HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/12/17, 11/15/17 & 11/17/17r ,.. .. .~,r_, __ ...., ~ .~. ~... ,,,,; i . . ..,Mx.e~,u.'+,',.,, ..w-.:~..,,y,yl,.w- .-..n.. ,a:.,.,~wd~us.r:.arn..u~krw .. ~. • •. ! e ~ e ' - ' ~67tl'" Y`.s~":'T_.. ,...0'.ce•iM:A.mt.?55M%~R",~ke4:k".+'~liWS'rwTQ9:."P.kS~".+1 ~.~,~ ~. ~ .:'.~ .._ .: ,. r.~'y?~r.. _a, .. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah November 12^ 1917_ -d 6t a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners hel in the ommisaionere Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky., on November 12th upon call of the. roll the following answered their names:, Hurna, Gardner, Graves,. ?carton and Washington- b. :f On motion of Member Gravee, the minutes of the regular meeting of Nov. bth, " " { ? and of. yhe.apeoiel meetings of Nov. 8th, 8nd 10th were adopted sa read upon Dell of the roll bq 6 yeas. • Ne„ l 0n Motion of the above, that. the oommuaioation of Mr. Renleq Franklin, with y ~L'' L ~.~ Itw 1'~A ~I1'~ reisrenoe to an ellowanoe for one week's salary in lieu of ono weeks vacation that he ~ . ', ~/te.}ie h ~ did not get before he was dismissed from the Polios Department Dq action of the Commis- a: s• ~"r,~' '; eionera, be reosived and Hied and referred to. the Commiaeionere ea a committee of the - . whole- oarrisd upon call of the mil by 6 yeas. ~~• d On motion of Member Gardner, that the City Clerk be authorised to execute ~'• `' deed to Mr. C. W. Morrison for lot X68 is Block ,~2 on .Baker Street, Oak Gmve Cemetery, ":°. Y(! m°rricenr. c •~, " , receipt of Com'r of Finance for X40.00 being hereto attached- oarrisd upon call of Lhs ~'• roil by 6 yeas. • ~~ are„« (y k On motion of the above, that the commissioners rati$r the transfer of the one-halt , a ''~''r. r a~ er ' undivided .interest in Lot $71 in Block ~6, Oak Grove Cemetery, from Annie L. Winthrop, t~ ~~, ~~}e ~. w.na i' formerlq wife of Philip B. Johnston (deo'd~, and Executrix of said Philip 8. Johnaton'e , I, , ~. s~ra.}s estate, and her husband F. P. Winthrop, and Annie P. Johnston, only heir of Philip H. - Johnatoa, to Knte D. 8andera and L. D. Sanders, ea per the request of L. Ds Sanders and i deed signed by said parties- and that the~Clerk be instructed to make the proper tram- ~` fare on the Cemetsrq Deed Book- oarrisd upon call of the roll by b yeas. , a On motion of the above, whereas, iL is reported that several gambling houses are .. Garr v ~ ~ r 9 " being operated in Paduoeh, one acid to bs at 2d m Kq. eve. , one on Hdway between 2d and ~' ., Koss ~:. 3d, one on Erid Street between Bdway and Ky. ®ve.,"sad several others in the city, that Lather Graham, Ohief of Police, be instructed to close np at once ell of ®aid establish- . meats and keep them oloaefl, and that he appear be fors Lhs Board on Monday, Nov. 19, 1917 end explain why these houses are allowed to rue in violation of law, if.thby are being opsratefl na reported- carried upon sell of the roll by b gees. ~ On motion of Ltember Washington, that.tha paq roll for the Street Dept. lor.the ` week ending Nov. 9, 1917, not covered by+ ordinance, amounting to $211.2b, ae per attached 6tatement, be allowed- oarrisd upon Dail of the mil bq b gees. ~p roti a~° On motion of itayor Burns, the report of Com'r of Works regarding ths.oonatrnotion a} of the bridge noar"ths Peet Roues; aL a toLal'oost of }`34b.74, was reosived and filed ~. c } 0.1=~ = s "upon Dal l of the mil bq b gees. j '`'~f4,o•s} u$ On motion of the above, the letter of Mr. W. B. Kennedq requesting exemption , 'ni,~.~enr a~ from taxation for 6 gears on a etemmerq, was rs~rred to the City Solicitor for hie . °T ~L VTn~} j eT ~ opinion upon call of the roll bq b yeas. . . , ~. - i~~1.4..a i On motion of the above, that the Nat'l Surety Co. be released from the bonds . ~.rds Ew S}~~,-,a}~- of the following men, as of November 8th, 1917, the date of the texminaLion of the ix Ka~f.s~}k; ~ services for .the city: E. W. Stewart, Jemea Lottin, 1{elley Franklin, G. H."SOOtt, G'x' SSt.w..r1 ~' 0. Stewart and Gs.o. Green; and that the Mnrglnnd CaeualLq Co. of Baltimore, Md. be' N •C. ~~0, (',ra.r rklt., R iikewiae released from the bonds of Rsnlsy Franklin sad i. p. McCormick- oarrisd upon .. ~erl~ ~~,'~,~cermic~( • . :, call of the roil by 6 yeBa. ~ " ~""~~ On motion of the above, the Report of the Chief of Fire Dept. of elarmd for i ,.~`~ eta the year 1917 up to end inalnding Nov. 11th, wee reosived and filed sad referred to • „ ' ` 'the Commissioners ae a whole, upoa Dell oP the roii by b yeas. . '""'`~" I On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the rnii by the following votes , ' r~~ y Adcpl.Burna Gardner~i~vea, Martoa anfl WeehingtoR, y~'p ~ • r i ~ r . rl~'i.:... - i M cuv wiz . MA~I~ £ ~ z .: I • W .. ~~ I I ~'. ~. ~''. ~~ ~`.: r. • ~ y is ~. '~* • ;;: ti,_.; • ~:' ~_ ~.. ~_., C•:~ ' ~~. i w,;:: ~+ I~..i` I ,; t i i ,. ~ ' ., . - - ~ .. - ?"~:,,M"yfi'a',~+,~f. °,':~, rr ~,•;,-,Y,d ~,,~,I~,;. ~ }M,wi ,tw„ h ,~ ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadunah Nn.ember 16th. 1912 $- dt a epsoial meeting of the Soard of Commiseionere held in the Coumciseioners j ~~ ;Chamber of the City Roll, Paduoah, Ky., on Nov., iSth, 1917, upon Dell of the roll the I• following answered their names; Burne, Gardner, carton and Nashington: 4. ~ ' i . Oa motion of ltembar Marton, that the amount of ~6,317.3E, for pay robe for tic ~ • first halt o! November, bO allowed ae per attaohed statement of Com'r of Finanos and ,' ".Auditor, same oarried upon onll of the roll Dy the Sollowing vote= Yeas, Gardner,. r • ~ ISarton and Gaehington, 3. btayor Burne not voting, . liaryland Casualty 00 released on bond of . On motion of Dtoyor Burne, that Lhe Ltaryland Oaeualty Doti be refs eas4 on the bonds' ' ~ &. a. Gourieu~;, f . of R. a. GourieuY ae of Uotober 3, 1917, hs having bOen dratted into the U. J3, army ~ II 1;•and disoontlnued his eorvioea on that date. oarried upon Dell o f the roll by 4 yeas. ~ ,, • X60.00 donated to 1' ~ motion of the above, that the sum of FiYty Doilare be donated to the Y, M, p,,~p,, Y. M~Q.A. else „tYar