HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/15/18 & 05/20/18. ~: :~, ~ Commissioner's Proceedings. City of Paducah ~y 133th ~o~ e ' b4smbsr Gardner moved that the ordinance i! passed by the Board oY Comrs on 2raotloa Company ~' April E$, 1918, permitting the Paducah 8trest Railway Co. to inarsaee the street oar' ooatroveray. ~ Yares.ia Paducah, and which ordinance is an.ansndmenb to an ordinance granting s ~' iii street oar Yranohias is Paducah, approved by Jamse P. Smith, Mayor, on Moh. 10, 19111!, • r be submitted to a vote oY the people at an oleotioa to bo held on Nov. 6, 1918- . p~ said motion was tabled Yor want aY a aeooad. ' ~ Member Gardner moved that the Commieaionsre on reoonsideratioa of the Traction Co. ~ Traction Coe ordinance amendment do not pass on the question as to whether or not is • oontroveray. ~. signers to the withdrawal cards ahonld be allowed to withdraw their names- said motion wsa tabled, receiving no asoond. j s .. .L. A. Graham - On motion oY Member Heselip~ that L. A. Graham be removed ae ChioY oY {" ~' Polioe oY the Cit oY Paducah 7(y, and that said oYtioe be declared veaent- j vacate otlios y . oY ~ Member Gerdnor moved that the Yollo+x8ng amendment be made to the motion C ChieY oY k! ~nst presented: That tho Chiei oY Polioe, L. A. Graham, ie hereby allowed 24 hours `~ !r • Polioe. fj in vlhioh to Yile in writing h1e reelgnation with the Com'r oY Sataty, and iY he doeaf" so, that same be accepted by the Com'r oY SsYety; otherwise, hie dlemissal to go into "i; effect at once- upon cell oY the roll on the motion as emended the members o! the BosrQ ~ answered ee Yollowa: Yeas, Gardner, Haeelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. Nays Burps- }. ~j IIpon call oY the roll on the motion ea originally oPYered by Member Haaslip, N the members oY the Board answered ea follows; Yeas, Gardner, Reaelip, and Tully- 3. ~~ Nay, Burns end Wooldridge- 2. " ~; IIpon motion the. Board adjourned upon cell oY the roll Dy the YolYowing ~ ~~ vote: Yeas,, Burns, Gardnar~ Heselip~ Tully end Wooldridge- 6. j ~ . ,' Hefore the minutes o! May 13, 1918 were approved, member Gardner oPYered a motion to reoonsideT the vote on the Resolution pertaining to the Pad. Traction Co. Pranohiaa ordinance, the petition or protest and withdranels theroto; said motion was ordered entered on the minutes and postponed Yor oonaideration until 2 ovolook P, M. May 21, 1918. - - - - - Member Gardner then oPYered another resolution beYoro the approval of said minutes, rescinding and amending the resolution oY May 13, which was ordered entered oa' the minutes and postponed until two o'clock May 21, 1918. - - - - - Mayor Burns thAn offered a motion to approve ~ha minutes oP May 13,>,9"Y8; aub~ect to above notion. ~.P .~~ +-de} a "` ~((yy , i;m, a..; Mav 16. 1918. 14fa`[~'~t• ~ ~ i At .a celled meeting oY the Board cd' Commiaeionera held in the Comra' QhaoDer oY the Cit Ha 1 Paducah s' ``+ Y 1 . , I(y., on May lb, 1918, upon cell oY the roll the Yollowiag•"j.;;,, ;, anawersd their names; Burns, Gardner, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. ~ ' ,, On.motion of 1~dayor Burns, the rules requiring aervioe~oY oopiea oY ordinanoas •. ~ and roeoiutione on the oommiaelonore 3 days prior to meeting were tempo;arily•ana- ~ • i '. pended upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. Resolution On motion of Member Gardner, a Resolution repealing a Resolution ;or the ooa• ~ repealing Rsa. ~""etraotioa oY atoam water sewers and intakes Yrom 8th and louse streets, extending Yor storm water ' Sewers. '' dove Bth et. to Jaokeon St., theme down Jaokeon 3t. to the River y ~ ,. .t , paesod b the ~ ~{ !: Board oY Commissioners oa April 30, 1918, wsa given its passage upon call oY the 1 ' ~, i' roll by 4 yeas. ' Reeolntioa ~ Oa motion oY the above' a Resolution providing Yor the oonatruotioa of storm ~~ " Yor oonstruotioa, water eewera.und iatekae Yrom 8th sad Joaoe Sta., down 8th street to Tannsasee St., 9to an Water Sewsra, etc. ;. `" } bhame down Tena. St, to the River, wsa Lead sad introduced and laid over oas week 1 , `, bsYore passage upon call oY the roll by the Yollowiag vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, and Wooldridge- 3. Nays Tally- 1. • ~' ; ~", t0 employster t Oa motion oY'Mayor Burns, the Market Master wsa instructed to employ a oA'rpopteT~, • carpenter. ~~. to assist him in patting np the ecxsens at the Market Honae, upon os7.1 oY the~roll,by'k~' ji 4 ,yeas. +; fffl ~~ i ! i .i • . I ~. No.