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,:.- ,_._.. .mom,:. w~hr:~~r 4~•~1~,~~ ~u~,an~uvm h~~r~ .~~I~ ~- ul~ ~u ul ,~ ~:,~ I I I i i .~, ~ i ,__~_ ~ •~u _~_ .~i ~ r .~_., :.,u>_~a.wl, ~,<~~
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CO12i11'iISSlOl1C1''S PTOC6CdingS, City of Paducah. An~ust 6th )9)~
' At a regnhar meeting of the .Board of Oommisaionere he ]d in the Oomra' OhaIDbari .
of the Oity Ha11, Padnaah, Sy 8n August 6, 1918, upon cell of Chef roll the Followin g .
answered their nsmeai. Buena, Gardner, Harelip end Wooldridge- 4. ~ ~
On motion o! Member Gardner, the minutes Of the regular meeting of July 29Eh ~
1918 wsrq adopted ae egad upon nail of the roll by 4 yeas.
Tenn. 8t• ~ On motion of the, that certain accounts, including eigineer'e estimate P
sewer- soots.
of $3496.71 due J. B• Gardner, Contractor, aggregating $3827.49, For conetrnation of ~ ,
ailomed• i
. ,.Tennessee street sewer, be allowed and charged to the 8psoiel Sewer Fnnd- carried
'upon call of the roll by the following votes • Y;Ba, Burns, Garliaer, and Wooldridge, ~
. ~
' • .Heys Harelip, 1.• sa , __
.'~ ~ ~ ~... y I } '
Deed ratified-h
On motion of Member Harelip, that the deed From Mrs. Sffis Rorer to Mrs. . .
Mre.Tsffis Roney.
to Mee. Margaret tiandervelde, transferring the north half of lot 29 in block 1, in the near
Margaret 4ander
veide. u addition of Oak Grove Oemetery, be ratified, and that said transfer be made on the !
G cemetery deed book-.carried upon call of the roll by 4 years.
Member Tully entered the meeting. +
Deed ratified- On motion of Member Harelip, that the Board ratify deed from i• YI• Holoomb to •,
I•WHoloomb to ~
ldre•Edith..b•, ~
his wife Mra. Pdith L• Holoomb, to his nndivided.~• interest in both the north and ,
i eouth.helF of Dot 96 in block ~6, Oak Grove Cemetery; and that the records be changed
~ .
aooordingly- carried upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Surna,.~ardrier, ,
Harelip, Tully, .and Wooldridge, 5. ~ i'
On motion of Member Tully, the report of Com'r of Finenae o~ eooonnte for the
;: .~ month ending Aug.-6th, amounting to x`17,310.49, was receives and riled, and said accounts
allowed and ordered paid upon call o! the roll by 6 yeas. ~ ~ ( ~-
, i On motion of the above, the report of Oom'r of Finsnae of oolleotione b disburse-
' ~ ' menEe for month of July was received and filed and ordere8 published in the oFfioies' , ~=
n ~ nnewapaper upon Dell of the roll by 6.yea~. j
'~;,Cematery deed,
~ ~
On motion of the above, the sum oi' Forty dollars having bean paid into the i
0•W•Ooohran. • ~ city treasury, deed wen ordered exaouted to C. W„ Cochran for lot X36 in Block 2, ••
on the south aide of Miller street between Ford a Hannan streets, apon cell of the-Toll ~ .
`by 8 yeaeo
1 .
",,Osmetsry deed, On motion of the above, tYis$ deed be executed to Mre. Yda 17hitfield For lot ~
..Mee. Ida
X86 in block ~$ on the North aide of Baker street between Ford do Hannan streets, she
• ~. ..having paid therefor into ghe city.treasury the sum of Thirty dollars- carried upon'.
~~ • cell of the roll by 6 yeas. •~''-'
~. Oemetsry deed, .
;. ..
On motion of the above, that decd be executed to S• D. Dalbey for lot $39 ia~
8• D• Dalbey. ~ block ~2, South side of Miller street bet. Ford 8e Hannan streets, he having paid therefor
~.'' ~ . •inta the city treasury the sum of Thirty.dol7sre- oarriad upon call of the roll by 6 yeaso
On motion of the .above, that the Magor & Oom'r of Finance be aut4sorised to
Borrow money.. ~,
borrow for the use and benefit of the 03ty of PBduoah the sum o3 ~^7B
000 ~ 6~1i per saaom
} , ~
~ interest from Eger 8o Oo. of New York, executing note oY Oity of Faduoah.payable January ,
5, i919 and pledging the oolleotione of taxes for the ]sat halt of 1918 ae asonrity.lor ; ~
the paym mt of said note- carried upon Dell of tho roll .by 6 yeas. k
Nat'l Surety ~
li On motion of Member Wooldridge, thi National Surety Oo.wu released on the ~
' ' ~.
