HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/22/18t - (;ommissioner's Proceedings, City of Padnc$1~ dpril sHd . 191 e . , Lt a. regular meeting b!. the Hard o i Oormisdionsrs, held in the Comrs' Chamber ~ of the Oity Hall, padnoah,.gy., oa April 88, 1918, ppoa Dail of,the roll the followi~ ~ ~` ~ answered their names: Barns, Harelip, Tally and Wooldridge- 4. ; f4 Oa motion of 1[ubor Wooldridge, the minutes of the meetings o! April 16th, 17th. ' 18th and 19th, 1918. were adopted a road upon Dell o! the soll•by t yeas. ~, Oa motion of Yembas Ha;slip, that the traaaf~s of the north one bait o! lot b10 ~. Cemetery. transfer Jao. in 83ooh /b*, Oak firose Cemetery, from John H. Dye to Yrs. Annie Jaoboa. M allowed; R. Dye to Yrs. annia Jaobon. . as per segneet of John H. Dye herewith psessnted~ oasriea won Dail of tha roll b7 . d yeas. ;.. Yembsr Gardner entered the meeting. ;, On motion of Member Tally. payment of the 8trest Dept. pay roll for the wear ending April 80, 1918, amounting to X197.34, was approwed neon Dail of the roll bl t~ following wotss Yeas, Hnrns, Gardner, Harelip, Tnily and Wooldridge. b. 1'ise otatloa l . . On motion of Yay+or 8nsns, the petition of oitirens protesting against abolisbiag #a ~3 74se Station was rsosiwed sad filed upon Dail of the roll by 6'yeae.. On motion of Member Hsselip, the races requiring copies of ordinmoes to. be furnished three dayt in adsanoa of the passage of en oraittanoe, were temporarily ens- psndsd u. to ab~ osdinanoe eliminating one captain and foes :firemen, upon call o Y the . roll by 6 yeas. On motion of the above, AN ORDIb~tiOB Ai~NDIbG SUB9ECTIOH9 8 AbD 4 OF BEOTION 8 OF Retention , Ordiaano4 AN ORDDIANCS ENTITLHD, "AN.ORDINANCB PROVIDING FDH T}ID APPOIN'DSENT OH RETENTIOY, BY , amendment. (eliminating ~ . THffi ~~ Op OOYYI88IONSRB OF THE CITY 08 pADilOAH, OF CERTAIN OTlR OFFICERB, AGENTB one fire = rtstion) AHD Elfp7pYEE9 0! THS OITY OF PADUCAH, B~TTUOEY, AND FIIINO TH$IR 8ALARIEB. MOWERS AND , DUTIES," PA98ED ffi THE BDARD OF COYLiY8SI0NER9 JANUARY E9, 1918, AND RECORDED JANUARY '. 31, 1918- was giwen its passage upon call of the roll by the following wota; ?ens. Harelip. Tnily end Wooldridge, 3. Nsy, Barns sad Gardner, 8. • • On motion of Yambsr Wooldridge. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND BSCTIOHS 8 AND 83 0! AH Traction 00. ORDDtANOE ENTITLED, "AN OFtDICtANCE PRaiRDIN6 FOR THE BALE Op A PRAIVCHIBB AND PHI7ILEiH Preaohise ':' Osdinattoe gOR TH8 pURPO3E OB.EREOTING. OPERATING AND 1fAINTAINING AV ELEOTRIC STREET RAILWAY OVER _ amendment. , OERTAIN BTRSffiTS IN THB OTTY OF PADUOAH, $~tTUC87f, APPROVED BY J~8 P. BYITH. MAYOR, `. . .ON,THH 30th DAY 0! YBROH. 1911." wan presented for passage and same was adopted upon call of the roll by Lhr following rotes leas, Barns, Hasslip,.Tnily and Woeidridge- 4.. 1sy, Gardner- 1. ' •~. ~. Oounoil On motion of Ysmber Harelip, that the Board concur 1a tbs rdoona3eadatione of the • of Def.nee. Eentnol:y Oonnoil of defense, that the Oity.aot employ aaneoeepsry ~mpioyees on account of the soaroity of icbos. carried upon call of the roll by b yeas. ~~ ;; Donation foe Cold Osdet Oo. On motion of Ysyor Bnrn•, the ssgnest foe a donation for nnifbrms for the 0oiosea . ~a Oadst Co. was referred to the o1~ solicitor for an opinioa.oa the legality of eam~, ~ ~ '~ , ~ upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ~ ,! Oliwes Jones. On evotion of the above, that Oiiwss Jotter be aliosed.S17.60 for labor In repedrin~ ~ fly traps, as per attached statsmaat, carried upon call of Lbe roll by 6 yeas. ~ . . Jea><ins ><Sae. On motion of the shore, that Commidsioaers of props:ty and Safety go and intssti~ gate the Jen><ine mine,.with a -lave of securing the necessary information re ssdi i 8 ~ "~` ''• pnrohue o! one-half interns! in eama, oar:fed upon Dail of the soli by 6 yeas. A Oa motion the Hoard ad~onsnH .upon call of the roll ~ the lbllowiag wote= ?eu,! a~ ~, • Hams, 8ardnes, 8spiip, Tally i *ooidridge• 6. ~ ~ ' _ - ' ~ 191 '=i . , . ,~~ I3 A toi ' .... - '~`''11 qb OeY iKL~i7- i~• .. ;.: i _. ~) ~i.. i '`y