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07/11/17, 07/13/17, & 07/16/17
No.~$~x Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah lacy 9th 1g)3• to said Paduoah Water Company or the primate property owners, na the Qourta may determine, adopted on call of the roll by 4 yeas. ~~ Hamber Washington muds the following motion: That. the pay roll for the street department for the week ending Jnly 6, 1917, amounting to $166.40, not oovesed by ordinanos, ( be allowed, as per attached report of Com'r of Works- carried upon cell of the roll by 4 yeq• -~ "' ~ Hember Washington read a Resolution authorising the Hitohsll lieohina b $leotrio Oo. . ~~,~,x~o-Y'~""'', to establish, a "White Way" on the north ~eide of Broadway from 1st to 4th attest, on the ;: ~~~/~-~.~"'`f', south aide of Broadway from ffid street to 4th street, end on the east aids of 4th attest I 'from Broadway to Jefferson street. and to maintain and keep same in .proper condition, sad ;reserving the sight in the oily to have said company remove said posts and ilituzes irom ~. snia s.treste 13 it should become necessary= same was adopted on cell of the roll by 4 yeas. . Hsmber Marton ofi~red the following motion:, Thst the oomdinnioation from R. W, ~ ~^ HoHinney end H. J. Yopp, asking that a light bs placed in the alley between 1sL and 8nd ' i ~~~i}~d~' a and Washington and 01ark streets be reoeived and filed, and that the Oom'r o! Property `~~~~ be authorised to have the Pad. Light de Power Co. to install light in this al ley,.eams to. -•~ be paid for by the ofty sad charged to the Light Plant-.adopted on sail of the roll by ; 4 yeas. " ='iF~ Q,~~~~..~.,~+~ Itember Gardner offered the following motion: That the oommanioatioa of lit. W. a. l.~-v~~! _ ,'~'°~. Bhodea, in regard to an appwopriation for a public bath house at the Guthrie pit, be ~Qy referred to the Pask Board with po*er to aot..edopted on call of the roll by 4 yeas. . 7/` `(~r~ ~ Member Washington offered the following motion:, 'That is the event.the Com'r o! Pnblio Works has to lay water pipes on Jsiferaon street between 11th and 17th etsaet, at ~~ Per reaolntion passed today, that the q=penee of same be charged to Costa.and Snits, o: to the contingent fend- adopted on cell of the roll by 4 yeas. ' ~„I~f ~, Member Hatton offered the following motion: Thal the aommanioation from the }~~ Federal reserve Bank of 3t: Louis, Ho. advising the Hatiy9r oY the C1ty o! Paducah that M/D; ,~`~' they hold tour notes dated Jan. 17, 1917, for $2b,000.00 seioh, due and payable on the l.. ~°''~ M 17th of July 1917, be reoeived and filed, and that the amount of $300,000.00 bs allowed 'to take up these ionr notes of $86,000.00 saoh, and that the Com'r of Finsnoe bs authorised t0 drew check for same- adopted on call o i the roll by 4 yeas. . On motion the Board ad~onrned upon sell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Gardner, Graves, Hatton and Washington- 4. _~ A:E'PROV'~l1D a; t Ado fcd ~:~+- l /__~'^~ ' ` ~'~~/IS-C?~~ ,~K` ' up cr..r Ju19 11". 