HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/16/17 & 04/21/17is Atxrexsx9~sWaT?~Jt,,., r?:~45cw'n„?r`.~,,.~~. i ~ .. ..j ' . 1 ~,, ..4-«+s..F-t'~r.~,t~w..~...4. ~.+x•« ....a atiea....~...-...r,:.. w.y..:;:rt.::J. a~::.a.+~.,,..o..::wL.aS.~.. .~u,..~;,;:::.~ ... .....R.+...,'..•.. .ti`<~'• ~ss_~1 xt~;.'*v .h.'~r.Ff,~e~u+~z_^~l.na w r. e • .~ ,. • , .. ` COll11lUSSIOACI'$ 'i a :~x ', f :~, . I ,~'! l ~_ I. 'a •,. .'Y i • ~. - ,. .... r:.y,~,,,. .~. ~ ..- ' ... .. No..~,r~, • of Paducah ~pri114th jgj7_oontiausd ~!• Liembar GardnsT offered the following amendment to the above motion; That the ~ ' Tiewa-pemoorat Publishing Co. be appointed the ofiieiul printer for this yroer- said ;• ~; motion Rae.tablod, receiving no aaoond, II ~~ The original motion oarriod upon sell of the roll by b ysae• On motion the Board ad~ourped upon Dail of the roil by the, following motet Yeas • - - _' ,'" BusYn, Gardner, Graves, l:arton and Washington- b. !! - ~ APR Vim. . ~ • ..:., ; . . ~; ~ (i tar t k ~ - r '„o • ~ MAXC'lfb ~ • • ~~ •• ~' i~ Apr11 16 , 1817. ' ~, r,, • ~ i pt a regular meeting of Liu Board of Commissioners held in the Coicnoll,Chamber o~ , I' the City Hall, Paduoah, Ky., on april 16, 1917, upon Dell of the roll the following ~ • ~, answered their namea~ Burns, Gardner, Grevee, Itarton an4 Washington, b,• t III ' ~.' On motion of btember Graves, the minutes of the regular meeting held on dpril 9, ~;:, • - ~., the minutes of a apeoial meeting held on apr11 10th, and the minutes of a apeoial ., ~ meeting head on dpril 14th, were adopted c-a road upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. i . ~~ . ' ~ ;, On motion of lvember Gardner, that a dead be.exaouted to Dan Liggons for Lot ~2E .f ~~ j~ ~i in Block ~3, Oak .Grove Carretoxy+, between ltillor cad Heck atroete, treasurer's 4~ '! receipt for thirty dolle-ra belrg attached hsreto. oarriod upon Gull of the roll by b y~ao • ~! ~` On motion of the above, t}{at, Gheseaa, the. State Beard of Supervisors has given n ~_ f 'I • tom" r-1~ ~notioe of ar- intended 1bA raise on the valuation of personal property in the City of .! ~ '~° Q~ , Paducah, which seems- unjust 1n proportion to the value of the ro ~ • '°d p party, i move that ~ ~ i the it~or appoint a oammittea of three to Bo bemire the Board of Supervisors and ,1. • protest this intentional increase in property- carried upon call of the ,roll by 6 yeae~• ' • On motion of L'ember Larton,,that the City 9olioltor be instructed to bri in r ~ - ~ ~~~ EA ordiaanoa for the oonatruetion of aonorete sidewalks, granite curbing, etc. on i oath Fourth attest between E11z.abeth and Broad streets- this improvement to bs on I . ry~~ ~~ • /~~''•L' ~ the tan ysar payment plan-, carried upon Dull of the roll by 6 ysue. t On mot ion of the above,. that the amount of $4,448.13 be allowed end checks ~ J i ~. issued for same, this being the oeml-monthly ellowanea ibr dpr11, ae per report of ~. j Com'r,of Fi.nanoe and Luditor,hereto attachod. oarrie.d upon Dell of the xnll by b yeas; • ~. ,`„ ', On motion of the above, that the petition of property ovine;a and residents on ~ } Jillie street for a light at 7th street be referrod to the Com'r of Property with ~• ~~~ ~ power to sot- cattle d upon Dell .oi the r~ 11 by b ye ae. ''- $,r.. On