HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/04/17 & 06/09/17 • • No~~~-•~---' Cornniissioner's Prnceedrrigs,- City of PaduBah: Jun. • 4th t 9~t_q . ~ At a regalar meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the.Connoil f; • Chamber,aY the City Hali, Paducah, Ky., on June 4th, upon call oY the roil the Yollow~ }i i' ' 1ng answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Graves, Ltartoa.and Washington- b. ~ " _ ~~ .. oa Linq 28 , 1917 On motion of L;ember Washington, that the aotion of the Board/in granting ^ ~ __,~r~r Ltr. Sam Laster the right to out the timber on L!aggie St. from Bridge to Palmer St, bed '"~ ~ `~r-`/`l`•`t ~ reaoasldared, owing to the fact that the records nt the Court House show that Mr. Jno~II Hersog, who dedicated this street, reserved the timber in .said dedication, and that t ~~r; ' ~~ 'the Clerk be inetraoted to notify LIr. Laster of the aotion of this Hoard- carried. ~ upon cell of the roll b b ens. ~~ Y y 'fie '~~~~~',/ On motion of the above, that the request of L:r. Lester to out the timber on I~ ,,~ ~ / Llaggie street between Bridge and Palmer streets be refused, carried upon call of the i, ' ! roll by b geaa. 1 • I1 Oa motion of Liember Gardner, the minutes of a called meeting held on Ltay 30, 4 • i rt.~~,,1,~M..r,ri m~~r•, ' ~ I; a sailed meeting held on Lay 31,~and of a special meeting held on June 2, 1917 were adopted as read neon call of .the roll by b yeas. ' i t ~! On motion of Linyor Durna, that the minutes oY~the regular meeting held on btay 1 ~ 28, 1917 be adopted ae rend sub~eot to the oorreotion oonoerning the aotion of the ~~ 1 ' . ' ~ Board with reference to cutting timber on L:aggie street, which request was denied- , 1; carried upon cull of the roll by b yeas. ii ~ • d ;~ On motion of the above, nN ORDIUi,NCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWxLKSi ' ~~ ' L ' ~' CURBS. GUTTERS .:IiD :.L7. NECESS.,RY Twi,ItHOLES, IbITnKES, CuTCH,BuSIN3 isND SEDERS, UN B(fT~i ~ ~~,,.,,~~r ~" I SIDES OF SOUTH FOURTH STREET FfiULi aHE SOUTH CURB LIVE OF ELIZ.~BETH STREET TO THE NORTH °~/yip ' PROPERTY LINE OF D1tOr.D STRUT, IN TBE CITY OF PnDIJC.~H, ~DITUCKY, ~+NL PROYIDING FURTHES • i ~` Tx..T THE COST THE1tE0F LSaY BE .PaLD. UPON THF. as^EU YE..R PaYLiENT PLnN, was given its passage upon oalI of the roll,by the following vote: Yeas, Borne, Graves and Ltartoa- 3. . ~ ;: Nay, Gardner and Washington- 2, ' r On motion of Ltember Gardner, the request of property owners for tre reoonatruo-~; `,,... Linn cf the guttora un tho ecuth aido of Trimble etroet botwoou 13th and 14th utroetr~ •a• / 3- ~~~; i on account of the uneani.tarq oonditioa of,aume, was referred to the Com'r oP Public Slorka for hie investigation and advice as to the moat expedient way in which to abets F ~• the nuisance, upon call of the roll Dy b yeas. ~ _ i. • ~' Oa motion of Lember Horton, that the roport of the Oom'r oY Finance and City Buditor of Colleotiona and Disbursements for the month of Ltay 1917 be received and I ' it i • filed and puDliahed in the official newspaper- oarrled upon call oY the roil by b yeas. On motion oP the above, that the Com.'r of Public Property be authorized to plane! ~ an arc light at the Snteraeation of 11th and Bronson :,venue- same carried upon call ~• y ', of-the roll by b yeas. 0 • ~ ~/-,a•~z°:~~~ oa motion of l:ayor Burna,'that.the claim of ll. D. Phillips for X11.90; alleged ' ""-^_~,,~.- damages to hie automobile caused by running into a closed street, be referred to the • ~µ ( Com'r of Safety for further investigation sold report- some carried upon call of the ' ' roll bq b. yoas, ~ r ~-~"''°re~~ On motion of Member Washington, that the bond of W. F. 14'hosler with the liarylandl! ' ' ~ t'~~~~.