HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/25/18.. i i B • ~= ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Itoyember ss lyf a No..~ .:, ., , ~L a segnLr meeting o! the Board o! Oommissioaera hell is the Oomrs' Ohamber . f ~' o! the Oity Hail. Padnsah, $~r., ea Hov. 26, 1818, npon,esii o! the roll the follow-~ ~ ing answere3 the is namert•Bnrns~ Gardner, Aaselip ead Wooldridge- 4. r ~ i; Oa motion o! Member Wooldridge, the minutes o! the meetings o! llovsmber 18th ~~ ~ :. 18th 20th sad 28l were adopted ss read upon oall oY the roll by 4 yeas. ~ Contagion hospital ! On motion o! Member Hsselip, that.thq oonsent o! the oity oommie eioa~rs is ~ ! hereby granted !or the nee oY the oontsgion hospital !or iafluensa oases among ' ' ~ ohildren, so !ar as the oommiesionere hays the right to said privilege, ead eo !ar ae , `& • ~ nnsses sea be lusnished- oarrisd npoa sail o! the roll by 4 yeas. , ~: ` ~; Oa motioII o! Mayor B-mna~ that the olaim o! Jae. P. Smith 1n the amonat o! Ju. P. Smith ~• slain. ~ X18.46 !or repairs to sidewalks at 224 & 226 Sy. Ave., which had to bs oonstrnoted ~'~ within two years alter they wore originally laid, ba.re~erred te•.ths Oom~r o! worts • ~; sad Oity 8olioitor !or reoommendatioa end opinion- oarrisd upon sail 0! the roil ~i ' by l yeas. LO.O.P. Bend- ;; Oa motion of the above, s 8seointioa sztenaing the thanks o! the Board to ~ Heeointion ;; , eztending ;, thr I. 0. 0. H. Baal !or the eervioes donated by it inring the entire day o! Bov J. theatre. ;; 11, 1918, was adopted neon sell oY the roll by 4 yeas. •P ~ On motion o! the above, a Beaolution inviting the oo-operation o! the various ~ - Memorial ios , ,organisations o! the Oity o! PaQnoah and Oonnty o! MoCraokea to most with the Hoar4 • soldiers sad ~. o! Oomrs on Dso. Sd~ 1818 to ooneidsr ways and means and plane !or the erection o! I sailors. .i a permanent memorial to the boys o! this city and county who hays been indaobed into the rervioe o! tlu D• 8• Army- was adoptel upon call o! the roll by 4 yeas. i ~ ~ On motion o! Member Wooldridge, that the Mayor be instruotsd to write ' i Oaanons ios ~' Oongreesman Bnrkisy to ass i! hs can get several oeanoas to be placed on a lot ` City. ;, heresltsr designated in the oity,o! Padnoah- oarrisd upon call oP the roil by 4 yeas, ; J ~ Oa motion o! Member 6ardaes~ that tho City o! Padmsh donate 10200 towards, ~~~ ezpsnse o! sending delegates to a.oonvsntioa to bs held in Lonioville, ~y. on Oo~entioa at Loniavills. , Dse. 11th sad 12th !or the purpose oY seeking an appropristion'irom the Government - for building looks end demo on the Ohio rtvsr between Henderson, $q. ead Cniro, Ill., ' f '. 1^.~ . ti ead that the Mayor appoint said delegates- said $200 .to be paid ont o! the aontiageat j `. land- oarrisd npoa call of the roll by 4 yeas. ', !! On motion the Hoard ad~onraed upon call o! the roll by the following votes . Yeas,. Bnras~ Gardner, Haselip and Wooldridge- 4. ,~ 14l~ ca..FP ~ :E~~ ^~~ ~ zrh r s .t • ,E r" k- v ,. s .. •., ;.: ^}~y~,$.~.e,:.. Jx vdv~,rr} ; q, u~,~+ ~..w--:m~ .t... =i;.u~ F # .,. afpyry s. +L: r:+y .0 . ,.. ~ ~ ,. ~ _ :. .. . , _ 1 _.•- • _W:_~: ..•a mrn I.. ...t