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Commissioner's Proceeding's, "eify'ofPads~e~h° . ,-pr+a ~a 19~LLoontinned.
Oa motion of Mayos Bnrns,.tha6 the petition of Property owners on fleet esoadway
'L~--} ssgasaiag the reoonsLrnotion of said stsset fY+om 17th street to Ebtt- street, Oe
~~,y, ssoeived ens filed- oarried upon deli of the soil by b yeas. .
On motion of the above, that the City Solicitor peepers an ordlnanoe proteotiag.
,~''6~ the City Soavengar in hie work and regulating the skinning of dead animsla within the
~~0'~~V oity of Paduoeh- osrried upon dell of the rail by 6 yeas.
• On motion of Member Washington- that the Gommieeionere eo a committee of the j
ate' ,whole ta1~ up the.queation of oonstsuoting an incinerating plant, oarried upon dell
9~ • Pte" ~"
• of the ro 11 by b Fa se. •
_ On motion the Board ad~ounned upon o$11 of the tali tW the following•vote: Yesej_=•.
1: Hoene. Gardner. Graven, L"anon sad Washington- 6.
• • '~ Ad/oe/p~le~liy_/~"(]'~~y_~ ~%_ 1/e91 ~ L'.PF'tZIO~V~L~U j
. ; " ~ ~ .,i~.+~Gi.f-dG66'q~a,~GlT .a4~LaG-•se:.G ~~ .
• Uq CYA ~~
• ` ". APRIL 9th. 1917. '
i-t a regular meeting of the Board of Commieeionere held is the Oounoil Ohamber
•_{? is of the City Ba11. Paducah, Kentnoky on i-pril 9th. 1917 upon sell of the roll the follow.
- i;
• ;~ ing answered their names; Purne, Gardner, Graves, Lfarton end Washington. 6.
Un motion of Member Gardner. the minutes of a regular mooting held on Apr11
2nd were adopted ea read upon call of ffie roll by b yeas.
• On motion of Ltember Graves, that ooneideration of the proposed ordinance
. pyrOUb~+alfg i~ reoonstruoting peat defforson street from 17th to 2bth street, and the proposed ordinance
• (/~-off, o'er reoonstruoting Weat Broadwaq from 17th to ESth street De laid over until the next
} ~" regular meeting of tho Board of Co~mnieaionera- oarried upon dell of the roll by 6 yeae~
n ~~ Dn motion of 1Somber Washington, that the o1Ly purohaae two hundred of the
,cw ~
~~ ~M/nv Cursy Fly ^asape at a pride of 2.00 asoh, oerriod upon pall of the roll by 6 lreae.
• On motion of 1lember Gardner, that the City oonour in the tranefar of the south
nrw,.~t~u ~-~•'~half of Lot 38 Block 47, Oak Grove Cemetery, from Frmk Dalvin to George Grosahart-
'd~"'"e• ~ oarried upon dull of the roll by b yeas.
~ ~~~~ I .
On motion of Member Washington, that the oommieoionsre as a aommiLtee of the
'' ~,,,d.N ~~' whole inveeLigaLo the request for a oindsr walk on the Rieke plods from 17th street
k Qs.lw t "~- towards Guthrie avenuo, whore Xentuoky ~-venue would bs it extended- oarried upon dell ~ ,
°~~, ~ of tho roll by b yeas. ~ ~~
• j .
On motion of Ltomber Marton, that the report of the City buditor for the monthl'
1~`^^'h+-P'""' of March be seoeived and°!led and published in the oftiaiel newepaper~ oarried upon" ±~
dell of the roll by b yeas. ~ ,•
Un motion of the above, that the oommunioatioa from Mr. G'rpom;'ragarding the •
~a.~r ~7+.rw+ ', refund of seetaurant lioenae be refereed to the City 3o1101tos- oarried upon call of
~'`'""'~•~ the roll by 6 yeas.
! On motion of Lumber Washington, that the pay roll for the 8treeL Dept. for'th'
x ~• i woek ending ypr11 6th, amounting Lo ~y177,G0, not covered by ordinance, bs el lobed-
.. .. {
!`; oarried upon call oY the ro11by b yeas.
On motion of Ltember.Grnves, that the Comps of Public Works bs nuthueisod en~t"~"r~.
