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f ~ Commissioner'8 Proceedings, Ci of Paducah 8sntember 16thlgje
~ i ZL a regular meeting of the Board of Coa~mieslonere held in the Oomre' OhaQbar
of the City Baii, Peduoah, Ky., on September 16, 1918, upon sell of the roll the
t ~,
following gaexered their names; Burns, Gardner, Bazelip, end 6ooldridge- 4,
• ~~ On motion of iSember Ylooldridge, the minutes of the meeting hold on September
i~ 9, 1918 wore adopted ae read upon call of Lhe roll by 4 yeas. .
,~ ~ On motion of the above, the City Solioitos was instructed to bring in an ord~
AutomobiUa ,
parking on ~ neaps prohibitir~ automobiles or vehialee.of any oheraater stopping or psi lrg on
Broadw ~'
8y- ~.
,, prohibited. ~ either aide of BroadAay from First to Sixth street, but p m viding that persons may
h atop in said boundarq for temporary purposes, not szoeed
i~,r Len minutes, and provid.
~` inp a line of not lose they five nor more than twenty dollars for each ofteiee-
' i upon cell of the roll Dy 4 yeea.
!t. On motion of the abovo,. that the City Solioitor'a opinion with respect to .peyri~~}
Pad. later Go " t
bill for water ~ of bill of Pad. Water Co. for X96.66, for rater furnished contractor in the con-
.. - fnrni abed In ,
ooastrnotion o! , etruotion of the iennaeaee Street eewer, be received and filed, and that in purauadoe~
Sena.. St. Sewer.; '
of said opinion, the Paducah Water Co. be allowed said ~m of ~p96.66, eaa~e to le peg 1
j,, from the special esxer fnnd- parried upon call of the roll by the following vote=
' Yeea, Burns, Gardner, and Wooldridge- 3. Nay, Haze lip, 1. i
Insurance rates- On motion of 1{ayor Burns, the oommunioationa of Ky. Aotuarisi Bureau and
Insurance Dept, of Ky., setting forth requirements ae to new rates, wars received and
'v filed upon Dail of the roll by 4 yeea,
Pad. Cooperage ,, On motion of the above, a resolution holding unchanged by any eotioa of the
Co.- fence. ~.
! Board of Commiasloaers Lhe statue of the title of certain properta~ on Meyers etreet• .~ '
where the Paducah Cooperage Co. has erected a fence- xaa Riven its passage on cell.
of the roll by 4 yeea.
• On motion Lhe Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following W ts~•
Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Hazellp, and Wooldridge- 4.
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. i
Seatember E0, 1918.
i' At a called maetlag of the Board of Commiasionere held in the Comrs' Chamber ut ~ .
' ~° the City Ball, Paducah, Ky., et 11;30 A. id., on Sept. E0, 1916, upon call of the roli f
• ~' the following answered their Haase; Burns, Gardner, Harelip, y, and Wooldll dge- bi
t: Tull
Oa motion of Z{ember Tully, the report of Com'r of Finance for the first halt o!
' - ~
• Soptember was received and filed, and avid accounts, amounting to X5,464.66, elloxed, ~
end ordered paid upon cell o i the roll by b yeea. ;•
Purchase ~; On motion of the.abovs, the aotlon of Com'r of Finance in purchasing Street }
Street bond. ;;
Improvement Bond X99, was approved uron call of tho roll by b yeas.
`" ~
`Oemetery dead {' On motion of Lhe above, that deed be executed Lo R. T. Dallas for lot 97 in ( .
R. T. Dells
block 8, on the south tide of Ltiller street between Ford and Hannan atrcete, in Uak
~: , ~
Grove Genre tery, ha having paid therefor into the treasury the eum of X40, ae evidenced
• i
;`'by receipt hereto attached- carried upon Dell of the roll D b
y yens.
' '
' Cemetery deed i, On motion of the above, that deed be executed to J. i. (Sadden for lot 60 in
21addea t
J Sf
. ;; block 2, on the south aide oY itYller etreet bat. Ford and Hannan streets, in pak ~- 4
1 Grove Cemetery, in accordance with Treasurer's receipt.for ^a hirty dollase here'to' ~ i _
' ~'
attached- carried upon ~sll of the roll by 6 yeas.
° ~
a Additional ~; On motion of Liayor 3urne, that the County Court Clerk, Gus G. Singleton, bs .
3 instructed to hold the regular additional registration on Lhe third Tuesday in 0otober
~ ~ y; ae required by ordinance, caroled upon sell o! tho roll b b
y yeas.
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• *^No~~
Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadncah sept. 20th Igl a ooatinned
Cornmittea ~~ On motion ot.Member Wooldridge, that 3dayor Burns and Fire Chief Glynn be appoiated
a "
- to go to
Louisville- committee to go. to Louisville with the committee from the Board of Trade to confer wi~h '
to adjust - ~
inauranoe the Inauranoe Board in regard to adJuetiag insurance rates is Padnoah; their espeneee to
rates. '.
be charged to the contingent fund-- aerrled upon cell of the roll by b yeas.
~I. On motion the Hoard adjourned upon pail of the roll by the following yeses Burns, "~','~
Gardner, Heaelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- b. ~
i BEPTEidiBER 23. 1918.
At a regular meeting of the Board o£ Commissioners held in the Comre' Chamber of -
j ~ the City Hall, Paduaeh, Xy., on"3opt. 23, 1918 upon oah of the roll the tollowiaig
- ,. ~ anawerod their name: Burns Gardner lull
y; an~4looldridge- 4. •
~ On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes of the meetings of Septenber.l6, 1918
.and ?.0th, warp adopted as road upon cell of tho roll by,4 yeas. •
~j On motion of Momber Tully,. the payment of the Street Department pay roll for they '
weok ending Bopt. 21, 1918, amounting to y~177.71, r:as approved upon call of the roll ~``
by 4.yeae. E
• I
Parking of i
.prohibited 1 OF PADUCAH, ICn1NTUCKY, AIdD PROVYDIIJG "PENALTY POR PIOLATIOId OF 3A,~ waa given its peaea~e 1-~~r
oa Bdwsy p , .:,.,;~
• ~~. upon call of the roll bq 4"yeas®
On motion the Board adjourned upon sell 03 the roll by the following votes ~ ~ ...
Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Tully, and Y'Jooidridge- 4. ~
3 ~ (' ~
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BEPTPsMBF.R $0, 1918. !
- ~! At a regalar meeting of the Board of Commissioners bald in the Comrs' Chamber of ;..
i ~
, ~
'.the Oity Hall, Padvpah, By. on Sept. S0, 1918, upon calf of the roll the following
~~ answered their names: Byrne, Gardner, .Tally, end Wooldridge- 4.
r "
•~~ On motion of Member Tally, the minutes of the meeting of September 83, 1818 were
jj adopted upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
' Tenn. 8t. ? On motion of Member Gardner, That the report of city engineer of final settlement
8ewer.,' ;
d on Tennessee street sewer be received and tiled, end ;that ths"eum of $840.40 bs allowed
" h and paid the contractor J. B. Gardner, in acoordanpe With said report and reoommmdation,
said emoun't to be charged to the special sewer tend- parried npoa call of the roll by
r the tolloWing vote; Yeae., Hume, Gardner, and'WOOldridge- 3. Hay, Tally- 1. "
Oa motion ot.ltembar Tully,"the payment of the Htreet Department pay roll .for the.wsek
• {j
ending Bept. E8, 1918, amounting to ~E04.E8, was approved npoa pail of the roll by 4 yens.','
4 ..
j. On motion the Board ad~tnfrned npoa oah o! tbs roll by the tolipwiag v'o#es Yens
(l Barns, Gardner, Tally, and Vlooldtidge- 4.."
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