HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/02/17i
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Commissioner's P. xneeedin~s, City of Faduaah~ uroh ~tb ~g~ oontiauen,
~0'""'"~ On motion of Mayor Buama. that the eommnaioatioa from the iliaiateslal sea's
~~''~ regarding the Best ]q-. Industrial Oollege. be rsosivsd ani idea, oarriiQ upon oall Of
the roll Dy b yeas.
• 'x
On motion. of Msabss Grags, that the Oom'r of Pnbiio forks, L. i. Rsehingtob,~
be inatrnotsd tp prepare plane end apeolfioetions foe a eto:m water ssw.er from 8th and
~~ 8dame streets down or Bast on Aasme street to the Tennaesee river os to Seoona ens
' gashington etTeet and oonnoot with the Washington street sewer, ae hs deems moat ,• ',
advlsable-.oarsied upon oats of the roll by b yeas.
/4/J ~~pn~ ~ On motion of 3[ayos Burns. that ~20.00•bs .allowed J. p. 9tewsrt for boarding
f Y i
~ssv l6rs. 7saper end daughter while quarantined under order of Health pept., -some to be ,
(_e.N_,"p",C~~ oharged to the pest house fund. oarrisd upon oell of the X11 by 6 yeas. ~
On motion of Member Graves. that the City Solicitor bo inettuoted to prepare
ens bring in m ordinance ragniring the oonstrnotion of concrete sidewalks and grewite,
~~~ ,
N,, .l•~ ' anrbing on both aides o! Thirteenth street between Jef9~raon street and Monroe strast~
' end providing that said work be done on the tap year pe~yment plan, oarrie3 upon cell,
~; of the roll by the following"vote: Yeas. Borne. Graves, Marton ens Washington- 4.
Hay. Gardner. 1. ,
`YM~a ~~~, On motion of Mambor Marton. that the aommuaioation of Mrs. Eagan regarding the
r1y ~ purchase of certain property owned by the city of Yaduoah, be referred to the Oom'r of
public Property- carried upon rill of the toll by 6 yeas.
/1~ ~~~ Q~ On motion of Mayor Horne, that the oommnniaation tmm the Paducah Hand Oonart~.
t A ralatlve to an appropriation from the city. Ds raoeived and filed, to be further con-
~"W". .~,~/" sideroa in the appostlonment ordinance- oarrled upon cell of th6 roll by 6 yeas.
l~~ _.u~"'_~ On motion of Member Marton, that the oommnnioation from the Baptist State ~ •
lA•e'^~,~'" _ _~ Board of Missions of Louisville, 8y., in regard to the ezemption o! city taxes, be
p'- ~ referred to tbs City Solicitor- oerrled upon cell of the roll by b yeas. a
On motion the Board adjourned upon calf of the roll by the following votsi `
Yeas, Hurna, Gardner, Graves, Marton sad Washington- b.
Aie ei C , i- 191.::, .3FPR0 V' ~ ', ,
~ i
er, errr M.SX~PC.:
. ,
~ inril 2, 1917.
et a re nlar meoti I ',~ "~"
g ng of the Eoard of Commiesionese bald in the Council ; ,
'Chamber of the City Hall. paduaah, $q. on 6pril E, 1917, upon call of the roll the ~ '~~ ~~ .
following answered their names: Borne. Gardner. Graven, Marton and Washington. 6. ; •
On motion of Member Graven, the minutes of a regular meeting held on Maroh.~
$6', 1917 were'edopted ae read upon call of the roll by b yeas. ~
n ~. 1 On motion of Member Marton, that the petition of property owners on Borth 1Sth?• ,
/yLVG.K i
s~1,f3.aC ~ etsest between Jeff reon and Monroe streets protecting the rsoonstruotioa of that ~ ,
block, bs received and filed- carried upon call of the toll ~ b yeas.
On motion of ltamber Gardner, that a deed be aseouted and delivered to tVeltes ~ ~ •
•'w~"~~Yewbura for Lot X47 Block Two oa Miller street, Oak Grc-e cemetery, treasurer's receipt •
~~ ~ for X40.00 being hereto attached- carried upon calf o! tho roll by bye ea. "
On motion of the above, that WHLBEeB, the omerioen Cigar Co. has setaDliehed a ,
.~ '' msnnfaoturing plant in this city, and under the ordinance of the oily of Paducah exempt.
w~h ~ ing monufaotesere approved Jnns E3, 1906, this 'company is entitled to sxenption from '
taxation for a period of five years. I move that said 4merioan Cigar Co. bs ordered ,
`~ pieced upon the list of manufeotcff ire ezempted from taxation foot s period of five ysare
from this spar. E. 1917- oarriod upon cell o! the mli by 6 yaee.