1917. ;; ... At a special meeting of the Board of Commieaioners of the City of Yaduoah, $y. held is the Conaoil Chamber .of the City Ra11, oa Jnly il, 1917, upon call of the roll the following answered their names; Gardner, Grevea, 1[arton and Washington- 4. On motion of Hembsr Hatton, the rules were temporarily suspended ea to sending out copies of osdineaoea anQ reaelntione three days prior to meetings, upon cell of the roll ~. by 4 yeas. 1[embsr Gardner offered the following ordinance: Ali ORDINANCE ANEDIDING SECTION 9IITE$A ~~,, ~~.f OF AN OADIl1ANCE ENTITLED "ab ORDINANCE AHLiTING To aND REaULATIHG THE HdR1taT R0U9S OF THE ~..Q OITY.OF PADUOAR, ]gdiTUC87f, PREBCRIBINO THE RULER FOA THE COHDUOT Tli$AEp! AND THE PENALTIES ~~~ ~ a^'~-t TREREVElbR, AIiD FIEING TI>B PAIOEB TO SE OHARGEH FOR THII RENT OF BSNO8E3 aND STALLS Tl>aREIH", PA89ED HY TB1:.BgARD OB OOHliI88I0NER3 D~SOEitHER 18, 191b- and came was adopted oa call of rh., 3i,. ~ y ,,... _ "!"pS s+ 'i ~', x; ~. .. gg~>, .. k'-~ , ~.' .' v:, i "l ~. ~ k :;<. ~; r, .,. s `. } '~ ,~ • .a ~' r; ~' j' ~'. ~" . ~~, ~~ !~`' #;; 'i J' . it ,, -. 1 ~ ~, , v ' 4' Q 1 ~ ~ i ~. ~, ~. c ~...4..~+sL .`Lw.~+.-~.•w' u... ..ti+..-..v~.ta..++~ _..._~ ~~.._.wu_L=. ~ .-+-- .•~ /~ ~. ~ .. No.~~ . Commissioner's Proee~dings, City ofPadctc~h__ Jtt~9 11th 1417 1 .; the roll by 4 yeas. Otis motion the Hoard adjourned npoa oe12 of the roll by the following voter " ~ Yeas, 6ardnes, Gsavsa, l[arton and wash ~0A- *• I sae to r~.~ ~ 7 ~ ~.,ppl?,p'~l•:DD~ ~c -._..... ~ ~` ~' 1V3s'fi~S~ aac+.r ~ k. . I ~ Ja1~13th ~ 19196 , t i At a oalled meeting of the Hoard of Coe~isaioners held in the Counoii Chamber of . ~~ the Oity Seil~ Paduoah, Hentuoky, oa July 18, 1917, osiled together, in Lhe abeenoe of • ~' ~. the )dayos, by Hayor Pro tom Don p. 1[artoa and W. A. Gardner, Com'r of property, neon • ~! deli of the roll the ioilowing answered their flames: Gardner, Lfartoa b Weahingtoa. 8 • ~. ;j ;. On motion of ltembor Gardner, the raise were temporarily suspended ae to eeadiag- •, ' G i out dopier of osdinanoss and rosoluLioas three days prior to meeting at whioh same are ;; to be pseseatad, npoa dell of tts soil by 8 yeas. • Lu r'r ~ !~'~ On merlon of the above, a Aesolntion was gluon its paseege gseating the l(itohell ' ~'' . ~ ~ - 1[aohine b &leotrio Co, the privilege of traaefering the proposed White Way oa Broadway ,~ from fat to I~th stss•t sad op Fourtb street from Broadway to ,Tetteraon sboeet to the - , _~ -y-~ %~ '"- ~' mesohante and other pasties for whom same 19 to M installed, the 1labiiity of asld r 8leotrio Co. with seepeot to the upkeep of said White Way~to devolve upon the parties' ~; to~Mhom the treaefer is made, upon deli of the soli by 3 yeas. Oa motion the Board adjourned upon dell of the roll by, the following votsi .L ,; ~! Yeas, Gardner, Marton and Waehington- 3, f ' . ~ a • ~~ ' ~] ; itembor Graven offered the follow ing motion: That the oommunioation.of Mr. H. ~ '~' V~ ~ i I{no:, of the 1Sy. Aotunrisl Bureau, with referenoo to pleoing of the polioe and fire -r _~,r..