Fund; said item to be charged to the oontingsnt fund. oarried upon Dail of the , . roii by 4 yeas. ,~ • bas Hell allowance • ios wood, I On motion of the above, that Lae Ball bs allowed tau dollars per month durigg Lhlt !winter months for wood to bs used in burning dead animals • oarried upon Dell of the. p. i roll by 4 yeas. • ~ j; On motion the Board adjourned upon Deli of the roll Dy the tollowing vote= j . • ~ Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Marton and Aaehington- 4. ~ + ~ .~.: :.L1~: i I / . J ...... n ! ~ Glat4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,. r~ On motion of the above, aN ORDINANO$ Aiw.NDING SECTION 43 OF AN ORDINAIJO$ ~ Ordinance amend. ~' ENTITLRD, "AIJ ORDINANCE DEFINING dDDITIONaL DUTIES OF ^aHE CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPARTS i. ing Seo. 43 of !; LENT aND i'r-KING HILL EX-OFFICIO BUILDING IIJSPECTOR, ..ND 11dKING THE CITY EL:CTRICAL I ' ';?"'` Bldg. Urdinanos . ~;;f4 i INSFEC^aUR nSSISTnN^a BUILDING INSPEC:'UR, nND ESTnBLISl1AJG RULES aNp fiECULATIONS CUN• i ' ~' CERNIIJC THE EIwC^aION aND COIJSTRUCTIUN OF BUILDIiJG3 IN THE CITY OF PADUCaH KF.I`JTUCKY , ~f ~. 1 ~~ AND E%Ti~IJDILIG THE FIRE LIMIT OF THE CITY uF~YriDUCaH, KE[J"aUCKY, nblD PBUYIDIIJG. PENAL- . ~ • TIES FUR THE YIOl.oTION OF ANY OF THE P1iUVISIUN3 HL^nEUF", aDUP~ BY THE G3iJr1RAL ~ i '~ CuUUCIL AUGUST 7th, 191.1, ras adopted upon pall of the roll by 4 yeas. ~. ;, Un motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the foilowlrg vote; ! i ; • ~' Yoas, Burns, Gardner, Graves and Marton- 4. ' ii i1EaG :.d -.. .:,2.:.191 .:..:r~:E -, ....ham. 4 • 7z- ,~- ~ ~ ~ +~e~. .;, . ~ i. November 17. 1919. • 11' pt a special meeting oP the Board of Oommiesionsrs held in the Oommis. `~ stoners Chamber of the Clty Hall, Paducah, Ky. on November 17, 1917, upon Dell of ~~ the roll the following answered their names; earns, Gardner, Graves and h:arton• d, } • r. On motion of Mayor Burne, that tho rules.raqulring copies oY ordlnanoes r; ~` to be given the oommlesionars three daye prior to meeting, be suspended- oarried . f s upon pall of the roll by 4 yeas, ~( Un motion of the above,aN URDINaNCE RL"PEaLING aN URDINANOE ENTI^a LED, "AN ORDIDItdJC$ pJ."rwLIDING SECTION 43 OF aN URDINaNCE EGTI^aL~, 'aN .URDINaNCE.DEFIbLNG Osdinauoe Repealing aLDITIONs.L DUTIES OF THE CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPARTL:EHT aND MaKIHG HIM E%-OFFICIO amendment to BUILDING IIJSPECTOR, aJJD MAKIIJG THE CITY ELECTFICaL INSYECTUR wSSISTaNT BUILDING IN.~ section 43 0! Bids. ordinance. ~, gpECTOR, aND ESTbBLI3HING RULES aWD RECULaTI0N3 COIJC$RNING TH$ ERECTION AND C0N91'RUC• ~' TION OF BUILDILIGS IN aHE CITY U8 PADUCaH, KENTUCKY, aIJD E%TEIJLING THE FIRE. LILiIT OF ' THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KwIJT WKY, AND PRUYIDIIJC PENALTIES FOR THE YIULATION OF ANY CF. THE PROVISIONS HBREOF', PASSED BY TH$ BOaRD OF CUL1tISSI03JER9 JANUARY 18, 1916, ~~ RECORDED JANUARY 1©, 191b, was Riven its paseaps upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas;' T ;. ~-~: