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' - Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah sebruary bth ~Q~e -
• At an ad~on=aed meeting o t the Hoard of Commiseloness held in.ths Oostts
• ~ Ohambsr of the City Rali. Paduoah, Sy., on FsD. 6, 1918, upon Dell of the roll the ~
following answered their namset Bernd, Gardner, Rasslip, Tnliy A Wooldridge b. ~~
On motion of 1tsmDsr Gardner, the minutes of the privious ~neetinge hdd, on i -
• c January ~1u3#1 E9th and on Bsbriu-ry 4th, wars adopted ae rsad.,upon oa11
of the roll ~
Dy 6 yeas. ;.
.Report of Oom'r On motion of 1[ember Wooldridge, the report of Com'r of Works, W. A, Gardnsr,
• ~ January 1918, ~ ianuary 1918 was reoeivsd end iilsd upon Deli of the roil by 6 yeas. -
- Cemetery trans- On motion otL'emDsr Reselip, that Lhe north halt of the east 16 foot 6! lot #644
ter from L. A.
Wyatt Eo in Blook 37, oak Grove Cemetery, bs transferred from L. A, Wyatt Lo John Bryan, as
John Bryan. ; per deed of L. a. Wyatt dated Dso. b, 1917 to avid Bryan- oarried upon Dell o t the
roll by 6 yeas.
• ~` 'On motion of liember Tully. the payment of the 8trseL Dspt. p uy roll,tor Lhe
week anding Fab. E, 1918, amounting to ~y104.bb, wee approved upon Dell of the roll 1
bq b yeas.
On motion of the above, the report. of Com'r of Finanos of Collsotione b Die-
• bureemante for the month of January 1918 was rsoeivsd end flied upon Deli o ! Lhe
roll by b yeas. t
• Saloon li wnte !' On motion of the above, that the ooffse house 1losnes of R. Oslieei at 13E 8, •
of R.-Caliaei
tranefsr:ad irow Fourth street bs transferred to ElE 8entuoky Avsnus, ae per hie written r4gweL=
• 13E 3. 4" Lo
ElE I(y. Ave. oarrUd upon Dail of the roll by b ysae. { "
Oa motion of the above,,, that the opinion of Oity Solicitor, Jno. B. Rsndriok, ~
• with reapeot to bill of the County Court Clerk for ooate inourrod in the lest
Bleotion a:- p
pones bill of eleoLlon and November elaotion, be received and filed, and that the enonnt ee esL o ut
County Court ~
Clerk. .
in the Statute and daolaion of Court of :.
Ppeale in. re. Fayette County va City of `
• Lexington be tendered-Gue G: Singleton in legal tender in eottlement of hie aooouert -
• oarried upon Dell of the roll ~
by b yeas. _.
Fred Bryant b On motion of Member iooldridgs, that tho resignation of Frad Bryant Dad 6has..
Chsa. Blook
Blook be aooapLed, and that they bs allowed to bsaoms lirat extra 1n the svsnL Lhsy
should want Lo ooms book in the Department- oarrlsd upon Dail of the roll by b ysee,. i '
bth k EOth y! On motion of the above, the bth and EOth of the month wee adopted as the !
~- ;
• month adopted as
pay days. retrnlar pay days, and in the event either of those days fella on Sunday the Morideyr .'
following to'bs auoh pay day- upon Dell of the roll by b yeas.
On motion of ISayor Berne, that oontraot to print E00 oopiee of the amusl ~
Contraot to pzlri~
. 4nmsal Reports
let Lo Leaks ~
report of 1917 De awarded to Leaks Prlnting Qo, for a ooneideration of .~3E.60, in f,.,.;
Printing Co. lull of all olslme.for printing euoh reports, and that the bide o! printers be sao~d ~_
• ,and filed- oarried ! ` '
upon Dell o t the roll by 6 yeas. -
Ool'd Rome of ~ motion of the above, the petition of oolored oitiaena Baking donation for ,
Friend lees. the Cold Rome.ot Friandleae. wee received and illad and referred to the oortmiieeionsre
for oonaideration xhen making up the ,budget, upon Dell o! the roll by 6 yeas. '
On motion the Board ad~ournod upon Dell of the roll by the following votes {
.Ysas,.Burne, Gardner, Rassl~, Tully and Wooldridge- b/
t. ~_
,.,..,. ~t n ~ z. t ~. ~
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