- ( ~ departments under oivil aervioe, together with the enoloaurea, be re4errsd to the ~;z ~ .0 1 ~+"'~• + ; oommiaeionera ea a oommittee of the ehole for aonaidaration- adopted on dell of the ` ~ y . ~~ ~s+~u roll by 4 yeas. ~ , • ~ 1Sember Ltnrton offered the following motion; That the report of trio Com'r of ~ ~ FSaenoe and City :.uditor for the month of June 1917 ba reoeived, filed and published j., ' '` in the offioinl newspaper. adopted on dell of the roll by 4 yens. '"~~" .• ~~~,.~~ Member ldarton offered the following motion; That the amount of ~108~,98©.bA, of ' ~ ~~ G ~%~/~ vv~ 4`pes the attaohed report oftho Com'r of Fineuoe eAd City Auditor, be allowed dad ohecks ~ ~ - ~ f'~^ ~eQ,~„*,.c • issued therefor- this being allownnoe for aaiariea for Lhe ii rat halt of Juiy sad • i ~~" ' inolnding the 100,000.00 borrowed fromtho St. Louie Federal Reserve Hank in the form ' ~ of four noted, eaoh note for ~c2b,000.00. this allowaaoe to be paid from the general • `~ ~~ ~ ~ _ fund- adopted or. o+~ll of the roll by q, !•eao. ~ ( .. . ~:' ~ doPted~j'•-'-C. ! ~~ ~..lCi.`zr/[-zt -.~. j . ~; ~4 Cl.,y July 16 ~ 1917. "~ ~'' •At a regular meeting of the Hoard of Commissioners held in the Counoil Chamber;.'. y. '; of the City Hall, Pnduoah, Ky. ,. on July 16, 1919, upon dell of the roll the following I (' answered Lheir names; Hurna, Gardner, Graves sad ltartoa- 4. On motion of Siember Graves the minutas of a regular mooting held on July 8~ r ~' 1917. of a epeoiel meeting of July 11th and of a dulled meeting held on July 18th ~ ',were adopted sa read upon dell of the roll by 4 yeaa. i i . ~~, idember Graven offered the following motion: That the Haryland Casualty Co• ~ .' /^(~ ~ be released from the bond of J. G. Bryan. sow deosaeed, ea of the date of the terming ~ tion of hie aervioea 1n the polioe Department- and same was adopted on dull of the '` ~~ ~i~~~~ ', roll by 4 yeaa. , ~~ rM-, .a.«,,~i....~.~., I I i I `~ . '.x No.~' ... X Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadncah July is. 79Js )dember Parton offered the following motion: That Lhs amount of $173.ib, being .the pay roll for tho street department far fife week endin,~ July 14th, 1917, not covered by.ordiuanoe, be allowed- as per the attaohed report of the Com'r of ilorkEr- adopted on i oall of the roll by •l goaa. hl ~~ )dember ;dartoa offered the following motion: Rhezeas, the interaeotion of streets Iatown•as Tennessee; Goebel AvenuO and 1luyfield Road, are vor~ narrow and dangerous, I. ~ ~""" _ move that the liayor be authorized to purchase at least fifteen .oat of vr.w..tt .lot at ~, . that point fror.,R;r. Wm. Yancey, eo that'thia intorae0tion can be :Wade midor, sad t'.ie 1! a'~`(t~~a two telephone poles that are now in the street can oe net bun}:, shish will make this ~ 1~ point sate- adopted on oa-11 of t;:o roil by 4 yeas. ;S3yor 3~1rris offered :a Rs30L'JTION PiiOPIDIi!G FOit ^aiiE CJYi3'LaUClIOil Or OO.fC3:;ii~, ~~ ~ ~~~p~BIDEWeLK9, T06ETHIsR WISH CRGNISE CUItB:i bND 6UTS'ritS ei~L fill. Il1;OE33:aliY f.uJ(iiUL^s3, IIJ'1ra:CE3 • ~~~~/C~"""'r`LHD SSYfS@S OII BGTH SID&4,OF YiDI80y STREC^a Y80Y ^aHS WEST CURB LILfS OY SEYTu'iTEStiTH STaEBT. /~~~.