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" Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah November 4 191
!:~ At a regular meeting of the Hoard of Commieaiona~ra held in the Comra° Chamber oY the
" ~ ,.Oity Hall, Eadvoah, $ya on Nov• 4, 1918° upon oall~of the roll the Sollowing answered ~ «•--~
.their names: Bnrna, Gardner, Haselip, Tn13y and Wooldridge- 8. 1., ~ li I
A On motion oY Clamber tYooldrddg®, the minutes oY the meetings o3 Oetober EBth and E9th, ~( „~,,:~
5' 1918 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 8 yens. 1
Telephone ! On motion of Member Gardner, that ae the Government has taken charge a .control of the
Operators° `'
eniary. !'.'telephone companies, it it is foun8 correct that the telephone operators are only ! ~!
~ getting X25 to X30 a month that the tea or be instructed to write the
, y proper authorities ~~
l~ at Waahington in an effort to.gst an inoresae in sa3ary for the operators- carried upon
~! call of the roll by b yese.
I.C.R.B, On motion of the above, that the protest of the Illinois Central R, R• employees
employees a;.
" Nork Cando against the proposed ordinammce providing for s work card system in Padnoeh9 be received
Ord. ~ and 4ilgd- carried upon Dell of the roll by b yese.
!! On motion of Member Tully, the report of Com°r of Finance of accounts Yon the laat~ '
!' half of October was received & filed, end said accounts allowed and ordered paid, upon
i cell of the roll by b yese• ,,.,~ .~ ..
u 0
' 0n motion oY the above, the report Ot Com°r Ot Finance ct PAeeipta 8° disberaeIDenta,
,•Yor the month oY Ootober•1918 was reaeieed b tiled & am~dsred published in the official t •
'~ newspaper, upon sell 03 the roll by b yese.
On motion of the above, the pe4yment of pay roll for employees of Riverside improve-
" ~ meat, amounting to $2b.b0, for week e~-ding Nov. E, 1918, waa approved upon Dell of the f
! roll by 8 yese.
~• l[rs.Anna Fox 1. On motion of the above, that deed be greeted to Mrs. Anus Foz to lot 8E in Block Eq ~~ ~
Cemetery Deed.'
aonth aide of Miller St. between Ford 8o Hannan Sta., in Oak Grove Cemetery, she laving
paid therefor the sum of X30 ea per treasurers receipt herewith sttaohed- carried ' ` }
-upon cell of the roll by b yese. '
lirs.Cerilie A111t On motion of the above, that deed be granted to hire. 'Sallie Alle to lot 98 in block
-~ cemetery ,dssa.
E, on north aide,ot Ford St. between 1Siller & Baker Sta.,, in Oak Grove Cemetery; she
' having paid therefor the awn of X40 as per treasurer°e receipt herewith, attached-
, (! carried upon Dell of the roll by b yese• ~ •
Mra.Ra~ia On motion oY the above, that deed be granted, ti Mrs. Fannie Crawford to lot 13 in
• Crawford- ` in Oak Grove Cemetery i •~
.~-: cemetery desdv! block E on the east aide of M111er St.•between Ford 8a Hannan atreeta~ she having paid ; .
therefor the sum oY X26 as per treasurer'.e receipt herewith filed carried upon cell of
, _ the roll by b yreas. i
R. C. Wallace ! ~ On motion. of the above, that deed be granted R. C. wallaoe to lot 93 in block E, on
cemetery deed. in Oak Grove Cemetesq
north aide' of Ford St• between Miller ,8o Baker Sta., hs having paid therefor the anm of a
$30 as per treasurers receipt herewith tiled- ~ri.ed npon`ilsli of the roll by b yens. ,
• A. F. Hart ~ On motion of the above, that deed bs gcented to A. Fe Hurt•to lot b in block 1, on
cemetery deed.i;
'. south side of Hannan 8t., between Stewart"de Baker et:dste, in Oak Grove Cemetery, •
he having paid therefor the enm of i$40 as per treasurer°s receipt herewith filed-
.,. ~ carried upon Deli of the roil by b yeseo
John Smith On motion of the above, that deed be granted to John Smith to lot 31 in block 2, on! .