~~,•~~'*~•' Casualtq Company be oanoelled. as per the request of said Company hereto ;attached- i ~~^"'~ oarrled upon cell of the roll by b yeas. • V "" ~ .. J ,,,y On motion of the above, that the paq roll for the Street Dept. for the week ending pr'~ /~R'rf. June let, amounting to $163.00, not covered by ordinance, be allowed, ae per attached; z statement- carried upon call of the roll by b geaa. ~ t: ~' ~(~"'~ On motion. of the above, the Com'r of Flnanoe was authorised to issue to.Proeser Halliday improvement warrant for X3599.36, approxir:~ate estimate of material furnished, ~~ & work done during the month oY april 1917 on their contract oovoring.the °blanket^ ^:x~• 1' ordinance, upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. i -4 ~ _ ,,.; -- ~,- .. ^..~ .. ,/ .~ ~ ~ :,~. • . ,,.~....,...__ ...._.,~ ..w.....-_...~ may.,,. ~...,•.n...... . ....:~~.:..+..-~,..._•..~ ~,:,,. . ~ _. ,~ '• Commissioner's Proceedings,: City of Paducah Juno 4th ~ 191 . ` .:;,~ On motion of L'ember Washington, the Com'r of Finanoe was authori2ed to issue l~ ~ . .h `to the Southern Bitullthio Co. warrant for ~b246.60, being approzimate estimate of i d ^ ~~~ ~~4'~ work done during she month of 1iay 1917 on their oontraot for reoonetruoting Broadway from ~ s, ~~~1 /~, 11th to 16th streets, upon oell of the rnll by the following vote.: Yeas, Burns,. `~ ~ ~ • • Gardner, Grn6ea, Linrton and Neahington- 6. ~;.,~ ` -' ~~ On motion of the above, the Com'r oi•Finanoe was•authoriaed to issue warrant ~ ~,, ~ ~ - for ~`f391.16 to the Southern Bitulithia Co., being appro~amate estimate oY work done. ° ~, - ~. during the month of ltay 1917 on aontraot reoonatruoting Broadway and Jefferson Ste. from ~. r• .t* ~i/' I6th to 17th streets, upon wall of the roll by b yeas. ^'' ~ n Oa motion of the above, nit URDIIt61tCE aLiENDIAG SUB-SECa^IOSt OitE (1) OF SECTION ~, ~/~"~ FIVE (6) OF AN ORDItinNCE EUTITI.ED'1:-it ORDIUniiCE PROVIDING FOR ^aHE.,-FP(?I;tiLir"lia^ OR RE- "' a ~....~.~+~` w' TENTIOA, BY THE BObRD OF C013.fIS3IOUER3 OF 4tiE CIi~7! OF PnDUCuti, OF CERTnILi CITY OFFICERS, G ~ ' . . ' . ~, •, AOEY~T3 uUD EiIPL0YEE3 Or TBE CITY OF FaDUCvkI, KEUTUCgY, uItD FISING TBEIR Snb1.RIES, POKERS ~' '' ~. ' AiiD.DUTIES", Fa3SED BY ~HE.BOnRD OF COi.9wI3SI0IiERS JtlUUaHY 3, 1916, AMD RECORDED dnttU•RY ;~ ~ ' ~' . ' ~ 3, 1916, was given its passagw upon.oall of the roll by b,yeas. , ~ a On motion oY Liayor Burns, that the letter from. the Railroad Commis@lon.raepeoting , ~~~~~ ooel rates, be referred to the City Solioitor for his opinion oonoeraing the raising ` of ratos on noel without authority oi.4he bomti~ieaion- parried upon pall of the roll $y ~ .~ `. 6 yeas. ~~ •* On motion oY iSembeX Graves, that yp200.00 be approprieted'Yor band ooSaerta in various parts of the pity during the aumner and Fall inonthe oY this year, said sam ~ '; ~~ '' to be paid out of the contingent fund upon order oY the &ayor, end that the I. 0...0. F. ~, t. ~., Band be designated to give said oanoerta- carried upon rill of the-roll by 5 yeus: ~. On motion the Hoard adjourned upon sell of the roll~by the following vote: ~~~ ~: .. Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves, tSarton and lilashington- G. ~ j • ~ ~ :d ' ~~~ ,~~ ~ nse,3ro1;. .. JUNG 9. 1917. ~ .. ~` r~. At a epeoiel meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Connoil Chamber of ' n> tie Oity Ha11, Fadnosh, By., on; June 9. 1917, upon pall of the roll the following r + :, answered their names: Bnrne„Gardner, Oravse,.Yarton and Washington- 6. ~ ' On motion of Nembes Gardner. that the rules requiring eenioe of oopies of ordi- ' nanose sad resolutions three days before meetings be temporarily suspended- parried npoa ?. pall of the roll by 6 yeas. ~ ~`'=' ,q,. ~~ On motion o1 1[ayor Burns. AN ORDINANOE REPE•LINO AN ORDINANOE ENTITLED "AN ORDIN•NOE REQUIRING ANY WATER 001~•NT BUFFETING W•TER TO THE QITY 0! P•DUCAH OR TO ANT OF TBE ~~;. ~ OITIZENB THEREOF, UNDER • PUBLIC FRANCHISE; TO RENEW OH REPL•CE, •T IT8 OWN EIPENBE, ~' ~~~ `` ~.~ BERVIOE PIPE9 EETENDING FROM THE YAINB OF SUGH XdTER OOlO?ANT TO THE PROPERTY LINES OF '`` ~.~ WATER OON8U101R9 T•BINO WATER FROM BUGH COIfl'ANT, UPON NOTIOE 80 'TO DO BY THE CO10[ISSIONER ~. ~. ~ ~ . ' 0! PUBLIC WORSB, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR TBE FAILURE 80 TO DO". PASSED B7 THE BO•RD `,..i OF OONI[I99IONER9 OF THE OITT OF P•DUOAH ON ld•Y $Oth, 1917. RECORDED BT H. D. HENDRICit, OLERK, ON NAT 80th, 1919, AND PUBLIBHED ON YAT 81st, 1417, was given its passage neon pall of the soli Dy 6 yeas. ~. ~~~ on motion of the abord, a Resoiutioa rssoinding ali aetion taken in pnrsaanoe o! ~+.