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Commissioner's Proceedings,. City ofPaducah__ Jnl' 9th !~~ ~ •
,. At • regular meeting of the Board of Commlealoners held is the Oonaall Chamber
of the City Sall. padnvah, 8y., oa Jnly 9th, 1914, upon oell of the roll the Yoliowing
ewewessd their names: Gardner, Graves, Marton end Washington. 4. ~
Oa.motioa of Member Gsa~es, the minutes o! the previous meeting. were adopted' ";:
' w read upon nail of the roil by 4 yeas.
La4rr~''~'/ Member Graven offered the following motion: That ail employees of the City De
,. „_/>~! required to pay. or otherwise. make satisleotory ad~netmsnt of their gnat debts owing ~
(~-I 'by the to the vsrione msrnhanLa for the neoeaeari~e of life for Lhemesivee end taml- ~ '-•
• lies. end is the event of their lailnrs to do so within a reasonable time that euoh f'
.employes be antomatioally diaoharged from Lho eervive of the oity- adopted on osil•ot
Lhe roll by 4 yea. `
~ ~ /!n Member Gardner offered the foilowin motion; That the rotestin
.. ae.,-`'`"mss; ~„K• g p g petition
0 against the improvement of ltedieoa etseat between 17th and E80 feet Wset of 19th street;
`be reoeived and filed- adopted on oall of the roll by 4 yeas.
~ Member Marton offered the following motion: That the oommnnloetion from Ms. !
~~ henry Cornilland authorising Mr. J. C. Orr to Dave hie name removed"from the pet itioa,
toe sidewalks oa Madison street from 17th eLreet to EOth street be reoeived and filed
M~~.,"~~.~~~,...-~~.•---_-oand the City Clerk bs authorised to remove 14r. Sanry Cosn111aud's nay from tDe
-y~~dL,M~ ~ petition if same appears- also the aamo of M. 8. Bryant- adopted on oe11 of tDe roll
/~~ by 4 yeas. ! " '
eC I ~¢o,.~ Ysmber Washington ofiere4 the i911owing motion: That the City 9o1lo1Lor be I `. .
3"~`1,~~os~-f iast7nioted to Dring 1a a reeointion for the oonatruvtion o! oonorots sidewalks, granite
° ~ ~./ 7 onrbe and gnttere.on tike north aide of Madison street iron Fountain Avs. to a point
1-f'~ 9';y- , about E60 feet Weat of 19th street. and on Lhe South aide o! Madison eLreet to the ~ ,..
west line o! 19th street. adopted on call of the roll byLha lollowing vole: Yeas, {
Gardner, Marton sad Washington- 3. Hay, Graves, 1., '
~°'~`~__ Member Gardner ofierad the following motion: That the board of Commieeioa~ra !
'4, (~,y,~,,,~CDr''r"r'°~`~ooavnr in the transfer of the south halt of lot E6 in blook 44 in Oak Grove oematery j
~~ ln.~~.,,.riµ'~from lire. Carria Epperson to W. 8. Foadaw, as per her deed hereto attaohed, and that a
~" (~ the oierk De instsnvted to make the proper entries on the deed book- ndopted on oall
,'; of the roll by 5 yeas. 1
Member Gardner offered the foliowing motion: Whereas, the opening of Jaokeoa
street is a publip nsoeaeity-for the oonvenisnee of the people, and whereas, it has . .
been opened from the Blsadvills road down to about E4th eLreet, and whereas, by open.
• ~ ~~~~.e.v~'' .lug from E4th street down. to and near the preeent teaninns of Guthrie Ave. will make j
- this an open street, and whereas. the main property owners Dave tentatively agreed to.
j: ,
the opening of Maid street ii the oily will graves same- I move that the oommiesioaers
±`y> i
_~ ' of tDf -whole take np this matter st oaos with the•propsrty owners whose sand is to De
~ dedieated end get said street opened- adopted on sail of the roll Dy 4 yeas.
J~ I
ri-fK •• Member Gardner offered the tollowing~motioa: Whereas, the property owners oa
``~ °~`~ Broadway and Kentuoky Ave. from lbth street eaetwsrdly to the Traotioa Darn are
• ~~~~ ~ desiron8 of opening an alley for publio purposes, and whereas, said alley is greatly to' •
f~^' ,(ye. ~ 'be dseirgd, it is therefore moved by~Member Gardner that the oommieeionera ae a whole
/ :take np this matter et onoe and have said alley opened end dedioated for publio nee, ~ ,
jedopted on oell of the roll by 4 yeas.
