HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/09/17 & 05/14/17. _
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.. No,1 L s'
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' 4;ommissioner's Proceedings,' City of Paducah ~9 9th 1Q1?
, et a celled meeting of Dhe Hoard of Commissioners held Sa the Connoil Chamber ~ '
~~ - ~ - of the City Hall. Paduoah. ;y. on gay 9. 1917, upon Dell o! the roll, the following -
. !. answered their ffimea: Burns. Gardner, Graves and ldarton- 4, {
On motion of 1{ayor Burns,, the rules were anapended ea to sending ont copies of ,'. ~~
i .
~\~ - C-ordinances and resolutions three days boYore meetings, upon call of the roll Dy '4 ye es.
. ~r I '-,o~"} On motion of the above. that the propoeitign of G. 01. Katter~oha to lay de fnrniah
~„j~/"- ~ be accepted
oreoaote wood blocks is reoonetraating the driveway at Riverside Hospital/. as follows;
~~~` d .
' ~~' that hs kill sell to ihs City of Paduoah 18b sq. yda> oreoaote wood bloake T X1.00 per
sq. yds., Lhe City to haul same from his residence to the Riverside koepitai- and that
he will lay said blocks sad furnish and pour the asphalt for the sum of b0~ per. yd.
_ additional. 16b eq. yds. ~ X1.60; ~277.b0, as per his oommunioation addressed to L:r.
L. :,. Gardner, Com'r of Property, of date Llsy 7th, hereto attaahod- curried upon Dell ;'
' of the roll by 4 yeas.
lY t '
• On motion of tsember Gardner. that the Idothere' Club be allowed the sum of ~p120.00
to be charged to the contingent fund. for the purpose oY taking Dare of pooa children
' ~.wh11e their mothers are at workti said anm to be payable monthly at the rate of ,~1b.00:
;, per month- serried upon Dell of the ro 11 by 4 yeas.
2~R~,.ry~ _ .On motion oY lfember Graves„ b RESOLUTION donating X300. to the Pest Keatunky •
g 3u0• ~~~ Industrial College, said amount to be peid.ont oY the contingent fund, and authorizing
~.:/ -~'"~ L11R' the Ltayor to draw a oeah order Yor Baia sum, was given its peerage upon ar~ll oY the
(f roll by 4 yeas. •
.~,.0~/0" ,, On motion of TSemDer iIarton, that $1b0.00 be set ,aside from the contingent fund
'`~c~'~"~,•'e'~ for the purposo of purchasing yarn in making ~aokets, etc. for the Drew of the Gun- ~
~ ; a~" Doat "Paduoah", samb carried upon call of the roll by 4 yesa.
i, ;
,~ On motion the Hoard adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote: l ....
' - ~; Yeaa, Hume, Gardner, Graves and itarton- 4.
• sAdcgtcd ~
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~'. LL-Y 14th. 1917.' ~ ~ .
~' i-t s regnlas meeting of the Hoard of Commissioners held in the Conaoil Chamber :~ -
' ' _
' of the City flail, Paduoah. Ky., oa Ltay 14, 1917, upon call of the roll the following
• ' answered their names:_. Horne, Gardner, ifarton and l~ashington- 4,
q ~~
• Upon motion of Ltember Etarton the minutes of the regular meeting hold oa Lfay 9th
• i 1917 were adopted ae read upon call of the roll by 4 yeea. ~ ~.
- On motion of the above, the minutes of a celled meeting held on ]dry 9th, 1917
• ... ~. were adopted ae read upon osil of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Husna, Gardnezt
y } and L"arton- 3. Nay, Washington- 1. ~ •
• ~-~/ ' On motion of Hember Gardner. that deed be executed to lira. Sally Schroeder ~ ,
n~/±t~~~ for Lot 36 in Block ~1, Oak Brove Cemetery, between Baker & Stewart Sta.., treeauser's ~
,~,;:~• 8 receipt for X30.00 being hereto attaohedL carried upon oell,of the roll by 4 yeas.