~~,. commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah way ,R 191 On motion of Mayor Burns, the Com'r oP Safety waq i.netrnotsd to immediately ~ 7'ly trap. employ a man to~distribnte the Ply traps, bait same and keep them in service, upon ~ call of the roll by the Following votes Yeea, Bons, Gassdner, Tnily, and Wooldridge- 4. On motion the Board ad~onraed upon Dell of the roil by the Following votes Ysae, Hm~ne, Gardner,. Telly, and Wooldridge- 4. "~~~ May E0. 1918. ' At a regular meeting of the Boarfl of Oommisaionera held in the Oomrs Ohamber oP the Oity gall, Paducah, $y., on May E0, 1918,. upon Dell of the roll the Following ' • answered their nameas Burneq Gardner, gaaeiip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6, Member Gardner made the Following motions That the reeolntion passed by the Padsscah . Traction ~ Board of Oomrs on May 13, 1918, in regard to the ordinance increasing the street oar Co. faros, be rebongidered by thin Board, as the wording of said reeolntion did ao~. estprsee • the understanding of this Board and the members frets misled by the wording thereol, and " . that the vote thereon be reconsidered- • Member Tn11y moved that gotioa on motion of Member Gexdner to reconsider the street oat Street Oar Franohire. Franchise reeolntion be postponed nntii May Eiet at two o'aiook P. M: -carried upon Deli `• of the roll by the Following votes Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Tally end iooldridge, 4. Hay- gaselip, 1. , Car Pares. Member Gardner offered a Reaoiutlon amending section 5 of the Reeolntion of May 18, in regard to inoreaeing the street oar .Fares- same was seconded and ordered entered an the mimstes. .;" Mayor Bnrna oFFered s motion that notion on the reeolntion of Member .Gardner amending ' '> Resolntion ;and reooneidering the reeolntion respecting the street oar ordinance, protests, end with- street oar ~ ~ drawale thereto, be postponed For notion until May 21,'1918 at two P. M.- same carried upon Pranohise. dell of the roll by the Following vote: Ysae, Burns, Gardner, and titooldridge- 3. Nay, gsaelip and Tully- 2. Mayor Borne oFFored the Following motions that the mimstee of May 13th be approved `except in eo Far ae theq show notion taken on tho Resolution afFeoting tho Paducah Traction • Co. Frnnohiee petition and withdrawals to said petition, all of which ie not approved and is left open aubfeot to motion to reconsider said reeolntion, and subject Further to 'resolution to rescind and-amend said original reeolntion passed on May 13, 1918- carried '. upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ldember Gardner moved that the minutes of May 16f 1918 be 'adopted ae read, carried ~" npon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. Member gaaelip moved that the tales requiring 3 days service of copies of ordinances ~' enfl resolutions beFore meetin be tam aril d d d ~.~., ~ ul i . g pot y enepen e , eai motion carried npon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. Member'•8tisilil4•of~'ered For passage AN ORDINANOE AMENDING AN ORDINANOS ENTITbSD "AN ' Ordinanoi ~ . ORpINgt10E.GOQPRNING.,.AND REGOI,ATING BIIRIAbB, AND TgS DI9INTERMBNT$ AND RiR-INTERMENT Or BOOTHS amending 'Oak Mr.: ~~.Grovs Cemetery IN OAK GROVE CEhDsTERY, AND ADDITION OR ADDITIONS THERETO, AND FI%INO THE C$ARGEB OR PRICE ,,"` ordinanoa. ~ ~~;. FOR BAMN," APPROVED bOTOBER 23,,1909- uFon sell of the roll said ordinance was adopted by `.'j 6 yeas. ... ,, ' c. F. .. ~~ :~ ~ 3 ... ~~ '~ ., ~, ' .- ` ~, .. ~ ,: ,. ~. i .., .. _.. , ,. _ rc a ,~,.~„_., .,,~ ... ..:. .. ~ .. ...... ., ~' N ~ • .. .. t 1 i ~ . • ' , .,,, ~ :M • Commissioner.'s Proceedings, City ot'Paducah~ gash. jgl.