HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/23/17 ~ ~ -~ ~ • .. _.-~_....~-..z.. __...._~ _.., , ...~_. _ .. _ ~_._.~,~,_, ' • '. , " ., .<. ..< - ... , ...._ ...,,. t ~ .. No„~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadnesh_eT*+~ gad l91s... • :~ r At a rsgniar meeting o! the Board of Commiaeionere head is tlu Oonnoll.Chamb~r, . '•. 0! the City Hall. Paducah, Ky., oa April 2Sd, 1917. upon calf of the roll the '.following. . .. • '. anewored their names: Bnrns, Gardner, Graven, Marton and Washington- 6. j _ ' ~; ~ a On motion o! Member Graves ,Lhe minntee o! a regular meeting held on Apr 11 j, , !! 16, 1917 and of a celled meeting of Apr11 21st. 1817 were adopted ae rend upon call ~' b f th ll b ~~ t ye as. y o e ro " T t, On motion of tho above, dN ORDINdMCE REGULnTING THE SLAUGHTERING OF:aNIMaL3 ~ ' .iND FOYYT.S IN THE CITY OF PADUCaH, RFdliUCliY, AHD FIBINO FINES AND PUNISHL?ENT FOR ~~! VIOLATION HEREOF, was given its passage on call of the roll by b yeas. ~ ~ . f /~~ On motion oY Member Gardner. that a deed be e:eouted and delivered to Hallie eJ^^'~ ll~°~~ ~ Rogers Lo I.ot #10 Block #3, between btil]sr &.Hank Ste., in Uak Grove Qametery, ; ' treasurer's receipt !br X30.00 beiryr hereto attached, same oarried upon call o! the f 1 - ~~ roll by b yeas. j j On motion of itember iWrton, that tls Com'r o! Properly be instructed to pleoe ~ ~ - U.~.Q ~ an arc light at the interaeation o! 11th and Jefferson streets, same oarried upon cell, ~: V r of Lhe roll by 5 yeas. , ' '• On motion of Member Gaehington, that the pay roll !or the Street Dept. !or theF ~ week ending April 20th, not covered by ordinance, emounti:yr Lo ,203,80, ae per i attached statement of the Com'r of Liorke, be a1loRed, oarried ,upon call of Lhe roll ! ; by b yeas. i l On motion of ifayor Burns, that the role requirix~e earvioe of copies of reeo- i ' • lutions and ordinances to members of the Board three days before me eti~g a at which serge " shall be introduced, be suspended and any member ba permitted to offer any motion, j ,' "~ A resolution or ordineaoe desired- oarried upon.oall of the roll by b yeas. ~ • • e.~/"~r~~,,hLL On motion of Ltember Washington, a Resolution extending the time to AugueL 1, `. V`~••~~'''~i 1917 for the completion of the oontraot providicg for the oonetruation of sidewalks, { `' ,. ~~~,.- etc. embraced in Lhe blanket osdinanoe #190, was given ire passage upon cell of the f. . r,,,G~ ` roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Cravae, Marton end Washington- 4. Nay,Gardrur 1 ' Q~~ On motion of Mayor Burns, that J. G. Fowler be granted police peoesre ae Merchant. ` ~ , !. Policeman, in aaoordanne with his wrltten request, upon execution of bond with good G~ /~" • ~ ~~ .i ~" surety. his wages to bs paid Ya: by the merchants- oarried upon Dell o! the roll by j b yeas. f ~ ~~~rrr ~ On motion of L?ember Gardner, that the Mayor bs authorised aM empowered Lo " """~~u~~~~--- ~ ~~~~o,,..../" sign oontraot with the United States Government for the care of all sick and disabled 1 , I ~ seamen. as per oontraot submitted. at the rate of Two 02.00) Dollars per day, for j ~ the fiscal year ending Jane 30, 1918- oarried upon cell of the roll by b yens. On motion of L?ayor Burns, that the opportlonment Ordinam a introduced Saturday. " ~.~~ , y_y ` opril 21st, 1917 be wlthdra+dn and all notion respecting same be rescinded- oarried upon call of the roll by the following wte: Yeas, Burns. Graves, 1?arton and ~' , " j Gaehington, 4. Bomber Gardner asY.ing to be excused from voting was registered nay,j pursuant to resolution. f j 91 On motion of the above, that the eooompanging wpportionmont Ordinanoe.Por bhs /~/y/,~~y 1 • ~~L !_GG ~ year 1917 be introduced to lay over one woek- same carried upon call of the roll by the ' ^} J~ follaring vote: Yeas, Burns, Graves. l:arton end 17aehirgton, 4. Nay: Gardner, 1- . he having asked to be excused from w Ling we.a registered nay. ' }. ~rr On motion of Lember iiarton, that the Settlement House be granted Sixllundred ~ ~ f =`: (v600.) dollars to carry oa its work, eai3 amonnL to be taken fm m Lhe contingent lhn4. . `~ ia.~ j ~ ,~ . d"- , k p 4~ rams oarried upon call of the roll by b yeas. t Y i s ~ ~r?~i~ng vo e: ea . 7 , On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the ro~lU ~ II Bu~B ~G$rdnsr - Graves=%tliarton a~ Washington- 6 Q ~. . . Av~ao-~v~7 • ;i ;; ~ J , . . ~ ~ • , _ ~ _, _. ..,~:~ .,~,,,~,._ ,. ~_~ ~ ,, „-"T~--,~~~ i - ~ „~,-:r„ -~r-~1R-ice ,~~.~.a~,~..~~7T~..,~ , a~, r„ _, , -~~,~~ -r~~:~R;