HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/23/17, 07/30/17, & 08/01/17rM-, .a.«,,~i....~.~., I I i I `~ . '.x No.~' ... X Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadncah July is. 79Js )dember Parton offered the following motion: That Lhs amount of $173.ib, being .the pay roll for tho street department far fife week endin,~ July 14th, 1917, not covered by.ordiuanoe, be allowed- as per the attaohed report of the Com'r of ilorkEr- adopted on i oall of the roll by •l goaa. hl ~~ )dember ;dartoa offered the following motion: Rhezeas, the interaeotion of streets Iatown•as Tennessee; Goebel AvenuO and 1luyfield Road, are vor~ narrow and dangerous, I. ~ ~""" _ move that the liayor be authorized to purchase at least fifteen .oat of vr.w..tt .lot at ~, . that point fror.,R;r. Wm. Yancey, eo that'thia intorae0tion can be :Wade midor, sad t'.ie 1! a'~`(t~~a two telephone poles that are now in the street can oe net bun}:, shish will make this ~ 1~ point sate- adopted on oa-11 of t;:o roil by 4 yeas. ;S3yor 3~1rris offered :a Rs30L'JTION PiiOPIDIi!G FOit ^aiiE CJYi3'LaUClIOil Or OO.fC3:;ii~, ~~ ~ ~~~p~BIDEWeLK9, T06ETHIsR WISH CRGNISE CUItB:i bND 6UTS'ritS ei~L fill. Il1;OE33:aliY f.uJ(iiUL^s3, IIJ'1ra:CE3 • ~~~~/C~"""'r`LHD SSYfS@S OII BGTH SID&4,OF YiDI80y STREC^a Y80Y ^aHS WEST CURB LILfS OY SEYTu'iTEStiTH STaEBT. /~~~.~.+ µ~"0 OIi i'VU:ia~aIli nJS:i:UE, 10 fii38 -IB3T CURB LIRE OF IfIPiTESWTB STRE&T, r1SiD OBI 1isDISOH STREET. ' '~ Le ~ ON THE IIORTfl SIDE T1iERE0F. F80Li THE {TEST CU@B LINE OF BiItIETEE61TBt STREET TO • POIIiT ~~` ~ ' ,~11... /~. } RiZTEb1DT,~G TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (E80) FEET WEST, IN THE CITY OF PADUOAFi, SEIiTUCIDf, 8AID /''~ jl ` WOR$ TO 88 DONE OB THE TEN YE1H PoYl1ENT PLABT- and same was adopted on call of the roll by ; 4 yeas. t ' ~ On motion the Hoard ad~onrned_npon cell of,the roll by the. following voter !: '•; . ~.. Yeas, Hurna, Gardner. Graves and Diarton= 4. AdF tad. .. APPRO s-!, ._~ r~ MAXVRR: JULY 23d. 1917. At a regular meeting of the Bosrd of Commissioners held in Lhe Oonnoil Ohamber o! Lhe Oity Hall, Paducah, $entuoky on Jnli* E3, 1917, on call of the roll Lhe following answered their names; Burns, Gardner, Grevss, Barton and Washington- 6. ' On motion of IIember Ysrton, the mimitss of the previous meeting were adopted as , read on ogll of the roll by 6 yeas. ~ On motion of ltembsr Blarton, that the matter in regard to the City donating $Eb0.00 ~~~.~^" to the Podnoah Fair Aes'n be referred to the commissioners as a whole- adopted on osli' of the roll by 6 yeas. „"" ~ On motion of B(ember Washington, the pay roll for the attest department for the week ending July E1, 1917, amounting to ~169.9b, not covered by ordiaanoe, was allowed' on call of the roll by b yeas. .