds for the Cit of Paducah and that he be •Supervisor of q y , 1 k:-~u~. Public play authorised, ae etioh Supervisor of Pnblio Piaq Grounds; to have oontroT end management o! a i ';Grounds. ell .of the pnblio amusement parks and grounds of the City, sad that he be authorised to' ' ~ ~ establish and enforce all neoesearq rnlea regulating snoh grounds, and to have charge ~,. L end control of all such grovnds sad the entertainments and amnaenen8e oondnoted there- ~ ~ II ~ ~ ~ K., i'on•.aad that he be ~ ~~ paid Yor such services ~600.0o for the year 1920, and that said pay-; ~"" T ~mente be divided into nine sgnal inetallmente, payable on the last asy of Apiril, 1iey, a. a. t ,. ~. ~ ~ ~ ,u; ~ ~ , . . „ . , _' ,: r ,. ,. '..: ,.:. , I . • ~~ .. ~• • ... 1 .. .. ~ of~ No.~-~ ~- --- ,.. •. 7 I, ,•,t -.y ~~ I " .. r f `« '3' • i t and Katterlohn,-b. ~, ~: ' ~ Commieaionor Gilbert of tared the following motion; I move that en ordinenae ;.~ ' entitled "AI{ ORDIt{ANCE PRJVIDII;G FOR TFL`: PURC84SE OF A STREET ROLL~2 FOR. THE USE OF THE , , '~ Street Roller STREET DEPARTI[ENT," be introduced and lay over: Adopted upon Deli of the call, yese ~~. Ordinance. . Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Vlilliams and Ketter~ohn,-5, ~=" ~'s ~ ~ '; Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; I move that the Commissioner r Austin Neatern of Public SVorka ba instructed to sign the eoceptance tendered by the,repreaeatetive of ; , Road bieoh. Co. , naaeptenoe. .the Austin :'!cetera Road Machinery Company for the Road Roller purohsaed from them. Wi " jttt .~s Adopted upon Dell of t~-:e roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and,Kattor.~ohn,-8~ ~ a ~.~. ~ ` .., June, July, Auomet, September, potober,•Novembor and peoember, and that same be payable °ont of the Contingent Fund, and that the said J•.{anaheater be under the direction of the • Commissioner of Public Property. Adopted upon cell of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert j ` end Vlilliame;.-3.;. nays, Katter'ohn,-1. Tully being excused from voting.-1. 4 t Commiesioner'Eaton offered the following motion; I move that petition from - ' Y', J. Potter. iT. J. Potter be received and filed. Adopted upon cell of the roll, yeas Mott, Gilbert' 'Tully, Ylilliams and Katter~ohn,-6. ~ i. ~~ Commissioner Ea tan of fared the following motion; It appearing that the North ~ ' :.one-halt of Lot S6 in Section 8, as ahovra on the plat of Oak Grove Oemetery, wee oon- ~ veyed to til. J. Hart on the 19th day of April, 1094;. • ~. W. J. Hart • • T.J. Pottsr to ' And it further appearing that the. said lot was paid for by T. J, potter ae ~ O.R.Ellie , .. ~ H. P.ralle ,shown by hie affidavit and petition this day tendered to the Board of Commissionorsj f ; F1.H.Ellia ' Cemetery Deed And it further appearing from acid affidavit and petition that it vma the agree-i r'" '• Transfer. ~ i • imont betwecra said Hart and said Potter that said lot should belong to.tho said Potter; a And~it further appearing that said Potter has held, maintained and eaeroiaed con-~ - ~trol, and hea claimed ownership of said lot for mq;e than •20 years, :and. quid Potter ~ ~ . having tendered to the Board of Commissioners his deed to said lot to J. R. Ellie, $. P. '. Ellis and W. H, Ellie- Commissioner's. :~' + I move that the said transfer of said north one-halt of Lot 3B oP Seotign 8, ae shown on the plat of Oak Grove Cemetery to J. R. Ellie, H. P. Ellie end W. }i, Ellie bs j: ' • ;approved, in ao far ae the Board of Oommieeionora era able to approve aemo r°"and that i• , i ,said transfer be noted on the records of said oak Grove Oemotery. Adopted upon call f • Hof the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, ilillisms and Katter~ohn,-6. • P: n y ', I '~%"'; Commissioner Williams offered the following motion; I move that E. D. Rogore be '`;~ E.D.$ogarev~l0. paid the sum of 10.00 by the Commissioner of Finance in settlement of hie o]aim for • damages to horse. "'` damages to his horse, and that said sum be paid to him upon the execution of proper • release, and 'that same be charged to costs and suite. Adopted upon cell of the roll, ~ ' yeas, Baton, Cilbert, Tully, W121iame and Katter~ohn,-6. ' Commissioner Gilbert offered the follorri ~ ng motion; That the City Attorney be .:~ _• ,.,' instructed to bring in n resolution for the oonstriustion of the alley between btb. end ~ !~~.~.' Alley between 6th and 6th 3t.,'6th Stroeta, and between Washington do Clark Ste.y same to bo paved with oanoreta or 1 t' ,, between Ilfaehit-~• ~ tan & Clark Ste. Kentucky Rack Agphalt or some other suitable hard surface material. Adopted upon Dell ' Y oY the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Vlillisun and Kattor~ohn,-5. ~~ , • Commisaioner::caton offered the following raotiop; I move that the resolution ~• ~ n,k accepting tha;oonveyanoe of property from Vlest Kentubl4r Maueoleum Company be adopted. West Rg. Manse-, • ` lenm Deed. Adopted upon Dell oP the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and 'sYilliams,-4. Mayor, ` Katterfohn stated that he was heartily in favor of thia.deed, but as he was edirector -i• ,, ,. of the Mausoleum Company, ho was excused from voting. i " • ;~. ~,,' Commissioner Tully offered the Yolloivin~ motion; That the deed o4 Conveyance: ~ }9eat Ky.YManao- from the West Y.entuoky Maueoleum Company to the City of Paducah be published in the ~ •; leum. Deed to be •. ~ .••Y publlehod. oflioie.l newspaper. Adopted upon Dell of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams "i. • i ~, i . ! .'~ s {. ~~' a i J "'/~u9 .• .. I vy { E .. ~ ., • ,. ~, .; . . ,~ . y .,. ,. •, i • j . ~?A ,~ r • ~ ., .. .. _M__._... ~._~._. _..._ _._ _. __~__.. _ ...; :, ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 19I_ ~I ~ On motion the.Board ad~ourned,.yeas 6. " s " . .A.PPRO'P~1D i ---~; .. r Ad~p C,~,,,,/~y?4 i~Ra ~ i III MAYUR. ~. APRIL 16TH. 1920. ), ' I ~ ., At a Ca]:1 Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' ": .. ~ ~ . y ~ r ' • ".Chamber; in the .City Hall, Rsdnoah, %entnoky at 12 O'olook on April 16th, 1920. ~ " ~Thoee pa'esent were Comaiesionere Paton, Tully, Williams sad Mayor I~tte;john.-4. ~ '' ' ~. Mayor stated reasons for Dell, to-wit: To aooept Seed Yor the purohase o! a ~ 7 s ~pieoe oY property on Trimble Street from William Lydon and wile. a Oommissioner Paton offered the following motion; Y move that th9 deed of } i s ti ~ raonveyanoe of a lot on Trimble Street from V91111am Lydon and hie vrifo to the City o! t;:William Lydda ~Paduoah, whioh deed is dated April 7th, 1920, be eooepted by the City .of Paduoah, and, j t'.and.wiie deed ~• to Oity o! ;that ea id deed be ordered reoorded in the offioe of the.Couatyr Court Clerk of MoCraoksn~ r~ Padnoah• r ~.Oounty, and that the Eiayar be authorised to sign the note for X600.00 due duly fat, ~ ~ ~,, ' '1920, without interest for the Purohase pride of said lot. Adopted upon Dell 03 the j . roll,'yeae Paton, Tully, Williams and Katterfoha,-4. ~ ~ '~l_ i ~; 1 • t On motion the Board ad~onrne~l, yeas 4. g Ad pl ~ /9~ i9~O ~.PPROV323D . ' ',:•, + , ~., ~ ; , " ' ' MAYUt4. E ., ~ ~ i ~ }.` ' :, 'III J APRIL 19TH. 1920: ~ . ~ ':~ II ,. { ~ ... II li At s Regn]ar Meeting o! the Board o! Commissioners, hold in the Commissioners! ,, ~' Ohamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Ketrtmky, on April 18th, 1920. Upon Dell of the t } II .x ~ ; roll the following aaswored to their namese Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, ~ '~; ~ ~ ~• - i. s.~ I. . w Williams and LIDcyor 1Catter~ohn.-8. •. • a~ ` `i". On motion o! Commissioner Tull the miantes of the . Y y previone,meotinga wert~. adopted ea read, ,yeas b. j •' ~ j ~•• i~ Commissioner (filbert offered the following motion; I move that the protest + ` a Protest againeb o! property owners abutting the alley between Eith and 6th end between C]ark and Wash+; ~°~;,: ~a III improvement of ~, " <'alloy both. Bth ington 9treots in the City of Paducah against the improvement thereof, by laying Don- ~ ~; ~ b 8bh, botn. Olark &. '~Vaehing~oretr o! 8enbuoky Rook Asphalt, bo roooivod and filed. Adopted upon nail o! the roll, ~ ~` 'Eon Ste, ~ •. i yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-B. i ]. { _ Commieeioner Tully offered the tolirn~ing motion: That the aoconnte 4or the ~ ~ ` 'j ' ~~'] I Report Oom'r. first half of April, as per report of,COmmiesioner of Finance herewith tiled, be allow-' ~~ Finanos lint ~ •+~ °ha14 April ed and .ordered paid- and the money appropMated Prom the general fund t0 pay same. ~ X9FA.` 'Adopted upon Dell of the roll, yeas Paton, Gilbert,-Tully, W1111ams and Katter~ohn,-6. ~ y '~~ ., Commissioner Tu11y offered the following motion; .The sum of $80 having been ~, Cemetery`Deed 'paid into the treasury, as evidenced by the receipt filed herewith, Y move that deefl bed.. . Jessie 8o Rosa eaeouted to Jessie 8o Rosa .t'lillinma for fat~r34 in block ;fa on the north aide of Fdiller ..Williams. , •` I r I 'Street between Ford Fo Ho,nnaa streets, in Oak Grove Cemetaa^y: Adoptod..npon Dell of the ~ roll, yeas Paton, 411bert, Tnily, ~riTliams. and :tatter~ohn,-bs ~ , ~,,, `° ~ ! ~~I, ~, , ~` Commiesionor Tully offered the following motion; That the f3syar and CommisCion~ I t, ~~ .~ { .Sewer Ronde. ~er of Finanoe.be authorized to .open negotiation s.with s view to selling the $2b0,000 ~ t' s,_ in sewer bonds voted at the eleotlon held in Hoveunbem 1919, and to report to this Boards, , ! :-~;~„ I ,regarding same. Adopted upon Dell of the roil yeas, Baton, Oilbert, Tally; Williams sad fir, ICattor f ohn,-6• 2. r.:"~~ .~ ., •.. ! , ; j, LC ... ~' ~ ,Y,` • " n .. 'k 1 ~ 1 LL ^ i" i '~ .. ~ ., . 1'i 1 ~ ~ l ,..,emu ~ ;: , ;~k~"W~';;.,, ,WfiBlA' r:&' .. mow. -, M e: ~ ~ r. n: ,. . ,c....~ ., r r: w a. .... ~.. ~ _ ~ ~: E • ~ No.~•!_.. ~" Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_. .- ~ ~, •'"~~ yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Ytilliama and Katter~ohn,-6. j .•" ~ .~~. _. ,•~ Commissioner Gilbert offered tho followinV; motion; I move that the'ordiaaaoe pro- ' ~~ Street Roller vidiag for the purchase of s street roller Yor the nee of the street department bs • " "~ Ordirmnoe. ~ 'planed on its passage. Said orcdiasnoe having laid over one week in,ita,oompleted Marc m.~ Adopted upon Dell of the roll sae Eaton Gilbert Tull Ytilliama and Ketter ohn 6 ~ " • .. ;.. . i i ~ n . t ~ , . ~~ , .. •. x. R Mayor Katter~ohn offered the Yoilowiag motion: I move that Lhe report o! the eais of tho Franchise or Privilege to furnish eleotrioity for light, power, heat and say ~ :. :•' ' other purposes for whioh eleotrioity is used is the City of Paducah, Kentucky, and pro-~" ` . . gale o! Praa- ~ ~viding Yor the sale oY said Frnnohiss or .Privilege together with the bid of the P d V^~'`` ohiae Yor , a ucah . eleotrioity, eto.Eleotrio Company for same, be aooepted, end that the oheak Yor 6,000.00 tendered there. .with be delivered to the Commissioner of Aiblio Finance, and that said fund ba p]soad l in the General Fund, and that the purohaeer be required to execute the bonds required ~ . d in said Franohiae and Ordinenoe. Adopted upon Dell of the roil, yeas Eaton; Gilbert, ~ I ' :Tully, VYillisma and Katter~ohn,-6. ~. Commissioner Eaton offered the ,following motion; I move that the Mayes be author- ' ~r~ Yiy Traps.' lead to purchase eight doaan Yly traps of the vise and kind heretofore used by the City same to be pe.id Yor out oY the 3anitsxy Fund. Adopted npoa Dell of the'roll, yeas Eaton, . Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Kntter~oha,-b. " ' Commissioner Eaton offered the following motlon;.I move that all members of the ~: , ' .~- Board of Park Commisaionore of the City of Paducah ba requested to deliver to the Oom= - I • missioner oY Public Finance oY the City of Paduaeh ell records, pop ore, dooumonts.anQ moneys t'k11oh have Dome into their hands as auoh Board of Park Commiasionora and that they make oomploto settlement oY all a uoh Yuade and aooounts with the Commissioner o! • Rosrd o! Peo:k Public Finam e, and that 'ell of the properties whioh have heretoforo base under the Commiseionere • termirnted. oontxol and supervision oY said Board of Park Commieaiogerebe immediately planed under ~ the ooutrol and supervision of the Board of Commissioners of the City oY Paducah, and 1 • that all employees oY such Board of Park Oommiseionere, until further ordered by the "Board of Commiaeioaers, be under the direction and oantrol oY the oommiseioner oY Publio`~ • r ~ Property; and that the terms of employment of the members of 'the Board of Perk Commie- " sinners be declared to be at en and, and all the funotione and duties devOlviag.npoA' them be vested is tho Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah. Adopted upoa'oell ~ " • of the roll, yeas Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katter~oha,-4; nays, Gilbert,-1. Commissioner Gilbert offered the following mitioa; I move that the resolution pro= '„.+ .•, viding Yor the 'extension of time Marc tho ooeipletion oY the oontraot for the ooaetruotion` Sidewsltc . ooastruotion of oonorete sidewalks oa Husbands Street and South 7th Street be planed on its passage. Rasbands St. & S.7th St. time Adopted upon Dell oY the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Itattor~ohn -6. extension. , Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion;'I move thaL• a resolution pro- ~. ~~~ Yor the oonstructioa oY oonorete or Kontuoky Rook Asphalt sidewalks curbs and ~ Sidewalk , ,• ; o matruotio~a 'gutters, and all necessary mgnholea, intakoa, sewers and oatoh basins on both aides of ~ Broad St. both E Sixth £c BridgeBroad Stroet, between Sixth Street and Bridge Street, be introduoad and lay over. ~ straots. , Adopted upon Dell of the roll, yege Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Ytilliama and Katter~ohn,-6. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that an ordinance entitled, . "AN ORDINANCE TO AIdEND SECTIONS lb AND 4E OF AN ORDINAICE ENTITLED, AN ORDINANCE GOV- ERNING THE SALi~ OF MILK AND O'PHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, AND REGULATING THE SANITARY CONDI- ~ ; Milk Ordlasnoe, , •~ govsr sing aLls TIONS OF DAIRIES AND :ILK DEPOTS AND THi: COtVDITION AND USE OF UTENSILS, VEHICLES ETC. , + 'of milk sad other dairy pmduote. "USED IN HANDLING, MANUFACTURING OR SALE OF MILE OR DAIRY PRODtiCT3 IN THE CITY OF PADU- ~ 1 ~ " CAH, KaNTUCKY, AND REPEALING CHRTAIN ORDINAtICc',S OF 'PHE CITY OF PADUCAH, KkN'iUCKY, AND RE-ENACTINr, SAID TY]0 SECTIONS AS AMENDED," be adopted. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll,;, ~: ;" - ~ " }•. , { p~IC;~.~• e.,m,... .fit<~,_,~_., ,;"_~A~^.J { Y~i r.. ` _ - .. _ .. .'~~ ~ ~~ ~ 3-`. tea. ,'e ~h~...~ ..~y, _ ., .. ._._,. ~ ...~ ~"~"A~,a~~~~~'~ ~~.-i." ~.~"~ '. •:^ . .- ,: ..., No..~~ :;~ ?~ , ~ Commissioner s Proceedings, City of Paducah l91_ .; ~' Commieeianer Gilbert of,ered the following motion: I move that ea ordinance i Reoonetruotion-' entitled, "AN ORDiNAIaC>i PROVIDING FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIYh'VYAY ON SOUTH FIt#TH • South 6th St. ~ .- :' from Ky. Ave•, 'STREET, FRaI THIS 907Th PROPERTY LINE OF KENS'UCKY 4VhTIUE TO TIC NORTH BROPEIiTY LINP Ct' I ` to Norton St. ' NORTON 3TREh'T, IN i HE OITY OF EADUOAH, ICnNTUCKY," be introdmed and ley over. Adopted upon call of the roll, yreae Paton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Ketteriohn,-6. ! • ?~ j Oommiesioner Gilbert offered tho following motion: Y move that an ordirnnoe i ", 'entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAYS ON BOTH 3TD33~ . 8 ;' ; ` ~ Ob' MURRhZL bLYD. 1'R01~[ THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINK OF $ROADWAY TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE O7'G '~ .Reoanetruotioa-: t ' Merrell Hlvd. ~ CALDWELL STREET, AND FROM THE VYEST PROFdRTY LINE OF hNRR~L BLVD. ON CALDWELL 3TREPT+ j ldw 8 C ll 3b '~ ~ a e . ~ Mf148T ON, CALDVIELTV,'STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 1''i11LTiFTH STREET, IN YHE CITY OF .. , . : ~z. . `'PADUCAH, I{ENTUCKY," be introduced and ley over.. Adopted upon aall of the roll, yeas s y , i .;a~ " ,: - :Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and ICatter~ohn,-6. '; r Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that the ordiname f ! ~ .: ~ I ~ : ';providing for the oonetruotion of concrete or Kentnal~y Rook Asphalt sidewalks, onrbe Sidewalks on N.lEth St. ;and gnttore., bpgether with all neoeeearg manholes, intakes, sewers an$ oatah bneine, on' r ., ',the Weat side oY North Twelfth Street, beginning at the oonarete sidewalk on the piv- ~ . `- ~'perty of J. DnPerrien end extending to the oonarete sidewalk on the property of the F ~:. ~ ~Hendereon Brewing Company, be introduced and ley over: Adopted upon Dail of the roll, . ~ 'yeas, Eaton, Gilbort, Tully, Williams and Katter~oha,-6. ~~` 's= Oommieeioner Gilbert offered"the following motion: I move that an ordinance ~" .'entitled, "AN ORDINANCP PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 11IE DRIYE1vAY ON ir'INLEY 9TREty'T net O ti o ruo on of Driveway oa ~1r'ROM THE WEST PROYdit'1'Y LIIJE OF 9'ENTH STREET. TO THE EA9'i' PROP&iiTY LITiE OF ELhVE.NTH 3TRTyET, f Finley 9t., bete. Tenth de ;;IN.THE CITY OF PADUCAg, KEt1TUCK7f," be introduced and lay over. Adopted npoa Dell oY the a. ' Piaventh Sbe. . r; ;r 'ro31, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully sud Williams,-6; Wage, IO~tterjahn,-1. • Oommieeioner Gilbert offered the following motion; I move that an ordinance .. .. ~entitlsd, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING P'OR THE CONS'T'RUCTION OF THE :~RIVPsWAY ON NORTH ELPVEIiTH Oonetruotion of a driveway on N. STREET, FROM THE 9.OIJTH PROPERTY LINE OF FINLEY STREET TO TH;i NORTH PROPrRTY LINE OF BURS 11th 8t. from • fey to Bar- :,NETT S'PREET, IN 'Plfx CI'T'Y OF' PADUCAH, IOsNTUCKY," be introdnosd and lay over: Adopted }npoa sell of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams,-6; ffiye, I{atteraohn,-1. ;' Oommleeioner Gilbert offered the following motion; I move that an ordinsnae entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PFDVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCT202i OF TiiE DRIVPYrAY ON CEDAR STREET ~Csdar street 80 AND LINCOLN AVENUE, FROId 1'HE lyA3T PROPERTY LIIJE OF TLTE MAY~'TELD ROAD TO THE EAST PRO- Lincoln Avenue oonetruotion Of PLIZTY LINP OF LIIIOOLN AYk1aUE ON C1'~AR STRiyET FROii THE NORTH CURB LINE OF CEDAR 9TREiIT ~ driveway. 1'0 'i'Hly 90U'PH pii0P1l1tTY LINT: Ob' COXEY9~ STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADiiC.1H, 3CdNTUCKY," be • • introduced and ley over. Adoptod upon Dail of ,the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbort, Tully andl • Williams,-4; nays, Katter~ohn,-l. Oommieeionor Giltiert offered bho following moL•ioa; I move that an ordinance. ~ •, ' entitled, "Aft ORDINA1.tlE PROVIDIITG FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OB' THiI DRIVEV7AY ON NORTH . Reoaaetraotion driveway' N. 7th AEVENTH STREi:T, FROEI Tf~ NORTH PROPls'RTY LINT. OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THP LINE OF THE PRO- Street. PERTY OF THR ILLINOIS OENTRAL RAILiiOAD COMPANY NORTH OF TRIBIDLE STREET, IN TJ~n CITY Q PADUOAH, KENTUCKY," be introduced sad lay over: Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas , • Piston, Gilbert, Tully, Wiliiama sad IOstter~ohn,-6. ~ ~,.. Oommissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; Y move that a resolution ~ entitled, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDZCiG FOR THE RiyCON9TRUCTiON OF THE DRiVPWAY ON NORTH FOURTg~ Reoonatruotion ' ' y,drivaway N. 6th 8TR%ET, FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THT SOUTH.PROPI+RTY LINE OF i Street, .. CLAY STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KhNTUCKY," be placed on its paaeage.• Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Wiiliama end Katterjohn-6: . ;~. . , ,~ / ~~ . ' . . ; ; ~ .f i , ,. ' .. .... a ... _. ~.~ ., 'I . t •..~. 1 't ~, , ~I I G . ,emu-,.t..~...., .....•-~ _ ., •. _. _ t ~ I ~ No..1'~ 7 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah_ 191= { Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; I move that an ordiriam a en. ' Reoonstruotioa of titled, "AN ORDINANC$ PROVIDING BQR THE R$CONSTRUCTION OY TH$ DRIY$WAY ON NORTH THIRD ~ driveway on N. 3rd t St. from Jefferson STRF:HT, FROkI THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OE Jk~'F$RSON STR$$T TO 2~III'i 30UTH PROPERTY LINE OF • to rsrrisoa Sts. i , . - HARRI30Ii,3TR$`c'T, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KN:NTUCKY," bo iatroduoad and ley over. Adopt- i ~ed upon call of the roll, yeas Fston, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn~-6, ~ ' .. . . , Commissioner Gilbert offer ad the fol av 1 1 'mot n• io move the I tan ordi n8' na oe n en- Reooaetruotion of titled, "AN ORDINANC$ PHOVIDIldG FOR TA$ R$CONSTRUCTIOII OF THl: DRIVEWAY ON NORTH SECOND ~ '' driveway on-N. 2nd I ' Street from Jaffor- 3TRtiET, FRObt THE NORTH PHOPEIITY LINE OF JL'N'b'1:RSON STREET TO TH$ SOUTH YII)P~tTY LINE OF i • son St. to Btonros . ~;_ St. ;~:ONHOk STR$ET, IN TH$ CITY OF YADUCAH, KENTUCKY," be iatroduoed and lay over. Adopted ^:, ' npon Dell of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. ! ' Mayor Katterjohn offered the following rro tton; That the o amuunioation fray the ~', .' ~ J.H.Sullivan Mfg. d. H. Sullivan Mfg. Co., regarding lioenee tax, ba referred to the Commissioner of ~ Co. ' Finance Yor eotion. Yesa 6. } , • Oa motion the Board adjourned, yeas b. ~ JI ( • Ad t CA ,8~!'~ 19.Ya ~ .E~~7'' OVATE { ~ ,,,, - f •~ ~ ci.a r~TOR., { ~~~ APRIL BEND. 19Ea, j •` At a Cell Meeting of the Hoard of Commissionera~ hail .ilo the Cooraisaioners' ~ ~ • Chamber is the City Hall, Padnoeh, Ker~tnoky, oa Thnredsy, April EEnd, 19E0 at S o'oloo~t „ ~" P. )d. Dpon oeii oY the roll the following answered to their names; Oommiselonsra ~ • i Baton end Williams, and Mayor Kettarjoha,-3. i • Mayor I~ttsrjohn eteted reasons for oeii, to-wit; To take up the 9ueetloa in r' regard to the Board of Perk Commieaioaers. • ~~ ~• ~ Cocaissionsr Baton offered the following motion; That the oomao;nioation from _ Park oomnlesiowra° ' Member Eaton roletivo to the Park 8oerd be rooeived and filed. Adopted yoae S• ' ,•? Oommissioner Gilbert entered the moeting, ~ i ! On motiop the Board adjourned, yeas 4. • ~ • '~ ' "~ 9 PP'RyO~V7]D ! .. 'r Adcple SZI~`'~ a /n ~~' 19> o ~...~-iyi'u(/ ~~~~~ ~ ~: ..* AV(1R• ~,:,_"~_ • ~ APRIL E6TH. 18E0, • I ~ At a Rsgnlar Meeting of the Board of Commiealoasse, hold i't1 the Oo;mofasiensra' ~ ,. M ~ ;.Chembsr in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on April EBth, 19E0. Upon Dell of the roll the following anewared to their names; Commiseioaere, Eatoa, Gilberts Tully, • "~~ IWiiliema and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. ' .. ~. !, ,. ! Oa option of Commissioner $eton the minutoe of the previous meetings were ~ ~~:' . adopted as read. Yeas b. ~~'. '4 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; That the report of Com'r of • •;,,~ geport Com'r,Tnlly, 8laenoa regarding his attending the Convention of the Mies. Valley Assoaietion in 8t. ~ . ltias. Valley Aeao. '.Louie, Mo. oa April E0, E1 and EE, as a ropraeeuatativs oY the City of Paducah be rs- ~ ~ ': osivad and filed. Adopted yeas 6. Mayor Kattar~ohn offered the following option; i move that the motion adopted by the Board of Cooumieelonere on the 6th day of May 1919, providing that the 9eoreteyry - . '4 ~ hiss Lettis Smith, of the Oharity Department, Mies Lsttie smith, bo paid X76.00 par mopth during the year ', Seo. C.0.8. 1919, bs now rseoiaded, effective ae of the date of April SOth, 19E0. Bald motion. waa lost npon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeee Katterjohn and Tully,-E. ~''~~. • ~'>~+~ Nays, Williams,-1; Commissioner Eaton and Commissioner Gilbert not voting,-E. . - i ~ ~ i; '";• ' ~ ~ , ` .. .. ~ .. •r , , . . i ~ :,. i. .. ....... ... ....... ... ~.... ,~,.... .. ........~.. ..: .. ..,.... n .,..~ ..,.~.. n. a. e.... w ..,~. ~ i '~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City:vfPaducah 191_ :~ On motion of Mayor Satter~ohn the oommanioation from Gna E. Rant restive to `# G~•E• ~°k+ ~ oonneoting hie rseidsnos property at 1b09 Trimble 8trest, to the Cemetery Waiting Rooa oommnnioation.r ~. ~Sewsr 11ne, was referred to Commissioner of Pnblio Property upon Dell o! the roll by s• ~ the lollowing.votst Ysae Eaton, Gilbert, Tnlly and Katter'ohn,-4; says Williams,-1. E , " ~ r Commissioner Baton offered the following motion: The Retail Heruhaat's Aasoaia- Jas. Z.POOre+~ `tion having employed James Z. Poore, s oitisen of Padnoah, more than E1 years of age, f Merohants ~~ Polioe• ".~ae'Merohants° Poliae to work !or said Retail Msroharit'e lseoaiation, and having psti- ~ ~tioned that said Poore be granted Polioe powers,- ,:c . .. a T now move that the said James Z. Poarce be granted Polioe powers, ns Merohanta' ' • `;Polioe Yor and oa behalf of the Retait Merohant°e Aseoolatioa of Padnoah to serve with-~ +' • ;ont compsnaatioa from the City, upon hie complying with the regniremente of an ordinance ' ° relating to the granting and eaeroies of Polioe powers. Adopted upon call of the roll ~ 'yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Williams and Sgtl:er.3ohn,-4; Commissioner Tally not voting,-1. • Commissioner Williams offered.the following motion; That William Childers bs x . Wm. Ohildere, ,employe8 by the Oity ae Market House Cleaner at a salary of $38 per month, sfieotive ae' Market Hoses a Cleaner. `of`Yay 1, 19E0. Adopted neon Dell of the roll, yeas Baton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams sad $attsr~ohn,-6. Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: Y nave that a resointion i Sidewalks, ~eatitlsd, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR KENTUCKY ROC$ Broad 9t. Hetn.'ASPHALR~ SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTT~t3, AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, YNTAI~S, SEWERS AND 6th sad Bridge. CATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDES OF BROAD STREET, BETWEEN SIETB STREET AND BRID4E STREET," ~bs placed on its passage. Adopted upon Dell of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gil6ert,.Tn17y,. • Williams and $gtter~ohn,-8. Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; I move that a resolution c •` entitled, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR IQSNTUC$Y,t20CK ! ,ns,~ i Sidewalks, eBpHALT SIDEWALI{3, CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY iANHOLES, INTAKES, SS'lfER3 AND ,'N. 18th 8t., CATOH BASINS ON BOTR SIDES OF NORTH SIZTEENTH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF 'JEFFERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LYNE_OF TFtIhIDLE STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADtTCAH, r `r '-I~NTUCKY," be placed on its passage. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas. Eaton, 611bert, ' . Tully end Williams,-4; nays, IGltter~ohn,-1. , Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance en- ' • titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY ON NORTH FOURTH N. 4th St., •STREET, FROM THE NORTH PADPERTY LIB OF JEFFERSON BTRnET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF >Drivoway. , CI+AY STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, SSNTUCKY," be introduced and 7sy over. Adopted npoa call of the roll, yeas Satoni Gilbert, Tally, Williams and Katterjohn,-b. • Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that an.ordinenos en- <Sidevralke S. titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE ORdnNTUCKY ROC$ ASPHALT i7th St, BIDEWALI6, CURBS AND GUTTERS, TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY.EtANHOLES, INTAKES, SEW"r.R3 AND •. CATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDES OF SOU Td SEY::NTH STREET,, FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF JACK40N. STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JONES STREET," ba ititrodaoed and lay over.. ; Adopted upon call of the roil, yeas Fston, Gilbert, Tnily, Williams and. Katter~ohn,-6. Commissionar Gilbert offered the tcllow.ing motion; I move that an ordinance sa- ~ . ',.titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR I~NTUC$Y ROC$ ASPHALT $idswalka; _ SIDEWALK4, CURBS AND GIITTERS, TOGETHER PtITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAIOR9, SEWriRS AND' il. 8th St. CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH,SIDES OF NORTH SISTH STR:•~T, FROM THS NORTH PROPERTY LING OF MADY-', 'SON STRIsET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF.TRIMBLB'STREET," bs intro3noed anQ ]sy over. `;Ldopted npoa Dail of the roll, yeas Baton, 611bert, Tally and Williams,-4; netiys, ~ . Hhtter~ohn,-1. { ~.. v..- ~.,.._,._....... - . • _ ~ ~ I~ ~ . ~.. i ;~~; j ';`', `° ` i - .. f I ~. ~"I • j II ~ ..r I ~ 3 ~~. ~ ~. ~ ' , y a' s 4, ~,•:. ~• ~ ~ ~ ', - s .,. ~ : i , • I x• ; ;, i j)4 4: ~,. • .. .. _ __._-_.. _..._._____.__ ,~. t •-~.•,. `< No...~.~ . • - Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPaduaah 191_ , I• ' & ~ ~ -,~.,,A • ~ Commieeion~r Gilbert o!leroa the following motion; I move that an ordinanoe entitled, yN OIIDINANCE B30VIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR I~N'TUCKY ROOK ` Strs~l~ x' 9th •gPHALT SID$VrALK9, CURBS AND GUTTERS', TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, ' 8$V/ERE AND CATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDES OF NORTH SEVENTH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY.., •': i • 'LINE OF MADISON STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET," be introduoed i •_.~ and ley over. Adopted upon Dell o! the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully end'Williame,~ „' ;~ 4; nays, Katterjohn,-l. Commissioner Gilbert o!lered the following motion; I move that an ordinanoe ~ • ~ ' ~' entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR KENTUCKY ROCK. i • Sidewalks $. 8th ~ ASPHALT 9IDEYlALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS, TOGETHER WITH ALL NEGESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES,- i Street. gEV~g AND CATCH BASINS, OD1 BOTH SIDES ClQ' NORTH EIGHTH STREET. FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY;, • ;LINE OF MONROE STRiiET TO THE sWTH PROPERTY LIN15 OF TRId1BLE STREET," ba introduoed and ~ • s' • !' ley over. Adopted upon Dell o! the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams,-4. ! i ', Nays, Katter~ohn,-1. •; Commissioner Gilbert o!lerad the following motion: i move that an ordinanoa ~, ,,entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR KENTUCKY ROCK ~ $idewsll® S. 9th '.ASPHALT SIDEVALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS, TOGETH:< VrITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, f Btraet. ' • ; gEIYERS AND CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH SIDES OF NORTH NINTH STREET, FRO1d THE NORTH PROPERTY , LINE OF LIONROE STREET TO THE SOUTH HJOPERTY LINE OF TRIL'®LE STREET," be introduoed en4! ley over. Adopted upon Dell o! the roll, yass Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Silliams,-4; nays, Katter~ohn,-1. - Commissioner Gilbert.o!lered the lollowing motion; I move that an.ordinanoo ;' , entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR KdIJTUOKY ROCK ~ 8ldswelke 9. 18th ASPHALT SIDEWALKS, CURBS AlO) GUTTERS, TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, Street. SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH SIDES OF NORTH THIRTEENTH STREET, FROM THE NORTH ! PROPERTY LINE OF BROADYIAY TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF TR L11BLE STREET," bs introduoed' .•' and ley over. Adopted upon Dell o! the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Wiliiaiue,' . ~~ k; Heys, Kattsr~ohn,-1. ~ • Commissioner Gilbert o!lered the lollowi-g motion; I move that an ordinanoe 'entitled,. "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THis' CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETi: OR KENTUCKY ROCK .i gidewelks JI. lltb ' ~~ Street. ASPHALT SIDEyU,LKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS, TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAI~S, ~ SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH SIDES OF NORTH ELEVENTH STREET, FROM THE NORTH PRO- • ` PERTY LINE OF TcFFERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF TRIh03LE STREET," be in- troduoed and lay over. Adopted upon oall o! the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, i „ 11111lame , and Kat yer john,-6. j I _ Commissioner Gilbert o!lered the following motion; I move.that an ordinanoe Driveway,, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION CF THE DRIVBwAY ON BROADWAY, j ~ Broadway 17th to ' • Rbth Ste. : FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF SEVENTEEIdYH STREET, (OR FOUNTAIN AVENUE) TU THE WEST. • 3 ' ~ c I PROPERTY LINE OF TYfENTY-FIFTH STREET, BEING APPROXIMATELY 3210 LINEAR F:;ET; IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY," be introduoed and ley over. Adopted upon Dell o! the roll, • yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams,- 4; nays, Katter'ohn,-1. ~ Commissioner Gilbert o!lered the following motion; I move that an ordinanoe ~ , !.entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF JEFFERSON STREET, FROM THE DJ1illsreon 17th to EAST PROPERTY LINE OF SEYr'.NTEENTH STREET, (OR .FOUNTAIN AVENUE) TO THE .ZEST PROPERTY Stith Ste. ~ ~ LINE OF TVfdNTY-FIFTH STREET, BEING APPROXIMATELY 3210 LINEAR FEET, IN THE CITX OF PADUCAH, i~NTIICKY," be introduoed and lay over. Adopted upon Dell o! the roll, yeas :.± ' --r--. ,Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter~o>an,-6. ~ ` I 'A I I _. _. .._ .- . -r.~~~ - °, ~':~ No. x`30; ,, F, . commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ k'. ~ Commissioaer Eaton altered the following motion: I move that the oommnnioation t, Petition,.- , John Heass '' lrom John Hseas and others be rsosivsd.and filed and that it be deolered the sense o2 j Harootios the. Board of Comffieaionere that said proposition be approved,_and further that the ';. `~ i • , ' ,i`: '' Board of Comffisaionere pledge the support o! the City to the effort to oarry into etteot ~' ;; the e:presee8 purpose of said petitioners. Adopted upon Dell of the roil, yeas Eaton,i ,Gilbert, Tully, Plilliame and ICstter~ohn,-6. ~ ~ ~~ ~~: e ~ On motion the Board sd~gmrnsd, yeas 6. ~ ~ :..... ~ _ '. ~ ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tOtAVC)R. r a `r` .~ 1 APRIL 28TH. 1920. '_ .. At a Cali meeting o! tike Board of Oommiseionere, held in the Commisaionere•~. ~ ~' ~ !! Chamber in the City Bell, Paduoah,.Sentnoky, on April 28th, 1920, at 11 O'olook A. Y. ;~ ', Upon Doll of the roll the following answered to their names: Comffiesionera Eaton Tall' .. y ~'' ~'..Williame ea8 Mayor Kptterjohn,-4. i ., ~ Mayor IOstter~ohn stated reasons to it to wit• ~ b~,, I • , °~ .~ .~ ~• r oa - To sooept Lhe proposition ; ~ : : ~ . ~ ' j.trom i;. C. Waller in regard to pnrahgaing n strip o! ground at 10th and Clark Streets. ~ ~ ~ . tlomffiaeioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that a resointion ~ ~ • ~' sooeptinig.the proposition oY R. C. Waller to parohaas a 10 toot strip o! ground at j .. ' , , , R.tl.WALLAA ~ , Deed for ~ 30th ~ Clark streets, sad authorising the Mayoy, F. W. Kabter'ohn, to easonte deed for .f ' . strip of gr rnmd for same, bs adopted. Adopted upon Doll o! the roil, yeas Aston, Tally and Williama,~;: %,,.10th d0lark {' S; Mayor Sattar~ohn not voting,-1. . ~ On motion the Board adjourned, yeas ~. ea. is .~.,~-"t a -- ~ov~ ~ ,; ~ ~ ' , , ``= { _ ~~ i'' ~ MAY 3RD. 1920. i ~ • ~~ • AL a Regular Mseting of. the Board o! Cammisaloaere, held in the Comffiaeion- i ~ 'ere1 Chamber in the City Hall, Padnoeh, gentaoky, on May 3rd, 1920. Upon Dell o! the ~•• ,.roll the following eaewered.to their names: Commiseionera Eaton, Gilbert, Tally; • Williams end Mayor IOstteriohn,-6. ~ 6 • I • ~ i On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes o! the previous meetings wexe ~~, y ` adopted ee.read upon Dell of the roll b 6 ` y yeas.. •' ' ,, ~ , '' Commissioner Est n !! d th ! 11 ~ 0 o ere e q owing motion: I move that the reeolutioa, ~entitied, "RESOLUTION AXTENDING THE TINE WITHIN WHICH THE PADUCAH b ILLINOIS RAILROAD ` "~ Eztention o! ' '?j time for begin- COMPANY i3 TO BI'sGIN IR GOOD FAITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN DEPOTS IN TH8 CITY OF ~ ning P. 8o i. ~. R.R. Depots. PADUCAH, IQfiITCCKY;". be now introdnoed, sad that it lie over for further oonsideration. <- Adopted upon Dell o! the roll. yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Ratter john,-6. ``~ r ~^ • Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the report of the ~• 3 tlhie! o! the Fire Department for the moth o! April 1920 be received sad !lied. tdopted ~ ' Aeport tlhiel oY ! ~. . •Fire Department. upon Doll o! the roll by the following rotes Yeee Aston, Gilbert, Tally, Williams-sad j L1Rayor Bettsrlohn,-6.. tlomffiaeioaer Aston offered the following motion; i-move that the report of !• 'Report Ohie! 'the .tlhie! of Polioe tor.ths month o! April 1920 be rsoeived and tiled. Adopted upon -3 ,oi. Poiioe. ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ' L-,,.,:~. ~~ . ;Dail o! the roil by the following votes Yeas Aston, Giibext,. Tully, i1111ie®e end Mayor ! wv. ~ !~stter~ohn,-6. ~, .~ - Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ . • Commissioner Eaton offered the Yellowing motion; I move that the. Mll of Dr. • Hill Dr.O.R.Kidd treatment to 0. R. .Kidd Yor mediosi and enrgiasl attention to W~.liie Eiah, a Yireman who was incur- . ' Willie Eioh. e4 in an sooident while in, the disoherge oY hie duty. ha allowed end that thb Commie- ; , ,. •sioner of Public Fina~e be authca~ised to pay the same to the amount oY X86.00, and • ~ charge same to the Fire Dept. Fund. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following i vote; Yeea, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams and Xatter'ohn,-6. Commieeloner I~ton offered the following motion; I move that the bill Yor Oa0 ~ Fearless Fira Alarm eoz which was Ynrnished to the City oY Paducah by the Gemewell Fire Peerless Fire . I A]arm Bo:. ,A3a,rm.Telegraph Company, to be used at the Riverside Hospital, be allowed and that the I . Commissioner oY Public Finance ba authorised to pay said bill, amounting to. X120.00 ;and charge the same to the Riverside Rospital Fend. Adopted upon Dail oY the roll by • :the following vote: Yeas, Eatm , Gilbert, Tally, Williams and lfatter~ohn;-6. j • ' - (. Commissioner Gilbert offered the Yellowing motion; That the petition Yor aide- ' Petition Yor sidewalks, sto. • ~ walks; ourba apd gutters on the south Bide of Clay Stroet, between 17th and 19th Streets ' on Clay 9t., Beta. be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon call oY the roll by the following voter Yaee, ~ 17th de 19th Ste. • Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams and Katter~ohn,-6. , is tSayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the two reports oY I •, = Reports oY • .Mies Let tie Smith be reoeived end filed, and that the Commissioner oY Public Fiaanoe bey „ Mies Lsttie ~. Smith, C.0.3. • ,instruotod to make final settlement with Miss Smith pertaining to the C.O.S Funds. Adopt ad upon rill of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, ` Williams and Katter~ohn,-6. Mayor Battar~ohn oYYered the Yellowing motion; I move that the bond oY F. 6. . Bpffi of F. N. Burns ' released. Burns be released. Adopted.upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, ~ `Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn-b. '. :~ Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the vote by ; . ', xhioh the motion, which was me de by. the Mayor at the last regular meeting to renioiad. I the motion adopted by the Board oY Commisaionera on the 6th. day of May 1919, providing t '~` Mies Lsttie /• • Smith, Secretary • ,ry . ;that the 3eoretary of the Charity Departmm t• Mise Lsttie Smith,`be paid ~7b.00 per ~ • C.0.3. ` \ / • month durin>$ the year 1919, was lost beoauee oY the failure to receive throe affirms. ; , ; • ties votes, be sow re-oonaidered. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by.the following vota;~ • . ~• ;Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-8. ', j Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move ,that the motion adopted ; ,~; ~ by the Hoard of Commissioners on the 6th day o4 Kay 1919, providing that the Secretary !' Mica Lsttie of the Charity Departmm t, Miea Lsttie smith. be paid X76.00 per month during the year 3mith••Seoratary , • C.O.S. ; 1919, be now rescinded, effective ae oY the date of April 30th, 19?.0. ! '~'• ~'`` Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that the pending ~' ,.motion be amended so ae to strike out the words "APRIL 30TR", and insert in liew there- Smith, 3aoretary ,of the words "MAY 3RD." The amendment was adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the tol• !` '• C.O.S. ,lowing vote: Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and, Katter~ohn,-4; nays, Williams;-l.. ~~~,~' ~IIpon Dell oY the roll the on nal motion was adopted b the Yollowi r ` gi y ng vote; Yeas, ~, Eaton, Tully and Katter3ohn,-3; nays Gilbert sad Ylilliame,-2. ~ • • Commissioner Williams offered the Yellowing motion; I move that the bills of ,': '+~• . Bills of:- O.W.ReeD O.W.Rebb, Gilberts Drng Store and Kolb Bros. Drug Company for medicines furnished Dr. ~ , • • Gilberts Drag C.E.Harkey for City Patients be allowed, and that the Qomaieaioner of Pnblio Finance .~ Store, ~ , Kolb Bros. ~ ba authorised to pay the same, to the amount of ,~42.b6. Adopted upon Dell of the roll } ,-~ i. by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and I9mtter~ohn,-6. ~ ' . • Commissioner Gilbert aY Yered the Yollovring motion: That the City Attorney be j .. ; ,inctruated to bring in a roaolntion Yor the oonstruotion oY the 3onth aide oY Clay ,~ ;~" Sidewalks, etc. ~ -, • On Clay Btrest, Stroet between 17th and 19th Street with Keatuoky Rook Asphalt or Concrete sidewalks , ! beta. 17th 8r 18th, h ;Concrete curbing, Concrete gnttora, also all neoeasary Caet Iron house drai ne, intakes ~ 3l . t ;~ , k .~ i -'.~ . . ,. ., .~ ~ . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ and oatoh basins, etc. to be charged to the abutting property owners and to be paid on the Ten Year payment Plan. Adopted upon oell'o! tho roll by the following'vote: Yeas ~ , r Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams and Xatter~ohn,-6. ! •• + Commissioner Gilbert o!lerod the lollowing motion;- Y move that sun aa~dinenoe ! ~. Sidewalks on :entitled, "AN ORDIIiP.NCE PROVIDING FOR THE~CONSTRUCTION CF CONCRETE OR SBNTIJCKY ROCK ~ s Braed, beta. 8th do Bridge. . , ',;ASPHALT SIDEwALx.S, CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAI~S, SEWERS AND r i ¢ Strseta• ':CATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDES OF BROAD STREET, BETYIEEN SIXTH STREET dND BRIDGE STREET, BE-~ ,GINNING AT A POINT ON BROAD STRIs`ET WRERE THE PRESENT CONCRETE WALES, ETC. STOP IN FRONT, ' ~!OF J• 0.. ALB'S RESIDENCE ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF BROAD STRn^ET, AND RUNNING TO THE BAST • ';CURB LINE OF BRIDGE STREffiT; ALSO ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF BROAD STREET FROIT THE PR1+~ENT' ' ~ `' OONORffiTffi INT10R81i0Ti0N AT TRffi NORTHERLY 8IDffi OP'' BROAD STRffiET PROM TNfi Plt1sSffiNT CONORffiT8 . ,,, ~i• ! `INThRSECTION AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SIXTH AND BROAD .STREET TO A POINT WHERE THE ' • ~ n , • ;BAST OURB LINE OF BRIDGE STREET WOULD INTERSECT T8E NORTHERLY PFaPERTY LINE OF BROAD I • STREET, IF SAME WAS EXTENDED ACROSS BROAD STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH,"1~NTUCKY," beI " ~ .. ~: • introdnoed and ]ay over. Adopted upon Dell o! the roil by the lollowiag Pote: Yeas, " ' i X` 'Eaton, Gilbert, Pnliy, Williams anfl Ketter~ohn,-6.o ~ . Commlesioner.Gilbert Dilated the lollowing motion: I move that an ordinance en- :; Sidewalks On ;titled,,"AN ORDINANCE $20VIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR KENTUCKY ROCS A$- N. 18th Street PHALT SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND (iUTTER3, AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTASGS, SEi7ERS AND CATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDES OF NORTH SIETEENTH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LIttE OF ~ ' JEFFERSON STREET TO THE $OUT$ PROPERTY LINE OF TRIMBLE STREh"i','IN THE CITY OP' PADUOAH,"~. . KENTUCKY," be introduoefl and ]ay over. Adopted neon Dail aE the t~o11 by the ioliowing ~ . i. .vote; Yews, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally and Williams,-4; nays, Katter~ohn;-1. ' Oommissioner Gilbert Dilated the ioilowing motion: I mace that an ordinance en- " ,r. DMvswsy on titled, AN.ORDINANCE PBOVIDING FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY ON NORTH 98COND ':. N• 8nd St. gTRE~T.,FROM THE NTH PROPERTY LINE iE' JEFFFdtSON STRr.ET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINPs OF sIMONROE"STREET," be placed oa its passage. Adopted upon veil o! tho roll by the lollow-'. 'ring vote; Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally and Williams,-4; ffiys, ICatter~ohn,-l. ! Commissioner Gilbert atlered the lollowing motion: i move that an ordimnoe sa- ,'titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY ON SOUTH FIFTH Driveway on Sr 6th St• 'gTREET, FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF KENTUCKY AVENUE TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF ~ • NORTON STREET," be p]aoed on its passage. Adopted talon Dail of the roll by the lollow-, ing vote; Yeas, Eatoa, Gilbert, Tally ea8 Williams,-4; Nnye, IQxtter~ohn,-1•- • Commissioner Gilbert adlered the lollowiag mot3oa: I move that an ordinance en- : ~~,, titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY ON NORTH SEVENTH' " rivaway on 11. 7th 8t. 'STREET, FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE CF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE LINE OF THE EI~PERTY O8: . THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY NORTH OF TRIMBLE STREET," be placed oa its passage. Adopted upon Dell o! the roll by the lollowiag vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally sad ' W1111ams,-4; Nsys, Katterjoha,-l. Commissioner Gilbe;t oitered the lollowing motion: I move that ea ordlnemoe en- . titled, "AN ORDINANCE PRaVIDING.FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY ON NORTH THIRD riveway on N. 8rd 9t. ! , 9TRbET, FROhf TAE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF. JEFFERSON STREET .TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF i HARRISON STREET," be placed on its passage. Adopted npm Dell o!' the roll by the lollos ing"vote; Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tnliy and Williams,-4; Nays, K9tter~ohn,-1• •" . ~: Commissioner Gilbert olfered the following motim; I mo*s that an ordinance ea• Driveway on titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR 'PRE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIY&WAY ON CEDAR STREET AND' . tledar Street A Linooin Ave LINCOLN AVENUE, FROM TH$ EAST PROPERTY LINE OF THE HAYFIELD ROAD TO TAn EAST PROPERTY :i . ' bINE OF LINCOLN AVENUE. ON CEDAR STREI7P FROM THE N~tTH CURB LINE OH' tlEDAR STREET TO TH6 1. • ,, • r' , `a',BQt~T8~2~ffiRTY ZINffi OF OOXSYS'.STREffiT," be pieced on its passage: Adopted' neon Deli o! ! ~ , ~ ) : v AF 6e6 .r ~ .. 4~` °.` ., ,.. 1 ~". ~, I ~. ,~a k, ~~ ~.:-~.' I i ;'a _ '. .• ,y :~ -:.~ " ~ c ~ ~ ~ ' .. ra9y.E~"».w°w.~t'~w i,..=~.r dAJ"ivt#'~~.: ~.,. ~ ;r ::,: w .... t `~ p ~ . No. s- -33 . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ l9l_ the roil by the following vole; Ysaa, Raton, 411bort, Tally and Williame~-L= Raba' l4,tter~oha~-l. ,.. i oommieeionsr Gilbert oitersd the loilOwirig motions I move that an or4laenoe en-, Driveway on • titled, "AN ORDINANCR PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TR8 DRIVEWAY ON NORT$ RLRVENTH` N. 11lh 8t.batn. Finley de Bmnstt. STRERT, FROM THE SOUTH PRQPERTY LINK OF FINLEY'STREET TO THR NORT$ EIVDPERTY LINE OF HURNis'TT STREET," be pisood on its passage. Adopted upon Dell oY .the roil b the tai- ~ '~ y I j , ;lowing vote; Yeas, Raton, Gilberts Tally and Williema~-4; Nays, Ketter~oha,-1• j,' j~ Commissioner Gilbert offered the Yollowiug.motlons I move that en ordinarios sn- ' titled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR T$x CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY .ON FINLEY STREET • Driveway on ~ i Finley St, beta. ~ FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINR OF TEtiTH STRis'ET TO 'P$E EAST PI;DPER'PY LINE OF RLEYENTH ` ' 10th & 11th Sts• ,, ~, STREET," be plaood on its passage. Adopted upon oell'oY the roil by the Yollowidg. ~. vote; Yeas Retoa, Gilberts Tully and Williams,-d; Nays %attsr~ohn~-1• Commissioner Gilbert oYYered the f ollowirig'motlon: I move that en ordiaauos en- ,titled, "AN ORDINANCE'PI~YIDING FOR THE Rc~CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY ON BOT$ SIDES j ''~` • ~ OF.IdUHHELL BLVD. FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LIIfE OF BROADWAY TO THE SOUTH,f?ROPERTY LINE ! Driveway oa •• Murrell a].vd• ~ OF CALDYd1II,L STREET, AND FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE Ob' MUHRk'LL ALYD. ON CALDWELL STREET WEST ON CALDWELL STREET TO THE EAST PA7PERTY LINE OF TWELFT$ 3TR1iET~" be planed on its passage. Adopted upon Dell oP the. roll by the Yollowing vote; Yeas, Raton Gilberts ~ Tully and Williams,-4; Nays Satterloha,-1• Commissioner Gilbert oPYered the Yollowirig motion; I move that an ordinanoe en- I~ ;titled, "AN ORDINANCE PHOYID IIVG FOH T$E CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR KENTUCKY ROOK f A3PNALT SIDEWALKS, CURBS, GUTTciRS, TOGET$EH YfITR ALL NECESSARY MAN$OLE9, INTAKES, _. Sideaalke on N. 12th Street. 9EWER3 AND CATC$ BASINS, ON T$E WEST SIDE ~ NORTH TwELFT$ STREET, BEGINNING AT THE ! '., ;,CONCRETE SIDEWALK ON THE PADPERTY OF J. DuPEHRIEU AND EXTENDING TO THE CONCRETE SIDE- :,{:, WALK ON THE PROPERTY OF THE HENDERSON BREWING COMPANY, A DISTANCE QF APPROXIMATELY .;~° •'.~ 9EYEWTY LINEAL FEET," be planed on 1ta passage. Adopted upon Dell o! the roll by the • Yollowing vote; Yeae, Eeton~ Gilbart~ Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-6• ~,j . • On motioA tho Board ad~aurned, Yeas 6• j ", ~: , I Aa~~ a 4~` I~ .~ . _ Nx~av~:o i ' A4A40!'. j j ~ MAY 6TH 1920. ~I . Y, i • s At a Call Meeting oP the Board oY Como;leaionere, held in the Commiseionere' ; Chamber in the City Hali~ Paduoah~ Kentuoky, at it o'olook A. M, oa May 6th, 1920. l '; Upon Dell oY tho roll the Yollowing answered to their names; Commiesionere Tully grid Williams and Mayor Katter~ohn,-3. ;. `,~ .. Mayor Kattsr~ohn statod reasons for sail to-wit= To allow salaries and sooaunta ~. Yor the month aY April 18'«0, and any othor business that may Dome before the Board o! i Y'. ~~'Comruiaeioners. . ji Commissioner Tully oYPored the Yollowing motion: That tho aooounte for Lhe lest ~ Aooouats last ~ halt: of April 1420 as per the rauort of Qom'r oY Finanae Yiiod herewith be allowed j ~~ belt Apr11 1920.•,, and ordered ~ paid end that the money be aplm'opriatad from the Ganaral Fund to pay aamet • ~ Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the Yellowing vote; Yeae Tully, Williams and,Katter- ~, • ~ohn,-3• ~, ,~,..7 d. ,} ,. ,. '"F ;. Commissioner Tully oiPered the following motion: That the report oY the Oom'r Resort Com'r oY oY Finanoa Yor the month oY April 1920 be reoeiv and i11ed nad ordered ublished in' ' -.~ Finanae Yor ~ p Apr11 1920. the oiYloisl newspaper. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the Sollowing vote; Yeae j •~~ ~ Tully, .Williams and Mayor Katter~ohn~-3• fi:E'P~ :FJD ;~ 1 OA 1o the Boa d nd oprned~ gees S. ~+~ ~, MA`P~ , r r . y~ it - , ' .. ` ' .' .~ ~, .. .ti ,., ... .,,...«A+4~i6w.. ~».;:..,.~, w,.:+~un.~6«.~ .x....,`~:;n;r'.b'~~~:ktiw~~imi«.T--;r - 'r~.,. ", ~ , •.~. ' ~ 0 .. ('v w ~~ ' ~ ~ s, .~ ~.. ...:,,w...„.a. ~........ .~.-...m..... .. S (. ,.~ _ . _. Mr ,~ •- Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191 ~~ MAY 6TH. 1920. ~ • "-, }1 - ~ ~ t At a Call Mesti o! the Heard of Commissioners held in the Commissioners •'Chamber in the City Hall, Padnoah, Sentuoky, at 10 o'oioek A. M. on May 6th, 1920, i j,. ~~• - Upon oall of the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners Tsaton, Tully` ~' • ° Williams end Mayor Satterjohn,-4. ~ j •~ ~Meyor Satter john stated reasons for oall to-wlt: To adopt a motion inatruotieg': "l'~ i 4'the City Attorney to .inetitnte sad proaeorite all neoeseary prooeedings for the purpose ~ ,"~, r toi putting .the pnrohaeera of ~aokaoa Hill Farm in immediate possession of said farm. ~ j Commissioner $aton offered the following motions The City of Padnoah having.ooz#~eysd, "~;. it ~ ;by (;eneral Warranty deed, the farm known as Jadkaon Hill Farm, to T. A: Miller, C. C. ° ~ 'r" ;'' Jaokeosl Hi11 PPaoe and E. D. Thnrmaa, and the said grantees having hem nnable.to aoquirs.poseeseion '~ ~f ~ ~ Dsrm. ~ ~ ~, :~ ;wader their said deed, beaenae L. D: Poorer, a former tenant of the City, refneea to ! 3 ..~ r enrrsader possession theroof,- I move that the City Attorney be inatrnoted to inetitnte.; ~ ''and proaeouts all neoeasary prooeedinga for the pm•pose of patting said grantees in i , ~ `:~ , ,possession of said pa•operty immediately in aooordanos wit~,the terms of said dead. • ~ ,` K ~Adoptad npoa•oell of~the roll by the following votes Yeea, Baton, Tally, Williams and ~ . ~ ~ On motion th6 Hoard adjosaned, yeas 4. r., ,~~' q uix cr.rr +k ~. I`~ - +' . :1[J~YUi: I s ' ~ " ~ MAY 9'TH, 1920 ' ? At s Call Kesting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' + ~ l '~ Chamber in tho City Hall, Paduoah, Bentuokq, at 11 O'olook A.~ M., on May 7th, 1920. '; ` ~'. ~.. `' Qpon oell of the-roll the following eaewere8 to their names: Commissioners Eaton, r - Tally, Williams sad Mayor Satterjohn,-4. ~ • Ysyor Satterjoha stated reasons for oall to-wit= To adopt a motion regarding the eooounta of Miss Lettie smith ae seoretary of the C. 0. 3. . ~ ~ ~, ` ` Commieeioner Tully ofi~ered the Yollowing motions Having oheoked np the eooonnte i ~•Miae Lsttie ~' O! M~.as Lettie Smith ea aeoretary of the C.0.3.,'I beg to report that all made base ~ ~~. Smith seore beaa'properiy aooounted for aad`move that she be r9,. ' ;.tars a,0.g• , given a gnietna ee aeareta of the ': ~':, 0.0'.H. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the iollowirg vote: Yette; Baton, Tally, ,~ ;Williams and Satter john,-4. ` On motion the Hoard adjourned, yssa•i. ~ ~ ` ~` .APPitiG~ :dii r` ~ tq -. F V oa a.+~ liAXdR. ,~ .r ' _ ~ h ~_~ s .-~ R C .... . °. • ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ > 1 . +~ • ~ ` w'C 5 ' ~ y ~ ~ . ~ .. ~'" ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ., , ~~" . / ~ i li ' ' .~ y .. •. ' ~ ~ ~ ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 19J^ f • ~~I ' . • , ~ 1fAF i0tha 1920.. { i•. .~: # - At a Rsgu]ar Ms~ting of the Board oY Commieeionere, held in the Commieelonsre~ i 1 '~~~, •- Ohember in the City Hall, Padnoah, Keatnoky, oa May 10th, 1920. IIPon oa11 of the rolli 4'..Y ;' the Yollowing aaswored to their names; Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert, .Tully, Williams ~ • !~ ~ ~ i ~/ / and Mayor Aatterjohn,-6. ¢ .' •, "• ~, - On motion oY Commissioner Eaton the minntea.o~ the Regular Meeting oY May 3rQ, ~'''' , ~• .. 1920 and the Call Meeting oY May bth, 1920, at 11 0~olook, nnd.the Call Heating oY • .. ~ ~ May 7th, 1920, at 11 O'olook, warq adopted as read upon oell of the roll by 6 yeas. ~ ~~c '_ ;; Mayaa• Satter~ohn offered the following motions I move that the oommunioation from, ,. ? r-•. the,Padnoah Eleotrio Company, eooepting the ordinaaoe oreating a Yranohise to Yurnieh ? ~. ?ranoh,Le toeept- ! eleotrioity, eta., b® reoeivod end YileB sad eprea8 upon the miantse. Adopted upon ~ .'.'epee oY Padnoah . .,.~ .Eleotrio Oo. ;,osll oY the roll by the Yollowing vote; Yeea Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and ~ ' . Y Satter'ohn,-b., i • ~-'~ ~ Said aommunioation Yollowes • -t t ~'• "Boston, Mass., April 24, 1920. To the Honorable Mayor and Commissioners o! •. the oity oY Padnaeh: ' , Padnoah Eleotrio Company, having psrohaeefl on April 19, 1920, for the snm oY X6,000, a oertain Yranohiee or privilege to furnish eleotrioity Yor ' ' light, power heat and say other pnrpoaes Yor.x9sioh eleotrioity is used in j ? .~ Aooeptrinos oY ~ the City aY Paduoah, Kentuoky, said Yramhise having been oreated pursuant ~I ~ ..Franchise by to the provisions oY an ordina.noe adopted by the Board oY Commissioners oY i , Padnoah Eleotrio said City of Paducah on Ttaroh 29, 1920, +, ~, 'Coy • ~~. NOW, THERF~'ORE, in eooordanoe with the provisions oY Seat ion 6 oY said ordinsnoe creating the said f ranohise, Paducah Eleotrio Company hereby ~ . s. ` ~ eooepts the provisions oY the said ordinance above mentioned creating said i • ~ Yranohise and under which said Yranohiae wsa.eold se aforesaid. j •, ? PADUCAH ELECTRIC COMPANY, ~ • • ~ ~ ~ ~ A'T'TEST; By H. T. EDGAR, President." ~ ~ ' ~; EDWARD T. CLARK, • ~'`• Secretary. • ' • Protest sgaiaet ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motions That the petition oY psroperty j~ • • N. 9th Street im- I owners on North Ninth Street protesting against the sidewalk improvement bs reosived . paovemetst. ' ~ • : • and Yiled. Adopted upon call oY the roil by the following vote; Yeas Eaton, f~ilbsrt, • Tn7.],y, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. • S.R.Hill appoint-~ ~ Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that Ernest R Mill be ', ~ sd patro~a. . !` r. ' appointed a patrolman. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the Yollowina votes Yeas, ~ - ' Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. , . • ~ •' John P. Wilkerson,I ' Commissioner Eaton offered the Yellowing motions I move that John P. Wilkerson, ~ t ' James Walker do " Laub Snllivant, dames Walker end Lalie Sullivant be appoisrt ed as Yiremea in the City Fire pepartment, (. i ~; appointed firemen. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas. Eat on, Gilbert, Tully, r' ~• ~: Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner. Eaton offerefl the following motion; I move that the'si~eeolution en- ? y Resolution extend-' 1ng P. 8o I. R.R. I titled, "RESOLUTION E%TEIiDING THE TIMID WITHIN WHICH THE-a'ADUCAH & ILLINOIS RAILROAD { • extension oY time. '; COISPANY IS TO BEGIN IN GOOD FAITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTA L9~DEPOTS IN THE CITY OF " ~. ..+ ~ PADUCAH, $FSZTUCKY," be adopted. Adoptefl upon cell oY the roll by the following votes f ' ! Yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. ~' ~ ' ~ + , Mayor Kattor~ohn offered the following mo bops i move that as ordi m;nos enbitlea ~. I •• !. Orflinnnoe reguLet. °AN Ot~INANO>: REOULA'PItiO 7'lit; SOLiOITING OF ALMS WITHIN TItE GI'1'Y ON PAuUOAH~ AND PRA- ing the eolioiti ~ of Alme. • ~ SORIBING PENALTIks FOR VIOLATION THER,EOF," be adopted. Aflopted upon call of the roll '~' f by the Yollowin votes Yeas Eaton Cilbart Tul B , . ly, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b, Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; I move that an ordinanos en- ., ' Reoonetruotioa oY : ,. titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REC ~VSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY ON NORTH r'OURTH't ' b. 4th St., from Jeifereon to C]ay. , i gTRr'.ET, FR01i THE NORTR PROPERTY LINE OP' JEFFr'.RSON STRr:ET TO THE. SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF i ; QLAY STREET, IN THE CITY. OF PP.DUOAH, KENTUCKY," be pLsced oa its passage. Adopted uposi ,. . h `' t , `~ -a ~,. ~ -~ . ~~/. ..~~j `aa, '~.µy..VM•~1'~uT'.•~'-iF9~..r~ ~ •...~.~....~._, w.w~4GL,u+ua.e.v+ew _w .ri.Y•~`" •k ' ..,. A h ... .~. .' '.r ~ No Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ _ ~• Dell of the roll ,by the following vote:.Yeea Eaton, Gilbert, Tally and Williams,-4; ' j nays, Battor~ohn,-1. ; . •;~ Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that en ordinance en- j .;! Reooastruotion of Driveway on ~ tided, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING ,FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THi~ DRIVEWAY ON JEFFERSON i `•; Jefferson, Prom 17th to 8bth. ,$TREhfi, FROM THE PAST PROPERTY LINK OF SEYENT$3NTH STREET, (OR FOUNTAIN AVENUE) TO T$a! ` WEST PROPERTY LINE OF TWENTY-FIFT$ STREET, BEING APPRO%IMATSLY 3810 LINF~AR FEET, IS TH8 . ~ CITY~OF.PADUCAH, ~NTUCKY," be planed oa its passage. Adopted upon Dell o! the roll bye ~ ~ ti ~~~ " ~;. fhtr~;~olloating votes Yesa, Eaton, (filbert, Tally and Willtama,-4; nays, %atter~ohn,-1. j , .. t~Qommleeloaex.Gilbert offered the following motion; I move that an ordinance en- a Aeoonetruption of titled,"AN ORDINANCE PRWIDING FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIYEtiYAY ON .BROADWAY, i '"` ' Broadway ofrom .. FRClS THE; SA9T PROPERTY. LINE OF' Sh'VENTSSNTH STREET, (OR FUUIiTAIN AVENUE) TO THS WEST j' ?, ,:. 17th to 6th. ~ pgpPB'RTY LINE OF TWENTY-FIFTH STREET, BEING APPROSIbiATELY 5210 LINEAR FEET, IN THS ~. :,: ~ ~; „`,-, , CITY OF PQDIICAH,.KENTUCKY," be placed aui its passage. Adopted upon Dell o! the roll by !' the following vote; Yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, and Williams,-4; Naye, Sflatter~ohn,-1. ~! ~` ' ~; Commissioner Gilbert offered tho following motion; I move that an ordinance en- r ~~ i 'titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING 80R THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR KEITUCKY ROCK `~ Sidewaike on 'ASPHALT 9IDEWALKB ClTHB9 GUTTERS TOGETHYUI WITH ALZ, NECESSARY MANHOLES YNTAKES r N./Ith 8t. from + ~ + + ~ ' Jefferaoa ~o Trimble. . !' SSYY~t8'AND QATOH BASINS, ON 130TH .SIDES. OF NORTH SLEY"ri4Tli. STREET, FROM THE NORTH PROPER- -. , D .. "'TY LINE`•OF JEFFERSON STREET. TO THls SOUTB PROPERTY LINE '~ TRIMBGPs STREET, IN THE CITY 'OF PADUCAH, ~NTUCKY," be planed on its passage. Adopted upon oall.of the roll by the clollowing vote; Yeas, Eaton, Gilbprt,.Tullyrand Williams,-4; Naye, Katter~ohn,-1. `_ ~ Commieaioner Gilbert o!l9red the loll owing motion: Y move that en ordinance en- ,: titled, "AN ORDINANCE PRDYIDIN6 FOR T$E CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR KENTUCKY ROCK ~`. Sidewalks"en N. lath st. `ASPHALT SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS, TOGETHER WIT$ ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES,.YNTAKES, ''' from Broadway .to Trimble. -. ,SEWERS AND CATCH BASYN9, ON BOTH SIDES OF NORTH THIRTEENTH.STRPsET; FROM TH8 NORTH PRO- ~PERTX LINE OF BROADWAY STREET TO T$E SOIITH PROPERTY LINE OF TRIM3LE STREET, YN THE CITY ~ ` `.;. ~OF PADUCAH, KEliTUOKY," bs planed on its passage. Adopted aeon Dell of the roll by the . ~ ~lollcwing vote; Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally and Williams,-4; Naye, Katter'ohn,-1. Oommieeioner Gilbert afiered the following motion; I move that an ordinance en- `; '; Sidewaike on N. 9th from . titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION of CONCRETE OR KENTUCKY ROCK Mph oe to. Trim- ;.ASPHALT SIDEWALKS, CURBS, .GUTTERS, TOGETHER wIT$ ALL NECESSARY .MANHOLES, INTAKES, 9SVlBR$ :. t t .WAND CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH SIDES OF NORT$ NINTH STREET, FROM THS NORTH PI31PfitTY LYNE OF i MONROS 9TRElyT TO T$E SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF TRYP.U3LS STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH;.. !.. - i 86NTUCKY," be planed on its passages Adopted upon Dell o! the roll by the following F • i. 'vote: Yesa Eaton Gilbert Tully and Williams -4• Na a Kattersoha 1. f 9 t 0 f y 0' V- ~. . • Oo'mmieeioner Gilbert olfored the following motion; I move that an ordinance en-. { - ' ,. 81 dewaike on N titled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CCtICRETE OR .KENTUCKY ROCS .. ~ ' ' 8th Prom Monroe to Tr1mb19e ASPHALT SIDEWpLKS,'CURBS, GUTTERS., TOGETHER ;WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, YNTAKES, $EWER9 AND CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH SIDES OF NORTH EIGHTH STR1yST, FROM THE NORTH.PRDPERT? LINE OF MONROE'STR1QiT TO THE SOUTH PROP~tTY LINE OF TRlMBLE STREET, IN THE CITY .OF ~. ;PADUCAH, KENTUCKY," be placed on its passage.' Adopted upon Dell o! the roil by the ~ . .fpilowiag vote; Yeea, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally and Williae,-4; Nays, Ratter john,-1. ~ ' Oommiesioner Gilbert offered the following motion: Imove that an ordinance sn- '.titled,"AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR 'THE GQiSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE.CdI KENTUCKY ROCK ~idewalke oa 4ASPHALT 9IDTWALKS, OURBS, GUTTERS, TO(iETHSR.WITH ALL.NECSS$ARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, .. j 4- ' ' N. 7th from Madison to '',~gHwER3 AND OATCH BASINS, ON BOTH $IDSS. OF NORTH SEVENTH STREBT, FROM T$S NORTH PROPSRTYi . Trimble. ;.LINE OF MADISON BTRS]LT TO THB SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF TRIMBLS STREET, YN TH8 CITY. OF ' !'.,PADUCAH; KENTDCSY," be p]aoed on its passage. Adopted-upm Dell 0! the roil ~ the ~folloxing vote= Yeaa, Eaton, 0iibert, Tnl]y and Wiiliame,-4; :Naye, Rktter~ohn,-1. ,. ~, ~, ' +i ~ i _ ,: , - _ ~ • .. r. •. , , . . a, ~ ~. ~ ' '_ ~.~>_ i Commissioner's .. ,.. 1 III ~gs, Ci~y'ifPaducah ' Na~/3~, , Commieainner Gilbert offered the following motion; I move that en ordinatwe ' entitled, ^AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FQR THE CONSTRUOTION OF' COitORETB OR IQSNTUCKY ROCK 8ldswslke on ASPHALT SIDEWAL$g, CjktB3,'GUTTERS, TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAI~9, - ' N. 6th St. from ,. Medieoa to Trimble. Sh1pER3 AND CATC$ BASINS, ON BOTH SIDES OF NORTH 9I%TB STREET FROM .THE NORTH PROPERTY I ,LINE OF MADISON STREET TO THE SOIITH PROP~tTY LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET, IN THE CITY OF i PADUCAH, K1•IiTUCEY,^ be p]aoed on its paeee~ge. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the ~ . a following. vote; Yeee, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams,-4; Nays, Battsr~ohn,-1, I" } Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; I move that an ordinenos,. entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THh CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR RElJTUCI4( ROCK ~ 91ds~ralkn on 8. 7th from Jsokeon to ,ASPHALT 3IDEWALISS, CURBS, GUTTERS, TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, . Jonsa St. 'SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH SEVENTH STREET, FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY : ' ~ '; LINE"OF JACSSON STREET TO THE NORTH PIIlPEc?TY LINE OF JONES STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADU-, CAH, KENTUC%Y," be pleoed on its passage. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by tho follow- ing vote; Yeea, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Wiiiln'w:,, :; nays, Katter~ohn,-l. ~,• ;; On motion the Board adjourned, yeas b. j' h ~' E='RO~'~D '' _ ~c.-r.~~ i May 14th, 1920. ~ ~ ~ • i At a Call Meeting oY the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiseioner'e~ ! `Chamber in the City Ha11, Peduoah, Kentnoky, on Friday May 14th,~19E0.at~.3 0'0100$. ~ „`, P. M. IIpon call of the roll the Yol.lowing answered to their mmea; Commiselonere ~f. ~. ' : ii Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Mayor KattorSohn,-b. 1 , Mayor %atter~ohn stated reasons fo.r Dell, to-wit: For the;purpoae,of hearing •{( ~. ~ , .,. ohargea whioh have been preferred against patrolman James W, Clark; and for the trans f lotion of such other business ea may come before the Board of Commieeionera. On motion of Commissioner Eaton the ohargea preferred egaittst patrolman James Charges preferred ~ ~ ngeinat patrolmaa, W, Clark, together with notioe to James W. Clerk, were reoaived and filed py the , James W.' Clark, reoeived do filed. ,~' following vote: Yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, F~illiame and.Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that the Boa rd of ~ ' y ,; .. ~. ;. Commissioners now proses d 'to tho ooneideration of ohargea that have been preferred j I against patrolmen James 17. Clark, and that said trial prooeed forthwith, and that all "~° Jnmee W, Clark, } oonaideration o! questions of prooedure sad tho regulation and admission oY evidenoe be dooidsd by the ,~. ohargea. Board oY Commissioners. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas j. Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter~oha,-b. I . On motion the Board adjourned to meet st 10:Sm A. M. on Saturday, May l6tht ~~' 1920, by b yeas. ~ }„ ' . t zP 6..E-~.P.EC.C > V:kLLI 2 1'~ ' MAY 16TH. 1920• , e, At an ed~onrned meeting oY the Board of Commissioners, held in 4ts Commie- slonsrs+ Ohambor in the City Hell, Paduosh, Kentuoky; on Saturday, May 16th, 1920., at ~ ' 10;30 0~olook A. M. Upon Dull of tho roll the following answered to their games; { Commiseionere Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and tdayor Kattor~ohn,-6, Jnmee W,C]ark Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that the ohargea ohargea preferred., ' preYarrod against patrolman James W. Clark be sustained, and that he be dismissed and i ',' removed from hie employment as s patrolman, and that said dismissal shall take effeot r ;;_'~~':°-.-- .H~.'^~'mm~r~aw.~.e~,~.me?.kuu~~~,e.,ua~~~..wvn~~ci,~:J~ xn .i :rl. ~-n: i ,.-:.. ~ ., .. .. ._........, .,_~._ i _- _~ ~ ~ ~ •o! • ~i , + ~ •./. t e ,4No..h T n ~' '~` Commissioner's. Proceedings, City of I'aducari 191_ ~`` immediately. Adopted npan Dell of the roll bq the following vote: Yens Eaton, Gilbert, ~' Tnilq and Williams,-4; Nags, IO-ttsr,ohn,-l. ~.~ _ On motion the Hoard ad~onraed by 6 yeas. ' y. 1 ,. , f ~„ :•~. ~.~,-pt• 2. ~~ ILA. to ~ ~,,,. ',a ri:. ~ ~~`.., ~ 1 ~!, - MAY 17th. 1920.. if i ~~ At a Regular Meeting o! the Board at Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'. ; 'Chamber in the City Ha11, Padnonh, Kentnoky on May 17th, 1920. IIoon sell of the roll i'~the following answered to Lheir ngmee: Commissioners 8etoa, Gilbert, Tnliy, Williams ' end. Mayor ltatter~ohn,-b. ~ { ~_":.~~ On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the pa•evione meetings were.adoptad+ - • ''as read, npoa Dell of the roll bq b yeas. ~ , ~7 , ~ I ~;, On motion of Mayor I~tter~oha the petitions o.f propertq owners, pa+oteating ~ - . ~• ,Protest againetlegainet the improvements on North 7th from Harrieoa to Cley sad Cley to Trimble was improvemont on.;! e, ". N. 7th 9t., 'reoeived sad filed upon Dell of the roll bq the following vote: Yeas Eaton, Gilbert, ! .. ,, ; Tully, Williams sad IOstter~ohn,-6• Oa motion of Commissioner Gilbert tho oommnnioetion from the Street Emplogees Street Em- ~regerding at: inoreass of wages, wea•reaeived and filed upon Dail of the ro11'bq the plogeee oommu- ti nioation`regard 3011owing vote: Yeas Baton., Culbert, Tnlly,'Wiliiame and ~ttAr~ohn,= 6. " lag inoroaee. ; Commiseloner Tully offered ahe.fo~.lowing.motion3 They the report of the Gonmigaion- .. Report Com'r er of Finenoe regarding the Sspoeit of the iatereet: ~631.2b to the oredit oi' the Sink-+ Finance in re. ,in8 Fund at the Citizens 3avi s Bank be received and filed. Ado tad upon Dell of the - interest on ~ + P Second hibertq •• ' 8oane• ,roll by the. following vote: Yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Ba•Oter~ohn,-6o . Commiaeioner TtlTly offered the.foilowi:g motion: The sum of X26 having been paid 'into the troasnry, as evidenced bq the reoeipt herewith filed, I move that deed bs Wi11tR nd.e'a executed to Wili Rand for the North half of lot 16 in block 3, on the North aide of, 'Miller 9treet between Ford.a, Hannan etreeta,'in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon sell t.;., :. of the roll by tho following vote: Yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tu17y, Williams and Katter~ohn-6•. Commiaeioner Tuliq offered the following motion: The sum of ~2b having been paid into the treasury, ae evidenced bq the reoeipt herewith filed, I move that deed be rCsmeterq Deed ~ ~ '. ';dames Porter. ;executed to James Porter for the South half o4 lot 19 is block 8 on the North side of Miller Street between Ford do Ranaaa streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon Dail (• ~.. b, ' j, ~, i:~ '.. :# ` ~, l 4 `~ ', :' + ~. of the roll by the following vote; Yeas Eaton,.Gilbert,Tuily,V-illiems and IOltter,~ohn-b. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the National Suretq Cc. be ' ~• • re leased from the bond of Jafies W. Clark he bei no to er.connected with the Police • ~` National.3ure- , ng ag 'ty Co. released -on bond of Department: Adopted upon call of the roll by tho following vote:_Yesa Eatoh, Gilbert, ~'. James W.Clark. ' Tully, Williams and ICatter~ohn,-b. ti' Commiaeioaer Williams offered the following motion: I move that the request of E.i M. Bell and wife for transfer of the South half of Lot, X17, Block 29 in Oak Grove Came-'1 __ z`. E.1S,Be11 & wife :'Cemetery Transu,teny be received and filed, and that said traansfer, together with the deed herewith '~;' t ~ i • ~•',preeented, be iaoperly made and said deed recorded in the records of Oak Grave Cemetergi .. Adopted upon Dell of the. roll by the following vote: Yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, ! ,williams sad Katter~ohn,-6. + .Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: Y move that the p]ana and ,, :,, ~' Nureee~ Home ~epeoifioetione for re-oonatrnoting end bailding the Nurses' Home in oonneotioa with the% Riverside Hospital, ea prepared by architect D. 8arrq Jamieson be accepted, filed and ~spproyed by the Board of Commiasioners.~- Nurres',.Homs• Commisaianer Eaton offered tho foiiowiag motions I move that oonaideration of them ., • ,, ~' pending motion be postponed until.tomgrrow morning et 10 o'oloek .. Adopted upon Dell 0!~ • .. . •, ~::. s - , ., a~ , ~, ... • • __ .. ,~ .~ i ~ .. ' i ~ . 4 No..~~:- ' Commissioner's Proee~diri~s, City of Paducah jgi_ ,the rail by the following vets; Yeae Eaton, Gilbert,•Tully, Wilitame and Ketter~ohn,-6,. Commleeioner Gilbert offered the Yollowiag motions I IDove'thet e-n ordinenoe sn- titisd, "AN ORDINANC$ PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR KENTUCXY ROCK '~ ,ASPHALT SIDIyWALK3, CURBS AND GUTT$RS,'AND ALL NJ:C$SSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, SEWERS, AND ` ' CATCH BASINS Oti BOTH•SID$S OF BROAD STREET, BIs'TWBEN SIXTH STR$ET'AND BRIDG$ 91'R$ET,' „~•_ Broad street, between 6th de B$GINNING AT A POINT ON BROAD 9TREI'T WHEI2$ THI: PRESENT CONCRETE WALKS, ETO. STOP YN { Bridge. ~ • ., ' t 'FRONT OF J, C. KOLB'S RESID$NCia ON THE 30UTHis~Y SIDE OF ffiiOAD STREET, AND RUNNING TO ~• ~, ' EAT LN' D .THE S CURB 8 F HR GE ST I 0 I REET~ ALSO ON TH$ NORTHER Y SID BR D S M L $ OF OA TREET FR 0 • ~ ~ THE PRESENT OONCRETE INTERSECTION AT TH$ NORTHW$ST CORNIsR OF SIXTH AND BROAD STREET { i '.* TO A POINT YlHERE THE,LINE OF BROAD 3TRE$T, IF SAME WA$ EXTEIJD$D ACROSS BROAD. STREET," ~ ' '• ~be planed on its passage. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote; fees, ~- ' .. • 'Eaton, Gilbert. Tully, Williams,-4; nays, Xatter~ohn,-1. • Commissioner Gilbert offered the follovfi ~ ng~.motions I move that an ordinanoa en- • ~ I titled, "AN ORDINANbE PROVIDIIIG FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR KENTUCYY ROCK j i ASPHALT SIDEYfALIL9, CURBB A1JD GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY M.4NHOL$S, INTAISES, SEWERS AND j N.. 16th Street, ,. . ~ Yrbm JetYerean ': CATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDES OF FORTH SIXTEENTH STR$E•T FRCfd THE NORTH PROPERTY LIN$ OF i to Trimble - i ~' Jh~FERSOti STREET TO TH$ SOUTH Fi20PERTY. LINE OF TRILiBLE STREET," be pissed on its pees- i ' • ,. i ;age. Adopted upon oeii of the roil by the Yollowin~ vote; Yeas, Eaton, GSibert,Tully, ~-*~i ~ Williams,-4; nays, Katter~ohn,-1. ~ i. • On motion the Board ad~onrne8 to meet tomorrow morning,(Tueaday, May 18th, 19?,0,)~ "at 10 O'olook A. M.. by 6 yeas, j • ~' /,~ .: ;: 4 . _._ f _'!. _. . j MAY 18th. 1920. ~ ° `" ~" i~ At sa Adaournad Meeting of the Board oY Commiaeionere, held in the f'ouagi~aioa- .r era' Chamber in the City Hail, Padnoah, Kentuolgr, on May 18th, 1920, et 10 O'olook ~ ~, A.'M. tTpon-Dell oY the. roll the following answered to their names; Oommiasionere ' ~~ i' Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Mayor Ketter~ohn,-6. ~; , ~ ~;~:. ' ~ Commleaioaor Gilbert offered the following motion; That the Mayor and Arohiteot j ~ go into oonferenoa and thrash out ell detals regarding plane and apeoifioationa oY `~ ~ Nnreee'.HOme oontemplatad IJuraes' Home and report bao$ to the Board oY Commissioners on'Monday ... -May 24th. Adopted upon sell oY the roll by the following vote; Yeae Eaton, Gilbort, Tully, Willigma and Katter~ohn,-b. ;, ;; ~ a ' '' On motion the Board ad,ourned by b yeas. AI• ~ ~ APl°ROT.R~D ~' ... ~ %/rye`' - -- ~s~e~(~~r~./J " . ; ~ rid: ri.. '~ V . • MA4'C12t• ~ . • ~;: ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~' MAY 19th; 1920. "" ~ ~ At a Call Meeting oY the Board of Commiasionere, held in the Commissioners' ` .. ~ Chamber in the City Hall on May.l9th, 1920, at 3 O'olook P. M, Upon Dell of the loll ~ i the following [uiawered to their names: Commieeionare $aton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams • 1 and Lfayor Katter~ohn,-6. ~ ~ j ,; ~ t. Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons Yor oeii, to-wit; To allow pay-roil for Yiret ~ ,~ "i• + half oY May 1920; and any other business that may Dome before the Hoard. r .,, t ! ~ ei: '.?-.~, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the aooounte Yor the . ~ h' A-yroll of ~ first half of May, se per the report oY the Com'r of Finanoe herewith filed, bo allow- sooouata first . ` sd nnu ordered i .. ~,; halt of May 1920. paid, end that the money be appropriated from the general fund to pay , r 9 same. Adopted upon Dell oY the roil by the following vote; Yeae Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, ?` 4 ,, <yuG ~ ~ ,z ' ~, ., -~ . .i -. .• f . ~ f . .. •., . ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~xmr . ice; . ~,.~~m ....~ ~.._ . . _ ,~ ,~- ,. e~.ur 'r . ~~A4., . ' ,4,~."~T ,~'~5~?T. '~"~°'~"'.~~:': ++~'a°'+~'i .a'ut'~?'~Xr:~Ut~, °~t ~ ~ ~~~.+t Mr ti°. °:K§'„"~ _.~t..... ~~No 8 0' r ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 19l_ ~; '~' - ;Williams and Satterloha,-6. . j ' :r Commiealoner.Tully offered the following motion; That the petition regarding the '` ;;condition of the alley between North ll" and 12" streets west of Flournoy, be referred Alley between ~ N. 11th ~e 12th 'to the Oommiseioner of Works. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote; ~ . :~ sta. west of r Flournoy. ;Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Satter~ohn,-6. Mayor Setterlohn offered the following mot±oa: That the CSty~Attoraey bs in- etrnoted to bring in a report to the Oommiesioners is regard to that portion o! Bnrnett~r y ~ Barnett Street ~S~reet seat of Sixth Street being dsdioeted to the Citq. Adopted upon sell of the roll] " qq~ ;, : isaet Of Siath ~ ~ i ~ 1 w , 3treet dsdioa- •Jby the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams and.8atterjohn,-6.' tion p '' On motion tdse Board adlonraed, yeas 6• i 3PPROV~ i A d If ~s~ ' ~ ~ , _~~ ~, c~~ .. . MAY 24TH. 1920. ~ ;; . ~ . { . ~, . { ~ ~ At a Call Meeting of the Hoard of Commisaionera,,held in the Commissioners' ~ } ''Chamber in the City Hall, Paduaeh, Sentnoky, on May 24th, 1920, at ll o'clock A. M.' - r ;~ IIpon Dell of the roil the following answered to their names; Comuisaionere Eaton, , r diibert, Tully, Williams and Mayor Satterlohn,-6. ~~' , Mayor ~tter~ohn stated reasons for cell; to-wit: To take up the matter of . f, `~ ~~ e~oontraot with D. Harry Jamieson to Yurnish preliminary sketches, aontraot, eta. , .