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3 ~ No..~,(~. ~
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 7feoembar 3d 191 7 ~, .' ;~
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commiaeioaers held in the Council Chamber ,
~ of the City Hall, Paducah, By., on Dso. 3d, 1917., upon'oall of the roll the following '.
~ ~ ~.~
#; ~
;.answered their names Burns, Gardns.r, Grevse, Marton end iashington- S. ~
Oa motion o! Member Marton, the minntsa of the meeting held on Nov. E6, 1917 ~ L
were adopted as read upon sell of the roll DY 6 yeas.
Oa motion of Mayor Horne. that the oommnnloetion of the Snreka Coal & Coke Co.
Enrsks Co
l b ' Y ~ _ y
Coke Co. ', making complaint ae to method of Mr.:T. 8. Orr in weighing a load of oosl, be rsoeived ~•.,; ~
d fil
and referred to the Commiesionera as a whale, end that 1[r. brr De called ;`~
Dsfore• the Hoard for hie version of .the oaatroverey- oarried upon Dell o f the roll Dy 6 yesa. ~
Ballard & Oo. On motion of Msmbsr Gardner. that the written pmposiLion of F. W. Ballard & Co. ~"t
proposition on dated Bov.17, 1917,. in regard to' making ea estimate of the oast of oonsLruotion end
eatimats for :• g.
W~THH WORYB. operation of a Water liorks for Paduoahi bs rsosived end Shed- oarried npon Dell of the ~
roll by b yeas. ~ u
F Member Gardner made the following motion; That the proposition of F. W. Ballard
;; .. t`~
& Co., of Cleveland, 0.. for ,an estimate as to the oast of a new Water larks for the City
of padnoah and for the operation of some, ae per their letter of Bov.17, 1917, aL s fee ~'
of X760, bs soospted; said report Lo give their opinion as,to Lhe p roper somas of water
Proposition supply for the pity, whether it should be from deep walla or.rivsr, sad shelf include •
of ~,
!. W. Ballard the 81zs of pipe and neoeasary machinery For auoh water works; the time and s=penee of
i Co. it sending a men to Peduoah to prepare the neoeeaery-data to be. borne Dy F. W. Ballard & Oo.
Said sum of .760 to be paid out of t}m contingent fund, end report to bb made by Deoembsr
i alet, 1917-
Member Naehington offered the following amendment: That Commissioner Gardner's
motion to employ engineer p. i. Ballard.to make sn investigation of >tha oast of.ooa- _ j
;struoting a water plant be emended eo as to read-That said Ballard is to make the f
Ballard neosesary survey b estimate and furnish a oompleta set of detail pleas showing the looetion
_: to give b ales of the different pipes, also detail plans oY the pumping station a mnohinery and
additionaldetail plans of s filtration plant. if same is found naaseaa
data. ry- and detail oast of the
~ .
laying of pipes on each street- eeme oarried upon Deli of the roll by the following
. ,
, ~.
valet Yeas. Gardner. Graven. Marton and Washington- 4. Hay. aurae- 1.
The original motion of Member Gardner. as amended Dy Member Washington, was
R4vea its passage npon Dull of the roll by thb followin
es Ysa
Gardner. Graves +
'end Marton- 3. Bey, Burns bWashington- E.
Cemetery deed On motion of Member Gardner, that the City Clerk be authorised to snouts deed ~
Wslleos Cs . ;
Bmith. toWallaos C.3mith for lot #E in Block #Eb, Oak Grove Cemetery. reosipt oY Com'r.oi Finarba ,
for X30.00 being attaohsd hereto- oarried npon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas.
^;° On motion of the aDooe• that the Com'r of Works open np the guttgre in Lhs alley
Gutters in
,. ~ alley bet. between Jones and BorLon, bth end 4th streets, so that the water Dan drain ou't to the
Jones d Barton
_: '
4th 8 bth.3t. streets- oarried upon Dell of the roll Dy 6 yesa. ~
OA motion of the above, that the City aoospt the proposition of Jae. M. Lang, .
~ ~~
City i Oouaty dodge MoOraoksn County Court. as per his letter of Bov. 19th, in the purohaes.of a osrtaln
purohaee land
etri ~ y
otkins we. i P of land 60 it•. wide oat inside the oft limits, oonneoting Atkins street with the
Cairo Soaa. `,
Cairo road, for the purpose of taking oars of the drainage at that point, and that the ~~
,,, oast oY the Citq'a half of said land be paid out of the real estate fund;. provided that
~ `i •
~' '
there a:e no regrvations made in the deed with refersnos to
grad ing m gravel ing, w blob '; ~ ~- --•'~'
is to bs done by the property owner and the County, and provided feather that the title, ~
.ooavsyed Dy said deed shall be in the City o! Padnosh- oarried npon call of !hs roll
~ _
~ 1~
b ye ie. ~ ,
9 ,
, " lE ~ - ~ ~ ,.