~~~ ._ ~•~„p Member Burns offered the following motion: .That the work done by Proaesr d~ Halliday ~~M ~ between Second, Ninth, Washington and Monroe streets be received and approved, enb~sot ~~~""""'-" to the oonditione of not paying the estimates until oertsin repair4 are made of which L}~ Protestants have complained, as indicated in the recommendation of Oom'r of Public forks of Jnly E3d- adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Basna, R[srton and Washington- 3. Nay, Gardner and Graves- E. 1• ; ~~`'' ?. ~ ' . ~° ;, ' . 't . .. ~~ P ~~..:', ~~~~ ~, z' !. :~ ~-.~ .~ ~, ~:~. Y;>: ~'; 1 a< .. A. 1',• , ~: L f R[ember Washington read an ORDDiaNOS a9SE39ING THE ABUTTING RROPSRTY ON BOTH SIDES ~~ ' .m-~ -.. DF THE STREETB EBIHRAQED.IN THE TERRITORY EZTSNDINO,FROY THE EAST PROPERTY LINE 0!' 8nd ~_,,,,,,~,p9TREET TO THS W$8T PROPERTY LIKE OF NINTH STREET, ON AND FROM T$8 NORTH PROPERTY LINE 0! ~• n""'" p-~'-~~ 1IONROE SaRSET TO THS 90UTH PROPSRTY.LIN$ OF WASHINGTON STREET. IN TRS OITY OF PADUCAH , ~~ R~iTUQ]tY- EZOSPT THS 80UT8 SIDS OF WASHINGTON 8TRSST FROM SIZTH TO 9848NTL STREET, ~ ~~~"~°" r ABUTTING TBS GOUNTY OOURT HOUSE PROPS&TY, iND EZCEPT BOTH SIDES OF YOEROE STREET FRO1t ,.. c~ , ',, 8th STREET TO 9th STREET, AND E808PT, FURTHER, WHERE 9IDSWALZS HAYS BEEN IliPR04SD IB ~' ;. FRONT Ot 11HOLESILE HOU9SY WITH IiITRIFIED BRIGH WHERE SAID BIDSWALBS, OR AWY FORTIORI ~ ~ r 9._,~, ~; .. ~ . .~jj{{ ' F' ~ . .. $ ,, ,~ ..,~ ...,. ,., w~, 't1^:~.G.~tA~f'an.»,n t;.N' bStise.. a .. ,.. ._ 's.., r ~.n•m ..a. .. .,. ' s,.: ,.~• ~.. ~. p _ _... No.~~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofP~ducah lg~ ~ • i TSEREOF, ARE NOT NOW CONSTRIICT$D OF OONORETE OR STONE AND GRANITE CURBING FOR THE COST. . .~~ !. OF OONSTRUOTION OF OONORETE SIDEWALKS AND GIITTERS, TOGETHER WITH GRANITE OORHING AND '. ALL SEWERS, MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATOH BASINS AND DRIVEWAYS IN BAID.CONSTRUOTION, EIOEPTr THAT PORTION PAID BY TH$ OITY OF PADUCi~H, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ASSESSbt$NT HAY BE PAID IN TSN (10) EQUAL IN3TALLLfl:NT9, ON$ EYERY YEAR FOR .A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS- said ~ ~~ '' osdinanos wee given its passage upon call of Lhe roll by the following vote: Yeas, . j .. Bnras, Ltarton and Washington- 3, Nay, Gardner .and Graves- R. ' , Nambss Washington read AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF OONORETE ~ ^_ J_~;~,,,~Ll~ SIDEWALKS, TOGETHER WITH GRANITE CUR83 AND GUT.'ERS AND ALL NECESSARY LANHOLES, INTAKB$` • • l 7 ~~ ~ a f/~ AND SEWERS ON BOTH SIDES OF 11ADISON STREET FRD]i THE WEST CURB LINE OF 17th 9TRE$T, OR ~. n, ~ ~ 9 ~ FOIIDfTAIN AYENU$, TO TH$ WEST CURB LIN$ OF 19th STREET, AHD ON NADI80N STREET, ON THE ~f' NORTH SIDE TH$REOF,,FROLt TH8 WEST CURB LIDI& OF 18th fTRE$T TO A POINT EZTENDING 890 FEET WEST, IN TH$ CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PRUFIDINB THAT SAID WORK SHALL B$ DONS ON TH$ TEN YEAR PAY1tEA'T PLAN- said ordinance was gluon its peaoags on cell of the sell by 6 yeas. nVl~~ :~ _~,,~` On motion the legal opinion oP Lha City Soliaitos in regard to the lnoinssstiag d+ ,'~vY'"'"~_ pleat oP Lhe City oP Padnoah was received and filed upon call oP the roll by 6 yeas. • ]Somber itarton