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Commissioner's Proceedings, City. ofPaducah~.: ~+ •~ Ig1~
'lt a epeoial aetiag of the .Hoard of Oommiselonera.held is the Comte'
f,. ChamDes of the City Hall, padnoah, Eeatuoky, at ions o'oioot p. Y., oa Ipsii 83,1918,E
apon pall o! the roll the following answered ttuir names: eusne, Oardaer, 8as~lip,.
Tally and Nooldridge- 6.
On motion of Meyor 8usna, the tales regnlsiag that oopiee o! ordiaeaoea.. ~'
eto. b• sernd oa the members of t1u Hoard three ds
o mee
ng, were aia•
pended upon osll of the still by b yeas. !
Reeolntioa toe
Otoss fates ![ember'8ardn~r offered the following motion: That the Reeolntioa providing
Hewes 8 i Joaea. toe and inatrnoting end authorising the Com'r of Norks to oonbtsnot storm water aewes
to Jsobon, to
Hies. end intakes from 8th i Donee. down Bth to Jaokeon St., thsaoe down Jeokeon to the
Rives. and providing that the spat thereof be paid for from the 8peoisl Sewer Fand, i
i be lntsodnoed ana ley over one wseY beibre paeasge-
Member Hasslip offered the following amendments That Seotion 8 of said
Resolntioa be amended Dy etriYing out all of said aeotion and aubetitnting therefor=.~ !`
•That the owt of oonetrnetioa of said sewer be paid for by the property beaefiLed
by said eawsr.• same loot apps osll of Lhe roll Dy the following vote:. Yeas,
HassliP and Tally- E. Bay. Hume, 6ardntr end wooidridgs. 3.
Thy original motion •e offered by Member 8ardner oarried upon Dell of the
. ~~ roil by the following vote; Yeas, Busse, Qardn~r i Nooldridge- 8. Bsy, Hssellp t ,
and Tally- E. ~ .
Bite Ottation #3 ; On motion of Mayor Baran, that Fire Station #3 be not diaooatinned before ~
3atnrday,,pending tlu ianstigation and report o ! the Board of Cnderwritera.
oarried upon pall of the roll by.ths following vote: Ysaa, Hurne,.0srdner sad
'' Nooldridge- S. Bay,, Harelip and Tally- E. ~ ,
. On motion the Board adjourned. upon Dell of the roll ty t2r following i
;; t
vote: Yeas. Burns, 8ardnsr. Hesslip. Tally and Nooldridge. 6, j
eae~~ed _E ~v~ ,c,-vim
t ,
,. ,
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APRIL E9 `1818.
~' At s regular meeting of the Board of Conmieeionera.held !u1 the Comm' Chamber o!f
• the City Haii, Paducah, Yyy.~ oa April E9, 7,918, upon pall of the roll the ftlilewing ~~~
atnewersd thoir aamess Bursa, 8ardnar, Hasslip, Tully i Wooldridge- 6• ~ ~
( . On motion of Member 8ardnsr, the miautes.ot~the meetings of Apa~il EEd and ESd ~
xere adopted as read upon call of the roll by b yeas. ;.
i! i
On motion of Member Tully, payment of the Street Aspt. pey ro71 for the week.
erdi Aril E7 amount to ``188.08 wane
n8 P ~ ing v , pprovad upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. .
Idlesa i ~ On motion of Member Wooldridge, a oommuuioation of L . A. Graham, Chief of Polioe,, .
loatere. ~ ~~ is ssgard to the regnlstion o! idiots end loafers in Psdneah, was reoeived ani ailed,
.and the City Solicitor was instrustad to bring !a an ardinanoe regulating idlsre in
• ~ ~ Padnoah ea per tho request of the Chioi of Polios- upon Dell of the roll by b yeas;
Opal mine ~- motion of Member 8ardnsr, that Com'r Woolarldgs go to~Cley, Iqr. and further ~ .
proposition, a imeetigats tho poet of a opal mine to bs pnrohaesd or leased by the Oity, and slap
the post of opal to be furnished the City by any mine ownor or operator- oarried upon;
pall of the roll by 6 yeas. ~
Bat'1 Swrety Oo.~
released oa bonds On motion o! Mayor Bursa, the Bationai Snrsty Co. was rsleaasd from further.
