HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/30/18b
• It a regular mooting o! tffi Bosrd of Commiesionere hold in the Comrs' Chamber
i o! the City Hall, Paducah, $y., on Deo. 30, 1918, aeon osli o! tffi ro1L flu lollowing~
answered their uamee ~ eurns~ Gardaer~ Hase13P, Tally end Wooldridge 6. i
~ On mottos o! MemDor Wooldridge, tue minutes oY tue aseting o! Deoeaber 86, 1918
{; mere adopted as read upon Dell oY the rail by 6 yesa. ~ .
Cnmber]aad ~ On motion oY Member Gardnss, that the Cumberland Telephone Co. be requested to
.Teiephops'Co. ,
requested t0 !; raise its wires eo that the oharoh building being moved down 13th street near Langsta;!
raise wires.. ~ ~
!. Ave. Dan peas under the same- osxrisd upon Dell oY the roll by b yesa.
Hampton Avg. ~' On motion of the above. thst the request oY petitioners residing oa Hampton
oinder wL1ka ' Ave. be raoeiied and tiled, and teat the Com'r o! Works be anthoriaed and inmtruoted ~~
~, to have oinder walks planed on Hampton Ave. item 18th to 13th 8t., in aooordsnoe
,! with said petition, end reme3y the oondition mentioned- oarried npoa Dail of the j
. ~ I
roll by 5 yeas. '
Transfer tot ;. On motion oY Member Haedlip, that deed from B• R. Harris to W, J. Childers and J .
B: R. Hsrria ' 4
to ails M. T. Childers, oomoying 18:18 Yeet otY the nam:thweet oorher of tot 386 in
W.J.Childera 3' block E1, in Oat Grove Cemetery, be ratiYied,.and that said traveler be reoorded in'
wile M.T.
Childers. i~ Cemetery Desd book, as per the written regnaet o! B. R. Harris herewith tiled-
. ~
oarried upon Dell o! the roil by 6 yeas.
Nanoe de Selby On motion of t'ae sbon, fast tue oammnnioation Yrom Nanoe d Ssiby, in regard
oommmmieation.~ to J. H• Hightower seed for lot in Oak Grove Cemetery, be rooeivsd and Yiled- oarried:.
~ j
npoa sell oY the roll by 6 yeas.
Clow Market On notion oY the above, that the petition Yrom butohers and bsnoh holders on j -'"~
hones 8:00 tts Cit Market saki that the market be olosed at s ht o'olook on.9aturday '
Sat. nights. y ~ ~
~ nights instead oY nine o'olook, daring the months of Jarntasy ana February 1919, be
j reoeived, Yiled and oononrred in- oarried upon Dail of the roll by 6 yeas. '
Appiloations On motion oY the above, the applloations c! W. C. Houseman, Elwood.Ns61 and
~ •„
tar Position
Bt. Iaspeotar.'„ Robt• Mitoheli Yor the position oY Street Inspeotor, ware reoeived.sad filed upon
osii oY the roll by b yeas.
J.Nee Treaters On motion of Member Tully. vdmereas, 0. L. YanMster was appointed asseee~r for,
satiflsd, t: the year 1918 and dsolined to eooept tus position, and J. Wee,.Troirt•meui was eP pointed
assessor in his stead and began hie duties on Oot. lEth, at a salary of X100 par •
month, to bs offirged to the oaapingsnt land, that time appointment of J. Wee Troutmsm '~~
ae assessor Yor the year 1918 be ratified- oarried upon Deli of the roil by 6 yeas.
Cemetery deed; Ori motion of tae above, tuat dosd bs szeouted to Donner Givens Yor loE E6 in
¢,onnar Givens ~. block ~3 on Lhe East side oY Hank attest between Ford do Hannan streets, in Oak Arowt(
` Cemetery, hs having paid therefor into the City Lreaeury the sum oY X40, as per ~ .
}~ raoeipt herewith tiled- oarried upon Dail oY the roll by 6 yeas: ,~>•";~
Cemetery Deedl On motion oY tns above, that deed ba ezeonted to J. F. Lynoh Yor let 89 in
bleak ,#2 on the north aide oY Baker street, between Ford & Hannon streets, in Oak .
Grove Cometery,~$3O ffiving been paid therefor into the City treasury ae evidonoed
by attaohsd reoeipt- oarried npoa Dell o! the roll by b yeas.
Cemetery seed, Oa motion o! the above, that dosd bs.ezsouted to Mrs. Nellie Blue Yor 106 ,
Mrs. Nellie
#61 in blook ~E on seat aide o ! Miller St. bet. Ford do Hannan Ste. 1n Oak Grove f
Cemetery, tffi enm oY x;530 having boon paid therefor into the City treasury ne per.
attached receipt- car;isd npoa Dell of the roll by 6 yeas.
Cemetery deed, Oa motion of the above, that deed be ezeouted to G. A, Radford family tar
' ~'
.family. ''
. ~ lot X32 in block ~2 on ldiiler street, oast aide, bet. Ford a Hannan Sta., Sa Oak
Grave Cemetery, X30 having bean paid therefor into tffi City treasury as per attache
reosipt- oarried upon Dell 0! the roll by 6 yeas. f
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t;ommissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah nanainbar antes 191. ~ "
;~ .. " .
Cemetery deed Oa motion of Member Tally, that, dead be easoutsd to w. V• Bailey for lot #38 in
blook ~2 on the south aids oi'Mi1Xer St• bet. Ford ~ Hannan Ste., is Oak Grove Cemetery, ~~
j. the enm bf $30 having bee~i paid iabo the Oity treaeiury therefor as per nttaohsd reesipt- -. ~~ •;" ~ ~ ""•
oarried npoa gall of the roil by b yeas. ,.