oiterad the following motion: That the Nayor le authorlasd to ~~ ~,~it7~ advertise Por aompetltive bide Pos the erection oP es- incinerator plant, soma to bs a~~" ~ erected on site to bs selected by the b]eyos and Commiaeionsrs. this plant when eo ~' /~~~ ersated to be leased or rented by Lhe City oP Paducah, with the privilege or option oP V ~~ ; pusohasing same at any time within one, two, three, four or five years, and the Oity j ~`{ ,' reserving the right to aoospt.Qr re~eot any and ail bids- adopted on call o.P the roll + ~: by 6 yeas. i .. ~` ~~ i. On motioa the Hoard ad~onrned upon coil oP the roll by Lhe following rotet Yews Barrie, Gardner, Graves, ldarton and Washington- b. .. M7~1rOR• ;: ~ Ju19 30th, 1917 c ~ Y ' ~ . S -.' . ~: ~ At s regular meeting oP the Board oP Commisaioners held in the Council Chembar `s~*,1' 'i: ~ _ ,'oP the City Fall, Paducah, Ky. on July 30, 1917, upon cell oP the roll the following i answered their nnmea:.. Burns, Gardner, Graves, Llarton and R'aehington- b. . On motioa the minutes of the previous meeting oP July 23, 1917 were adopted as ~. • 1' ;read upon call oP the roll by b yege, ! . i, ~,, ~"'-' / On motion oi!Liember Gardner, that the City Clerk be authorized to exeoute deed •~ • ~~/ to N. Dixon Por lot 7b 1n block 1, Onk Grove Cemetery, treasurer's reoelpt Por X40,00 r ~ ~i~/" ~ y, being hereto attaohed, oarried upon call oP the roll by b yeas. .~. OA motion oP the above, the City Clerk was authorized to exeoute debd to Etrs, 7 ~ i. ~~ J ;Henry Grief Por lot 66 in Block ~2, Oak•Grove C~netery, treeaurar'.e reoelpt Por X40.00, 'f f ~~'I in payment thereof being hereto attaohed, upon call oP the roll by b yeas. ~ . ~~'2y~ ! On motion of the above, that•the City Clerk bo authorised to exeoute doed.to ~~ Jomae Loa for lot 68 in block one, Oak Grove Om~etery, treasurer's reoeipL for 30.00 • ~( :being hereto attaohed, oarried upon call of the roll by b yeea. r i V m ~ On motion of ltamber P7nshington, that the pay roll Yor the Street Dept. !or the ~ .: i F week ending July 8©th, amounting to 178.16, not covered by ordinance, be allowed- • `" onrsisd upoa call oP the roll by b yeas. .~, ! •~ .. s t ~ . I { ,a: ,1 .m .... . , .,,. wa u~ mps~>xzre,~~m~.~,_, __ ,~..^nu~u~feni~aLm7zmli~~u4v~ss~eou~~~~eL ~~ ~~nd~C¢n ., 4.~ r_, J__~. i ~..~ ~ i ~m~~u ~~ i i ~ o- i~ ~ ~ J ~~ ~..i _, ~ ~ ~. ., l~ _., ~„may .. . - _ d .~-o- . ,:~ . `~ • r .Y , a r .... ' '. " : ; • d A :.! ~ . 4 Noy +, ~ :~., Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ J,ily Sorb 191 ~ ~~~~ ~ Mayor Buena offered the folloxing motion: That the City Solioitor bring in an /,~,, ordiaeaoe oovering all terrltory+ from Washington to.ltonro4 etreete and First to Txelfth ~~ ~ ,_,.~, f "~ C~~~~~~~,etrept, prohibiting the tanking o! Deeds or advortieing matter oa poles of any de- ! ~I • eoriptioa, serried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ~ % w.,~ ~~_, =a On motion of the above, the report of Jno. D. Smith. ea to hie audit of the books` ~' and reoorde of the Hoard of Ednoation of the City of Paduoah, was reneived and filed ; ' ~~"" ~ .