Oliver Jonse i
Frank Choate. liability on tho bonds of Oliver Donee and Frank Choate, upon pall of the roll by 6 yeas.
• ~.
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- No~
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah lnrli Ea*h 191_a
Molisers9 Oinb On motion of Mayor Bums, the, Mothers' Cinb was relieved of last year's tasxls and
szempted from
tesse. essmpted from tease Yor thip year upon Deli of the roil by B yeas.
Win~ow shades
s 011 mvtioa of Member Harelip, that bide for window shades for the Contagion Hospital
~oep~~a~: bs returned to Mrs. Puraeil- serried upon Deli of the roll
by the following votes
Yeas, Hsaellp, Tally and Wooldridge+ $. Hay, Berne and Gardner- 8.
On motion the Board ad~otirned upon Deli of the ro7i by the following votes ~ .
?sae, Berns., Gardner, Hassiip, Tully end Wooldridge- 8•
s ,..`i91.~i1~ A.PP~,C,~'~ ...... ..
doe f ~Ils~
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'~ ~ .mts~D't~ .
Avrsl ao. 1918. •
At a epsoiai meeting of the Board of Commiesionere held in the Comm' Chamber of
- the Oity Hall, Padwoah, $q., on April 30, 1918, at 10:46 D• M., upon Dail oY the roll,
..the following answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Harelip, Tally and Wooldridge- Bo
Bide for '~ ~- motion of Mayor Barns, that all original bide filed for the ereotion of ea •
laoinsratos '. •inoinerator bs re3Aoted, and that the reepeotive oheoke deposited, together with plans
4 Speaitioations, be retmtised to the bidders- parried upon Dail of the roll by b yeas.
;; On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the proposition of J. W. Stokes, ldgr. of the .
J. W Stokesi
inoinsrator gnperior Garbage,Furnaoe Coastruotion Co•, of Dea Moisiee, Iowa., to build a ten ton nait.
proposition inoiaerator nooording to hie plane and epeoifioatione, be sooepted, and that the Mayor
eooepted. bs iaetrnotod and authorised to enter into oontraot with said J. W. stokes, said
inoinsrator not to poet over $E,990- oasried upon oall.of the roll by 6 yeas.
TAE, WITH TTD± PtTRP09ES OF SAID 7;EVY TRSRSURDSR DSFYRED, was given its passage upon Deli
o! the roll by 6 yeas.
Protest ve. ~ motion of Member Gardner, that the pro$eet signed by lbb6 voters against the
amendment to
Traction Co. amendment to the Traction Co• franohiae ordinance, which amendment was passed by the
•: franohiss.' 'Board. on Dprii 88, 1918, be received and filed- parried neon pall o! the roll by 6 yeas.;
On motioa of Mayor Surne, that the oonaidsratioa of.ths protest agaiaet the
Ooneider pro-
• teat ve.
Traction Oo•
passage o! tho Traction Oompany smendment ordinance bs eet.down for hsari for Ma
~ y
amendment. 11th at eleven o'alook A. M.- parried upon Deli of the roil by 6 yeas.
• On motion of Member Gardner, a Reeolntion providing for the oonatruotioa of s
Reeolntion Storm Water Sewer from 8th and Donee, rnnaing north m 8th street to Jackson street,
providing for
BEorm•Watsr thence east on Jnokeon street to the Ohio River, and providing that the cost thereof be
Sewer ..• paid for from the Speoiel Sewer Fnnd- was placed on its i;na7 passage and•was adopted
~. ",;":upon Deli.°of;the°ro11 by the foilowissgvotes Y~as~~Burne, 8ardaer b Wooidri~gs- 8• .
;..Ray. Harelip and Tully- E..
Oa motion the Board ad~onrssed upon Deli of the roll by the following votes '
` Year, Burns, Gardner, Haselip,~Taliy and Wooldridge- 6•.
, ~ ~, .
'die feA I ~
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