~ . e for Nnraes' Home, and atn* other bneinese that .may Dome before the Board. ' ~i "` ,~y''_ Commissioner Fhton offered the following motion; I move that the Mayor be anthorised.to sign oontrsat with architect D.' Harry Jamieson to furnish preliminary . Contract with .. sketches, contract, working, drawings, end to..do general,Qnperintegdenoe in the erection D.Ha;ry Ja~le$olxn.end completion of the Nnrsea Home at Riverside Roa ital -provided the entire oompenea± for Nnreea., p ~ ' Home. ~ tiosi to said architect shall not eaoeed B'~ of the total cost of said building to be so constructed, and to be based On the coat of work to be done hereafter. Adopted ' ~,,.. s ~~ upon Deli of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams u . ; and Katter john,-6. On m ot e Board ed'onrned, yeas 6• i io n t h ~~ ~~ ~~ yy ~~ tt'' `t~'+ R `~"`" ~ i ' ': ~:'~ i ~ May 24th. 1920. - . ' At s Regular Meeting of the Hoard of Commissioners, head in the Commissioners' i Chamber•.in the City Hall, Peduoah, Kentucky, on May 24th, 1920. YTpoa Dell of the roil ' 'the following answered to their names;. Commlesionera Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams , - 'and Mayor Ketterlohn.-6. On motion of Commissioner Eaton the mi.mstes oY the' meetings of May 17th, May • 19th and May 24th, 1920, was adopted ea read= and also the Adjourned Meeting of Msy '~ 18th were adopted ae read and corrected- upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. • On motion of Commissioner $aton the in~nnotion papers of the Vlomea's Hospital ,, Woman's Hosp• , - "i',eegne In~unc- beague were received end filed sad referred to the City Attorney for notion npoa Dell Lion papers. T Williams and fitter- . of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Gilbert, ally, .~, ~ }, john,-6. A~~ On motion of Mayor ICatter~ohn the oommuaioation from property owners and mar- Commnnisatian chants on tad.3trest was received and filed and referred to the Commissioner of Pablio' property own,. :ere', etc. on ,Nforks upon Bali of.the roil by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williema :. End St. and Batter~ohn,•6... ' `~ .. ~~ ° ? r ....~. , . ....n. " ~ . . v~ ,} - ~~~ ~; i ` "~ x rc: f ~,:_~ . C.s ,, a ,' ~..m_,I .,.J i ~. i ~• • ~ .. • -~:~. ,.. , • ~ • .• t " ' . ~ No. ~S'f// . • • . Corrumissioner's Proceedings, City ofPsduceh 19~._ ~" Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; That the report of the Comer of • Report Comer o! '?inanoe ragardi tho Puroheae of Bond X16 due Jul 1 1936 from the 91nki Fend ba Finance regarding' ~ y ~ ng nrohaee of Bond ~18~ '~reoeived and filed and concurred in. Adopted upon Dell of tho roll by the following ' ~ vote.; Yeas, Raton, Gilbert,'Tully, iYilliame end ifattar~ohn,-b• ~ i Commissioner"Williams offered the fallowi ' ` ng motion; That tiie deed from J. R. •`~•=-~ i„Campbell, Jr.• to Neal and Frank Green, conveying the east one-half of the south hail' j Cemetery transfer J•R•Cempbell,Jr• :cf iot ~8 in'3eotion one in Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified in aooor.danoa vl th the re- j to Real do Frank • •"~ Green. quest filed herewith from J. R. Campbell, Jr., and that proper reoor8 be made of ea id i ' ~`~.. ~ ~ ''<transfer. Adopted upon Dell 'oY tho roll by the following vote= Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, . , . ;~; C , " $ (Tully, WiTllema and Katter~ohn,-B. ;~ • ~~ Commissioner Vlilliama offered the following motion= That the deed from J• "E, r i ~;Tresos conveying to A. E, Oola the north one kal! of iot 618 in section 36, in Oak •.; " • r<< Cemetery transfer , ' J. E. Treece to Grove Cemetery, be ratified, as per the request of said grAntor herewith filed. and •+• '~' A. E. Cola. + ~ ' ,that Bald transfer be recorded in the cemetery deed book. Adopted upon Dail of the rcA' . ,' •',}.'• ,-j, by the following vote; Ycas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, tiYilliama and'Kattor~ohn,-b, ~ • y y <a' ~ On motion of Commissionex Eaton the sYfi.da~lts'of Fred Hughes and J. R. Thomason• r Affidavits o! l N Fred Hughes do regarding a dog belonging to Fred Hughes,'`,tere reoeivod and YileS upon Dell oY the roll, .. ' J. R. Thomason. I i. ;,{ ;Dy the following vote: Yeea, Raton, Gilbert, Tully, Vlilliama and i~tteraohn,-b. ~" I- • ~ `'° On motion of Commissioner Williams tho report of Roy Hurt, Inspector of.Vloighte & '~' ' Re ort Ro Hurt 'Measures was received and filed upon call oY tho roll b tho following vote; Yeas ~ • P y ~~' Inapeoter Weigh~a y ~ " ", ~~ and Measures. ,Eaton, Gilbert, Tu17y, Willie and Kattor~ohn;-b• !" ", { }" On motion tho Board adjourned by 6 yeae.~ i,,: ... " • ~: ~ ~. ,~,Gdl~lt i May 31st. 1920. r i • At a Regular Meeting of the Board oY Commiealonera held in tho Commis elonere' ~ • i-~ ~ ~! , • ;Chamber in the City Hail, Paduoeh, Kentuolry, on May 31st, 1420. Upon call of the roll • ~ the following e.nawared to thelr names: Commiealoners Tully, Williams and Mayor Katter- ~ ; . ;john,-3. ~ " ~ On motion of Commissioner Tully, the Board adjourned to meet Tuesday 1~torning, ~ ; I June let, 1920, at 10 o'clock A. 1S• Adoptefl yeas 3. t . n. ~ . ;., J tt. , y ~o e~ i ~D ~ . J k DUNS let. 1920. i. i At an Ada Horned Meeting of the Board of Commiesionera, held in the Commiselol- ~ , ;'ere Chamber in the City Hall, Padnaeh, KQntuoky, on June fat, 1920 nt 10 o'clock A•M• ' i Y=. '; IIpon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names= Commissioners Eaton, Tullyr, Williams and Mayor Katter~ohn,-4• ~ • On motlon of.COmmieaioner Raton the minutes oY the previous meeting were 'adopted ae rend upon Dell of the roll by•4 yeas, ~ ' ' i • Mayor Xatter~ohn offered the follovriag motion; I move that the resignation o! ~ • , Mre.Faith Rieke ~~'@. )with Rieke as a member of the Library Board be received, fiYad and accepted. ~ • resignation 'Adopted upon Dell of the xoll b the follows vote; Yeea Eaton Tull Williams a ~' ~ Library Board. i Y ~ r y, Ad • ~'Kattor~ohn,-4• ~ .. • ~ . .. ._' is ":: N I i. " j .E • f ...._.,~,..:,~.~,:. f , - . .,. . _:,xr -:~:L .,r.,,.a~memd-m ~*~:~.a~.m. u~~mn..:nw:~ r.~~,yimt-. ~ -~scrc!- ~.::.c=l~ea~rkvnn~n wnes:uw. i. .e ..~~,~, ~T~ ,,.- I: _.-~~ _,: : _.:m r. ~ ~.. _. _ , ..,_.. _.. ._.. _. 1_ - i ~, ,.i~. ~` ., ,.. ~{5~:~.... yj~y ~H. a.Nwi:~'„~."WMSru~ ' „t•;A+w`~y~i/ruy~: -.i...'~k!'+~rH+n:M~.t,~iw,. -v .y~ytXWlyiu. :.~.. .. -.J : ,. "r • -- •.~ o r ~ No.~ . . . ~..~ - .: ~4.: ,.~ a.',~ ~:aw '.~ : ~, a-,~, .. - _.,... _ . . _.~ _ .. ........ ...,_ .~:ew , ~,,,_ _ vss~ Corrernissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191 iP Mayor Ketter~ohn oYtered the Yollowing motion. I move that the petition ~ ~ t Protest of Proms of protest of property owners on H. Fourth Street be reoeided and tiled. Adopted npon~ - l~ Rper~y~o~ ere Dell of the roll by the Yollowing votes Yeas, Eaton, Trilly, Williams sad Satter john,-4: ~ ar Commissioner Tull Z y offered the following motion; I move that the Commis- ,,eloner of Finsnoe be snthoriaed to pay the judgment of ,'$'d0.00 and oosta X29.06 in the B.C.Spann, ; 4 }' Jndgemeat s " oaee.oP E. C. .Spann ve the City of Padnosh, and charge same to,the eooonnt.ot oosts :: ooete paid. ~ ~ ~;. :and Suite. Adopted upon sell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, { ' • f ~~~" x' Wiiliame and Ketterjohn,-4. ~~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Thsb the oommunioation Aetna Life, + ,'! Ina. Oo. oommu~,trom the Aetna Life Ina. Co. regarding the inapeotion of the City Hall Slevaton be re-~ - " niaation re- garding City, ~ oeived and tiled. Adopted upon oBil of the roll by the Yoilowing vote: Yeee, Eaton, , Hall .8levatorr .y ,Tully, Wi111ama and Katterjohn,-4. s ~ 1 ~ Commissioner Tu11y offered the following motion: That the resignation of *, ~ .i ;; Mi•ea Teresa i Miss Teresa Boike be eooepted. Adopted upon call of tho roll by the fo.llowi~ vote: ~ ' ;" Boike, resigns= - Lion. ;Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams end xatterjohn,-4. ~~ `' Commissioner Tully offered the fallowing motion: That tho Commissioner of °' „ Fiaenoe bs authorised to acrreat ea error in the assessment oY Louis F. Kolb. Adopted ' Louie F.Kolb .~ oorreotion ~ upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yesa, Eaton, Tu11g, Williams and Katter~ - `tax aeaeeament.' ~ i ". ' ~ john.,-4• s . Y ~ Oommisaioner Wi111sma offered the following motion: i move that the { ' ~~Commieeioner of Publio Property be authorlaed to enter into an agreement or oontraat Oontraot betn. L:~, City,oi Paducah between the Oity of Padnaeh and Yt. L. Yancey for the lease oY the River Farm for the do W.L.Ysncey , ` lease River ~;eam of X56.00 Yor the year 1920. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by tho Yollowing. dote:;. Farm. ' ~~IYeae, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4.. ~ ' s '. Commissioner Williams vies exonsed from the meeting. i , i ~~ On motion oY Commissioner Eaton the report of the City Attorney in regard Report Oity Atty. in re- Ito the Qity owning the prdperty on Buxnett'Streot East o4 Sixth Street wee roaeived end' ' Bard to City •. owning~.Burnett `;:filed an8 reforrod to the Mayor and.Commiasiorier of Public Works with powor to sot. St. 8. Of 6th. ': 1, Adoptod upon Dail of tho roll by the following vote: .Yeas, Eaton, Tully-and Katterjohn,~ a. Commissioner Williams re-entered the meeting. ~. ,. On motion oY Commissioner Eaton, tho-Commissioner oY Publio'PropArty vas ? , $os]:ee for dity instruoted to purohese eoalea for the 'City.Marke.t Houe6. Adopted npfln,.oa11 oP the roll ,..Market House. ` ,, by the following vote; Yesa, Eaton, Tully; williame and Kattezt~ohn,=4. • • Oa motion the Board adjourned, yeas 4. V .. ' .,`"`:~.~'-~,'' JUI~ 6th. 1920. At a Call Meeting of the Bonrd of .bommisaloners, held in the Commiasionera' 1 ' .. - ,~ •. Chamber, in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuolq, on Jane 6th, 1920, at 10 o'alook A. M. ` .Upon Dell of the roll tho following anawered..to their names: Commiasionera, Eaton, ! • Gilbert, Tully and Mayor Katterjohn;-4. ! i~ fdayor Katterjohn'etated reasons for Dell, to-wit: To allow salaries and eooounte. } .. w, for the month of tRSy 1920, and any other basinesa that may Dome before the ,Board. N. QOmmiseioner Tully offered the following motion: Thst the sooonata Yor the last hsli "~Aooounte last '~ of May 1920, as per the report of the Commissioner of Finanoe filed herewith,' be allow-; ~. 'half Tday 1820. ; .eQ apd ordered paid., and that the money be appropriated .from the General Rind to~pay ~ - i!6ame. Adopted upon oalT,ot the roll by the following vote:. Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert; i 'e Tully and Katter~ohn,=4.. . f • ~ ' : µ:, ~- ~ - ,. , ,.. ., , , „ ,,. ,. ... ,~.. ~i ~~ Y~ ,fit G:. ;~ s} .. t. , ~} . a ' t, ``' ~`'~i z~ ti - .•~4 ~ ~ ._ ~:j -,~ ,. ...-,.. 4 . ' ., ~ _ j. .. - ~ `, ~ •,~ ,,.,~, .. E. ;: . .. r, ~, ., -. ~,~ .,. r;.-.. -~. ,y ,,a. No.' !.3.. ~. . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ~gi„ Comaieaion~ Tully o3Pered•tho 3ollowing motion; That the Report oP the Commis-.~ Report Com'r oP ' Finanoe. - - ~ eioner o3 Finanoe Por the month o3 May 1920 be raoeive¢ and Piled and ordered publish-~ :" ,.,~fi ed in the OPPioiel Nevrspeper. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the P811bwing vote: i ' Yeea, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Satter john,-4. ~ ~ t , ' ~~ Cemmieaioner Tully oPPered the following motion; I move that'the Oity Attorney. ,.I,, and the Commleaioaer oP Publio Safety be inatruoted to present the motion ,to dissolve ~ Isolation Ylard injunotion to a Judge oP the Court oP Appeals, granted against the City oY Paduoah t'~ Injunction ' ~' and. the Board oP Commissioners by the Judge oY the TdoC;woken Cirouit Court, and to ~ • + ~ :take such other action se may be neoessary and proper in the defense of said eotion. _ , ~ '~ Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the Yellowing vote; Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and ~ .1 . r Satter john,-4. ~ ~ , ~ .. Commissioner Eaton oPPered the following motion; I move that the Report oY the i • Report Chief o1 ~ . ~; Poiioe. ;" Chief of Yolioe Por `the month oP blsy 1920 ba reoeived and fi],ad. Adopted upon Dell Of ;the roll by tho•Pollowin~r vote: yoae~ Eaton, Gilbort, Tully etnd I4ittar~ohn~-4~ i y '' Commissioner Eaton oPPered the Pollor~ing motions Y move that the Report of the ~ ' Rsport Chief of ' x; Fire Dept. s Chief oP the r~iro Department Por the month oP L'~;y 19?,0 be reoeived and Piled; Adopted , 4 ' ~ ~ upon call oP the roll by the Pollorring vote: ]teas, Eaton, Gilbort, Tully anfl ICrttor- ~ john,-4. :~ ~~ Commissioner Tu11y oPPered the Pollo~:i:;~ uai,i.on; Y1Hi~tEAS, in the year 1916 the i ~; City oP Paduoah rented the Jaoksoa Hill Farm to J. F. Allen in oonsideration oP hie ~. '~ makin; oertain improvamenta on apid Parm;'and, ~, j ~ YIREREAS, said Allen has Pailed'to oomplete said improvements; nnd, Jaokeon'Hill 8arm ~ '+(HEREAS, the City oP Paduoah has reoentlq sold said Parm and ie not further iu- F - oontraot eiith J.B. Allan released. tereated in the apeoiPio performanoe oP 8sid oontraot; N0;'( BE IT ORDAINi:D BY THE ~30ARD OF C0;?h~SSI0P1.R3 that Yor and in oonaideratioa o~ `~'-~ the sum of X50.00 Dash 1n hand paid by said J. ^. Allen, that the oontrpot berotoYore }. entered into. be oanoelled and the bond exeouted by said J. F. Allen released. Adopted; upon Dell oY the roll by the followir~ vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Katter- ~. •, [ john,-4. ; On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yeas. ~ . .~p~ 1ik'.t'FtOV E7:,a na.~: .emu :,,~N1lQ_ ~ ~ ' (1 _ rr ~"'"-4`r iNATOlt ~ i '~` ~ : I . ~" "` JUNE 9th, 19P.0. f ' ~ `~ At a Re ],ar Meeti ~ ~ =~ gu ng of the Board oY Commiaaionere, held in the Commieslonera i 4, Chamber in the City Hell, Paduoah, 8antuoky, on June 7th, 1920. Upon osil oP the rt ~~ • ,~ ~ rgll the 'following answered to their names; Commiesioaera Tully, Williams an8 Mayor ~.,- r - , '-Satter john,-3. On motion oP Commissioner Tully the minutes oP the previous meetings were ~ ;adopted ea read by 3 yeas. .. a Commlesioner Gilbert entered the meeting. t c On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yeas. ~ f' I Ale~ied T •~ I ~ ~ r.~.. APP -r, ~ • ~, ~.~1A~Oh ~~f~ • ;"; `f .• ~ .•;.° ' ~ `. - i. . ~ i ~. ' .. :. ;. . 's. - ~~„'''v !' w • 1 g f ~' ~ .• # ~. E -.~. ~ ,.._a :: r + ~ Ytfi'~4w Avf`riafine~.+srxwe __ _..Y.....,i. ~ °d',~~y ~• C ~:=~~0:n- .~+~~.~.X '..(r ~, • ~ '' • ~: ~'~ ~ ,. s~ ..-. .__. ~.»..,....~ ~. .......~~. .,. s No ~~ 77__ E' } ~~ ,. §~ Commissioner's Proceedings, .City of Paducah 191_ ~' i. At a Rsgn7er Meeting o! the Board o! tlommiesionere, held in the tloma:ieeion- j ereo Ohambsr in the Oity Nali, Padnosh, gentuoky; oa June 14th, 1980, with W. Y. t , Paton, Mayror pro•teni presiding. Upon call o! the roll the following answered to .their yam>, ' names= Oommieeionere Eaton, Gilbert, Tully sad Williams.-4.~ ~ ~s ?~ 0n motion o! Oommieeioner 611bert the minntea o! the pmsvione meeting were ! ~' l adopted ae read by 4 yeas. ~ ~~ !e Oommiseioner Eaton offered the following mottos: Y move that the oomemaioa- International. Lion from 6. $. Parker, Manager !or the Kentuol~ Aotorisl Hassan, be received and !il-'. Aeeo.~Fire Engi' ed, end that John M. 8langbter, Ohie! o! the Firs Department, be.e6nt by the Oity o! ~; nears Anmul x;. Yeetiag. Paducah to attend the Anm:al Meeting of the International Aeaooiation o! Fise Engineers ~„` T:. '~ at Toronto, tlsaada, tram J1:ly 86th to 80th, 1980, inolnaivs, sad that the necessary ' i ~C~ '~~ eapeneee o! said trip be paid by the Oity and charged to the Fire Department. Adopted'', y'. 1: , '' ?upon Dail oY the roll•bg the following vote: Yeas ffiton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams,4 ~ ~ A' ~ r; Oommiaeioser Eaton offered the Soilowing motion: I move that the O.ommiaeion- ; '" LadderfTrnok er o! Public Safety be authorised to sell the No. 8 Ladder Truck now stored at Fire ,,,': etorod in Fire 'Station ~4 !or the beet price obtainable. Adopted upon call 0! the roll by the follow- ~ , Station ~4. , f authorised. isg vote= Yeae Eaton, Gilbert, Tally-and Williams,-4. i tlommieeioaer Tully offered the following mofiSons That the Mayor be authorised ' ~, Oontraot with to sign a contract with the Caron Directory tlo. Yor the pnrohsea o! ten City Direoto;ies Oaron Directory ,'' at X7.00 each,: being for the lollowiag.departmenta: Mayor Finance Assessor Works E.' Oo. to pnrahase • • • • ik.,~. . ,; 10 direotoriee. police, Fire, Riverside, Osmetsry, $eaith.asd Polios Jhdgs. Adopted upon call of the ~' 7 ~~ !roll by the following vote: Yeae.Ratoa, Gilbert, Tally a~ Wiliiame,•4. .:: tlommieaioner Williams offered the following motion: I move tffit J. M, detforda., J.M.Jeflorde, Iioti Oity Scales Weigher, bs elibwsd ~-r~ Aotiag tlity 'Dg $36.00 !or two weeks pay. Aflopted neon Deli o! ', Soaisa Weigher. .,,the roll by the toliowiag hots: Yesa Eaton, 01Ybert, Tully and Williams,-4. •."l. Oommiesionor Tully o!lsrsd the following motion: I move that an ordinance `~'~ Crdinsnoe orbat- creating. the position o! City Assessor is the Department o! Pnbiic Finance, prescribing =~ ~ ing position oi~ ;the dntiee, sizing the oompeneation, ana repealing ell erdineaoee is conflict there- Oity Aeeeeeas'•. . ~with,be now introdmed. and adopted. Adopted upon.oell of the loll by the iollowiag ! 1 . •t, votes Yese Eaton, Qiibert;. Tully and Williams,-4. ! - Ooomaieeione; Tully offered the following motion: I mov6 that $emy Bailey bs ~, $enry Bailey elected Oity Assessor, hie employment as such to commence on the 16th day o! tae 1980a ~ ,~ i elected City { , Assessor. ~ ®dopted upon cell o! the roil by the loliowing.dote: Yesa Eaton, Gilbert, Tally.end ;- ~ . Williams,-4. . Oommisaioner Eaton oflered.the following q-otiga: I move that an ordinance '~ ;' ~+ Ordinance regn entitled, "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING T$E USE OF COLORED SIDB LIO$TS ON MOTOR VESICLES, feting use o! ~~ AND PR890RIBING PhNALTIE3 FOR VIOLATION TSEREOF.° De adopted. Adopted upon Dail of ~ ~ ":~ :: colored aide. lights on motor the roll by the, following vote; Yeae Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams,-4. ~',~< vshiolsa. ~ ~ , tlommiseioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that ea ordinanos ; ~ •~ ' Ordinance re entitled, "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TS8 PLACING OR LSA9ING OF OBSTRUCTIONS ON SIDEWALBB -^".jw gu_ 'iaagiaogr 1ee91ng IN T$E AREA BOUNDED HY SISTH STREET FROM I(ENTUCKY AYENUB TO JEFFI~3iSON STREET TO AND• of obstructions INCLUDING.FIRST STREET, AND PR&SCRffiING PPNALTI&S FOR VIOLATION THEREOF:^ bs sow intro-f . on sidewalks. dnoed sad adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by th6 following votes Yeas Baton, ! ~ ' Gilbsrb; Tully and Williams,-4. ~;' • On motion o! Commisaioaer Gilbert tho bid of W. L. Yancey for grading and f ~ ~~ ~ , N.L.Ysaosy bid ~ ~ .for grading ~, graveling Fourteenth Street from the North property sins o! Monroe Street to the Sonth ! ~ . Oravelia, 14th .property line o! Oley Street, was fieoeYoed sad flied sad notion deferred until Friday ,', '' ~St. d 's ~ . ..morning Jwis 18th,, 1980 ate 10 0~olook A. M. Adopted upon call of the roil by the - ~ ,~ tollowing.votss Ysde Baton, fiiibert, Tnhy end Williams,-4. ~ ~- ~,~ (, ~, ~t F _ , ~.,~ ~~!~ ~i0121tl118SIOACr'S s ~: 'No. sya' of Paducah l91_ On motion o! Commissioner Tally the board ad~onrned antic Bridsy sorniag, done ],8th, 19E0 at 10 O'olook A. R., by 4 yeas. ~:., . ~ , ,. c~ti can ryC.,~CO2Gr f - . JQNS 16th, 19PA. it a Called Resting o! the Board o! Commiaeionere, held iR the Ooamiasionera' OhamDsr in tho City Hall, Padaoah, He~tnolq, on dnns•16th, 19E0, at 10 0~oloot ~. Y. ~ •~ i ltsyor Pro tom $aton presiding. IIpon Dell o! the roll the loliowing answered to their ~ . names= Commieeionere $aton, Tally and Williams,-8. ~ Commissioner Eaton stated reasons !or Dell, to-wltt To give peeeego to an ~ f ordinanoe appropriating ~E,000.00 to tho City Ha11 soooant in the Deportment of j ~ . i Pnbito Proporty, and any other business that may oome betore tho.Board. Ordinanoo appso Commieaioaer Tully o!larod the loilowing motions I movo that as ordinsaoe printing ;E000.00 ;~ entitled, "6N ORDINANV$ APPROPRIATING TWO THOUSAND (8000.00) DOLLARS TO TH$ CITY ~ ' City Hall 6oeonat ~ i~a ~T~y,PRblio" BALL ACCOUNT iN 'PxF D$PART},4xtT OH PUBLIC PROPERTY," be now latrodnoed and adopted. ~ . i ,' `Y' ~ . • Bonnie Lolton, ohsrge of Ply Traps.. '.~. .~~1 ^~, . , _^ '~: s ~ ~~ c Adoptod upon Dell o! the roil by the following voto; Yase Eatoa, Tully and;Wiiliama~-a, Commissioner Futon o!lerad ths'lollowing motion: I move that Bonnie Lofton be ! .. i ~Y, employed to have charge and oars of the C1ty Fly Traps at a salary o! X76.00 per ~" ~ month, oommanoing with the 81rat day o! June 19 E0, and to oontinne said earvioes at 1 ii the pleasure of the Oommiseionor o! Pub11o 3atety, and that ea id ompieyos ba.undsr ', ; ;! the dlrootion of the Chie! oY Polioo, and his oompanestion ohargad to tho. Polios ~ ' ;! Department. Adopted upon Dell o! tho roll by tho following vote; Yeas Eatoh, Tally ~ ' and W1111ame,-8. !,,: '~' On motion the Board ad~ournad by 8 yeas. 1. r ~. coq .~:.~ ?1(AYVR. ~ i y dUN$ 18TH. 19E0. . ,, (i ~• I •t an Ad~oa;ned Vesting o! the Board o! Commissioners, held in the Coamieeloi- ~' ,•~ ~' { era' Chamber in the City Hall, PadnoLh, Hentnolgr, on Friday, Duns 18th, 19EO, st 10 .,i~ }" o~oloak A. R. IIpon Dell of the roll the following answer@d to their names; Commie- f. !: ' eioneis Felton, Tally, Williams end Reyor Batter john,-4. w,,, , Ae these woe no bneineea to oome betore the Board, on motion o! Commissioner ~ Baton the Board sd~onrned upon sell o! the roll by 4 yeas. ; %" i Ad•EteJ. '0t 19~~ APPROV~]Z.? . JQN$ 19TH `1920. s~• ,,~.1~U~. i, At a Call Resting of the Board of Comaissionese, held in 'the Commiseionsre~ i ., i Chamber in the Oity Hall, Padnoah, Hentuolar, on 8atnrdsy, June 18th, 19EO, at 11 O'oloo~t ~A. R. IIpon Deli of the roll the following 'answered to their names; Commiseionere j , s Eaton, Tally, Williams and Rayo'r.Battor~ohn,-4. ; ' Rayor Bsttos~ohn stated reaeona for'osil to-wit; To allow saoonnte aad.ealarioe~"" "for the Bret Dal! of June 19E0, end any other business that might oome before thq , ~ !" Board. Commissioner Tally oftered the following mbtioat I ~vs that the sooounte !or .i .: .':the iiret Dal! oi. Jnns as pas the report o! the Coraoiaeioner o! Finanos !lied hesewith ', ' ' ! ~---- :; mot. _.s,~rT .~ ;,.y;~:-,,,..~..-~....-~:...W ~..;,~.~r.~...:~: k~ y! 9, Q4 tl~JSF.r~~F~rwr G p I .. '+~ ., J `~ ~ r .~ Yi' ,may r~~` j ~/ ~ .7~ . ~ .A . +. ,•.-- .,. y k N ~ o..,~ , ~ C, ~ .. S3'. ~~ r n ___.~_. ~__-. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ ' ~ 191_ ~ -'~,, • ~ ?bs showed and ordered paid and that the money bs appropriated Tram the General Band to ~. ;pay same. ldopted neon Dail o! the roll by the foliowing'vot~s Ysse, Saton, Tally, ''rllilliams and I~stter~ohn,=4. j ~. r Oa motion the Board afljonrned upon Dell of the roll by 4 yens. Ai Ici 190 6PPROV'FJD ~ ,i _- VMAYC)R. 1 ,, ~ ~ Joy elec. la2o. ~ !t a Aegnlar Meetiaig o! the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commieeionere' IjChsmbes 1n the City Hail, Padnoah, 8entnoky, oa Jhne 21st, 1920.: iTpon Dail of the roll ' !, .. 'the following snewersd.to their namea:.Commieeionere Baton, eilbert, Williams and Uayorj Psttsrjohn.-4. E c3 << ~ Commieaioner Gilbert was saonaed tram the meeting. ", '~ ~ On motion of..Comffieeioner Paton the mutes o4 the.previona me.etinga were j adopted ea read, upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeee, Paton, Williams and; w,' . 'Satter~oliu,-3. ' ',~aC • Commiaeioner Gilbert rs-entered the meeting. '' i ' ~: Oa motion of Mayor Satter john the agreement between the City of Yadvash, lgreement bstn.~throngh its '<'syor sad Board of Commissioners, and D. Bariy Jaffieson, regarding the i Oity of Peduos>t ' and D.Harry Hnreee' Home bt the Riverside Hgepitel, dated fans 16th, 1920, was reoeived and flies, Jamieson regard= ~ .. ing '_h:ress' neon Deli of the roil by the Following vote: Yana Raton, Gilbert, Williams and Satter- , Home. rjoha.-4. ` On motion of Mayor Srsttsr3ghn, the report of F. W, Satterjaha, Mayor, regard- lppointmsnt ing the appointment of Mrs. John J. Dories ae a member of the Carnegie Library Board j k~ ~~ Mrs. John J. was reoeived and filed upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Ysea.Paton Gilbert, ` Dorian, member Library Board. Williams end emitter john,-4. '~ Commlealoaer Baton offered the following motion: I move that the appointment `. ~; '1[re. John J• •'of lk~s, John J. Dorian by the Mayor, ea a member of the Carnegie Library Board bs Dori~n• rati~isd by the Board of Commissioners. AdopteQ upon Dell of the roll by the following . ;vote: Yeas, Paton, Gilbert, Williams affi &~ttesjohn.-4. i Helen DonaLdaon!` On motion of Mayor Satter john the report of Helen Donaldson wsa reoeiveA and Report. ,Y1Ied; npoa osll of the roll by the following votes Yeea, $aton, Gilbert, Williams and ., .. ~tterjohn,-4. ' j •;:: On motion of Commissioner Gilbert the petition o:f property owners and oitizene ;. Opening of of ti}e Southern part. of the City in regard to opening up to the nee of the pnblio i • Caldwell 8t. Oeldwell Street from South F1ith to South Eighth Stroeta was reoeived and filed npoa from bth tq - ~ ' 8. 8th..' Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Paton, Gilbert, Williams sad Satterjohn,4- Oommiseioner 611bort offered the following motion: That John R. Pllie bs rs- John R. Bills; funfled X9.60 on the ~1b.00 oinder bill paid by him to the Thompson Tranater Co. !or ` RsPnnd of ~!•~ hauling eto., and that the Com. Pnb• Bineme oharga this amount to the Street Department lands. ldoptsd npoa aall of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paton, 611bert, sad ;~ lliiliams,-2= Have, Batterjoha,-1•. Commissioner Glibsrt offered the following motion: Tmove-the! all bide for f ' .,Bide rsjsotsd},~? ~ ~ .14th 8tresl ,.'grading and graveling 14th Street be rsjeoted. -dopted upon ag11 of the roll by the grading A .following vote:.Ysas, Baton, Gilbert,,Wiiliama sad Satter john,-4. > grsvei.age ,Commissioner Tn11y snterea the meeting, end Comwiseioner Williams was a:onssa. ~. - .. i • ~ ,: ~. ~, -""~ ~~ ~, _ ' ~ ~. ':r ~: `~,:.µ ~'- ~' _ ~ ,~ `1 Comrrussioner's Proceedings, City ofPaducah 191_ ~ . ~. ^t' ~? r r, , i r' j f Indian Refining Oommieaionsr Tully offsrad the following motions That the Oommiseioner of , ' Oo. oorreotion in aaeeaemsnt., ... lSaanoe be authorised to oorraot an error in the aeusement of the Indian Refining i Oampany, they being doubly assessed with the amount of $ib00.00. Adopted upon Doll of the roll by the !allowing vote: Yeee, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Satter'ohn,-4. ~' Oommieaioner Williama re-entered the meeting. ! Y Oa mot-Son of Mayor Satter~ohn the Oity Attorney was ina,trnotsd to bring legal Opening of !lour- proosediaga in regard to the matter of opening np Yloarnoy, Bnrnstt and Tsrre]:1 8treeta~ nay, Barnett and, Terrell Sta. Adopted upon osll o! the roil by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, GilbsrL, Tully, ~ ~ ' C Williams and ICatter~ohn,-6. , Oommiaaioner Williams offered the following motion; I move that tho Desd o! I+ Oemstery tranafes Oonveyanoe from the heirs of J. N. 6ndereon to Fred Burton conveying the north one- ` J.N.Andsraon heirs to Bred Burton. half oY the South two-thirds .oi Lot #247 Block X18, ba raoorded in the 0ametery Desd Hook. Adopted upon Dell of the roil by the following votes Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, ~41113ams and Katter~ohn,-b. , i . On motion the Board adaoarned upon Doll of the tali by B yeas. ~1S~ Q , ~' Add? nd ~ ~~ -~ ~ en, c:-.. i \\ , ~y9A~~^1.A1'(1l4.~ ,ir ` JUNE 23RD, 1880• . ~ It a Osil Meeting of the Board of Oommiseioners, held !n the Oommissionera° j ' . i .: Chamber is the Oity Hall, Padnosh, Sentnoky, on Jane 83rd, 1980, at 3;80 P. M. 'Mayor „ . Pro tam Eaton presiding. Upon Dell of the roil the following anewsrad to their nameal ~ ,,;.,,. ~Oommiaelonera Eaton, 'Bully and Williama,-i. 1leyor Pro tam Eaton stated resaone for osll toswit; To take np the matter o! ' reosiving and filing the oommunioation of Dr. J. T..Reddiok, President of the Board of . 8dnoation, regarding the appointment of the First National Dank se Treasurer of the ~ ' Boasd of Education, end any other bnainesa that may o.ame belore the Board. f t.. Commissioner Tally offered the Following motion; That the oommnnloation o! ~-, Oommnnioatioa J. T. Raddick, President of the Board of.Ednoation, regarding the appointment of ths.~ f~ `; d.?.Reddiok, Pres. € Board of Sdnoatioa !trot National .Bank as Treasurer oY the Board of Ednoation be reoeivad and filed. ` regarding appoint- i meat of let Natl Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully and Williame,3.; Bank ae Treasurer ~, . Board_of 8dnoation. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the report of the Oom- .? mieelonar oY Finenoe tiled herewith be allowed and ordered paid, and the money appro- Report Com°r. of ~priatad from .the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Doll of the roll by the follow. linanoe. ~. ing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tnliy and Williama,-3. i ' On oiotion the Board adjourned, upon Doll of the roll by 3 yeas. ! • - AdQc~led ~~ 1l~,Q car a„~ ?L1:~ r«,V~ ~. ~ ~~ JUHE BETH. 1980. >t a Rsgalar Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commisaionssa° ,.. ;.Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Sentnolq, on JYina 88th, 1920. Upon Doll of the {roll the following answered to their names; Co~iaaionore Eaton, Gilbert, Williama and :.Mayor &atter~ohn.-4.. ... .. .., Commissioner Gilbert was szouaed. ' On motion of Oommieaioner Williams the minutes of the previous meetings were t ~adepted ae reaQ upon Doll of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Williama and 8etter~ohn,-3.. ... ~~~';^~^ I' . i° .• _ .. _.. . _ J -~.do~:m:~ ~... _~u~~.:. a . I F ,. 1 i ~ .t 1 .....~ ,_.m - ..,,~ . -.- - . _ _ uww~ ~, ~ , Mayor IOstteriohn offered the Following motions I move that the aFPidavit oP i ''lFlidavit oP , - C1lntgn 3.Bnrnsi Olinton 8. Burns pertainin~rto tha water works appraisal bs rsoeived and Piled. Adopt- in re:water ~ ' Works Appraia- ed npon oali oP •the roll by",the Following vote: Yesa, Eaton, willidma,and &-tteriohn,8. sl. -, Commissioner Baton°oFFered the following motions Jos Iverlatt, as speoial ~ ~"• 'eztra,polioeman, being no longer in the employ oP the City, i move that the Hntionai ' Jos ivsrlett t ~' bo m released '~gnrety Company, surety in the bond o! said Joe Iverlett sa patrolman of the City oP i National Surety . ~: + • ,Oo. ;;Padnoah be rsisaeed Prom Further liability on said bond eis enoh surety. Adopted npon a ~ ~ ~ •~ joaii of the roll by. the Following vote: Yesa, Eaton, Williams and 8atter~ohn,-3. ~ Comffiasionar Eaton offered the Foligwibg motions It appearing that Lselie Honts Labile $ontn ~"was Furnished glasses, whioh were asoeasary in order to enable him, se a student in the ;;~ glasses..., ::City 9ohoole to pursue hie etadiee• and it.Pnrther appearing that the said 7salis '. ~Sontss was unable to proonre or pay For enoh glasses, sad said glasses having been inr- ' ~ ~::.# ' ~ niched b Dr, M. 8taintsld on re eat of the Padnoah Health Le y qn ague and with She approval . ' ~ . ~ 4~, r .;., _ ~oF Dr. Linn, the Health.OFFiaer, I move that the anaapnt Far nosh glasses, amounting to ; ~, „5.00 Ya•Favor oP Dr. M. Steinisld be allowed sad ordered paid oat of tha Charity Bhmd• I ? i . ,; ~ Adopted npon oell 04 the roll by the Ygllowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Williams and Salter- ~ ~ `. j . john,-5• . ~ ~ ~; Commissioner Gilbert re-enters the meeting. ~ • ~- ?,. • j ~' bommiasioner willisma oPPered tha Following motion:.I move that an ordinaaas •Ordinanoe repealing `entitled, "AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE P03ITION OF CITY ATTORNEY,. ~~.; r` ordinanoe creating pae1- :'~~CRIBING THE DIITIES AND FISING THE CO~ENSATION THPRSOF, AND REGALING ALL ORDI- Y' I ~ tion City A4ty. NANC&4 IN CONFLICT THEREYfITB," sdhiah was adopted by the Board of Commiesios~ra on Jnnn-i ~; ;. 4 • ~ 'cry 6th, 1920 be now adopted. Adopted npon sell oP the roll by the Following vote: ~ ~; ~ ° ~Ysas, Baton, williamsi-sad Satter~ohn,-5; Nays, 811bert,-1: ~ '-y: ~ ~ Cemmieeioner williame oPPered the Following motion= I move that the vote by - '~` . ~ dhioh the motion whioh was. adopted by the Boesd of Commieaionems on January 6th, 1920, ~ ' ya ~;, ~, T.N.Hastslip, City Atty. whereby Thomas N: Hazelip was appointed to the position oP City Attorney, be now rea- ; ~ dismissed. ;,oindsd, and that the employment oP eaifl T. N: Hazelip ae enah City Attorney bs terminat- ~.. ; +;• `e8 Prom and s3ter tho 30th day of Jnne 1920. Adopted npon oeil oP the roll by.the Pol '~ :lowing vote; Yeea, Eaton, williama and Katter3oha,-5; Bays, Gilbert, 1. , ~ !,. Commissioner Giibort oFFered tho following motion= I mode that an ordinanos ~ ; k ~ ~ providing Por the oonetrnotioa of oaatorete sidewalks, osabe and gutters, and all noose- _ t : i 8ldewalk oon, nary manholes, intakes, sewers sad oatoh basins, on the west sifle of Goebel Aveane Prom;. etrnotion on Goebel Ave. the East property line oP Bnthrie Avesme to a point where the South onrb line oP worten!~s. _ _ Avenue, SP eateaded, would interseot the west property ~iae of Goebel. Avenue; and on . the Eaet aids oP Goebel Avenue Prom tho North onrb line oP Tennessee Street to the ` t'' . 8onth curb lice oY worten~s Avenue, be introdnoed sad ley over. Adopted npon Dail of ~ k,„ 4 the roll by the.Pollowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, williama aai B$tter~ohn,-4• ;~ ~ ~.-." Commissioner Eaton otYerefl the Following motion; I move that the rates of pay ~ ; i ~ ~.., ~ For. the.mmnbers oP the Polioe.Department and Fire De ~ partment, oommeaoiag with sad Don- ~ ~tiaaing aFtsr the Piret qP Jnly, 1920,.be ee Follower ~ i .. ' .Inoreaeb OF ChieF. of Folios .......................~.~.:..~7.60.00 Per 1[onlh•, 2 Sergeants (Faoh): ....:....:.............. 120.00. ". " I ~ F ~ ~ ~ 1 ~~`, ;: pay Por mom- ' ',All Patrolmen (Eaoh) ........:.............. 110.00 " " i ~ ~ ~ :;r Da Patrol Driver ....:..................... lOb.00 " "• ,bars of Folios Y ( e Night Petrol Driver ............:... ..:..... 08.00 " , and Fi;e Depts.' , 1 , The Jailer while soting as patrolman shall E reoeive the same pay se patrolmen. '~' ~ ChieF oP the Fire 'De ~ partment .............•.$160.00 Psr Mouth f ' • ;.. 4 Oaptaias (Eaoh) .......................... 115.00 ". P ~: .. - 1 Assistant Meohsnio b Fireman .:............116.00 " ": ••. • _ 1 Sleotrioian b Fireman .................... 11b.00 "' " . ~ `~ All Firemen regularly employed (&aoh?•..... 110.Op 6 " ' 1 M r~ ~ ( ~ ~ • ., oto ltsob io an ........:.......•.......i60.o0 " e .. . ' I , } F ~., ~~ . ' .. I ~~ • { .. ' .' ,~ ::sr1Gt"...:sue=e ;~ ' ~ . ",k^ YLk'M~' i w t'~., ~`P J. ;'s.?s, y.Rrv' , ~ ~~.~; Q ~. .,~ fr =' Adopted apon Dail of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, ~4iibert, Williams ~ ;hand Bhttsrjohn,-4. h C~.seionar Gilbert otferad the following motion; That Ygssoey & Jobaeon be ' ' ~~ ~ Yanoey b Johnson r . granted extension !granted tYilrty days more time to eompiets the improvements on south Sevsath Btrost . of time to Dom- piste improvemente.Adopted upon call of the roll by the following voto; Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Williams oa 8 !th 3t . . ;and Ratterjohn,-4. On motion of Mayor Sattarjohn the bids of Yanoey do Johnaoa, anfl J, B, Gardnas . Bide Yanoey i .John. , son and J.B.Gard-'.'tor grading and graveling 14th Street were reoeivsd and tiled by 4 yeas . ner grading do Gravel- ing 14th St. oommiseioner Gilbert offered the following motions That all bids on the grading ' sad graveling of North 14th St. bs rsjeoted. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the 14th St. bide rejeotad. following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Williams sad Ratter john,-4. Commissioner Tully enters the meeting. ~ C4~i.aaioner Tully offered the following motion; That the oom'r. o! Binenos be 8y. Aotusriel iastrnoted and authorised to aorreot error in aesesament of ~. Aotnsrisl Bnrsen B111 - Burean oorreotioa 1n tax bill. •#1782. Adopted apon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, . Tally, Williams end Ratter john,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; That the oommnnioation from Commnniaatlon R. W. Pndgitt, Mgr. IOOF Banfl be reooived and filed and eotion deferred until the next R.W.Padgitt,Mgr. IOOF Band. regular meeting. Adopted npoa Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Satoh, • Gilbert, Tully, Wiliiamfl and Ratter john,-6. On motion the Board adjourned by 6 yeas. y . !; Adopted ~~ 3922 A.I:~i~N,O'VLy']:J is DD uU llll - !e~i . A~ ciq c<«. , i1 JULY 21td. 1920. 1'. At a Call Heeling of the Board of Commisaionere, held in the Commlesioaers' Chamber in the City Hall, Paflnosh, Sentnolgr, on July End, 19PA, at li o'olook A. H. ' Upon Dail of the roll the following anawared to their comes; Commieaionere Eaton,_ ' ~ Gilbert, Tally, Williams and Mayor Satterjoha,-6. `. ~j: Y Hayor Ratter john stated reasons for,oall, to-wit: to reoeive, file and approve ;, plane of the Nurses'. Home. sad give adoption to an ordinasae appointing a City Solioitor and City Proseouting Attorney, and for euoh other,bnsinese ae may Dome bs- lore the Board. Ordinance appoint-' Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion= I move that an ordinenoe ' ing City Solioitor de Oity Prossenting entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AIITHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OH" A oITY SOLICITOR AND CITY. Attorney. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY, PRESCRIBING THEIR llIITIES AND FIRING THEIR COMPENSATION," be sdopted. Adopted npoa Dell of the roll by the following voter Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, ' Tally, Williams and Ratterjohn,-8. Commissioner Eaton offered tho following motions I move that Roeooe Resd be Roscoe Reed, Oity '; Solioitor. appointed Cit Solioitor. Adopted n on call of the roll li the follow y P y in$ votes Yese, . 8nton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Rntterjohm,-8. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move .that .Willim 8. Wall . Willism S. Weil, City Proseonting be appointed Cit Proseoutin Attorne Ado tefl apon Dell of the roll b the foilowi y g Y• P y ~ Attorney. vote: Yeea• Eaton. Gilbert, Tully, Williama.and Ratter john,-b. Commissioner Williams offered the following motion; I move that plane o! Auraea' Hon ' the Nurses' Home, as per contract, be reoeivsd, filed and approved. Adopted apon Dull Pi~• j of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams anfl Ratter- john,-6. ., ~... 1 '~'. ..- Y' No.~ /~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah. 191 ~: Commissioner Gilbert o!lered the following motions That a resolution be intro- = Improvement of ~dnoed for the re-oonetruotion o! Leeoh Avenue from the Weat property line o! Tenth ~- L~e~eodh Avenue by. `Street to the East ourb line o! Eleventh Street by grading and graveling same. Adopted g ing b graver. ice' ,',upon osll.of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Baton, Gilbert., Tn11y,.Williama and i! ~Sattsr~ohn,-6. ~• ~ ~ Oommisaioner Gilbert offered the following motioa= That a resolution bs intro- `•''' a. 