•` ~ ~ ~ !° instructed to sell ur-d dispose of two mules now In thr straot'departaurd unfit ibs i "
f, etsest work, and that hs purchase two other mules ii he deems it neoeasary- Oarried
• ` upon dell of the roll by 6 yeas. ~ •
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No. ysb . ° .
Proceedings, City of Paducah _ _ anril 9th 191.Zcontinne8
' ~ ~ On motion of L•eyos Burns. that the ~ndgment in the case of Penn ve Corbett, eta.
~,1~-~ be referred to the Com'r of Fineaoe and City Soiioitor with power to sot, end that thtl
> letter from 'the Oity Het'1 Bank regarding this matter bs turned over to them- carried;,
~~ •.`~ neon call of the roll by b yeas.
~ t.
On motion of ]fie above, that ten d911ara be refunded to Pilo Rector- this
~~ ~,t-^~ amount having been eaeeesed him in police aonrt and ~ndgmem later set aside end
. 1 dl , ~
defendant diemieeed- carried upon call of the roll by ti yeas. !
~n ~ ~ `. Qn motion of the above, that the oommunioation fmm Dr. H. P. Linn relsti~te
N-v".~4"1. ~'^'. ~ to Curry~Fly Traps be reoeited and tiled - carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. `
~"~' }~" On motion of the nbove, that the City pay tMe premium on the expired
`.` portio>Y of the bond of Ziba Williams, patrolman, and that his resignation bs hereby
•,.~ tW~
•.~• accepted and the Maryland Casualty Go. be released from his.bond- carried upon call ',
., o f the roll by 6 ye se.
''~+` ~~ On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the soil by the following n-tet
%Q° Yeae, Burns., Gardner, 6ravee, Marton and Washington- b.
Aioptcd G~iY% /G _191y gp~'~''G".~'D
/~j ~~ ~!
~:.. ~~
uV cwh 1 MdYUIi
sari] 10,. 1917:
At a apeoiel,meeting of the Hoard oY Commieaionere held in the Cotmoil Chamber
" of the City Hall, Paducah, $y. on npril 10th, 1917 upon cell of the roll the following
answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Graves, Harton -4.
'~pp p~ .{. On motion of lfember Parton, a Resolution authorising and directing the 1layor
• ;p.pKlt4 IA to execute in behalf of the City of Paducah a warranty doed to L. R. Barnes oorneying
'•"~ R to him a oertairi lot belonging to the city ]mown ea Lot ~i6 in Block B Sowelle addition,
• plat of said deed being recorded in p}.at Book A page 6- in oonaSderatlon of the sum;
{ f' of X176. paid b said Bamea to the Cit
~; y y- was given its passage upon gall oY the roll
ii , by 4 yeas.
~(I~~. On motion of Mayor Berne. tlmt a vote of thnnke be eatended nil those who par-
V.M~ ~ ;4 tioipated in the progrnm at the. By ^aheatre rprii bth, vith eepeolal mention of Yrs. E. 4.
~w""~c''" `. Boone, the Board of Trade. Retai_1 Merchants xee'n, 9ohmana Bma., Odfl Fellcwe' Band.
PD~iA~~' bot~T aewepnpere and all industries..®d merchants who displayed splendid cooperation end
patriotism is oloa,ing their etoree• carried upon cell oY 1he roll by 4 yeas. •
' On motion the Board nd~ourned neon Doll oY the roll by the following vote;
' Yeae. Burns, Gardner, Graves and Yartoa- 4.
Aaovt~a r _ ~ " .
,.,tee-~=---' -~-v
car ckry ,
• Aprim 14th , .1917. MAy~t,
at n special meeting of the Board.oY Commie alonera held in the Council Chamber
oY the City Hall, Pednooh, Icy. oa epril 14, upon call of the mll the following answered
their names: Burns, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- b.
