HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/08/18 ...a: t. . . .. .. ~ . y ~. .,~ !.rv~' ,j 'r:n ..~y, ~^+q3'~'.: '~: ~ ~°ij~y h•X~f~,h ~.., ~yee~.y~•.,. d_ iy ~.~4+ ~:.. ,. .•./ ' . Y.~_' .. sir-. .._+_. ..~.. ... ,. ._.,. ....~~ ..,. '....~-.~..:-. .~ p °~~ No.~_: Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah July eth t91~. . ~' At n regular meeting of the Board oY Commiasionars bald in the QOmra Chambsrl of ,the City Ha11, Paduaeh, .$Sr• on Jnly, 8, 1918, upon oall oY the roll the following ~ • • ~~ I ,; aaewer6d their Haman: Bvrne, Gardner; Haaelip, Tully and Wooldridge, 6. ~~ On motion oY Member Wooldridge, the mittntse of the maetiage of Daly 1st, Sd . ~I and 6th, 1918 were adopted ae read upon oall of the roll .by 6 yeas. ~ '~ ~ " t On motion of MesDer Gardnerr that certain nooonnta a atin 8097.17 fox? agB'r' 8 g ~ o Aoots allowed` ~ ~ Teansaeee 8t.~ matsrieie furnished and need in the oonstrnotion of Tenneaeee street sewer bs approved . Bever. - ~ I4 and ordered p6lid from the Bpeolei Sewer Fund, oarried upon oeli oY the roll by tha !# 4 .. . ' ! following voter Yeae, Bwrne, Gardner and Wooldridge- 3. Hay, Haaelip and Tully- 8.1 i' 11111! On motion.of Member Tnllyr, the payment of the Street Dept. payroll Yor the •. _ J week ending July 6, 1918, amounting to $207.06, was approved upon oell of the roll I! . ~!, by B yeas. ~ • j P On motion oY the above, the report of Com'r of Finanoe of eooounts for June j was reosivsd end filed, said aooounts eliowsd sad drdered paid, upon oali oi' the roll y. M by g ' ye8=. 1 ~~ ~, On motion of the above, the report of Com*r oY Finenoe oY Collsetions and ! - ~. . and ordered biiahed j b f th I ~ Di t f th th f J d d iil d e11 ll b i an y I - _,.{ e ureeman e or e mon une was reoe ve s upon o o e ro o • .. 6 yeah. i . Refund on ~ On motion oY the above that the sum of $1 60 oolleoted as poll tea on~bill - , . i ~ax Bill 8906 '#8906 be refunded as no poll tea ehonld have been aherged on this bill, John A. .. Brantley being deoeaeed- oarrled upon oall of the rol}, by 6 yeas. i On motion of the above, it appearing that ern error in assessment having.beenj . y Refund to ~ ! ~ ~ . Mika Isamnn• ~' made on the property on Third Bt. bet, Hortm affi Hnebands streets, belonging to tha i ' !, ,_ i~ - Ohalk he ire, Whereby this propea~ty was assessed to them and also to Mike Iceman, end, . ~ I that the taxes were. paid by both.partiee for the yearn 1916 and 1917--that tha aim o!- L, r X81.83 be refunded to Milos Isemsn he hav . ia~g paid this amount ae rases for the years; ,'1916 and 1917 erroneonely asseabed to him, as ha has no interest in Lhis property; ' ~I oarrisd upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas., Cemetery ;i On motion oY the above, that deed bs granted to Joe Marshall and Saline Talisy !~ Deed to - Jos Marshall '; to lot 78 in blook ~3,~on Ford street between Miller de Hank streets, in Oak Grove i de Saline , Talley. Cemetery, they having pall the sum of $p4t1 into the treasury as evidsnosd by reoeipt r ;. herewith- oarrisd upon sell of the roll by B yeas. Oemetsry~ On motion of the above, thst deed is granted. to Ferd Wallington to iot 13 ins • Deed to ' - Ferd Wadlitig~l', blook ~l on Hannan street bst• Stewart end Bakes streets, in Oek Grove Cemetery, he ton. ~ . ;. having paid therefor the sum of X90 into the 1r'e'i~lafyr~e evideneed by reoeipt herewith; ... __ i f. oarrisd upon oali of the roll by B yeas. ' On motion the Board ad~otansd upon seal of the roll by the following vo#et Yeae, Burns, Gardner, Hasslip, Tully- end Wooidridgs,.6. ` • i. s ~~~ ~ ~ ~ . II H" ry. :+ir~,,. sa~ui..yo- ~,;~. :,...W.n'[~ir..,; ;tn,°~.: ~.~a~.7..w~: :~+.. ` m.wy o ~.