HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/15/18•~ ,~_. Firs Station . ~ g r e Captain and at least I ~3~ ~' four firemen, and that the equipment be motred to other stationo, and that the Oom~r ~ ' of Safety bs instructed 'to carry out said order for Lhe beat interoet of ths•~llept; in'} V i' ~~ the eeleotion of the station to ho eliminated, and that.tha Retention Ordinance is ,, • ~~ amended to aonour herewith. - i.. liembar 6iardnor offered the following amsndmonts That Dfio, 3 be the etatibn to be !° ' • ~ eliminated- npon.onll of the roll said motion tie amended w8a given its passage by b ysae. I • i' 1 ' , • '~ On motion of Hsmber Razsiip, that all patrolman in exoeae o! BS bs dropped from • !'~ " patrolmen.. ~'. r' the pay roil, and that the Streot Inspootor, Supt, of Light plant, lterkot,Master, I+ 4' ~; Chain Gang hose, Sexton Oak Grovo Cemetery, and Sanitary Inept, bs given polios ~ _ • .• i powers, oarrisd upon cell of the nDll Ly 6 ysae. ~ ~ ~` ` j. E~'°'~ ~ ~ On motion of Hambsr Tully, the payment of the Street Dept. pay roll for the xsek ~ ~~ and i t;."~ ~ ngApril 13, 1918, amounting to $170.46, was approved, upon call of the roll by 6 ~•~.:'. : 1; _ . h i , . ~ ~,~~,; k . , r Commissioner's Proceedings, Ci ot`Padueah 1'91.a_. . _ At a regular meeting of Lku1 Board of Comnieeloners hold in the Comre~ Chamber • i • ~ of the City Rall, padunah, Yip., on April 16, 1918, upog call of the roll the ! folloeirrt anewesed th61i-names; Sarno, Gardner, finzelip, Tully and $ooldridge. 6. ~ ,. On motion of Etember Gardner, the minuted of tho Taguiar meotix~r of April 8, 1918 ' " wets ndop~d a8 read upon cell of the roll by ,6 yeas. "~ ' i ' petitions , ~~~ On motion of Mayor Sarno the aevernl pgtitions oonoerning the attest oars i , concerning ~ street oar ! iranohi a amendment e•.ere received and filed u on call of the roll b b s ~ p 1 i tranohiea amendr ae. y y On motion of lumber Gooldridpe, the opinion of Gity Solicitor on the aub~eot ' Opinion of City~~ ' Solicitor in. re, of whether or not the Board of Comrt~isaionare has a right to change the rate of fared ! . street oar !~ Parse. i originally fixed in the a^raotion Oo. franchise, was received and filed upon call ~ • ' ' of the roll by 5 yeas. d '~ I Auditor's report On~motion of Mayor Burns, the report of Jno. D. Smith of the audit made by him •4• booka~otion Co•,, :r of the hooka of soot. of the Street Railway Dept. of the Paducah Traction Co., was ? i • '~ received arid'filed upon call oY the roll by 5 ysae, I I ' • On motion of liember Gardner, that the LU,O.F. order be rantod ' g permiaeion to L0.0.F, ~ !.; ,~ uas a lot at 10 & Bdway, also ~• of Tenth St. and } of Hy. Ave, for tla purpose of Carnival.. ~ . holding a carnival during the week of ,:pr. 22d/27th, Yor the benefit of the Orphans '' Roma at Lexington, Ky.; provided they arrange their tents, etc. so as to comply with the requirec~enta of the Fire Dept., and provided they protect the tress on tYa prop. • I arty; and Lhat lioeneo be suspended for ho181ng such carnival- parried upon call of ~'•;' • ' Lhs roll by b yeas. Piro pings. ji i On motion of ltnyor Burns; the matter of dispensing with oertafn fire plugs, wae.~ referred to ~ths oouuniaeionara tie a whole and the City•Solialtor~ upon call of the " ~i ~; a • roll by b ya8e, Y Lease house o! , i On motion of kember Hazolip, the liayor was tin`s oted to outer into a lease j lira. dnnio Sq.ok;, with~}Sre. „nnie Seuk fur her reaidenoe near Ri raide Buepital,.ut a rental of w36 pot Q ~ month, until Dap. 31, 1919, upon call of the r 1 by b yeas. ' t te C On motion of the above, that the transfer of the north half of Lot 13, Block 3?,'( eme ry raxxe- for Beasley ,- ' ~ Oak Grovo CemOtsry from $easley 1aarD1~ & Granite.Co. Sy W. L. Boaeley, and lira. ~ Larble & Grnn- ' its Co., eta. r' Donnie Searle to Sarah A, Thom con ns er deed eulmittsd, bs ratlried by the 8oard,i y p . P to Sarah ,:. I; , ^ahompeon. .: ~ aAd that the osmeto j ry reoorda be ,corrected so tie to ahow.eaid transfer- oarris8 ~;, i upon call of the roll by b ysae, • M ~ . Light at '; On motion of the above; the petition for a light at the oorner of 11th 80 $llia ~j. 11th & Ellie I!, .