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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah aebruarTlish 191 e
It a reRalar meeting of the Board of Commieaionere held in the Oonnoil Chamber. •.
of the Oity Hall, Paducah, By., oa.Febrnery 11" 1919. upon Dail of the roll the following .
• answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Tally and Aooldridge- 4.
Oa motion of Member Gardner, th4s_being ^heatlesa^ day, the Board ad~ournad to'
• :. meet again on Tuesday, February 12, 1910, at 1:30 o'oloak, upon call of the roll by ~'
the following vote; Yeas, Bnrna, Gardner, Tully de Wooldridge- 4.
Feb*uary 18" 1918.
It an ad~onrned meeting of the Soard of Oommieaionera held in the Oommiaeionere'
`' Ohambsr of the City Hall, Yaduoeh, ibr., on Februar~r 18.1918, npoa call of the roll m ~ •~
following answered their names: Burns, Gardner,,Tully and Wooldridge- 4. •
On motion of kember Gardner. the minutes of ths,rreetinga of February 6, 1818
end Feb. 11, 1918 wore adopted ea read upon Dell of the mil by 4 yeas.
G. W. Romorteoa On motion of 1~eyor Burns, the tax olaini of G. i. Hoberteon IDs Oo. was rgtsrred
' Ice Oo. tax
claim. to the Oom'r of Finance for lnveetigetion and report, upon cell of the roll by 4 yeas.
Rep99rt of Oomr
iYOrke re
ardin Oa motion o i Member Wooldridge, the oommunioation of Com'r Gardner, recoamending .
for y riatYone
t r
n appropriations for the Dept. of Works, wee received and filed sad referred to
~ • • .
etao the Oommieelonare as a whole for ooneideretion in. proparing the budget, upon call of
the .roll by 4 yeas.
Oity'e half of On motion of Member Gardr;er, that the amount of X240 bq allowed, ooearing the
purchase pri.oe
of ground Oity'e half o! the purchase price of the strip of ground bought by the Cinnty and Oity,.
~~g~~~aa~'~o~~~Y'im aooordanoe with previous action of the Board, under the,eRreement Chet eeoh shoals
pay half, said Around oonrieating 13th street with the Gairo road, near the city limited. ~
in Rowlandtown, and that the Oom'r of Finance be_ instructed to !asap check for that ,
amount in full payment of the 01ty'e part of the pn mhase prise- carried upon oell.of
the roll by 4'yea~.
'9unday closing On motion of L'syor Burns, the matter of Sunday closing wee referred to the City
law• ,
Solicitor and Oity Judge .to determine what bi;eiaeease may be psimitted to remain open ~ ,
,, ~ on Sunday under the law, upon call of the m 11 by 4 yeas.
:Bond 'of Wm.
Pettq de 110. On motion o~f ]Member Tullq, the oommunioation of !abet Smith, lgt. of National
Surety 00. regarding bond of Wm. pettq i Co:,.wea received and filed. upon o$11 of the •
' roll by 4 yeas.
~Nat'1, Surety Co.
released from On motion of the above, the National. Surety Co. was releaeod from ahs bond of
iim.Neibaoh bond. trm. geibaoh ea .o! Fsbraary 8, 1918, upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
' Purchase of On motion o! the abovq, the potion of Oom'r of riirenoe. in buging street imp mve-
' BLrest Imp.
d meat Bong #136 for X1,000 ti 4~', due lug. 1, 1934, ~ 91~.gnd interest amounting to ~91b.~44
. ,
said bond being duly asnoellsd and check drawn on Citizens Savings Bank for thi amount, ~"
payable out of 9lnking rand, was approded upon call of the rail by 4 gees.
'Board o! On motion of the above, the appointment of duo. J. Dorian, Wm. Barnes and O.. I,.
appointmeat.• y~ lister ea.membere of Lhe Board of 8npervieore, end of J. Yee Tmntman sa Olerk of said .
Boadrd, was approved upon nail of the roll ~ 4 yeas.
