HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/24/17y„W,~~ r. .,.:,~ ~- -~. ~- uvep„~~~ ~~ ~a.L~. ~.I.~~~ i not ~J.1.ly. r..~., ..~ ^i^..^^^^^ dn,y ~, a ~ , ~ _.,. t +m,mnrae~n»..arm.~sw+niu~ar -"-^:.~.~Fec~c7~4T+~. ».u~}'SV'1:~.'T~~~`'h'xE$~g,? 1 -_,.. •,,•.-,s•~••t~ ""~^'°. - .,.,~4- ~+.."~%:' . n_..,_ - -,.,.,.,~.m._hvro ^rm'?1.*,....... ~: t',R~,-x.T~~"~:^'9 avn~reux- ~,y. . `c ~r _.~~ ~.. _~._.....W...~ ~. .. _..•_. ~ w __......~. • F ~. { • ~ . . .. ~.,t: Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah sNitamher 96t* 191 `~ ;, ~`. at s regular meeting of the-Hoard o! Oommieelonsre held in the Oonaoil Ohembsr of the Oity Hsh, Psdnosh, 8y., on Sept.. 84, 1917, neon Dail of the ro~i the tollowlag answered their names: Horns, 0exdnsr, Oraves,.Psrton and Rashingtoa- 6. Oa motion of Psmber Parton, the miants~ of a regular meeting held oa Sept. 17, end of a osiisd meeting hsid,oa 8ept._19Lt: wire adopted s• read neon Dail of the roil j Dy 6 yeas. ~ ' /~ „~is• On motion of P~ber Orsne, that the p4titioa of tonrteen oitissns, smployeea v of the I. 0. R. R. ehopa end aitisane o; Yadnoah. reQneating that an slaotrie light Da ~~ g i ~. ~' ,p ~. ~T ' .. ".- 5 .. '` ~ ". ;; areatefl on Goebel ave. near ths.t111n41s Osntral $. B. grounds, be rsoeivsd and filed-~ same oarried upon oall of the roil by 8 yeas.. ~, ~~~ On motion o! the above, that the petition asking that s light bs pls'oe8 on ! ~ ` ~ ~ .' ,' ~Q~~,~.,~Cc.-C, Goebel ave. near the:LO.B.R. shops, bs granted-,and that the Oom'r aiPnblle Prapsrty -°'"-"~- be instraoted to have said ii t ersotea oarried ~ ~C~~ gh upon Deli of the roll by 8 less. f , . Oa motion of Pember dardnsr, that the Oity Olsrk bs authorised to ezsonts Qssa .~~ to Lillie Oolsman~tor Lot #66 in Oak Grove 0emstsry., she having paid therefor to the Y f-' ,~ D ~..sw- ,; f ~'" Oom'r of lineaos the sum of ;90.00 ae per the sttsohed rseeipt- osrrisd upon osli o! the /"" . roll by 6 yeas. ~ ~ '~ ~~ On motion of the above, that the Oom'r of Pnbiio #orks be instruoted to look /~-/ ~ into the drainage at 11th and Harnett street aaa ii he deems it s=psdient that he takb ~ ~, .~~-- ~ such measures ss will relieve the overriow of water there- ogrrUd upon sail of the roll 5~:, ; ~_ ~. • by 6 yeas. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' 'i ~~ :~~ •, On motion of Psmber 1[artoa, that the petition from property owners is the neigh- „~~„~ ~~ Y ~~A,,,t;, Dorhooa o! 13 6 Pason streets, asking that s light be plsosd at that point, bs rsoeina is s and filed, gad that ths,0om'r of Pubiio Property bs authorised to have s light plaosd ~,"'.~ ` ~. at the intsreeotioa of said attests- carried upon osll of the roll Dy 6 yeas. ~„ ~. ~' On motion of Pembsr Naehington, that the pay roll to; the street department ia' the week ending Sept. 81, 1917,..aot.oovsred by orainanoe, gmonnting to ~E36.00, as pars', the attaohsd statement, be showed- os;ried upon oall of the roll by 8 yeas.. Oa motion of Peyor Horns, that the oommnaioatioa from 8. 3[. Ingram, in. re. ! ~ ~' i Yigin Sweeper,. bs reoeired and tiled- oasried upon oali of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of the above, that the letter from the Rsa Gross Organisation, sr questing donation for the p:aohaee o! ysr11, bs referred to the oommissioasrs ass ~~~ .._.~~' whole oarrisd upon Dail of the roll by 5 yeas. i . /(~L~`'~O On motion of the above, that the Ohiet of Poiios file a written report se to. it-e__. his notion in olosing bawdy honase and supprsasing.all.torms of gambling. with olark ~ wry ~ . , ~+~"'"'1~u of the Board of eommissioners today- oerried won oali of the roll by 6 yeas. vz,-~ ~, . , _, On motion the Hoard ad~onrnsd neon Dell of the Foci by tae following votsi . j '~ Yeas, Burns, Osrdner, Orsves; rtsrtoa ann.Tashington- 6.. ~ ~ ., ~~eftleV ~ !~~~is1~ ~PROV~D` '~ '~~` _. • 4 ~/ _ .: .:.. • ~ ~ • ~a • ~,: ,:. . .. ~¢ ." ;~:~r - . 'r .. .. '. ~. i:o- ... .... K :1 ..n ~ . .. .t.., ...' ~' . '. ~ . . .. ~ ~ ",vkC' 9n.Ndkm.*xi'=... .. L r. -.:y,M aaG'W'u~a•".;J~..'s*i'. ' ': ",vt+>!; F,: W ... m,.. . 1 ., ~+.! ~ ~ o Jf ,_