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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah. March lath 191 e
It s regular meeting of the Board of Commiaeionsre hsid in the Oomae' Chamber of
the Oity Hali, Paducah, ~jr,, an March 18, 1918, upon call of the roll the foilowirg
anexsrsd their nsmaes Burn e, Gardner; Hsasiip, Tully and Nooldridge- 6.
On motion of Member Wooliridge, the minu-tee of the meetings held on March 11th. •
lEth and ibth, 1918, were adopted ea read upon cell of the roII by 6 yeas. ~.
Park Commie- On motion oi•Hsmber Gardner that the Boarfl of Park Commissioners file with thL "'""
• ,
eionsre. Hoard ea•itgmiasd eaoouat showing the disbursements for the yeas 1917- oarrisd neon fi
call of the roll. by 6 gees. ,,;,
Oak Grove Cem- On motion of Member Haaelip, that transfer be made on the Cemetery Deed Book of that pasR of
etery transfer..
from Brick-
layers' Union
bot 49b in Block ¢3, belonging to the Brick Leyera' Union Ho. 4. to-wits Songhweat corner ''
~4 to Louis d fronting 17 it. 6 in. on Msroy street and running bsok 16 it. 6 in. for depth, from said
~ '
Mary 8lmeadorf
8riok baysre' Union ~4, by Jeoob Seamoa, president, to bouit and Yary Simendorf, ae per
deed flied herewith- oarrisd upon cell of the roll by b yeas. ''•
tllowanos for On motion of the above. that an allowance of ~E6 per month be made for hiring help to
Dlarkst Souse. _
clean the Paducah market house, same to be paid by sash os,•dere neon order of the marksL
master- oarrisd upon cell of the roll by b yeas. °~
bases Jackson
On motion of the above, the Cify Solicitor was directed to prepare a aontraot bet. t
Hill fend to
Jas. F. lllen., the Cit smd Jse. B. sllen lanai to said ~ilen the Jaokeon 8111 farm until Dea. 31.1919, ~
y ~ ~
undsr,oertsia oonditione, said ~11en to furnish bond to the City for the faithful per- ~.
formanos of the contract. and the Oity'reaerving the right to said property for burial
purposes- npoa call of the roll by 6 yeas.
Oity Suginser" On notion of the abovs,• that the city engineer be instructed"to lay off a p7a t. ands
instructed to
make plat of draw blue prlnte therefor of that section of Oak Grove Cemetery an the west extremity •
portion of
Oak Grove •
w hick is now unplatted and a certain strip of land lying along the west. line of the
Cemetery. '
mausoleum property, a certain plat o! ]and lying north of the mausoleum p roperty and
extending bsok to the bsok line of said meaaolanm propertq- carried upon cell of the roll
by 6 yeas.
Opinion of City Gn motion of the above. that the opinion of the city solicitor regarding the title '
Solioito: e8
to Lot E09 in :,
to Lot E09 in Block 14. Oak Grove Cemetery. be received and filed, and that the city place
„ Hlook 14. a value on said Lot E09 Block 14 and offer same for eels- parried upon asll of the roll -
, by 6 yeas. ,a
Oemetsry. Dsed_
to Mre. w. Y, On motion o Yl~smber Tnily, that deed be executed to Mrs. N. M. Sullivees to Lot E4 is
8ulliran. Block ~E, on Baker street, north aids, between Hord and Heenan streets, !a Oak Orove Oemstesy,.
ehs having paid therefor the evm of X40 se evidenasd by reosipL hsrewith'iiled- oarrisd ~?
npoa call of the roll by 6 yeas. ~'~
`CorrsoL deed t0 On motion of the above, that it appearing an error was made in deeding boL 66 in. t
lot belonging
to lire. Henry
Grsit. Block E is Oak Grove Cemetery to MIB• Henry Greif. when Lot 47 in Block E. new addition,
should have been.desded to her, that oorreatioa of eems bs made- oarrisd npoa call of the
ro11.•by 6 yeas. ....