bonds of 0.0. !! . ~
bonds of ex-patrolmens 0. 0• Groom, 0• H• Terry, and H• R• Beae16 y, upon cell of the'
• Groom,O.H. i
Terry do H.R. ii roll .by 5 yeas. ~ .
r u
Beasiey. ;. On motion of Mayor Buena, the aommanivatipn irom.Hem~y Atuae by.hie attorneys,
Henry Gavae ;~ in regard to his license to operate a ooFtee h
or salo
n i
f P
it ;
oommnnioation.~! o
e c
y o
wga received and filed upon Dell of the roll by 5 yroeai
^~ Opinion of city
On motion of the above, the opinion of city Solicitor Jno• g• Headrick regarding. r _
solicitor, in. :;
re. r.~ ~
.. right .ot a manioipality to
eateabliahments From taxation 3or eohe~ol
. ....,•
... ... ;.
~ .
• .. v .. i
.. .~ VYbq aM F]i0.'s.~. .rw:aeR:NsNe~Y+4','. .. : ,. F ~ ~.. wri+....";ZV. :~S .W:.va3uf4.tYy4' 'iti he .. ~. 5>( ~ ...
4 ;` ' .
(~- ~
• Commissioner's Proceedings, pity of Paducsh_ auznet a 19s~ e
ezemptiona of parposea, was reoeived end Yiied, and the matber of oolleoting fazes from oanoerns
mfg, oonoerna-
Taxee for 3ohool~ ~retolore saempted.irom tease was referred to the Baok tea oolleotor, and said Don-
awns ordered rsplaoeQ on the ssasasmart book Yor sohooi fazes only, upon Dell of
. ~!
the roll by 6 yeas.
lpplination of ! On motion oY Mayor Borne, tho appiioation of J. Wee Troutman Yor position aa. •.
J.Wes Troutman ~ assessor was rsosiwed and filed upon onli~oY the roil by 6 yeas.
• ~ On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by.ths Yollowing~vote~
~ .
Yaae, Burns, Gardner, Harelip, Tully. and Wooldridge-
~, ,~,PP
G >i~q~1
~ ,
• ,
is , . .
• ., ~;
~. s
~' luRnet 6th, 1918. '
• It a speoiel meeting of the Board oY Commissioners held in the Oomre~ Qhamber
of the City Hall, Pgduoah, $y., on August 6, 1918, upon Dail of the roll the follow-
. '~; ing answered their nemeat Burns, Gardner, Harelip, Tully, and Wooldridge, a. ''•
Bosrow mosey. !; On motion of Member Tully, a resolution anthorlring and direoting thd•Mayor and
• ~~ Com'r of Finanoe to borrow Yor the use and banotit of the City of Paduoah the anm oY
$76,000 at S~o per annum interest from Eyer & Co• of Haw York Oily, eaeouting Hots
~ ~
• ~' of the Oity oY Padnash payable Jan. b, 1919 therefor, and pledging the oolleotione oYj
fazes for the ]art half oY the year oY 1918 as seourlty Yor payment of said Hots,
' ! was given its passage upon Dell oY the roll by 5 yeas.
•. Donation to ~ On motion of Mayor Burns, that ~p"lE0 be donated to the Bed Oroes thru„Company "H"~
Hsd Cros e. !.
'; as heretofore agreed -this amount being a rei'und for lioenee for osrnival field by
. -
;! avid Company "H"; oarrisd upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. ~
J. W. Stokea~ '~ ~ motion of Member Tully, the Oom'r of Finenoe waa inetruoted to deduct 8~ from
r ', 4
incinerator the ihll amount of bill of J. W. Stokes and settle with him for building the
bill. ~
~: incinerator- upon call of the roll by b yoea. .•t" •
On motion the Hoard adjourned upon pall of the roll by the following votes
+• .
~~.• Yeea, Horns, Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge, B.
,~.,~ ~ . ~ 9 t9t~ .
I A#~
/C~o-..'~'`! ~
,; i`°
. ` ~° cr.~ DL~YC11'~
il' j
I ,
• ~ 1' •
. is ~ ~~est lEth, 1918.
~ ..
It a regnlnr meeting of the Hoard of Oommiasionsre held 1n the Comre~ Ohamber oY ~
the Oily Hail, Paducah, 7(y. on luguet 18, 1918, upon Dail oY the roll the following
~~ answered their names Borne, 4ardnsr, Tully, end Wooldridgs,4'. '
last. Street ~ ~` Oa motion of Member Gardner, that the assistant street inepsotor~a salary be ~. ,~,.
Inaptr. salary .G
increased. inoreaesd five dollars per month beginning lugust 1, 1918, making said salary X90 per
!• month, carried upon call oY the roll by 4 yoea. 4
City Enginoar ~ On motion of the above, that the salary of the City engineer be inoreaeed.;~80
r ~
salary increased. per month for the months oY lvgust end 3eptembar, 1918, this being nooaseary in orde '
• to retain the services of said engineer- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yoea.
i •
} j
t '