HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/19/17 & 03/26/17 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of ' it a sagnlar meeting of the Hoard o! Oommiesioaare hale in the Oonnoil Ohambas~ ~" '' o! the Oity Heli• Pamroah~ 8an0roty, oa llaroh i8, 1817, npoa oaii o! the soli the cry. lolloeing enewared their rlanaet Hares. Gasdaer• Gravse• Heston end Waehinatoa• b• ~~ r „" ~ Oa potion o! Mambas Hartoa~ the mialrtae of a segnlas meeting bald oa l[asoh ~ 6 } ,, •~ ~'~ 18th cad o! a apaolei meeting belt on Hsroh 16th were adopted ae read µpoa oali o! th li D b ~ I e so y yeas. ~' On motion of tb above, that the Oity 8olioitos D• laetrnotea to Dsiag in as M • . u " ~~~~/;~ r " ordinaaoa !os the re-oot~etsaation o! Jsli~rsoa street from 17th etrset to Ebtb etreet,~ ~~b ~ ,• snot to be oonatsaoted o! the sear material to be aced on J~ifeseon St. Isom 11th to ~ . Ebth street. and ssld wosk to b done on the tea year povmsat plea, and that the oom's~' ~.; { o! Pnblio Morks advastlee for bide w soon ae poaeibia• oarrled upon oa11 of the roll . by the lollewing vote; Yeea, Buses. Gsavea and Marton- 8. Nay, Gardaar sad ~ • i Washington- E. • On motion of Member Washington, that the pay roll for the attest department ~• •. j for the week ending itaroh 18. 1917. not aovessd Dy ordlneaoe, amonrrting to X7.48.66, .~.~~ bs allowed ae per attached statement, oarrled upon oali of the roll by b yeas. ' , Oa motion of Hem bar Heston, that the Mayor and Hoard of Com'ra ratify the ~ , • '- appointment of lds. o. P. Hnrt to the paitioa ae asst. Street Inspector. as par . ~' rsgwot of Com's o! PnDlio Warke attached- aerriad upon cell oY the roll by 6 yea. '. ~ On motion o! Heyaoc 8arw . that the petition for improving Y. lath street ~•. ~~"~' ' bat*eea Harnett 6 Oraas streets Da reYesred to the. oouwiseionere ae a ehola, carried '~ .•. ~ ' aeon oa~l of the roil by b yaw. ~Oa motion the Hoard ad~ourrud npoa call of the roll Ay the following votel •' Yaw, Burns, Gardwr, Graves, Horton end Washington -b. I ~~Aw-~~. a-L: 191 l% Aieyied 1 ' • ~ CbY CIvY 1 ' ALl.X~U7!C ~ ~ ' •" ' . . ~ Haroh E6. 191?. at a regular meeting o! the Board of Commlasioasre held in the Council Ohamber • ~ of the Oity Hall, Paducah, 7:y. oa 7Saroh E6, 1917, upon cell of ttu roll the'.following4 • a ~ -~, answered their names;. Burns, Gasdnar. Graven, itartoa end Waehingtoa- b• , On motion o Y Member Gardner, Lhs minutea of a regular meeting held oa Haroh 18, 1917 were adopted ae read upon call of the roll by b yeas, '~ .~~ ~ On motion of the above. that the petition oY property owners on west Jefferson ' ~ between 17th and Ebth streets against the proposed reaonetrootion oY Jefferson etrset '~"P'"""'` I be reoelved end filed, same oarrled upon cell of the roll by b yeas. R°. On motion oY ?Surber Oravoa, that 11~RE.13. a oontraat hen Deea 14t for ttu s e •.s,__ ol~sw+~' reoonetrwtion o! 8roadwe~q from 11th to 17th atreot, that the City 9oiioitor De ia- •, ~_ ~...~y ..