~, ;.
Oa motion of the above, the payment of pay roil. for the Street Dspt. Yor the week ~? •
ending Marsh 16, 1918, amounting 40 ~180.Ob, wen approved upon sell o i the roll by 6 yeas. .~
Beport ot. On motion o! the above, the report of Com'r of Fioanoe.of Liberty bona bonds par- .
Liberty Loan chased from the Sinking Band thru the Citisens Savings Bank, was received and filed
' npoa call of the roll by b yeas.
Oa motion of the above, that many residents of the Oita haying aeglsaLsd to pay poll
Poll lane.
tax for 1917. and numerous employees ot.the oily beitg among those who are dsiiagnent.
that the heads of the various departmsssts bs required to notify those workiss under them ~
who srs dslingnsat to pay np at once- carried upon cell of the roll by 6 yeas. j
Ysmbss Harelip wq e:ansed flrom the meeting sad isft the Ooesrs' Ohamber.
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• Commissioner's
...• ,
- .., ..N°,i~ .
of Paducah usroh 18th lgj~ oost caned
rslboes Don Oa motiosl of Yembe; Nooidridgs, that the tlationel Surety Oo. De releeti.ed
Brian oprsdo~ ! from the bonds olGeo. 8riaa, Bssd Bryant andOharles Biook. oarried upon Dell of the
Brye~t k Chao, roll by the following votes Ysae, Barns, Gardner, Tnily sad Nooldrldgs. d.
jl On motion the Board ad~onrned upon Doll of the roll by the folloxing vote=
i. -Ysae, Barns, Gardner, Tully and pgoldridgs• 4.
Adq ei •~=-~...r '191. ~ ~~`f vv ~I"`~,t-vt-c~
N {
• I' .: •
~i ~ 1Snroh 19th 1918. ,
I' I.
~! pt a nailed meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oomre' Ohember C
~ ~ of the Oity Hall, Paduaeh, I(y., on ltaroh 19, 1818, upon o811 of the roll the ~liow. ~
" ~~ ing anewerod their names Burns, Hazelip,•Tully and Wooldridge••4. ~ .
~+ ~ On motion oildember ^aully, tho report of Oom'r of Ylnonoe of aooounte and
!; salaries for the first half of ltaroh xae reosived and filed, and said aooounte,
amounting to $66x8.01, uiloxsd and ordered paid upon Doll of the roll by 4 yeas. ~
• i' On motion the Hoard ad~ousx-sd upon Doll of the roll by the folloxing votq~ ~.
Yeas, Burney Hazelip. Tully and Wooldridge. 4. ~~
fl ~Ie te/ ~'..-f~++ ~1911~i ~,'r% d /~~~rt _ts ..~ .
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. !!
• 4:
^ • ; • i~ Haroh Sli,1918. { ;
ll ~ : ~„
• ~ Lt a oelled meeting of the Board of Oommieslonere held in the Commieaiouerss ,
~: 11'y
" ~ i; Ohesnbss of the Oity Ha11, Paducah, Ky., on ltaroh El, 1918,. upon Dell of the roll tb
• q following anawsrsd their namsss Buraa, Gardner, Hazelip, and Tully 4, ~. ~ •
• ! On motion of Ltsmbsr Tully, that the mayor and oommieaionsr of Finance bq 1
• I! ~ . . "
• 8orlom money' ;.authorized to borrow ~E0,000 from the Oitlssne Savings Bank for the ues of the Oity of;
• •~ I; Paducah, pledging the ta: levy for the year of 1918 as oollatsral, and that they
• ~; i
. ";' essoute a note toe the amount of ~PA,000 due July b; 1915- osrrled upon call oY thq, ~
.. j• roll by `yeas.
t G I•
• ~ }umber lioolari.dgs entered the sraeting.
" y On motion the Board adjourned upon call o! the roll by the following votes. ~ .
~; Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Iiazslip, ^aully and Wooldridge- ti. ~
' ii ~
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