HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/01/18 & 05/04/18. t' ,•. ~ ', • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ' ~' ~. , No~rei. . .. F Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ~y Lt 191. ' At a sailed meeting oY the Hoard of Oommi,ealonere held in the Oomr•t Ohamber oi; the City Hell, Psdnoah, $y. on slay let, 1938, npoa gall oY tics roll the following I' ' ~. ~: answered their gamest Barns, Gardner., HassliP, Tully gad Wooleridge• 6. ! , ' Weights i Mess. ordinanoe b.e ',,. On motion oY Mayor B~arna~ that the Weights do Msasnrea ordinanoo be amended to i _~ amended. onver all short weights and ail oonditiona end sitnetlona wherelu the psopie do sot et fail wei ht o a ~ g g r me sure is oommoditisa ,. purohaead- oarrisd upon Dail oY the roil by ~ ' ~~ b yeas. {, Weights ~ Ileac. I . . ~ ~ motioa of lsembsr Hassiip, that the ratsntioa ordinanoe be emended oombining ; ,. offioe ie Market 1, the ofYios of Waighta tr Ne3aurea and Market Neater, sad Chet T. B. Orr bs eeieoted to' gombined . , ~I ~fiii tho oombiued position- oarrie3 upon Dell Gd' the roil by the following votes Yeas, " i , ~ ; . . ' Gardner Haselip Tul and Wooldrl y, ~ , I! • ~ iy Agar 4• Ha Snrne 1 ! On motion of the above, that the oommuuloation o! T.. B. Pennell, State Hire I, ' Hire rate., Marshal, bo raooivod and filed, and that the Mayor be instruotod to wire Nr, Pannell - ~ ~; asking him to send Mr. Hite to Padnaeh at once to disouaa Y1ra rated- oarried upon j i ' Dail of the roll by b yeas. { • .. . ` Oa motion of ilsmber Gardner that the petitions , prsBanted herewith aignod by f . 'rraotion Co, !'' Y1Yty-two oitisane and voters oY Paducah, protesting against the ordinanoe amending • amoadmsnt. !; th3 Traotioa Co. iranohise ordinance, bs reoeived and filed- oarrisd upon Dail of the! • .. t~` ~ ~ ~ ~~ roll by b yeas. ~~ •„ ~ I ~; On motion the Board adjourned upon oeii oY the roll by the following votes: ; -' ~; Yoee, Burns, Gardner, Haaslip, Tully and Wooldriiga- b. ,; ~ ~; ,, G l f , f !/~ ~ ~% ~ ~ . ~ {./ Y4Fi ~ i ~! ;j . i; .. Nas 4. 1918. a. i - i At a oallod meeting of the Board oY Oommiaeionera held in the 0omre~ Ohamber of i; the Oity Hall, Paducah, $y, oa Nay 4, 1918, upon oeii oY the roil the following { ~, answered their namees Busne, Gardner, Hassllp, Tally and Wooldridgs• 6. -% . {• ! On motion oY Member Tnlly~ that the Mayor sad Comtr oY Finance be authorised '~ Borrow ~y~ to'borrow the ewe oY y+10~000 Yrom the Oitissna savings Bank Yor the use o! the oity,oi',,.° ~- ~. ~ ~~ Paduaeh, and to sxeouto a note Yor same duo July 6, 1918, pledging as eeourity the , •~ ta:oe to be oollaoted in June 1918- carried upon Deli oY the roll by b yeas. ' r On motioa pi the above the ' ' •, ~ i , .pay roll Yor the last half of April, amounting to r ~ , °'~4 . ;. ~17h00.S4, waa allowed sad ordered paid upon Dell oY the rail by 6 yens, ° ~ On motion the Hoard ed~ournad upon Dell oY the roll by rho following voter ' r ,'. i' Yeaa, Bursa, Oardaer~ Hassllp~ Tully sttd Wooidridgo- 6, ~ ' •bptd ~ Il1~, ° o.r ~ ~ ' .