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Commissioner`s Proceedings, City of Paducah naaamha,. ~~, 191
At a regnle~r.meetiag of the Board of Commiaaionere held in th• Comts• ohambsr o!
the Oity Ba11, Padmah, I(v., on Deo. 16, 1918, upon Dell of the roll the folloxi:g ~
answered their namees Barns, Gardner, Barsiip, Tally and wooldridgs- 6.
~'' On motion of.Membsr Hassllp, the mi~tee o! tIIs meetings held on Deosmbsr 9th
1918 were adopted as read upon Deli of the roil by 8 yeas.
~, .~.
," sia~"ynaBa'~ds on motion of Member Gardner, tffit the State Guards, Company "B*, bs allowed th•
nos o.ity ~ i;-ass of oity teams free of oharge. to deliver oharity ooel in ten bushel lots to arorthy
teams to ~ ~
,'^ ~` deliver offirity' persona in need of. same- oarried upon Dail of the roll by 6 yeas. {
k Y 2 o0a1. I
~, On motion of the above, that the bill of J. B. Oardne;, oontraotor, for work on ~ "
i J.B.Garduer, f
bill for work Tonneaaes street sewer, bs referred to the Com'r of Publio works and City Solioitor ~
', oa Tsan. 81.
„•~ .sewer, f for report at the next meeting- said bill being ~aor the amount of $564.80- carried
~ upon otli o3 the roll by b yeas. ~ "
N bn motion o! Member Tally, that the sooounts for the last ffi1f oY November, 1918,!
~ amounting to $3E.608.EE, be allowed sad pnymen! of same appa~otisd, end that She report ;
' '~ thereof of Oom'r of Finano• bs received sad filed carried upon Dell of the roll by B yeas.
On motion of the above, the report o! Com'r of Finance of receipts and disbnrsemeiris
` ~~ for November 1918 was received, filed sad ordered pablishsd in th• official newspaper,!
if ttpon Dell of the roll by 6. yeas. i
:-~ On motion of the above, the payment of Strsst DepE. pay roll for repairs on brisk
~'r streets, for week ceding Deo. 7, 1918, amounting to $37-.46, was approved upon Dell al
the roll by 6 yens.
Oa motion of the above, the payment of Street Dept. pay roll for xoek ending {
+ i
Deo. 7, 1918, amounting to $213.66, was appq~oved upon Dail of the roll by 6 yeas. I
~~ 0n motion of the above, the payment of Street Dspt. pay roll for week ending Deo•
14, 1918, amounting to $E16.4E, was approved upon call of the roil by 8 yeas..
On motion of the above, the payment of Strsst Dept. pay roll for repairs on
brick attests for week ending Deo. 14, 1918, amounting to $EE.23, was approved upoa
call of the roll by 6 goes. ~ ~ ~
On motion of the above, the psymsat of pay roll for work done in Patrol house !br'
~,h week ending Dso. 14, 1913, amounting to $16.94, was approves neon Dell of the roll by }
;~ 6 yeas.
?.^ Delinquent ~_ On motion of the above, the report of Com'r of riuanoe of sale of property for ~ .
tax eat s. - ~
1 delinquent taxes was received and filed upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas.
In. re. alleged Member Oerdnsr read a report a3 findings Sn the investigation of alleged irregu-
irregu]aritiee ~ j
~' 8trest Dspt• ~ larities of the Street Department and moved tffit same bs filed as the 'ndgmeni od the
~ Board, in, said matter- acid motion loot, not receiving a second. ~ .
". i1
On motion of Msmbsr Betrelip, t]ffit it is the 'sense of the Board that gross mss-
. 8t. Depi• ~ I
`` alleged h: managsmeat of the affairs of the Street'Dept. has besn.developed under the motion oY
~. irrsgnlaritiea.!
Oom'r Tally to iaveatigate seas; and tffit the affirges against F. w. Mooney,. Street
Inspector, ea to irregv]aritisa is the iesusl and Dashing of checks of Carl Priddy, Oso.
,.a Meadows and T. J. 3andere, together with the sendi~3g df city employees to work far l'
private individuals, and the removal of city property fiom the city, be saatnined- 1
same lost n~son Dell of th.e roll by the folloxiag votes Ysae, Harelip and Tally, E.
Nay,. Barns, Gardner and Wooldridge, 3. ~
Reaignntion of x On .notion of Member taardaer tffit the reaigsmtioitpf F. w. Mooney; Street
B. W. Mooney ~, s ~ ..
e~oepted. ?; Inspector, be accepted- carried upon call of th'e roll by the follovdng voter Yeas, Berns,
A~WI ,? ~'~. Oardnsr, Tally and Wooldridge., 4. Nay, 8arsiip, 1.
~~ !~ On~motion the Bosr~.ad~om~ned upon sell of the roll by the foliowing votes. rise,
` ~B~ ~tiardner, Harelip, Tally an3 wooidridge~ 6. .d~~P
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