,`, Member Washington offered s resolution relative to the laying of water pipes
'' !~irom the mains to the property lines of property owners on Jatiereoa street from 11th ~
,~ ;to 17th street. and lnetruvting the Com'r of Works to notify Lhs Paduoah Water Co. Lo
;have these pipes renewed at.o:wa, and it not oommenvad within threo,$ayq that the {
t~ Com's o? Works bs hereby authorised to psovssd to have asid work d"ona and ohssgs same 1
...~.,. ~, ~ a_f-.r r1~i~r.i ~~::,:.~.c iq. ~_..~_ ~_.,~:. ru, ,.~,..,i.. ~wu+4..m+wo~w a'+raarrwnr,. w- ..~ ... ,,~ .., , ..~, ~. ..rte,. ~ ...w,.,, ,. •.
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah lacy 9th 1g)3•
to said Paduoah Water Company or the primate property owners, na the Qourta may determine,
adopted on call of the roll by 4 yeas.
~~ Hamber Washington muds the following motion: That. the pay roll for the street
department for the week ending Jnly 6, 1917, amounting to $166.40, not oovesed by ordinanos,
( be allowed, as per attached report of Com'r of Works- carried upon cell of the roll by 4 yeq•
-~ "' ~ Hember Washington read a Resolution authorising the Hitohsll lieohina b $leotrio Oo. .
~~,~,x~o-Y'~""'', to establish, a "White Way" on the north ~eide of Broadway from 1st to 4th attest, on the
;: ~~~/~-~.~"'`f', south aide of Broadway from ffid street to 4th street, end on the east aids of 4th attest
I 'from Broadway to Jefferson street. and to maintain and keep same in .proper condition, sad
;reserving the sight in the oily to have said company remove said posts and ilituzes irom ~.
snia s.treste 13 it should become necessary= same was adopted on cell of the roll by 4 yeas. .
Hsmber Marton ofi~red the following motion:, Thst the oomdinnioation from R. W,
~ ~^ HoHinney end H. J. Yopp, asking that a light bs placed in the alley between 1sL and 8nd
' i
~~~i}~d~' a and Washington and 01ark streets be reoeived and filed, and that the Oom'r o! Property
`~~~~ be authorised to have the Pad. Light de Power Co. to install light in this al ley,.eams to.
-•~ be paid for by the ofty sad charged to the Light Plant-.adopted on sail of the roll by ;
4 yeas.
" ='iF~ Q,~~~~..~.,~+~ Itember Gardner offered the following motion: That the oommanioatioa of lit. W. a.
l.~-v~~! _ ,'~'°~. Bhodea, in regard to an appwopriation for a public bath house at the Guthrie pit, be
~Qy referred to the Pask Board with po*er to aot..edopted on call of the roll by 4 yeas.
. 7/`
`(~r~ ~ Member Washington offered the following motion:, 'That is the event.the Com'r o!
Pnblio Works has to lay water pipes on Jsiferaon street between 11th and 17th etsaet, at
~~ Per reaolntion passed today, that the q=penee of same be charged to Costa.and Snits, o:
to the contingent fend- adopted on cell of the roll by 4 yeas. '
~„I~f ~, Member Hatton offered the following motion: Thal the aommanioation from the
}~~ Federal reserve Bank of 3t: Louis, Ho. advising the Hatiy9r oY the C1ty o! Paducah that
M/D; ,~`~' they hold tour notes dated Jan. 17, 1917, for $2b,000.00 seioh, due and payable on the
l.. ~°''~ M 17th of July 1917, be reoeived and filed, and that the amount of $300,000.00 bs allowed
'to take up these ionr notes of $86,000.00 saoh, and that the Com'r of Finsnoe bs authorised
t0 drew check for same- adopted on call o i the roll by 4 yeas.
. On motion the Board ad~onrned upon sell of the roll by the following vote:
Yeas, Gardner, Graves, Hatton and Washington- 4. _~
t Ado fcd ~:~+- l /__~'^~ ' ` ~'~~/IS-C?~~
,~K` ' up cr..r
Ju19 11". 1917.
;; ...
At a special meeting of the Board of Commieaioners of the City of Yaduoah, $y.
held is the Conaoil Chamber .of the City Ra11, oa Jnly il, 1917, upon call of the roll the
following answered their names; Gardner, Grevea, 1[arton and Washington- 4.
On motion of Hembsr Hatton, the rules were temporarily suspended ea to sending out
copies of osdineaoea anQ reaelntione three days prior to meetings, upon cell of the roll
~. by 4 yeas.
1[embsr Gardner offered the following ordinance: Ali ORDINANCE ANEDIDING SECTION 9IITE$A
PA89ED HY TB1:.BgARD OB OOHliI88I0NER3 D~SOEitHER 18, 191b- and came was adopted oa call of
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