+1 On motion o! the above ~ •
, Ahab payment of the Street Dept• Pay roll for the week enditg
Dso••ES, 1918, amounting to $140.99, bs approved- osrrisd npoa Deli of the roll by 8 yesc. .
' Refund poll ~~ Oa motion of the above tMb the sum o! 1.60
taz to Jac• ~ • $ poll taz paid on bill X707 of Jas. i
~"~ .~
T• Ooarq.. ~! ~, Oom~ey, be refunded, ae hi is nqb a resident qi thin oity bat lirb~ in Graves Oo~ty-
,. i oarried upon Dail of the roll Dy 6 yeas. 5"
' Reinnd bo I• Oa motion of the above, thab $4.74 be refunded to 0. 0. Bssaisy,'being the emouab ~ •"
0.0.Hensler •`~,
j! ,
,, paid on taz bill ~88b,. sa he is a nqn-resident of this oity and was at the time the
aessaemdnb ass given !n 'for him by J. W. Hessler- oarried npoa Dell of t>ss roll br b yras• ,'
J•Heli a On motion of Member GarEacr, that the o]aim of J• Ssii dardnsr, oarbraotor on lama: ~?
Gardner eLis-' ' _ •
refaced, ;fl BtreAb Sewer, be rsfuaed until the eamk is oomplobed aooording to the oarbraot and •; -." r: '
.. j~ sgreemenb- oarried npoa Dail of the roll by 6 yeas. f ~, ""• •
' ~ On motion the Beard ad~b~aned upon Deli ofthe roil by the following vobsl Yeas,
Borne, Gardner, Hsseiip, Tnliy and Wooldridge= b. ~ •
. ~o._ _ i .1y2 ...ti.FF ^ ~
' / i~ sl
+i January 2. .1919. e,. " -
`: ~ ~ . ~. .
;, At a belied meeting of the Board of Commisaioaera held in the Comm' Chamber o! ~~ ~
K4., '
i~ the Oity Hall;aPadnoah, Sy., oa January"E, 1919, at 4s15 P• M., npoa Dell of the roll ~ ' ''
the following answered thou names; Burnt, Gardner, Harelip, Tally and Wooldridge- b. i ~•'"
' ~ ,_• ,.
Oity pnrahsae~ ~ motion of Member Gardner, that the Com'r of Works be inetrnoted to pnrahase~,
Ford oar for •', j
Cit~nyghb ~, a Ford oar for nee of the City Light Plant, at a ooet of $643.76, lean $100 to be paid;
for old oar taken in part payment, oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following votet "
f' ~ ; ~"' " , 1 ~.
Yoae, Burns, Gardner, Tally and Wooldridge, 4. Nay, Harelip, 1. ~~ ;~. '
• ~ D; ,
'' Applioationea,i ~ motion of the above, that the applloations of David D. Atohieon, Boyos i
-for poeltion i• Berryman, W. 0. Houseman, Jno. M. Slaughter, Harvey E. Allen, Robt. Mitchell, E. B. j ~ '
'„ Johneoa, Levi Brien, John Ifatterjohn, F. H. Smedley and W. T. Goodman for the pceitioni y
' ~, ~ ..
of Street Inapeotor, be received emd filed- carried upon call of the roll by b yeas. i w . ,'
On motion of the above, that the appointment oY David D. Atohiao}i ae Street ~ '
';' David D.
°' Atchison Tnepeotor, be approved- carried upon Dell oY the roll by the following voto; Yeea, ` `
appointed St•'' Bmne, Gardner and Wooldridge, 3. Members Tally and Harelip not voting. ! ~,~'
Inepootor. ~
'"• Appoint~oent ~ motion of Member Harelip, that the appointment of lire. Gala Martin as Snpt.? ~~
o Mrs. GeL ei Riverside Hospital by the Com'r of Property be ratified- carried npoa Dell of the ~ 3. '
Martin 9u t.. '
of_Rivera~de. .roll by 6 yeas. "''`
~ p: '
Mra.D•Kennedy On motion of the above, that. the appointment of Mrs. D• 8ennedy ss night f "
aNpph~nS~d~- cnpsroieor at Riverside Hoapitsl at a sale
1g p , ry of $7b per month.. by She Oom'r"oY Props;ly, ,~
visor at ~ ~ _
. River ids ~"bs ratified- harried upon Dell of the roll~by b yeas. V~~
Hospital. ..
Dr. Isbell ~ motion of Mayor Burns, that the appo~imenb olyDr• ~~eli ag easistanb Oity' y
appointed Phycioiaa be ratified- carried n on Dell of the roll b 6 sae. ~
Asst. Gity P y. y
Phyaioiea. On motion of the aboq the rea ' ~,, "
Sna Pubr Co. ' . igaation of the 8nn Pnbiishing Oo• ac aftiaitl r
reeignatica newspaper, was soon ed n on Dell of the roil by b yeas. .!. •
e~q• de sooepb Pt P j
On motion of the above, a RR90LUTIOH dseigssting the News-Dcmoorat as bee j .,"
' deei~atsd ;, official aesspaper of the Oity o! Psduoeh, was given its passage npoa call of the roli~ +~ v
off ioisl ~.
nswapaper' ti by the following votes Ysas, Boras, Haseiip,"Tally i iYooidridge• 4. Member Gardner {{ ~~
.~~ not voting. j._ '`
• ~ ~.
, '. ~ '.
v ~