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' No.~~y[: ..
• Commissioner's Proceedings; City ofPaduo~h` - January 6th 191e
At a Defied meeting of the Sossd of Commiesionsss held in the Commisiionere
Chanber of the City Ha].1. paduoah, $y., on January 6th, 1918, upon oe.ll of the roll, i ,
the following answered their names= Burns Gardner, Graves, E!arton do Meahin:gtou- !
'~• t
is 6.
' ,
On motion of member Marton, that the report of oollsotione by the Com'r of~- ~~ '
Finance from Jan. 1st to the bth, inoluaive, be received and filed- osrried upon !, '
! pall of the roll by b yeas.
pasoAaoe ilDILD
I~OSOx4TCLl~ Isom , On motion of Mayor Surna, a Resolution providing foe the purchase of ap 1~
B. T, Bonsgnln. , t
Indian Motor Cycle from S. T. Bourquin at a price of $800, and instructing the Comr
• ~ of 8inanoe to issue voucher to ntr. Bourquin for aeld amount, sae adopted upon call
• " of the roll by b yeas.
• ;; .
On motion o; Member Marton, that the amount of ~4,704.8H be allowed from ~ •
• ~ ~'
- the special' Street Fund, and the amount of $466.78 bs allowed from the general fund.,
• it in payment of salaries and claims, .ea par the attached report of Com'r of Finanos i '~
. ~ j; - ,
and City iuditor, oarrled upon Doll o! the roll by b yeas.. ,
Sepost o! i, .
City snows. ;, On motion. of the above, the report of. the City Aseesaos•waa. received and •'`•
- ;. filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ,:
i ±
' inwuseu~n polioiog . On motion of the above, that the ineuranoe policies. on property of thq city, '~, .. ": "'
•• etc. referred to '
• Dept. of pablio and matters pertainln thereto and the cuatod and oontrol.of same b I
g ' Y 4 Pieced in ~.,
•.. ~,
•fislso. ;'the department of Public Aftelre, end that the Mayor be~ inatsuotad to keep said ' ~., i•
. ~; policies in~full force e$d effect, some ta•ba.•kalit~on"file in.tha vault on the thud ~
' ; rioos of the City. $all- oar;fed upon Dell of the roll by b yase'. !
~ _ ,,
• ~• Wyos i Com'r !
Oa motion of the above, that ths'Mayor end. Com!r of 8lnanos be authorized' to,
of ?Saonoe ', '
• •nthaslsed to i p~gJm note with the City Depository for the amount of ~$40i788.6b, to Dover ovardsaft, •_ ,
~ •
' males Hots with `~
City Depodtosy.. of 1917. oarrled upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. ~
- ' . •I': ,. -,
' On, motion of Member iiaehington, that roll for the Street Dept. foe the;` ~~
• weak ending Jane 4, 1918, not'oovered by ordlna~ce, amounting Lo ;~96,76~ ns per j '
•• ,,~ the attached statement, ba allowed. oarrled upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.. ~
Otis 1[oYanno
~ On motion otl3ayor-Burns, that Mr. Otis Montanus bs granted police euthority~ s
•. granted polioo „ .
poweso. hs having bean appointed yterohes-ta' patrolmen, upon execution of requlrel bond, it. .~
i' being understood that the City !a not rasponsible.for hie salary, which la s matter
• ' between him and tte merchants- onrrisd upon Doll of the roll by b ysea,~/
• Communioatioa ~' On motion. of the above the oommunioation from C. H. Crossland with respect j
' of C.H.Croselaa`
respect to oom- ' ,
to the v4mpiiing and publioetion of city ordinanoae, and submitting e p mpoeitlon •'
piling City to do this work at a price of $b00, was referred to the Snoomintr Hoard Ot~Commie-
Osdinanoae. t
•_ aionsra at-their meeting on next Monday upon Deli of the roll by 6 yeas. ( ~ '
Heport_ot IIno.D.
On motion of the above, the report of Jno. D. Smith, spacial Auditor, of ~ j
° Smith, Speoiel ~ the books and rooorde of the City of Padugah foe the year Onding Deo. 31, 1917,
r together wifh his additional racommendetion, were reveived and filed upon oall~of 'j
the roll by 6 yeas. ~ ~
Anpuai Hepost '' 01- motion of Member ntarton, Lhat the Mayor be authorized to have at least
of AUditos to b•
" printed. two hundsod copies of the annual report of the apeoiel auditor iJrinted in pnmphlst. .,~'
. ;; form- carried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. •
r, ~On motion tho board adjourned upon pall of the roll by the following votsi i ,
!. Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves, ntarton 80 &eahington- 6. ~ 1
' ~ .,
Adoplod ~~191~ .~,.r:EF' 'VT.~D l
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