cemetery deed.. in'Oak Grove Cemetery
south elde of Hannan St., between Beksr 8cldiller Ste.,( treasurer°s receipt for e^30 in i !~
payment thereof being herewith tiled- carried upon cell of the roll by 8 y~e•
lI•R.Oaborne ! Oa motion oY the above, that deed be greeted to w• R. Osborne to lot 99 in block 2,i
cemetery doed.'? s
on the north side of Ford St• between Miller 6 Baker Ste-., in Oak Grows Cemetery,
treasurer°s receipt for X40 to psymeat thereof being lurewith filed- oarrie8 upon oa11i
€`".. of the roll by b yeas. ~ .
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Commissionex's Pfoceedmgs, City of Paducah November ath 1~~_e
'~ On motion of Member Tally, the payment o! Serest Dept•.pay roll for the west ~
• j!
ending Nov 8, 1918, emoting to {198.90, was approved peon Dail of the roll by the
following votes Ysas, Burns, Gardner, essslip, 'Pally and Nrooidridge- 6.
L• B. Ragas On motioa.ot.1! tuber Wooldridge, ,that the saloon license of L. 8• Ragan bs
saloon liosase ~ .
• - transferred to ; transferred to Fran>< Jennings, at the seine locations 116 8. 4th St., is sooordassoe
7'sank Jennings.
wild rsgnset o! L• B• Ragan herewith tiled- carried upon Dail of the roll by 6 yeas.
.. '. Oa mottos o! the abovs~ that police power be granted to F. 8. Thompson as
• Police powers
granted P• 8. ~; epsaisl patrolman of the I. C. R. R. Co., npoa the sseoution o4 the usual bond in
i` ~ the amount of $1,000, he to sot without any salary or pay from the Oity- oarrisd
``. upon Dell of the roll .by b yms• ~
' '
Labor Card Ord. ~ On motion of Mayor Burns, that the proposed ordinance providing Yor the
. :, tabled.
issnanoe of labor cards, "bs tabled- carried neon oail,ot the roll by b yeas.
~'6~ ~~ ~.~'
i On motion the Board sd~ourned neon Dell ot~the roil by the following vote:
~; Yeas, Burns, Gsrdnsr, Naasiip, Tally, and Wooldridge- B•
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" November 6. 1918. , ,'
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At s called meeting of the Board oY Commissioners hold in the Comra' Chamber of
~ A; the City Hails Paducah, Ky., on November 6, 1918, neon Dell oY the roll the folloxing
'': answered their names; Burns, Gardner, Hasalip, Tully,•and Wooldridge, 8.
''~ ~ ; On motion of Member Tully, tho Paducah Board oY Trade was allowed the sum of
liiowaaae to
Board of Trsde,~ $S00 for advertising the City of Paducah, and the Com'r of Finance was iuetruoted to
• ~ pay said emount~ npoa call of the roll by b yeas.
On motion of the above, the report of the Com'r o! Finanos regarding the sale o! `
Oh1•,St.L•~Pad. ~ $70,000 refunding bonds, was received and ailed, and "the eotion of the Com'r of Financ e
R.R. bonds- ; .,
in selling $?0,000 thirty-year-b~i refunding bonds for the sum of par plus $b18, the ~
- coat of the bonds attorney's tee, and scorned interest 1t the bonds are not'Yeady
for delivery Dec. 1, 1918, to the Fifth-Third National Bank of Cincinnati, 0. was
approved upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Tully
I' and Wooldridge- 4. Nay, Gardner- 1.
~ On motion the Board ad~onrned npoa call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas,
• '~; Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully, and Wooldridge- B• _,,
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