HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/26/18, 09/02/18, & 09/04/18. .; .,;~'n^' ~, ,.w •~• --tee i.. ..:; •.. .'.~
No. a G a
Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPaducah Aagnat 19th • 191x.
o! Louisville, ~., npon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas.
On motion the Board nd~ourned npon Dull of the roll by the following vote:
!~' Yeae, Gardners Haaelip, Tully, and Wooldridge, 4. •
!~ Adept J ~ ~ 19~~ ~P~,p~TFil7~ i
i' ~ ~
i. `~` MIL ~'•, >•1 Fern
~~ !
prohi bites
during August
& Sept. 1918.
• Anauet EOth. 1918.
At a apeoiel meeting of the Board of Commiaeionsrs, oalied by Mayor prq tam
Wooldridge and Member Tully, in the abeenoe of the Mayor from the oity, he id in the
Comrs~ Chamber of the City H811, Padnoeh, F,y. on August E0, 1918, upon Dell of the
roll the following answered their names: Gardner, Haaelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- ~. •
On motion of Member Tully, that the Comer of Finenoe be instraoted not to issue ..
a iioonse to any eernival oompany during the remainder oY the month of August or the
month of September of this year, 1918- oarried npon Deli oY the roll by 4 yeas.
• On motion the Board ad~onrned npon Dell oY the roll by the following vote=
+Yeae, Gardner, Haaelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 4.
• -'R ~, 191 ~ r t
Atle-1 J B•~~ C~L~ •
cw cr.- II
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Auanet E8~ 1918;
• r At a regular meeting of the Board of Oommieelonere held in the Cotnre~ Ohembsr d
• ~, the City Ha11, Paduoah~ Ica. on August EB, 1918, upon Dell of the roll the following
•..answered their names: +-+--+,Y Gardners Tully end 1Yooldridgs+ S,
~ On motion of ?amber Tully, the minutes of the meetings of August 19th snQ Ear h,
[~ f
~, 1918 were edoptod as read upon Dell of the roll by 3 yeas.
Storm caster ssaer~; On motion of•Etember Gardner, that. the gneation of building p storm water sexier b
.. Hasahsn Bve
~, take oars of the surfaoe water on Harahan Bv. be referred to the oo-meissionere as a
,'whole, for lotion .oarried upon Dell of the roll by S yese.
•~ Member Bazelip entered the meeting.
~' On motion of Hember Ttiliy~ the payment of the Street Dept, pay roll fqr & o week
~, ending August E4, 1918 Rmounting to x188,97, was approved npon Dell of the roil by •)
the ibllov~ing vote: Yeas, Gardner, Aasellp, Tully, and Yooldridge- 4•
Hefnna to Geoe On motion of Member Wooldridge, that xE5 be refunded to George Lynn, said amount
• ~ having been paid by him, thru mistake, into the po11o9 oourt on s tine that had been
!:suspended- oarried upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas.
.c Bans for play j On motion of the above ~ a oommtmloation from Mies Alios Compton, Chairman Child
} ground oioeing. ~~,Welfare De t• re rdi
p , ga ng a band for the patriotio oommunity gathering to bs held at,
'' i~the olose of the playground seas, be raoeived a filed, and that in the event there io
`~; ',another oonoert due the City by the Odd Fellowe~ band, that said Band be requested to
__ c •
`~ _ give said oonoert at Salb Park one evening between Sept. 1st 80 6th, ae desired by the
•, i;Child Welfare Dept. -upon Dell of the roll said motion oarried by 4 yese.
'~~ L.L.Helson ~ .On motion of the above, that the notioe of L. L. liaison regariing the building 1ha~
notioe. I;
.. - ~ ..
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• ~ '
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• ~:,.,. •
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No., ~ / .
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah d,~nat ze. 191.x.
Yike GalleBher desires to move from 8d end Olark streets to n point near the oornsr ofd
~? 3d & Olark Ste., be reoeived and filed- serried npor Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. +i
Cemetory trans On motion of Member Haaelip, that the Board approve deed from Hernia Parker 1.
ter, Hernia ~ Kettlar & her husband He J. Kettler oonve n their interest in the eonth half oft
Parker Kettler ~ aY'y r yi 8
eto. to 'd• I• G', lot 144 seotion "M" of Oak Grove Cemetery to J• I. Meadows, and that the proper entry
~! of said transfer be made on the osmetery deed book- parried upon Dell of the roll by
i .
p 4 yeas.
