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"~'' ° ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Ootober 16th 191
~± At a regular meeting of the Board of Oommiseionera held in the Qommiaeionare
-' Ohamber of the Oity Hali, Paducah, Ky. on Ootober 16, 1817, upon oall oY the roll the '
~~ i; following answered their names: Burns. Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6.
E On motion of Member Graven, the minutes oY the regular meeting of Oot. 8th '
were adopted as read upon oall oY the roll by b yeas.
;: ~cn d ei On motion of the above, That the National 3uretq Oo. be released Prom the bond ~
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RElEALEd ^, oY Alfred T. 9tephene, apeoial y}olioeman for the Paduoah Traotion Oo., the work for
which hs was granted auoh poiioe.powere having been completed and hie services in auoh
'; capacity discontinued- oarried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
l.i q ~ } ~', On motion of the above, that the petition signed bq twenty-nix oitisene living
9 9 A e(A MS ;, in the vicinity of 9th and Adams streets, Yor a street light on the corner of said
~ etreeta, be reoeived and filed, and the Dom'r of Propertq be authorised and instructed ~ '..
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~. to install a li ht there as soon.ae oaaible- oarried u on call of the roll b b
g p P y yeas.'
p~. d ~ ~ On motion o! the above. that the deed, duty signed and eoknowledged, of W. L. ;
w c•YA"cr ~' ~' Yaaosy and wife, Mrs. Lucie Yancey, to a small strip oY ground et the corner and
v~r i (~
~unotion oY GosbsT Ave., Tsnnoeeea atrost and Mayfield road, be, and the Oierk et this
Hoard ~a hereby instructed, to Nava eamo recorded-. oarried apoa call o! the roll by 6 ye;e.
r~ „ °- gtt,wel ;' On motion of the. above, that the Oom'r oY Finance bs and he, ie hereby in-
W L~ Yin « Y, ;. etruoted to.ieeue check to W. L. Yenoey Yor the em" of Two Hundred Dollars in toil
z~' settlement Yor a strip oY ground at the Junction oY Goebai Ave., Tenneeaee street and ~ ,
Msgiield Road, and charge eai4 amount to-Real set ate toad- oarried upon call of the
roll by b yeas.
~N'r"(Z /{ N C ~ 'i ~ On motion oY Member Gardner, that the written request of Mr. Chen. C. Rieke,
0~1' d~ to construct an entrance from Oak Grove Demeter to the oemeter
Y y property owned or
kiEk~ (EM~tt~/ controlled bq him, be granted on condition that he make the entrance entirely oa hie ~.
~~ ' •own property, at his own expense, and that the Oity reserves the right at any time. it •
' desires to revoke this
, permit and to alone np said entrance- the duration of this
permission to be wholly et the .will of the Citq oY Paducah- and further provided that'
said entres-oe shall in no manner ohenge or have any oYteot upon any property rights
~; existing prior to the adoption of this motion; said eat:anoe, so long ae it remains
open, to bs under the control and authority of the City of Paduoeh, and said entrance
at ao time to be used Yor anything but burial purposes, and not Yor oomm~roial -
' purposes- oarried upon call of the roll by b yeas.
rM~'~rr Tr~N!<<r On motion of the above, that the oommiaeionere concur in the transfer of the -
• Northwest one fourth of Lot 46 in Hlook ,~8 oa Mercy street between Cypress & Oliva
A S•YJ L•Fifllr '
streets in Oak Grove 0emeterq Yrom Mrs. W. 8. Tayler to D. S. Potter and J. L. Potter.!. .
' ae per her written request hereto attaohsd- oarried upon cell oY the roll by 6 yeas.
M ~ On motion oY Member Marton, that the amount of $4,bE4.36, Yor accounts and
salaries for the first halt oi.0atober, ss per the attaohsd statement, be allowed-
oarried upon call of the roll by b yeas. .~
On motion of. the above, that the report of the~Com'r of 7lnanoe and Auditor
of Oolleotiona and Disbursements for the month of September 1917, be reoeived, tiled ,
'? ~ and published- oarried upon oall.of the roil by b gene.
On motion.oY Member Washington, that the pay roli Yor the Street Dept. for }she: -
week ending Oot. 12th, ae pper the ettaohed statement. amouatin~t to "~218.bb, not '
covered by ordinance
be allowed- oarried upon call of the roll by a
On motion the Board sd~ourned, upon call of the .roil by the toliowing voles
. Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Gravse, Marton and Washington- b. F
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