HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/19/17 & 11/26/17r"'~~*"'wu~x ~ ~ e~~~am. a ~.~~~~-,dmal~~y61~~64~xr- ~~~ .~~,.m ,n ~a..,...~..~~ - -_ ,n-~. ~~,~*,+~; ~.
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~} No._9 ~ 3
•. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commiseioaere held in the Coamiseionsre ~ .'
Chamber of the City Hall, Paduoah, I(y., on Nov. 19th, 1917, upon Dell of the roll the _
.° "°~
following answered their names.: Burns, Gardner, Graven, Marton and Washington- b. ! ~' ~
On motion of Liember Graven, the minutes of the meetings of.Hov. 12th, lbth end ~, .,u
17th were adopted Ba read upon Dell of the roll by fi yeas. i; "
::,° y
Oek Grove Deed On motion of irtember Gardner, the City Clerk was authorised to szeonte deed to lire.
?i to
lire.• ..Kate gate Barry for bet $40 is Blook #3, Oak Grove Cemetery, reoeipt of Com'r of Plusses foe ,~,;, '
Harry, $40,00 being ettaohed, upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. "
Census to be•: •`t On motion of the above, that a full and oomplete oeasus of the ($ity of paduoah be
taken of
oity. made, under the direotion of the Polioe Department, and taking is evoh data ae the Board _
• of Oomr'e may determine- oarried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ,
• On motion ofldember Washington,. that the pay roll for the Street Dept. for the week
• '
,: ending Nov. 16, 1917, not oovered by ordinenoe, amounting to $E8E.36, na per atteahed' ~`
statement, be allowed- onrrisd upon pall of the roll by b yeas.. ~`
On motion of Mayor Burns, that the appoia~ent of Fred Berry by the Com°r of Safety Y
? '
of Fred Merrq
approved. ee a patrolman, to fill the vaoanoy oaueed by the resignation of S. •. Aodgera, be ~ ~~
approved. and ratified- oarried upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. ~ ! ~
Nat'l Surety C9. On motion of the above, that the Neti~nel Surety Co. be released from the bond of; = ' •
released on
~ ~•
~:;bond~ of S.A. $• A'. Rodgers as of Nov. 16,.1917, the date of his reel g-ation, and from the bond of
Rodesra k
Harry Giah.. Harry 01eh, former Seztoa of oak Grove Cemetery, as of Not. ib, 19i7- oarried upon
oall of. the roll by 6.ysas.
Report of On motion of the abore, that the oommuniaation of b. A. Graham, Chief of Polies,
Chief of Polioe
on Gambling regarding the eitustioa in paduoah with reepeot to gambling houses, bs raoeived end
. Houses.
,~ ;,• filed- oarried upon -call of the roll by 6 yeas.
On motion of the abore, that the Certifioate of the 1SoCreaken County Eleotion Com=
Certifioate • miaaionera, showing that the Civil Ser7loe Ordinanoe for city employees rsoeived a
'. showing rat. `
'~ on CIYIL ? majority of the votes oast 1n the affirmative, and that said ordineaoa was therefore
Ss^RY~Ord. ~,
• ~. adopted and passed by the people at the November slsotion 1817, be reosivsd, f1Ud and
aprend upon the minutes- oerrled upon oalY of the roll by B yeas.
• ~, 8a1d oertifioate is ea follows;
4= ,. I
,. r ( Sot.. j
Oounty of ltoCraoken ) Nov. 10, 1917. i. '
Sie, Geo. E. allen John C. Halt
and Z. C. Br an u y ~,
author ze oanvsas a re urns o e Dun y o itoCraokea
• ~ do oertify that at an slsotion held in enid County on the 6th
day of Hov. 1917, the following rotes were oast for
Lhe Uffioes •indioeted.
' FOR C1vi1 Seraiae Cit Em to es
• Reoeived
Yes Yo"es
" 1 9
z•~ ~ .'. "No" " 1171 " 1 .
~Or on Question Indioeted:
_ Geo. ~. Allen
' _, 2. BrIIan ( County Commissioners ~
-~ Jao. C. Has ) of Sleotion.