~ j (~'k°~~ neo..? upon Dell of the roll bq b yeas. ~ , ~ On motion the Boned adjonraed upon Dell of the roll by.the folloxing vote: Yeas; .`a g Bnrne, Gardner, Crevee, Marton and Washington- b'. ," f ~ ~" -, { ". ! Ai• eta , 191.~,r ~~~~~ ; n~" +J ~. i t. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DdAYOR. i x ~" is ;i ' • t August let, 1917. ' .. _ - ~ u, Y at a mestin oelled b Member Marton and Member Oordner, ~ B y is the absenoe of the , `~ Mayor, held in the Connoil Chamber of the Oity Hall, Paduoah, lCy., on Auquet 1. 1417, ~ . ,a:.. ~: oa Dell of the roll the foiloxing anexered thsi'r names; Rardngs, Graves, Ltarton and Washington- 4. ,: w~ On motion of Member Marton; that the amount of ~18,322.2b, for nooonnte and salaries. ~'~:1 ~. . ~~ for the month of Jnly, 1917, be alloxed Prom the gonerel fund, and tics amonnt of • d .$2,808.60 be elloxed from the speoial ae~rer fund, end oheoke issued therefor, as per .attaohed statement- oarried upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. (D't_ ~.. f On motion of the above, ghat the oommnaiantion attaohed from tko City auditor, '. ~. 'I `°""'f a • ~'"t9'bt'r advieiag that the Oity borrox X20,000.00 to meet obligations, be reot~tved and filed, and ;,.; ~, III s.rr~y' ~ ~~' ~ that'the Eisyor and. Com'r of Finanoe be outhoriaed to borrox 20,000. from the Citisene ~ Saving Bonk and execute note therefor, payable 1n five months out of Deoembsr city t~as- i oerried upon Dell of the roll by 4-yens. ;~~ n On motion of Member Waehiagtoa, the Com°r of Finance xaa inetrnoted to laeue xarrant •eY~'+~~•~''~"'"rto the Southern Bituiithio Co. for X6607.10, being 6bp of Bork done 'on their oontraot ~ , to reoonetruot Broadxny from the I. C. R. R. to 16th street, daring the month of Jnly ~ ' ~sLO ~r ~G J;r.,/9~/ 1917, ae per attaohed report of Com'r of Works- npon. Dell. of the. roll by 4 yeas. ~ • jam` On motion of the above, the Com'r of Finnnoe xas instructed to issue xarrant to ~'~~~~ the Southern Bitul.ithio Oo. for ;j164b.2b, being 6bo of xork done .an their oontraot to S~ ~ e ~ ~- „ reoonetruot Broadxay and. Jefferson etreete from 16th to 17th etreete, during the month Q...~y ' of July 1917, ae per attaohed roport of Gom'r of gforl®- npon Dell of the mll by. 4 yeas. ' ~ ' v On motion of the above, the Com'r of Finance xas lnstruated to i'sene xarrant to the ~" .. ~~. „Southern Bitnlithio Co. for X3733.94, being 6b~o oY aork done on their oontraot to ~z .., j'~~ ~% ~~~ ~!i reoonetruot Jef.fereon street from 11th to 16t}i St., durii~ tale month of Jnly 1917; ae ~ °~ .~gy33.9'f ~- .: ,.per attaohed report.of Com'r of Worker upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. - ~_ , 'On motion the Board ed~ouzaed npon Dell of the roll by the iclloxing vote; Yeas, ~;• =;: Gardner, Oravas, Ltarton and Washington. 4. !.; . ' , .:. ` 1413,... ,,'1; ~~sc ~ya.,,, ~ I~ .... MA7tl~ /~'- r+a cN.a ~ ~..,,W '. w: ". I .~ . ~~ ~ . .. :; .. .. i ;~,; •. .. .. ~ .. • i.