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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah . Janu,.~ as 191_a.. :: •
;~ ,
At a celled meeting cf the Hoard of Oommisaioners held in the Commissioaere ~ ~''~
•~~ i, Ohamber of the Oity Hail, Paducah, Ky., on Jan. 3d, 1918, upon call of the roll the ', ~I
• ~ ' following answered their Hauser Hume, Osrdnsr, Graeae, l(arton i Yaehington. b. " ' I. • '
• On motion of Ltsyor Burns, the rules sere euapeaded as to earring oapise of '`"` ~ '
• raeolutione, etc• on the oommisaionere three daps prior to meeting, aeon call of the
roli bq 6 yeas. •
;~. Oa motion of the above. that the mitten order in the matter of controversy between
Oontrorerey bight Ga tain Ai11.Poose, Patrolman Jae. poore and Bd (Hoots) Skiilien. exonerating eaifl I.
between sill P
P • J
oor sa.
Poore and fill poore sad Jae. Poore from anq blame ae officers or ae indioiduale, be the decision
soots 8killian. ~
of the Hoard, and that said order be received and filed- carried upon Deli of the roll ~,`~
,. by b gsae. ~ ~
Aetail coffee On motion of Member Graeae, that a coffee house license be granted R. Galiaei at `~~
grantsdiR,nea 100 Broadwaq, and also at 1100 No ^aenth street.. as per•hie applioatione therefor, and '~
`~ ~i
Oelieei at that his bond,. National Suretq Oo., be approved anfl accepted, carried upon cell of the
100 Bsoaflway S
~•'~ 1300 N. 10• ,roll bq the following vote; Yeas, Burns, Gardner,. Graves and Marton- 4. Hember
•, - .•J
Weahington~voting yea sa to the~lloenae et.100 Broadway, but voting nay on the application .~r~ .
for a license at 1100 N..~enth street.
~~ ,
J. 8. Nolen On motion of lQayor Burns; that the vote on the application of J. S.. Nolan at the
granted rstall meeting on January E, 1918 be reaoneidered, and that he .be granted license to conduct a "'
coffee honor
liosns~: ~~retail coffee house et 200 Itentuclgr ave., provided he transfers acid iice~nse irtmediateiq,
• and provided further-thati-he pot -be 'permitted to operate or work is said saloon in say
• oapaeitq- oarrisd upon oall.oi the roll.by b yeas>
Hondurant S On motion of Member Gravea,•.that~Bondureat & ita0arrigal.be granted a retail ooffsa
granted retail house liaenee at 300 South Ninth street, as per their application therefor, and that
•• coffee house -their bond. National Buret Co.,
license. y be accepted- oe•rriod upon cell of the roll bq b gene.'
On motion of the above, that the ooffsa house license of Bonduraht ~ 1toGarrigal
Lioeaae of ti; '
Bondurant b at •300 S, 9th street be transferred to R. Calisai, at the same location, ea per their
NoOarrigal .
transferred to assignment and transfer hereto attached- carried u oa oal.l of the roll.bq 6 yeas. ~^.
R. Oaliesi. P
Oeo.R.Goodmsn On urotion of the above, that Geo. H. Goodman Co. be planted a Quart Liquor Licenas ~.
Cv:~recnted Qt. at 106.-108 N. Second street aril that their Mndemen, National Surety Go., be app cooed.
Lignor Liosnee.
•, end eooepted,,ae per their application- aerr:ed upon cell of the roll.bq b yeas.
~ ~ .
, J. S. Nolen On motion of Ma;~or Hurna, that the retail ooffsa hones license•thia daq.granted
license tran~-
ferred to to J. S. Nolan be transferred to Oharle q Iverlett, at the same location, upon condition
that J. S. Nolan be not permitted to run, operate, control or work in said eaioon, and , ~"
further provided that new or other employees be retained in lieu of employees heretofore
h° - .
smploged in said saloon- oarrisd upon sell oY the roll bq b yeas. ~ - ~ ~s', .
' pommnnioation On motion of uember Gerdnsr, a aommunioation from the 01ty Solicitor, Jao: K.
' t
~ Honflriok,.reaommendin that the Oit p~
fling appear !n. g Y prosecute an a el itt the ones of Yaduoah Water Oo
• NATBRaOo.eie ve city of paduosh to the Oirouit-Court of appeals immediatelq, was reoeited and filed
apoa call of the roll by 6 geae• ,
Resolution On motion of the, above, a Resolution directing ~Lhe Gitq Solicitor to prosecute au
diraoting Oity ` ~''~
8olioitor to appeal irom.the decision of Judge Beene to the ll. S. Oiroait Oourt of appeals, in. re..
appeal is PADI!- padunah Water Oo. va Oitq of Paducah, and authorising and direotin~r the Yagor to sign the .
QA8 /~TER 00. •
. a
case. appeal bonE, with good and solvent auretq,for the.parpose of taking said appeal, and t2st
'~ -- II
the appeal be taken Smmediatelq. sae adopted. upon call of the roll •"
bq b yesa. ~ •
On motion the Board afl~ourned, upon oaii o! the roll bq the following votes 7eae, ,
Horne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington. b. e
r• ~'
4 '
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~.~. ~ ,,
.. ~ •