~ ~ ' W ~, an osdinanoe paaset`on Ysy 80, 1919 requiring any water company supplying water to the i ,4„ Oity of Padnoah or to ~ any of its„oitiseas to renew or zeplaoe. at its own ezpamse. y.. w t ,a ~ pMioe pipf• a=tending from the mains of snob eonpeoy to the property iiae• of waNr ~ t{ '' ., ~ .,, ~. 1 9:, +' t `• ~ "'~ .~D:." ,,,may: ~ ..,.':~~: ~'~Yw.~: ~.cTsx~+~.: ..._,~:. .. ,.. .. .. -. ~ncf~~ .. h .. ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, xo..~?~- of Padacah ~e 9th l~tl t ooatinned ' opasnmers, was given its passage apes Dail of the roll by the loilowiag vote: Yeas, Barns, Gardner. Graves, itartoa and •ashiagtoa+ 6. On action the Board ad~onsned apes osll~oi the roil by Lhe foiloriag voter Teas, Bnsas, Gardner, Graves, Parton and Washington. 6. , i +t . °~ ~,q s { ' _. ! ,, a I' Aigtei 1l1. APF.-~ . .:~ ~C ~~ r.~~t~t-tom . t cu, cwr AZA7LC1ki. (: . ~. Jima 11th. 1917. r it rt a regular meeting of the Hoard of Oommiesionera hAld is the Oopnoil Ohamber. f ~~: ; • of the City Hall, Paducah, 8y., oa June il, 181?, upon Dull of the roil the toi,low+ ~ ing answered their names: Hums, Gardner, Graveo, Marton & Washington. - } :r On motion of Member Graves, the minutes of the oalied meeting of Jme 8th. ;' ~ ;~ k ; 1817 were adopted as read upon Dail of the roll by b yeas. ' i ; ~~~y"- ~ ~V1~ 't ll On motion of Member Gardner, that the petition of oitisene hereto attached i segnesting this Board to grade the ablsy between Harrison sad Clay streets, oa the 6 r+µ^ ~ ' , ; ~ ~ 9 ~ I O~ Woet side of 111th street,.bs received and filed, and that said petition be granted i //• ani the Com'r of PuDlio Works bs inetruoted to proceed to have said alloy graded. . beginning st 19th street and extending Weet for two blocks between Harrisod and Clsy ~~ . streets- osrried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ` " .•1 ' " 1 I ?'i~- ?. . Gn motion of the above. that a synopsis of the legal opinion of Masers. Brad. ~~. shave 8 t[oDonald, attorneys at law, and Jno. 8. Hendrick, City Solicitor. contending ^~~ that it is the duty of the Pad. Water Co. to s:tend the oonneoting water pipes from ~~ ~ ~ ~ i the property owners line~to Lhe main pipes of the Water Co. in the streets, and not i , the duty of the property owners, be published in the official newepap'ese for the city ;, ti '. for the information of the oitisene of Paducah- same osrried upon Dell of the roll ~ ; by 6 yeas. ~ . ~; On motion of ltomber Washington; that the pry roll for the street department.tor ~,: ~ the. weak ending Jens 8, amounting to $~176.6b,~ not covered by ordinance, as per i z ~ ~ I attached' statement, be allowed, osrried upon Dell of the roll bt 6 yeas. i .. _ ~~ ~~ '' „ On motion o! itembsr Gardner, the petition from property owners on South 4th ; ~ ;; "' ': street between Eiissbsth and Broad streets, was reoslvsd and tiled upon call of the l roll by 6 yeas. ~ Oa motion of Mayor Burns, that the minutes o! Jane nth, 1817 bs approved aub~eot ~ to reaoiasion of ordinance Lo improve Fourth street from Siisabath to Broad street, x. ,, ~• whloh action reepeoting passage of sold ordinance is hereby expunged from the rsoosd+ osrried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ~ ` ~ ~ ` ''_ ~ ~; ` ~ ~' ~ On motion of the above. that the notion of the Board reepeoting passage of ' • ~ 1 y ~ osdinanoe to rove both sidewalks on Fourth street from 811asboth to Broad streets ' ' _ ; ~o,.~.~/~ *~~ ~ ! . . . ~.~c{ be rsaoinded on soaount of property owners owning more than fifty par Dent of the ~ . property abutting thereon having protested against said improvement, and beoauae said ordinance w8a not passed by two-thirds of the Board; osrried upon Dell of the roll by 6 yass. ~~ On motion the Hoard ad~onrnsd, upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeas. Burns, Gardner, Grapes, Llarton and Maehington- b. ,. ~~ ~ . f: tics CJ.rr i i t E i ~a ,;'.:r: ~;i