• State of Kentucky
~;;; Covntq of ltoCraoken
I,.Gue G. Singleton, Clerk of the County Court for•the
County and State aforesaid,do oertify that the foregoing
oertifioate is a true and oorreot report of the vote on
~• Civil Servioe for City Employee, aooordinR to the returns
as oanveaeed by the LtoCraoken County Board of STeo-
Lion Commissioners. •
~~ Gioen under my hand this 17th.day of November,1917.
• Gvs G. Singleton, Clerk.
' (Signeaj..... By W. H. baokey D. C. •s.
•~ CSri1 Service ' Ob motion of the above, that 'the Civil 9eroioe Ordinanos for City employees, adopted
-Ordinance to
bs reoordsd, and passed by the people et the November slsotion 1917, be spread and oopisd upon the
,•.: .
.., ,, , •. ~ at
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i j~
"~'• ",
• ~~ ,
s Proceedings, City of Paducah Narember 19th jgJ~
l `,<
«, November E6, i917. '
~' at a segnles meeting o! the Hoard of Comminsioaers hsid la .the OommierionsrN i:': ,•
• ~; ChemTOSr of the City Hall. Psauoah, Ey.• on Nov. E6, 191?, upon call of the roil the j
" following aneeered their names; Borne. Gardner, Bsrtoa sad washington- a.
~ .
Oa motion o! Bomber Berton. the minutes of the meeting of November 19th, 1917 f ,•:`
' '~ were adopted as read upon Dell of the roll by l yeas. !
! _
Report of Dslin+ On motion of the above, the report of the Com'r of Fiaenoe sad Oity auditor,
' gnsat tas list ~.
• foe June 1917.
~ la regard to the delinquent Lax list for unpaid taxes due in June 1819, was reosiwd
sad tiUd upon osll of the roll by 4 yeas. ; •
• DaTa HBRBIN PRBSCRIB?D, wan given its paansgs upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
' - On motion o! Bomber Washington, that the pay roll for thq Street Department fos~.
• ". - the week ending Nov. E3d, not covered by ordinance, amounting to ~E19.E6, as per
• - attached report of Com'r of Works, bs allowed- oarried upon osll of the roll by 4 yeas
Donation to ~. of Oa motion of Ltayor Burns, that twenty-five dollars be donated to the 10tights of
0, foe was wosk, Oolnmbue to be used 1n the promotion of army Camp work of the H. of Cts among the
s - euilated mss of the U. S. army end Navy st bona eud abroad. same to b4 charged to.
• ths ooatlagent fund- oarried upon Dell of the roll ~ i yeas.
~ , On motion of the above, that, whereas, the Evannvilis Brsw. aee'a has given its
• ,,
guarantee that no more violation of the saloon ordiasnos will bs permitted is the
easton saloon
• license. building leased it to F. 8. Burton st 4th and
~ Ky. ave., sad has promised to serve !
• notice oa said tenant to vacate oa Jan. 1, 1918, I move that the Hoard recommend to
. - the incoming Hoard thet•no !lather license bs granted to said Burton to sell vinous,
is malt os epirituona liquors in the City of Paducah- oarried upon call of the roll •~~,'
' by 9 yeas.
4 On motion the Soasd adjourned upon osll of the roll by the following voter f '~
Yeas, Borne. Gardner, Barton and Washington- 4. 'r- ;~
. i.
A Imo/ .,._~"'-~:'."' T+SL.A !
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. .. No.:3L.,~• 1
Commissioner's Pr-oceedings, City ofPaducah~i+avember lath j,¢~? continued,
ordinance book of the City of Paducah, and that said ordinance be publinhsd.la the
' ~
! official newnpapes an required by law- oarried upon Deli of the roll. by 6 yeas.
i ..
Hnston Coftee On motion of Member Barton. that the matter in regard to the Burton retail '
House bioenn .~•.aofiee hones be referred to the aomminaionere ae a whole, to be taken up within tls j
' refersea to ,
• Commiasioaest. ~ nezt day os eo, os upon aall of the mayor- oarried upon call of the roll by b yeas
• !' On motion the board ad~ournad upon Dell of the roll by the following vote=_ ,;`.
t ~ . .
;~ Yeea, Surae, Gerdn9r, Graven, L;arton.and Washington- b. ~,
i' ,
l: -.._ ^-^ Cly CbrYV i
1. ~
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• :.
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