HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/26/18, 09/02/18, & 09/04/18. .; .,;~'n^' ~, ,.w •~• --tee i.. ..:; •.. .'.~ No. a G a Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPaducah Aagnat 19th • 191x. o! Louisville, ~., npon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. i On motion the Board nd~ourned npon Dull of the roll by the following vote: !~' Yeae, Gardners Haaelip, Tully, and Wooldridge, 4. • !~ Adept J ~ ~ 19~~ ~P~,p~TFil7~ i i' ~ ~ 9 i. `~` MIL ~'•, >•1 Fern ~~ ! Csrnivale prohi bites during August & Sept. 1918. • Anauet EOth. 1918. At a apeoiel meeting of the Board of Commiaeionsrs, oalied by Mayor prq tam Wooldridge and Member Tully, in the abeenoe of the Mayor from the oity, he id in the Comrs~ Chamber of the City H811, Padnoeh, F,y. on August E0, 1918, upon Dell of the roll the following answered their names: Gardner, Haaelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- ~. • On motion of Member Tully, that the Comer of Finenoe be instraoted not to issue .. a iioonse to any eernival oompany during the remainder oY the month of August or the month of September of this year, 1918- oarried npon Deli oY the roll by 4 yeas. • On motion the Board ad~onrned npon Dell oY the roll by the following vote= +Yeae, Gardner, Haaelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 4. • -'R ~, 191 ~ r t Atle-1 J B•~~ C~L~ • cw cr.- II • u ~ : ~ ~••~ ~ .~„ , ~ ~. Auanet E8~ 1918; • r At a regular meeting of the Board of Oommieelonere held in the Cotnre~ Ohembsr d • ~, the City Ha11, Paduoah~ Ica. on August EB, 1918, upon Dell of the roll the following •..answered their names: +-+--+,Y Gardners Tully end 1Yooldridgs+ S, ~ On motion of ?amber Tully, the minutes of the meetings of August 19th snQ Ear h, [~ f ~, 1918 were edoptod as read upon Dell of the roll by 3 yeas. Storm caster ssaer~; On motion of•Etember Gardner, that. the gneation of building p storm water sexier b .. Hasahsn Bve ~, take oars of the surfaoe water on Harahan Bv. be referred to the oo-meissionere as a ,'whole, for lotion .oarried upon Dell of the roll by S yese. f ~. •~ Member Bazelip entered the meeting. ~' On motion of Hember Ttiliy~ the payment of the Street Dept, pay roll fqr & o week ~, ending August E4, 1918 Rmounting to x188,97, was approved npon Dell of the roil by •) ;., the ibllov~ing vote: Yeas, Gardner, Aasellp, Tully, and Yooldridge- 4• i, Hefnna to Geoe On motion of Member Wooldridge, that xE5 be refunded to George Lynn, said amount Lr,~. • ~ having been paid by him, thru mistake, into the po11o9 oourt on s tine that had been r !:suspended- oarried upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. r .c Bans for play j On motion of the above ~ a oommtmloation from Mies Alios Compton, Chairman Child } ground oioeing. ~~,Welfare De t• re rdi p , ga ng a band for the patriotio oommunity gathering to bs held at, '' i~the olose of the playground seas, be raoeived a filed, and that in the event there io `~; ',another oonoert due the City by the Odd Fellowe~ band, that said Band be requested to __ c • `~ _ give said oonoert at Salb Park one evening between Sept. 1st 80 6th, ae desired by the ,. •, i;Child Welfare Dept. -upon Dell of the roll said motion oarried by 4 yese. i '~~ L.L.Helson ~ .On motion of the above, that the notioe of L. L. liaison regariing the building 1ha~ notioe. I; .. - ~ .. i ~ I - • ~ ' ~~:~ ~-s~ • ~:,.,. • ., _ .o,.,.,,Y~,,;....~....~,,...,.~.~,...,.~...,,..<.., .~ No., ~ / . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah d,~nat ze. 191.x. Yike GalleBher desires to move from 8d end Olark streets to n point near the oornsr ofd ~? 3d & Olark Ste., be reoeived and filed- serried npor Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. +i Cemetory trans On motion of Member Haaelip, that the Board approve deed from Hernia Parker 1. ter, Hernia ~ Kettlar & her husband He J. Kettler oonve n their interest in the eonth half oft Parker Kettler ~ aY'y r yi 8 eto. to 'd• I• G', lot 144 seotion "M" of Oak Grove Cemetery to J• I. Meadows, and that the proper entry Yeadowe+ ~! of said transfer be made on the osmetery deed book- parried upon Dell of the roll by i . p 4 yeas. Oematsry trans-~{ On motion of the above, that the Board ratify deed from Sallie Beauohamp to far, Sa111e t ,Fred lash oaaveyin her in erect in the north half and the southeast Beanohamp to ~' . 8 ti } of lot 404 Fred Sttgli d~. in aeotion 28, in Oak Grove Oemetery, and that proper transfer be made on the oemstsry t _ .. deed book- parried upon Dail of the' roll by 4 yeas. ~. ~. i On motion the Board adjourned upon pall of the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Gardner, Heaelip, Tully, and Wpoldridge- 4. ~ . ' 11ie t ' N i~t~. .,~PR,ov~ . I . I' ~ ~ ,. . ~ ~ l . ~~ septsmber B, 1918. i • ~ AL a rsgnlar meeting of the Hoard of Commieaioness held !a the Comre' Chmbbr L fi of the City Ha11, Padnoah, lty., on Sept. 8,,1918. upon pall of the roil the folly irg ~• 4 answered their names: Gsrdaer, Hasslip, Tally, and wooidridge- 4. ~ . .. ~ On motion, this being 7,dbor Day and a isgal holiday, the mseti~g tea i; adjourned natal 8eptsmbsr 4, 1918 at four o'olook P. Y., upon pall of the roll by ~ • 4 yeas. ' 9-. t~t~ Fc,OV:~D i See t ~. BSPTSYBBR 4. 1918. N ~ ~t~en ad~on mad meeting of the Board of 0ommisaionera held in the Comre' Chambef of the Oit Hall PaQuoah y . , Ky. oa Sept. 4, 1918, upon Dell of the roll the ~ llowing; answered their names: ------ Gardner, Hsaslip, Tully, and 6ooldridge- !. i N~ pa motion 'of Ysmber Gardner. the minutes of the meeting of Anguat £6, 1918 and ±. n Sept. 8,'1918 were adopted ae read upon pall of the roll by 4 yeas. ~` Bill of j Sd D. Hannan ;' On motion of the above, that the bail of Sd D+.Hannan is the amt. of X14.70, for repairing i; . ~lenk in pipe ~, repairing leak in water pipe in front of Geo.W.KatterJohn'e bnnttalow oa Jefferson St.. " Bst~ell-+te81t» ~' bet+ 11th and 12th, be paid; said bill to be kept on file ~n the otfioa of Com'r of • ~ ws-. • '•Ninanoe nntil'tiha final deoieion in the peas of Pad: Nater Co. ve City of pad. now G pending in the U.g.0lrpnit Conrt of ~ppeale, and in the event the snit ie dspided spainst the City this bill to bs presented for payment to Ieo.1P.Katter~ohn, but if said snit be ~' dsoided agaiaet the 1Fater Co., eaid•bill to be presented to the Natsr Co. for payment- parried upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas 8111 of Sd. ~ D. Hannan . ,On motion of"the above, that the bill of Sd. D. Hannan in the amt. of X14, for ' repairing leak in pips oa Bwy bet 18 1 repairing leak in water pipe in front of Yre. Ltary Haad•e reeidenos oa Heay bet. 16th 3 17t t . 3 7 .~' h 8 e., be paid;. said bill to be kept on file in the offios of Com'r of Finaaoe nntii `~ the final deoieion la. rs, pad. Water Oo. ve OILY of pad. now pending in the U.S.Oironi! ~ f Oourt of ~ppeels,•anQ in the stanj the snit is dsoided against the City this bill m .b +~' ,psessnt'sd •fo;" payment to Yrs. Head.. but it sald snit b• dsoided a ainst t f t ' G g he a es Co. g said hilt ~a b`s presented to Lhs.AaLsr Co• for payment} parried apps pall of the roll; by 4 yeas. ;.:. i ,, _-. ,, ,,. .. .. "°"1 ~~ ~~ . - ~, .