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• No' r .;.
' . fommissioner's Proceedings,: City ofPadueah. Bovember 26th 191.e._ ~ ~ ,
~ ~
'! '~ It a epsoial meeting of. the Boars of Commissioners hail in the Comre' Chamber;
~ .
' ~. of the City Bail, Paanoah, fir., on Nov. 86, 118, npon,osll of the roll the following
'~ answered their namesa Buras,.Gardner, Baselip,•Tally and Wooldridge- B. ~
f. ~ ~~
N ~ On motion of Mayor Barns, a oommanioation from W. t. Gardner, Com'r of Pnh13e:
l eileged irrsg- ~~ Worlre, regarding the inreetigation of alleged irregalaritise in the Street Dept., nna'
nlarities.. Bated Nov. 26, 1918,
apeoifyiag osrtaia ohsoks, eto.,~ was reoeivsa and.fiiea npoa osll.of the roll by 8 yeas.
Bearing of F.W. Mayor Bnrna offered the following motioat That the hearing of ohasgsa agsine~t ,
Mooney oont~.d ~ {
!. W. .Mooney bs oonti~med natil nine t. M. nest Friday, to enable him to prepare hie ;
{ oars for hearing- j .
Member,Baselip offered the following amendment: That the motion of Mayor- ~
` ~ Barns be ame~ed by.hsaring the witnesses for the City today and oonti:noiag,ths hearing,
•' "''of the defendant~,e for hie own proof- said amendment loot neon sail of the roll by
,~. the following vote: Yeas, Gardner and Basslip, E. Bay, Barns, Tn11y ana.Wooldridgs,;S.
t ..
~ The motion se offered originally by Mayor Barns osrried upon oali of the roill
. ~ by the following vote; Yeas, Barns, Gardner, Tally and Wooldridge- ~. Nsy, Basslip- 1.
C,g~~y,~pi~u !I On motion of Member Woold;idga, that 1[r. C. H. ]Ltiyksndall bs dismissed from ~
dismissed. ~ eervios on aooount af.ineffioienoy and negleot..of duty, oarried upon oall of the roil
`i~ ~ ~,. by the following votes Yeas, Barns, Baseiip and Wooldridge- a. .Bay, Gardner- l..
Yembsr Tally szoneeS from voting.
Oa motion the Board aajomnea upon oail of the tall by the following motet
p .Yeas. Barre, Gardner, Baselip, Tally and Wooldridge- 6.
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' '! ~ _. November 87. 1918. {
{ '
~ ~.
~~ Lt 'a called meeting .of the Board of Oommiseioasre held in the Comte' Chamber ol~,
the City Sell, Padnoah, Icy., on Nov. 87, 1918, upon cell of the roll the following '
• ~.
+, answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Baaelip, Tally and Wooldridge- B. ~
St. Roller to j On,motioa of Member Gardner, that the street toiler of the City be need to
scarify yarn ate: ®oarify the d
Union Depot. yar at Union depot and roll same for the benefit of the pabllo- carried ~
', upon calf of the roll by 6 yeas.
Holiday- 8b. On motion of the abon, that the Street Dept. employees who desire to quit work
. Dept. employeN
Tharaday at.aoon, Thanksgiving day, be allowed s roll days time- aarriea,npoa calf of i
'~ tht roil by 6 yeas. ' '
On-motion the Board adjourned, apon sail of the soli by the following vobt i,
• Year, Bnrna, Gardner, Hasslip. Tally eaa Wooldridge- 6.,
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