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~:~,m~,P.rAtae:^Sn'y ..t ru.:~:y; G.alVy~d't ti@~ ~. ti:.~.t .' .:'P~u.:' +7r+ .. . .. ~~,.ia'w~<cr.t .,.e,+.:: ..:owYSJ..s`a.~ r R ~u
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1Vo3 j l ~:
Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPaduoah___ Deeember sa 19LLoontinned "~. •
' Coeasenioation of Oa motion of Member Gardner. the oommnaloation of Judge Jas. H. Lang~of
Judge Lang la.zs. gov. 18, 1817 in regard to the pnrohaee of a strip of land 60 ft. wide ooansotia6 ;''
" •
• parohaee of strip ,
of land seoeivsd ~tkiae •~s. with the Cairo. wen rsosivsd sad flied upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. f '
~ ,, & flied. pn motion of xembsr Hatton, that the amount of a1R,006.88, for aooounts"sad ~ •
• aalRsiee, as per the report of Com'r of Fiaaaos and City inditor, b. allowed sad !
"- ~ ohsaks leaned for same- earried npon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, ; •` ~ .
• ~~
Gardasr, Graven, Hartoa.& Washington, 4. Mayor Burns having been s:ouaed from the
meeting. ~
. I "~ ~ ~'
Powdr of itty. of Oa motion of the above, that the power of rtty granted to J'oreman i Laokey by
~ •
Ohi. Bonding i the Chio o Bondi ~
Ins. Co. to eg nB end Iaouraaoa Co. of Chioago, I11. bs reosivsd and iiled,:o"arried '
Foreman i LtoktF
~ npon oall of the roll by the following vote; Ysas, Gardner, Grevea, Barton sad ,G.
• reoeivsd i Yiled.•
Washington- 4. ~ •
• On motion of the sbovo, that Hr. Jno. D. Smith ba employed to audit the books ~
Jno. D. Smith cad aooouats of the pity for the resent
employed to audit p year from Jan. let to Deo. 31, 1819. oarrisd
boob i aooountr. upon Dell of the roll by the following voto; Ysas, Gardasr, Graves, Hatton sad
• ~ Waebingtoa- 4.
is Oa motion o! !(ember Washington, the pay roll for the otrset department for the;' '
i week ending Itov. 30. 191?, amounting to $169. bb, not oovered by ordinenoe,was allowed,';
npon Deli of the roll by the following vote= Y.ae, Gardner. Graves, l:arton and ! ,
• Washington, 4. ' { ,; , .
Mayor 8urne returned to ttu meeting. • j
•. tl. eimwon9 On motion of the above, that. W• b• 9lnmons be silowsd pay ios tqur Jaye time
lgsb ~
allowed pay for
lost tism oa soot, oa aooonnt of a eose hand which beoama inlsoted while working in the oswsr dspartment~`. .
of eose hand. so per hie rsqueot hereto attaohsd, and written reoommsndatioa of Com'r of Worka, said, ~ - .
time amounting to X9.80- oarrisd upon oall of the roll Dy 6 yroae. • I-.,,:".
• ~ Sill rendered bF ~ motion of Mayor Burna, that the bill rsadsred by the County Court Clerk as '.
County Court Clk. to elsotioa szpeaese ohasged the City, be referred to the Gity Solioitor for sn oplaioa ' '
for eleotion
.•. espenses. es to its legality- oarrisd upon Dell of the roll by b yeas.
On motion the Board ad3onraed upon Dell of the troll by the following votes j•
Yoas, eurna, Gardner, Graves, Marton cad 4eahington, b. ~ _
~ ^~?S~.Q~Tv~-r~
{ y . ~ . .
'r DEC~BLR 10th. 1917. 1'
of d regular meeting of the Board of Commisolonsre hold in the Couaoii Chamht ..~ •
of the City Hall, Padueah, Ky., on Dso. 10, 1917, upon oall of the roll the following;.
• answered the is namso; Buse, Gardne r, Graveo, ISarton and Washington. 6. • ;,
Rmnloymeat of On motion of Hembsr Gardasr, that the sotioa taken by the Commiaeioasrs oa ~"~,
d d
F. .
o. !;
seoonaidssea. " Deo. 3, 191? in regard to the employment o i B. W. Ballard i Co. bs rsoonaLdersd,and
that the motion made by Com'r Gardner and the amendment otfersd by Hembsr Waehington~~ ,
~~. be grid the same ass hereby rsoonaidersd, oarrisd upon oell,of the roll by 5 yeas. ~ ~ •
~` On motion of Member Hatton. the minutes of the regular meeting of Deoember 3, ? ~^
191?. aub~eot to the reconsideration o! the motion of Com's Gardner end amsndmartt '"
•. '
~' of Com'r Washington la. regard to the employment of F. W. Ballard & Co., were adopted ~~:.~„ '
ae read npon call of the roll by b yeas. `
:° The vote beir~ taken on the amendment offered by Hembsr Washington on December {'. .'
F. 1. Hallarl ' 3. 1917 to the motion of Com'r Gardner, Stith respect to employing F. &. Ballard i
pzopoeition to ~
repoat on WaTIIR !! Co. to make a report as to coat of a Water Worka system for the City of Paducah;"same
k wO8H9 s
stem ~
-' lost npon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yea, Washington- 1. Nay, Burns, j
,; ,
• Gardner, pravee, carton- 4. l
~ ~ ?'
, ,
r,. _ ..-.,.,. ~ , v . ..~~ a.:. nr nn5. ~:.; - : rt .r, W..u.,, ... ~. ..a,:. ~ w ::aa.a.~ ~, ,. ,. • u:a~ ..~~..~. y P. .Fw.,~. .~. ~ ~