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah April E Igl 7 continued
On motion of Member Etarton, that the amount of ;~16807.H1 be ellowed end checks ,
.. ~ leaned on the city treeanry for same, being the monthly ellosaaae for ltaroh 1817- oarried. ~ '
upon Deli of the roll by b yeas. ,
f ~ Osi motion of the above. that the request of Frank L. Delvia regarding the transfer
~ ,n-o'
N~~'^'''~~~-'~'-, of the South halt of Lot ae Block +f~. in Oak Grove Cemetery. to George Omeehart° be ; •
• 4 granted. and that fhe City Clerk be authorised to ezeo~rts
deed for tt». south half of
this lot-,said motion was tabled. having reosived no second. '
On motion of Member Graves, that Frank Delvin be requested to make hie individnsl
~ ~*'~
• deed to the south half of Lot 3H Black ~l7 in Oak Grove Cemetery to Geearge Gsoeahart;
''`'` and present same to the Board of Commie alonere for ratification and reoosd- oarried
npoa call of the m.il by b years.
, -01 On motion of Membes Marton, that the Com°r of Publio,WOrks be instructed to have.
o~'~' ~ all Improved and paved streets flushed every dry; or night, at his discretion-, this wort
~~ !~ to start this month sad continue u~rt it Fall- oarrlsd upon pall of Lhs roll by the
. ~;; 1' following vote: Yeas, Burns. Gardner, Graves and 1farton, 4. Nay: Washington, 1.
~''....;....-.__ On motion of the oboes. that the Lime of holding regular meeting be changed from
Q~.y~ 1130 P. lS. to 8100 P• td., oarried upon dell of the roll by 6 yeas.
On motion of Member Washington, that the pay roll for the titroet Dept. for ttr
week ending Efarah 30, 1917, amounting to $171.36, not covered by ordinanos, be allowed
' as per attached atatemsnt- oarried upon Dell of the roll Dy 6 yeas. '
Pj~u,/, w~ On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Finance be inetreoted to issue improve- ,
C~,y,~e~u+e,u~' meat warrant to Prosser do Nnilidoy for X1864.66, this being epprozimstely 660 of work
~-W ~'a'~'~ M ', done oa blanket ordinance contract during the month of Eiaroh 1917° oarried npoa Deli '.
P (~j,.Q.e.A+~
oY the roil by b .yeas.
On motion of the above, a resolution authorising the Com'r of Public Works to
' ~,HQ;°,.~iur-r. construct storm water sewers end intakes on Washington street from the S. aide of 8d '
X ~ to the W. side of 6th street= eztead the present storm sewer of Harrison atreet° thence
r ;"~ B. oa 8d to Monroe ,, thence E. on Monroe to Ed street aid W. on Honroe to 7th; on
.. 8th St. from Jefferson to Momoe; on 8th street from Jeif. tq Eionroe street- emd that
tb aoet thezeof be paid for Isom the apeoiel sewer Sand- oarried upon Dell of the roll '
by 4he following vote: Ysae, Berne, Graven, Etarton and Washington, 4. Nay. Gardner. 1.
On motion of Mayor Burns. that the receipt for donati6n of X60. to the New Albany
~.~eu- religf Sand, bs reosived. and filed- oarried upon call of Lhe roll by b yeas. '
On motion of the above. that the Commiesionere ratify the notion o! theAdvieosy ~
I\.~~, Committee of the C.0.3. in inetruating Etr. Marton to employ eoabone et a salary of 360.00
o Se per month to look after the charity work of the C.0.9: and pay all.debte owed Dy them. j
taking effect after the Y4th of April 1917° when the contract of Hrs. Ford and Mies
Strasburg expires- oairiad npoa call of the roll by b yeas. ,
~~_~.~ ~. On motion of the above. that the petition sad aommnniaetion from the Oommittes
' ,~~,r,~ regarding the Cold Home of the Friendleea be received and filed oarried npoa Dell
of the roll by 6 yeas.. ~ .
Etes'or Burns read and introduced uN ORDINdtiCE PROYIDING FDR THE REOONSTRUCTION OF
be brought in. at the next regular meeting as provided by law.
Mayor Borne read end introduced AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FLTfi THE RSCOtt9a^RiJCTiON CF .~
°$~°l~$n~~Ti~g~ Via"-seat legal ~meetinguae ~`~ovided b ]aeAYE~tT PLA1t. thi. ordinaao.
.;cM,cs4'..;ye ~ .r'. +. '~•'.veL F~.Gt,~~uel '.'~;~° .,+:~a. :n.w~~ jp~•im ~~. ~ .~%' ,n ..w' .. :~ ,.au.a ~.., ...~~+m.~;..