`,,noiKN{,• On motion of the above, that the City assent to the transfer of the North half
• ~~,ri-,I. Hof Lot li, Block 46, in Oak Crove Cemetery, from idra. Nora Eminieor to B. b., Turner. •.f
M ~~~~~ as. per her~requeat.hereto atteohad- carried upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. ~ 7
~ .
• .~.r^-..3r?•^ct!~p~. , ~r. • :. ~. .q ., ~., 2''r,~r,''~'."~"" , -. , ..:. 2' ~ .;s'r~..a.;N?"~^"•'~rr~pS:r;t~E!Sxi.,',~",.".,'~a.."+'F..~'~: ,.".r~ ~'47..,~: ": ~ tr' , 1. t.«, tlr rzs„ ~.. ,FE'"3C-2
C;ommissioner's Pr®ceeclir~~s, City ofPaducah pin~14~h ~9~Labntinned
~ On motion of i:eciber Gardner, that the City a®aent to the transfer of the 3, ~ of .S.
' ~~`~°~ Lot 34, Blook 42, Omk Grove Cemetery, from Ltias Lnoy D. Brian to W. Yt. EtoEheraon. as
~f`°- p ~ per her written request h®reto attaohed- oarried upon Dell of the roll by th® following '
vote: Yeea, Burns, Gardner, &fartorn an8 Washington, 4,
~~,~.~- On motion of.PSember Barton, that th® retail ooffe® hones lioenae in 4h® nam® of ~
C, ~(i~`~"""
". ,
-~"' ~ "' C. L. Robertson & Co. at 101 South'Seooad St. De transferred to Sam C. Smith, at the
sane looation, ae per request of C. L. &obertso~ hereto attaohed- oarried upon Dail of
the roll by 4 yeas.
On motion of the above, that Iir. To T. Neely,City 6ndi$or, be granted a leave of f ""
' 0~
~ ~~.a. abeenoe of three months sa per his regneat hereto attaohed- oariiod upon Dell of the
il b
On motion of the above, as there is-need of a speakers stand at Oak Grove Cemetery, .
' (~~~
1 c~``'A` ~ ~ ,"~i~that the Com°r of Proper.Ly be, anthoriaed to get bids foe the ereotion of a stand, to be
to be twenty feat by twelve
,~" oonatruoted"of reinforoed oonorete with iron railing and
' feet, to b® ereoted at onoe and not to ooat morn than ~1b0.00- same to be paid from the
~J~"' - ~ _
'• oemetery land--oarried upon pall of thA roll by 4 yeas.
. On motion of.?Sember Washington, that the pay roll for the.3treet Depto for the week ,
ending Lay 11,. 1917, amounting to174,06, not oovered by ordinanoe, paid by Dash order.
be allowed as per attaohed statement of Com'r of Pablio Works- oarried upon Dail of the
Toll by 4 yeas.
~~ On motion of Dtayor Burns, IIhereaa, Sam b. Rodgers quit the aervioe of the Polioe ;
:. o~ ~ Department on April ~(J,, 19.17, that the 3taryaand Casualty Co. of Baltimore; Nd. be
,, - Q
(~/" released from hie bond as of the date of the termination of his said employment- oarried
;upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeeao '
On motion of the above, that the Com°r of Gorke be inatruoted to dig a ditoh in tMe
'°~'l ` allay to be dedioated by W. F. Bradshaw, JP• and 3trs. Bradshaw- same being between Bdway
~ .
and•Bentuoky eve. from 19th street to 17th street- said work to be done upon the
' ,
a=eontion of said deed of dedioation, oarried upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas.
On motion. of itember Washington, that the Board of Commissioners oonour in the re-:
gneet of the Fire Commissioner of the City of New York, ltr. Rober$ Adamson, to e:olnde~
~~ ,- the nee of any fire work® of any oharaoter in the City oY Paduoah on the 4th of July or
' at any other time during the oontinuation of the war- oarried neon Dell of the roll byj
'_ ~ 4 yeas.
On motion the Board adjourned upon oall~of the roll by the fo81ow1ng vote: Yeas,'
.Hnrns, Gardner, Marton and Weahington.,4o '
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