HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/22/18f \ •,^~r; ern .?.M, . ': r af~F:. Comn:issioner's~!roeeedings, City of Paducah J•nnary sea igig_ ff • ~t en ad~onrned meeting of the 8oerd o ! Oommiulorrre hell ia.the Ooamiaeiones• • ghambas of the pity Ball. Padnoab~ Ky, on Jen. 88, 1918, npoa Dell o! the roll the'"~.• I . • tollowing answered tluls nameel Hnras,, gasduer, Haaelip~ Tnily end Tooldrfdge. 6, • ~ Oa motion of ltembss Gasdaas, Lbe minntse of the se6nlas meeting held on Jma• ' I , 14, 1918, palled meeting Ot Jan. 18, 1918, and msetinge held oA Jan• 81et~ 1918, were ~ , adopted at r•ed npoa Dail of the roil by b ysae. ~ ` B~soina setiaA On motion of the above, that the notion taken by the Hoard on Jaa. 1~Lh, 1819, to abolish otrioae of ltaslat [ tt abolishing the offices of Market Heater and Teighta a lteaenrs• be reaoindsd. parried C`. ` . ~~ aae er sad Tsights b lteae. ~~ , : : , neon Dail of the soil by the following voter Yeas, eurns~ Gardner ens Tooldrldge, 3. . ,.' ( Hay, Heoelip and Tnily, 8. Resoiad lotion i' On motion of Lhe above , that Lhe eotioa of the Hoard instrnoting the Oily !•'• . to Drente Dem. blued office of 8oiioitos to bring in en ordinanos orsating the combined ottloe of TeighLS a ltseanse• andglSsrkstHeae. L and Market Hastsr, bs rseoindsd- oarrisd npoa Dell of the roll Dy the following vote= Hae sr. Yeas. 8nrne, Gasdnes k Tooldridgs, S. Hay, Heaslip and Tn11y, E., j. • ~ Teighta ~ II~ae. ! On motion of the above, that the City 8olioitor be inetrnoted, when drafting the inapsotos Lo perform duties HetenLion osdinanoe, to make it the duty of the TsighLa & Hsasurse in epeotor to look , hsreLOfore psr• formed by aft~s and des that sTl unpaid liosnase are paid, and that the duties heretofore per- ,' ' Lioenas Inapr. t6smed by the Liosnes lnepaotor bs now required to be psrtormsd by the Teighta i Yeaanrse inepeoLor- parried upon Dell of the rgll by the following vote= Yeas, j • ~~ Hnraa~ Gardner ~ Tooldrldgs- S. Hay. Haoellp and Tully, E. ltattss of trana•~ Oa motion of lismber Baeelip, Lhat the matter of traneter of title to lot in I -: Osk Gsovstisom Oak Grote Cemetery from L. A. TyaLL to John Sryan, De rsi~rred to the Oity 8olioitor .. L.A.Mystt to Jno. Bryan. ref- j. Tor report on investigation ot•titls and right Lo tranet~r- parried upon Dell of the Lo City Solioi- tor. .roll by 6 yeas. } ' On motion of the abo w. that deed from krs. Bile ~ndereon end hnebana to i . Oak Grove deed `~. treaatessed from 1[aggi• D. Fooks to lot #E30 in Block #16 on the west aids o! Silent ws. between lira. Biis andas• eon to Haggis Myrtle and Tiliow sLseste, in Oak Grovs Cemetery, bs properly traaefsrssd on th• Deed j i'A~ D. Fooke. . Hook of the City of Paducah- oarrisd upon pall of the roll by 6 yeas. Canees for Dn motion of the above, that pertain rnUa end regnlatlons be made oanss• toe ~ • • ~ mlval of City iymo~al~~ot pity employees- oar isd ~ 1 . p Dyers. s upon os 1 of the roll by b yeas. , ' Oa motion of ksmber Tully, that Lhe amount of ,~6b4.30, for aooounte se pas t ~attaohed report. be allowed for a "~° • p yment- oarrisd npoa pall of the roll by b yeas. provide provia- ': ~ motion of ltombss ~iaselip, that the City phyeioian and peat. City phyaioiaq ions for needy. ba inatraoted Lo se• that provislone are tarnished when any house is gnsranLined with i *.. • ender gnerantiw. oontagiow diseases, should euob pastise b• In need. parried upon Dell o t the roll Dy '~;,~ b ~~• ' Dq Captain of CA motion of the above, that flu Dey Captala of poll a be dsslgnstsd se oUrk police deaignst. to the Hoard of Commiasioasse without ears pay- aasslsd upon pall o! the roll by b yeas •. sd se Olsr1[ to . Hoesd. On motion the Hoard ad~onsnsd, npoa pall of the loll by Lhe following voter ~ ~. i. ~• Yaae. Hnrns. gasdnss~ Hbaelip, Tully and Tooldridgs. b• } ~_.:.-,-151..... j ~,dW~~~d =:_:.~-- i' i41~"]2~1i i .r~ • .. ~ ~... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"~f ~! . j • f, ~ 5 ~ ~f ~4 'I. I -.rte ~ ~ ~ • L :..: s.. ..... ...:_