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Commissioner's Proceeding's, "eify'ofPads~e~h° . ,-pr+a ~a 19~LLoontinned.
Oa motion of Mayos Bnrns,.tha6 the petition of Property owners on fleet esoadway
'L~--} ssgasaiag the reoonsLrnotion of said stsset fY+om 17th street to Ebtt- street, Oe
~~,y, ssoeived ens filed- oarried upon deli of the soil by b yeas. .
On motion of the above, that the City Solicitor peepers an ordlnanoe proteotiag.
,~''6~ the City Soavengar in hie work and regulating the skinning of dead animsla within the
~~0'~~V oity of Paduoeh- osrried upon dell of the rail by 6 yeas.
• On motion of Member Washington- that the Gommieeionere eo a committee of the j
ate' ,whole ta1~ up the.queation of oonstsuoting an incinerating plant, oarried upon dell
9~ • Pte" ~"
• of the ro 11 by b Fa se. •
_ On motion the Board ad~ounned upon o$11 of the tali tW the following•vote: Yesej_=•.
1: Hoene. Gardner. Graven, L"anon sad Washington- 6.
• • '~ Ad/oe/p~le~liy_/~"(]'~~y_~ ~%_ 1/e91 ~ L'.PF'tZIO~V~L~U j
. ; " ~ ~ .,i~.+~Gi.f-dG66'q~a,~GlT .a4~LaG-•se:.G ~~ .
• Uq CYA ~~
• ` ". APRIL 9th. 1917. '
i-t a regular meeting of the Board of Commieeionere held is the Oounoil Ohamber
•_{? is of the City Ba11. Paducah, Kentnoky on i-pril 9th. 1917 upon sell of the roll the follow.
- i;
• ;~ ing answered their names; Purne, Gardner, Graves, Lfarton end Washington. 6.
Un motion of Member Gardner. the minutes of a regular mooting held on Apr11
2nd were adopted ea read upon call of ffie roll by b yeas.
• On motion of Ltember Graves, that ooneideration of the proposed ordinance
. pyrOUb~+alfg i~ reoonstruoting peat defforson street from 17th to 2bth street, and the proposed ordinance
• (/~-off, o'er reoonstruoting Weat Broadwaq from 17th to ESth street De laid over until the next
} ~" regular meeting of tho Board of Co~mnieaionera- oarried upon dell of the roll by 6 yeae~
n ~~ Dn motion of 1Somber Washington, that the o1Ly purohaae two hundred of the
,cw ~
~~ ~M/nv Cursy Fly ^asape at a pride of 2.00 asoh, oerriod upon pall of the roll by 6 lreae.
• On motion of 1lember Gardner, that the City oonour in the tranefar of the south
nrw,.~t~u ~-~•'~half of Lot 38 Block 47, Oak Grove Cemetery, from Frmk Dalvin to George Grosahart-
'd~"'"e• ~ oarried upon dull of the roll by b yeas.
~ ~~~~ I .
On motion of Member Washington, that the oommieoionsre as a aommiLtee of the
'' ~,,,d.N ~~' whole inveeLigaLo the request for a oindsr walk on the Rieke plods from 17th street
k Qs.lw t "~- towards Guthrie avenuo, whore Xentuoky ~-venue would bs it extended- oarried upon dell ~ ,
°~~, ~ of tho roll by b yeas. ~ ~~
• j .
On motion of Ltomber Marton, that the report of the City buditor for the monthl'
1~`^^'h+-P'""' of March be seoeived and°!led and published in the oftiaiel newepaper~ oarried upon" ±~
dell of the roll by b yeas. ~ ,•
Un motion of the above, that the oommunioatioa from Mr. G'rpom;'ragarding the •
~a.~r ~7+.rw+ ', refund of seetaurant lioenae be refereed to the City 3o1101tos- oarried upon call of
~'`'""'~•~ the roll by 6 yeas.
! On motion of Lumber Washington, that the pay roll for the 8treeL Dept. for'th'
x ~• i woek ending ypr11 6th, amounting Lo ~y177,G0, not covered by ordinance, bs el lobed-
.. .. {
!`; oarried upon call oY the ro11by b yeas.
On motion of Ltember.Grnves, that the Comps of Public Works bs nuthueisod en~t"~"r~.
•` ~ ~ ~ !° instructed to sell ur-d dispose of two mules now In thr straot'departaurd unfit ibs i "
f, etsest work, and that hs purchase two other mules ii he deems it neoeasary- Oarried
• ` upon dell of the roll by 6 yeas. ~ •
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