„., a,7, ,.,, t No+a~~. ' • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah e•Pambr ~~- 191a_• • ' Osmetesy trans.; Oa motion of 3tambes Harelip, that the Hoard satily deed of Fred Hagliah i hip ~'~ Fred 8aglish i ;, wits IIattie J. 3ngiish oonveyiag the north half of lot d04 is ssotioa E8 eo Itsa. wii~ to Jsnale ~ . • Lynx. i i Jennie Lynn, sad that Baia tranetsr be sneered oa the oemetery reoorae- oarried upon ~, pall of the soil by 4 yeas. ' ~~ Hayos Hnrne entered the meeting. b ~~ ~, j'. On motion of ltsmbes Tully, the report of Comer o t Finaaae of sooounte was reo•• ' '' I . ~! ana tiles, and said eooounta, amounting to $16 178.68 ware allowed and ordered iQ . ~ p fi ii upon oall of the soil by the follo~ing vote; Ysea, Hnsne, 4ardnsr, klatelip, Tully, and . N Roolasidge- 6. ~i Oa motion of the above, payment of the etsest department foe the week ending fag. 31. 1918, amounting to $187.76, was approved upon Dell of the roll by 6 yoea. I! • C.L.YanYeLer I' On motion of the above. that Lhe appoiatmant of 0. L. van Meter ea Oity . appointed as ' City 4easaoos. ~ oeaeasos, at a salary o t X100 par month, bs approved- oarried upon Dell of Lhe soli Dye •. (6 yeas. .. ~ • 8. H. Holmes ~' On motion of Msmbsr Wooldridge, that the oommualaatioa of •. i?: Niohola, Judge ~ refund. . polioe Court. regarding the ones o! Com'th va B. H. Holmes, be raoeived 4 filed, and .~ ,. • ~ that the. amount o! $10 whlah was turned Into oourt in said oaas ea a fins, b sefundsd~ • ~ to H. H. Holmes in eoaordanoe with letter and rsoommsndation of Judge Hiohola- oerried~ • ~! .npoa Dell of Lhe roll by 6 yeas. ' ,} ~ Padnoah-Water " Oa motion of the above. that the bill of paduoah Wstsr Co. in the amount of $96.4 6: >~ Co. bill. • ~; for water furnished 84 hrs. 10 min. for sewer ditoh oa Tsna. at Test, bs referred to ~ . the City Soiioitor for advios ee to whether the City or Contraotor is reaponaibls or ' , • j: indebted foe this aooount, oarried upon oall of the roll by b yeas. _ ~ a:ohange of On motion of Lhe above. that the tsaneaotlon oY Comer of Safety with Dubole. f autos. for . polioe Dept. ~ I-shoreit Ltotor Sales Co. is axohenging the Ford ass in the polioe deparLnant fora . j', Dodge automobile. be satified~ and that the ditYeranoe oY ,$636 1n said deal ba allowed j . • ~ and paid to said Duboia,aahoreit ldotor Salsa Co.. oarried upia Dell of the roll by 6 yeaa.• Tom Gholaton ~ On motion of ldamber hazalip, shat the eotlon of Com'r of prapsrty !a appointing j appointed ee ' Janitor. ;.Tom Gbolston ae janitor et tlse City Hall, to tako the plena oY Tom Bai]e y, who rasignad '; be satlfisd. oarried upon sell of the roll by b yeas. S. 8. Howsil i, Oa motion of lsyor Surne, that 8. S. Hon~ell bs given polioe power, he having I~ appointed ao h t • D O ~ b f a DB o er. ass employed sa Dog Catoher at $8.76 par day, eamo to bs oharged to the.oontingent • ~ ~'fwid, he to bs paid only for the days he worhe- oarried upon oall of Lhe soil by 6 yeas i~ , ~ ~ ~ On motion the Board ad~ournod upon oe1T of the roll by the following vote; • ~ Yeae, Burns, Gardaar. Hazelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6. i ' r ~`~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ! Ada lcd •~191~ ~.PP ~V}i: ~ ~ I ~ :~ I, _ L d~ ~ . . a.. arsnxt~x: t s ! ~ ' I. ti:: ;,: "r q~ ~ e~ ~ a. j .r :fjYt `~ E 1 `'. i. j ' 1 _ 4 f n+ , ,~ ~. ~ ..