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Of P8dtiQ811: Aetehor g! 19~i2. ~ .
At • regular meeting of the Board of Qommlaeloness held in the Oouaeii Ohawbes .
of the Oity Hali~ Padnoah, Sy. oa OotoDes,BR~ 1819, npoa Deli of the m 11 the loliow. "
' lag saawesed the k names= Buena, (larders, Graves, Marton and washlagtoa- 6. i
~~ ~ On motion of Member Gardner, the minutes of the regnlas meeting held oa Oot; ~•
!i , .
.- ! ibth, 1818 were adopted as read upon Dail of the roll Dy 6 yeas.
`'~~~' ~
• j; Oa motion of Member waehington, that the pay roil for the Street Depart~at for(
' r '~' •
, ~; the week ending Oot. EOth, 1917, amounting to ~810.60~ not oovered by ordinaaoe, ae ! ., ,
' i pee attaohsd atatement,.De allowed. nestled upon nail of the roll Dy b yeas. };
~ s;;.
a~t,,..Y~~r-~d ;
~~ On motion of Member Marton, the osstitioate 11 foe 2000.00 dne w..M..Yarnse i"Ooss
, ,
Celrli tit•.ta r on oontsaot foe the ooaetsaotioa of the Contagious kesd, wee reoslyed and tiled npoa oe]i
;;. ,
• •i I- ~ of the roll by b yesa. ••
On motion of Member ltartaa, a oommunloatioa from the Oom'r of yinanoe and Auditos~
I; ,.
' segnesting that the Mayor and Com'r of yinanoe bs anthoriaed to borrow. Seven Thoueead ,
• City ~°rr°,~, ! Dollase to meet peymsnts foe the estimates of the Oom'r of works for the Oity'e portion
~, ~~. ~
7 (~of the Dltnlithiq street on Jaffereoa end Broadway, and foe other oursent s:pene• _ .
• '; allowsaoss- the Oity to essouts its note for said amount, and acme to be paid from ttu , t.
I tae oollsotione of the current year. was reoeived and filed upon Dell of the roll by b yeas.
• h On motion of Member Gardner, that the Mayor and Oom'r of Finenoe be authorissd~
' to borrow X9,000. and to s:eouts the Qity's note therefor, said amount to be paid from
. ,~,
;.the ta: oollsetiona from the current years reoelpta, and to Ds borrowed from the Oity. l
, - ; Hat'1 Berk, as per oomhmnioatlon from the Com'r of Finance and Oity Auditor; serried
;upon Dell of the roil by b.yeaa.
'• } .~nt~~;ous ~..Td On motion of Mayor ~raa, that w. M. Harnse Lo 8oaa be paid Two Thousead Dollars,
t S.,ns
' ~
AN•wo ~..~. ,
Z ,
: on account of oonstruotion of Contagious Piard Hospital, ae pas the osrtifiaets of 0. •M.
i 1r~~''''! Laesiter, Supt.- oarried upon Dell of the roll by b yesa.
~_ _ On motion of Member kaehington the eoemnnioation of Sept. 20th, addressed
to i ~~
h ~ed CY°s~
st~•T .
'the Mayor and Commieeionese, signed by the ways & Meaux Oommittse of the MoCraokeq i.
, ~~~.µa .
,, ~°r ~~~°~
~' ,County Ohaptsr of The Ameriaen Hsd Oroee, asking a donation iqr the purchase of yarn toy
;be used in knitting arLioles for the soldiers- was reoeived and filed upon Dell of the ,
". ;roll by b yeas. ~ i;
jj.nd,~rdr~ y .
On motion of Mayor Boras, that the request for treastsr of saloon liosnb of
Ih•C*~ ;yf~
" - 'Bondnsaat k MoOarrigal to
9th and waehi toe 9trssts be rented-
~ . g it appearing that
's ,~~..n 'aotioee have bees oeted and tiled sooosdi to law sad that the
p ~ petitions for end
• ~'Y4-ntf e T ,against it be reoeived and filed- oarried upon Dell of the roll by b yesa. i
~~ On motion of Member Gravse, that the oamnmaioation of 0. H. Qone, Adv. Heprspn."•,•.~;;
~-" ~ b°
<~,• 5~~;fern T tative of the Southern Labor Ooagseas relative to a
, peas advsrtiesment in said Soothers
! ,,~ ~il,gra`}
> Lobos Coagrsea, be reoeived and filed, and that the Mayor be iastruoted to writs said
~ .F
pasties that the finanolel oonditlon of the 01ty at the present tlme will not permit
;' thq Board of Coms'e appropriating say money for such purposes at this time. oarried npo~}
• ~ gall of the Holl by 6 yesa.
•~• { ~.n dS On motion of.!lemDer Marton. that as the 83nkiag Bond le sow drawlag four per oent.~,
' ~~ ..
Doing the same rate as the Liberty Bonds, that the 01ty of Paducah purchase Twenty
~ iin thousand (~2b,000.) dollars worth of these bonds,- by doing this the Oity will be I - .
~• helping the Government and at the ewne tams receiving the eems amount of interest..
• this pnsohaef to be made provided it 1s approved Dy the Oity 8olioitosl oasrUd upon "
n Dell of Lhe roll by 6 goat.
• ~wd x ~ a.h C,9o. Y On motion of Mayor Hume, that the request of the Psduoah Oigar Oo. for e:emptioa
., ." _ lrom ts:~,lbr-; De ssoeirsd and filed, and ssferrsQ to Lhe City 8olioltos foe hie i
• - ~
• ;,opinion se to the legality thereof. oarried upon Deli ~o2
~. ~,~y_f, yeas. ~
On m
F, "
he Board ad~onrned upon Dell of ths-rtr11 a #ollowing vote= Yess.
Barn , Gardnsr,,~;ragse, Marton and waehiagton, b. •
t ;: ,.. ~ ;. i~~~"""'~ •/(ly7 v'a<"s,.~c 1. lq. if~~ w•.......... _ :.
Ntn~ er i x
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