HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/11/17Commissioner's Proceedings,
of Padacah ~e 9th l~tl t ooatinned
' opasnmers, was given its passage apes Dail of the roll by the loilowiag vote:
Yeas, Barns, Gardner. Graves, itartoa and •ashiagtoa+ 6.
On action the Board ad~onsned apes osll~oi the roil by Lhe foiloriag voter
Teas, Bnsas, Gardner, Graves, Parton and Washington. 6. ,
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Jima 11th. 1917.
it rt a regular meeting of the Hoard of Oommiesionera hAld is the Oopnoil Ohamber. f ~~: ;
• of the City Hall, Paducah, 8y., oa June il, 181?, upon Dull of the roil the toi,low+ ~
ing answered their names: Hums, Gardner, Graveo, Marton & Washington. - }
:r On motion of Member Graves, the minutes of the oalied meeting of Jme 8th. ;'
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1817 were adopted as read upon Dail of the roll by b yeas. '
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On motion of Member Gardner, that the petition of oitisene hereto attached
segnesting this Board to grade the ablsy between Harrison sad Clay streets, oa the 6
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O~ Woet side of 111th street,.bs received and filed, and that said petition be granted
//• ani the Com'r of PuDlio Works bs inetruoted to proceed to have said alloy graded.
beginning st 19th street and extending Weet for two blocks between Harrisod and Clsy ~~
streets- osrried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ` " .•1
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?'i~- ?. .
Gn motion of the above. that a synopsis of the legal opinion of Masers. Brad.
shave 8 t[oDonald, attorneys at law, and Jno. 8. Hendrick, City Solicitor. contending
^~~ that it is the duty of the Pad. Water Co. to s:tend the oonneoting water pipes from
~ ~ ~ i
the property owners line~to Lhe main pipes of the Water Co. in the streets, and not i ,
the duty of the property owners, be published in the official newepap'ese for the city ;,
for the information of the oitisene of Paducah- same osrried upon Dell of the roll ~ ;
by 6 yeas. ~ .
~; On motion of ltomber Washington; that the pry roll for the street department.tor ~,:
the. weak ending Jens 8, amounting to $~176.6b,~ not covered by ordinance, as per
i z ~
attached' statement, be allowed, osrried upon Dell of the roll bt 6 yeas. i
~~ ~~ '' „
On motion o! itembsr Gardner, the petition from property owners on South 4th ; ~ ;;
': street between Eiissbsth and Broad streets, was reoslvsd and tiled upon call of the l
roll by 6 yeas.
~ Oa motion of Mayor Burns, that the minutes o! Jane nth, 1817 bs approved aub~eot
~ to reaoiasion of ordinance Lo improve Fourth street from Siisabath to Broad street, x. ,,
~• whloh action reepeoting passage of sold ordinance is hereby expunged from the rsoosd+
osrried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ~
~ `
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~ On motion of the above. that the notion of the Board reepeoting passage of
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~ osdinanoe to rove both sidewalks on Fourth street from 811asboth to Broad streets '
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~.~c{ be rsaoinded on soaount of property owners owning more than fifty par Dent of the ~ .
property abutting thereon having protested against said improvement, and beoauae said
ordinance w8a not passed by two-thirds of the Board; osrried upon Dell of the roll
by 6 yass.
~~ On motion the Hoard ad~onrnsd, upon call of the roll by the following voter
Yeas. Burns, Gardner, Grapes, Llarton and Maehington- b.
~~ ~ .
f: tics CJ.rr