HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/04/18 & 03/06/18 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 1~arah 4th 1918 '' • Lt a regular meeting of Lhe Board of Commieaionere held in the Comr°s Chamber ot! A ~ .ths City Hall, Paduoah, Kq., on.Maroh 4, 1918, upon veil of the roll. the following ! , - answered their unman: Oardnar, Hazelip, Tully Dad Wooldridge- 4.' i I On motion of Member Hazelip, the minutes of the regalar meeting held on~Febrnary t e • E6, 1918 were adapted ae read upon Dell of the roll Dq 4 yeas. Title to On moLioa of the above, the City Solioitor see inaLraoLed Lo look into the title] Lot E09 H.14! Oak Crove to Lot X209 in Blook 14, ,Oak Crove Cemetery, end report hie findings to Board of Cemetery. •. ' Oommiesionare, upon veil of the roll bq 4 yeas. ~~ i ', On motion of Member tiardner, the report of Com°'r of liorka for Fe~bruarq 1918 was ' reoeivad and filed upon Dail of the roll bq 4 gees. A.R.Bradehaw, On motion of the above, that Mr. K. R. Hradahaw, Jr. be appointed Citq KnEtineer • Jr. appoint- ed City et a salary of ane hundred dollars per month, oarried upon Dell of the roll bq 4 yeas.' Snginesr. On motion of the above, beoauaa of the advanoe of more than 600 in oval rates •yl Coal rates. in the lest two genre, and beoauaa of the present excessive rata which Lhe City ie • ,required to paq for ooal.at the mine, the Magor was inatruoted to write to Hon. J. R. - Garfield, Fuel Direotor,.and request him to fie a:neiv rate not exoeedi ng one dollar per ton for ooal•, for steam purposes, in western Kentucky- upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeea. >. ' Rates at On motion of hember Hazelip;. a Resolution increasing.the rent of rooms at Riverside • ~, Riverside " Hospital ~ Hospital and inoreaeing the rate charged for the ogre sad treatment of I. C. Rail m ad laoreaeed. ; ,Qasee,,~~aae given°ite passage upon Dell of the roll bq•4 yeas. ~ . Opinion in.rs. On motion of the above, that the opinion of the City 8oliaitor in regard to the ' .~ City's author- ity to authority of the City to donate Lo inatiLutions, charitable and otherwise, within and ~:- donate. , :;without the oitq limits, be received, filed; and observed-.oarried upon Dell of Lhs ' ' roll by 4 yeas. r Bill of On motion of the above, that the bill of Riverside Hospital against Lhe County for Riverside H: ; '. vs Oounty t t t f the treatment of Kra Wilford,.n ohnrity pntient of the County, be out to ,~4G.00, and that rea men o !-ra Willord, this nmo•.m t ho noooptod in iull sottlemont of.suid uoaount- ourriod upon Doll of the • ro11•by 4 yeas. >tr:' On motion of the above, that X7000 tornado inauranoe be transferred from the Cit,~ Inauranoe • Licht Flnnt to Citq Hall building, x,10000 Tornai~o inaurenoe be transferred Prom Carnegie :~ transferred i Librarq building to City Hospital Bidg,, ;+3000 tornado insurance be trtutsferred from • 'A'irs Station.;~1 to City Hall Bldg., and ~y6000 tornado inauranoe transferred from MarkeL~ . ,Ronne. to Citq 8a1T Bldg., oarried upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. ' Un oration of Member Tully, that the report of aooounts and salaries far the ~' month of A'ebruary 1918 be approved, and said aooounts, i16yE~1.09; ordexed paid- oarried ~: '. upon oaTl oi' the roll by 4 yeas. Un motion of the above, the payment of the Street Dept, pas+ roll, amountin_a_Lo $ifi4.80, for