HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/11/18~ .5^ - .. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducafi Nasoh 11th 191 a '` It a regular meeting of the Board of Commissionsre held in Lhe Comze' Chamber of s;: the Oity Hall. Padnoah, $q. on Yaroh 11th, 1919, upon Dell of the m li Lhs following ' answered their nsmea;, Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- b. r, On motion of ldember 8ardner the minutes o! Lhe meeting held on ltaroh 4th.ead on , ' ltaroh 6th., 1918 were adopted as read upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. Oemetsry trans- On motion of Member Haselip. LhaL Yamis.Yvitts bs required to join is transfer of } fsr of J.H. ' 8vitte to lot 173 in block E6,. Oak Gm» Gamete from J: B. Britte So Silas ltiLohell- oarried ry. Silas Mitchell. upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. M` Oemetery trans.. Oa motion of the above. that the Southeast one-~nrLh of Lot 343 in Block #EE is . fsr of Lelia S.Sandsre sto. ®~ Grove Damstsry M Lranafsrrst- from Lelia B. Sanders b her husband to James Rhodes. to Jas. Rhodes as sr their deed submitted. and in aooordaaoe with Lhs p petition of Lelia B. Sanders ~ Mm. Harble, her attorney. and that aeid petition be received and flied- oarried upon .. call of the mil by b yeas. ~. On motion of Itembsr Tully. Lhe payment of Street Dept. pry roll for the week ending Baroh 9, 1919. amounting to $176.93, was approved upon call of the"roll Lpr 6 yarn. Bzpsnse report On motion of the above, the report of Com'r of Finance of s~tpsnse of Coomittss ~ ' o! Committee before Stets - which appeared before the State Ta: Commission at Frankfort. Ey., amounting to X79.17, '' Ta= Commieeion. was received end filed upon Deli of the mil by 6 yeas. '~ R. W. ltoginney On motion of t[eyor Burns, that the proposition of R. W. $o$lnney outlined iahis proposition ' for canning 'letter of even date filed herewith be aoca tad and LhaL the C1t Solicitor be in- . P Y factory. struotsd to drawn ooatrsot to be ei ned b the o0 P B y rporation to bs formed in a few days and the City of paduoah- oarried upon call of the roll by b ysae. 'Typswritsr for it t On motion of Member Wooldridge. Shat th• oily purchase anew typewriter for work •~ ' c y s eno. of the oit steno ra her end that the msohiae now bsin need 9 6 P, . g by her be used in the Ds pt. of Safety- oarried upon Dell of Lhs roll by b ysae. ' LighL.aS On motion of the abors, that the petition of oitisens rsgaesting that alight ba Guthrie Ave. t1 ' "~".St. placed at the corner of Guthrie Ave. and "~" street, be received sad itiad. and that the Oom'r of Works bs authorised and iaetruoted to have a light pieced at that point ae noon as possible- oarried npoa sell of the roll by,8 yese. Inoiaeratos On motion of the above, that the kayor advertise !or Dide to build an inainsrator plant bids. '. plant- sealed bide to be taken !a two weeks, and the contract to build a plant be awarded ," to the lowest bidder taking into consideration .ths.eiss of the plant and its adaptability to the needs of the oily; right"being reserved to reject any end,sll bids- oarried upon r, \„ ~ nail of the. roll by b yeas. • On motion of the above, the rules requiring.thres days service of Dopy of ordinances ~ `' before being introduced, as re temporarily suspended upon Deli of the roll by b yeas. ' On motion of the aboros, aB ORDINANCE A1ffi HDIHG StJH3BCTi0H9 E, 4, 7 AHD 11 OF SBCTIOB 0rdlnanoe amending" . . E OF dN ORDINANCB ENTITLED. "AN ORDDIaHOB PROY.IDIHG FOR THE APPOINTHEHT 0 R RBTBNTYON. SY ;; HETEHTIOB 03D. THE ~~ OF COltl[I99IONER9 OF THS CITY OF PADUCAH, OF CERTAIN ~T.Y OFFICERS, AGBNT9 AH D ~:: BWPLOYBES OF THE 07TY OF P~DIJCAH, IQ9NTtJCBY. AHD FIIING THEIR SALARIES. POWBHS AHD DUTIEB'~, PASSED HY THB HyARD OF OOH3IISSIONERB JAHUIRY E9, 1918. was adopted npoa.oall of the roll ' ` by the following rotes Yeas; Barns, Gardner sad Yooldridgs- 3. Hay, Hassiip b Tn],1~~ i. . ' Sund 01 s ~ o lag On mots n ~ o of"the above, the opinion of"the City tioiieitor regarding the Sunday *' rr." ;:i ; Lq. ' olbsing law was reasivsd and fiisd.npon Deli of the roil LDr 6 yeas. ' Oa motion the Hoard adjourned. npoa Deli of the roil by the ibliowing voter ,.~ • Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Raseiip, Tally sad Wooldriage- 6. . Adopted -.,3:-1...x.-._.195.. .; .~ A-'~'~~D M1 ., , ~ >~;. ,. ;. . - M~'Y~OIt: L. .. ,. ~ . ~. ' t ` ~: ': . „ti,.. ,, titig s!.t~.n. ;.rx....:aa " E~: _.+... ; 6i>x',~:, .. <«. ..,.. -e`. s. . ,. ~+, n. s~, ....: Mau,.. ti:. ..• a :~~r... _ a'a,J . . r i- .