'dnaed Yor"the rs-oonatrnotion,ot Eleventh Street from the South property line of Leeoh ~. Improvement o! >; Eleventh st. ~,Avenus to the. South property line of Burnett street by grading anti ravelin same. Prom Leeoh Avs, g g *s to Burnett St• ('Adopted n on aall.of the ;oil b the loilowi b di b p y ng votst Yeas, Eaton,. Gilbert, Tully, y gra ng ' graveling. 'W1111ams and E§.tter~ohn,•6. :, ~~ On motion of 1[eyor B>stter~ohn the Es-Servioe Men'e Oo-Operatige Leagae was Ss-Servio• Men's.igranteid permission to solioit anbaoriptions to literature without lioenae, upon Dail Oo-Operabive Leagt~ the roll by the following vote= Ysae, Eaton, Gilbs;t, Tally, Williams and Bbtter- john,-6. ~ • On motion the Board ad'ourned by 6 yeas. ~ ,`~~'` A :F'_E'ROV' ,y MAXOh. ~ City Ck~. ~ JULY 8TH. 1920. ~, i ... ~ At a Rsgnler M sting o! the Board o! Commieaionera, held in the Commiseionsra~ Ohambsr in the City Hall oa July~Bth, 1920. :Upon Dail o! the roll the lollowiag °r~.`' ~~ , ,. ~ ~ ah•wsred to their names= Oommissioasrs Baton, Tully and Williams, S. ~' . ~ r•, . On motion o! Oommiseionsr Eatoa the Board nd~onrned to meet at 10 0•oloolt A. M. ~ on Tueeday, July 8th, 1920, upon gall o! the roll by S yeas. 4 +< AdaAiei ~ 1q Gf ~~- ~ " . A FP O i s . ~ r ~ .a. ~,.... ' ra.~x ,. ; .. ,. „ ~ ~F' ~: JULY~TH. 1920. I .. ~~~. / ~ ~i .~ At do Adjourned Meeting o! the Saerd o! Commissioners, held in the Commiasioaersl. ~,Ohnmbsr in the City Ball, Paduoah, gsntnoky, oa Tuesday July bth, 1920, at 10 0~olooY '~ i y , A. M. Upoa oaii o! the roll the loliowing answered to their mmese Commissioners ~;' Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Mayor SattQ:Sohn,-6o { ~> ~" Oommieaioner Eaton offered the following motion= I move that the mimitea of the s: ~. • . 4 ~ ,• last regn]ar me sting and of, the Called Meeting of July 2nd, 1920,. bs adopted. "Adopted. , ~ . upon oaii of the. roll by the.iollowing votes Yeea, Eaton, 611bert, Tnliy, Williams andi %atter, john,-8. I r"' ;'i Commissioner Eaton offered the following motionr,I move that the report o! ~ '` ' Yolios fora! of } Ohf.a! o! Polioe !or the month of Jens 1920 be.reoeived and tiled. Adopted upon oaii f. June 1920. ol.ths.roil by the following voter Yeas,. Eaton, Gilbert, Tnliy, Wiliieuae and $etter~ ~" ~. ~, ' i;: john,-6. • ~, .:.r ~ ~ Commiaeloaer Eatori.o!lsred the following motioat I move that, the report of the .E Report Ch1e! o! ~ Ohisi of the Firs Dspertmen~ for the month.o! Jnas 1920 bs reosived end tiled. Adopted Fire Dept. for June 1920. i. :upon Dail o! the.FOii b the follow y itog voters ?sae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams . ~" i~ sad. Satter john',-!i• I ;;: ' ~ ~ r. .. a.: .. t a~ . ~.. ~i. aii2 ' +..`%w@~xi~ih;~-... f, .3 ':' Y~ut~@ic~F.~~:. k~.<;<a;~+va~ Mc.a' ' ~~ ~,~e;~ a +~..:r~ra.vri ~~ ~~.+, ~ +.. ,. .: J,+'~d~~.A. ,. ., F ,~ ~ .. ; _.. :; ~~ ' ~~~~ f ~, i ;!; r f ~° a' `J i. j '. ~ ;. !~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 197_ Oommiseloner Tu11y offered the Following motions~Thst the aooonnts For the $epost Qom'r of Fiaeme of soots. ! last ha1F of Jane ae per the report of the Com'r o! Finsme tiled herewith De allowed 1920 ha1F J1ine ; and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Funds to pay same. Adoptsd~•' ,. !upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Baton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams sad ~ Commissioner Tnliy ottared the following motion: That the report of the Com'r. } . B:eport Com'r o! j of Finenoe For the month of Jnns be rsoeived and Bled and ordered published in the ~ Fi.nanoe For Jane OFFioiel Hswspaper. Adopted upon Dail of the roil by the Followiag.vots; Ysae, Eaton 1920. , Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Satteriohn,-b. .- I Comsissioner Eaton oFFered the following notion; I move that the Fidelity 6 ~ , Bonds Pansy Jenkins Cssnalty Company of Bew York, ea surety in the bonds of Pansy Jenkins, Helen DonaMsoa~ ~ Hslsn Donaldson 8 Margasst Minaioh and Margaret Minnioh be released beoause the ottioe of said parties has been abolished j ' !b Cssnalty Coelity r by the Board of Commissioners. Adopted npoa sell of the roll by the Following voter j Yeea, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams sad I4-tter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Williams oFFered the following motion; I move that Homey M. Enders I w Hensy Y.Endere, ' ~ be appointed Oity Weigher. Ldopted npoa Dail of tho.roll by the following votes Yoae,.i 'City Weigher. ,~;gston, Gilbert, Tally, Williams and 8atter~ohn,-B.' ~ j '; Commissioner Williams offered the Following motion; I move that the pay o! the ~ . i following employees in the Department of Publio Property from and after the First of ~ duly 1820 be as Follows: ! Seztoa Oak Gsove Cemetssy ...............$90.00 Per month 1{ Laborers " " " (Jitohl........... 5.00 " day ~ BmPloyese in Dept. Market Master..........•..•............ 110,00 " month ~ ( '•~ ~ , Pnblio Property Market Gleaner .......................:. 40.00 " " Janitor City Ha 7.1.. . . 86 00 " " . . . ...•............ . salaries inossnabd, 8levator Operator Cfty Hell..........•., 85.00 " " , ,Adopted npoa Dell of the roll by the following vote= Yeas, Eatoa~ Gilbert, Tuily~ Williams sad IO~ttsr~ohn,-b, ~ ` Qommiesioasr Gilbert oFFered the following motion= That the Austin Wsetera Road Awtin Western ,1laohiaery Co. of Chioago be paid the ~8,600•QO For the Gasoline roller aooordiag to. .- Road Maohinesy Oo• oontraot with them. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by rho Following vote; Yeae, Eaton, ~ ~ . ~.Gilbert, Tu11y,.Willisme and ICatter~ohn,•b, • r ~ ~ ~~~;.. ~, : Commissioner Tuiiy offered the following motion= That the Oommiseloaer of Pabiio I Worb bo authorised and instruoted to employ two mss, one to use the mowing maohins aadj • .Need Gutters, one to use a eoyths sad start at oaos to ouL the weeds in the streets sad publio high j ~.. ;'ways of tho City and ohargo the oost of same to the oontingeat Fund. Adopted upon Dell i ' •; . of the roil by the,tollowing vote= Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams sad Itsttsr- ' ~...y ~ohn,-b. j' On motion the Board edjonrped upon Dail of the roll by b yeas, Ad~p~c~ 1~:~ cZ o ' ,: A Y P 1 ;x,;17 U ~t V/ ~ ~ I . % ( / 'l ~ 6~i~ C~., ~'~C~"".'C~'~.1G ~ ~- ~ .. t ;vin ~-~c.. j JULY 12TH. 1920. . At s Regular Meeting of the Hoard of Commissioaere, held 1n the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Ksntuoky, on July lEth, 1920. Upoa Dail o! the } , i' roll the Following answered to their names; Commissioners Eaton, 411bert, Tully, ~; , ~~ Williams and Mayor Rattar~ohn,-b. ' On motion of Commissioner Entoa the mimitee of the previous msetiaga were • ;, adopted ae read npoa Dell of the roll by b yeas.. Mayor Satter~oha ottored the following motion; I move that the report of ths~ Report of Appraiae~ appraisement of the,Padaoah VYater Company properties by Messrs. Herne, Alvord and meat of Water Works Property. ~ Raymond be reoeived and tiled and spread npoa the minutes. Adopted upon Dell of the x' roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Ratter3ohn,-b. .. i __.._ :~„ _w ,.,,, ~. .. ....... .. ,,.... ,_..W...., ,.. ~ ~ ,. .. ,, ,__ ~ ~ Into d d ~ r: • `: a ~ , ~ ~~"~ Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ ~• ~` • '~' Sai4 report ie ae follows;- ~. :. ~ "IN THE MdTTER Ci+ APPRAISAL QF THE PROPERTY • OF TH8 PADUOAH YlATER CO. OF PADUCAH, KBNTUCE.7(• : REPORT OF APPRAISERS. ,• ' Whereas, on .the E9th day of Maroh, 1919, the City of Paduoah gave notioe to ~ • the Paduoah Water Company that it would eaeroise the option or privilege to pnrohase the water works and the property oonneoted therewith owned and operated by the Paduoah Water Company in sad adlaaent to the City o! Paduoah, Kentnoky, at a fair • ' and reneonable valuation, at the expiration o3 the then live year period ea set out in tho lranohies ordinanos of the City of Padwvah approved Ootober 13th, 1884, and i Whereas, on the 29th day of Maroh, 1919, the City of Paduoah, by and throagh ` ~ • ~ v its Mayor and Board of Commiseionera entered into a oantraot.with.the Paduoah Water ' i Company, noting through its. Superintendent and its BorLrd of Direotore, referenoe to . ~ • { Nhioh agreement is hereby made for lull partiaulare, and Whereas, on the 4th. day of Oa.tober, 1919, Clinton S. Btu'np, Civil Engineer of i ~' I4snsee City, tdo. was seleoted and appointed by tho City of Paduoah as an expert to determine the value of the Paduoah Water Works and of the property oonnooted there- • with, and John W. Alvord, Civil Engineer o3 Chioago, I11., was on tho,2nd day of Oobober, 1919, seleoted and appointed by the Paduoah Water Company for the same pur- • ~i pose, and ~ , ' Wheroaa, on tho 3rd day of January, 1980, tho two said appraisers seleoted Dean. ~ ~ William 0• Raymond of tho University o1 Iowa City, Iowa, as the third expert, and ha I. ~ was eo appointed by the two appraieore aforesaid, ell of said appoin:mente having been' Weber Works made under and iri pureuanae oY Seotion 9 of What is oommonly known ae the Water Works ~ ~pp~ili~~., Ordinanoea of the City of Paduoah, Kentuol~, adopted Ootober 13th, 1884, and of the ~~ ! Resolution of tho City Conmieeionera of Paduoah, adopted the 29th day of Maroh, 1919, {. • ~' and ~` Whereas, said exports or appraisers are disinterested non-residents of the I} County of MoCraoken State of Kentuoky nor interested in the Paduoah Water Com n in ~.II~ I~ .~ . • pe, y ~ any way, and Whereas, eaoh of said experts or appraisers hae•besn duly aworn•to determine ~ the value of said Water Company's plant and of all the property ooaneated therewith, w ~= ;fairly and,impartielly, and ! ,~. a Wheroaa, the franohiae granted by the City a< Paduoah was not taken into oon- ~ ;~' aidsration in valuation, NOW, this ie to oertily that the avid experts and appraieore have appraised ~ the works of tho said Paduoah Water Company and the property oonneoted therewith, and ~~have not taken into oonaideration, in valuation, the franohiae granted by the said j City to J. A. Jones, hia.aesooiates, auooessore, or ensigns, and Messrs. John W. f, y+ ; Alvord and C1lnton 8. E :na of said experts or appraisers have. made detailed estimates of the ooet of reproduoing~the property and business of the said Paduoah Water Company on two basea,.namely; le,t on•ths basis of prioee prevailing before the ~ ward and, 2nd, on prioea•prevailing at.~he present time, whioh estimates, lees deems- {;oin ion, ors as follows, to-wit; •; By John w. Alvord; 4 ° , Estimate at pre-war prises, X718 970.00 ~ , , ~f Estimate at present prioea, 1,392,330.00 ~ ~ By.Clinton 3. Bnrna; ;i - ~i Eatimate.at pre-war priaea, X664,088.00 i Estivate aL present prioes, 1,263,360.00 " ;'and ell of said eaporte or appraieore have oonsidered these estimates, the probable ' ;approximate original ooet, the oarning aapaoity of the property at present rates, the ~ooata of oporeCion before the war sad at the present time, and the probable duration • iof the preaont high priaea, and after due aonaideration•and aonaultation have decided and hereby deolare that the fair value of the property of the Paduoah Water Company ' ,sad the prioe to be paid by the City of Paduoah to the Paduoah Water Company,. as suooeesore of said J.. A. Jones and hie aseooiatea, is tho sum of NINE HUNDRED AND $IETYZ ' i NINE THOUSAND, FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY DOLLARS (969,430.00) ae oY July fat, 1920. ",. ° r Said experts and appraisers having been appointed .and their award being now t w ~ :.made under sad in aooordanae with the provisions of the Ordiname of the City of ` Yadnaeh oommonly known ae the Water Works Ordinaaoe adopted by the Connoil of the City of Padnaeh, Ootober ]3 th, 1884 and-the Resolution of said City Commissioners i d t a op ed on the 29th day of Maroh, 119. 1 IN WYTNE83 WHERbOF, all of said experts have hereto put their hands an8 esair f. F_;: ;this 26th day of June,. 1920. ~• ~, ., f. i (Signed) Wm. G. RAYMOND ' + CLINTON 3..BURNB JOHN W. ALVORD. ~~ . • j 8TATE OF ILLINOIS ~ ~ 'COUNTY OF COOK. i . Y, William G. Raymond do solemnly swear that Y have faithfully and honestly • 'fined the•value of the property of the Paduoah Water Company, and all tho property • oonneoted therewith and that I have discharged the duties of arbitrator to fin the • ,,value of the properly of the Paduoah Water Company and ell the property oonneoted ,,;therewith fairly, honestly and to the beet of my ability and skill ao help me God. ~ +, • '. ~. ~,. s_ ""~', ~,~. 6 ,No. 6S3 . .'-~. ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, C,ty of Paducah 191_. . I, John W. Alvord, do solemnly ewesr that I have Yaithtnlly sad honestly figs d ~. ~~the value oY the property oY the Paduoah Water Company, an8 all the property oonneote8 .~K ;therewith, and that I hays dieohsrged the duties oY arbitrator to Yix the velne of ~ the property oY•the Paduoah Water Company and ell the property ooMeoted therewith II ~~ ~ ;Yairly, honestly and to the beet oY my abllity and skill eo help me God. I. ~, (Signed) JOHN W. ALVORD. !' Subaoribed and sworn to beiors,ms by John W. Aivord this the 24 day oY June 1920. . ~ ~, i! (Signed) R•Notary~Pub~io. (Seal) i~ r ; • . ~ ~ iSTATE OF ILLINOIS .COUNTY OF C00$. ~ 33 ! . °"`` ~~ I,Clinton 3. Base do solemnly swear that I have YaithYully and honestly Yips d 1 . ~ !the value oY the property oY the Paduoah Water Company, and all the property oonaeoted ~ !therewith, and that i have dieaharged the duties oY arbitrator to Yix the value oY. the .~ -~ !'property oY the Paduoah 'rater Company and all the property oonneoted therewith Yairly ~.honaatly an8 to the beet oY my ability and skill eo help me .God. ' ~ ~ i, ,~ • (Signed) CLINTO.N 9. BURNS, 4 >yatsr Workr; !' Subaoribed end sworn to bePora mo by Clinton S. Burge thie,the 24th day oY. ~ , lppralssmsni. ~ June,1920. . ~ j (signed) R. L. OTWELL, Notary Pubiio. (SEAL)" ~` ' • ! 1! Mayor ~tter~ohn otiered the Yellowing motion= I move that the individual re-, individnsl report Iport oY the appreieemsnt oY the Paduoah Water Company properties by Burge & MoDoaeld, oY apprsisement oY Consulting Engineers, be reoeived and Yiled. Adopted upon Dell by the roll by the • ~ Water Works by Yollowiag vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter~oha,-b, .a Baran & MoDonnld. I, Mayor ICattsr~ohn oYlered the Yellowing motion= It appearing Yrom the reoorde i. i :rt tin the olYios oY the Commissioner of Publio Plusses that the bonded indebtedness oY the' ~' ',City oY Paduoah, inoluding the euthoriaed bond leans Yor sewer purposes, whioh has al+ ~'~ ~xesdy been voted end eatsbliehed by vote oY the people oY.Pnduoah, is X830,600.00 over i ~, 'j • '. 'and above all Yunds and the Sinking Ftutd= :,.; i; ~, i And it Yurther appearing that the apprlaed valuation oY the Paduoah Water Oom- ' ... L .:'pang properties as of July let, 1920, 18 $969,430.00;. ~ •-....,- ~~, And it Yurther appearing that the total assessed valuation oY all properties ' ~~in Peduoeh at the lea.t preoedi assessment period was Yourteen mi1114a flollare, sad ~ • In re; Water ~ ~ • ' WEbroke Appraiasmeatlthat the total oY.the psaebat existing indsbtadnsae against the Oity sad the apprlsad ~, f' :value oY the Water Oompsny properties ie more than 10y6 oY the valuation oY ell pro+ [ ' • ~ ~ :parties within the Oity oY Paduoah eooordiag to the eseaeemont at the Sset preoading J ' faeseasmeat period,.. 4 • I move that the question sa to whether or sot -the City oY Paduoah would be J • :authorised. to issue bonds Yor the amount oY X969,430.00 Yor the purpose oY buying sad ~~ • • aoquiring the properties oY the Paduoah Water oompany, be referred to the City 3oilo.i-.~ ~tor for hie opinion, in writing, as to the legality oY •euoh an issue oY beads, sad I f• ' whether the Qity would be authorised to issue euoh bonds Yor the purpoes,oY buying the ' I}( ~ ;properties oY the Raduoah Water Company. Adopted upon oall oY the roll, by the Yollow~ 1 . !' ping vote: Yeea, Baton. Gilbert, Tully, Williams, and Ratter~ohn,-6. . I. Commieeionor Tully oitered the Yellowing motion= That the oommunioatioa oY F.M. ~ i Commnaioatioa ;Fisher rslatlve to deteots in oonoreta walk be referred to the Commissioner of Publio I •. F.M.Fieher r_sgard- ~ .. ing deteotive `Works Yor attention. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the lollowing vote; Yeae, Eatoa~( • " ~ sidewalks. { ,;,.; . _::•~;•./) ;Gilbert, Tully, Williams and xatter~ohn,-6, 1:, ~` On motion of Commissioner Gilbert the petitions of property owners nad oitiaene q '' ~' ~ ~ oY the City oY Paduoah regarding the neoeesery repairs to the Sixth Street Bridge eo t ' ' '. Sixth Street ! { ~~ Bridge petitions. ;that same may bs opened Yor tratYio wars reoeived and tiled neon Dell oY.the roll by ~ i _,.__ ~ ;the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams and Ratter~ohn,-b. 1 ' On motion oY Commissioner Gilbert the oommuniantion Yrom residents and property ! :.,~, _ j owners regarding improvements on Clerk and Adams 9treete, West Yrom Guthrie Aveans ~.~, Clerk & Adams Ste,", West Yrom Guthrie ~ towards the boundaries oY the City was received sad YileB neon Dell oY the roll by the i Ava. toward boned-~ I • ~ arios oY the City.,.Yollowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter~oha,-6. V ~. •. ) ~ h 4~ • ..• ~• ~ ~. .... .:~. - ,. .. W n til: ~ouWL G.i+iwux..H " xaFx„:.:I .. .,~-r :, w. ,~.• " •' ~' .... `No., ~. ~~ ,• ", ~„**A-.=s-= Y: ~~ :.~ Commissioner's Proceedings,:City of Paducah 191_ s ~ ~•. ~`~J~ -- __ ' "Oommiseioner Tully offered the following motions That the Commissioner of Fissure; i ' ~, be a}athorized to oorreet sn error in the assessment of R. F. Mo0lnre oa tax bill R.F.Mo0lure error in aseeae~ ~2Bd6, Adopted upon onll of the"roll by tho following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, s ~' meat Taz Bill ~ ~ ~ X2206. Tally, Williams and Satter john,-6. ~ 1 Oommiaeioner Tally offered the following motion; That the ewq of $6.62 bs refund- ' sd to H. A. Pebter being the ta: on $260.00 personal property seaesaed agaiast L. J. ~ • . ~ ~~ H,A.Petter ; Patter, Jr. and paid on taz bill X2461 by H. A. Patter. Said L. d. Patter Jr. is not ' "° ' refund ~d.62 , ' assessed against s resident of this City. Adopted upon osll of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, L. J.Petter Jr. ~ ~ ^; Tat Bill ~2 81. Eaton, Gilbert, Tn11y, Wiiiisms and Satter john,-6. , Commissioner Tully offered the following motions That the enm of $2.76 be rstnnded ~ ~ r to Mre. Clara MoCarthy, being tat on property on Barrett Street erroaeonely assessed to' ':: €: Mre.Clsra 1loCsrthy rsfnnd- her. Said Jarrett Street property belonging to J.W.3helton and properly assessed to his r; ` ed X2.76. 61 oa tax Bill X2943. Adopted upon oa71 of the roll by the following vote: Yesa Eatoa - t ' , , j ~' Gilbert, Tally, Williams and Satter john,-6. ~ '• k: , • Commissioner Tally offered the following motion: That the Citiaena Savings Bank . ~ ~-y ~ Citizens Sav bs rsfnnded the snm of ~1.6o Poll Tea of Chaa. B. Hatfield paid by said Citizens Sav- ~ ~:. r; Inge Bank re- tunded $1.60 rings Rank on tax Bill X1884 as skid Chas. B. Hatfield is not s resident of this City. ; F Poll Tsa of r Ohae.B.Hatfisld. Adopted"upon onTl of the roll by'the following vote: Yesa,. Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, r < •Williame and Sa.tterjohn,-6. ~ ~ ~~ Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: Y move that a deed oomeying ;.1 4 h M the'interest.of Bertha 31rk in the North half of Lot X179 Blook 12 to Cl~rietena 1~enker ,y4~ •:; Cemetery trane• ~ ~ ,~ " far from Glorb, and•ao~eying the interest of Christens Danker Glore in the 3bnth half of lot 199 Christens Danker F: ~ ~ `Glors to Bertha. Sirk• Slook 18 to-Bertha 31rk; be"plsoed on reoord in the BemL$ery Deed'Book:Adopted upon Dell ~ " - ~ Ot the roll'by the:following voteiYeas, Ttaton; Gilbert,Tully,Williame ~ Satterjohn;-6. 4 , ~ • { ~ . Commissioner Gilbert offered the ioliowing motion: I move that a resolution en- . ~ r '' ?titled, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY ON ELEVENTH 3TRIsBT~ '` Resolution `FROM THE 30IITH Fi20PERTY LINE OF LEECH AVENUB TO THE SOUTH PROPERT Y LINE OF BURNETT Eleventh 9t. sr fs'om Lesoh Ave. ,BTREET," bs pleoed on i.ts passage. Adopted upoa osli of the"roll by the following ~. to Barnett 3t. g, . vote= Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams and Satter john,-6. a, ~ ~. { ~. Commiaeioner Gilbert offered the following motion.: I move that a resolution sn- ' ~ ~ Y ~~ ;,1 titled; "A RESOLUTION PROVIDffiG F Qt THE CONSTRUCTION OF THg DRIVEWAY ON LEECH AVENUE, ' ~:' - Resolution Leeoh Avi. from j FROM-THE WEST PROPFI2TY LING OF TENTS STREET TO THE EAST gIIRB LINE OF ELEVENTH STREET ° ~ ~ + a ,,. ~ ~";'~ Tenth 3t. to Eleventh 9t. be planed on its. passage. Adopted upon Deli of the roil by the following votes Yens, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally; Williams and Satter john,-5• Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: That the bid of Yaaoey and ~.:. Bid Yanoey A Johnson for Johaaoa for grading and graveling 14th. Street, from North property line of Mourns 3t. :.i grading and to the 3onth property line of Clay Street, be reoeived and filed, sad sooepted. ~ • graveling 14th St. Carried upon "Dell of the .roll' the follow by fug'vote: Yeas Eaton Gilbert Tally;-3. : , , , ~; Nays, Wiilie.ma apd I¢itterjoha,-2. , , ' Oomnieeioner Gilbert offered the followiag'motion: That the bid of Riohard Bell ~ , ; Bid Riohsrd B"ellbe eaoeptod for the grading snd.grsveling of Osdar Street and Linobla Avenns. Adopted Dior gradin A a g , ,graveling. :CeOar 3t. and. upon Dell of .the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eatoa, Gilbert, Tully, Williams,-4. ~! j iLinooin Ave. Kaye, Sstterjohn,-1. , . , ~~ ! • On motion of Commiasioner.Tull the matter of the Cit hir y y ing the YOOF .Band for , ~ 1 aonosrta,wae referred to the City 3olioitor upon Bail ot ihs roll by the followin vote ' `~ ~ > IOOF Bend . g s -~ oaaoerte. Ysse', Eaton, tillbert; Tally, Wiilia~ and BJSttorjoha,-6. ~ - ~ k' . Oa motion the Board adjourned by E yaps.' ~° µ • ~ . ~ ~ . ,~ a Ai•p/d fS '~,~'',~"1~gy11~+. ;B.r'PRO~"F37~. 'fie ~' ~. _ .. an ~,,. _ _.. ,... ._ , .. ~:, ' . k f i .. x. ,;, . ,:. , . . ~ ~ ..,~. ,.. Commissioner's of Paducah l91_ r No~' ~, ,: - • yl ~~ r~ t `~: t i• ~ ~,;. F, . W..__~ .r r '~. I I i Y t ~' ~~: ~~ • i <+ i ~, JOLY 19TS, 1920,. . At s Regular Meeting oY the Board oY Commiealonera, held in the Commiaeionsra~ • ;,4hambsr in the City Hall, Paducah; Keatuo~, on Ju],y 19th, 192Q. IIpon osii oY the roll • ;;the Yollowing answered to their soamea; Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams ~snd Mayor Kattsr~oha,-b. Commissioner Eaton oYYered the Yollowing motion: i move that the sainntsa oY • the last meeting be approved, eub~eot to correction., Adopted upon oe11aY she roll ' "~ by the Yollowing vote; Ysas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tnlly, Williams snfl Katter~ohn,-6, . Mayor.Satter~ohn otiered the tollor~ing motion; I move that the report oY.the ' Heport Oernegis `Carnegie Public Library Board be received and tiled. Adopted upon call oY the roll by Pnblio Librsty Board. the Yollowing vote; Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and ICatter~ohn,-b. j i~ •r Commissioner Eaton offered the Yollowing motion; I move that the oommuaioation 1 .. Communication ;,Yrom the Lions Club oY Paducah bs received and,Yiled•and referred to the Mayor Yor the Lions Clnb. ~. ~purnose of inveatigatiAg the probable.expenae oY Yurniahing water under said request,. ~ .and ha is authorised to report at any time. Adopted upon cell oY the roll by the Yol- lowing vote; Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Yilliams and i~atter~ohn,-b. Com;giaeioner Tn11y pBYered the Following motion; That the accounts Yor the !~ Report Comer. oY Yiret ha1Y oY Jnly 1920. as per the report oY tho Commissioner of Finance amounting to Finance o! nooounte ~ Yirat halt July ,~90b3.7b tiled herewith ba allowed and ordered paid, and the money appropriated Prom 1 .i•tha General Fund to pay same., Adopted upon osii oY the roll by the Yollowing vote; •,,. ~Yesa, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Satter~ohn,-b. -, Cownisaioner Eaton offered the Yollowing motion; I move that the Commiaeioner 1 oY Public Safety be authorised to.pm~ohsae one Harley Davidson Motoroyols'end aids-oar _ 1 Motorcycle Yor • Fire Department. .Yor the Police Department at the price oY ~42b.00, same to be charged to the Folios ~:Dapartmeat, and that said purchase be approved. Adopted upon call oY the roll by the ,: ;Yollowing vote;.Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and K_tter~oha,-b j • • ~, Commieeloner Eaton catered the Yollowing motion; I move that the Commissioner .Indian Motorcycle oY Pnblio Safety be authorised to sail and dispose oY, to the bgat advantage, the In- ~ to be Bold. .. . 'than Motoroyole in the Police Department. 'Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the Yollow-~ • jing vote ;Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and ICatter~ohn,-b. f % ;: Commissioner Eaton catered the following motion; I move that W. T. King Ds ~ :,appointed ae an employes in the Department oY public Safety, to sot as Jailer and ~ W.T.King, ap- pointad~ to sot Patrolman. Adopted upon sail o! tho roil by the Yollowing votes Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, as Jailer m i • .patrolman, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Eaton oYYered the Yollowing motion; I move that Stratton Wiliiame ! : ?.bs appointed ae special traffic patrolroea to serve at the pleasure of the Commiaeloner c ~~'° . •_ 9trattoa Williams; ~ ~ ' ~Speoiel Trnttio oY public Safety. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, ~ Patrolman. • 'Gilbert, Tully, Williams.and Katter~ohn,-b. ! . Commissioner Williams catered the Yollowing motion; I move that the Board oY `t ~~~ • ':wealth, City Health OYYioer, Sanitary OYYioere, Oity Phyeioiana, Meat;, Milk add Livs•- {{•,,,,,~ .Certain oifioera Stook Inepeotoi, City 9olioitor, City Prosecuting Attorney, the Po21ee Court, end 41ty and employees assigned to Stbnographer be assigned to the~Dapartment oY Pubiio AYYaira; and all sppropris~ticna:;; Department oY . AYlsira. ,lor the support end maintenance oY said oYtiosrs and departments heretoPore:meAe by ;ordina ms, ae 1n the Department of Public Property, shall be used Yor the support and maintsnanoa oY said departments and oitioere, and Yor the payment o! the services oY •-`` I' ~•~, ;said employees. Adopted upon o¢ll of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeae, Eaton, ;Gilbert; Tully, Williams and•ICatter~ohn,-b. ~• t: ~ _. . , .~. , . I I : ,.w, v ,~_.. i ~ -- _ _,. , _ .4~ •;, n ~~..r, ; .~ ; R •:~. ~ ~ I .,. • j F^,~'"a"+° ...,..q m.h: i,: yew.,. .nro~s6 - r. ~' - ~~ ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ ~~ ~~ Commiealoner,Gilbert offered fhb following motion; I move that Ollie Barnett be i r' ~1 allowed pay for lz days st•the rata o! ~3.b0 a day for work performed as inspeotor on O111e.Barnett. oonorete work. Adopted upon Doll of the roll by the•following vote:~Yeas, Entoa, ~'•~ • ~ j • 611bert, ,Tully, wi]:liame ant!. Mayor Satter~oha,-b. ' Cosomieeioner wiliiame offered the Yo11ow1ng motions I move that an ordinanoe • Ordinanoe ex- ,entitled, "AN ORDINANCB RELATING TO AND E%TBNDING THE POYIBR9 AND DUTIB9 08 THB DEPART- tending powers . '• d.dutiee of the MENT OF PUBLIC'AFFAIR9, AND REPEALING ALL PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THFI2EWITH,^ Dept. of Pnb7,io.bb adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Baton, Gilbert,' ' Affairs. _ ; 1; 'Tnlly,.William~ end Satter~aha,-5. ~- ~- Commiseiones 411bert offered the following motion: I movb that an ardinanoe en- ~. J ' titled, "AN Q2DINANCB PROVIDING FOR •THE CONSTRUCRION OF 6Cd~CRBTB 9TDBWALICi, CURBS AND ~~' a.': Ordinanob GUTTBRS, AND ALL NBCE93ARY MANHOLES, YNTAKES, SBWSRS AND CATCH BASINS, OH T$$ WEST SIDS: ~ . ~' adopted pro- , viding for. aids-OF GOBBBL AVBNUB TO A POINT WHERE THB SOUTH CURB LING OF wORTEN'S AVENUB, IF E%TBNDBD, .. J ~ walks on Gogbsl xOULD INTERSECT THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF GOBBBL AVENUB; AND ON TH$ EAST SIDE OF GOEBSL',. ~~:`1 „ Ave. • ~` ;; N,,,. AYERUE FRCrS THE NORTH CURB LINE OF TBNNE93BB 9TREBT'TO TH8 90DTH CURB.LINE OF WORTENRS AVENUE," bs pleoed on its passage. Adopted upon Doll of thb roll by the following vote4 ,:',+ ;:Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally and Williams,-4; Naye, Satter~ohn,-1. ' e Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that. the City 9olioitar { T.Bobwell Jones bs'inetruoted to make defense to the notion of d'. Boswell Jones against the City and y "~ City ofsPaduoah others and to'opposb the motion tar infnnotion.~ Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the ' _,. •. ^.;•: Milk Ordinanoe 'following votej Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, W1111ame and Satter3ohn,-6. ~ ~.In~nnotion. On motion he Board adjourned by 6 yens. ' f s $ .s _ _~ 19 ~° i ;; ; ~~ • ~s,YO~. >~ , ~ JULY E8ND. 1.9?.0. - ' At g Cali Mooting of the Boe~rd of Commiesionore, hold in the Commissioners' Ohambor in the Oity Hall, Padnoah, Kentuokyr, on Thutreday July 2End, 1920, at.4:30 P.M.i 4: Upon Dail of the roll tho following answered to thoir names: Commissioners Eaton, •~ • Gilbert, Tally, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. MayoY~ Setter ohn statoa reasons for Doll to-wit; To adopt an ordinanoe oreati ~ ~~ ..,~; 1 ng t. .. a Board of Park Commissioners, and any othor buainese that snag Dome before the Aoerd.,' y` i Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion:.I move that an ordinanoe sn- ~ u_. '; Ordinanoe titled, "AN ORDINANOE CREATI.NG A BOARD OF PARK COMMI99ION.FR9, AND PRESCRIBING ITS ~ "° Oreatitlg Board of Park Comrs. p.OWER3 AND DUTIES;" be adopted. Adopted npon,oell of the.roli by the following vote:; Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Williams and Satter~ohn,-4; Nave, Tully,-1. t Commissioner Williamm offered the following motion; I move that H. C. Rhodes,.. ~;' Appointment~o John Brooke, Dr. H. p. Sights, Martin J. Yopp and Riohard Rudy be appointed members John Brook, ;Dr. H.P.9lghta,, of the Board of Park Commissioners. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following {,. Martin J.Yopp ~, end Riohar.d votes Ysas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tu11y, i71111ame and Satter~ohn,-b. ; ' ' Rudy members ; `,. of Board of. Oa motion thq Board adjourned by 6 yeas. ' '; Park OomRre. , w . ,' 11 $.e .( KO , • ~ ~~ :. ~ ~> • • i ' , .. ~;: i . ,;; :. ' t ' .. t .. ~ ~ ' 1 - ~.. C. • ~ •. „.;.rM . > ,.u~...: d„~k u~,.. ~ .', -^ ' .~ ,; .. .. .,. ...' :v.v...r.~, ,, ~~,„, ' a:~, qn, a.eg•n,xwu z, ~~.. ~.` ~ ~ h. - -~~ -~ t, . ~~ ~ , .,, ,.,:~, , Commissioner's Proceedings City of Fadueah ~ 1..,. ~: E •;z +1f i ~ ~.. _ . ~'v ;~ ~~. t. } I J 1 " I i ~• i 4 .~=1'~ ~' • ,ti { ., No. Ss7. '.. ^ .~: JULY 23rd, 1920.. , dt a Call Meeting o! the Board .o! Como-isaionere, held in the Commiasionera~ ' ~; Chamber in the City }tall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on Friday July 23rd, 1920; at it O'olook • ~A. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names; Commiseioaers• 'Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Mayor Sntter~ohn,-4. . ~, .. Mayor Kattsr~ohn stated reasons for oali to-wit; 20 adopt a motion authorising ;.the Commissioner oY Pnblio Finance to pay to the Wadsworth Improvement Company the `amonnL of s note executed by the Board o! Park Commieaionere oY Paduoah sa puroheas Mayor~e reasons '; for daft. i'prioe of oertain real estate to be used Yor park purposes, with the understanding that ~eaid Wadsworth Improvement Company will eaeoute its•desd to acid property ooverad by !said note to the City of Paduoah, reiidh note, with the aoorued interest note amounts to ~342T.06, and any other business that may dome before the Board of Oommiselonera. ° Commissioner Ths].ly offered the following motion; •I move that the ComIDieeioner iof Pnblio Finance be authorized to pay to the Wadsworth Improvement Company the amount. .. Hof a note executed by the Board of Park Commisaionera of Paduoah for Twenty-Five Hun- Com~r. Finnnoe authorized to pay ,dyed (?.600.00) Doilara, ea pnroheae pride of oertain real estate to be need Yor park note with aoorued • interest sxeouted purposes, with the understanding that said Wadsworth Improvement Company will execute by Board oY Park , Comer, to ~tadawor- its deed to acid property covered by said note to the City oY Paduoah, which note, with th Immovement Co.: Yor property for ;the adorned interest, now amounts to Thirty-Four Hundred Twenty-Seven 80 06/100 park pin•poaea, (~42T.Ob) Dollars, same to be charged to Park Aoooupt. Adopted upon daft oY the roll . by the following vote; Yeea, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Katter~ohn,-4. On motion tho Board ad~ourped by 4 yeas. I AJ~a1ed Z618~o e:~'~'ROVTx1s.~ aa~ ci:ti ~~ A.Yq JCLY 26TH, 1920. ;: . Ate &egular Meeting o! the Board o! Commiaaionere, held in the Commission- ~^;~ ~;era~ Chamber in tho City Hall, Paduoah, Keatuoky, on July 26th, 1920. IIpon Dell o! -the roll the following answered to their names: Commiseionera Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, r ~W illiama and Mayor Kattar~ohn,-6. ', ~ On motion o! Commissioner Eaton the miputea o! the previous meetipge were :adopted ea read upon dell of the, roll by b yeas, , ~' Mayor Katter'ohn olYered.the following motion; I move the.t the writtott 'opinion o! the City Solicitor regarding the right of the pity to iseus bon4a to the' i' PsQuosh weber ±Amounb of ~940,4~fl~00 ter bho purpose o! purnhna,ing tho »rn.porbioh:.e~! tho 1Mduoah. 'ti7ater Oompany be received and tiled, apd spread op tho minutes. Adopted upop dell o! w:the roll by tho following vote: Yeea, baton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Kstter~ohn,-6 ~ Said oplnioa ie ae follows;- "July 26, 1820. ~ "s '. s To the Mayor apd Commieeionere o! F The City o! Paduoah; Kentucky. Geptlemen:- , ? I have investigated carefully the law relative to the City o! Paduoah ~? buying the property belonging to the Paduoah Water Company apd from my ~! investigation I beg to report I Yind that under Section 16~ of our Coneti- 001l4 oo tnion, oitiee o! the aeoond olaee are not permitted to inanr an indebted- selioltoiiin re; ?' ~ peas, including existing indebtedness, exceeding in the aggregate 10$ o! the aeaesament next before the last aeaesamont previous. to incurring the Padnoah.Watsr, ,indebtedness. The City of Paduoah ie a city o! the eeoon8 aleaa and ita•• Worka• ~ esaesa moat on all taxable property Yor the year 1919 amounted to X14,043.968.00, ~ ea is shown YTOm the records in the office oY tho Commissioner of Finance. ° ;' This being true, then under our Constitution regulating indebtodneea of oitiee i i;`: o! the second class, tho maximum indebtedness that could be incurred by the {', City o! Z'eduoah would be ~,~1,404,396.60. It is shown from tho records in tho office of tho Commissioner o! Fine nos ~, that tho indebtedness and authorized indebtodneea oY the City at this time • ~~ amounts to the sun of•$930,b00.00; this amount oY course includes sewer bonds ~ ' ~: amounting to +~"2b0,000.00, which bonds were voted upon in tho iiovember election, '~ F ~ ~,. ~ ' . ~~ = ~_ ~ Nose,:-; ~~ ,,. • ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ y\ 1919, and said newer 'bond isaue parried. The bonds have not been iaened, - but being voted upon and parried ooastitntea a contingent indebtedness oY the pity. \ • There is at thin time, ea is shown from the reoorda in the oYtioe 'of the Commissioner o3 Finam e, a sinking fund amounting to the amp oY X62,463:96, to be deduoted however from the above indebtedaesa of.~$930,600.00, ,•~~ ', whioh leaves an indebtedness oY X878,046.04. The property belonging to the Paducah Water Company hen been appraised by three appraisers appointed for that purpose, in the avm of •^x`969,430.00. . This amount added to the present indebtedness cf X878,046.04, would oreate an indebtedness amounting to the sum of :1,847,476.04, or.,k`443,079,44 in sepses • i~ oY the limit of indebtedness allowed pities oY the seoond olssa by 8eo. 168 y`•. oY our Constitution, whioh is as follows:- ' -, The reapeative oitiea, towns, aovntiea, taxing distriata . and munioipalities shall not be authorized or permitted. to input indebtedness to an amount, including existing \ , indebtednoes, in the aggregate exoeeding the following ~ nemofl maximum par oentagos on tl;o value oY the taxable _ property therein, to be estimated by the ssaeasment next before the last assessment nreviona to the inamring oY .' the indebtedness,•via: Cities of the first and seoond ' pleases, and of the. third olass having a population ex- oeeding flYtoen thousand, tan per oentum;.oitiea of the a•'Opinlon Oity third olaea having a population of lase than fifteen 8olioitor in se thousand, and oitiea and towns of the fourth olasa, Yive ^; Psdnash Wetss per oentum; oitiea and towns of the fifth and sixth ~ Worke• olassea, three per aentum; and oonntiea, taxing die- ` ~_ triota and other municipalities, two per.oentum;. Provided, "~ Any pity, town, oounty, taxing diatriot or other mnnioipal- 'ity may oontraot an indebtedness in exoeas of suoh.lim- itatioaa when the same has been authorized ender laws in Yoroe prior to the adoption of this Constitution, or when • neoeasary for the oompletion of and payment for a publio improvement undertaken and not completed and paid for at ' the time of the adoption of this Constitution; And provided further, If, at the time of the adoption pf thin Conati- tution, the aggregate 'indebtedness, bonded or floating, , of erAt pity, town, county, taxing diatriot Or other mnnioi- pslity, including .that whioh it has been or may be authorized ~ f~, to oontraot sa herein provided, shell exoeed the limit herein preaoribod, then no auoh city or tovin shall be authorized or permitted to increase its indebtedness in .en amount exceeding. ' two por aentum, and no.auoh county, taxing; diatriot or other munioipality,,in an amount exceeding one por oeatmn, is the. • aggregate upon the value of the taxabio.property therein, to be asoortained as herein provided, until the aggregate of its • - '~ indebtednoes shall have been redwood below the limit heroin fixed, and thereafter it shall not exceed the limit, unless in "` °•_ peso of emergency, the publio health or safety should ao require. \ Nothin heroin shall prevent the issue o4 renewal bonds, or bonds to Yund the floating indebtednoes of any pity; town, oonnty, taxing diatriot or other munioipality.~ ,; This Section has been oonetruod by the Court of Appeals oY Kentucky in the ~ ~. " ease of Beard vs City oY Hopkinaville, 24.3.:7., 872, Nilkeraon vs City of _ Lexington, 188 Ky. page 381, and numerous other deoiaiona of the Court of ~ Appeals holding that the indebtedness of oitiea of the seoond olase oonld not ~ exoeed 10~ of the assessment next before the last assessment previous to in- curring the indebtedness. ~ For the reasons stated above and after s careful examination of the law, I beg to report that in my opinion the pity's :indebtedness cannot exoeed ten per pent of the value of its tatable property easesaed for the year 1919, and therefore cannot legally authorise the isaue of bonds for the pu;noae of buying the property belonging to the Paducah ti7ater Company. `'~ Reapeotfnlly anbmitted, .. ~. Roscoe Reed, City 3olioit or." Mayofi. Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the bond and oon- '8ond & Con4raot~ traot•oY Yaaoey & Johnson, Yor the\ooaetruotion of Fourteenth Street, be received and ^;'Yenoey 8o John- `• son for eon- E filed,. and Commissioner of Fins.noe be iastruated to return oheok for x`50.00 deposited ' struotion oY ,;14th St: ~ with bid. Adopted upofl pall oY the roll by the'Yollowing vote; Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, . ~ Tully, Williams and S~ tter'ohn,-6. Mayor Ketter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the plane and S epeoi£ioations for the finishing, rgmadeling end exteasion.of the itpraoa9 Home of C Riverside Hospital, as pa•epared by Arohiteot D. Harry Jamieson, including slh araw- Plana 80 9peoi- ,. tiaetioae oY_ ~ ings attached thereto, viith the exception oY Artialee ,20 and 21 on page 4, of the ,r Nnraee'.Home PPP oY Riverside ~ printed apboifioations, be adopted, same to become a part oY any oontraot to been- ' Hospital aQopt-4, ,,~bd, ~ tered,iato Yor the oonetruation .oY said Nurses' Home,.suLfeot, howmrer, to the terms of aay.ordineaoes that may be adopted, ,providing Yor the oonstructioa oY said Nnraee` Home, but said Articles E0 and 21 aforesaid.are hereby refeoted sad ere not to be ooneidered ae s part oY said.ooaditiona of epeoifioations.,Adopted upon pail oY the N roil by,the fallowing votes Yeas, Teton, 011bert, Taliy,\ Williams and Kattsrjohn,-6. \ t1C .,y P ~ ~. Ri. -. ~ , ,. }} ,.,~:^ ., , ~ ~ .. ~. ':. ## kd~.~°iA$L:^Y:':J+.'i° i~..P.'^F'L~ • `sic i yd .: 1:. r ~: s; A' i~ ' .. ~•. .~ ~. ," z." \ S, P', ~; "~ ;~__. , ~AM/M •~x. r iinka. Citw of Paduoah -_ ' , ' f1 ., Np.~ ' On motion o! Commissioner Gilbert the oommunloaLion from eaiployeea'oi the. 'Communication City 01tg Light Plant rgletive to 1Roreese in salaries was reoeige8 and Y11od neon call of Light Pleat em- ! Ployees regarding i the roil by the follovling votes Yeas Eaton Gilbert Tu11Y W1111ams sad Katter~ohn,6, increase in sale-,; ' ~ ~ ~ rise. ~ ldayor %atter~ohn offered the YollowiAg mo #on; I move thep Miss Helen Dogaldson Helen Donaldson Pnblio Health Nurse, be granted a gaoatlon oY two weeks with. pay. Adopted npoA cell o! .vacation. j ;;the roll by the following voter Yeas, Eaton, Gilbe.'rt, Tully; Williams and Katter~ohn,6- I • Commiealoner W1111ama offered the following motion; I move that an ordinance ,',, . 1!a entitled, nAN ORDINANCE PROVIDIIdG ~'OR THE CQN$TRUC1'ION OF A NT1R3E3' HOA'fE FOR RIVERBIDP Crdinenoe Pero-HOSPITAL IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, XENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING FOR THE LETTING OF A CONTRAOT viding Yor oon+ struotion of ~ FOR THE PERFORASANCE OF RAID WCIiX, AND PROVIDING B'OR 'PRE PAYMk"NT THEREOF," be adopted, Nurses' Home oY i,. Riverside Hospit-,;.Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert,: Tully, el• I Williams and Ketter~ohn,-6, • ii Commissioner Williams oYYered tho following,motion: I move that the deed from Cemetery transfer IG, J, Holcomb to J,Irs. M. H. McClure, conveying L•he South halt of Lot #96 .in section ~B Yrom C.J.Holoomb ;' to Mra. M.H. ;Oak Grove Cemetery, be placed on record upon the cemetery register. Adopted upon sell McClure. ?oY the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, W1111ems and Katter- . (' iJohn,-6. ~; CommissLoner Gilbert oYYered the Ygllowing mo #oa; I move that an ordinam e ~: Construction of ientitied, "AN ORDINANCE PRWIIIZNG FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY ON ELEVENTH driveway on 11th i St. Yrom Leech ;9TREET, FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF LEECH AVENUE 1'0 THE SOUTH PROPk~2TY LINE OF $99. t0 Burnett ., St. ~BR~NETT STREI~J.'," be introduced and ley over. Adopted upon oeil oY the roll by the :.following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, W1111ama end,Katter~ohn,-6. .~ ~ Commissioner Gilbert oYYered the following motion; I move that ea ordinance j' Construction oY !,entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIN4 FOR THif CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIYkWAY ON LEEOH AVENUE, driveway on Leech ~ Avenue Yrom Tenth iFR01S THr; WEST PROPERTY LINE OF TENTH 9TR}:ET TO THE 1;AST CURB LINE OF ELEVENTH STREET," 3t. to 11th St. ibe introdwred and ley aver. Adopted upop call of the roll by rho Yoliowing vote.;.', ;yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-6. - ~. A Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; That the report oY rho Oom, Report Com'r, of ~' Pubilo Works for oY Pub. Vtorke,for. the first sia months of 19P.Q Yor the 9awer,Depaxtment, Engr, Deparb- Sewer Dept. Rngr. ', Dept., City Light 'meat, City Light Plant and the Street Dopartment bs received and filed. Adopto8 upon Plant and Street , Dept, for first !Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yese, Eaton, Gilbert,. Tu11y,~Williams and eia monbh oY 19P0, Ketter~ohn,-b, I On motion the Board adjourned bg b yeas. Aiept'd~z'" 1l~e 9.:}-~~.I<,C7V'F_;D ,d-~ ~.~ • ,, 4.. i' ... ~Qr .' ~~; AucasT aND~o;, ~' ~. AL a Regular. mooting. o! bho aaoard o! clommi4sioners, held in rho tlom~niseianoru~' ~"^, • ~;Ohambar in tho 01ty Ha11, Paduoah, Kentucky oa August P.nd, 19P.9,. Upon call oY the roil the following answered to their names; Commisalonore. Raton, 4ilbert, Tully, Williams {land M~ror Kattor~ohn,-b. / r, On motion oY Mayor Xatter~ohn the minntee oY the previous meeting were adopted lea read, neon cell of the roll bg the following vote;.Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, ..' ~Ylilliama and Katter~ohn,-b. ~ ' f. Mayor Xatter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the bill of Aurns Ro .r j, Bnrna &1CoDonnell i'MoDonnell, Consulting Engineers, for services in oonneotion with appraisal of water .. ! bill in re; Jlater i ~. I '+'/orka Appraisal. ;'works, as per contract dated Ootobor 13th, 1919, amountlrig to ~1,7P,4.18 be allowed paid ~.. ' ~ :and charged to later Work Appraisal account, Adopted upon cell of rho roll by the tol ' A lowing vote; Yeae, Futon, Gilbert, Tully, Williams e,nd Kattorfohn 6. ~• .- ~ ,t f , ~ ,' {{ y I. i I - } i >. ~~.,r,, , .. ~ _ _ _ ~ .u •-~...-.,'mss ~. 1 ! .. ~ ... -~.~ ~ _ .:~r- .. _,.. ..,,.,,.~, r ~ `r , ~ w.,...w.,~ ......., _.,, ..~ ... ... ... ..... .. ....... .,..._ r •~ • ' '•~ •. - ''Lr - ~o.~~t ' ,, , , . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah • 191 u ..Mayor Katter3ohn offere8 the following motion; I move that the bill of the Padn-~ ~- Paduoah Water ~ oah,Water Works amounti to 1294.19 be g pPraisal 5'lorke bill:in ~ ~ ~ Paid, and ohar ed to Water Work A re 'rlnter Works aooonnt. Adopted upon,oell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas,. Eaton, Gilbert, •APpraisal. ~ r. Tully,_Williams and KatterSohn,=6. • f , • Mayor Katterjohn offered the Following motion: h move that the bill of William . 71m.G.Aeymond ~ G, Raymond amoupting to ~263.42,in oonneotioa with servioea in the Water works appraise ~ bill: In re Water Works ~ • be paid; and ohargefl to Water Work Appraisal eaoount. Adopted upon Dell 03 the roll by R Anpreieal• the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-6. •~ rp Ma or Katter ohn offered t w '', ii y ~ be follo ing motion; I move that the. bond and oontraot . aiohard He11 ~~ e?' r oontraot 8o Aond•a °~ lti.ohard Aeil, for the oonatruotion o4 Osdar Strout and Linooln Avenue, be reoeived ~ in re; Cedar . St. & Linooln ~.e~d filed,, and Co;moieaioner of Finaaoe be instruoted to return ~b0.00 oheok hied with 1 ~ b ,'Ave. ~4hid. `Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following votes Yosa, Faton, Gilbert, Tully, ~ p '~ ~ Williams anfl Katter~ohn,-5. Q ~...:j ~ • ~ Commissioner Tully offered the Yoliowing motion; The anm of Thirty Seven & 60/lO ~ b ~ ~ " Cemetery Desd ~ ~Dollara.having boon pai8 into tho Treaoury as evidonoed by tho receipt filed herewith.,( Mre. Susan Robinson. I,(I mugs that deed bo,oxooutod,to Idrs. Susan Robinson to Lot 92 Blook 2 on North aide of ~ ( Ford Strout- botereen %111er and BaY.er in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted neon cell of the ( " s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v , i ~ 9ro11 by tho following vote: Yeaa,.Eaton., Giltiert, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,»b. ~ • 9 ~{ ~ Commissioner Eaton offered the.folloti~ing motion; I move thet the oommunioation + Co-onunioatioa Board of Perk from the Aoard o3 Park Cammiaeionora be reoeived and filed, and eotion thoreon be de- ~ ~ , ~, Commieaionera• d. rferrod until tho next regular meeting. Adopted upon sell of she roll by the following ~ 'i ~ ~tvote;-yeas, Ea to n, .Gilbert, Tully, 'Nilliame and ,Katter~ohn,-6, 1 • ~ Commissioner Williams oi'forod the following motion: I move that Fred 8nglish, ~ ~ ~ -.tired English ~ Sexton Oak Grove Cemetery, be allowed seven days vaoation,.oommenoing with Avgust 9th, ~ , r;, , Sexton Oak C,rov9 ; n% ~ ~ , Cemetery vaoa~ pith pay. Adopte8 neon Dell of the roll by the.folTowi vote: Yeas Eaton Gilbert k ~ ~ ~`~ a ~ tion. 1. ~ Tully; Williams and.Katterjohn,-6. 'C ~~ _.. .. , ~~ ~,,,' . ~ Commiaeloner Gilbert offered the following motion: That the following employees I { ~, City fight k at.tha City Light Plant be given a rates of x"10.00 eeah, starting with.the month of i - ~ ` `Plant employees; August; G.T.Troutman, Engr. H.T. Timmons, Fireman. Geo. W. Tunis; Trimmer and W.H. `salary inoreeaed. i,. ~ ; G.T.Troutman Timmona T 'H d Hewlett, Repairman, Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote.; Yeas, Eaton, ~.•• ~ t ( . : . r Geo.W.Tunis ~ Gilbert,. Tvlly.otilliama and Katter~ohn -5. ~ •: !~~ i .~ ~.W.H.Hasiett. Commissioner Gilbert offered tho fallowing motion; Thatr Yanoey and Johnson, ( ~ ~" kContraotora be .granted a thirty-day extension of timo.for tho oompletion of .their con- Yanoey 8a John- • p r ~ ~ awn exten810a ~ of oontraot in " traot for tho aonetruotion of now sidewalks on South 7th. St. from Husband to a point ~ ~ ~':_, ..~ ! `• . re Husbands St. ~' Sidewalks. ~ below %vrray an8 Iiusbands Street from 6th.. to 7th. 3t. Adopted upon Dell of the roll . ( ~ ~: ~ s'•;'a -. ~i by the following vote: Yoae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully; wtllisms and Katte;john,-6. ~ ~ ~'"~"~ r• ~( Commissioner Williams offered the following motion; Y move that an ordinanoe ~ ~ ~ ' ! "enti:tlod "AN ORDINANO$ REP^r.ALING.SECTION 16 OF.AN ORDIPIANCE ENTYTLI;D SAN ORDINiNGS ;~Ordinanoe reveal-. " ! ~ ; 1ng Seotion li~GRBZATING TO AND REGULATING THE ISARKET HOUSE OF THE'CITY'OF PADUCAH EEIiTUCKY PRESCRIBI of Markethouae R .. • ',' NG } ~ Ordrinanoe ley ~ TRG Rt7LE9 F(IR THE CONDUCT THEREOF, AIiD TH$ PENALTIBS THER`n'Ui:DER,' AND FI7[ING THE PRICES ~ { ~ . . , f, TO BE'CHARGh"D FOR THt~ RENT OF BENCHES AND STALLS THEREIN,! ADOPTED BY THE BOARD'OF ~ i ~; ~ • ~~ COD.4+II33IONi;RS DECEb43ER 1$TR, 1916, AND ALL A}3END1~,tENT9 TIiERfiTO," be introduced and ley „ ~. i i • i;over until next regular meeting. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the folloving vote: " ~ , ( """^ ( Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Satter,~ohn,-b. ~ ;I 1 ~ Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I`move that the oommvnioation Commtmtontion ; ~ ~ ( ' ~ : ;' Nagel & MoKinneyof i~agel A Molcl.nney Co: `be referred to the Com'.r. of Pnbiia Ftnanoe and the City Co. in rs; exem~ ~~, • I ~ •ptton. ~ goliaitor wits inatruotiona to iavesttgato and report on vihether the exemption claimed j i ~`;;, j ~ . ( is aut}iori2ed or ehonld`be allowed.. Adopte8 upon Dell of the roll by-the following t. ': •~ ~ ~ , vote; Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully,. Williams end •icatter.fohn,-5. ~ ; >z: t . 4 Oa motion the Board ad~ouraed by 6 yeas. E G~ r9:k'P.E~C~V"~:~F~ ` Gry CMiY • i ~ . AUGII3T 6TH. 1920. - '~ I . • At a Call Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held is the Commissionere~ -` • Chamber in the City Heil, Paducah, Kentucky, on August bth, 1920 at 10 A. M. IIpoa ~~" t . ~' Dail of tho roll the following answered to their names:Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert, ! '~ j ;; Tully, Y/illiams and Mayor Katter~ohn,-6. } '~ , { Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons Yor Dail to-wit: To allow salaries and accounts j,-; r . " for the month o4 July 1920, and any other business that may Dome before the Board. r , Co~iesioner Tully offered the following motion: That the accounts Yor the last ^ Report Comer. of half of Jnly, se per report of the Commissioner of Fine.noe filed herewith be allowed j Finanos of no- ~ counts last hal! `, and ordered paid, and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. • July 1920. • ' . Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, ' Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. ~' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the. report of the Commis-. j . ~, `,eioner of Finance for the month of July be received and filed and ordered published ia~ Report Comer. of ' ` Fiaanos for month the official aewspa ror. Adopted upon call of tho roil by the foilowi.ntfi vote:. Yeas, o! July 19.".0. ~• P;nton, Qilbort, Tally, 1Yillinms and Kattoraohn,-b. j ~. i, On motion the Board adiovrned by 5 yeas. ' 0°t A--gu uet_9th, 1920. At e. Re lar Meeti ~ gu ng of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Co~issioners~ f • Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on August 9th, 1920. IIpon call oY the. i roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Tully :and Williams,-8 Mayor Pro tam Eaton presiding. j. .+ ,Y ,•1:,;,; Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: On account of the death of Jase•~~ Qilbert, member of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, I move that the ~ . Board ad~onrn until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, Tuesday August 10th, 1980! out of ;., respect to the memory of said deceased membor. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the 'following vote: fleas, Eaton, Tully and Williams,-3. ~ E_.•- { , Ac!c-fed ;~ ' .APPROV~3~ J~~/..//(/ //n F ' AUGURY 10th. 1920. `r/^"-~ TT~~~r+~ • . f ' ~• , ~~ At an Adjourned Meeting of the Board of Comnieeioners, held in the Commiasioriers'j ~ ' ! ' '` `' • SOhamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky,. at 10 o~alook A. M. August lOth,,19P,0.. ~. . ;~IIpon Dell of the roll.tha following answered to their nemesr Gommiasionere Eaton, , Tully, Williams and Mayor Katter'ohn,r4, _ ~ .,.~, ~ ,,.; ~, On motion of Corm-iesiotler Eaton the minutes of the last regular mooting, and 1 _ the Cell Meeting of August 6th, 1920 were adopted ae read upon cell of ,the roll by s Ithe following vote: Yeas, Ee,ton, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-4. •,~ C , 's ~~ , ,~ i" y) g ~ . 1 -r.. ,.:4.-..- y 7 , ,No Commissioner's Proceedings; City of Paducah- 191_ ~, Commissioner Eaton offered the Following motion: I move that the report of the Report of Chian ChieF o"F the Fire Department For"the month oF•Jnly"1920 b6 reoeived and Filed. Adopted,. • of Fire Deft. 'tor duly 199A !i,"npon cell of she roll by the following votes Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katter- j • john,-4: ~!. j Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that tho report of the ' • ~ . Report of Chie4 of Police for the month of July 1920 be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon call of P Chie~E of Yolioe ' •' For. July 1920.' the roll. by the Following vote; Yeea, Eaton; Tuliq, l'Iilliame and Katter~ohn.,-4. ~ ' Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: Honorable J. C. Gilbert, a Illl ~, . h ... e: Mayor F.Yr. ~ member of the Board of Commisaionora o4 the City o3 Padueah~ having died on the"9th day! •. ~ ~, Katter~ohn ;; to fill veoanoy'of August 1920, and a permanent vaoenoq thereby resulting in the Aoard of Commissioners,, , in Dept. of ~ ~ ~ Public ~lorka~ ~ and there being no Commissioner now in charge of the Department of Pnblio CJorke,- ' ~ ` until ea nppo.id`tr ` ( , . meat den be. ~ I move that the.R'faJbr, ea Commissioner of Public AfFairs, take charge of the ~ ;. made. sy ti Department o4 Public 57orks and manage-,operate and control same and all of the employees" P thereoF until acid permanent uncanny is filled by a"ppointment.' Adopted upon aall of } . {.tho roll by the Following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tu11y,.Williains and Kebtor~ohn,-4•. f ', t, , Oommiseioner Tu11q offered the. Following motion= Ont•of xospeot to tho momorq oF; ,s~ ,. • !" ';"Commissioner J. C. Gilbert, whose Funeisl ooonrs~at'4 o'clock this afternoon, T move Commissioners' ; Offices to 'that all of the Commiseianera' offices close at 1 o'clock P. M:, and remain so closed ! close at 1 P HI:" ; out of reepeotf! throughout.the remainder of the daq. Adopte$ upon call of the roll by the Following ~ " of Com'r..'J.C. '' Gilbert. vote; Yeae,• Eaton, Tully, Williams and ~tter~ohn,-4. • On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yeas. r ~~~_ ~~ 1 ~ ~fATl1R, .~ ' ~ ."~ Ccn Glv1 ; . '~ AIIGU3T 16TH, 1920. J • .. ~'. ~ _ At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commission-~ ~. .. • era* Chamber in the City Ra11, Padnaah, Rentnaky, on August-16th, 1920. IIpon aall of ~ - ._ the xoll the following answered to their names; Commieaionors Eaton, Tully, Williams ~ " ~ and HIeyor Katterjohn,-4. j „ On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of"the previous meetings were ;adopted as road; upon call of tho.roll by tho Yollowing vote; Yese, Eaton, Tully, ~ • Ytill'iama sad ltattor~ohn,=4. • ; . Commis9loneY Tully offered the following motions That tho aaoounta, as per , 'Report Com'r.,',.the.report of the Commissioner of Fiaanae, emonnting to X1,798,93 be allowed and order Finance. ~ • od paid, and tho moneq appropriated from the Genoral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon ;,.j call of th~"roll•bq tho Following vote; Yeea, Eaton Tully; 7rilliama•and Katter~ohn,-4.`; ' Commissioner Williams oFfored t};e following motions Having heretofore ! ;advertiead, ee required by ordinance For bide For the oonatruotion and completion of '• ~ . a nurses home of the Riverside Rospital, I report the Following bide; i " ,° B. T.Davis........... 20,b72.00 ~" Bids on Nurses Kernea Broe........". 20,200.00 Hoa~ re3eotad. ij. '" Jaok Cole........... 19,967.00 ! ' " ~lhite R: Prins....... 19,78b.b0 '"' : ~ ~'~ Geo.':v,Katter~ohn BSon.19 619.00 °" Gus Lockwood........ 19,398:00 .,:.: ~. r;;;• + ,: .. ~ W.F..Owens...........:. J.9 361.00 .. 1 ,• 1 and each of said bids was saoompanied.by a certified check For"100.00, but it appear ~ " • ing that ell of said bids are too high,,I now move that each and all of said bide be ~ . re~eoted,-and that tho.oertified.cheok depoaitod by each of said oontraotora sad bid- ~ a ;.derv be returned to them by the Comnisej,oner ,of Publ~o'Property, and that the Oom- i ~misaioner,ot Public Proporty be instructed to "immediately~re-advertise For bide ee i; ,,. .. ;•,~ ' • ,:., ,. ~ ,-. '~ , :.~~; ,~-° 'r- } ~. ;~ .~m „i '~ ' ~ :. ~l r I. :f, I." -~.~~.;~ .. ~ , . t 1 ' Commissioner's Proceedings,"City of Paducah 191_.. ,~.-. ~~ required by ordinanoe. Adopted neon Dell 04 the roll by the 4ollowing vote:.Yeas,, .i ~ ;. ~ . , ;: Eaton, Tully, Y/i111ama and Katteriohn,-4. ~ , +' r- ,~ Commissioner Yilliams offered the 4ollowing motion; 3 move,?:hat an ordinanoe }. ~ i ; , entitled "AN ORDINP1dC$ REPEALINGSECTION 16 OF, AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED,. ~9N• ORDINANCE , ~'~ , ,~,,.w ' `RELATING TO AND Rrr,UL.4TING ,THE ldAT}Y.k'T HOUSE OF THE CITY OF- PADUCAH, KENTUCI(Y~ PRE- . :: , Mnrket House . :SCRIBING THE 3ULr9 FOR T?.S' CONDUCT THeJtEOF, AND THE PENAL'PIES THE_TtFUNDER, AND FIXING .. Ordineaoe. ~ TE:i PRICE3 TO Bx CR::RGED FOR THE RENT OF BrFtCHE3 A. ND STAF,LS THL'REIN,~ ADOti'PED AY THF, '' '~ • 4' &1ARD OF C0:7~4ISSIONERS DEC:d}:IBrlt~ 13TH, 191 b, AND ALL' A~iENDA'Q511T9 TH.~2ET0, p be adopted. ~ ' '~ r. !Adopted upon Deli o4 tho roll by tho 4ollowing voto; Yeas, Eaton, .YaiT21pm3_ and,b'?~17or ! (cory, r~.tter~ohn; Yegs,. 3, Tully, Nay, 1. ~ ' Mayor Katter~ohn o41'ered tho,4ollowing motion; I move that thore be' {" . ~' F,' D. Harry Jamieson ~ellovred and ~ ' paid to D. Her;y Jamieson tho sum o4 ~4b0.00, to bo oredited upon hie i.; sllowed $450.00 Oa :. .. t ' oontraot Nnrsee' ' aocount on his aontraot4or drawing plane, aneoi4loatione, eto., 4or the Nurses' home ~ home. ~- ;same to be oredited upon the 41na1 settlement with him, and to be oharr,ed to the i' Contingent Fund. Adopted noon Dell 04 tho roll by the 4ollowing vote; .Yeas, Eaton ~.. 'I i !Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-4 " . ~ (: : ~! Mayor Kattertoha o44ered the .4ollowing motion; I move that Mra• Mattis ~ .City Stenographor ' , Mattis Herndon Herndon, City Stenogra»her, be granted a two-weoka vacation with pay. Adopted upca ~ vacation. ,Dail 04 tce roll b the 4o11owi y ng vote; Yoas, Eaton, Tully, tYilliama and Katter.jo}sh• . j .. Commissioner Eaton o44ered tho 4ollowing motion; I move that tho bide 0 Bids: J.~.Oardner, 04 1. B. Gardner . Yanoey & Johnson and Geo. tY. hatter~ohn be reoeived and tiled. Yanoey ~ Johnson and Geo.St.Katter- ° ° Aflopted upon call oP the roll by tho 4ollowing vote; Yeas Eaton,Tully, Williams, ~, John. and &stter,~ohn.-4. ~ . i ! ' j Mayor ?:atter~ohn o44ered tho 4ollovring motion; A permanent veoanoy in ~ tho Board o4 Commissioners having boon caused by tho detith o4 the Honorable J. C, Jas .t4.Eaker appointed Comer ~ ~. . Cilbort, vrhich odourrod on the 9th day o4 Ait~ust 1920. and loss then 90 days be4ore a4 Pablio Ylorks. .'tho next regular olootion,- ~ • f, I move that Jr.mea l7. Esker bo appointed City Corrvnisaioner to :Pill the vaosnoy i i ;osusel.by tho death o4 tho said J. C. Gilbert, e.nd that tho said James Y1. Esker aseune +' tho duties o4 his o441oe end be assigned to the yepnrtment o4 Publio Works upon hie ° • executing the bo;-d and taking the oath nreaoribed by members o4 the Board '04 Commiesionr ;era. Adopted upon Dell 04 the roll by the Pollovring vote; Yeas, Eaton, Tully, ~ . . 8lilliama and J~attortohn~-4. n i, ,Commissioner Eaton o44ered tho 4o1•owing•motion; I movo that the Doard edaourn till, tomorrow morning at Ten O'olook. Upon call 04 the roll by Pour Yeas. ' , ~•, ~-~'s~-o r~r , .1~~....r .+~,c'ro ~ . , ~n-rc~e. e7~.L~~ t . , ~„ . `' AUGUS Tf 17!TH, 1920 ~ i, ., N.bt as ad~onrne8 Edeeting o4 tho Board o4 Commissioners held in tho Commiseimnore~ j I ._ iohambers in tho City Hall, Paduoa~, Yentuoky, on Teusday, Augnet 17th, 1920, at,1~ A.M.!h.' ~ , • ~. '.upon oall 04 tho roll tho 4ollowing enswored to thoir names; Commi:~ai.onere, Enkor, t, ., ; .. r. ' 1 , rEaton, Tully, tYilliema sad ?dayor Katteraohn,-6, ~ .., i As Chore vras no bnsinesa to Dome be4oro the Board, on motion the boRrd ad- t, !,. • ~'aourned yeas, 6. l y r, It V-W~ ~ 7 ~ ~ ~!II'~'~_ - A~.,,~~ ~ -~S ,,,.,, "".^"--"'1'`51 5 1~ , - ~ , . ~ ,' L , ~ ' 4 ':. .. '. ' z .. I. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • i t j j ~ ~ ~ ' i _-__ } 1 :.~ i '...y::..u..,:..' _.,,.,e..... :..w~aW ..:. ...:.,~..~.., ,.: ... ~ .. :..~~i. .. .,....u.,.. .....y wu... ,µww.w..,..w.w ~.. ..,..w..,~ :... ... ... .... ... .. .......,. ~.~~ ,~ \ :..~. - w ,tea ...~ ", r ~` ~ 1 .,,. „,~ • K ~ n, . - . .. ,:., r. .,: ,. ~ .. ; ~ N~ / ~ • - Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ `: 1 ~ , ~~ . - " , August 19th, 1920 ~ . • ~" ~,; „, a.,;l . At e~cell meeting of the Board o'4 Commissioners, held is the Commissionere r,, ,; Chambers, on Anguat 18thf 1920, those present mere Commisafonere Faker, Tully and ~ { F, f Mayor Satter john,-8 ~ ~ ~ "~ ~. • The Mayor. stated the ~•eason of oell to•wits To eilow.the Pay-roll and _ ~ ~ . ' ~ 1 any othsx bus.iriees. that might •oome. before it. ~ _ ~ ", Commisaioner'Tully oYtered the Yollowing motion! That the eoaounts ~ ~-, ..'Report Com~Y. ~ e}mouttting to X4971,.8?, as: filed report of the Commissioners oY Rinanoe Yiled herewith ~. oY Finano6 ,, ! be ellovve8 and ordered paid sad trio monoy +~ppropriated ~rotp tre General Fund to pay i `±: "~ ' , :+ same. Ado red u on os11 oY the roll p P by the following torsi yeas', Faker, Tully and Kettorjohn• ,' ~ On mot~,on.the Board ad~ovrned gear 8d ~ ~ h !~` A led ~ ;, , .,.:. ~ ' , k • y ~'rwi~ " y it~ ~ ~ ... 23rd, 19ao. : ' AtraUST f • , . " I; , Y P, . j ~ 1 At a regular seating of trio Board of Commissioners, held in trio com- ! ~' a p. miasionore ohambere in the City Ball, °aducnh, xnntnoky, On. August 2?I~d, 1920. j .. i 5 ' j; Upon•calt oY.the roil, the Yollowing answered their names"=~Commiaeloners,,Ee~on,'. t, • ' .~ Faker, Tally, Williams and"hta,yor Satter john,-6 ~ •" ', ~~~ . .- ~, ' On b4otion of Commissioner Tully, the minutes of'the previous meetings r .. F• ~ were adopted as read, anon osil oY rho.roll, by trio Yollowing vote, Yeas, Estop, ; . -' 't -Tully, Eakar. Williams and I,Le yar xntter iohn,-6 ; ~ ~ " ~~.~ Idayor Kattor john oYYored the Yollo~vil:g motion: I move" that the' boTld oY r .~ j ;' paduoah Sleo ~, Pnduoah Elootrio Company bo reoeivod ~d Yiled and made a Hart oY trio reoord• the ~ ~ ' trio OOr Bond.: , ~ a . ~' Adoptod anon osll of trio roll by trio following voto; Yoas, Eaton, Esker; Tn31y, Williams and Y.atter iohn,-B ~ ~~ ~ ~ p 0:4Y.MOrrieon LSnyor F;attor john oYfered the Yollowing motion; I move that the bill oY i, '~ .~, bill.,. "C.•W, Morrison +igainst trio City of Paduoah be.ro4erred to hir. Rosooe Roed,"_C.ity ~ 1I 3o11citor. Adop.tod upon. call oY the roil by th~+ Yollowing vote: Yeas Eaton, Faker, Tui~.y - F- ' - Wiltiame and Mn,yor Satter iohn,-6 a` ~ Mayor KAttexjohn, oYfered the follo~^ing'motion: I-move that the Communioa~, , E:R.Bradshavi ` tion of E. R. Bradshaw, Jr. be reoeiood and filed. adopted upon ash o4 the roll by t, ~ ~ ~" • oommunioation. trio Yollowing vote, hn.ton; 1yAker, Tnliy Williams and MPgor Katteriohn,-b Yeaa. " ' all bids received ~ Commissioner baker Offered trio.following motion;' That ~ i ,Goebel Ave. ~" by trio City on the 0oobol Avenue oonorete oonstrnotion bo roieoted, that the Com. oY ~ •. ' '~ bifle seiooted.', k'inanoe bo inetruated to roturn":all certified ohooke t0 the bidders and that the same ' . ~~ viork be re-advertised"at oaoe• Adopted .u»on oall of trio ro11•by trio following voter :• Y " Eaton, lyaker, Tully', Williams and Mn yor I{F.tter iohn,-6 Yoas 1 • Commissioner En.tOn oYferod trio"Yollowing motion, I mono that the ordinance Ordinanoe 1. ,' '.ontitied "AN.OI?DIRAi7C8 Ai'PdOPRiATIN~i Tt70•HUIJDRED"(~?.00.0) DOLLARS TO ESoCR4C?r".s,N COT~N1'X appropriati ~ ~ ~ ~E00r00 to ?,. HAIR ASSOCIATION i'OF3 ADV`r:RTISIIiG THG T:LLDS, COt.iRii~CE, t~~NUFACTU'dIIdG :LI7D C0::1•I~"2CL1L REE ' • Fair beeo. 90URCE.9 0~' THE CITY OB' PADUCAFi; Si~NTUCIiY:" be adopted. Adopted neon' call oY trio roil i ~1 .. . bq trio .following vbte: ;•:-a:en, Faker, Tully, tfilliame and Mayor Sattoriohn,=6 Yeas . ,, ` `? ~! Ongmotion trio Board adjourned by .6 yeas. `! "j ` AP~'ROVF~y 3o._I~ ~..~ ~ _ _ ~i~ptcd -- - ~ OR , . ~ ~ ~, ~ MAY ~ ' ' .. ~' . • ~ .; , i I Commissioner's .Proceedings; City of Paducah 14]'- , AUGUST 30th, 1920 ' ''' . At a regular meeting of the Board of Commiesionera, held in the oom• misaionera ohamber, in the City Hull, Paduoah, Kontuoky, on AuQUSt 30th, 192.0. Upon ~ . ~ Dell of.tho roll, tho following answered to thoir names; Commissioners, Eaton Esker, ~ , Tully, Williams and A.it~yor Katter~ohn,- 6 ~ On motion of Commissioner Eaton, the minutes of the »revious .meotinge were ~ ' ;;adopted as read, upon call oY the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Eaton, Esker, j Tully,v8111ama and &,:.ter~ohu,-6, "~ ~; i• , • '~Oommnnioatioa of j, On motion of bieyor Katter~ohn the oommunioation from Roy 8, Blinn, Engineer, 1 4 Ray B:Blinn, Engr. ,i,wae reoeivod and filod upon Dail 04 the roll by tho following yobs; Yeae, I~ton,U~ker,`~ ' G Tnily, efiliiama and Kettsr~ohn,-6,. ... ' 1' Commieeionor Tully offerod the following motion; That the Stroet Department ` p Pay Roll Street !pay roll,for tho week ending August 27th, 1920, amounting to X180.00 be alloarod and ' • ,Dept. week ending . • Aug. E7, 1920. (ordered raid and the moony appropriated from the Genera. Fund to nay ea~¢e. Adopted • !upon oall of tho roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Faker, Tully, '~Yilliams,and j G ' , 'Katter~ohn,-b. is . i~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; The' eum of Fifty k no/100 I Oemstery Deed :dollars having been paid into the treasury as evidenoed by tho rooeipt filed hareviith 11 • J. B.Pnseley. , •I ;`I move that deed be exeouted to J.B. Puraley•for lot 79 in block 4 on Ford Street i ~~betvreen Hank and Chamblin Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon Dell of the roll` ~ b the follows r , ,. ~ y, ~_ 1 y ng vote• Yeas Eaton Esker Tull 1'tilliams and Ystter~ohn 6.. ~ Rational Surety. !> Commissioner Tull offered the follow ~ y ing_motion: That the National Surety Co, i Co. bonds released ;: • on tho follo:vi,ng I-pe released on the bonds of the following parties: ~-~ .~ parties;- i; i Thoe.R.Aaselip Thos, N, Heaelip,...+..... City Attorney Frank Dunn ;; Frank Dunn ................ City ,"nigher. • Henry 3t:i'_oy ;~ Henry Bailey .............. Patrolman. ` roe Tv0?•lo*t l Joo Ivorlett............... Patrolman. James'sY.,Clark, ~ ~' Jas.i'1, Clark .............. Patrolman. 3 • ' i;Said parties beinq.no longer in the employ of the City of Paduoah in suoh poeitione. ~~ • FAdopted upon Dell of tho roll by the following note: Yeae, Eaton, Ealtor, Tully, , 4Yilliama and Ketter;oho,-6. ' i. On motion the Board Afl~ourned by 6 yeas. i ; • ~ ' i ~ f Alelrte~f,•,~y1 190 6.:tti.1~" ~ ~j ~,,, //~._ ~i; ~ AUGUST Slat. '1920. ~ ~ "~ ~ •,] -- ., 1 • j, i At a Call L4eeting of the Hoard of Commieeioriere, held in tho Commisaionere~• ~ ; 'r Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, o.n•Auguet 31st, 19.^.0, et T1;30 3..P~t.. ,;33~ '.Upon oall of the roll the•following answered to thoir names; Commissionore Eaton, t ";.1 ~Eaker, Tully and 2`ayor hntter~ohn,-d. •. 1 ~: ~. ~ . i ' !; Mayor Ksttor~ohn Stated reasons for Dell to-wit; To acoept work on N. 16th,Street,i ;;between Broadvray end Jefferson Street, as oonstruoted by Yanoey As Johnson, Contraotoro,~,. • i. ;and any other busix+o:~s~that maq oomo beforo tha Hoard. ~ ~ { Commissioner ~l:er offered the followings motion; As. the vrork on I=orth 16th Btroet, ~ .° ' 'betwAen ?iroadrray and Jefferson atroet has boon oo*cplatod t;y Yrnoey R: .7ohnnon, Don- • Aocentanoo of work ~' I on li, 18th Street, ;traotors, and the pro,porty o^m ors on said Street having boon duly notirioct aoovrding j'. ,;.' a: oonstruoted by ~to 1av+ b ublioation Of a notine pots( in them to a 4 " Ynnoey !r Johnson. ;, y p y g ppoar beforo the Board of Commie- ~.-:,,,'':~ . !signors on the 30th day of up;ust ].9?,0 at ll o+oleok~4. 11,,"at,the offiao 04 the. Com- { ~~mi8eionor of Publio ':fork:: in the City Hr.11 Paduoah, Knntuol:y, to malco any eom»leint!i . ~ ytho,y may have act ro 'rrhy amid vrork should not bo a.noeptod, an8 no oom»lnints havtn~; bennl j;mado by quid property ovnors, I now mown that the work on N. lfbh 4troet,•botrroen, 1 ;~~'^ T+ -1 ' '~ } .~ _~ i-....~-~~CC ~w. ~.--ww~ ,,..... ,~.,~n S ~ 4 ~ ,~ +a.T.:aT vh.»w ., -.,~w+.roy~ep.,~e.,.....+rp.••; 7`lr.. . _ '+`. -.. . ~,.,: ~, -t ...~.- ..,. ,. ' - - ~..u:s~ .~.~..+w«.....~ti...a.+e..:.....~ .< +ww.r.-.+.:>,au.:re ~ ~......w...u~.....~.:..,....< , .....-.a'a..c+.~,a ;.ax.i.a......w...d w..ar.~. ... No. (;arnmissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 19l_ 'B>r•oadway and Jefforaon StrQpt,,aQ ogi~atrpeted by Yancoy dc. Johnson, be aooepted, and 'that a oo»y o! the indiiidual estimates be turned over to the Commissioner of Finanos I~ hYor aolleotion, and that the City Solioitor be inatruoted,to bring in an ordi.nanoe k „asaeaeirtt; said proporty ea roquireil bq law. Adopted upon co~.l of the roll by the fol- I ~'lowing.voto: Yeas, .Ea ton, Esker, Tully sad I~atter~ahn,-4. ~ ~, •; Commissioner Esker otPered,the following motion: That an ordinanoe entitled, •, ~"AN OP.DI1\L~TICE ASSESSING THIy ABUTTING PROPERTY OId BOTH SIDES O,F SIXTEETITH STREET, FROld F s, Aeaesement iTHE NORTH PROPERTY LIA'E OF 33ROAD,iAY TO THE SO[T,^H PROPERTY .LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET, IN ' 02'dinanoe.tor a work on N, 16th'THE.CITY OF PADUCAH, I~NT[JCKY, THE SUiI OF ~2.b6 PER ABUTTING FOOT FOR TI~.COST OF C021- I ` StrQet• ,; STEUCTI0I1 OF CONCRE'PE 3IDE~IALILS, CURBS AND GUTTERS,- ANA ALL NECESSARY T;~.IPTHOLES, .INTARESf y- `,SE'r7ER3, CATCH AASINS AND D$NEWAYS THr~EFORy AND PROVIDIbTG TH:.T SAID AS3ESS,".BNT ihAY BB jPAID IN TEN EwL'AL IPiSTRALLI+ivI1T3, BEING ONE EACH YE6e~ FOR A PERIOD OF TEN Y~dRS," be ~•~ adopted. Adopted neon Dell of the roll by the Yellowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, E~ltor; ~. ~Tuli.y, and T~ntterjohn,-4. i~~. t~ N On motion the Rosrd adjourned upon oall oY the roll by 4 yeas. j t e1v e`++~ __ ... • ~ ~twYGR-' ' . ~~~ ~ ~ - " BBPTEMBBS 4th_ 19E0. At a Oall Mestiug of the Hoard of Commieeionsrs, held in the Commieeionera' j ~. • i• Ohambsr in the City Hall, Eadnoah, Santnoky, at 10:30 A. Y. September 4th, 19E0. Upon f ' ` Deli o! the roll the tdllowing answered to their ailmae: Commissioners Baton, Baker, ~ Tally, Williams end Mayor iCstterjohn. Mayor Sdtterjohn stated reasons for call to-wit: To allow salaries sad aooonnts ', , I;: ~ 1 • toi the month of Angnst 19E0, and nay other bneinees that may Dome before the Board. ?.. ~ Commissioner Tally o~~~a^sd the following motion: That the Mayor and the Commis- - City to sinner of Pnblio Finanos bs authorised to borrow the enm of $10,000.00 from the City ~, Borrow Money City Nat'l Rent: National Bank, for the nee and benefit of the City of Padnoeh,.to be repaid on October ~> EBth, 19E0, pledgsing ae ssonrity the Taaes to be oolleoted daring the month o! ~. i Ootobsr and the good.taith and oredit, of the City o! Yaduoah. Adopted upon oe12 of ~. the ro1T by the following vote: Yeas, Baton, Baker, Tully, Williams and t~tter~ohn,-6. Oommiseioner Tully offered the following motion: That the eooonnte for the last ~ -- •halt o! Anguet 1980, ae per report of the Commissioner of Finanos tiled herewith, Report Comer. amounting to X18,616.77, be allowed and ordered paid, and the money appropriated from Finanos for Anguet 1980,. :the general fund to pay same. Adopted apes Dell of the roll by the.tollowing vote:- 7~aet hblt. Yeas, Baton, Baker, Tally, Williams and Satter john,-8. i p•, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the report of the Commie- f eionsr o! Finanos for the month of Angnet 1920 be reoeived and tiled and ordered pub- . Report Oom'r. inanos of lished in the Oi~ioial Bewepeper. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vots:~ • i-ngast 1980.. Yeses Eaton, Baker, Tally, Williams and Seitterjohn,-6. ,: ~ i Oommieeioaer Tully offered the following motion: That the payroll fox the .Street Dsp~artassaty for the west ending September Bra, amounting,to $868.00, be allowed ~ Ynyroli Stacest '~~`` ~~ DspE. east end- and ordered paid and the money spproprie-ted irom.ths Oeasrsl Fend to pay the same. ing Bept. Bard, ; ,1980• _ ;Adopted upon Dail of the roil by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton; Baker, Tally, ~ ,tNiliibme and Sntterjohn,-6, On motion o! Oommiesionsr Tully the RoarB ad:jonrned upon Deli o! the roll by 6 A/ayis~i~fl~~l~ .~y ~v . s ~. fr~ :< -. v: f ~. :. • SEPTEMBER 8th. 1920, At • Regular 1[sating o! the Board o! Commieeioaers~ held la the Oomniselonera' ~Chaaber in the Oity Halls Padnoah, Ksntneky, on September 8th, 1820. Vpoa oail o! the • ;roll the toliowiag answered to their names; Commissioners,, Eaton, Tully and Willisma,8. • ',A. O. Eaton, Mayor ppo tsm prssidingt Mayor Satter~ohn being sbeoat from the Qity. ~ ~ Oommieeionar Eaton o!lered the loilowing motion; The Poard o! Oommiasionora shaving On the 4th day o! August, 1819, by motion duly adopted and reoorded, granted ~oifioial reoognitioa to the City Fira Fighters Looal No. iBS, o! the Iatarnatioasl Fire Qity Fire eight-,,;,Fighters Assooiation.- • ere tonal Ho.188 ~: o! the Tntaraa- ;" L move tbat,tha notion o! the Board o! Oommiaeionere in so endorsing said organ- tional Fire • Fighters Aeon. isation bs now approved sad said Fire Fighters Looal be hereby endorsed. Adoptad.npon. ~osil o! the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Raton, Tully and,Williama;-8. ~--- Oommieaioner Raton offered the following motion; i move that the meeting o! the Ad~omrnsdment. jBoard o! Comnieeionere sdaonrn until tomorrow morning nt 10 O'olook A. M. 9sptember 7th •!, , ;1920. Adopted upon call o! the roil by the following vote; Xeas, Estoa, Tully and ~;W1111ame,-8. k ti,: tad ~~ '1}~ ~' ~~~~~e. ~i ~_ . SEPTEMBER lTH. 1920. r: I At as Ad~ournad 1[esting o! the Board o! Commieelonars, bald in the Commieeionerr Ohsmbsr, in the City Hall, Padnoah, Kentuoky, on September 9th, 1920, at 30 O'olook ~A. M, neon nail o! the roll the following answered to their names= Oommisaioners • ~' +8aton. Rakes. Tn]•iy sad Williama~-~. W. Q. Ratoa~ Mayor p¢'o tsm presiding. ~i On motion o! Commieaioner baton the minutes o! the last regular meets ng, and the ~ ~, ;Cali Hsstinge o! August 31st and September 4th, 1920, were sdopted sa read upon oall ~'of the roll by the following vote; Yeae~ Eaton, Enker~ Tully and Wiliiame,-4. ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the Cartifioate of Steep Certificate o! 8tea>aBoilsr Inapeotioa dated Angnet 29th, 1920, from the Oossa Aooident A Guarantee Corporc-, Boiler Tnapeotion from Ocean Aooident Lion, Limited, regarding the inapeotion o! the Steam Boiler at the Riverside Hospital b Onarantea Corpo- ration, Ltd. '4th de Cley Streets bs reoeived and filed. Adopted upon osll o! the roll by the follow-. i ing vote: 7Ceae~ Eaton, Rakers Tully and Williams,-4. • Commissioaar Eaton otlared the following motion; I move that the report o! the Report Chie! o!,Chief o! Polioo !or the month o! August bs reoeived sad tiled. Adopted upon call o! Police for August ;the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Eaker~ Tally and Williams,-4. 1920. • ~ Commiaeioaor Eaton offered the Yellowing motion; I move that the report o! the !, ;Chin! o! the Fira Department for the month o! August be reoeived and filed. Adopted ~I Report Chie! o! ! Fire Dspt. !or `upon nail of the roll by the following vote;,Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tully and Williams,-~.', At;guat 1920. ¢ , On motion the Board ad~ournod by 4 yeas. i #, . • ~. Al~~t 3___. 1}'t~af1 ~~-'t''?"c•(Jt,r:!9:T~ r '~- /- -___~/ ~! ice>n. r 1' ~ i • r ~ ~ ~ I '~ 4f ~. . t _ " -. ~! .. • ;~A, • p ~~. ' 'ii ~~~~ ' A' 4 h'r+ .. MYr ~ .3 Corrimissioner'a Proceedings, `City of Paducah •, , ~ =. ~ ~ ~ , ~ • • ... ~ • -:191• ~ STPTEMBER 8th, 1920. i At a Call Meeting of the Board of Cormiseionere, hold in the Comaiesionsre~ Chamber in the Oity gall, Yadnoah, Kentnoity, oa wsdaeseay, September 8th, 1920, nt >f• o'olook P. M. Upon osii of the roll ths.ioliowing suewsred to their names: Cowrie- eioners Eaton, Eakbr;,Ta21~y and Williams, with W. Y, Baton,. Mayor-Pro tam'presiding.-4. Mayor Pro tam Baton stated reasons !or oaT1 town- To give passage to a rseo- Tntion entitled, "A RE30LUTI09 D&PLORIg(3 TSE hb'FORT gOW BEig(i MADB TO E1~ARRASB, AHrOY AgD TO OVERTRROW TgE $283EET OITY OOYBRMMEgT." • Commissioner Tally olfered the following motions I move that a rseolntion .en-., titled;"A RE301,IITIOg DEPbORIgli THB &N'FORT NOW BEIg6 MADE TO TYBARRA39, AggOY A1PD TO OVERTHROW THB.PR898NT CITY GOYERgME6T", bs sow adopted, and that the Comffissiondr o! pnblio Finanoe bs inetrnoted to Dense the same to bs published in the newspapers o! the Oity in typs.not.lbes than that need,in publishing general news. Adopted npon..os11 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tislly and Ai111ams,=4. Un motion the Board sQjonrned by 4 yeas:. ~ - i ~~~ :AYI?~,OV Fi;I7 iz~. ;> 1 Reeo. Deploring .