~.+ µ~"0 OIi i'VU:ia~aIli nJS:i:UE, 10 fii38 -IB3T CURB LIRE OF IfIPiTESWTB STRE&T, r1SiD OBI 1isDISOH STREET. ' '~ Le ~ ON THE IIORTfl SIDE T1iERE0F. F80Li THE {TEST CU@B LINE OF BiItIETEE61TBt STREET TO • POIIiT ~~` ~ ' ,~11... /~. } RiZTEb1DT,~G TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (E80) FEET WEST, IN THE CITY OF PADUOAFi, SEIiTUCIDf, 8AID /''~ jl ` WOR$ TO 88 DONE OB THE TEN YE1H PoYl1ENT PLABT- and same was adopted on call of the roll by ; 4 yeas. t ' ~ On motion the Hoard ad~onrned_npon cell of,the roll by the. following voter !: '•; . ~.. Yeas, Hurna, Gardner. Graves and Diarton= 4. AdF tad. .. APPRO s-!, ._~ r~ MAXVRR: JULY 23d. 1917. At a regular meeting of the Bosrd of Commissioners held in Lhe Oonnoil Ohamber o! Lhe Oity Hall, Paducah, $entuoky on Jnli* E3, 1917, on call of the roll Lhe following answered their names; Burns, Gardner, Grevss, Barton and Washington- 6. ' On motion of IIember Ysrton, the mimitss of the previous meeting were adopted as , read on ogll of the roll by 6 yeas. ~ On motion of ltembsr Blarton, that the matter in regard to the City donating $Eb0.00 ~~~.~^" to the Podnoah Fair Aes'n be referred to the commissioners as a whole- adopted on osli' of the roll by 6 yeas. „"" ~ On motion of B(ember Washington, the pay roll for the attest department for the week ending July E1, 1917, amounting to ~169.9b, not covered by ordiaanoe, was allowed' on call of the roll by b yeas. .~~~ ._ ~•~„p Member Burns offered the following motion: .That the work done by Proaesr d~ Halliday ~~M ~ between Second, Ninth, Washington and Monroe streets be received and approved, enb~sot ~~~""""'-" to the oonditione of not paying the estimates until oertsin repair4 are made of which L}~ Protestants have complained, as indicated in the recommendation of Oom'r of Public forks of Jnly E3d- adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Basna, R[srton and Washington- 3. Nay, Gardner and Graves- E. 1• ; ~~`'' ?. ~ ' . ~° ;, ' . 't . .. ~~ P ~~..:', ~~~~ ~, z' !. :~ ~-.~ .~ ~, ~:~. Y;>: ~'; 1 a< .. A. 1',• , ~: L f R[ember Washington read an ORDDiaNOS a9SE39ING THE ABUTTING RROPSRTY ON BOTH SIDES ~~ ' .m-~ -.. DF THE STREETB EBIHRAQED.IN THE TERRITORY EZTSNDINO,FROY THE EAST PROPERTY LINE 0!' 8nd ~_,,,,,,~,p9TREET TO THS W$8T PROPERTY LIKE OF NINTH STREET, ON AND FROM T$8 NORTH PROPERTY LINE 0! ~• n""'" p-~'-~~ 1IONROE SaRSET TO THS 90UTH PROPSRTY.LIN$ OF WASHINGTON STREET. IN TRS OITY OF PADUCAH , ~~ R~iTUQ]tY- EZOSPT THS 80UT8 SIDS OF WASHINGTON 8TRSST FROM SIZTH TO 9848NTL STREET, ~ ~~~"~°" r ABUTTING TBS GOUNTY OOURT HOUSE PROPS&TY, iND EZCEPT BOTH SIDES OF YOEROE STREET FRO1t ,.. c~ , ',, 8th STREET TO 9th STREET, AND E808PT, FURTHER, WHERE 9IDSWALZS HAYS BEEN IliPR04SD IB ~' ;. FRONT Ot 11HOLESILE HOU9SY WITH IiITRIFIED BRIGH WHERE SAID BIDSWALBS, OR AWY FORTIORI ~ ~ r 9._,~, ~; .. ~ . .~jj{{ ' F' ~ . .. $ ,, ,~ ..,~ ...,. ,., w~, 't1^:~.G.~tA~f'an.»,n t;.N' bStise.. a .. ,.. ._ 's.., r ~.n•m ..a. .. .,. ' s,.: ,.~• ~.. ~. p