~~ ~`e On motion of Member Washington, that the Paducah Evening 3'an be deeignated and
~~'"` Yom- appointed the Official printer of the. City oY paduoah, Xentnoky, said appointment ie
expreeely made for no term oY years but at the plensnre oY the Board of. Commiesione;s
~~ pf..~~.r ~ and said printer moy be removed with or without cause by•the Bonrd of Commie elonere at
any time they deem it expedient- this appointment to tnkt effect from and after this
date- _ _
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' ... .. No..~,r~, •
of Paducah ~pri114th jgj7_oontiausd
~!• Liembar GardnsT offered the following amendment to the above motion; That the ~ '
Tiewa-pemoorat Publishing Co. be appointed the ofiieiul printer for this yroer- said ;•
~; motion Rae.tablod, receiving no aaoond, II
~~ The original motion oarriod upon sell of the roll by b ysae•
On motion the Board ad~ourped upon Dail of the roil by the, following motet Yeas •
- - _' ,'" BusYn, Gardner, Graves, l:arton and Washington- b.
- ~ APR Vim. . ~ • ..:., ; .
. ~; ~
(i tar t k ~ - r '„o
• ~ MAXC'lfb ~ •
• ~~ •• ~'
i~ Apr11 16 , 1817.
' ~,
• ~ i pt a regular meeting of Liu Board of Commissioners held in the Coicnoll,Chamber o~ ,
the City Hall, Paduoah, Ky., on april 16, 1917, upon Dell of the roll the following ~
• ~, answered their namea~ Burns, Gardner, Grevee, Itarton an4 Washington, b,•
' ~.' On motion of btember Graves, the minutes of the regular meeting held on dpril 9, ~;:,
• - ~., the minutes of a apeoial meeting held on apr11 10th, and the minutes of a apeoial
., ~ meeting head on dpril 14th, were adopted c-a road upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. i .
~~ .
' ~ ;, On motion of lvember Gardner, that a dead be.exaouted to Dan Liggons for Lot ~2E .f
~~ j~ ~i in Block ~3, Oak .Grove Carretoxy+, between ltillor cad Heck atroete, treasurer's
4~ '! receipt for thirty dolle-ra belrg attached hsreto. oarriod upon Gull of the roll by b y~ao
• ~! ~` On motion of the above, t}{at, Gheseaa, the. State Beard of Supervisors has given
n ~_ f 'I •
tom" r-1~ ~notioe of ar- intended 1bA raise on the valuation of personal property in the City of .!
~ '~° Q~ , Paducah, which seems- unjust 1n proportion to the value of the ro ~ •
'°d p party, i move that ~
~ i the it~or appoint a oammittea of three to Bo bemire the Board of Supervisors and
• protest this intentional increase in property- carried upon call of the ,roll by 6 yeae~• '
• On motion of L'ember Larton,,that the City 9olioltor be instructed to bri in
r ~
- ~ ~~~ EA ordiaanoa for the oonatruetion of aonorete sidewalks, granite curbing, etc. on i
oath Fourth attest between E11z.abeth and Broad streets- this improvement to bs on I .
ry~~ ~~
• /~~''•L' ~ the tan ysar payment plan-, carried upon Dull of the roll by 6 ysue. t
On mot ion of the above,. that the amount of $4,448.13 be allowed end checks ~
J i
~. issued for same, this being the oeml-monthly ellowanea ibr dpr11, ae per report of
~. j Com'r,of Fi.nanoe and Luditor,hereto attachod. oarrie.d upon Dell of the xnll by b yeas; •
,`„ ', On motion of the above, that the petition of property ovine;a and residents on ~
} Jillie street for a light at 7th street be referrod to the Com'r of Property with ~•
~~~ ~
power to sot- cattle d upon Dell .oi the r~ 11 by b ye ae.
''- $,r.. On motion of Ela~yor Bunn, that the work on Clay street from Fountain eve. to E
rWa~•L• ~'1""~ 19th street be received sad apFroPed as par recomm3ndation of Com'r of Pub11a Works-
~~+t'~,•oarriad upon call of tho roll by 5 yeea. I
• On motion of Member Uaehington, ad ORDIIIaItCE aSSESSIL(G TFiE i-BUT^aING PId1PERTY ON i •
~0:,, ~~ G ~t~ ~ STREET TO :18 E+15^a CURB LILIE OF 1IILiETEIIJa^H ~REEi, was given its peaeage upon sell ~~ '
"`-. a ( •, of the roll by 6. ye ae. i.
• On motion of the ebore, that the pay roll for the street department for the week;
;' coding 6pri1 13, amounting to ;176.60, not covered by or dinenoe, be allowed- serried
' ~ npon call of tho roll by b yeas. ~ ;
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