motion of Ela~yor Bunn, that the work on Clay street from Fountain eve. to E rWa~•L• ~'1""~ 19th street be received sad apFroPed as par recomm3ndation of Com'r of Pub11a Works- ~~+t'~,•oarriad upon call of tho roll by 5 yeea. I i • On motion of Member Uaehington, ad ORDIIIaItCE aSSESSIL(G TFiE i-BUT^aING PId1PERTY ON i • G~ T1,B DIORa^li SIDE OF CLaY STREET FtiDbi T1tE WES^a PROPER LIIT OF FUU1ITaIH a1fIDiUE1 19th) ~ , ~0:,, ~~ G ~t~ ~ STREET TO :18 E+15^a CURB LILIE OF 1IILiETEIIJa^H ~REEi, was given its peaeage upon sell ~~ ' "`-. a ( •, of the roll by 6. ye ae. i. • On motion of the ebore, that the pay roll for the street department for the week; ;' coding 6pri1 13, amounting to ;176.60, not covered by or dinenoe, be allowed- serried ' ~ npon call of tho roll by b yeas. ~ ; .. - ~ i ~, ~` w ,ye,' , • -,'*,.m ' Commissioner's Proceedings, -City of Paducah enr311GtLh 191ioontinue8 n Oa motion of Ltayor .Horne, that the matter of taxes against the Ohero-Cola Bottling , /D~l~^.•0. ~~ ~; Co. be referred to the City 8olioitor for an opinion reepegting the exemption of said i oompany Yrom taaetion ender the head,eY menufaotnrere- also the matter of 1916 to=es '; ",. _- ~ overdue; oarried upon oall of the roli by b yeas. ' i ~~ On motion of liember Gardner, that the oommanio:ation imm Warren Bme. dated 8pri1 " D ~ ;' 11th be reoeived and filed and referred to the oommieaionsre sa a whole- oarried nponi . ' oall of the roll by b yeas. `~~'• ' ,e", . On motion the Board adjourned npon. Dell of the roll by the d-llowi:g pots: r II { ;Yeas, Berns; Gardner., Gravee, Marton and Washington- 6. v • # /ldepled~~J~?~//~3191s. :At'PTvO~Ta~ ' ,. Ci.. •.: rY nse3ror:. Y . g. .I.PRI1. El, 1917. ~'~ ®t a oalied meeting of the Board oi.Commiseionera held in the Connoil Chamber ''~„ of the City Hall, Paduoeh, Ky., on April E1, 1917, npon Dell of the roll the following ' 'answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Gravee, Etarton and Tiashingto.n- b. On motion of Mayor.Hnrna, thnt the rnlea requiring oopiee of ordinanoee to be , ' i'esived upon the oommiaeionera three days before meetings be suspended ae to the appor- ~tionment ordinanos, oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Bnrne,~ `'': Gravee, Marton and Washingtoa- 4: Nay, Gardner, 1. (Garde r aek~d to be exon~e~Yrom io~~n~ & reg~etere nay.pursuan reao n o ) r 0n motion o4 Member Washington, that the amount of $b00.00 in the apportion- ~~ ~ .;. meet ordinanoe for digging a teat well for aster bs eliminated- said motion lost upon `~ Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Berne and Yleshington- 2. Nay: Gardner, '~°Gravee and Merton- 3. (Member Gardner asked to be eaoneed Yrom voting & registered nay) r On motion of. Mayor Borne. that `the apportionment ordiname for 1817 be intro- ;. ~~~ rf ;r~( duoed to lay over ons week~beYore its passage- oarried npon oall of the roll by the ~'`O6l~F' YollowinEn vote: Yeas, Berns, Gravee, Marton and Washington- 4. Nay: Gnrdasr, 1 (Member -'dardnsr having eeke8 to be eaoneed- Yam voting wee registered in the.negatire). t r On motion the Board adjourned npon oall of the roll by the Yollowirg votes } ' Ysas,. Horne, Gardner; Gravee, Marton and Washington- b. ddcptod._.., a-3 89~.,~ ~. • .,,.~ , ,. i ', ...j ~ i. .• ' ~• ~„ ..