~~ On motion of the above, the payment of the Street Department paq mil for the week
ending peb. 8, 1918, amounting to ~2b1.80, was app mvsd upon pall of the roil by 4 yeae~ ~ ..
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' ... •~ ,r ..No.,..~~
Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPaduaah- v.t~,~a ~ s.__191.8_oont~n •~~
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Saloon license of On.motion o tldembsr Mooldrldgs, the saloon license o t Ohas. ;verist at fA0 Ry.
Chas. Iverlst
transferred to , Ove. was transferred to 0. L, Diokssaoa, at the easy location, in eooordatios M tk
ii ~' C.' b, Dioksseaa.
segneet of Ohas. Iveriet hereto attached- npoa call of the roll Dy 4 yeas.
On motion tho Board ad~ournsd upon 0811 of the roll by the toilowing vote=
• ~ ]Fens, Hurna, Gardner, Tully and Wooldridge- 4,
~: '
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{ ES H3UrHY 1,6~ 1918.
' rt a celled meeting of the Board of Couaiiseionere held in the Commissioners
' - ;i
. Chamber of the City gall, Paducah, Ky., on Tebruary 16, 1916, upon oall.of th e
• •• }; roil the following answered their namsss .Horne, Gardner, Hazslip and Tully- 4•
. ,.
City borrow On motion of liember Tully, the 3[eyor and Oom'r o! Pinanoe were suthosiesd '
~3b 000.00 e`'
• r: to borrow from the City Uat~l Baak the snm of ~3b,000.00, pledging the city taxes
• i
• for, cams, and to axsouts Hots for the amount, due Jnly 6,.1916, upon call of the '
• ti roll by 4 ye8e.
< i:'
• allowanos foe On motion of the above, that payment of $60.00 for fled Oross 1817 sae le,
.° flsetorose seals and of the amount of ;$41,7b4.60 on note and interest due, making a total of
$41604.60, be approved. carried upon call of the roll by 4 yens.
On motion the Board ad~ournsd upon call of the roll, by the. following •otes
Yeas, Horne, Gardner, Hazslip and Tully. 4.
' !. 'r; YEBRU6HY 16th, 1916.
{ -
o At s regular meeting of the Board o ! Commiselonera held in .the Comrs~
' - Chamber of the City $sll, Paducah, Kentucky, on February 16, 1918, upon call at the
6 .
' ~: tall the following answered their names; Burns, Hazslip, Tully and Wooldri~ a- 4
' i~ kember Cardner encored that meeting.
• ~~ On motion of idembsr llazelip, trio minutes of the meetings held,on Peb:uaiy l8
!~ 1916 .end on JI'obruary lb. 1916, wero adopted as read upon call of the roll by Lhe.
' ~' following vote; Yeus, Burns, Gardner, L'azelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6,,
< fligraide ~~ On motion of Bomber gazelip, th8t Lhs Oity Solioitos be instruotod to bring
~~ . ~~
' Hospital. ~ in s ssaolution inorsaeing the rent of rooms st the Riverside koapitai, and the: rats
'. ' of ohasgas for I. 0, Aellroad oaeos. carried upon Deli o ! the roll by the tollowiq<
• .• ~ ~~ vote; Yeas, Hurna, Hazslip, Tully 8nd liooldrldge- 4, yiey, Gerdnes- 1.
hiss Tralnor~s ~~ On motion of the above, the resignation of hiss Trninor, as herd nuresct
resignation '
• eoespted, ~ flivereide Hospital, was eooepted upon call of the roll by b ye8e.
' ~ Iaeuranoe on ~~ ~- motion o t the above, that the ineuranoo policies on public propst~+, which
•. pity property. i wero trenaterred by the old Doard to the pept, of pffaire, be transferred to the
~ i-
' ~ Dept. of Public property, and that the Comer of Public Property ba Riven the.
• ~~ charge and management of the same- lost upon cull of the roll by the tollowfig
vote= yeas, Hazslip and fully. E. Hay, Borne; Cardnsr, Wooldridge. 3. ~ ~ ,
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