HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/29/17 & 10/01/17f' '
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~ay~ On motion of Member Graves, that the bill of Brank &lilott o! date 4tg..18th, 1917
~- a reierred'to the oommisslonere as a whole for ooaeideration- oarrisd upon call of
' the roll by b yeas. ~
On motion of Member Gardner, that the City Clerk bs authorised to oxeoats dead to ' '
C ~./dt Mrs. C. E. Hlaoknall for lot #76 Block ~1 Oak Grove Cemetery, receipt of Coai'r of
--~- Finance for $40.00 being hereto attached- carried nppn call of the roll by b yeas.
On motion of Member Marton, that the amount of $21,460.97, for aaoounta and ~~~
salaries for the month of September, as per the attached statement of Oity Auditor,
be allowed and checks issued for same- nettled upon call of the roll by b yeas. ~
On motion of the above, that the report of oolleotione for the reooaetraotion cd' I .
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x Broadway from the I. C.R.R. tracks to the west pr operty line of ltith street is received,
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4 ~ and filed, sad the amount of $14.135.09 be allowed and the Commissioner of Fiasnoe
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/ authorised to issue check therefor to the Southern Bit alithlo Co., and that the Oity ~
i Auditor prepare and have printed Donds.iq the amount o! $10,661.79, same to Da turned ~
} over to the contractor together with the nnoolleoted bills which amount to $902.82-
none of these payments to be made ea id ooatraotor until the required Dond ie executed '
~,. and filed- carried upon pall of the roll by b yeas. '~
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~- On motion of the above, that the amount ai $21b.76 be allowa4 to Yanoy Ao Johnson,
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gradin and aveli
ooatraotors, for the g gr ng of the alley in lino of 13th street
eztending between Tennessee and Jones streets, ae pot contract, same to be paid from
~~. th
e special street fund- carried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas.
5~~~-~.,.,~ On motion of the above, that the oommnnioation from W. L. Cates in regard to
~ tseaeferring hie coffee house license at 126 S. Saoond street to Mr. John C. Gritfin,
at the ease location, be received and filed, and the transfer granted-.carried upon E
Dail of the roll by 6 yeas.
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On motion of the above, that the petition of 18 oiti:ape living in the neighbor- ~`°
At a regular meeting o! the Hoard of Oommiseioners held in the Oommisaiaaar'e ~ .
!' Chamber in tho City Hall, Paducah, Sy., oa October 1, 1917, upon Deli of the roll the '` .
!'~ following answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6:
~ On motion of Member Marton, the minntea of a regular meeting held o n Sept. 24th
+; and of a called meeting held on Sapt. 29th, 1917 ware adopted as read upon Del 1 o t
;' the roll by b yeas. ~ ,
It s oaiisd meeting o! the Hoard o! Oommieaionsre hold in th• Oonnoii Ola noes,
of the Oity Hall. Psdnoah, Ky'.~ on Sept. &9th, 1914., upon Dail o! th• roll the
'^ following aaewersd their names: Bnrne~ Gardner,. Morton end Raehingtoa- d. ~
' Oa motion o! Mayor Hurna, that the rules se to ssading out aopiee of ordinano0e
" ~ i! and ruolntione three days prior to s meeting be hereby enapsnded- carried upon call j.
o! She ro1Y by ~ yeas.
/~ ~ On .motion o! ][ember Marton. a Rssolntioa anthosieing the Mayor end Oom'r o!
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/I ~ a~~~/--- ?inanoe to borrow the enm of a17~000.00 to meet payment o! onrrs:rt sspane• vom here,
~ ~.~""' ;: and to iesus the City's not• thsreior,,piedging the payment o! same out o! tb•
~~ ~ property taz oollsotione for the year 1919, was given eta paeeags upon Dell o! th•
:.roil by 4 yeas.
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~On motion the Bosrd ad~onrned, upon gall of the roll by the following votes
~' Yase, Burnt, Gardner, Marton and Washington- 4.
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~ OCTOBFB let. 1917
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Commissioner s Proceedings, City of Paducah 191? aantinned ~;•
Lighfi ~A16EEIER ; hood of the Henry Olay sohool,. asking that. a 11~st be planed et. the oorner of Wheeler
1 AVE. t A• St ''
,ve: and ~. street, be reoeived and filed end.eaid.petition granted and that the Oom'r!
° `, of Property be inatrnoted to have said li~-t pisoed at said oorner ae soon as possible-
oarried upon Dail 04 the roll by b yeas. ~ ~~
1..fy h t On motion of Member Marton, that the Com'r o4 Property be inetruoted to have a light ` i
y C i~ Y ~; pleoed at the intereeotion of 7th and Clsy streets, ae severai requests have been madei '~
,+ . ~' therefor sad this ie s very dark oorner provided hs has snifioient Lunde to do eo. ~ ~'' ~, .
1 ;oarried upon Dell of ths.roll by b yeas.
i Oa motion of Member Washington, that the pay roll for the street department for ~ 1• ~:;
the week end in Se t• E9 1917 amonntin to 231:90, not.oovered b ordinanos de er a, ~~
_ ~. g P r . 6 ~ Y . p
I` the ettaohed statement. be allowed- oarried upon Dell of the•roll by b yeas. •: 11
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,!~ P~o~. !' On motion of Member Marton, that the Mayor be authorised. to employ a braes band. ~' ~
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.,. ~ BtA65 Bit t1 d :, to aooompany the dratted men to the depot on Wednesday Oot. 3, 1917 on their departure _ s ..
JA-3-/9~7 to Oamp Taylor, houisvilis, Ky. ii a bead Dan be prooured- oarried upon Dail of the •
{ roll by 6 yeas. ~ "
:.I R./~.GovfiE~ll Ori motion of Mayor Bnrna, that the oommanioation of Mr. R. A. 6onrieuz be reoeived .
~L.el-VE Of and ailed, and that he be granted an indefinite leave of abeenoe without pay, begiming
AbsEnce• ! Oot. 3, 1917, ae per hie request- oarried neon Dell of the roll by b yeas.
$~LwrY Aiiewc~ ` On motion at the above, that the salary of Courtney 7.ong, deo'd, who was oonneotsd ~r :,
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CwrineY L°^9 ;: with 'the Polioe Department for many years, Ds allowed for the last month of his illness,
oarried upon Dell of the roll by b gees. ".`
:' ~itY S°11`.ifi°ra ' Oa motion of the above, that the opinion of the City Solfoitor oonoerniag the j
O~ini °n Cir<vt
e~ibition of the Barnum lb Bailey oiroue in Paducah during lair week, ba_reosived sad~~i
guru vm r l3~ i i `y -: , .:
` filed- oarried neon Dell of the roll by 8 yeas. %'
~< On motion the Hoard ad~ourned.npon Dail of the roll by the following votes ~ `
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"'~~•• Yeae, Burns, tiardasr, firavea, Marton sad Washington- 6:
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