HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/26/18 & 09/20/18~;~:.,,; Jr.T ~.,,~.., . _, .:.., r ` _ Na f ~ Commissioner'8 Proceedings, Ci of Paducah 8sntember 16thlgje ~ i ZL a regular meeting of the Board of Coa~mieslonere held in the Oomre' OhaQbar ~, of the City Baii, Peduoah, Ky., on September 16, 1918, upon sell of the roll the t ~, following gaexered their names; Burns, Gardner, Bazelip, end 6ooldridge- 4, • ~~ On motion of iSember Ylooldridge, the minutes of the meeting hold on September i~ 9, 1918 wore adopted ae read upon call of Lhe roll by 4 yeas. . ,~ ~ On motion of the above, the City Solioitos was instructed to bring in an ord~ AutomobiUa , parking on ~ neaps prohibitir~ automobiles or vehialee.of any oheraater stopping or psi lrg on Broadw ~' 8y- ~. ,, prohibited. ~ either aide of BroadAay from First to Sixth street, but p m viding that persons may h atop in said boundarq for temporary purposes, not szoeed i~,r Len minutes, and provid. ~` inp a line of not lose they five nor more than twenty dollars for each ofteiee- ' i upon cell of the roll Dy 4 yeea. i! !t. On motion of the abovo,. that the City Solioitor'a opinion with respect to .peyri~~} Pad. later Go " t bill for water ~ of bill of Pad. Water Co. for X96.66, for rater furnished contractor in the con- .. - fnrni abed In , C " ooastrnotion o! , etruotion of the iennaeaee Street eewer, be received and filed, and that in purauadoe~ Sena.. St. Sewer.; ' ~ of said opinion, the Paducah Water Co. be allowed said ~m of ~p96.66, eaa~e to le peg 1 j,, from the special esxer fnnd- parried upon call of the roll by the following vote= ' Yeea, Burns, Gardner, and Wooldridge- 3. Nay, Haze lip, 1. i Insurance rates- On motion of 1{ayor Burns, the oommunioationa of Ky. Aotuarisi Bureau and ;, Insurance Dept, of Ky., setting forth requirements ae to new rates, wars received and 'v filed upon Dail of the roll by 4 yeea, Pad. Cooperage ,, On motion of the above, a resolution holding unchanged by any eotioa of the Co.- fence. ~. ! Board of Commiasloaers Lhe statue of the title of certain properta~ on Meyers etreet• .~ ' where the Paducah Cooperage Co. has erected a fence- xaa Riven its passage on cell. of the roll by 4 yeea. p • On motion Lhe Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following W ts~• 6 Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Hazellp, and Wooldridge- 4. ~, , a~i~2~' • . - ----f / t~ ~ ""~ ..rte D YllE:: ~~ di ~. ~ . i Seatember E0, 1918. i' At a called maetlag of the Board of Commiasionere held in the Comrs' Chamber ut ~ . ' ~° the City Ball, Paducah, Ky., et 11;30 A. id., on Sept. E0, 1916, upon call of the roli f • ~' the following answered their Haase; Burns, Gardner, Harelip, y, and Wooldll dge- bi t: Tull Oa motion of Z{ember Tully, the report of Com'r of Finance for the first halt o! ~ ' - ~ • Soptember was received and filed, and avid accounts, amounting to X5,464.66, elloxed, ~ end ordered paid upon cell o i the roll by b yeea. ;• Purchase ~; On motion of the.abovs, the aotlon of Com'r of Finance in purchasing Street } ~ Street bond. ;; Improvement Bond X99, was approved uron call of tho roll by b yeas. `" ~ ; `Oemetery dead {' On motion of Lhe above, that deed be executed Lo R. T. Dallas for lot 97 in ( . ~ R. T. Dells block 8, on the south tide of Ltiller street between Ford and Hannan atrcete, in Uak ~: , ~ Grove Genre tery, ha having paid therefor into the treasury the eum of X40, ae evidenced • i ;`'by receipt hereto attached- carried upon Dell of the roll D b y yens. ' ' ' Cemetery deed i, On motion of the above, that deed be executed to J. i. (Sadden for lot 60 in 1Y 21addea t J Sf ! . . . ;; block 2, on the south aide oY itYller etreet bat. Ford and Hannan streets, in pak ~- 4 '' ;, 1 Grove Cemetery, in accordance with Treasurer's receipt.for ^a hirty dollase here'to' ~ i _ ' ~' .'