~w. , s . etruotea to bring in ea ordinance Yor flu reaonatruetion oY 8ioadvgp from 17th to ~z ~ Ebth atsaet~ sale ordinams to provide for the same material ea to bs used in the """ -7 ~ oonetructioa of Broadway from" 11th to 17th etseeta, e[ld said wo rk to be done Hader the ~. A ~~ ~ y~ Len year payment plan and that the Com'r oY Public llor]o3 be'inatruotad to advertise { for Dide u soon se poeeiDle- carried upon cell of the roll by the Yollowing votes Yea, Sarre, Gardner. Grevsa and Lterton• 4. Nay, Washington, 1. -.y` G'.,,,,~~, ~ Oa motion of Member Gardner. that a deed be er~eouted and delivs"red to Philip, ' ~p_ , Roeler Yor Lot X36 Block 1, Oak Grove Oemstery, treaeurer'e rooaipt for X30.00 being ' . ' :;~ ~•~•fon , '; hsreta atteahed- carried upon call 02 the roll by 6 yeas. ~ , a„ ,n !h i , i s ._ " t, ' . ~ ' .' r ~' -, i ~~. i ~~, ~ r ~ ' ~ I ~ ~ on.y-.fz. ~ i P ~amr..~ ~,.~n i ",r F- n . \ nro, y~~ stn 1916 No. Z.S y • l;ommissioner`s Proceedings, City ofPaducah~ Harsh 2sth 191? oontinn.d ~~ ~~~ Qn motion of Hember aravss, that the oommnnioation end motiaa of Hembsr Gardnez~ ' ~sww # 3 relatSve to the oHan~ing.of the third dietriot sewer plan, bs referred to the Hoard ot', ~'"~~"~. S Oommiseionera ae a oommittes of the whole .for ooneideration- oarried upon Dell of the ! •~ .. ~ ` I . roll bq b gees. ~ ~. 1 ~. e-~ On motion of Hember Harlon, that the oommunioatioa of Hember Gardner regarding. ~ -~ 0' '± the report of Hesere. Proutt end Dabney, eleotrioal engineers employed by the City of ' Padnoah, ba received.and Piled, oarried upon Dell of the roll by b yeea. •;~ 0n motion of the above. that in ae mnoh ae the Court of Appeals has passed on a ', ; y" ~ i ~~~ ` the szpenees of the Jnvenile•Court and ae~- the City ie e:oueed faom Chia obligation, ~ y I move that the City auditor be isietracted to look up the ~ouata paid the County is ~' peat yearn for the upkeep of. the Juvenile Court and that he present a bill to the Coualy ;, .tie -., ' asking for a refund of seine-. oarried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ~ ~ ~. Oa motion of the'•above, that the matter regarding the oily paying the oouaty ' ~j,~. (P~~~rrvu~r~'~ for tLo ouzo and loop o~ oi0y prieonor• bo roforrod to,tho. Oiby 8olioitor, orb toe him. '. ,~%~.. C~ ;~ to rend or as opinion ao to ~rhsther or not the oibq it required under the ]rN to psy V ,'the oonnty for the oars and >oesp of oitq prisoners- oarried neon Dell of the roll bq 6 yraa. Oa motion of Hember Grsvee, that the oommnnioation of City Solicitos Jno. S. ~~ ,. Hendrioke with refsrenoa to the transferring of the epeoisl sewer triad be received sad; ' (Q.Qu,;,~ filed end that life former oommnnioation on this enb~bat be witbarawn se per his request, `v~f~_''_'`'^"' . oarried upon Deli oY the roll by 6 yeea. ~ On motion of Hember Parton, that the oommmnioatioa from Edmund T Perkins in '' ((~~ j . ~~fflu'-,,.,ud~. i~ regard to hie ezpenaes 1n preparing the brief for the armor plant be rsferred.to the ' (t~trro ~~~ Commieelonera ea s whole for their imeetigation