Oematsry trans-~{ On motion of the above, that the Board ratify deed from Sallie Beauohamp to
far, Sa111e t ,Fred lash oaaveyin her in erect in the north half and the southeast
Beanohamp to ~' . 8 ti } of lot 404
Fred Sttgli d~. in aeotion 28, in Oak Grove Oemetery, and that proper transfer be made on the oemstsry
t _ ..
deed book- parried upon Dail of the' roll by 4 yeas. ~.
i On motion the Board adjourned upon pall of the roll by the following vote;
Yeea, Gardner, Heaelip, Tully, and Wpoldridge- 4. ~ .
' 11ie t ' N i~t~. .,~PR,ov~
. I' ~ ~
,. . ~ ~ l .
~~ septsmber B, 1918. i
• ~ AL a rsgnlar meeting of the Hoard of Commieaioness held !a the Comre' Chmbbr
L fi of the City Ha11, Padnoah, lty., on Sept. 8,,1918. upon pall of the roil the folly irg ~•
4 answered their names: Gsrdaer, Hasslip, Tally, and wooidridge- 4. ~ .
.. ~ On motion, this being 7,dbor Day and a isgal holiday, the mseti~g tea
i; adjourned natal 8eptsmbsr 4, 1918 at four o'olook P. Y., upon pall of the roll by
~ •
4 yeas. '
9-. t~t~ Fc,OV:~D
i See t
BSPTSYBBR 4. 1918.
~ ~t~en ad~on mad meeting of the Board of 0ommisaionera held in the Comre' Chambef
of the Oit Hall PaQuoah
y . , Ky. oa Sept. 4, 1918, upon Dell of the roll the ~ llowing;
answered their names: ------ Gardner, Hsaslip, Tully, and 6ooldridge- !.
N~ pa motion 'of Ysmber Gardner. the minutes of the meeting of Anguat £6, 1918 and ±.
n Sept. 8,'1918 were adopted ae read upon pall of the roll by 4 yeas.
~` Bill of j
Sd D. Hannan ;' On motion of the above, that the bail of Sd D+.Hannan is the amt. of X14.70, for
repairing i;
. ~lenk in pipe ~, repairing leak in water pipe in front of Geo.W.KatterJohn'e bnnttalow oa Jefferson St.. "
Bst~ell-+te81t» ~' bet+ 11th and 12th, be paid; said bill to be kept on file
~n the otfioa of Com'r of
• ~
ws-. •
'•Ninanoe nntil'tiha final deoieion in the peas of Pad: Nater Co. ve City of pad. now
G pending in the U.g.0lrpnit Conrt of ~ppeale, and in the event the snit ie dspided spainst
the City this bill to bs presented for payment to Ieo.1P.Katter~ohn, but if said snit be
~' dsoided
agaiaet the 1Fater Co., eaid•bill to be presented to the Natsr Co. for payment-
parried upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas
8111 of Sd. ~
D. Hannan .
,On motion of"the above, that the bill of Sd. D. Hannan in the amt. of X14, for '
repairing leak
in pips oa Bwy
1 repairing leak in water pipe in front of Yre. Ltary Haad•e reeidenos oa Heay bet. 16th 3
.~' h 8
e., be paid;. said bill to be kept on file in the offios of Com'r of Finaaoe nntii
`~ the final deoieion la. rs, pad. Water Oo. ve OILY of pad. now pending in the U.S.Oironi!
f Oourt of ~ppeels,•anQ in the stanj the snit is dsoided against the City this bill m .b
+~' ,psessnt'sd •fo;" payment to Yrs. Head.. but it sald snit b• dsoided a
ainst t
G g
es Co.
g said hilt ~a b`s presented to Lhs.AaLsr Co• for payment} parried apps pall of the roll;
by 4 yeas. ;.:. i
_-. ,, ,,.
