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Coinmissioner's.Proceedings, City ofPadncah February ls'- 191
• I At a epsoiel meeting of the Hoard of Commiesionsre held is the Comm' Ohanber of
i; the City Heli, paduoah, Syr., oa February 18, 1818, upon Dell of the roll 1&e followin6
~ aaewsrsd their names= .Burns, Gardner, Haaslip, Tully axtd Nooldridge• b..
,-ooonatp• ~' On motion of lumber Tully, payment of eooounte for the.fiset hal! of Peba ssy
tallowed. !~ amounting to y~3641.24, wsa approved upon Dell of the roll by b yeas,
.i Oa motloa the Hoard ad~ournsd upoa Dell of Lhs roll by the following votsi
• 4i'Yeea, enrne, Gardner, Hazellp, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. •
• ii n,••- atwi _ ~~~~~ C,o
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lbbrue~r r fifi. 1918.
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{ pt a rspular meeting of tta Hoard of Oommiselonsrs held in the OomMiaeior~ors
Chcmbsr o.f the City Hall, 1'adueah, by., on Fobruary irfi, 1918, upon gall of the roll
p ~ .
the following answered their namaet Burns, Gardner. Tu1ly:and Wooldridge- 4,
' ' ~ On motion of 1;ember Cardnsr, the minutes of the meeting held on Fobrtrnry 18, ~ •
' ~; 1918, and on 'February 19, 1918 were adopted ae read upon Deli oP the roll by 4 leas. I
•• ~ I~ On motion pf liernbar Gooldridpe, that the salary of the two polioe oaptalne bs
• $alariss of. ~..inareased ~t10,00 saoh per month, and the patrolmen be•given a raise of X6,00 eadh ( •
• Fire Depts. i~ per month; also that the men in •t ho F1re Dapt. ba enoh given u raise oP yy6.00 per
inoreeaed. ;
' ~ month, with the ezoeptlon of the Ghief, auto meohanio and operators, and'that the City
~~ $olioltor be lnatruotad Lo bring in an ordinanoe amending the retention ordinanos ~; ,
• '~: eooordir~Iy- oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following voter Yeas', Burns,'
Gardner and Yooldridge- 3. Hoy, fully- 1. '
' Layor Burns was exouaed from the meeting. ~ '~~.
• Cemetery deed j` Un motion o Y i;ember ^sully, that dead be granted to a. C, Wads and U• Hines
to d. C. Wade ~!
& 0. Hines. { to hot RS in Hlook Two,on walk uff of 1lillsr,9trest. anl} bste•een Ford & Hannan et6.,. ~
I' Oak Grove Cemetery, treasurer's reoeipt for ;p30.00 in payment thereof being hereto 4 •
f}}; attaoheA, oarried upon oe]1 of the roll by the following voter Yeas, Gardner, Tully }
• ! and Wooldridge -3. (~
• Cemetery Deed. N On motion of the above, that deed be granted to Joe. 9urratt !c lira. Cora ~
& Lre,~Coraratt ~! Hrigman to Lot 48 BlooE Two, qn the walk north,o! Bakes St.,batween Ford do Hannan 8t.,j
• ~. Oak Grove Cemetery, they having paid therefor the stun of ~y30,00, as per treasurer's ~
I reoeipt herewith- oarrisd upon Dell of the roll by 3 yeas- Oardner, Tully e Wooldridge
r! On motion of the above, the payment of pay roll for the Street Dept.., for the '
•„ ~ week ending February E6, 1918, amounting to y"p159.06, was approved upon Dell of the
.roll by S yeea- Gardner, ;ally & Wooldridger I
(i On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: ~~
. ~ ~
Yeea, Gardner, :ally and gooldridge- 3. i .
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