HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/01/18Commissioner's i ~.~: of ^~•~-- . No.~~. iet 191 8 h At a rsgniar meeting oY the Hoard oY Commiseigners held in .the Comrb Oliambsr of trio Oity Ha11~,Padnoah~ Sy. on July 1, 1918 upon Deli of the roil trio Yoliowing answered their nameet Biaae, Gardner, Haseiip~ and wooldridgs~ 4. f: , ~, On motion oY Member Wooldridge, the minutes ad the meetings. oY June 84th and ~. , ~: $~th, 1818 were adopted as read upon Dell oY trio soli by 4 yeas. D='s ~; . Member Tnlly Dame in to the meeting. ~ ~ i 8epori oY Ta=' ~, On motion oY Member Tully, trio report oY the Hoard oY Tae Snpssviaore for 1918. Snpar*isosa. i~ .. was reoeiLed and Yilsd upon Deli oY trio roll by the Yollowing vgtst Yeas, enrna, J,. • ~; Gardner, Heselip~ Tn11y, aid Wooldridge- 6. i'; B O M b G d h G d t t d , . ar a motion of em er ar at J. ner, oon rao ner, t or, be allowe X1008.16 • J. 8. Gardasr ji : allewanoe on ~;• to ba ohsrged to the apeoial sewer Yand this being 86~ oY fork done on Tennessee , . ~ sewer work. ~~. street sewer as per estimate oY Oity Engineer tiled herewith- oarrisd upon Dell o! the roll by trio Yoliowing vote; Yeae, Burns, 4ardnsr, and Wooldridge, S. Hay, . ;' Harelip and. Tully, 2. ~ j~ On motion oY Member Tally, the payment oY Street Department pay roll 1'or trio - ~' week ending Jnns 29~ 1918, amounting to $226.96, was approved upon Dell oY trio roll • ~; by 6 Yeas. • 8etentioa Ord. ~' On motion o Y Member Wooldridge, AH ORDINAHCE AMEHDING SOBSECTIOHS 7, 8, 10 AHD 1 , ~ ~ • OF SECTION S OF AH ORDINAHCE ENTITLED, "AN ORDIHANCE PROVIDING FOR THE 3PPOINTMEHT OR • Amendment, • RETENTION, HY THE BOARD OF OU1.41ISSIONI+RS OF THE OITY OF PADUOAH~ OF OERTAIN CITY r j OFP2019R8, AOENT9 AND ~1PLOY1vE8 OF THSG OITY OE PADUCAH, 1(KNTUOKY~ AND FIXING THICIIt is - r ~. ~~. _' • ~~ SALARIES, P04YIItS AND DIITIES," PASSED BY THE BOARD OF COtSMISSI0HER9 JAHUARY 29, 1918, - li f was given its passage neon osll oY the roll by the Yollowing voter Yeae, Burns, ~ a ~~ Gardner. and Wooldridge, S. Hays Heaolip end Tnll,V, 2. ~• Coate in. re. ! On motion oY Mayor Burns, that ttu Comer of Finanoe be authorised and instraoted - Spsagge n Warner, to pay the jadgment and ooeta in the Darn oY Spragge ve. Warner and trio City oY. Padnoah- oarried upon Deli oY the roll by the Yollowing votes Yees, Burma, Gardner and Wooldridge, 3,.~ Hay, Harelip sad Tu11y, 2. City dirsotories. On motion oY the above, that trio City purchase sir city direotoriee to to pub- lishsd by the Caron DireotorY Co., end that the Mayor be inatrnoted to sign contract Yor said directories, carried upon osll oY the roll by 6 yeas.• • ?' Coal ~ On motion oY the above, the oommuuiaation Prom Mise Lettle Smith, BeotY oY the f.,,.,~;,.i j' Charity Organisation Soalety, regarding delivery oY oonl•tq trio City~e poor, was reoeivod end flied, and a Dopy of same ordered scat to the coal adminiatrntor Yor ~' adviooe, upon nail oY trio roll by 6 yeas. ', E A.O.Toriea i' OII motion of Member Hasellp~ that A. 0. Torun be retnnded x"5.90 Yor error in • °~ ~~- '. rstnad seseaemsnt oY one piano, carried upon Deli oY trio soli by 6 yeas.• ~~ Board oY Snpe~ j' On motion oY Member Tn11Y, the Board oY Supervisors having oampleted their labor s ., p vlsosa dismissed. i; they xere relieved Yrom Pastries dntise neon call oY the soli by 6 yens. j ~~ On motion the Hoard ad~onrned neon Dell oY the roll by the Yollowing voter , . ~;. Yeae, Hurne, Gardner, Haislip~ Tally and Wooldrl'dge- 6. ~ ~ o a i s La , • cw w. rirAYOfc. ... '' ~,