~ "' to over- '. Bffort ~.' . throw Commission ' • Form of Oovsrn- :, went. ~ , Y~~. x', ri L, .. ~ , _,. ~~'~ ~ . s: ~, r.':' . r . : , ~; . ?" . • ~ BEPTEMHER 13th. 1920. ~ ' At a Regular Mooting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Comffieaionere ~ ~, ~ Chamber in the City Ra11, Padnoah,. Bentnoky, on September 13th, 1920. Upon osii of the roll tho following exsewersd to their names= Co:maissioasrs Eaton, Faker, Tntly, , `Williams and Mayor Batter}ohn,-B. . ~~ On motion of Mayor IDatterjohn the ffinntee of the previous meetings wars adopts! • ~~ae read npoa osii o! the roll by the lollowing vote: Yeas., Eaton; Esker, Tully, . W1111bms and Itatter~ohn,-6, , Hy. lire Ohisls ~ Mayor.Satter~oha offered the following motion: I move that the oommanioation g Arse. W.V.Baton Ao J.M.3laaghts~r ~ from (}, g. Parker and J. Al Stelten~mp,bs reoeived and filed, and that W. v. Eaton, ; delegates. ommieeioner o! Pablio Safety, and John M. 3langhter, Chie! o! the Fire Department, be eept as d~iegatae to the gentnoky Fire Chiefe+ Aaaooiation to be held in boniavilli it on September loth and 17th, the eapeneea of anoh delegates to be oharged to the Fire ,~ ~~ Department. Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Eaton, Esker, Tn11y, Williams and I{atterjohn,-6. 4 4! Commissioner Tully oflersd the l,oilowfng motion: That the oommunioetion from • Padnoah Feir b Racing Reeo. ~. tho Psduoah Fair and.Raoing Aeeooiation be reoeived and tiled. Adopted npoa Dell of ,; • ~~ the roll by the•following vote: Yeas, Baton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Satter john,-6 ~ • ~ Commissioner Eaton.o!lered the folloMng motion: I move that the oommnaioation O.W.Re9b & ! from 0. W. Raab and others regarding the lighting at the bridge over Island Creek bs others oommuni- G referred to the Commissioner o! Publio Works with inetrnotione to investig4ts and cation regard- i; + . • ing lighting bridge over ! report on lane f.or rs-li ht dg y ~ P g ing said bri e. Adopted npoa oell.of the roll b the Island Orebk. { „ loilowing vote:. Ybae, Eaton, Esker, Tally, Williams and Katterjohn,-B. r ,~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motions That the pay roll for the Payroll of Street Dept. I! Strsbt Department for the xeek epdiug Sept. 10th, 1920+ amoanting to $234.$4 bs • 'week boding 8ept.10, 1420, ~ allowed sad.ordered paid sad the money npprapriatbd from the General Fend to pay same allowed. • h Adopted upon Dell ol.the roil by the following vote: Ysae, Sston, Faker, Tnily, Willi ~ and ~ttsrjohn,-6• . .. ~,: ~k , i z,_+ ~= , 1, I I J ~. A~~~ f•:, .L Af .. ~ • - m „,<': . ~' :~,. s; r. 4h. .. ,. ::,I >. a . .~ t ~ `r. ,~~.: .. • . , ` °~ . • .. h, 7 1 i i I ,. } ,. :" it ~, ~ .. ~: ii i'.' i ~,. ', ~• x ~. I ,~ i • ~ Commissioner Esker offered the following motions I move that the salary of Oiyda '! ,`l Clyde Bsil salary Ba21~ an employee of the Department of Pnblio Works,~be inoresaed from $126.00 to ' 11 inareseed~ ~, ~: X160.00 per month. ea of September iat, 1920. Adopted upon Dell of the. roll by,ths . following votes Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tnily, Williams sad Satter'ohn,-6. ~ ~ y Mayor Kattar~ohn offered the following motion= I move that an ordinanoe oreating ~ ". Ordinano• oreating the position of City Engineer, and presoribing the duties, fizing the oompansation position of City ~! 8ngineer• thereof, and repealing osrtain ordinenaea is ooafliot therewith, be now adopted. I; " !, Adopted upon Dell 02 the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tally, 4 " !' Williams and Katter~ohn,-6.. 1 , Mayor Kattor~ohn offered the following motion; I move that MoClain Mitohetl be ;.appointed City Engineer, sad that his eervioae oommenoe oa the 16th day of September ' MoClsin Mltohell, appointed Oity } 1920, and that hie pay be charged to the Engineering Department of Pubiio Works dur- ~ Engineer. lag tho balanoe of the year 1920, beoauae of the faot that the appropriation to Dover ;. ;.,euoh engineering sarvloea wen made and apportioned to the Department of Public Worka• • ; Adopted upon onli of the roll by tho following votes Yoas, Enbon, Eakor~ Tully, ~ " " Wiiliamo and Kabtsr~ohn,-D, ~; •; Oommiaeioaer Tully offered the toliowiag motion; That an ordinanoe entitled,,"AN ( ,' i ORDINANCE TO ISSUE REFUNDING BONDS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, IN T$E 9UM OF ~: Ralnndiag Ordinanoe P.T.&A.R.R.Co. ~ SIBTY-FIVE T$OIISAND {~BS,000.00) DOLLARS FOR THE PURP09E OF REFUNDING BONDS OF LIKE Boars. ~ ~. AMOUNT L93UED TO THE PADUCAH, TENNESSEE AND ALABSMA RA ILItOAD COMPANY ON OCTOBER let, ~ ~~ 1890," be introdnoed and ley over until the nest regular sheeting. Adopted npoa Dell ;" ~, of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams end Kat6sr„'ohn,±6•, Commissioner Tn11y offered the following motion; I move that C. W. Morrison bs ~ ~; allowed the snm of 40.00 in full eettlemeat of olsim for damage to buggy and horee,".~ C.W.Morrleion b Mra.C.W.Morrieion ' sad in full for personal injury to himself when eooident happened at bth 8o Nprton.St• i" olaim allowed. { sad that X10.00 be allowed Mrs. C. W. Morrison for personal in)ury reoeived by her at ' ~~ the same time and plane is full settlement. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote.; Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams sad Katter~ohn,-6. ~ . ' On motion the Board adjourned by b yeas. ~ , l.d: i•irc ;!~ %i.o IsI9t ao j ~.. ~, . • ~, ~ '~ 4: SEPTEMBER 17TH. 1920. At s Call Meeting of the BoarB of Commiesionera, head is the Cossmtieeionere' ",Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, KentuRky, on September 17th, 1920, at E P. M. j iUpon onll of the roll the 4ollowing answered to their names; Commiesionera Eaton, ' .~ ' ~IBsker, Williams and Mayor Satter~ohn,-4. ~ ,Mayor Ifatterfohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit; For the purpose of .presenting ( ; • l i~ ardinanae to bay a smraea' home, and passing an ordinanoe emendinr, the Function i i 'Ordiaarioe. ~~ Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move thab an ordinanoe . ~. entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AIITHO_RIZING, DIRECTING AND EtdP01YERING F. W. KATTERJOHN, MAYOR Mnsy Bile Web]' !pF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO PURCHASE T$E PROPERTY OF MARY ELLA WAHL ON NQRT$""~~ `G'- Property to be pnrohaeed far ~ ',gOURTH STREET BETWEEN HARRISON AND CLAY STREETS FOR A NURSES' $OME, AND THE A?dOUNT TO,, I " Nnreea' HOme• . I ,, BE PAID THEREFOR," be introdnaed and ley over for one week in its presoat completed. ."~ `. form. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Eaton, Esker, '1illiams and Katter~ohn,-4• "~~ • • ~'. r, i ' .:., ., . ~ . ~.. ~ , w .., r _ _ ...._ .. . . ~... i M„ C ~ • `. ~'P'....T 'a 4 K. n ~ •~ ~ ' , • ~. .., ... :.. y .. .' ~„~ ~..:~:~.~_.~... ~._::-.ate., i... v ......u. .~.~_. r.. ... _.._• . _.. ~'..._. .~. _...:i ..~ •. y1leuvu..wf.v.~. {M, sPi4a r. .,,may..., r!?:,:cw.,- ~. ~ t Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ _ ',`~ , ~~ ;~~ ' Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled; "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING, E%TENAING AND RE-ORDAINING SECTIONS 2 and B OF AN ORDIIiANCS ~ "'~~'""' ~ -• ;ENTITLED, 'AN ORDINANCE DETIOtMINING TiiE'FUNCTIONS OF THE DEPARTMENTS OF PUBLIC AFFAIR$~ Function Ordi Danes ameaded•i PUBLIO FINANCE, PUBLIC SAFETY, PUBLIC WOR&4 AND PUBLIC PROPERTY, AND PRESCRIBING TH8 i{ - ;DUTIES OF THE COMMI33IONER9 Ot' THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KFNTUCKY,~ WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY ~~ THE HOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ON THE 8TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1920," be adopted. Adopted ~ ' , „ ~ npon Dell 03 the roll by the following vote: Ysae, Eaton, Esker, Williae~ end fitter- , ~r'?r r: i~ Doha,-#. I 1 On motion the Board ad3onrned by 4 yeas.- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • R~ AdeAt _~19~v ~~'.~E-'.~rJ"'V:E,JJ // ~ ' ~ ....... WY`s: :ngo~r: - N; 3EPTEi~Gffis~t 18th. 1920. ~• i •, h' At a Call Meeting of the Board of Commiasioners,,.held in the Commiealonere' ~~ ' .Ohamber in the Cit Hall Padnoah Kentno on Saturda Ss tember 8th 192 at ~, 3' . , ky. y, . P .l , 0, x:11 A. M. Upon call of the roil the following answered to their Daman; Coinmisaionera ~.Eaker., Tally, Williams and Mayor Se.tter~ohn,-4. + ~ ' .. F ~ `i ~~ `~ '• Mayor Katter~oha stated reasons for call to-wits For the purpose of adopting ' 'motion inoreeaing the pay of laborers in the'Streeti Department, and any other buiinesa l` ' " ithat might Dome before the Board. '; '•~ Commissioner Tally offered the following motion: That the aum'af Thirty & No/ o ,~'~ Che.a.C,Clark x'300 bb allowed to Chew. C• C1'erk in full settlement of claim for in~uriea while in the ~, ~ ~~ ~ ~ ` claim for ~ ' in;:nribs• ,employ of the Street Department, sama~to be charged to Coats and Suits. Adopted upon i„ ~ ~" , - ., ' 1"C1~11 of the,roll by the following vote: Yeas, Esker, Tnily,~VYilliama and Satter~ohn,-4.~ Coromieaioner Esker offer the following motion; That the pay of tho.laborera in _; ' r Stresb Dept. °the Strsab Department bo inoreaeed from 38-1/3 Dents per hoar to 40 Dente per hour., ~ ,• laborers wages ~ =:,~ . inorseaed.. Isitedtive ae of .September 16th, 1920. Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the following ~ ~ ( • ?vote; Yeas, Esker, Tully, Williams and I~'tter~ohn,-4. ~ ;i~ -'-•,. ~ ~ ~ On.motion a Board adfourned by 4 yeas. ' I V i ~ _r°~i~ ~~~~ (/ "tuts ~ r I - ': SEPTEhU3ER 20th. 19?.Oo ~ '. •,~ At "a .Regular Meeting of the Board of Coinmissioaera, held in the Commission- i ' era' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentwoky, on September 29th, 1920. Upon call ~ ~;'.;, r. !'of the roll the following answered to their names; Commiaeionere Eaton; Esker, Tally, ? ~ ~ ' • `''Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-6• ' . } On motion of Commissioner Eaton the mitiatea df the previous meetings were ,. i `adopted zts read upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tally,; ', Williams and I~tter~ohn,-6• ; ~ `'~~ Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; I move that the communication ~;'"~ ~-~, • Paducah Rail- way Co. oommu-:from the Paduoah.Railway 0ompany be reoelged and filed. Adopted upon ball of the roll nioation re- garding rates. by the following vote: Yeee, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and ~tter~ohn,-b. !! ~~ ? ~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the oommnnioation± ` W. M. Mitahell'from'W. M• Bditohell, City Engineer, be received sad filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roil. ?•~~ City Engr•t ~, ~, oommnnidatiba+~by tho!'pllo,~ing votes Yeas, Eaton, Seker~ Tnlly,'Wiiliams and Katterjohn,-6• I } ., • ~ i ,;i a ~ ~ ~, ~ '' ., _: .. , ,. _..: ;; ,. . . ..: .., _ , ' ~ ~ . i ' R~AiiBeYadx x r e4'ti;":`~Kt . " ~~. ,, ~. . .~ :.r. ...~,.s:a~.d~..vm.a+ n.r , ' ,e.° - ({ ..- ~ _. ~. ,: F .: 1Vo. ui 7/ ., ' , ...... Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah li~l . ~- h • Commissioner Tully offered the following motions That the sum Of X7.74 bs ° 'c i , lrsfnnded Lo John G. Hooker, being the amount of taxes paid.by him for the year 1920 f • John G. Banker, :on lo! at 8th do Ceidweil 9treete, erroneously assessed to him at X660.00 on tax Bill .Rotund of 7.74 tazea erroneoualy 1166. Said tot belongs to Artee Demar and is assessed to him•on tax bill {6841. easaseed. • Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,, Esker, Tully, ' . , .. ~Williama and Xatter~ohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; That the Commieeionor of . L. I„ Root oorreo->Bissanoe be authorized and inatruoted to make oorreotion oY erroneous assessment on tion of erroneous j!~ bill X2924 of La L. Roof of property #809 Tennessee assessed at X615.00. Adopted assessment. ~npon Dell of the roll by tho following vote; Yeae, Ee.ton, Esker, Tully, Ytilliema end Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; That the eooounts emount- i! . Report Comvr. o! ping to X6994.17 as per the report of the Cormniseioner oP Fistsnoe Yiled lierowith, bs Finanos first !~ailowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Funds to pay same., half Sept. 1920. ~'Adoptod upon nail of the roll b th f 11 • i, y e o owing vote; Yeae, Eaton, Eaker~ Tul~.y, ~. ' a ~',Williema and Kattor~ohn,-b, {{ I ~. ~ Oommieeionor Tully offered the following motion= That •bhe payroll for the j; . ;.Street Department for the week enfliag Sspt. 18, 19P,0, amounting to ,ry392.80 be sllowsd,,. -,;;;" Payroll of 8ti•oet ~! Dept. for week •!; and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General b'und to pay same, Ado,pte4. ' 1920 Sept. 18, I'apoa Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Vlilliems and' . i~Ratter~ohn,-b. ' is Commieslonar Esker offered tho following motion; I move that my report showing !, ~ ~• {'the approximate oost of repairing the Sixth Street Wooden Bridge be reoaivod and filed, • ± Sixth Street fend that tho City 3olioltor be lnatruoted to bring in an ordinanoe appropriating suYfi- Bridge reports Qo ~ City 8olioitor ''olent funds from the Contiagent•Fund to finish the repairing and oonatruotloR of Bald ' instruoted to bring ~ ; oomuletion otfor gs'idge• Adopted upon sell of the roll by tho fallowing, vote; Yoga, Eaton, Eakar, { • repairs. ;Tully, 'Yilliams and Katter3ohn,-b. ,: Commissioner Tully of Pored the following motion= I move that an ordinanoe an- 4 Ordinanoe Reiund+ ;titled "AH ORDINANCE TO ISSUE REFUUDI[tG BON-S Ob' THE CITY OF PADUQAH, 7CkJ[JTUCKY, IN ing Bonds P.T. do ~ A.R,R.Co. ,;THE Slkd OF flI$TY-FIVE T$OUSAND'j:~66,000.00) DOLLARS FOR TH$ PURP09E OF REFUNDING BONDS ' • j j; OF LI1Ck AMOUNT I$SUkD 'PO TH19 PADIICAH, TcNN$9Sk'~: AND ALABAMA RAILROAD COMPANY ON OCTOBER 4 • ~,ist, 1890," be adopted. Adopted upon nail of the roil by the following votes Yeas, j I ;Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Ifatter~ohn,-6. ! Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that en ordinanoe en- ' ~±. ~ Ordinanoe fining titled, "AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE R$TE OF FARES~TO'BE CHARGED BY ELECTRIC STREET RAIL- ~ r! rate of fares to ;'YtAY3 AND OTHER P~;RS~NS 1•YITHIN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND Pl20VIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLA: ?~ be oharged by ~ ~ ' Paduoah Railway Co. TION THERr:OF,"'be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, ~Eatoa, Esker, Tully, Yilliams and Ifatter~ohn,-6. is Comuissioner SRilliems offered the following motion; I move that the .deed from ! • ;~ Fred 3. Jordan Fred 3. Jordatt end his wife, Matte D. Jordan to R.A. Jordan and Minnie Jordan to Lot ~ ~ sad wife Liette D. '; ' , Jordan to R.A. ,NO bb, Biook A..1. in Oak Grove Cometory bo oonourred in, end that said flood bo reoorded Jordan and Minnie ! . Jordan oemetery ~jin the Deed Book oY Oek Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon nail of tho roll by the'follow- tranafer. ~ ~ ` Wing vote; Yeas, Eetoa, Eakor, Tully, Y1i111ams and Katter~ohn,-b• On motion the Board ad~ouraed by 6 yeas. ., is f~ AaeTtel~447`= 2 7 .14 ~a 61-~Y.;~,CJ V -bl_1J i .. ~ P ~ ~; v~~~. .- ~ ~ ~' t ° ~` - • a, .~ t ~~ ~. .:-n .. ~~~:~ n „~,,,.u. ,. _ ~"*~' ~`d"& 7 mm~o. o-~u w ,~a.,~ a ., zv~:s+u~^a y7m. .a:,a u: meeR No.~7.2._ " • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 19l_ u ' SEPTE9'[BER 21st. 1920. At a Dell Meeting of the Board oY Commiseionera, held in the Commiasionerea -. P - ~ Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Tneaday, September 21st, 1920, si; '[~:+ 2 o'oloak P. M. IIpon asll of the roil the following answered to their'aemes: Commie- , ' k i ~ elopers Eaton, Tally, Williams and Mayor Katterfohn.-4.' • ~ Mayor Katterfohn stated reasons 4or Dell to-wit; To adopt a motion allowing the ' • ' ~' ~ claim oY E. R• Bradshaw, Jr., sad any other bneineas that may Dome before the Board. ;~ ~ ~ Mayor Ketterjohn oYYeied the Ya].lowing motions I move that the claim oY E. R. ; Bradshaw, Tr., which has been Yiled Yor $1731.70, lees credit oY X100.00, leBVing a t .- B.R.Bradehaw ' balance aleimed of X1631.70, be allowed, and that said snm oY $~163i.70 be paid to.eeid~ Olaim aTiowed! a Bradshaw in fall settlement~of said claim and that same be ohaYgsd to the account Yor; ineeri Adopted upon Dail oY the roll b the Yollowi Eng ng. y ng vote: Yeea,. Eaton, Tally ~4 Williams and ifatter'ohn,-4. - i On motion the Board ad~omned upon Dell of the roll by the Yollowing vote: i ?f F .g Yeea; Eaton, Tully-, William and Satter~ohn,-4. { ~e N Ad~pl ~'~~~a~ ~19 '' ,_ ~J ~^~~y ~~y ~ .~~ d~ ~~~C ~J4l V J;J S /` Clry CMe~ I ' • ~' • MAXOR= ~ • SEPTEI~IB~2 22nd 1920. ~ , ~E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ At e, Oell Meeting of the Board oY Commisaionere, held. in the Commiseionors~ ?; { ' • ~ Chamber, in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky; on ;lednesday, September 22nd, 1920, at ' ~~ 10 otolook A. M. IIpon call of the roll the Yollowing answered to their names: - f Oommlaeloners Eaton, Esker, Tully and F~illiame,-4• ~~ r • - ~~ Mayor pro tam, W. V. Eaton, presiding. ~ { tt ; { {; Mayor pro ten, W. Y. Eaton, stated reasons Yor call to-wit; For the purpose o4 P receiving, opening and eooepting bide Yor P. T. 8• A: Refunding Poni.s, and such other i, -. ~ < t:r _"s ~ business ea might Dome before the Board. ~ `~ - ~ ' - ~,.•`'~~ .`Cogpbiesiegex Tully oYYered the Yollowing, motion; T move that the bid~of Sesaon- ~ , P.T. & A. Bonder good 8, Meyer, oY par plus "~b0.00, lase X1260.00 Yor expenses; The Ferris ,~Trnst 8a ' ~ seasongo.od & ! Mayer; Harri- { Savings Bank, of par plus X698.00; the Pirat National Bank, oY par plus X260.00; .~ 'Frost & Savings Bank. Halsey, Stuart & Company',"oY p~.r end saarued interest, lase X1230.00; Elston & Company] let Natl Bank. Halsey, 3tvarti ! of par 'and :~6b.00, leas ;x`1206.00; KanYmam-Smith-Emert & Company, of par and scarped' Elston 8o Co. ,, iaterost lees ?y'1B0.00;. and tho Meohanioa Trust & Savi { , nga Bank and Security Trnet Meohaaios Trust ~ - do Savings Bank;!Company, o~ per plus X160.00, for the X66,000.00 04 ReYunding bonds, be received and ! - • ' ~ sad Security . Trnat Co. bide.,; Yiled. Adopted neon oell.oY the roll by the Yollowing vote; Yeas, Eaton, Eaker• ~ Tully and Willioma,-4o i 1 , . Comniseloner Tally o4ferod the Yollowing motion;. The bid of tho Harris ..Traet ~ a de 9s.vinga Bank oY Chiaegq, Illinois, oY par plus $698.00, being the highest and beat. ~ . Harris ,'Trust 8• Savings Bank hid for the issue oY ;~6b,000.00 in ReYunding Bonds., I move that it be aaoepted and thse of Chicago, Ill: ' Bid accepted = boada sold to them,. and that the Commleeioner oY Pnblio Finanoe be instrnoted to re- f " , P.T. & A•Re- ~. ~ ~ funding Bonde• tarn tho oertiYied oheoksto the nnanooesafui bTddera• Adopted neon call of the roll i ' ( . . _,. - s by the Yollowing vats: Yeas, Eaton, Bakers Tally and Williams,-4•' ~ ' On motion the Board ad~onrned by 4 yeas. ` ' ~ F ~ ~ }; . ~~s pax`-~r..._.Z-Z.,..,t~,~ ~ ~ • ~, t , ~ AT^YG wt, ~ s i r , a „~, a f ~ .. _ ~ • • t ~ ~ .. .. ~ . ., .' •. r....~~ • ~ . ~ -~ ..:~.... .~-. ~ .. .. .. . ~. . ... v.. .. ,. .., ra ~ .r C: ' .. . • _ ~ .,. , ~~ . ....:.-~uw.~-...-w~::.'~..+++..1~-.~.~1+~r2r.u.+u ..ice:. ~......n..~.a~i..~..++...~C~.~:y..,...~.~_.r-.+. a-. ...%~,.:....- .4:w . ~' .. .. , . .> Nos? r v •• .'r Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Padaeah rgi_ :i . SEPTEMBER 24TH, 1920. ,, . I' At a Call Meatirg oY the Board oY Commissioners, he14 in the Commieaionera~ ~ 'i , ~ Chamber is the City Ball, Paducah, Kentnoky, on 3etpember 24th, 1920, at 10 o'clock ~ ~. A. M. Upon sell of the roll the Yollowing answered to their .names; Commieaionerg p Eaten, Williams cad Mayor Satter~ohn,-3. _. ;~, Mayor %atter~oha stated reasons Yor oall=to adop# An (trdinegoa authorising, diredt-( ; king end empowering F. Yl. %atter3ohn, Mayor oY the City oY Paducah, Kentucky; to pur- ;: .O;dinenoe author-;obese the property oY Mary Ella Wahl on North Fourth Street, between Aarrieoa and Cley ing purchaee oY ~~ ~ ~ .. ,~~, Ltary Elle Wahl ~3treets,for a Nuraes'.Home, and alto to adopt a Resolution coca ti property on N.4th~ P ng a dead of ooavey- j St. Yor Ih;raes~ i~anoe to said real este.te. f Home. ~ Commissi Wil . oner liams offered the Yollowing motion: I move that an ordinance en- titled., "AI1 ORDiNA}ICE /1UTHORIZING, DIRECTING AND EIaiPOYlk~2);NG F. Y1,. KATTF;I2JOHN, MAYOR •Resolution accept- , iag deed to pro- i. OF 'iHE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO PURCHASE THE PROPERTY OF MARY ELLA WAHL ON NORTH party oY }Sary ~ j , Ella Ylahl Yor ,.FOURTH STREET B,ETVIEEN HARRI80N AND CLAY STREETS FOR A NURSES' HOME, A THE AMOUNT TO Nursee' Home. ~ ~ ' ;B$ PAID T}~PEc^01i," whloh was introduced at a Special Meeting oY, the Board oY Commie- ~ ~' ~ ~ ~~ " ysioners on tho 17th day oY September, 1920, sad having laid over Yor one week is its ~ ~_ ~ '~, ;present completed Yorm., be adopted. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the Yollowing _ 1` ~~ ,,. t • ++ve.~~Yeae, ~tr1~,vtitil}liams and Katter~ohn,-3. LTayur Katteraohn oYYered the following motion; I move that a resolution entit ~ led, ~ 1 :"A RE30LUTION ACCEPTING A DEED OF CONVEYANCE OF READ ESTATE ON NORTH FOidiTH STREET IN i { ~ PADUC~H, KENTUCKY, FROM MARY ELLA WAHL TO TBE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND AUTHORIZING-THE ~! iCOM}ALSBIONER OF PUBLIC FINANCE TO PAY TO THE 8A ID A}ARY FLLA WAHL SIXTY-FIVE HUNDRiSD • ,0`6600.00) DOLLARS, AND TO CHARGE SAF.4E TO THE QONTIN01•;NT FUND," be adopted. Adopted • jupoa call oY the roll by the Yollowing vote; Yeas; Eaton, Williams and Katteraohn,-8. j On motion the Board adaourned upon Dail oY the roll by~the Yollowing vote; Yeas, ~ •. ~Eaton,.Williams and Katter~ohn;~2i. f i , ~, PY~.t1,U~V~7x;~7 .:.~. «.. . .,.._.. '~~t , y~ i 1 r SEPTKti!D}ER •27th. 19?.0. ~ ~ • ~, ~I II At a Regular 2.4eeting oY the Board oY Commieaionere, held in the Comm19 signora.' !;?~h. 1:~~~ ~~~ ~. , . • Chhamber in the City Hall,. Paducah, Kentucky, on September ?.7th, 1920. Upon call oY. thou "' !roll the Yollowing answered to their names: Commissioners, Eaton, Esker, Tully, lYil~iam6 ",and Wa yor Katter~ohn,-6. j On motion oY Eiayor Katter~oha the minutes oY the previous meetings .were adopted j', i;ae road upon call oY tho roll by tho Yollowing vote; i!oaa, Eaton, Esker, Tully, i • i:P1i111nma and Katter~ohn,-6. ~ 1 I. Commissioner Tully oYYered the Yollowing motion; That the communication Prom IJ. R. Smith & Son relative to a reYund on tares bo roferrod to the City Solicitor Yor • J.R.Jmith k $oa. communication ';report back at tho next regular mooting as to tho legality o4 tho claim. Adopted upon • in re; Refund ' on taxes, ;;Dell of the roll by the Yollowing vote; Yeas, Eaton, Eakar, Tully, Ylilliema e.nd. , '+Kattor~ohn,-b. a f t 1 Mayor Katter~oha oYYered the Yollowing motion; At the..reRueat o4 Contrnotor~:, .l 'OYanoey 8o Johnson, !move that they be extepded 60 days a=tonsion oY time to oompieta •~,r- Fcurteenth 8t., ~: Betn. iionroe & i:their contract on Fourteenth Street, between Monroe 3troet and Clay Street. Adopted kr{,, Clay extension -; yry ;" to complete. upon cell oY the roll by the followir~ dote; Yeas, Eaton, F~ kor, Tully, ',Villiama and ~~• Katter~ohn,-6. ,r,i 'd ~ , ~~ ~; • ~: ., .~ ,` `va..t .7~f ;.. . _ Commissioner's Proceedings, ..City of Paducah 19l_ • ! Commissioner Esker offered the:follow~.ng motion: The new concrete walks, gnttera,+ r ,. { i (4 ' ,j curbing, drivevreys,.approeohea and drains on the South aide of Husbands Street, from s; the iVeat property 11ne.oY Sixth ,Street to .the East.property line oY Seventh Street, ~ s' • ;and on both aides of Seventh Street Yrom the curb lir,~e of Husbands Street•to apoint 111 ;, . Husbands St.' + 100 Yeot South of T~Rvrray Avenue, basing been completed and finished by Yancey ~ Johnsosi, ~ S. 7th St. I oonetruotion ~; aontraotore, s6oording to the terms and aonditiona oY their aontreat, and an ordinance' ~ ~ ,e '; Work aooepted,i t~\ ,~,•-. ,passed relative to this impravement, I now move that same be'eooepted, and. that the ` , ~ .. y Ettgineer'e estimate oY the coat Yor esid.aonstruction be eonYirmed, and that said ~" - .. ',', estimates be turned over to the Commissioner of Finasioe for ooileotion. And that the. f City Solicitor .be instructed to ,prepare an ordinance assessing said property as shown ~- ~~ by the Engineer's estimate. Adopted upon sail of the roll by the following vote; ~; Yeas; Eaton, Esker., Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-6.' ~ ~. , ' ~~" Commissioner Tnlly offered the Yollow~,ng motions Y move that an ordinance anti- I • i w tied,.,"AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED (j2600.001 DOLLARS FRObt THE Ord. appro- ~, , •. riating .GENERAL FUND; OF 1,tONEY NOT OTHERY7YSE APPROPRIATED, FOR THE •RE?AIRING AND RE-CONSTRUCTI¢N > 2600.00 t0 r ~ .repair Island', OF THE WOODEN 'BRIDGE ACROSS IsLAN,D CREF.i{ ON BRIDGE STRSET," be adopted. Adopted capons - Creek Bridge., cell of the rail bv.the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, '.4'i111ama end ~ . T. j Katter'ohn,-6, •; ,' .~; On motion oY Mayor I{atter,ohn the Board ad3ourned Dy.6 yeas. ~ ,,, ,: ~~ 1 • Ae•v~e1d!~~--x-•192 d 9.:P~~"R,0V'F;7~ ' OCTOBER 1. 1920. ~ , ~,; ~~", ~ i At a call meeting of the Hoard of Commissioners, held. in the Commiesionera' ~; , Chamber in the City Ball; Padnoah, Ifentnoky, on Friday October let; 1920 at 11 o'oloaY . ~ _ - ~ A.. Y.' Upon calf of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners i •• Baton Baker wiiiiams and Mayor Satter~ohn 4 ~ ~' ,; ~ . , !. . , r, . ~~;. r lfayor >Gatter~ohn etatad reasons for sail to=wits To open and rsoeire bids j.. > t. ': lor,the improvement o! End 8trest, from Jeilsreon to 1[onros Streets, and any other ~ ~ '^` „ business that might come before the Hoard. ~ ' Hide Yancey ~ gnyor 8sttsrsohn offered the following motions Y move that the bids for ~ Johnson and., d St i ri B t f if b ~ mpro ng n ree rom Js or O.W.Sat er- on to ![onros 8trsete, which ere ae loilowe: ~ ' i'ohn .for work. 2nd 8t. from O. W. $atter~ohn 4 Son, and Yancey de Johnson, bs rsasived and filed. Adopted upon Jefferson to v + Monroe. call of the roll by the toiioaing vote; Ysas, Eaton; Baker, Williams end Batter~ohn,4. • lfayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move tha•L the bid of li.w. of . X6469.40 .. 4.. ~ , .. '! >Oatter~ohn'Ib $on,A'asme being the lowest and boat bid, bs boospted, and that the Nayar ~. fi,w.]tatter be instructed to enter into contrast with said O: r7: Bstterjohn 4 Son !or the con= Johi: tb Son i Bid for work atraotion o! said work is aoaorasiaoe with said bid and nndsr the terms of the ardi- i Bad 8t. from ~ I • Jefferson to Hance providing for said work, and the Commissioner of Pnbiio Finance is inetrnated ~ . ~ , ltomroe. ' to return the check to the nnenooeestni bidder.• Adopted neon call o! She roil by the ~. ~~; loilawing votes Yeas, Baton, Baker, wiliisms and Ht-tter~ohn,-4. i a1 Oommieaioner Baker offered the following motion: I move that the l~syslr b• .;. "~;': , Contract for .instrnoNd to eater lato contract with the Padnosh ffisotrio Co. for lighting 4th ~:. ' Lightingg 4th rYt.:,Briaee. Street Bridge. Adopted upon call o! the roll by the following vote: Teas, »atoa, ;:: ,. { '; »aksr, wiiliams and Satter~ohn,-4. ~ ; ~ ~ motion the hoard sd~o~aed by 4 yeast. d~ ~.,~19Zd ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ a /-~!!~~` ~f_ . trsy ci..t • ~ A.d~XV fit. ~, , .. ,, . ' ~.' • i ' i h ~ ,_1 .. •. .. .. • • \~', .. .. ~ ~ • .. ~° ~~ , ~,.. ,xn . ,.,, , ,. ~. - .. , ...~__ _ , F. -, ~~ !` • .. No. S~7S ' • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah jgl_ oaTOBER nth, 19~eo. ~t a Hegnlar Wetiag o! the 8osrd o! Oossissioaers, held !a the Ooma-issioners~ j Chamber in the Oity Hail; Psduoah, Yentuolq-, on October 4th, 19E0.. IIpon Dell o! the soli the following snaaered to tlisir mmee= Oommiasioaers Baton, 8aksr, wililame and ~Nayor Ststtsr~ohn,-a• • ' On motion of Commissionss Baton.the minutes o! the pr'eviowe meetings were adoptea as read and oorrseted upon Dail o! the roil by the following vote:.Yeas, eaton,~ Baler, ^illiams end Katter~oha,-4. ~ ' da motion of Mayor Satt~r~oha a oommnnioation from the First Baptist Church (~ Mrst Baptist o! Padnosh protesting against the Szhibitioa of ~-oving Pioturee on Sundry was reoeived ~• ' Chnroh oommanl- ' nation proteat• 'and filed upon opal of the roil by tho following vote= Yeas, Baton, Faker, Williams ate; lag agsineL ~ , 16oving Piotnres 7DaLter~ohn,-4. • • on Sunday. 1Qayor Batter~oha offered the toilowiag motion= I,move that the oosibnniostioa ' • wm.Hnmbles sad ,from Ism. Humble sad others be reoeived and tiles and referred to the iAayor and Commia•: others oommnni-: • nation in rs ieioaer o! Public Property with power to not. Odoptsd npoa Dell of the toll by the i Colored Hospital. following vote: Yeae, Baton,'Baker, Williams and Sattsr~ohn,-4. t Yeyor Satter~oha o!lered the following motion: I move that the oontraot De- Oontraot beta. • City o! Padnoah ,twaam the Gity o! Paduaeh sad the Paducah BUotrio Company for lighting the new Inland ' do Padnaah Bleotrio Co. for Creek Brldgs, dated September SOth, 1980, bs reoeived and flied, ldopted upon Dail o! '. ~` lighting Island Creek Hridgo. tho roll by the following vote: Yeas, Baton, Eakar, Williams and Satter~ohn,-4. ~ • Commissioner 19aton offered tho following motion= I move that the report o! the l: .' Report Chief o! Chia! o! Police Sor the month of September 1920 bs reoeived and tiled. ldoptsd upon E Polioe for ~ • September 1980. Dell o! the roll by the Sollewiag vote: Yeas, Baton, Baker, wi111ema sad Ssttsr~ohn,-`• Commissioner Baton ofterod the following motion; i move that the report of ~ ~ . ' i Report Chief o! tho Chief o! the Sirs Department Sor thb month o! September 1980 be reoeived and liled.~ fire Dept. for • September 1880. Ldoptsd upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Baton, Baker, Willlama sad .~ Yatter~ohn,-4. ~ ~ ' 1' Commissioner Baker offered the following motion; I move that Richard Hsii b~ • • Biohsrd Bsil ezteaded 60 days time on his oontraot Sor graveling Cedar Street. and Linoola weans, ~ , •:tension o! i oontraot Cedar se per rsgneet o! the ooatraotor. Adopted upon Dail o! the roll by the following vote: St. A binooln ~ •• Awe. ,Yeas, Baton, Baker, Williams and gatter~ohn,~. ' ` . On motion o! Commissioner Baton the Board ad~onrnad to maet•tomorrow.morning ~• • 'at 10 0~olook, Tuesday Ootobar 6th; 1880, upon call o! the roll by the following votei_.i ~~ Yeas, Baton, Bake;, Williams end Battorjohn,-4. I ,,`•~r 1 Adcyl'ed _~-_ '!._..//.__?9 X e ~i :'.i=.1ti~~_~ V .}~L p ~ „ n~a1" f ; '. OCTOBER 6th. 1980. • • At an•ad~onrnea meeting o! the Hoard o! Commiseionere, held in the Oomnieeioners' • Ohembes in the City Hall, Paducah, Seatneky, on Taeaday Ootobsz bth,.1980, at 10 O'olook A. Y. Upon gall of the roil the following answered to their mamas: Commissioners ~ Baton, Tally and Mayor.Sattsr.~ohn,-S. ~ Commissioner Tallyt otfored the iollowiag motion= That the sooouata Sor the last ~ ,~ half o! September 1920, ae per report ot.the Commiaeloner.of Finanos Siisd herewith, ~;,_' ' Bepo;t Coa~r. o! Fins me Aeoonnts amounting to .$83,906.7E, be allowed and ordered paid, and the money appropriated from • 7~aat Hai! Sept. _ 1880. .the Oenerai Fund to pay eama. Adopted upon call oY tho roli.by the following vote; i ~•-: ,,; . Yeae, Baton, Tally, and Battor~ohn,-3. i.•:;;..: 1. ~ ' ~• Y • .~ i w • ~ '. , 1• ,rra~x u,.immrcu,~ ew*~xua d~ w~ ~~ ~~,=,, .. x ~ e r ° _ ~~ 8~.n.~~+r ~,'~La'~".w 1lG s... .ee.~.reraMN:3`~!n^~MJ9xP~1/eYu'kMkf~l6 s ~., ~.y No.~~ ~ s•., ~ ,r~ .. _. ... _ ___ ....__wy_____ _ . City of Paducah, 191_ • __._.._____---_ ___..------- -- ---------9 ------• --- ---- --_--- -- --- ---- j Report Oom~r•~ iionar o! Fiasnos !or the month of September 1980 bs reoeived and Silsd sna ordsrea o! Fineaoe !or ' Sep ..1980. published in the 0lSioiai Newspaper. -dopted upon osii o! the roil by the Soiloxing i . t vote: Yeas, Eabon, Tally end ~atterjohn,-5•' i i Oommissioaer Tully otlerad the Solloxing motives That Yanoey 6 7ohneon be sliowea Johneonbsilo,~the sum oi, 41.88., being the ooet o! the interssetion of th9 alley oa the weds else oti , . ed ~~ X58 p .~._))\•.~~• ~ :~ rs: -~1sy~ idth'Sbreet.betxssn Broad~sy.aad Jettereon Streets. -dopted upon osii. of the roll by .16th 8t. betd• B'way b JelS." the Solloxing votet.Yses, Baton, Tally and Ratter john,-8. +. Ooimtiissioner Tally ottered the loliowing motions That the Mayor and Oommis- ~. Berrox song ;; stoner o! Pnblio Finsnoe be snthorissd to borrox from the Oitisens savings Sank !or ~ .~ : Oitisens ;, Savings.Banle•'; the ass and benetit o!, the Oity o! Psdnoah the emo o! 8iltean Thoneand Dollars, same ~. ' ~i to be repaid on October 80, 1980, and pledging se seonrity the taae to bs oollsotsa !or ', ' s h;,' the second hell o! the year 1980 end the good faith.and credit of the City et Padnosh.~ ` s:, k; ~ ~,~ -dopted upon osii of the roil by the toilowiag votes Ysse, Baton, Tnliy and Bhtter-. . ~ ohn 8. `. , ..... ' ,- u ' ~~ Oommiesionsr Williams entered the meeting. • t , ~. On motion the Board adjo;aned, upon osii of the roil by the loilowing votes Yeat; ' ~' , ` -` ., Baton, Tally, YYiiliame end fritter johns-4. ~ 1 Adopla2._r/R'-/_._~ _19.0 APP.ROV~D ~ .. .. _ ~ - _Stl-~_ ttrQ! ' . ~ ' ._ .City Cwak ~ ... in~<v• ~ ~ ' ~~ ` OCTOBIIt 11th. 1920. •~ • i -t a Regalar Meeting of the Board o! Oommiesionare, held in the Commiseionsrs' ~., Ohamber in the Oity Hall, Padnoah, gentneky, en Ootobsr filth, 1920. Opon call o! the ~ . • ~'.roli the toliowing answered to their names; Oommissionsre Baton, Tally, Williams sna # ' f Mayor Ratter john,-4. On motion o! Oommdeeioner Naton the minntea o! the presiens meetings were adopted ae read upon osii 0! the roil by the loiiowing votes Yeae, Baton, Tally, 3 ' (: Williams sna Ratter john,-4. i; Mayor Katterjohn ottered the loilowing motion= Imove-that the oommunioation ~ from Carnegie Public Zibrsry Hoard bs reoeived and tiled'end relerrsd to the Oity Oernegie Pnb- t ~~ V iio bilanry 8oiioitor for hie opinion in writing thereon. Adopted upon osii of the roil by the <. Board comm~- nioation',. Sollowisg vote: Ysse, Baton,.Taliy;. Williams and IDatterjohn,-4. ' Mayor Ratter john uttered the following motions I'movs that the resignation a! ,. Helen Donald-! Miss Helen Donaldson, se Pnbiio Health Nnrae !or the Oity'o! Padnoah, to take elteot oa son resigns- , Lion accepted. October 13th, 1920, bs reoeived and tiled, and that said resignation be accepted. ', -dopted upon ogil o! the roll by Lhe loilowing voter Ysae, Baton, Tnliy, Williams sad Bhtterjohn,-4. ~' Mayor Sstterjohn uttered the following motions i moss that Mise -iioe Noonsa Mies -iioi be appointed ss Pab11o Health Nnres for the City o! Padnoah to snoossd Mice Hsisn Noonan, appoint- ' ed Pubiio ; .Donaldson, said appointment to commence and take •lteot with and inolnding 0atober 14th, Health .Nurse.; ' 1920; and to oontinne during the remainder of the year 1980. -dopted,npon osii of the'. ' _~ roil by the following.vote= Ysae, Bntoa, Tally, Williams end Batterjohn,-4. Oommiseioner Tally uttered the toiiowing moti~oae That thse~,eotionotfioers b• ~ ~ r r ~! 17sotien otfi- , ailowsa the snm o! X5.00 per day for their ssrvioes.at.tha sappismentary day October ! , . 'oars allowed i $5.00 per day.` 18th, 1980, and th6 OomnLesion~r of Finance be snthorissd to pay the e:penas of the Bap-, . elementary Registration, amounting to ~a14.00 and that the mosey be approprialea Slam j ;;q~,; i. .the 9enerai.Fnad to pay same. -dopted upon veil of the roll b~ the toliowiag vote; i ' a • S - Yeas, Bstoa, Taliy~ Williams and m~ttsrjohn,-4• .. ~ '.~ "' `;' n;,$ t~~,~ ~z y ~- 4° } i . f ~ ~ i ~ t' ., .~. ,,. ,.,. ,~. ~~..., .~. ,..~.: ,... ..: ..r~ ~ ,. .®-.~, . ~_ J .~._.~ ~+ . . ~ _. ..: .ran+'~M~ire?a:r „^haty~ ~;af;. ~• ~ ,,,sa.:. ~:.... ~ , _, . ,, ` e • ., . ~ .,. , .,, • N:, ~ At a Oail Mssting o! the Board o! Oommiesionszs, held in the Oommissionera~ '~ Ohsmbsr in the Oity Hail, Paduoah, B,entuoky, on Th~sday Ootobsr 14bh, 1880, at • I' 0~olook p. M. olwn Dell of the roll the following answered to their namess Oommis- sioaers Eaton, Esker, Tully end Williams,-4, I• • Mayor Pro tep-, W, 0, Eaton, Presiding. ~. h Mayor Pro tam, W, Y. Eaton, etatad reasons Sor oall to-wit= To adopt as '. !; erdinanoe assessing the abutting property on tho South Side o! Hnebeads street, from • I, the Weet property sins o! Si:th etreat to the Eeat property line o! seventh Street, • ' and oa both aides o! Seventh Street, from the south property line o! Husbands Street I' to a point 100 lost south o! Murray Aveane., •~ • ~ Commissioner Eaton o!lered the following motions I move that an ordinanoe en- ,., ,: titied, "An Ordiaanoe Aseseslag the Abutting Property oa the south Side o! Hnebsada ' Street, tram the Wast Property line o! Sizth 8traet to the Eaet Property line o! i ' • Seventh Street, end oa Hoth 81dea o! Seventh Street, from the South Property line o! i South side o! ~ Hnebeade Street to a Point 100 Feat South o! Murray Avoana, in the Oity of Paducah Hnbbsnde Street and S th 8w ~ , ou sn h ~ ><sntwoky, the sum o! $S,BBE per Abutting Foot For The Coet o! Ooaetruotioa of Oonorete 8treat, asssss- ment Ordlnanoa, 9ldewalks, Curbs, and Outtera, and all Reoeesasy Manholes, Intakes, Sewers end Catoh Basins therefor, dad Providing That The Cost For Driveways,. APproeohes sad Drain Pipes Abutting on Said Property be ohargeable to and Assessed Against the Property Reoeiving • the Benefit oY same, as Shown by the Engiaeer~s Estimate and oa File in his 0!lloe, i ' and Providing that said Assessment may be paid 1a tan equal inetalimants, being one i snob year for a period o! ten years," be adopted. Adopted upon Dell o! the roll by ~, tho following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tally and Williams,-4, • f, Oa motion the Board adjourned by 4 yeas. Ade~tcu .; Commissioner's Proceedings City ofPachrcah .. X91 '. Oommiaelonsr Eaton o!lered the toilowi "`' " ~~ ~~~ ng motion= I move that the oomsnpioatioa ' Bean oommnnioa- .from $y, Aotnsrial eorean be reosivsd and Hied. Adopted upon Dell o! the roll by the ~. ; Lion. ; i following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katter'ohn,-4, ~ - ' i On motion the Board ad~ounned by 4 yeas. ~ r~. ,~.,•°L ~ ~ ~, ~~ bdepled ~5....!_F_._.19~ ~ E'[')~',n~r-F,~ ~ ;•;~ -J i ~: trey c~nr ~~~~ Y 1. i. ~~ OOTOBER 14th, 1980. ~ - ' i, ~ ~~~,~' ~ . r ~ ~• ,' OCTOB$R 18th, 1880, ' At a Regular Meeting o! the Board o! Commissioners, held in the Commiaeionere~ it Chamber in the City Hall, Padnaeh, 8entnoky, Oa Ootobar 18th, 18PA. IIpon oall o! the };. • ~ it roll the following answered to their names; Commisaioaexs, Eaton, Esker, Tully Williams and Mayor Batter~ohn,-b, ~; On motion o! Commieeioaer Eaton the'miuntes o! the previous meetings were • j adopted sa read upon sell o! the roll by the following vote= Ysae, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Satterjogn,-b, ' _~ Mayor Satter~ohn o!lered the following motloa; I move that a oommuniaetion from 18th 8t. Baptist Ch;soh Oomrunioa-: the 12tb street Baptist Chnroh be.reoeived and filed. Adopted npoa cell o! the roll tioa: • ;; by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tally, Williams and Katter3ohn,-b: H.A.lokerman, ~ Mayor Satter~obn o!lered the following motion; I move that H. A, Aokerman be leave o! absence,` granted s leave of absence o! lour days, oommeaoing October 18th, 1820.. Adopted upon call o! Lhe roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and .. I ;~ ' ' .. ~ t J f . ~ " ' ~ ~ . i .... m,.....-..~-~l:y i s pir,,f : :. a y:.,.. t~ ~.; h~ :~ ~• ~~.. ~•, ~ ~ ~ . i '.r ~` - r~.. P,;r., .. NosL2~ A ~- ~~-~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ Hhtter~ohn,-6. {~ ly offered the following motion: That the request o! C. A. Commieeinner Tnl ' ~ C.A.Russell ~ Russell for wharfage for shoxbgat be referred to the Commissioner o! Ynblio Fiaenos . ' ~: xha;le a !or ;! ~ ~ .