HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/12/18 & 03/15/18 •t a oalied mooting of the Hoard of Commiasioasra held in tlr Comsa' Ch~auber o! the City Hall• Padnaeh, 8y., oa Iteroh lE, 1918, upon oall of the roll the following ant• their names: Burns, Gardner. Heseiip• Tully and Wooldridge- b. r ~~ oa motion o! Member Gardner that the deofsloa of the Hoara is the matter of Deoisioa lase. , ~ J.H.Bsaeley a • II C.C.Gsoom oharges against Patrolmen J. H. Heasley and C. C. Groom be made is the Commissioaerea ~~ Chamber in open session- ossrlsd upon call of the roll Dy 6 yeas. ~ ' Patrolmen Oa motion of M~bsr Wooldridge, that Patrolmen Bsaslsy and Groom be a:onesated of ~ Beesley N Groom the ohargs of dsreisotioa of duty in oonneotioa with the arroat of Pen Wilson sad the ~` e:onsrstsd. • ! fight at Tom Belly's Haetansant on the night of Maroh 3, 1918, earrisd upon osll of +' ~, ' ~ the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Buena, Gardasr and Wooldridgs.8• Nay, Basellp ' ? do Tally- E. . ¢ ' On motion of l[eyor Horne that the oharge of ineubordiaatioa against Capt. Poose ~• '" Oharge of lneaD-; • „ ~ ordination va. be takes n Prid afternoon at tour o'oloot- oarrisd u oa osll of the roll Capt. Wm._Poore. P aY p by the i ' ~,~-- - i ,~, •• following vote; .Yeas, 8usns, Gasdner,aad Wooldridge. 3. Nay, Tully, 1- and Member F h Haas lip not voting. registered nay. ~ ` .. ., On motion the Hoard ad}ournsd upon oall of the roll by the following votes Yeas, eusne, Gardner. Hsae11P4. Tully sad Wooldridge. b. .. l~a~ • • !• r k! }taroh lb ~ 1918=, ~ ' ' ~ i. , . ' i; ~t ea ad~ousaed mooting of the.Hoard of Oommiesloaera held is the Qomss' CAembe; ~ ' i , !; of ths.City Hall. Padueah, By., on Maroh lb, 1918, at Egos o'olook P• H., upon oall ~ ~, ~ of the roll the following aneirored their names; Busas, Gardner, 8aae11p~ Tally sad Wooldridge- 6. ~~ • ~ ~, 8• P. Thosatoa. Ca motion of ltembsr Wooldridge, that the ohasges against Patrolmen a• P. Thornton • 1' be dismlassd, ae the evidsnoe introduced has boss folly ooneldersd and !s not,eutfi- ! !; oUnt to warrant h!a oonoiotion same oarrisd ~ ' , upon Dell of the roll by the following • '.:: ;~. ~; '; vote; Ysae, Borne, Gardner, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. itembsr Hazslip pot voting, ! ,x<' • ` registered Ziey- 1. t ' Hike Dowell. '! Oa motion of the above that the oharges , . etrainet Patrolman Mike Dowell be dis. ~ • is ~; missed, se the evidsnoe introduasd has been lolly oonaidsrad and is not suffioiant to j •. (( r warrant hie oonviotion, same oarrisd upon Dail of the roll by the following vote= i. 1 ~' Yeaa, Berne, Tully and Wooldridge- 3. Hey, Gardner Dad 8azslip (the latter not On motion of the above that the•a olo p ~ Capt. Will Poore, . p gy of Ca t. Wm. B. Poose to the Hoard ss a~ ,~ !, whole bs eooaptsd ae a final disposition oY the oharge against him- oarrisd upon ~ ,`~ ~' ;, Dell of the roll by b yeas. ~ ' ~, On motion the Board ad~ournsd upon Dail of the roll by the following votsl i. • t.Yesa, Hums. Gardner, Hazslip,'a^ully and Wooldridge- b. i - G +~ ~. i~ / ~ _ iv7E~.Y~3t`. 1 • __ ~'. ~, , fi ;, . ~~ ., is .. it r ~ ' ~ .. . ~ .. ' • 1 t ... .. ~ 1 ~....i.~:• i i~. i ~iiii "rtl. i'~-`-11;...1 ~'rfi "T+~. -. .. • ~,., rid Jlll~ fl ,.,'Tt.. .mar. i i -