.. ..
. - ~,
.„., a,7, ,.,, t
No+a~~. '
• Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah e•Pambr ~~- 191a_•
• '
Osmetesy trans.; Oa motion of 3tambes Harelip, that the Hoard satily deed of Fred Hagliah i hip
~'~ Fred 8aglish i ;, wits IIattie J. 3ngiish oonveyiag the north half of lot d04 is ssotioa E8 eo Itsa.
wii~ to Jsnale ~ .
• Lynx. i
i Jennie Lynn, sad that Baia tranetsr be sneered oa the oemetery reoorae- oarried upon
~, pall of the soil by 4 yeas. '
~~ Hayos Hnrne entered the meeting.
~, j'. On motion of ltsmbes Tully, the report of Comer o t Finaaae of sooounte was reo•• '
'' I .
~! ana tiles, and said eooounta, amounting to $16 178.68 ware allowed and ordered iQ
~ p
ii upon oall of the soil by the follo~ing vote; Ysea, Hnsne, 4ardnsr, klatelip, Tully, and
. N Roolasidge- 6.
~i Oa motion of the above, payment of the etsest department foe the week ending
fag. 31. 1918, amounting to $187.76, was approved upon Dell of the roll by 6 yoea.
• C.L.YanYeLer I' On motion of the above. that Lhe appoiatmant of 0. L. van Meter ea Oity
. appointed as
' City 4easaoos. ~ oeaeasos, at a salary o t X100 par month, bs approved- oarried upon Dell of Lhe soli Dye
•. (6 yeas. .. ~
• 8. H. Holmes ~' On motion of Msmbsr Wooldridge, that the oommualaatioa of •. i?: Niohola, Judge
refund. .
polioe Court. regarding the ones o! Com'th va B. H. Holmes, be raoeived 4 filed, and .~
• ~ that the. amount o! $10 whlah was turned Into oourt in said oaas ea a fins, b sefundsd~
• ~ to H. H. Holmes in eoaordanoe with letter and rsoommsndation of Judge Hiohola- oerried~
• ~! .npoa Dell of Lhe roll by 6 yeas. '
,} ~ Padnoah-Water " Oa motion of the above. that the bill of paduoah Wstsr Co. in the amount of $96.4 6:
>~ Co. bill.
• ~; for water furnished 84 hrs. 10 min. for sewer ditoh oa Tsna. at Test, bs referred to
the City Soiioitor for advios ee to whether the City or Contraotor is reaponaibls or '
• j: indebted foe this aooount, oarried upon oall of the roll by b yeas.
_ ~ a:ohange of On motion of Lhe above. that the tsaneaotlon oY Comer of Safety with Dubole.
autos. for .
polioe Dept. ~ I-shoreit Ltotor Sales Co. is axohenging the Ford ass in the polioe deparLnant fora
. j', Dodge automobile. be satified~ and that the ditYeranoe oY ,$636 1n said deal ba allowed j .
• ~ and paid to said Duboia,aahoreit ldotor Salsa Co.. oarried upia Dell of the roll by 6 yeaa.•
Tom Gholaton ~ On motion of ldamber hazalip, shat the eotlon of Com'r of prapsrty !a appointing j
appointed ee
' Janitor. ;.Tom Gbolston ae janitor et tlse City Hall, to tako the plena oY Tom Bai]e y, who rasignad ';
be satlfisd. oarried upon sell of the roll by b yeas.
S. 8. Howsil i, Oa motion of lsyor Surne, that 8. S. Hon~ell bs given polioe power, he having I~
appointed ao
• D
O ~
b f
er. ass employed sa Dog Catoher at $8.76 par day, eamo to bs oharged to the.oontingent
• ~ ~'fwid, he to bs paid only for the days he worhe- oarried upon oall of Lhe soil by 6 yeas
i~ ,
~ ~ ~ On motion the Board ad~ournod upon oe1T of the roll by the following vote;
~ Yeae, Burns, Gardaar. Hazelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6.
~ ~ ~ ~ .
! Ada lcd •~191~ ~.PP ~V}i: ~ ~
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