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~'° Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Ma9 Eat 1918 ~• •
At a oallsd meeting oY the Board oY Comrs held in the Comra' Chamber oY the City
~ Hall, Paduoah, $y. on May E1, 1918, upon Dell of the roll the following nnawsxed their
namest Burns, Gardner, Harelip, Tnlly~ and Wooldridge- 6. ~ L
4 Tha motion oY Member Gardner, that the resolution passed by the Boe~rd of Comrs on ~ -
Street Car May 13, 1918, in regard to the ordinanoe inareaeiag the street oar terse, be reaona8 Bred
Reaoiutian - "
• by, this Board, was again offered, and oarried upon Dell oY the roll by b yeas. ~
i r.
. ~ ', Member Gardner again offered the Reaolntion intradnosd by him at the mestittg o!
Resolution ;.
etroet oar May EOth, amending 8eotion •6 oY s Reaolntion passed by the Board of Comre on May 13, _
1918 in regard to the ordinanoe inoreaeing the street oar terse, and same was given its
' i
passage upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. ,
Dr•H•P~ On motion oY Mayor Burns, that the appointment oY Dr. H. P. Sights ae a member 0Y
. Sights., .
' the Board of Park Commissioners, to Pill the vaoanoy existing by the expiration oY the
term oY W. A. Calhoun, be ratified- parried upon oa11 of the roll by b yeas. •
- ;. On motion the Board ad~onrned upon Deli of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,
Burns, Gardner, Hazelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6. ,
. Mav EE, 1918.
'. At a epeoial meeting oY the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners
Chamber of the City Hall, Paduoah, By., at 10 A. ~. May EE, 1918, upon pall oY the roll
":; the following answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Hazelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- b.
On motion oY }+iayor Burns, the rules requiring 3 days aervioe of oopiea oY ~ '~,
ordinenoes and reaolutiona were temporaxily suspended upon pall oP.tha rol3. b 6 1 J
y yeas.
Ord. intro- On motion of Member Gardner, an ordinanoe granting the Nsahville, Chattanooga &
duped granting
' N. C. 8o St. L. St. Louis Rq tho right to aonetrnot a spur traok on south Ninth street wsa introduoed '
?. Ry spur traok '
right on S• 9„' and laid over one week for passage upon Dell of the roll by b yeas.
: St.
On motion of the above, a Reaolntison providing for the oonetruotion of Storm ~
Storm Water ,
Sewers 8 & ~ ,Water 5ewera Yrom 8th and Jones St. to Tennessee street, thence to tho River, and ~?
.donee to Tenn. ~ ',~
.';;to River. providing that the goat thereof be paid Yrom the 3peoial Sewer Fund, was given its
~.•.,passsge upon Dail oY the roll by the following ~o~s: Yeae~ Bmna, Gardner, and
~? -
''k Wooldridge- 3. Nay' Hazelip end Tully- E.
,•<F. W. Katter- ; On motion of Mayor Burns, s letter from F. _W. Satter'ohn in re.. driveway over
john driveway. ,
~~~~ his property near Union Station between Brown St. & 13th St., wee received and filed ! ~;1
+` upon pall of the roll by b yeas., ~..
>Committea to. On motion oY Member Hazelip, the Mayor, Com'r of Pubiio Works, and th's City, '
`pouter with ;
8•WSatter~ohn. tiolioitor were appointed a Committe4 to take np the matter ai dedication of a street
~. near Uriion Station with W, F• Satter john, upon oeil.oY the roll by 6 yeas. -
,;. On motion the Boers adjom~ned upon pall of the roll by the Yoilowing voter ~~' „
_.. ~ Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Harelip, Ta118, sad Wooldridge- b. ~ ~~
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