weaken ding Mar. E, 1918., 7vas approved upon Dell of the roll by 4 yAae.. Oemetery deed to W.K. Dn motion of~the above, that ~j46.OO having been paid into the t;easury,ea evidenoad ~ Harper & Ni:L.Haynee by receipt herewith, that dead be executed to W. S. Harper and F. L. Hnynea to lot 96 f. • in block 8, on Miller street, south side; between ,Ford_Ae Honnaa, Oak Grave Oemete.ry-. ~~ • '_^`:'. oarried upon Dell of the roll bq 4 gees. Cemetery deed to'J•H. ht Hi ~ On motion of the above,,that deed be eaoouted to J. H. Hightower for Lot 96 B1ook E,:. g ower. =' on Miller street, south aide, bstween,Ford.k Hsnrian, Usk Grove Cemetery, he having paid`,. ' aherefor the elan o•f X30.00 as evidenced .by receipt herewith= oarried upon Dell 0 4 the ' 'roil bq 4' yeas. ~, ~. ...... _.... j fi,.-. ~. <, ,. ~ ,. •. `,~, ,,'•i I ," { # _ i ' ~ r. r•. ~ -~ .. w C. C..Dnvall ~ On motion of Clamber Woaldridge, that l[r, C. C. Duvall be granted a si: months is avs o f absanoe tablsd.'~ leave of abBenoe~ as per hie request herewith of date February 21, 1918- Ea me was ~. ~- ~ tabled upon oell of the roll by the followingt vote; Yeas, Gardner and Wooldridge- £, f Hay, Hazsl3p..and fully. 2. „ ~, ~ i ~.,' ~. F. Hurt On motion of the above that polioe porers Ds Qr anted a. 8: Hurt assn Stree t asst. St.' ~nepr, •., • granted polioe Inapeotor, ho to pay hie own bond. in eooordanoe with rooommondation of the Chief o! j pone re . f Polios- oarriad upon oall oY the roll by 4 yeas. ~ , Orditianos raga- On motion o! the above. del U&DIDIaHCi3 iiGGUIwTIDIG ih$i HaMD1,IHG .ildD $aLP OF sEOUHD 1 • feting sale o! seoondhand $uHD CIq.`'7~'IIdG CJI^aHIH :H3 C1''iY LILtIT5 u8 :ha CIYY uF PaDUCaH, KiSWTUCKY, aWD ~c~YIUII~C ~ -, olothiug. , • ` Pdlxl.iY Fh& YIULai TU1l i~&:uF, ras adopted upon oall o! the roll by 4 yeas, • ~ ~ " #. Urr~rreoeived~~oj, On motion of the above, the report of tir. T. B. Urr, Gaighte & lteasurea Inspr,; fixed. ~ for the month of February, was reoeived and filed upon oell o i the roll by 4 yeas. On motion of 1[ember fully, the report of Comer o! Finanoa showing Collsotione ;' ~' & Disbursements for the month of February 1918, was reoelved and filed upon oall o! ~ •. • '~ the roll by 4 yeas. ~ ~ ~;. On motion the Board ad~ournod upon oall of the roll by the following vote= s''." Yeas, Gardner, Hazelip, ;ally and Wooldridge- 4. ' (i t- ~ - ~.~ ~ . . • ~„ ~ nar~~x~. ; • • uaroh 6th, 191©. i 1t s •peoial meeting o! the Hoasd of Comiesioners oe11sQ together, is the abeenoe o! the Yayor. by Hembese Ha•elip and Tully. on ldaroh 6~ 1918, in the Coms's ohambss a2 the CSty Hsll. Paduoah, 8y., apon oeli of the roll the following eaesored t. • - the is names; Gssdner, Hazelip. Tully and Wooldridge- 4. • ~ motion o! i[ember Gasdner~ that the City send two of the oo~uoiasioners a • a Cosoittee to pprotest against i i oommittse to go to frankfort and psotset against the piopoesd inorsaae in the sasses. n aorssas asbeesment. , menti of real and personal property in the oily and oonnty, and that Hembsre Hasslip .; ;end Tally bs appointed such oommittss- oarsisd upon osll of the roll by 4 yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon oa11 0! the roil by the following votst . •Yeae, 6ardnsr~ Hssslip. Tully and Fooldridga -4. • b~opto~ 3 - / / i9E6_ tti.~.~-FRO ~~'+~ r1 ~ yr a a • ~=~~~ ="~= ~.~<< - - ,~/, ~i tit-c.~.1 ~ „_,_,,.. i ¢~ °. .. _ tf ..