HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/28/17, 04/30/17, & 05/01/17Commissioner's Proceedings, ;~. :?: of Paducah anri 1 Ee ~ j~q 7 . ~ At •a called meeting of the Board of Commiseio~ars held in the Counoil i ' h . f~ Cheaabsr of the City IIs'!1, Paducah, Ky., on 6pri1 28th, 1917, upon'oall of the roll I •' the following answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Gravee and Washington. 4. j' , On motion of LSayor Burua, thnt the mlea requiring aervfoe of copies of f' sseolntione and ordinnnoee three days be tore meetings be suspended eo that any member may be permitted to offer any such reeolutioxa and ordinanoea ae desired, i ' carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. ~ ~ . ~~ ~.,~",~~,~~,v~Y~~ / On motion of the above, that the eotlon of .~pril E, 1917 taken with respect p,.,; i.ls~f to sewers on Washington street from the E. elde of Third St. to C. aide of 6th Strost, ~~ and that nap ending about 90 ft. south of Harrison St., thence south on 3rd attest to Monroe, thence E. on lionroe St. to End St. and 4.. on iionroe St. to 7th St.; and on 9th St.• frrom Jefferson to Monroe St. and on Bth 9t. imm Jefferson to itonroe St., be resolnded and the resolution thereon withdrawn, carried upon cell of the roll by 4 yeas. ~j ~ ~ .. ~ '~" ~ "' CJ1NpO ~w't.••~"' ~. On motion of Ltember weahington, that the reeolution providiryr for the .yy,,,,~ ~ ' oonstruotlon of sewers on ifonroe, WashlnErton ana other streets set forth therein, be ~,G,.,.r~~°~~ lntrodnoed to lay over one week before passage- carried upon Dail o! the roil by /1 ..X' four yeaw. , Ni,~~~ ~. Z .On motion of Liember Gnrdmr, that tine opinion of. Mr. W. 8, Bradshaw regarding ~~ ~ the proper persona to pay for the renewing of water pipes from the company's main to the property line of property owners. be received and filed- carried upon cell of the roll by 4 yeas. i /,,,, ~~~,,,r.y ~"''" - On motion of ZSember •Gravee, that the sum of y~38.90 Da a]loped Henry Bailey '. '~~~'w/,/~ 1 ~ f to reimburse him for his expenses, etc. in goinE; to 2Semphia , ^aenn. and return;ng Dook ' "~ Heys, J. C. ZSUrray and C11nL Wurray ohar@ed with violating the Pure Food law, ae per . Itemized statement and request of Chief of Police hereto attached, said sum to be ; • paid out of the contingent fund. snd same to be replaced therein in Lhe event the State of Kq. should pay this aooountG:. serried upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. ! , G On motion the Board ad~ourried upon call of the roll by the following vote; i~ Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves end Washington. 4. E t ~= gl~ ,. Clay ~ p c I'. ~y y,•.1 _ .li GU7 I ' ~ Dr1,SY0~ { .;PRIL 30, 1917. .+t a regslas meeting of the Board of Commiasionere held in the Counoil Chomber. f. of tho City Rail, Paducah. Ky. on april 30, 1917, upon cell of the roll the following . I! ' ;! answered their names: .Borne, Gardner, Graves and Zashington- 4. On motion of liember Graves, the minutea of a regular meeting held on dpr11 23, • ~ a apeoinl meeting of ..pr11 2bth ut nine o'alook a. li., and oY an ad~ournod meeting of ..pril 25th at four o'clock P. 3[., and of a called meeting held on aprl.l E6th17 were adopted as read upon onll of the roll Dy 4 ysoe. , ~'""~`~ Ou motion of 1Seyor Burns, aN OfiDI1i«NCE BIXIHG THE wPPORT10NifENT OF THE PUBLIO ~~ ~ ,' ' 9 ~~ ;~ FOIaD3 OF ^a11E CITY OF PaDUDwR, KENTUCKY FOR T1iE YEaR 1917 xaa given its passage ~pon is cell of the roll Dy the following vote; Yena, Burns, Gravee and Washington- 3.. • ( Zany, Gardner- 1. • '~ ~ ~ ~, On motion of the abovo, dN ORDIH6DICE FI%ING THE LEYY OR RaTE OF T6XATION ON ,` (7jr' ~~ ~ ~ PRUPIiA^aY ua TkiE CITY OF P.