~ • ;; Member Hase11P oY~ered for paesags AN ORUIHANO$ A1fl:tIAIN4 AN OIiDINANC$ ENTITJ,ED, • xeights d• i. pAN OHDINANOE PRO4IDINO FCR THE APPOINTMENT OF AN OFFICER To B$ IQiOWN A$ INSPEOTOR O8 ~ ' . Menenree Ord. ~'~ ~ j. :• . amendment. ~i YIEIGHTS, MEASURES AND BALANCES bND DOO CATCHER, IN THE CITY aF PADUCAH~ JD±NTUORY; AND' ~~•• ~; DEFININ4 HIS DUTIES AND SA7+ARY, PA39ED BY THE HOARD~OF CC&4dI83IONER3 NC}rEGGieER Sb, 1916 neon Dell of the roll said ordipano• xaa.adopted by the folioxing voter Yese, Burns, ~~~. N (iardner~ Haaelip, Tully, and Wooldrldgs~ G• ~ j . Market Master !; Member Haaelip moves that the Market Etaster be required to xear the regulation uniform. 'j,' blue'unitorm vlhiie oa duty- aeia motion oarried upon Deli of the roll by 6 yea.. , i! Member Tnliy moved that the eooounte and eateries emaunting to ~p6869,74 be elloxea • ~' ana ordered paia~ ana that. the report of Oom~r of Finanoe of sold aooounte, eto• be ,I 4 r reoeiged and iilod- oarried upon Dell qY the roll by G yeae~' f • i ~ . ' ~ ltomber Tully moved that the payment o1' the Street Department pay roil for the xk'! • ~~ ending May,ieth, amounting t0 ~'188~eb, M approved- aeia motion osrried upgn gall O! '~.'• • i! the roll by b yeas.. ~ . • Sinking Enna { >+tembar Tully moved that rho report of Comer oY Finanos regarding deposit oredit f ' deposit. ~, of $b00, interest on Liberty Bones purghased from the Sinking Fundy ba reoeivod ana • ~' tiled- sold motion oarried upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas, ! • ~ ~ j~, I~ ~ . Robt, tditohsll t Flember Tully moved that the bill of Robt. ESitohall Coal Co. Por a wagon dostroysa •. • ' Coal Co• ~ by fire in the Hardy Baggy Co• fire, in the amount oY x'66, be referred to the Com'r off . ~. . . ! ~ Safoty for investigation- Bald motion oarried upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. • j; Ltember Tally moved that the Comer of Safety be inatruotod to move tho mon and .t • Move man b • ~ Equipment Prom ~u equipment now at Faro Station i~4 to Fire Station ~8- •! • Yire Station ~4 ;~ Mayor Burns offered the following amendment to the motion to moos the men and •o Sta. ~$ ~~ aqulpment from ~ Firs Station to i~3 building: that the matter be raforrad to the ~; Fire 1larshal for hie advioea after he has oonferred with the Bureau of Underwriters, ~, ; j a "' rand that lotion on tho. original motion be postponed until edvioes Yrom the Fire f . !. }Sarehal are received- same loot upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, •~ ' • ~; Burns and Wooldridgo~ E. Nay, Gardner, Haaelip, and Tully- 3. Sts• i~4 to i~ The original motion offered by Member Tully to move the man and equipment from. ~,; .. ; '• Sts ~ti. ~~ Fire Station ~4 to i~3 lost upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote; Yeas Haseiipi e i • ;,` and Tullyg 2. Nay, Burns, Gardner, and.Ytooldridge- 3. ,. Elwood Nasl ~; 1Sayor Burns offered tho following motions That Elwood Neel ba granted polioe polioe powers. ii power ae apeoiel watohman for the Peoples Pdarehouse, provided he exeoute tho usual ~ is • i; bond, and further provided he serve without pay Prom tho C1ty- oarriad upon Dell of ' ~i r ' Ii the roll by b yeas. Estsnd time to p 1dayor Burns offered the following motion: that the City 9olioitor be inatrueted ` •• ~. ; p~ de I. R~ R. ~' to prepare an ordinanoe or resolution eatendir~' the time for the P. 8o i. R• R. Co. to ~.., , ! •' !, oonetruot freight and passenger depots in the oity of Paduoah~ ae par tho written ~' '`. ' ~ d j request oY said Padwoah do Illinois Railroad Co. By Wheeler 8a Hughes, Attorneys- oarried upon oall oY the roll by b yeas. •. - ~i On motion the Board adsourned upon Dell of the roll by the following votot ~, !i Yeas, Burns, Garduer, Haaelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. (~ i. AFP'Ri0 • •~ q. ueiole. • I • ~ •~ ~ . yy~ ~ ~. ' ,+s' fi ~ .. .. .. 555 ~, ~ • "• ~ ~ ~~ { ' .~ '• r , ' i fr ~ •x. .. .. ... i I. rt r_.... ~..I.. i. I ~ ~~ I,. i li. ~i , a-,...i~ .. n i•rt,.... i.•....~ ... .., i.~ ~~:w~. q~. ~~r~.u..' w w~u, '" I y M .~. ~., .~. _., .,_ i.r ..xn.• i ~ i,ii ~ ., i