~ r j .ate. wee referred to the Comer of Works for lnveetigation, with poxror to sot, upon ~ ., ~! cull of the roll by 6 yeas, •~~ On motion of the nbove that for s0ono . my and to ooneervs the public finanoos of • DSeoontinus the city, that one fire station be eliminated to tithe with th ' -r ~~ . ~ ~~ ~~ •. . r 1 ,.,y. ,~?''m;.. . ,. t L:~JVo, b .: .. .. ...~ ... _ - ... : ?~ - Commissioner's . f dieedings, City of Paducah apnl is 191 e On motion of Hember Tully, AN ORDINANCE A1fENDING SUBSECTION 3 OP 3h'CTIOIi b OP AN Amendment to ' ORDINANCE r2VTITbED "AN ORDINANC[i PROVIDING FUR THE APPOIN~.tENT OA RETENTION, BY TttB' Retention ' BOARD OF OOIuIidIB$ION3RS OF iNE CITY OF PALUOAH, OF CERTAIN CITY OFeICEAS, ACENa''L4 AND Ord. EilPLOYEE9 OF ^aHE CITY OF PADUCAH, I{ENTUCBY, AND FIZILIG TIiffiR SALaRIES, PUWEAS AND DUa^I83," PASSED BY THS BOARD OF COi~tISSI0N3R3 JANUARY 29, 1918, wee.given ire paeeegs upon call of the roil by b yeas. • Appropriation, On motion of Mayor Borne, the ooneidaration of the appropriation ordinance was ' ordinance., postponed to a oelled meeting to be held on Wednesday at four o'clock P. lt., upon call • of the roll by 6 yeas. Franchise •~ 'On motion oP the above, that the ptopoeed ordinenoe to amend the franchise of the • amendment 88 ptopoeed, Paducah Traction Co., introduced on April 1, 1918, be withdrawn as of no effect- carried withdrawn. upon call of the roll by b yeas. On motion of the nbove,. AH 0RDINaiNCB TU AiJEND BaCT IONS 8 AND 23 OF aIi ORDINANCB Ordinance 1iNTI^a1.i4), "std ORDINANCE PitUYIDING npZ TtiE 3nL^u. OF a FRdIiC&ISs at+D PRIYII.r~ YUii Tis amending . ^aTiAC^aIUN CO. •. PUFPUSI: OF EtZi3CTIDIG OPiiu-dAiIFLG AND MAIN^aaINING dN E73Ca^HIC 3^at'ir."BT a~6ILii1sY UY1ia2 C3iuAIN ' FRANONISE. STa"L.N"TS ILI T1iB CIT7( OF PADUOAH. t~aulTUCkYY, APPiiOYSD 33Y dAlidS P. SiSITH. ltwYOR, ON T1iE • introduced. 10th DAY OF fiAR¢H, lyll, wae.introdnoed and laid over one week before passage, upoa Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Burns, Bazelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4: . Nays Cnrdner- 1. • Ori motion the Board ad~onrned upon orsll of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Burge, Qardner, Ha2elip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6.• Adcal i ,t,~ a a- i41.~ . Jf ._~ ~_ _.. ./ cis ~/ • ~ • Arri1 17, 1918. ';L At a oelled meeting of the Board of Commieeionera held in the Comte' Chninber of _ fi't' the City Hall, Paducah, I~+:,on April 17, 1918, at four o'clock P. 1t., upon call of the • roll the following answered their names: Borne, Cnrdner. hnzelip, Tully sad Wooldridge- b. ; On motion oYtdavor Burns, that the salary of the City Stenographer be increased eal~e Steno.' ~ e"lb per month, beginning ?rith april, and that ea oh increase for the remainder of the • 'increased: .year be charged to the Department of Works, to the aooourit of engineering- carried upon • •oall of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Burns, Gardner and Wooldridge- 3. 'Hey, Hazelip and ^aully-'2. "'c 4. F. Phillips;' On motion of ldembe7 Gardner, s oommuniaation from G. F. Phillips, relative to letter in. re. ; ~ , ' ''" Weights dk Weights & i[easures office, was received and filed upon.oall oP the roll by' b yens. ' Lteae. Inept. Oh motion oP linyor Borne,. the rules na to furnishing copies of ordinances to „; members of the Board throe days be Pore meeting, were temporarily suspended upoa Dell ; ~ of the roll by 6 yeas. ~ On motion of liembor Tully, AN URDYNANOE FIXING T13ia aPPOR^aIUNt.~NT OF ;Iia PUBbIC ' •Apportionment , Ordinanos'• 1918. FUNDS OF ;B3.CITY OF PADUCAH FUR ^aHE YiaaR 191©, wee given its paesngs upon call of the roll by the following voter Yena, Burns, Hnzelip. Tully.dn.liooldridge- 4. Nny, Gardner- 1. "` ~.,3tembef ciardne.r offered rho ;ollotiing amendment to rho ap~prSicnmemt 8rdinanoe, P,ioposed befosd said osdinahoe xas gissL ito pas$nge; That the foilowisl6 words bo etsioko Fl nmeidment to•, n om . ', npportionment ,'ordinance, ,laid apportioLment crdinaunoe aados bonding of Dopartdron= ut PuL1S0 ~inatl0e "7'o be applied la DASiedtt~i.tL117~Q00a00" and the following words nnarr heading oY Depifi<meat of Pub1l0 , Wdrke bi ipaor4sd~. "New Boilers sad' Improvement of bight Plant .....,y17,000.00," - ' ' said amendmanb. receiving no aecord, was tabled. • ,; ~ . =~.~ ~, ~~ .. . '~k w x