•DUCaki, KEtJTUCxY FOR THE YEdR 1917, t1aD ^aRE RaaE OF THE POLL ,t: t j u. a . . ; , ~ , ' .,.,.,. „•`• :{ ~. '~ ,, Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah aPRib aoth 19t? TAb, giITH THE P1JRP09E8 OF SAID LEVtf THEREUNDER DEFINED was given its peeeage upon dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Hume. Graven and Washington- 3.:w Nay. n -.Y' e ~ ~1 Gardner, 1. ~ y ~ ®a motiba of itayor Burns, a Resolution urging all persons to nttend some Sunday ~ ~ Sohool on Stay 6th, whioh day has been designated "GO i'0 SUNDAY SCHOOb DAY". and to ', partioipate in the parade oa Snt. evening ltay bth,.and providing that the City shall ' ;: lend its aid to thin movement and neoeeeary patrolmen be planed at street intereeotiode '~ i during this parade to proteot the younger partioipanta, was given its passage neon dell .' ~{ t of the roll by 4 yeas. i ~.. ~ ?. • On motion of Member Washington, that the pay roll for the Street Dept. for the ' ,• • week ending april 27, 1917, amounting to ~p178:E0, not covered by ordinance, be allowed +' '~-i, as er attached statement- asrriefl n on aril of the 1T b 4 ~ On motion of the above,•thnt the Com'r of Finonoe be instructed to Sasue lm- ~ ~ provement warrant to Proaeer 8• Hnllidey for ip4067.T1 for work done during the month \. of•Apr11 as per oontraoL, is eooordanoe with statement oY Cpm'r of Public [arks hereto , h attached- carried upon null of the roli.bq the following voted Yens, lturne, Graves and Washington. 3. Nay, Gardr-er• 1. Oa motion the Hoard ad~onrneQ upon call of the roll by the following vote: 7esd, ~ .~ ~ ~ „ ~ . ~ Bur raves and Washington- 4• , I Aioptcd .~~ ... ' 191 ' ~ • , _ ~ _.....y is ' .. ~ ~ ~ ~ . .. 1 ` 1ixY lat. 1917• ~_ At u epeaiui meeting oP the Board of Oommissionera, nulled 8y Members Washington. Graven and G+-rdner, in the absence of the 3bayar and Mayor Pro tem from the City. on May let, 1917, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall. Peduoah,Yy., upon nail of the, ; roll the following answered their nemee:. Gardner. Graven end Washington- 3. On motion of Member Washington, lir. Graves was sleeted Bayor pro tem of this , ~,. meeting upon nail o! the roll by 3 yeas. On motion of ttember aerdner, that the sum of X16286.62, being the semi-monthly •,~ 1 ~~ .pay roll and ellowanoe for Meroh, and X103.86 Speoiel Sewer Fund, be allowed and oheoks issued on City Treneury for same. as per attached report of the Com'r of Finance and City Auditor- oerried upon nail of the roll by 3 yeas.' ~ y On motion the Hoard .adjourned upon oell'of the roll by, the following rote: Yeas, Graves, Gardner and Washingtoa+ 3• ., ao tea 191.; .a.~~-~~-c~ ,. '.. + , :vT , ~~ .. ~ ~ ~ I . -, ,. ~ .. I ,c~ . ~ • ., ~. ,. _ .. ~ _ ., f . i n~ ;; i ~'..., .. .,., '. ., So~..hN69.J Y4.~..:` 7E. '.:+C '..~:w. a~.+ .oti .. v':? .~. .. >...' v .. ., ,. .. . 5.' ~ 4" 1