~ ehoxboat. ~, . with poxer to sot. Adopted npgn Dail o! the roll by the following votes Yeas, Baton, i ~ . { :.:. ~ Esker, Tally, Williams sad gstter~ohn,-6. 3 j Oommiseioner Tally offered the iolloxing motion= That the oommissioner o! Finanos • - Joha YanAnri ~; bs authorised to make oorreotion in the aeseesment of John Yan6srt on Taa Bill X3871, ~ t Tex Bill $ . .3271 eorrao- •`' he having been assessed w~.th a ohnroh building whioh xas removed from the property in ` Lion. t ' a 1918e Addptefl neon Dell o! the roll by the following vote: Ysae, Eaton, Eakar,, ~ . Tally, Williams and gatter~ohn,-b.. ~ . Commissioner Wi113ame offered the fo7.loxing motions Y move that the deed from Cemetery ~ aennis Dann, widow o! J. Prank Dunn, transferring to 0.. C. Coleman the north one-hat! transfer -~ 8anale Dann, of lot $331 in Blook X81 Oak Grove:0smstery, bs approved end entered wpon the Dssfl xidox o! J. _ '- ]prank Dana to'' Hook o! Oak Grove Osmetery. Adopted upon 'nail a~i• the roll by the following vote= ~ . O.C.Osleman. i+ • p yeas, Baton, Esker, Tully, Williams and 8atteriohn,-6. i •' (. On motion o! Commissioner Tu11y the opinion o! Reeooe Rsed, City Solioitor, i ' ~ ` relative to the oommnniostion Yrom E.W.Bagby, President o! the Hoard o! Trastees o!' I ~. Qommuniostion~~ .the Carnegie Publio Library, in xhioh hs nuke that rho Commissioners authorise the Oarnegie Pub-, _ ilo Library .;; said Board to oontrnot a loan eulfioient to Dover the needed e~panes of rnmsing the j : Hoard• -. Vf '~ .: library, was reoeived and flied npaa osii o! the roil by the lolioxiag vote: Yeas, ;.,,., ~ Eaton, Esker, Tally, Williams end 8atter~ohn,-6. ~ . '" ~ • ~ motion the Board ad~osurned upon osii o! ffis roll by 8 yeas.' ~ {' Aia tcdv~~ 7- 5 ;~'_~__~ AF r.' ~,i~~z~. ~; Li ~ • L . , : ~- ; OCTOBIIt 19th. "1980. ~ 1 At n Call Y~eting of the Board o! Oosmissioners, held in the Comaigaioaers• ( Chamber in the Oity Hall, Paflnoah, gantnoky, on Ootobsr 19th, 1980, at. 10 O'olook A. 1[.y a • ; }Upon oa1T o! the roll the following anaxezed to their names; Commiaslonare Baton, - . ~ Ta11y,.Willidms eqd )tayor Sattsr~ohn,-4. j " r Mayor Satter john stated reasons !or osii to-zits Foi the purpose o! employing ~'. atCorneys to aeeiat the Lax Dept. of she City in handling the injnnotion snit brought .~ ;' against the City by the Padnoah Wailway and others, and auoh other baeinesa ae may • some before the Board. j Mayor Satter'ohn o!lered the lolloxing motion; I move that the oommunioation from' ` W.Y.Bsrry and i W. A. Berry and J. D. Moognot regarding employment to aeeiat the Lax Department o! the J.D.MOOgnot, • employed to ~± City 1n handling the insnnotion suit brought against the City by the Padnoah Railhay , assist lax dept. o! City ,Company sad others Sa the Court o! the Honorable Waiter Evans, be reoeived and filed, in in~nnotion ' snit filed by :and that $600.00 bs paid to said attorneys se a retainer in sooordanoe xith the terms o! Padnoah Ry.Oo. k vs.City. /a1d oo>umunioatioa, same to be appropriated and paid o~ o! the General Fend and oharged to the aooount of ooets sad suits, and that ea id attorneys be employed under the terms'. o! said letter to aeeiat in said litigation. Adopted upon Dell o! the roil Dy the +; following vote; Yeas,..Baton, Ta11y,.Williamerand ~stter~oha,-4. Commissioner Tally ailered the following motions That Yanoey de Johnson bs_alloweA °.Yanoey & John- 1 the~snm o! X161.89; being the ooet o! interesotions dne from the City o! Psdnosh for :.eon allowed : X161.89, Dons. the eidsxsih improvsmen0 on 8onth aids o! Hdsbaada.Stree! and both sides o! seventh o! intsrseotioris ~ ! dne Yrom City Street bstxssn Hnabands.8trest and s point 100 it. south of Murray Avsems. Adopted ` for eidexailn, ! ' eto. on•HUS- upon osii o! the roll by the following voter Yeas, Estoa, Tn11y, Williams and Sattar• ~ banns d 9th St ,. a. . . ' ~bha,-4. ~ a. , ~ ... . . ~, „~,';, W, . _ ,. ,. ~i ~. ~. `:' ~F ~~ 1J ,~ Commissioner's Proceedings, Commissioner Tally oliered the loliowing motion; S. C. Roane sad ltre. Bala Anehin .Laving signed bonds !or 10 year payr~nt plan !or the siQeerik improvement on 18th~8t, j 8. C. Rvaas and Rrs.Enla Anetia j'bstween Broadway end Je!lerson 8treete, I more that the City Solioitor be inatruotea 10 yesr payment plan Bonds !or ,to prepare Goads to bs issued by the City o! Paducah !or the amount o! esia estimates, sidewalk improve- ; meat on 18th St• X470.98. Adopted upon calf o! the roll by the lolloNing votes Ysas Sefton Tall bstn. B'wny and • • y Jslfersoa St. Williams and Katter~ohn,-4e On motion the Board aa~onrned by ~ yeas. ~ ~ ~ Aio~ ce ___ Igo g can u,.. OCTOBBR 80th. 1920. :.. . :f 'At a Qailsa Resting of the Bosrd o! Commissioners, held in the Coaaiasieaes's t I' ~ Chamber in the City Hall, Padnosh, Yentuoky, on Wednesday Obtober 80th, 19fA at 10 i ~'' i p o'clock A. R. Upon call of Lhe roll the loliowing answered to their names; Commis- eloaera Saksr, Tully sad Rayor xattsrjohn,-3. I' Rayor Batter~ohn stated reasons !or call, t o-wit: !o allow pay roll !or the ~ Bret halt o! October 1980 and a g ~I , nY other~bueinsae~that mi ht some before the Boenrd. I~ ',j Commiesionsr Tully o!lersd the loliowing motion; I move that the accounts F;mnoi0o~~ao~nata !or the Bret halt o! the month o! October, amounting to $17,067.70, as per the ~ for lust belt of !, report o! the Com'r o! Finance tiled herewith, be allowed and ordered paid, and the October, 1920. :. money appropriated from tho Oenaral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon cell o! the roll ~ by the loliowing vote= Yeae, Raker, Tully and Satter~ohn,-Se On motion~t~e Hoard ad~ournsd by S yens. ,11d h~ .~' S 19 .20- A.E';i~~.)~v~C7~`/ "f~~I.~ ~ yJ:~...f'.! !~ ot'Pad~cah 19L :I OOTOHI~Rt 88TH. 1980. t At a Regular Resting o! the Board o! Commiseloasrs, held 1n the Oommieelonerea • '~ 4; r Ohamber 1n the Oity Hall, Padnoah, $eatnsky, on October 86th, 1920. Upon call o! tbrt ~~ roil the loliowing s newered to their names; Commissioners Baton, faker, Tally, .' Williams and Rayor 8atter~oha,-6. f,; On motion o! Commissioner Baton the mimitee o! the previsns meetings were adopted ae rea8 upon cell o! the roll by the following votes Ysas, Baton, Sakes, Tally) f' Williams end %atter~ohn,-6. } i ~ Rayor 8atter~ohn oliered the loliowing motion; I move that D. Harry Jamieson { D.Harry Jsmieeon i' ` be paid the sum o! $130.83, balance due him oa contract dated J1~ne 16th, 1920, !or ~i d~nsOhim oDn o°°on- !' oompleto plans and drawings for Nurses' Home o! Riverside Hospital, said amount Dsing tract dated Jane ~, 18th, 1920, Haters in fail payment to date, same to bo oherged to the Contingent Fund, and the Commis- ~ . Hie' eioner o! Fineaoe ie hereby authorises to pay said amount. Adopted neon call o! the roll b the lollowl y ng vote: Yeae, Baton, Esker, Tully, Williams and 8atter~ohn,-6e ; ~~ Mayor gatter~oha offered the loliowing motion; I move that the history of 4 osh D~Fred pan ' y Paducah as embraced in the "Story o! Padnonh" by Fred 0. Neuman, be sndoreed by the. ~ ROtl°ga' ' Hoen:d.o! Commissioners as the ofiioiel history o! the City o! Paduosh,,and that the 1 j. I Commissioner o! Public Fitmnoe be inetraoted to purchase from the author ten copies j,, o! said book, to be need in the di!lersnt departments of the City, said szpondlture i! ~~ to bs appropriates from and paid oat o! the Qeneral Bacpenditnre Bund. Adopted neon ` ,: call o! the roll by the tollowing vote; Yes, Baton, Baker, Tully, Williams and ~', Batter john,-8. .j .' r ,.;: . ~. .~_.... ... ., • ny~..• .., .. .. ~, ..~ .. - .. .. ..... ~ ~M _ .. .e - "~' j No._.~e~. ~:" ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191 Commissioner Tally offered the following motions I move that the etatemsat Statement Com'r of Finanos showing the oomparative net oost of the operation o.f the City o! Paduoah Sor the last ahovring Dom, ~ _ ~ parative net live years ender the Old Form of Government, and the five years Hader the Commission ~ ~ ooet of opera- . Lion of City Form bs reoeived and tiled. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: ~ of Pednaeh nn- i i der Old and Ysas, Hnton, Baker, Tally, Williams and Batter john,-b. } Commission Gov• ~ ,j Commiesionar Williams offered the following motion: I move that Thomas Chall~aor, Thoe.Chnilsnor, ~ Sr. Refnndsd r 8r., be reinnded X21.88 for rent for the months of Ootober, Hovember and Dsoembsr $21.88 !or ' rent for Oot. ;;.1920, paid by him on Stall Ho. 20 ~, whioh stall wee given np to the City for the pwr•i Hov. b Deo. - ,, 1920 for ~taSl', pose of making improvements. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following votes X80 }~ ' Yese, Baton, Esker, Tally, Williams and Settee-john,-b. i! On motion the Board adjoarnei by B yeas. ~ ?' 4 ~ A P;E'~OV~3.O f' Ad lei !~~ ~19~'t ' ~!LtA~_~ A€A,~'Olt I ~~ ! I t {.k 1 - ~ HOQEl~ER 1. 1420. i ~_. At a Regnlnr Meeting of the Board of Comoisaioners, held in the Commiaeloaere~ Chamber in the City Hall, Padnonh, Bentnoky, on Hovember fat, 1920. Upon onli of the roll the following answered to their names; Commiaeioners Eaton, Williams sad Mayor • P ffitter john,-3. ' ;. On motion of Commtsaioner Baton the mlmstea of the previone meeting were ~, adopted as read upon ogll of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Baton, Williams nm 1' ~ s Mayer Battsrjohn offered the following motions I move that the oommnniontios~ from the Pndnoah Railway Company bs reoeived and tiled and spread on the mimites. ' ~COMMUHICATIOH ;, Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Williams and Batter-? ' Paduoah Rnil- way Oompeny ' in re:-diaeoln- john'-3. ; Lion of Padnonh Said oommnnioatioa being ae follows, to-wit: Traotion Uo. ~ "Padnash, Sy., Ootober 26, 1820. Honorable Mayor and Commiaeionere of the City of Paduoah, Padnonh, Ky., Gentlemen: This will advise that the corporation known ea the Paduaah Traction Company hie been dissolved and oeseed to do bneinese ae of September 30th, •• 1919. Its property was acquired by the Paduoah Railwny~CCmpsay, Incorpo- • II;' ~, ' ' `rated, ender the laws, of gerrtnaky. PADUCAH RAILWAY COMPANY, Inc. t bWE~EO By L. W. E1f~ERY, ASSISTANT TREASIIRER." Mayor Batter john offered the following motion: I move that the oommnnien• , ' !! tics from the Padnonh Electric Company bs reoeived and filed, and spread on the minutes. Communication Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the lollowin~g vote: Yeea, Baton, Williams and Batter- 'Paduoah Eleo- * john -$. "' trio Co. in rs ' J ' dissolution of, Bald oommnnioation being ae follows, to-wits Paduoah Light ~ i r~•Pewer Co. TMPadnonh, By., Ootobsr 26, 1920. • Honorable mayor and Commiseionsrs, - of the i • • City of Paduoah, ;1 Badnoah', B'y. aeIItlime8s This will advise that the corporation known ne the Padnonh Light & Power Company hie been dissolved and owned to do business ss ` '~ of September 30th, 1919. Its property was nognirsd by •Lhs PadnoeII Sleotrio Company, Incorporated, Hader the laws of gesrtnoky. .. I' '' PADCCAH ELECTRIC COMPANY, YnO. •~ • ~ LWH/80. HY L. W. BMERY, ASSISTANT '~tEABliRSi." i i i i, r i t ~. _• • .,.:,, , j _. ~ :~ ,. 6 ;: ..- ~. . ~1 i .....Ad5e$`@}"^<4N:bi+;c a )e ,i'b.: . s . . -"Yy;~ ;... .M~Ns• ;rb ° • . . ~ a I i..! ~~~ ~' i ~? _: e I ~~ , ~ ~ '~ Commissioner's Procecdinga,~C:ty~ofPaducah jgl_ ~ . • Mayor 8attar~oha offered the loiiowing motion= I move that•the oammunioation • ;from Padnoah Traction Company and the Padnoah Light As Power~Compariy by•ito Aeaintant~ • Treaearer,•ba reoeived and•filsd nod spread on rho minutes. Adopted upon oe11 of 'the • ,roll by the tollowiag vote; Yeae, Eaton, Wiiiinme and Katter~ohn,-S.. , j Said oommnnioation is ss~loilows, to-wit; ~_ ' ' • • ' ` ~~ "Paduoah Kentuoky, Ootober 27 1820. '' Commnnioatioa o! ~' Hon. p. W. Satter'ohn, ' f . Paduoah Traotioa Co. City Hall, I • and Paduoah Light & ~ City.' Power Co, in re: Dear Sir: ' dissolution o! said ~ Ws were requested by Messrs. Hummel Broe•, to notify the. ~ oompnales. City in writing that the Padnoah Traction Company and the Paduoah p Light 8o Power Company had oeseed to exist and that the property had r been taken over by the Padnoah Rahway Co. and the Paduoah Flaotrio . Company reapeotively. Copies o! this notioe inadvertently left our ofiias yesterday not eooompanied by letter of explanation. We trust you will forward them thru the neoeeasry ohannels eo that the reoords -• in the oity oflioe may be oomplete ae to the diaeolution.of the two ' ' named companies. - !i Yours very trulyj • L W M . . Pi iy~Y, LWE/SC Assistant Treasurer." t" ,. i . i~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motionr I move that the oommaaioatioa ' • a tram Hammel Bros., regarding release o! bonds o! Paduoah Traotion Company and the Communication Padnoah Light 8o Power Company, be reoeived and filed, and ralerred to the Comer o! Hummel Broa., in re. release of bonds of Pnblia Works !or investigation. Adopted upon cell o! the roll by the following voter Paduoah Treotioa Co. i • and Padnoah Light de .Yeas, Eaton, Williams and ICatterjohn,-3. Power Co. Commissioner Tully entered the meeting. Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; That the communioation.of Jahn Commnniostion Bohn i Herzog. ',-Hersog be reoeived and filed sad referred to the Commissioner o! Fineaoe. Adopted upoq ~ cell o! the roil by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tally, Williams and Katter'ohn,-4 •'; ~' Commissioner Tally offered the following motion= I move that the Commissioner I Yanosy • Johnson paid ot.Finsnoe be authorised to pay over to Yeaoey do Johnson, oontraotora, the sum o! ~ X340.48 on satim9tee '. to date on improve- X40.48, being the oollectione to date on the eBtimatse on the improvement oa Hnebende i. , . meat on Husbands & S. 7th Ste. ,end South Seventh streets. Adopted upon call of the roll by the Yoilowing vote; Yeae ~ , Eaton, Tully, Wil].iama and Katter~ohn,-4. i! On motion the Board ad~oarned by 4 yeas. ~• y. ~~~~ ~ ~ - v~ ,, . Gut ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ .1 1. ~ <~L. ;; ~ . :~,., 90yEMBFR 6th, 1920. f • ~ T { . ~~ At n Called Messing o! the Board o! Commieeioaera, held itt the Commiaelor~ere' i~ Chamber in the City Hall, Padnoah, Kentucky, oa November •bth, 19P.0, at 2 o~olaok P. M. ! ' f Upon call o! the roll the following answered to their names;. Commissioners Eaton, i a ^~ ;'Faker, Tu11y, Williams and Mayor Katter~ohn,-b. ~ "e • ~~ Mayor Katterjoha stated reasons for call to-wit: To allow salaries sad aboouute • ';tar the month o! October 1920, and nay other business that may o'omo before the Board. ® Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the petition from t- 'residents in Littleville rogarding ntiieanoe existing Chore, be reoeived. and liled,d~d 'g•~u, • 1 gaf tE o ^~ ls n Li vine, referred to the Boe~rd o! Health. Adopted upon call o! the roll by tho following votes ~ `Yeas, Eaton, Faker, Tully, Williams and Jfatterjoha,-b. .~ • .~ _ •. ` ~ .. I .. .. . ,. , ' r _ ,. . .. ,. ',• ., ,, r ., ~ ~ .. ~, .. ,;, _. _ K ;~~. , - .. ' .vt I , • ~ ./ ~ , ' ;.. ! b w•L r . -. ... • t lVo~~ t,.• ;, • Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadacah 19I_. Commissioner Tally offered the following motions I move that-the notion o! the ; ; c, - r Extra Clerk aeslet in ' Commissioner o! Fineaoe in employing ea extra Clerk to assist 1n the Tax Colleotion j ' - . ~ - . Tax Coileotion ,~ ';guring the mouth of Ootober, at the eapense o! $76.00, be approved., Adopted upon Dell ~ ,_,~„~ ~ ' , of the roll by the following dotes Yeae, Baton, Esker, Tally, Williams and Satterjohn,6~ • ~ Commissioner Tally offered the following motions That the aoooante !or the last j , - • •}~ Report Oom~r• %hai! o! the month o! Ootober 1920, amounting to $63,612.10, as per the report o! the i Finance o! .t aoaounts !or ` !Oommiseioner o! Finenoe flied herewith, be allowed and o;doted paid, and the money ,~ Sast hal! Oot• 1920. ~'sppropriated from the General Faad to pay same. Adopted upon Deli o! the roll by the ~ ' "following votes Ypae, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Iogtterjohn,-B• ~' Oommiseioner Tn11y ofiereQ the following motions That the report o! the Commie- Report Com~r• ~~.eioner of Finance for the month of.0otober 1920, be reoeived and filed, and ordered • ~~ Finanos for month o! Oot. 1920. jipublieLed in the Offioial Newspaper. Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the following. ~i ~ nvotes Yeae, Eaton; Esker, Tally, Williams and Katterjohn,-b• ~ •. • ~ ,Commissioner Eaker•o2fered the following motion; Y move that the Commissioner of j ~ `: Broad Street ~Pub11o Works De inetxuote3 to repair the Broad Street Bridge over Cross Creek as same j r • Bridge over ~; ~. Cross Creek.. ~ie in seed o! repairs end same Dan be repaired for e.pproximatsly X1260. Oar new lumber ~ ~; . ~and.~260. for labor; oost o! repairing same to be aherged to eooonnt of streets. '. ~ ' 'l;Adopted apoq`•oeli•~oY the roll by the following, votes Yeae, Eaton, Faker, Tally, ~ ~~ -. " ,!Williams and t~tterjohn,-6. !i Oommiseioaer Eaton offere8 the following motions I move that the report of the - Report 1lhief of Polios for Chie! of Poiibe !or the month. o! October be reoeived end Yiled. Adopted apoa Dell o! ~ • October 1820• (the roll by the following votes Yeae, Eaton, Rinker, Tully; Williams and Rat.terjohn,-6• j ':` a;: , B Oommiseioner Eaton.otfered the tollowissg motions I move that the report o! ~ ,q ~ ~ . Report Chief o!;`the Ohief o! the Fire Department for the month of 0atober be reoeived and Bled. Fire Dept. !or ~ ~ T ~+ Ootobsr 19s;0• „Adopted upon call of:the~roll by the following votes Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tally, ~: ~~ W1llinsne sad I;$tter john,-i. I •`4 • ~ ~ ~ Oa motion of Commissioner Tally the Board adjourned upon oell,of,the roll by ~ , ,~ths iollowSng votes Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tally, Williams sad IOitterjohn,-6. ~ `~ ' - ~ (/// ~ ~j ~ ~ , ~. rt l November 8th. 1920. ~,I At a Regular Meeting o! the Board o! Commissioners, held in the Commieeloaers~ t 9 ll f th ~ e. 20. Upon ca .`Ohamber in the Oity Hall, Paducah, I{entnoky, on November 8 h, 1 o ,~,ro11 the following anewered.to their.ssemeas 0ommieeionerd Esker, Tu11y, Williams and' ~_ , ~ i ;Mayor xatterjohn,-4• ~ , On motion of Mayor ]tatter john the minutes of the previous meetings were. ',adopted sae read aeon Dell o! the roll by the following votes Yeae, Esker, Tniiy, 9~ ~ :~: t: Williams and•Katterjohn,-4. ! '^ • - Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motions i move that the employment o! . • Oonneil L• ~~Oonneli L. Dabney, as Inspector on the Second Street Work at ~B.00 per day, be ratifisdl ~, • . Dabney, In ~. ` epeotor 2nd ;:Adopted upon nail o! the roll by the following votes Yeae, Faker, Tu11y,,WilTiams and ~ St. work. ,! ~ ~' j ' t hatter john,-4 • c i ~ y. , •i Oommieaioner Williams offered the following motions That the oommanioation ;. ~ . . Park Board `' d l 1 ance be inetraoted ! missi ner o! Fi f the Park d b r a a d filed and the Co B ~' i - al owe , n . oar ebe vs m o ,o s n ~ ~ ~; X300.00. • th d f th l b • e e rol y Ito pay over the sum of 300.00 as requested. A opted upon call o -. t - ' ;loiiowiag votes Yeae, Esker, Tully; W1111ams and Satter~ohn,-4. ' ''~'~~ ~~ ~ ~ 4 ,: . ~, t ii ~ , i~ , , i .' ~ ~ X ', . ~ .. .. ice. .,"•:. . p ., - °`•.' -..~l .~~...~.. • ~'.+ i :. ,,..~ ~'. ~ ~. • ~. ; ~ h. • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ ":" ;,,, 9, ~ 1'~ll,e~7(17~t. ., ' NOYEMBPsR 16TH. 1920, ; j' '~ At s Regu]ar Meeting o!'the Board o! Coamieaionera, held in the Commissionore~ , .,• Ohambor in ,the Gity Hall, Paduoah, Kesituoky, on November 16th; 1980. Upon Dell o! the .j • .. ~i roll the lollowing answered to their nameas Coam~iselonera Eaton, Faker, Tully, ~ • ~1 Williams and Katter~ohn,-6. r f' On motion o! Coromieeioner WiTliame the minutes o! the previous meeting were p • adopted sa read upon Dell o! the•roll by the Following votes Yeae, Eaton, Faker, , i; Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,•6. Mayor Katter~ohn o~'.iered the lollowing motions That the new gravel street oA ~ Fourteenth Street ~. Fourteenth Street, from the North property 11rie of Monroe Street to the South property ! work soospted. ' '~~ line o! Cley Street, in the City o! Paduoeh, Kentuoky, having bean oompleted and iia- i !shod by Yapoey & Johnson, oontrsotore, sooording to the Lorme and oonditions o! their ' • ~ oontrsot, and an ordinanoe passed roletlve to this improvement, I pow move that same • j be sooepted, and that the Engineer's estimate o! the Dent o! said oonstruotiori bs Don. • ," lirmed, and that said estimate be turned over to the Commiaeioner o!•F1nanDO !or ool- lootiori, snd that the Qity Soiivitor be.lastruoted,to prepare an ordinanoe aseossing ~ ~ , {~ the property, ae shown by the Engineer'8 estimate, saki work hevip;r been inapeoted on c> ~! November 3rd, 1920. Adopted.upoa Dell o! the roll by the lollowing vote; Yeae, Eatori, • ~ faker, Tully, W1111ama and Katter~ohn,-6• ° ' ,i; Mayor Katter~ohA o!lered the Yo11ow1ng motiop; I,move that an orflinarioa entitled,, i,-•,•~ Assessment Ordinanoa "AN ORDINANCE ASS$SSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OIi BOTH SIDES OF FOURTEEN'PH STREET, FR01~ ~',,,.. Fourteenth Street improvement, r THS NORTH•PROPERTY LINE OF MONROE S'PREET TO THE SOUTH PROPF3tTY LINk OF CLAY STREET, IN , THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, THE SUM OF 74~ PER ABUTTING FOOT FOR THPs CONSTRUCTION I'OF SAID STRisET BY GRADING AND GRAVELING, APID PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PROPERTY BE CHARGE.4BLk TO,AND ASSESSED !~GAINS,T,THE PROPERTY RECEIVIN4 2'HE ~ • ! HkNEFIT OF 3AM$, A3 SHOWN BY THE ENGINEhgt'8 ESTIhLATE, AND ON FILE iN HIS OFFICE, AND ~ , ',i PROVIDING TH1~T SAID ASSESSMENT MAY BE PAID IN TEN kpUAL INSTALLMEN'PS, BEIIJG ONE EACH ' III !' YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS," be adopted. Adopted neon Dell of the roll by,th4..~ • lollowing vote; Yeas, Eaton, Eeker,,Tu11y,,Willisma and Kottor~ohn,-6~ 'r"~`~• No...~g,~: , • ~ Ysyor Katter~ohn o!lored the lollowing motions That the oommunioation o! the.' Psdnosh Fieotrio , Psdnoah Flsotrio Company relative to the iaetallation•oi maohiaery st the power plant Co. oommunloaLion in re; lnatallation Ds reosived end lilad.. Adopted upon Dell o! the roll by the lollowing votes Yeae, o! Maohinery at power plant on 2nd `Faker, Tully, Wi111ame sad Katter~ohn,-4• at. Mayor Katter~ohn o!lered the lollowing motions I mope that the St;set Improves Ii.W.~ttsr~ohn Ae ment Contraot and the Conetruotion Bond between the Oity o! Paduoah and G. W. Kattsr+. Son oontrsot do bond in rs; 2nd St., ~ ~oha•do Sqa !or the reoonatruotion of the driveway on North 9soond Street between Betn. Je!lereon do Monroe Sta. }Je!lereon and Monroe Street, be reoeived, tiled and approved. Adopted upon Dell o! the ~, iron by the lollowing vote: Yeae, Faker, Tuaiy, Williams snd Kattor~ohri,-4. Commisaloaer Tully olYsred the lollowing motions I move that the Cotiaeieaioaer ot. Yenoe & Johnson ;Finanoe be instruoted.to pay over to Ysnoey & Johnson the sum o! X600.43, being-the paid ~b00.43 001- ieotioa on improve- oolleotioa on the improvement on South 7th Street, Engineer's estimate X24, X367.87, meat oa 9. 7th St. on property o! and Engineer's estimate ~80, X142.76, oa the property of John and 0ora Bryant. AdoptsE John do Cora Bryant.' ;neon Dell o! the roll by the lollowing vote; Yoae,.Eelmr, Tully, Williams and Katter- Johsi,-4. On motion the Board ad~ournsd, upon onll o! the roil ~by 4 yeas. }, Adople _ ~ ~y- i9,'~-~ :'~.F''?_kZOV~+7.D ~~ ~ u~> a.~k ~~ .; ~. y '- ~:~~, ;.,:i i. r .. , 6 '"'~ , ' ~5G' r~ .w ~, .' . '.y, ' a ... ~. ' .w.w..._:.:..~.. _.. .. _.:., . ,-.,....:. dom...: _ y' No..~'~ . ,. ,.~. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ Qommiesioner Tully oYYersd the Yoilowing motion; I move that the sum o! ~24.80~ Mioheel Doherty be .refunded to Miohael Doherty on eooount oY donbie aeeeeement on property at 1130 ' refunded $P.4.80 ~ ....~;,. on q~ax Bill ~ •. X810. - 7trimble Street, assessed at X1136.00 on Tea. Bili ~810,.the tax on this property having 'raleo been paid by the owner R. C, Jenkins on Tea Bill X3676. Adopted upon Dail oY the ~ ~i ;roil by the Yollowiag votA:.Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Katter'oha,-5. ! . Commissioner Tu11y offered the following motion: That the Commissioner. of ~ . • ~ Yanoey & John- ' y. , ng ,the ~ N~' ~ ' eon paid k'inanos be inetrueted to pay over to Yanoe h Johnson the'anm o4 ~1 6b9.92 'bei - " ~1,669.92,being nmouat of oolieotiona on the sidewalk improvement, en Seventh and Husbands Street by thef •amount o! Dol- I leotione on ~idepollnwiag partieet •" j • walks on 9th " J, p~, panney, Sngineer'a Betimate X18. :179.24 d, Hnebatlda Ste.` '".., ry Hook " ." •. 22• . 142.7b `~• . Mary I. Murray " " 22, 237.13 Russel! Moas " ^ 23 47.07 •~ • ! ~ Russell Armbrsoht " " 82 143.64 , ~. A.'MetoelYe ^ " 36 123.28 j EQ Iverlett " " 20 162.90 '" !, Joel Darnall ". " 28 302.47 I; Arie James ~ " ~ ^ 21 124.91 , ji Sarah B. Hoover ". " 8, 106.63 ' " ' 1 ..Adopted upon Dell of the roll bg the Yollowing vote:. Yeas, Eaton, Ee.ker,,finlly, 4riliiamsb .. ` '` and Katteriohn,-6• I ~~ Commissioner Eaton oYYersd the Yollowing motion: Y move that the Commissioner ` Com'r. of oY Pnblio Finanoe be authorised to go before the State Tax Commission at Frankfort Yor ~. , tinanoe to go !'the purvoae oY adjusting the tax question regarding the P ~ I Railroad and oertaia ~ " before State ~ `~ . Tax Commission ;fxanohiee aeaessmenta. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeea, I- in re: P. & I. y tax question. ~Eaton,.Baker, Tully, Williams and Katter,~ohn,-6. ~ , '. '; Commissioner Esker oYYersd the following motion: I move that B. B. (}ray, who, ; `~ allowed 74.00 ;wee employed by the City, be allowed the sum of $24.00 in Yull settlement. Yor in3ury in Yull settle= to his foot while working on the Siath Street Bridge in the City oY Paduoah, Kentuoky, j. II mane for in~nry,'. L ~ . eustainedowhile,on or about the 23rd day of October 1920, said sum to be in Yull settlement of all j . working on olaims, and that, the City Solioitor be iastrnoted to draw the pro?~er release ,and same! . .6th St.Bridge. to be oharged to the Sixth Street Bridge eooount. Adopted upon Deli oY the roll by,ths; ~; ~ ,dloYldwiag vote: Yeea, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and I~tterjohn,-6. i ~` On motion the Board ad3onrned by 6 ;rase. aa~ tea _.~-~- ~~~ '._ ., } _ . ~, ~~G + ~ -=~ car u«r . ~ •~', ~ , . , i I R:. _ HOVED~BER 20th. 1920. f ': ;'_ f Ii At a Called Meeting of the Board oY Commissioners, held in the Commieaionere' }. Chamber in the City-Hall, Paduoah, Kentnoky, on November 20th, 1920, at 10 O'olook A.M~ ~• ,. • . .. ~ , G: Upon.osli of the roll tho,followiag answered to their names; Commisaionera Eaton, i . ;Baker, Tully, Williams and Mayor Katter~ohn,-6. { Report Com'~.;~ Mayor Ratter3ohri stated reasons Yor Dell to-wits To allow pay roil Yor Yiret ; l oY Fiaanoe " aooounte first ~ halt oY November 1920, and any other business thatmight Dome before the Board. ,~. halt Nov. ,~ ~ 1920•,. I - Oommieaioner .Tally oYYersd the following motlon;.I move that the aooonnte Yor 4 the.Yirst halt of the month oY November 1920, amounting to $9,Ob7.69, as per the report 1 of the Com'r. aC.Finanoe filed herewith, be allowed sad,ordered paid, and the money .. ? aplaoprlated from the,0eneq~el Fund to pay same. Adopted upon osii oY the roll by the } ~'~ following voter Yeae, Eatoa, Esker, Tully, Williams and Satter~ohn,-6. } ng Commissioner Tully offered the foilowi motions That the report of the Commie-' `` . Liberty Eonde~ s:.•+ semi-annual ~ eioner~of Finanoe regarding the deposit to the Sinking FunB oY the semi-anmsal interest ~°; interest deposited to ~ on the X26,000.00 in Iriberty Bonds be reoeived and tilsd..Adopted npoa osii oY the ~ ~ ~~ Sisiking Fund.:; } ; ?roll by the following vote= Yeae;.Baton,,Baker „ Tu11y,.Willinme and Blstterjoha,-6• ~ 'i a ~. a If!t € ~~ ~. 4 n. ,. ~:,~ . a ._..... .. ., ! r •, .~ • p . ` V ~ ~ (~ ,. a. . was,.. ,,rn, ~ . Fx.., ~' ~ ' ' r f,T, -, . f ~. No..~ ~ ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPaduedh • ' t~j_ . Commissioner Tully offerod the following motion; That the Commiosioner of i ~.Finnnoa be instructed to pay over to Yanoy Fa Johnson the sum oP ~469.6B, being the .' . ',following oolleotions on the sidewalk improvement st Savanth & Husbands streatt j Yanoy ~ Johnson !: ~ • paid X469.66 i Estimate No. E .t4.J. ~ M.E.Bons.....,.•...~108.27. ~ OOllaetiOna On ~i ~ "' "' 3 H•L•B111'tgA•„...•.r......• 99.66 ~ i Improvements on !', " " T Ira & Matilda Willa..:.,.. ].32.14 9.7 & Husbands " " 34 V.G. Berry.. .....•......:.. 129.49 ' ~ St • , ;Adopted upon'osli of the roll by the Following vote= Yees, Eaton, Eaker~ Tully, ;Williams and Katter~ohn,-6. ~ ' ' +; On motion the Board nd'ourned by b yeas. 'r': , • !I NOVEMBER 2End~ 1920. + • ~ .I ,, I • •i! $t a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiasionsrs~~~ i; i • •. j,Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on Novembox 22nd, 1920. Upon call of tha~ ~;~roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams ' • and Mayor Katterlohn,-6. I ~ ', ' i. On motion of Commissioner Eaton tho minutes of the previous meetings were 1I~ adopted ea read,•upon call of the roll by the Following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Esker, ;~ ~i Tully, •Williame and ICs ter~ohn,-S. • ~ . ' ~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered tY:e following motion; That the reporL• of the Public i gaport public !' - Health League `, Health League Nursing Service For thb month of October 1920 be raoeived and Piled. Nnraing 3ervioe ;; • 'tor Oot. 1920. ;, Adopted upon cell oP the roll by the following vote; Yeae, .Eaton, Esker, Tully, ~ , i ': ~'lilliams and ISatterlohn,-6. ~; Commissioner Eaton oPPered the following motion; I move that the Mayor ba t . • Army Guns pro- i. onrad through ~! authorised to order the guns whioh have been proogred through the MoCraoken County ' MoCraoken County ;; ~ ~. Post No. S1 Ameri-,..post No. 31 American Legion, shipped tc the City, the Freight and other expense j . oan Legion. ~' , !; incident thereto to be defrayed by the City of Paduoah. Adopted upon cell of Lhe roll! I !~ by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-6. • Mayor F~ tter~ohn oFFerea the Following motion; I move that the oommunioation' Communication I: from the Paduoah Electric Company by A. S. Nichols, Manager, asking for a'permit to from Paduoah I'. Electric Co. .,~•insi~ll iron pipes on North 2nd Street, betwoen JeFFeraon Street and kionroe Street, De l.• Baking Por per- I ' mit to install receivod and filed and spread upon the minutes. Adopted upon call of the roll by the ~.. -. pipes on N. 2nd 9t., beta. Liom•oe following vote; Yesa, Eaton; Esker, Tully, W#lliame, and Katter,~ohn,-6. • and JePPeraon. Said communication ae follows; - f ~' y ./'4 ~~ _.. f M i . "Paduoah, Ky}; November 2P,nd, 19PA. Hoa. Mayor and Board oP Cormoieaioners, , City of Paduoah, . Gentlemen- "!e hereby make application for permission to install two 18 inch iron atoam mains from our Power.Aousa across Nortb Seoond Street thence '. ' ,turning at right angles in a Northerly direction to Monroe Strne~ in that section of Seoond Street between JePPoreon sad t!lotmoe Streets, whioh has not i ' been concreted and has been left open by the,oontraotor, G. W. Katter~ohn & . Bon, until we oan install these mains betvreen this data and May let, 19P.1. The spaoe left open in the said street, whioh these mains are to ; traverse, ie shown on plat oi' Seoond 9troet betvreen Jefferson and Monroe Streets, vktioh plat is approved by Ale Eonor, the 2~tayor, a.nd ie dated Novembel:•' t let; 19P,0, A copy of this plat is attached hereto and made apart hereof.- _ i" ." The purpose of this repueat and the laying of Lhe mains is ae ~~ ' follows; We have let a contract for the installation oP one 1600 Kilo Watt Turbine Generator, whioh ie to be operated condensing. In oonneotion with , this work, the steam whioh ie now eshanated in Lho atmosphere will be conducted through the mains here referred to, to a spray pond to be o~nstruoted in the so-' ~ - celled gas yard oP Lhe Paduoah Electric Company, whore it will be condensed and i returned to the boilers, and s muoti more eoonomige-1 operation oY the station j made possible than ie now possible will result. This work is absolutely essenbiel~ ~`>;'~: • to the new design and construction of our pourer station now under .way. Tho Company agrees to Fill Lhe spaoe left open and. maintain the same in a reasonably safe condition Fos public travel. It agrees to hold the City. ~,_.•,,; ~% , of Paducah and the contractor; G.•V!. Katter~ohn & Son, harmless From any accidents' ' A ~ .2. •Cn ' ,,w _._ d~'e... ~..;~~"a.~. -~./ .,.~,... - "*~eaxu*n . _ - .. ~ x.~a-~M.-~. -~m~+..,5'~`R~rv.ct; ~ .'n _,<e~4t,Saz~~....:'!$C °v . r :•.y .. o I <~r , 1Vo. ~S-8'G • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Ig~_ . ~ ' C arising out oP the foot that this portion of the street hsa sot been.oonoreted. It { !'. agrees to do the Pilling to the level of the oonorete surfsae, and the book-tilling following the exaevation Yor the mains in a manner satistaotory to Hie Honor, the `• ~' y~,yar., ' The Company'hea rmde eattlemeat with G. W Katter.~ohn & Soa, oontraotor, in ~ • ~ suoh an amount ae the said oontraotor agrees will indemnity him Por losa.reaulting irotl '~ the dealy in Yiniahing the work,~end we agree; Por our part, that the oonorete work i ~, to be oompleted by'the'oontraetor shall be under the supervision of the Mayor and ... ~ 1 'aoeeptabls' to him. "' . .......... Yonr6 truly; PADUCAH EhECTRIC 00.; Ino. ~ .. ' . . ' ~' • ~{ ASH/EQ; By A. S. NICHOLS, MGR.° ,' r ' Mayor.Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the Paduoah Eleo- { I Paduoah Eleo- ~ trio Company be granted s permit until May 1st, 1921; to install iron pipes on North ' trio Co'. Per- k"9eoond Street between Jefferson Street and Monroe Street and that the Ss or be i". mit to inetall`i y i ' . . 'pipes on N. ~ suthoriaed to grant said permit, a oopy of said permit is attaohed to this motion and ` 2nd St., betn• Monroe 8o Jet- r made a art of it and that said permit bee tereop Ste. p + pread neon the reeorde. Adopted upon aell~ _ ~+ ~ y of the roll by tho following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tnily, Fdilliama and Katter~ohn,=b•" " , . ~~. Said permit is ea follows: ,; ... . 4 ' ;y ~ ~ "Tho Paduoah Eleotrio Comrany.is hereby granted a permit s to install Pipoe on Idorth Second Street, botwsen Jefferson Street and •~ -~ Monroe Street, aooording to tho plat hereto attaohed and made a part ~ hereof. Said Company will install said pipes in the epaoe or ? ~ ! `opening Ieft by oontraotor, G. W. Katteriohn £e Son. ~ ' Said Company is to install said Wipes in said street by f the brat day oY May 19?,1, at whioh time this permit expires.. Said Company is to fill said epaoe or .opening left by the ' . a oontraotor, G. W. Katteriohn & Son, with oindera, and to maintain said ' • epaoe filled with oindera in e.reasonably safe oondit'ion for >yublio travel, fi- . and is to keep same in a safe oondition at all ti:nea, and agrees to hold the ` ~ _ bity oY Paduoah: and G. W. Ketter~oha & 3oa hasmleae Prom any and all aooi- . ~ dente arising therefrom. .i: h.. Said Company is to book-fill said exoavation so made by 1t~ ' ~~ in the installation of said pipes, and to level and grade same in readiness ~- '~ Yor oonorete. ? N All the work done and to be performed under this vermit is ' ~j to be under the direotion and supervision of the I3eyor oY the City of . i'. Paduoah, Kentuoipr, and he hoe the sole right to rejeot or eoaept said work, f • after came hoe been oompleted by said Paduoah Eleotria Company. `' ~( Dated at Paduoah, Kentnoky, this .November 22nd, 1920, this' t b ~ ~, permi eing exeouted is duplioate. a . !. F. W. SATTERJOHN, Mayor.° i , r i-. Mayor. Katter,ohn offered the following motion: I-.move that the roqueat oP G•W.~ Communioation '. ~.. G.1'd.Y.attor~ohn' Katter~ohn 8o Son, asking ,for an extension of time within which to oomplete the son-. ~ & son for ex- } toneion of ~ struation of Idorth 2nd Street, between'JeYYoraon Street and Monroe Street, be reoeived! • " •time to oom= f. - "plate work on 'and filed. Adopted upon osll of the roll by the following voter Yeae, Eaton, Esker, 7 N.2ad:St. „ Tull~,'Williama and Kattorjohn,-5. i , :. ~ ~.. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that G. yd. Katterfohn ~ ~ . G.w7,gatter~oha~ Son, oontraotora; who havo the oontraot for tho oanstruotion of Idorth tad Street; i - &'Son granted i • extension of ':'bot~aeon Jeffexaon Street e;nd Monroe 9trnet by paving same with aonarete, whose oon- tiroo to oom- , ., "plate work on ~ traot expires-on Deoember 8th, 1920, be granted an extension of time until the 16th p :-N.2nd St. { day.of May 1921 Yor the oompletion o4 said work, in eooordanoe with"their request. • j `:9dopted upon oall Ot the roll by the following vote;"Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tully,. i ,". ;; Williams and Katter~ohn;-8. ~. pommis@10ner Eaton offered the Yoilowing motion: John MoGuire having ].eft the' John MoOuira 's bond with ?employ of the City and having resigned from hie poeitian and employment with the City National Sure ty Oo. releae and ao longer being in the position oP JaiSer,,I move that the. National Surety Com- ed•. pang, as surety Yor John 1toGuire as City Jailer be now.timlly and Yvlly released Prom f s ,• '' ;ell Purther'liability sa snob snrety.ia said bond oP the eaid,John MoGnite: Adopted. ! upon oall of tho roil by the fallowing voter..Yeea, Eaton; Esker, Tully, Williams sad j ~. ~,~. i : •° Katter~ohn,-b. ', Report oP Qommissioner Plilliama offered the following motions That the Riverside Hospital; ~' Riverside Hoe-i ~ i . v J pital Por Oot.~ Patiente.Report be reoeived and P11sd•: Adopted upon oeli of the xo11 by the follow- i ~'j 1920 of patienb's II ~n vote Yeae Eaton Eakor, Trfll iliiams and Batter .. . ~~ g r - John,-8. .~ Y ~'., - ~ .. '} .I - 111 ' ~ ' .. 1 .. .. ~ :a - +.~..,sFSe%~..+r,'4;.i:.,c iF"PtiC",:: ~ ~ <.. b".~;j'..' - ...4.., .~ x; s. .' :}• ei.'t;:a~: .4,:y... j4w.sP;'2 d' i k. y .. ~ ,, r, . Y I >_ f No.__! L - Cornrnissioner's "Proceedings, City of Paducah 191^ '~ • " Commissioner Williams offered the Yolloiving motion; I move that .the trana~er Cemetery trans- ':1'x°m W M• Taylor o! Lot No. 19b in t3eotion il, Oak Grove Cemetery, to Charles Q,Ci i ,ter Prom W.M.. I 'Taylor to Chas. ' Leigh ba ratified. Adopted neon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, i Q.C.Leigh. i Esker, Tully, Williams and 3Cat.ter~ohn,-5. ' ~' , oormiesionar Esker offered tho following motioa•; I move that a street light be. .I•~. Street light at. , 10th &Jaokeon ,; installed at 10th and Jaokeon 8treete. Adopted upon.oali o! the roll by: the follow. I-. . . sta.. .. - ing vote; Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tully, 5Yi111ama,and.Katter~ohn,-b. ~ , ~,.. . ~ .Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that x`210.00 be paid ~• H.A.Pettsr paid ~; X210.00 Yor ad- `g, A, Patter, Yor and on behalf oY advertising through Ohio Valley,Zmprovemept vertiaing through ~ .. Ohio Valley Im- ;Aeaooietion; same to be paid out oP any.Yunda not otherwise appropriated. Adopted neon} , prodement Aeao. Dell of the. roll by the following vote; Yoae, Eaton, Esker, Tully, 4Hilliame and ~ " IKatter~obn,-5. ~ I • jl On mot'i~o~n~t~he~Board sd~ourned by S yeas. ~ ~_ . " ABe~ .G~~~ •---•-M t ;1 r _- car C,: P" ~, NOVEhSBER ?,9TH. 1920. .. ~' ' At a Regular Meeting of~the Board oY Commieaionore, hold in trio Commieeionere~l ` I • t Chamber in the City Hall, Padnoeh, Kentuoky, on November 29th, 19:?0. Upon"Dell oY that •, • !roll the following enscrorod to their names; Commisaionora Eaton, Esker, Tully, 4 I Vtilliams and Liayor Knttsr~ohn,-b. ~~ ~ l On motion oY Commissioner Eaton the minutes oY the previous meeting. Wore t'' `. adopted es, read, upon Dell of the roll by the following votes Yese, Eaton, Esker, ~• " Tully, Williams and l~7eyor ~.atter~ohn,-b: Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion:~I move that W. V. Eaton be i '. • ~t.v.Eaton to I " attending Nation-' apuointed s delegate to attend the National River A,~ H¢rbor bongreea, to be he2d.in el River de H¢rbor; ~" Congress.. !' Ylaehington, D. C., Deoember 8th,•9th and 10th} to represent tho City of Ppduoah.• 1 Adopted upon Dell 04 the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, i " ~ e11111ame and Katter~ohn,-5. ~ Commieaionor Eaton offered the following motion; I move that tho aooourite for Patrolman Hugh '~, medioel and surgioel sorvioe rendered to patrolman Hugh Garrett on eoooimt.of`his,. :f-" Garrett medioel '^~ .~ and eurgioel beinf; shot ¢nd wounded in Oa sober 1920,"while in tho performange;'.~oY'hie duties, ba bills allowed ~; - and paid. ;; allowed and paid and ohergod to tho Polioe Denartmont. Said sooeunte aro as Yollowa; ~" .e. , ,, V Dr. i;. R. Goodloe, :~b5.00; Dr. Vernon Blythe,20.00; Dr. E. w. Jaokeon, #26.00. j ~` gdopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yoae", Faton, Esker, Tully, ~ " ~. s' 6filliame and Katter'ohn,-b. ~. I 0 motion the Board adjourned by b yeas. ~" , ~• ~~ ;" f~ `a2~k70R• i; ~~// i D$CL'MAER 4TH. 19?.0. ~~ At a Caiied Meetipa o! the DoarA of Oommiseionare, held in the rommiQaionore~ ". ~, Chamber .in the' City Hall, Paduo¢h, Kontuoky on 9+sturday, Deoembnr,4th,•1920 at 10 I: o~olook A. 1d, Unon Dell o! tho roll the :following anawprnd to their nA•mne.; Commie=.; `,: ' ~ "k ~ ~~ " aionere Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and A`,eyor Ketter~ohn,-B. +~~, ~ Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons Yor o¢11, to-wit: To.adopt Lioenee Ordinnnoe,. l.,'•'•~ and a qV other basin©es that may Dome before the Board. ~'" f .•, Commissioner Tully oYlered tho following motion: I move than an ordi»apoe `` • I:. is ", .. ., ~ . ' +, • . , .. . i , - -_._._......,.s.,-- - 1Va~" I' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 19L entitled, "AN ORDII.ANCE FIXING A1dD REGULATING TAE LICEi1SE TAXES, AND TiANN~ AND FORM i OF GRAPiTING AI1D ISSUING SAME ON THE YARIOUS LINES OF BU,SINES3, OCCUPATIONS, PROFESSIONS, i ;,TRADES AND_CALLINGS IN THE CITY OF'PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND .PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR ROR- ~ , { PAYP,tERT `4H~EOF AND FOIL VIOLATION T1IEA~OF, AND P~AKII~G IT BRLAYJFUL TO ENGAGE IR ANY ~ ~' Lioenae SUCH LINES OF BUSIi1E83, OCCUPATIONS, ;'ROFESSIONS, TRADES .AND. CALLINGS YdITHOUT FIR5T ~ Ordinanoe. ' - F PAYING THE LICENSE TAX AND PROCURIIIG LICENSES A3 PROVIDED REREIR,^ be adopted, and tha~ ~I , ~~eeid ordinanpe._be ordered puhliehed in bpth the,daily pewapapera oP the City in eight ~ ~po1n~ tyre. Adopted upon pall 04 the roll by the 4ollowing vote: Yeas,Eaton, Eaker; ~ :: x.`. E Tully,-Yilliams and Kattersohn,-6, k On motion the Board ad~ourned,.upon Dell 04 the roll by the 4ollowing vote; 4 • ~,Yesa,'ERton., Eaker, Tully, Will#ame and Katterfohn,-6. • `~! ~i Aieplo~~~19L..°. APP~vO'ti'~3h / J N DECER4AER 6th. 1920. At a Regular Meeting o4 the Board of Commisaionora, held in tho Commisaiorroref r ,. ( Chamber in the City Hall on Dooembor 6th, 1920. U»on pall 04 tho roll tho 4ollarring f •. ~ ~answorofl to thoir names;.COmmisaloners ~+ton, Es.kor, Williams and hl~e.yor Kattorjohn,-4. E' •On motion o4 Commissioner Eaton the minuteA o4 tho previona moetinga vrere f; ~~adopted ae read upon oeh of the xoll.by the 4olldrring vote; Yoas, Eatbn, Eaker, ~. ''l'Villiame and Ketter.~ohn,-4. ~ • F ~~ ° . h Mayor Kattorjohn,o44orod"the. toTlnviir-1i motion; I movs that the lettor Prom ~ • Moonuot Ee Berry ~~ltooquot 8o Berry attorneys, bo xsoeivod end Piled, and that .the Commisaionor of Pi;blio F • oommnniuation ~; 4 'in re: Iniuno- !IFinanoo be inetruotod to pay to W. A. 1}orry :~260.OO,.to be usod 4or oxponaos in makilag,? ti on suit Po d• ~ f uoah Traoti,on ';the +~rip Prom Paducah, . Kontuok,V, to Boston, 14esa: 4or the..n;rposo 04 takins~ donositions '~Co va. City o4 Paduoah, in re; ;in tha pace o4 Paduoah Railvray Com*xiny vs. tho bity o4 PaduaPh, Kontua]dr, psndir~x in ~dorositione. tho lTnited Statoe Diatriot Court. at Paducah, Kentuoky.:. Aflortod uoon.oall 03 thb roll !yby tho 4ollowing vote; Yoas, Faton, Eaker, i~1111isma end Kettor~ohn,-4. Mayor Katter~ohn o44erod the 4ollowiru; motion; I move that the oomnuniaetion 'Mre.1i•G•Rey :dated.uooember P.nd 1820 Prom Mrs, H. G. Reynolds; C}u±irmsn District One, Pox th© sale ~~" nolda oonnnuniaa=; ~ . lion in ro aale'o4 Rod Croce Christmas Soa1a be reoeivefl.and 411od and thnt the Commiaeioner•o4 Pub- ' of Red Crops ~ a J ChriatnaII 8oala,? ~ ~ l olio Finenoe be inatruoted to issue oheak 4or, the eum o4 •~bO.OO, payable. to lira. YJ, A• • jCalhoun,,.Tre~~urer b4.asid Organi2ation,,4or the ?mrnoae~of Laying ??ed Cross Christmas .~ !Soels Pox that amount, and oharge same to the Pond not oth®rwiae.ap»ro»riated. Adontad hpoa pall 04 the roll"by,tho following-vote: Yoas, Eaton, faker; "~'illiema,and Y•attor- ~ :john,-d.. .. ~ I' " ~ j:' Oommiseioner Eaton o$4ered the Following motion: I move that the roport oP ? • 'T3o,lort 'Chio4 04 ! , xoliae.4or Nov. the Chie4 oP Polioo 4or the month. o4 Idovombor, 1x20 bo rooeived and filod. Adopted anon; "..1920.. , pall 04 tho roll by the following vote: Yeas,..E,ston, 'r:akbr, Williams and fattor~ohn,-4. 4 ". :~; Commiasionor Eaton o44ered the 4ollorrinr motion: I movo that tho ro*~ort o4 the!"` 'Rorort Chio4 04 ChioP o4 t~ho. Piro Deflartmont 4or tho month o4 Novembor; 1920 bo reoeivod and Piled: j Fire Dopt. 4or Nov. 1920. 1ldopted upon pall"of the roll by the 4ollowing• vote;" Yeas; Eaton, Eaker, Ylilliama and ' i" Kattor3ohn,-4. ,~ ~ Commiselonor Eaton o44ored.tho 4ollowing mdt3on; I movo that tho eotion a4 the( :Lot in Oak ,rove`' i Cemetery donated~Oxton of OeY,.Crovo Cemetery in donating the ,: sorvioos to bury tho.still-bor,n child '4or burial 04 ", R.P.ThorMtan's `04 Patrolman R. ]s. Thornten in lot a~185 Seotion'LS2 in 'Oak Grove Cemetery,be ratified in4ant: ,,, ~~. yby the Board"of Cbmmiasione~a. Adoptefl upon call 04 tlib roll by the 4ollowing vote;, jYoaa, Eaton., Eaker, villiams and .Katter~ohn -4. ~ ~.~• k '" ~, ~ ~ ~ ; ~ .. ;.. - ]. :, .. > . _. ,,, , _ . ,. . •i ~, . I I : G J ~ " . i r ., • 111( ~: ' 1. .. .. ........._...-..x.~L:..++..:.:....f ....s. y..ri-......r..-..r+J.-~.~r..f~ +r)r'a ._ .v u.,._r~u ~ ._.Y._ Commissioner's Proceedirigt~,'City oi'Paducah 19l ' Commissionor ;!illiame o_*Yerod the Yo7.lo;~ring motion; I move that tho transfer Cemetery Transfer beish ?h•os. to Prom Leigh Brothers oY-Lot x=16P, in section lV, OaY. Grove Oometery, to Tyler Whito, ba Tyler ?'!hits. , ratLYiod. Adopted anon call of .tho roll b.y tho Yollovring vote; Yeas, Estop, Esl:or, ~ `.'!Slliams and ;;atterjohn,-4, ~ , i Commissioner "!illieme oYYered tho follovrinq motion; I move that tho tranafor 1 Cemetery TrsnaYer J,R.Campbell, „r, ! Yram ?. 3. CRmnbell, Jr,, sole heir-at-law oY J. R, rrimpbell, Sr,, of tho rear 10 Peet! sole heir oY J.R. Camnboll, Sr,, to ~~ by 1b feet of the South half oY Lot ~f8, Suction 1, Oak Trove Cemetery, to Claude Pabe,' Clende 7?eoe. • be ratified. 'Adapted upon Dell oY tho roll by the Yo11ow1nK vo6o; Yoaa, F;eton, EnY.ox, r , ~~ Williams and ~'ssttorjohn,-@. i. • .Reports- Sixth 4i Cormniseioner Ea;;er offered the Yollovrin);.motion; That tho report on the Sixth j • stroet Aridge , ~ Strout Dent. Yor ! 3troet 73ridge and the monthly ro»ort oY the Strout ~)ornrt. bo roaeived and filed. ~ • Ifovembor 1920. ~ !i Adopted upon call oY tho roll by th© Yollowing vote; YaaR, F,aton, Ealcor, Williams arxi ~ y i. 'i I~ettor john,-4. .. } Roaolution et f ldeyor Satter john oYYered the foTl,owing motion; I move that tho r.oeolutior{ ot•' I thank to I,47. III • and 9ernerd o~ thanks to I, ;+1. and Bernard Aornheim be e,donted. Adopted upon call of L'he.roll by Aornheim. ~ the following vote; Yeae,.Eaton, Esker, sYillisma and Katterjohn,-4. . Commissionor Estop offered the Yollowina motion; I move that an orftinanoe entitle b, LSelt and ;Geresl ~ "Ali ORDIPAifCE REGtTT.4TIiVG THE RrTAILIIIG OF I~:~LT A1Vll CER1:47, AEVERAGES, A1tOVIDiIVG A'OR A ~ Beverages roteil i' ' licence ordinanoe,; LICENSE Tl•r~12ra^O'3, Alm P3;;SCRI)3ING YEN".LTY FOR VIOi,:4TI0N THERL<'O~r," be r_donted• Adopted! ~; , ~ upon Dell oY the roll by tho Yollowing vote; Xeae, Eaten, Eekor, "!1111sms and 1 ~ Katterjohn,-4. e Commissioner Tully entered the meeting, i y; Commissioner Tully offerod the Yollnwinq motion; `Phe'aum oY ,!~R7.b0 having been ,~ Cemetery deed to ~~; ?:aid into Lho Treasury, as evidenoed by tho reoeipt filod horovrith i move that deed ~ • Et.hol Smith !, • Tumor lot ~b8, ~j be e~ceauted to Ethel smith Turner Yor Lat Ilo. 68 Alook ir'o, 4 on tho Rsat aido of ! • Blook #4. j, I: Chamblln.Str.eet, betweon Ford and Hannan Streets in OaY, ({rovo Cemetery. Adopted anon .' ( Dell 04 tho Tall b;/ the following voto; Yoas, Eaton, Esl.or, Tully, P!illiame and j . , • ~; Katterjohn,-b. 1 Commissioner Tully oYYered tho Yollovring motion; The sum of :~b0,O0 having been ~!~ • ~ 1 '; raid into tho Treasury as evidenced by tho reooint filod herewith, L move trAt case " Cemetery Dead t0 ,Ernoet Ysrbro ~ be exeoutad to Ernest Yarbro Yor lot ;~77 Blook ~3 on 1;ho Id orth aide oY Ford Street Lo.t X77, blook ji. ~3. i; between Hank and I"illor streets in Oak Gxbve Cemetery, Adopted upon oRll oY the roll } • ~ by tho following voto; Yeas, Eaton, Eekor, Tn11y, Williams and xstterjohn,-6, i! • Commiaeionor Tully oYYered the Yollovri ng motion; I move that tho eooounts Yor , • ~ tho last half of tho month oP'1VOVember 1920,.amonntinlt to X18;828.86, ee per the I .Report Com'r. Finanoe of eoooun ;' report oY the Commissioner of Finanoe tiled herowith, be allowod s+nd ordered raid, to Yor lnat halt ~ ~ ,, Nov. 1920. ;` and the money apnronriated Pram the General Fund to nav same. 9dopted upon Dull oY ~. y ~; I the roll by tho'tollovring vote; Yeee, Eaton, Esker, Tully, l'!iiliama and ,'attarjahn-,fi, . a l ' Ar ~ '. 'i Commissioner Tully otYerod the following motion; I'move that tho ronort of the' t . {.. , ' Report Com'r Finnnae Yor Nov Com~niasionor oY Finaaae for tho month oY November 1920 bo roaoived end Yilod,, and ember 19?.0, 1 ordered »ubliahod in tho OYYiciel newsnaner. ' ~dontod anon a+!I1 oY tho roll by tho j. ' ~ - ' follorrirk~ voto; Xaea, Eaton, Eekor, Tully, `iilliama end "atterjohn,-6. :': 1: ' ' ~~ On .motion tho_Board adjourned by 6 yeas. .. f u ti:YFPvCO'VZ]~7 fl 14 ~ ., ~~ { . ~ ut. ;~ ~, tu cw I , s `? !; ~: Gi ' ~~~ .. .,. __ ,, . ,. r .~• ,,, .., ; i i P ;~!f ~,: ;. T° '` b_tt r •, .. . , •~. ~ ... ' ~ .,, ., ,. No ,S ~y ' ' commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah l9J ;; DECEM.B'rli 8th, 1920, ! At a Cellod I,Roetiag of the Board o4 Commissioners, held in tho Commissioners' ~• `~Chambor.in tho City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on Dooember 8th, 1920 at 10 o'oloak A. H. ~ ~°°~ • ,,Upon oa11 of tho roll tho.folloring answoro8 to thou namos; Commieaionore Tully, j'Williams and N~eyor Kattor~ohn,-a. ~ • ~ Mayor ICatter~ohn eta.tod roeaone For oall to,-wit;. For the ,pu2'noee o3 rooeivang ,. nand 3111ng the roport of the Commisaioner'of Finanoe as to the aooount with Yanoy & ~ ' r: • . ;':Johnson For the oonstruotion o4 sidewalks on North Sixteenth Street,. between Braedwey i ' ~an8 Jefferson, and furthor to authorlae the' Commiesionor o3 Finanoe. to tarn over to ;.the oontraotors the Goads. ±.. ' Commissioner Tully offered tho following motion: That the re»ort oP the Com!r ! Report COm'r.of !: ~ ~ ' Finanoe ae to 'of Finanae as to tie aooount with Yanoy & Johnaoa far the oonatruotion of •sidewalke on ~ ''' the eoaount with ! Yanoy 8o Joha- ' ;both ei$ea of North .Sixteenth Street between Btroadriay and Jefiers,on be reoeided and 1 eon for aide- walk oonetruot-I!Yiled, gtld that. the Commisaionor o4 Finanoe be instruoted to turn over to the oontraot-fi. ion N.16th St. ? ff ' Bonds turned {ore, Yanoy 8a Johnson, the bonds on the Ten Year Plan for this;im_rnovemont ae follows: over to Yanoy 8e7 ! ' Johnson. ~ Seriee A No. 1 47.10 ,due Nov. 1. 1920. - ~ " A " 2 47.10 " 3ept.1, 19?.1. ~ . q n A n. a 47.10 " " 1, 1922. f~f n' A i1 4 47.10 „ n 1~ 192.3. j • u " A " b 47.10 " " ],, 1924. i .. W " A " 6 47.09 " " 1. 192b. j • .' ~ " A " 7 4.7.09 " " 3, 192U. - •' " A " 8 47.09. " " 1, 19?,7. ~~~ " A " 9 47.09 " n 1 1928. ! - ~~ " A " 10 47.09 " " 1; 1929. ' C, {.Adopted upon oe11 of tho roll by the following vote; Yeea, Tully, lTilliama and Katter- I;~ohn,-a.. ~• On•motion the Board adjourned bq a yeas. ~ rl Aiaplcd,,,~-5;~..L3.-I9t3.Q t~,p '~~'V'~3. ~' ~ cur car vOx ~+ i DECEA4BN:R lath 9zo• f '`{, ~, ,, At a Regular bieeting of the B6erd.oP Commisaionora,.held in the Commissioners' ? F . Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah,.Kentuoky, on Deoember 13th, 1920. Upon pall of the j roll the following answered to their namoa;cCOmmisaionera Eaton, Esker, Tully, svilliam~ =! ! and Mayor.Katter~ohn,-b. ~- i. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~:. On motion of Cor~iaeioner Tully the minutes of the previou8 meetings were j adopted ae read and oorreated, upon oell of the-roll by the following vote: Yeea, I j ! .,:y . t Eaton, Eekor, Tally, V11111ama and 1~ttox~ohn,-b. •C Report Com'r ti Commieaionor Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the.renort show- !. ~ ; ' ]Baton of ex.pon-~' eos to iVaehiag-, 1ng my exponaea For my ixip to i'iashington, D. C.,,as a delogato for tho City of j. ton ae delogato - Nat'l ,ttivora 8o Pa:ditoah to attond. the National Rivora and Harbors Cong~reea, be. rooeived and reforred ! . Harbors dangrosd.'. ' ~' ' to tho Commiaeionor of Pnblio Finanoe, to be attaohed to vouohor of expenses of said t~~ . ~' trip. Adopted upon oell of the roll by tho following vote: Yogis, 'raton,. Es]cor, Tully, j Williams anal Katter~ohn,-b. 1i `~ Ooromiesionar Eaton offered .the following motion: The Lee Tire F,nles Com!±eny, I s ii ' whose oar oollided with the Fire Truok at 7th ?c Tenn. Streets, damaging the same, }. Lee Tire Salos '°°~"~ Co. and Inter-, :' having agreed to.pey in full of said damages the sum ot.•~~460.00, and the Inter-State j. ' $tste Casual ty ~; ,? . j CO• settlement '~ Caeuel'ty Company of Birmingham, Alabama, having, for the benefit o4 said bee Tire ~. for damage to ; ' ' , '~ ~. Bice Trnok. '~ 8alee Company, tendered its draft for said sum of X4'50.00, I move that the aompromiae ~. ~ t•eettlement of ~4b0.00 for 'the damages done to the Fire Truok aforesaid by the sorvioe § ~ ., 5 ,: ' `;'oar of tho Lee Tire. Sales Company be ratified, and that,the draft oY X460.00, tendered' ` by the Intor-State Gaeualty Company of .Birmingham; Alabama, in settlement of said i i' .. ~ j ,, H .; - ~ -, .. ,. <. ._ ':.. . .. .. N . ~ . .. : . . ~. ' ~~ ' • • ~ i - i ' AL ~u:4 M'~73A.,: '.'.n`.:; ~~x~:~~ `¥..rA;t4.4. . r.".4. n.: . e:W f' 4 "+~+k s'~°t lF`i .~ ~ 1 ~ '~ h ( .. ! + ~ , • r , ,. .. .. . . ; y , 4 . "~ ~'' _ Commissioner's Proceedings,' City ofPadacah Igi~ ~' compromise bo accepted, and that the Commissioner of Public Safety be authariaed to ~ ~~ j, ~. sign the proper release, releasing said Company from any and all liabili+.y,,and that j ' :,, said sum be oredited to the k'ire Department end. paid over to the Commiea.ionor of l ~1, Public Finanao to be properly oredited. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow- ~ ' • ;, ing vote; Yeas, Eton, Esker, ',Crtlly, Flilliams end I:atter~oha,-B, ' "'~ Prof. John D. Smith j~ Commissioner Tully offered the follo~^ring motion; 'Phat J.~oY. John~D, Smith bo F and it books of the ~; De»t. oP Finance for, employed to make sn audit of the books of the Department of Finance Eor the year 1920 ,~ 1920. i at a soot of }100,00, some to bo paid out of funcla not otherrriao appropriated, Adopt- -4 .~ . ~~, ed upon call of the roll by the folloving veto; Yoaa~ Eaton, lk+lcer, Tu11;t.~ ~!llliams iI ~ ~ . ~' and 1!attor~ohn~-6. ~, , ~~ f! Oormiseionor 'l'olly oEEered the followl.nlS motion; That the roi~ort of the Couvnis. ~ ' Rearort C~m'r Finame eionor or 1'lnanoo regarding the sale of the dolingnont tax list of real estate for the; '• regarding sale of ~, DslinRnent Tax Lio.t ~ osr 1920 bo roooivod and filed, Adopted upon call of the xo11 by the follovrlq; votoi y ~~'' " of real oete.te for' r • 1920. is ~ Yoae, Eaton, Eslcor, Tu].ly~ 1'lilliams and ]Gstter~ohn,-b. '~ . Ir {f Commieeionor Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the' 1 Report Comer Finanoo Commissioner of L'inanoa regarding the puroheae of six,3ohool iml~ovom~nt Aonde~ [los. regarding'pr~ohase ;. of 6 School Improvo~ 66-67-68-69-70 and 71 Por the purpose o3 retirement, be received.and filed and hie ! ' . moat Bonds lJOS.,66-67 ' 68-.69-70-71. ~ lotion approved. Adontod upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yoasr'.aton ~ . • Ii. F.akor, Tully, 5'filliams and `attor~ohn,-6. , ~ Report Comer Finance. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion.; I move^that the report of the rogardinr: puraheso of Hospital Bond ~pl~, Commissioner of Finarmo regarding the purchase of Hospital Bond No. 14 and Street .' and Stroot,Im7rove- ; meet Bond '~89 Imrnavement Bond No. 89 for the nriruose of retirement be ro e v d a 0 o nil P ed a 1 it nil h s . 1 lotion approved. Adontod upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeaa~ laton, . " ~ Ea?rar,. Tully, 17illiame and ?.atter~ohn,-ti. . Commissioner ;lilliams offer.ad the following motion; I move that the report of . Report Frail English „ of interruonts in ;, Fred English of intor,nonts from Ootobor 1, 19'lA, to Ilovomber 1, 1920 in Oak Grove ` ! O~:k Grove Cemetery is from Oot. 1 to I~ov. ,; r Cemetery, bo received cad filed, Adontod upon call o_ the roll by the following vote; " ' ' ? ~ 1, 1920. ~; Yoas, Eaton, Eakor, Tully, '~lilliame and.I;atter~ohn,-b. ~ ; s '' Co»uai.eaionor '^{illiams offered the 3olioti'rir4q motion; I move t}iat L•no. _tivorside Hoa • Riverside Hos~~ital j, Pa ti ente'.3enort r ~ pital Patients' Report for 2lovombor 19?.0 bo roooivod and filed. Adopted upon cell of i for 1lovombor 19;:0. the roll by the follorrirtg veto; Xeaa~ Paton, Ealcor, Tally, 'Jilliamu npd I:nttor~ohn,-6, j ' Commissioner.ti'lilliams oPferecl the folloivinlr motion; I move tA.at tlio plat mar!ced I ; toaOekfCrovet,Cemoi~n "New Addition to Oalc Grove C.~metery dated December 13th, 1920 end signed b,y r'. iY,, ~ ~ I Cory dated Deo. 13," 19::0, inaludinr~ „ Katter john, hiaeyor, be adopted as the tentative p1Rns for the Neiv Addition to Oak ~ ' ':{ost Ky. }deusbloum ;, t nro~orty and '.!m Grove Cemetery aril consisting of the property purchased Prom the 'Jost ]:ontiuo!cy ~ Ly~.on property nor- ~; chased by Oity o3 ! Na.usoloum Company and the lot formerly belonging to ':{illiam Lydon. The permanent. k f „ Paducah. '' j plane and plat to be adopted at a ln.tex date by a proper motion or resolution.. Adopte d . I • ~ ` ;! upon Dell of ti76 roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eatoh, Eelter~ Tully, Ylilliams and ~' • ICatter john,-5. i ". On motion the Aoard adjourned by b yeas. . "- ~ .: i i Rdoptcd./~,'~!_~l0 I9 a0 ~ -c,.~, ~r,: >'. ~, ' ~~~ ~~ ~ . ~~ i ~ ~ , i; t j ~'~~. N w"+a ti ~ - - ~ . " .~:,. .J. . . f .1 ' 1 . , ' .. ~ lFi2:.F'€~'q°~4~i5T~'~41. .5 ! ~. ' ~ nom' ~ ~ ~~~a { ` h ~'{ •.x <> . , ~.~. `t • Commissioner's Proceediri s, City of Paducah 191_. . ; +~ DEC'r1~iBER 14th, 1920: i At a Called ideating oP tha Board of Commisaionera, held in the Commieaionera' ~ ( ! 'Chamber in the .City Hall, Paducah, Kontuoky, on December 14th, l9?,0; at 10 o'alook A.Y.! 11POn cell 03 tho roll tho following answered to their names:. Commissioners Eaton,.8aker!, Tnlly, Williams and B,eyor I{atter3ohn,-6. ~' Mayor k;atter~ohn stated roaeana for Dell, to-wit: To eoaept tha work on geda.r Street and Lincoln Avenne, and further for the pnr*~ose oP adopting assessment ~ ~,G ordinance. C Mayor Ka.tteriohn offered the following motion; 'The sew gravel atieet on. • ~ Cedar Street and Lincoln Averrue, from the Eeat prcporty. l~.ne'uf the idaytield Road to (. v Lithe Eaet property line of Lincoln Avenua on Cedar Street from the North Curb bins of { ' '' ~ • ~Codar Street to tha South property line of Coxeye 3treet,,having been aompletod and ~ Oedar Sit. and` binooln Ave. !ifiniehed by Richard Boll, contractor, eaaording to tho terms and oondiiaona of his aon-i mock accepted. y ~?;traot, end an ordinanaa passed relativo to said iri;rnovomAnt, and same hevin~ boon in- , . aspootod by the 1lsyor and Commissioners on the 7th day of Deoember,.1920, I now move ~. • ~~tha$ same bo aooapted, and.tho Engineer's estimate of the coat of said oonstruation be confirmed,. and that said estimates bo turnod ovor to the Commissioner of Finance for r • ~`•oolleotion: And that tho City Solicitor be instructed to px°enare as ordinanoo assess j • b ~ing said propor•Gy as ahorm by the Exigineer'e Estimate.. Adopted upon call 04 the roll b~r tho following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Ee.ker, Tully, Williams and %atterjohn,-6. ' • ~ Mayor Statter~oha offered the following motion; I move that an o;diaenoe j, '~ entitled, ^AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE' ADiTTTIIdG PROPT~TY OId CEDAR STREET AITD Z,INCOLN 1 ' ' i '~AVEIdUE, )}'ROni THE FIRST PROPIZ?TY I,IIdE 0'r` THE RiAYL'IET.D ROAD TO THE EAS^t PROPIsRTY LIITi: OF i "~`'z, ? LII1COl,N AVENUE ON CEDAR STREE'P FROid THE NORTH Ci3RB LINE. OF CE-AiI STREF;T' TO THE SOUTH Assessment . Ordinanee ~ PROPFu'4TY LINE OF COXEYS STRl;lti~.'y .IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KI:IdTUCg7f, THE SUf:I OF rpl.l6 YIOi .j: Linooin they `. ~ ` and Cedar St.~; ABtJTTIIdG 'FOOT FOR THE COIdST;iUCTIOPd OF SAID STFEET BY GRADING AI7D uRAVELIIIG, AidD PRO- j VIDIIdG THAT THE COST OF C~dSTRUCTION OF SAID PROPEIiTY 'BE CHA1tGEA?3T,E s0 AND ASSLSSr'~ • ~~ AGAINST THE PROYish'TY iIECi~IVING TAE DEIdriF'IT OF SAi.w, A3 3H0?7N'BY'TH:i. }yNGIidBc"I,2°S Y~STIITATE, ~. N e1ND -Ofd F'I7,Pr IN HIS OFF'I~E, AIlD .PROVIDING THAT SAID AS3r,SS1•L:i1T ;.lY BE PAID IId iEid EQUAL s . f ' is INSTALI.k'c;IITS, liEIIiG ONE EACH Y::hR FC7 ~ PERIOD OF TEN YElu3S," be adoptod. Adopted upon; p call of, the roll ,by tha following note: Yoas, Eaton, Eal;or, 7.hil.ly, ~fiiliams and ;tatter • ~ ~ . john,-6.. i I On motion tho i3oard adfourned by 6 yeas. rr _ ~ r~ . ^ Ad4F4e d .rN~....~19~° '~.;.=P ~•UV•11~ '- .. j ~ j "' o aOCl~u'Ne~. , . lJ '? l1 da'• ~ ~ _o . . ( ... • . i . / . r- s.L,... r ~ ~ cam i ~~ ~ G DECr-'t..SBi.R 20. 1920. .. ~ ~ i ~ ~ h. • At a Qalled ltoeting of the aoard oP Commissioners, held in the Commiasionere'h " - j ! Qhamber in the City Rall, Paducah, Itentuoky, on December 20th, 1920, et 10 o'clock ~ ':~-, ~ ,~ ~^ !,:'M. Upon cell o.f the roll the following answered to their names: Commieaionera: 4 t! Eaton, Esker, fully, Williams and Mayor Kntter~ohn,-5. ',~ • Mayor. %atter~ohn stated reasons for sell, to-wit:. ;o elbow pay roll and such. ~ ~'` ' ~ . other business that mny some before the:~loard.. ~ •. ~. • Commissioner a'ully.offered'~the following motion: that the accounts for the t Report.Oom'r ~ a _ s `F`innroe of ,i first half of the month of ieoerober 1920, nmount.in~ to X7 950:87 as par the re ort of , , p r.ecoounta for ~Pi,ret' half OP ; the Commiasioner'of Fireno9, filed haretrith, ba allowed and oidered paid; and 'the ~ , ' ` December 1920. .. ~ ,~ ;money a,pproprieted Prom the General 'r'end to pay same. 'Adopted npon cell oY.the roll b~ , , . » ~~; the Yellowingvote:•Yeae, Eaton, Eakex; fully, 7dilliama end Y.atterohn;-5. ! ' ~ ~ '+ 1 Commissioner sally offered the Pollorring motion:'ihat the. Comoisaioner cf ~~.Finance be instructed to. pay,ovar to Yanog & Johnson,,aontraotora, the awn of ~ ~ • ~. . , r ti.., • t • ~ ... • • ~ .• ~. ~.~..~,~ ~~..fi .~~~»~,~ ,•' :.:: - ~ •.~~.,~ .~ ~:,~ y mss,;: &; ~ _ ~ ~ . . 4\ No. s !3 ' ,:~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ lg~_,,, .. -` • $l,jk;. 10, being the amount o.olleoted from property holders for the street improvement '' V i. on Borth Fourteenth Street, from tl:e i;orth side of the property 11r.e of 1'.onroe Street ~ ..~ { ' ! to the South side of the property lire of Cley Street, as follows: i •, ;, ~. Den °aeiJle Estimate ;#j ~ 22.57 ` Yanoy i4 Johnson ~ R. L.3ate ° 99.5; ~4 .i ~ oontraotora, paid ~ Ytill Eornbuokle " 5 ' Jt '122.10- $1;q;.10 oollent- ~ Ltrs. Irene Gardner " }6 222.]0 4 ions from property;: I:.:;. & Carrie Robertson " ~7 122.10 .. , `; holders on inorove.•r, _ 17m.h.Hoffman " ~g 122. ]0 ~ ' . . meat' on IL 14th St r August Danker ~ ,. 122..10- 7 Y Sh r ill " ~ .. . a r X10 122.10 ~; L.I:.i7ashington " X12 t~RF~. ~0 . ~ i0i~n .:.............•~ j•10 I • o adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, ~eYer, i"ully, 4 ~. • i!VJi111ame and batter3ohn,-5, 'I !~ j' On motion the Board adjourned by 5 yeas. 3 H i . ,~ rbNted p 190 ,_^., _,, .l~J ! < `. y~ ' ~~~ ~ ~ D30813HEH 20. 1920. ~ ~~ ', `~ ` { ~ ~t a Begalar Muting of thp. Hosed of Commlaeionesa, held in the Coi®Lesionera~' I ~ .`.~. {Ohember in the Oity Halls Paduoah~ Rantuoky, on Deoember 20th, 1920. Opon Dell of tAe ~ ~7Fo11 the toilowing answered to their namese Commi el , a onere Eston~ Tu11y, 111111ems and., ~ 1leyor YatterJchn.-4. 1' On motion ot.OocaDiseioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings ware adopted] 'ae read, neon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tally, Nilliame and ' ~ 8att4r~ohn.-4. , Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the proposition o! tho ' Padnoah Asohiteot • 6 Eaginsering iisp Padnoah Arohiteot d Engineering Co. for the sale of 1Sap to the Oity of Padnoah be rs- • o! Paducah re~eoted. "` ~eoted. Carried upon Dell of the roll by the toilowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, sully llilliame and Katter~ohn,-4. Commiaeioner Eaton otte.red th6 toilowing motion: I move that the oommunioatioa Yedoro Cigar Oo... • eommnnioation in re from the Hedoro Cigar Company be received, and that same be referred to the Cit Soli- ~ ' ' y exsmptione. ' oitor for hie opinion. ea to whether or not said Cigar Company !e a manufacturer and ~ • "'~ ': entitled to exemption from taxation. se requested. Adopted upon call of the roll by ~ ;• the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tuliy~ tYi111ame and Katter~ohn,-4. 81ts' Club allowed lisyor Batter~ohn offered the toilowing motion: I move that tbs Elke~ Olnb 6s $25.00 ios advsr- - , tieing Chasity allowed $25.00 for advertising tho Charity Minstrel. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by • 3tinstrel. • .. ,the follow~gs vote: Yeas, Eaton, sully, Nilliama end %atter~.ohn,-4. Oommieeioner Tully offered the following motion: That Lhs Commtssioner of Finame j Extra Clerk in be authorised to employ an eztra Clerk for the balanoe of the month of December et aA 4 ~~ ~' , Dept. nt Finann.. , for balanoe of ezpenae of not exceeding $40.00. Adopted upon Dell o! the roll by the following vote: ' .a^~ i.:~`a''`~:. December. . Yeas. Eaton, sally, Y11111ams and Katter~ohn,-4. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move-that wi111ap1 Boser De Nililam Hoses ' w• Ieeiatant Building appointed ae Assistant Duilding Inspector, to work under the dirention end in connect- , Inspector. y,"'f , ion with the Building Inspector, and perform such duties ea may be required of him in `~'~. the ezamination and inapeotion of all electrical wiring in the City.ot.Paduoah, and ' ^ such other duties ae may be required by the Building Inepeotor,~snQ'that h1e pay for ; ' such services be $cj5.00 per month. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following votes ~,' Yoga, Eaton, ^aully, 7filliame and Hatter~ohn,-4. ~ ~ `~' ;} ~~. r; ; ~! - • ^ .t • •~ j `~` ~~~ 1 ~~ ~, . ~ .. `~ f • .~ t ,... ,..,,,~ ,_ ,. .' No. _~ 9y Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 19L { Oherlee Swentgr 0ommiseioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that Charles Hwenter be appoint Operator Fire ed ae Operator of the Fire DsperLment; and that Joe Iverlett be employed ae an ertrn ~ Dept. Joe Iverlett „Fireman.. to be paid only for Lhs Lime hs ie on duCy. Adopted upon oe11 of the roll by extra fireman. ' the following vote: Yeae, Eaton. Tully Williams and KaLLerjohn.-4. ..~ Oommissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that Guy a^. 7uoaey ' ~ Guy T.Looaey s. Waiter England- be employed ae a patrolman; and I also move that Walter Eaglet ani Charles Blook be `~ a Oharlee 81oot ~ appointed pp• ;employed ae extra Pntmimen. Adopted upon oail of the roil by the foliowing.vote: Lrolmen. ' `Yeae• Baton, Tully. Williams and Katterjohn.-4. ~' a Oo~iseioner Baton offered the following motion: That the Oity Holioitor ba " Ivey ve Oity ~suthorissd and inatrnoted to appeal and farther proseonts the Ivey ogee ve. Oity of of Ynduoah appealed. !iPadnoah. Adopted upon oali of the ro1L by the following vote: Ysna. Eaton. Tally. ',Williams-and 8atteriohn.-4. u .C On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yeas. I' Adc;~tcd ~-7 19Zo j ~ --r r~~~:~.:ov~n ii ~nsA~tozc: ~ ,.DECEI~EA 21st, 1920. i { . .- I, 4 ~ AL a Celled Vesting o! Lhs Board of Oommiesionere. held. in the Qommiseioners• j cy ,.`Ohamber in Lhe Oity Hall. Padnoah• Kentuoky, on Deoember 21st. 1920, at i1sj0 A. p. '} 'l Upon.osll of Lha .mll the following answered to their names: Oommiseionere EatotY. •'j Tu11y~.Wiliiame and Mayor Ketterjohn..-4.. 1 Ynyor KsLter~ohn stated reaeone for Dell. Lo-wit: To adopt nn ordinanoe ~ • {establishing a Hoard of 8qua11satioa., ~ , j Oommieaioaer Tully offered Lhe following moLioa: That an ordinenoe entitled. ? . ' Ordinanos "AN ORDITAN08 88TAHLIBNINO A BOAAD OF EQUAEI2ATION FOA TNS PORYOH$ 0! EQUALI7IN0 TH3 ~.esLablishing "Board 0t 8qua1~;A998891~NT OF PROPERTY FO$ TAEATION IN ,a^H8 CITY OF PADV06H• K82D'UO ~f• PBOYiD1NG FO8 ~ ' `iaation. ~i.THB OpdPEN9ATi0N OF SAID BOARD; OFFI08 HOURH• AND PLACB 0!' MEETING." be adopted. ~ . i '~ ,Adopted upon Dail of thb m11 Dy the following vote: Yeae• BsLon. Tully. Wi111ams end ~ { KsLLer~ohn•-4. ! °J 1 ~ ~. On motion the Doerd sd3ourned upon on11 of the m11 by Lhs following vote: ,i Yese• Baton., Tully. Williams and KaLtsr,ohn,-4. ~' - ~ Adc ed.~~G_~q _.17Lq ~..P7':T?.,QV?~3~ _ ' n'~ ~ t `i cic cla.i. ~~t V _"A'q'U ti K ,~ . • t DEOEh18EA 24th. 1920. ~ ' AL n Onllsd Mssting of Lhs Hoard of Oommisaionsre• held in Lhs Oommiesion- j ''' sre'Oha:rber in Lhs City Hali• Pnduoah• geatueky. on Aeoember 24th. 1920• at i1:jo a.Y.~ ,~'; ~ Upon Dell of Lhe mil Lha following answered Lo their names: Oommisaionere EsLon•. I r~ ~' ,. Tn11y• Williams and Mayor Yntter~ohn.-4. t ~ ,. <,, ~ Mayor Katter~ohn stated reaeone for Dell to-watt To reoeive the report oi~ ~ ~' ~ • the Oom~r of Finnnoe regarding the aooount With Yenosy b Johaeon. and to nnthoriss Lhs ~' Oommiseioaer of Finaaod to tarn over Lhe Sonde Lo Ynnoy ~.Johneon. 4 j ~_.: Report Oom•r. Commisafoner Tally offered the following motion: I move that the report of { , Finanoe regard- the Oommieeioner of Finauoe re rdnin the gooonnt with Yano m Johason.. Oontraotors ing sooount with ga d Y • ~ ~• • Yanoy d Johneoa `'for Lhe oonetruotion of sidewalks on the 9onth side of Huebaads Street between 81xth in rs ei dewnik : , oonetruotion nth A Husbands ,.and Seventh, and both sides o! BevenLh Street from Husbands Street to, a point i00 feet{' . i 8t6. end deyiiv' gouth of Marra Avenue be received end filed end Lhat Lhe Oom~s of Finance. bs in• ; "~~ ery of. 10 ear ~ y r, . .plan bonds. etrnoted to tare o~sr to Oontraotoss Yanoy 8 Johnson Lhe bonds on the Ten Ysar Pion, ~~ ~'. - s ~, ae loilowst { :.: ~ ... ,.. u F .i .' ~. .. 4 • ~' , Y .:fie.:.:.. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of ',r a 1• J .•-!. k pp.. No. •'~S series H. yo. 1 Due Juiy 1, ig21 "2;0.1; ~. . ~ w w 2 a w 1. 1822 230.13 ~ I Bonds street timpmv~- - " w 3 w w 1. 1923 230.13 w w w 4 a ~ 1, 1824 Z30.1j ment on '/Lh 6 5 1. 1925 230.13 - i Husbands Sta. deliver " • " 6 • w 1, 1g2b 230.13 ed to Yaney 3 • w • q w • 1 1 27 2 0.1 Johnson. " " " 8 • • 1~ 1928 230.12 . M w w g w w 1, 1929 230.12 • w r w 10 a n 1, i93o. 23o.i2 . Adopted upon oeil of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton. Tnliy, Niiliame and' :Satter~ohn,-4. ~On~~motion the Hoard ad3ourned by 4 yeas. ~~ =---7 c..y i_.~r. ,~ rc . ~ DECE1iBE8 27th. 1920. • At a Hegulsr 1[esting of the Hoard of Commissioners, held in the.0ommirelonsra' c•~^ Chamber 1a the City Hall. Padnoah, Eentuoky, on Deoember 27th,'1g20. IIpon oeil o! the ' roll the following answered to their names: Oommiesionere Eaton. Esker, Tully, Nil11am1 ,• and Mayor Better~ohn,-5. - On motion of Oommiseloner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted; i! se read, upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton. Esker, Tully, • I L williame and lQayos Hattar~ohn,-5. • f' Commissioner sully offered the foilowing motion: That the request o! the Psduoah '. Padnoah welfare " wdlfare Assooiation be referred to the Commieaionere ae s whole to report on at the Aeeooiation re• gwet. ~ nest regular meeting. Adopted npon oell of the m ll by the following vote: Yeae, ~' Eaton, Esker. ahtlly, williame and Katterjohn,-5. j Commissioner Eaton offered the following motlonc I move that the oommunieation Yediosl Aseoola- ' imm the iledioai Aseooiation be reoeived and notion thereon deferred tilt the next tier. oommnnios- ~ tion. meeting. 6dopted upon oali of the mli by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Esker, { Tully. Williams and Katter,tohn,-5. j i ~. lleyor Katter~ohn offs red the following motion: I move that the report o! the Heport lioCraoken 1toCraoken County Pnblio Health League Nursing Servloe for the month of Hovember 1920 ~ Co. Publio H)falth League Hnreing be reoeived and filed. Ado pted upon oall of the m 11 by tihe following vote: Yeas, Servioe for Nov. • 1920. Eaton, Esker, Tully. Williams and gatter~ohn,-5. Yeyor Eatter3ohn offered the following motion: I move that Lhe petition of Petit son regarding sundry signers regarding the appointment of en inepeotor of weights and lleseuree be appointment of Inapeotor of reoeived and filed and that notion thereon be deferred. Adopted upon oell of the roll' weights ~ 1leaeuseo. by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Esker, sully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-5. Ysnoy d Johnson Mayor gatter3ohn oitered the following motion: I move that Yanoy do Johnson bs • allowed $35.52 for work on N. allowed X35.52 for two intereeotiona on 14th Street. ae per letter of Engineer 14th St. atteohsd. Adopted npon oell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Esker, fully, Williams and Katter,lohn,-5. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the letter from the Polioe Alarm Paduoeh Home Telephone & +elegraph Company, fining the oharges for Poldae Aierm Sya- Byatem.- r, Padnoah Homs Tam for the yedr 1921 be reoeived and filed and oononrreA in. Adopted upon sell of Tel. do Tel. Co. Oommunioat ion. r the roll by the foilowing vote: Yeae, Eaton, Esker. sully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-5 !. Commieeioner Tully offered the following motions That C. E. J~nninge, H. W.--~• • r. Hoard of super- Batter~ohn and W. i'r. Gregory be appointed se the Board of Supervisors to serve Burin visors for 1921. r g . the year ig21. Adopted npon oell of the mil by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, ' Eeke '"ull Millie tt r'` 9 ' r. • ..t r, + y, me and Ba er3ohn.-5. i; On motion the Board sd~ourned by 5 yeas. _ _ r. A~srtcd ...~"'/ 19~L.. t t. ~. .•,.w ., ,. ~ , i~~~'~~ • , z:. ~~ ~~~:~ ~~ ~~ ~ p ~- d ,~ ism t .a.u+~' ee' ,~ K~ ~~. ._ .. ... w'.'a~,$6~(~''*~'t°•r<-~!~p`}~'Ty.'~5'~w' ~'_° _ ' .:.,' ..z~ ~ ,.4.... ,s: ~"_ ... . xog~_ • ~ ' Commissioner's P_ roceedings, City of Paducah 191_ P AL a Called fleeting of the Hoard of Commissioners. held in the Commissioners' i` FChamber is the City Ha11, Padnoah, gentmty, oa Deoember 28th, 1920, st 11 O'oloot ~.Y. i rUpon pall of the roll Lhe following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton. E i'Tnlly, Williams and Msyor Satterjohn,-4. ~ •''' p ,, j ~ Mayor Satterjohn stated reasons for odll to-wit: To adopt motion to grant W.H. ~' 1. - G ~. ~4Begs1 peitoit to install spur-Lraok on Borth 9th Street. - ~ .Mayor Satterjohn offered the following motion: I move that W. R. Bngei be granted •~W.R;Bagsl per- mit Lo put in .'~a permit to pat 'in aids-traok on B. 9th Street, nt their plant on Binth Street, betweeni "' BSpn Lh 8tk an ;~Hnsnstt and Boyd Ste. se per plane. Adopted npoa oall of the roll by the following. ( . 9 '' i!irotss Ysas, Eaton, Tully, Williema and Sattsrjohn.-4. ~' 'P.. i; On motion the Board adjourned npoa Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. I ~, ~ ~, .Ada^1ne~C~~Y9'2,..(, - i, ~~;;b . P ~ ~, JAI~IIARY 3rd. 1921. ~' At a Regular fleeting of the Board of Commissionese. held in the Commissioners ~ • N ~ h Ohambsr !n the Cit Hall Padnoah Sentno ~ y ky, on January ;rd, 1921. Upon oBll of the i ~~ ~~ roll the following aneaered to their names: ¢ommiseionere Eaton, Esker and Tally.-;. {! t . gp Mayor Pro tam W. Y. Eaton, Presiding,in the abeenoa of Mayor f;aLterjohn. p; On motion of Oommieeloner Tally the minntae of the previous meetings were. k 5 adoptefl ae read., npoa oall of the roll by Lhe following vote: Yens, Eaton. 8aksr, ~. Tully,-;. - 1 Commissioner Tully offered the following motions i'hat Lioenee to retail ftalt 'a.T.Bohe»fson "~ or Osreal Beverages or adml:tnrea thereof, be granted to A. T. Bohannon at ilI S. ;rd kalt or'Cereal Betisrigs Lim` ' Street. Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the following votes Ysae. Baton, Entes, ~oease. ~ n Tally,.;, On motion the Board adjourned to meet at 10 O'olook A. M. January ,5th. 1921, 4'• . y upon oall of ,the Ro11 by the fo110wing vote: Ysae; Eaton,' Esker. Tnily,-.;. „`, ~ Afle Iei.~,1Q„_lf~_ _. ~~'PROVA3]7 ~ •- I' JAIiUARY 5th. 1921. d F' At an Adjourned Meeting of the Board of Coamiasfonera, held in the Commisaion- ' ~ ere' Ohamber is Lhe City Hall, Padnoah, Sentnety. at lO;o'oloot A. M. January 5th, ~,. 1921. Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Esker. Tally. ililliame and Mayor Satterjohn,-5. '.h Commissioner Tally offered the following motion: Thal the petltiaa from resi- 'dents in the Vioinity of 6th 8 Husbands Street for n light to be plaoed on that oor= tzest Light at th 8 Husbands. F ner of the street be reoeived and. filed, and the Co®issioner of Pnblio Works be in- ts. ~ etrnated to. have said 11ght installed as soon sa poeslble. .Adopted npoa oall of the '' s roll by the ,following roots: Ysae, Eaton, Enter. Tally, Niilinms and Mayor Satter- ~.. x, john.-5. .f . Cooimisaionsr Tally offered the following motion: That Lhe raQnesL of residents treat Liglft aL r is Lhe vioinity of l;tii & Jefferson streets for n street light Lo bs plaoed on that 3th • Jet't•rson j s, oorner bs granted and the 0ommiseioner of Pnblio Worts be inetrnoted to have enfd Might, iaetalled ae soon ae possible. Adopted neon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Ysae, Eaton. Eater. Tally, Wfllisma sn8 ftayor 1Cbttesjohn,-5• j. ~i ', . , f i i L•. ~. E' y .. ~~. w*. :. . ~ I is • 1 ~. ~ ~ .y °~'~F.'MJt;i'WrA »w.,85%:._~' = '.ate wMk' .,. ^t .c s+r _. .. a..ay :µw b:.:~K~ ~ w: ,,,a;nn j ., ..><.~++;. ~ .