~ attached- carried upon ~sll of the roll by 6 yeas. ° ~ "`. 1 a Additional ~; On motion of Liayor 3urne, that the County Court Clerk, Gus G. Singleton, bs . Regiatretion. 3 instructed to hold the regular additional registration on Lhe third Tuesday in 0otober i.:.; ~ ~ y; ae required by ordinance, caroled upon sell o! tho roll b b y yeas. _. L.~ ~ a....- ~~ ~: . 'mil' F"r'""~N"~~e+•fcw oru~wc t ~! " ,- o , ' " i • *^No~~ " Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadncah sept. 20th Igl a ooatinned Cornmittea ~~ On motion ot.Member Wooldridge, that 3dayor Burns and Fire Chief Glynn be appoiated a " i - to go to Louisville- committee to go. to Louisville with the committee from the Board of Trade to confer wi~h ' - to adjust - ~ inauranoe the Inauranoe Board in regard to adJuetiag insurance rates is Padnoah; their espeneee to rates. '. ~ be charged to the contingent fund-- aerrled upon cell of the roll by b yeas. ~I. On motion the Hoard adjourned upon pail of the roll by the following yeses Burns, "~','~ Gardner, Heaelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- b. ~ „ :, i Qi~P r i BEPTEidiBER 23. 1918. At a regular meeting of the Board o£ Commissioners held in the Comre' Chamber of - j ~ the City Hall, Paduaeh, Xy., on"3opt. 23, 1918 upon oah of the roll the tollowiaig - ,. ~ anawerod their name: Burns Gardner lull y; an~4looldridge- 4. • ~ On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes of the meetings of Septenber.l6, 1918 N .and ?.0th, warp adopted as road upon cell of tho roll by,4 yeas. • ~j On motion of Momber Tully,. the payment of the Street Department pay roll for they ' weok ending Bopt. 21, 1918, amounting to y~177.71, r:as approved upon call of the roll ~`` by 4.yeae. E • I Parking of i ~~ On motion of Member Wooldridge, AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING VEHICLE4 OF ANY CHARACTI~R # • ' s~tomobiles 8e vehiolea ~! v'ROM PARKING ON EITHER BIDE OF BROAD'NAY BETi'7EEN FIRST AiTD SI7CTH BTREETB, Iid TID CITY f' ~ • .prohibited 1 OF PADUCAH, ICn1NTUCKY, AIdD PROVYDIIJG "PENALTY POR PIOLATIOId OF 3A,~ waa given its peaea~e 1-~~r oa Bdwsy p , .:,.,;~ • ~~. upon call of the roll bq 4"yeas® r ° On motion the Board adjourned upon sell 03 the roll by the following votes ~ ~ ... i Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Tully, and Y'Jooidridge- 4. ~ 3 ~ (' ~ r.~Zs1,,,, j i. • ' ~ t a. l BEPTPsMBF.R $0, 1918. ! • - ~! At a regalar meeting of the Board of Commissioners bald in the Comrs' Chamber of ;.. i ~ 1 , ~ '.the Oity Hall, Padvpah, By. on Sept. S0, 1918, upon calf of the roll the following i ~~ answered their names: Byrne, Gardner, .Tally, end Wooldridge- 4. r " . •~~ On motion of Member Tally, the minutes of the meeting of September 83, 1818 were jj adopted upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. ' Tenn. 8t. ? On motion of Member Gardner, That the report of city engineer of final settlement j 8ewer.,' ; d on Tennessee street sewer be received and tiled, end ;that ths"eum of $840.40 bs allowed " h and paid the contractor J. B. Gardner, in acoordanpe With said report and reoommmdation, said emoun't to be charged to the special sewer tend- parried npoa call of the roll by f r the tolloWing vote; Yeae., Hume, Gardner, and'WOOldridge- 3. Hay, Tally- 1. " Oa motion ot.ltembar Tully,"the payment of the Htreet Department pay roll .for the.wsek • {j ending Bept. E8, 1918, amounting to ~E04.E8, was approved npoa pail of the roll by 4 yens.',' 4 .. j. On motion the Board ad~tnfrned npoa oah o! tbs roll by the tolipwiag v'o#es Yens , ~ (l Barns, Gardner, Tally, and Vlooldtidge- 4.." ,. ~ ~ ( h, ~ ~ ~~ ~A.x~i~' . y ~. )• . 1 y i , ' ~ ,. ~ ., ' ~ • f ~ ` ;t -. : B .,' . ... .,. c -~ . a . , • ~ ~ fit. t i ' ~ ~ • ` ' ;.:qt,.. Tf .:5: i r ,. 'n: ^ '. -Jn u,.. .:"~vV. •.T^~M:ygTt!..... 3.•.....~; x :`