sad reoomme~ndation- oarried upon Dail ~ `"""`b' 'W'P' of the roll bq b yeas. Oa motiaa of the above, that Whereea, the Gity of New Albany was visited by a ~"^'~""~- ogolone end many liven lost as well ea property destroyed. sad from repasts much ernfisring jl /, eziste there at this time., and ea s gemral Dell for help has been sent out, that thr p ~° Hayo! be authorised to wire to the Hagar of New Albany, Ind. the enm of ~b0.00- oarried upon Dell of the roll by b Bras. • On motion of Hember Washington, that the PaY roll for the street depsrtmen` fos `~tha week ending Haroh 83,1.917, amounting to $ib3.80; noL covered by ordinance, be i.ellowed ea per attached statement, oarried upon Dell of the roll by b gees. On motion of the above, that lire. Cathron be ailbsed to onitivats a lot owned by ~, ~~ ~- the .City of Paduoeh located in Heohaniiabnrg on the North side of Yei6er near Woodward -• attest, oarried upon Dell of the roll by b yeea. (1,,•- Oa motion of the above, that the psrtise having contract to erect a white way on ~~~°`e Hroadwgy sad Second streets be elloeed to put in whits way posts at the corner of the ' ~ni~~aA.y intereeotion of curb lines, end that the City Solicitor bring is aa, ordinanos amending ~ 1~~^T o ~ the ordinance prohibiting poise to be put in Lhs interseotiona, to the eifeot of e~llow- ing ornamental poets to bs eo erected- oarried ripoa call of the loll by b yeas. • On motion of Mayor Burns. that all wooden poise of the Paducah bight a poser Coe ~~,~~,,,,, and those of the Western Union Telegraph Co., if any, on Broadway between First street ®~!! ~`~iie anal Ninth attest; be required to be rmovsd and iroa'polee substituted therefor by • - ~ •~~ '. ordinance, which the City Solicitor is hereby inatsrnotsd to bring before this Hoard- • ~•,'-' oatrisd upon Dell' of the mil Dy the following R'-tes Yese, Base. Graven; Harlon and ' Washington- 4. Nay, fiardner, 1. ~ . 6n motion o! Member Washington. that the ofiioi Louse Yor oflYoee Sa the City a (~ ~'" Nell ~be from eight A. H. to T~sslve noon, and from oas P.~ H. to five P. H., sad that tt~e heeds of the different departments see that these hours ars~snlorosa• oarried upon Dell • x~.. ~+_t-_ ~'~ of the roll by 6 yids. ' .~'"Y ,i ~. ... 4~ i •. .. ;,; , • , ., _ , , . ~~ . .: r - • ~ . ; ,~ ., M: F,r'~~ro..."~.._ a +u:i:gl'- .in.' L++ .+. uk: e ~., .._. s ^t . f:b 1; .. ~ . . . . ' r .,.,. . .. -. ~ .;tr. d. z~ ' ; p i jS! 1 M ~~ .. ~ ... _. ~ , ' .y. i. ~•~~ e~irA9~. ~.R ~ YP'ti~Gf 6 y .irt .. (...- t,,, .,w n ~i.. xr. ~ „ 'i .R .. ~' •' •, t V~~rr•l-W.%Li3s y:,~.:a++~>..wL~++. r .+.:/.~~tew.r>..,...aw a:ri..~::.wi".r-...s..'~rl' b3u.d-~Y:~i~+1.•+=1:....~:.~..~.~ ~L... ~~~ f .k 'z a h .. ~ Na-~~ Commissioner's P. xneeedin~s, City of Faduaah~ uroh ~tb ~g~ oontiauen, ~0'""'"~ On motion of Mayor Buama. that the eommnaioatioa from the iliaiateslal sea's ~~ ~~''~ regarding the Best ]q-. Industrial Oollege. be rsosivsd ani idea, oarriiQ upon oall Of i the roll Dy b yeas. • 'x On motion. of Msabss Grags, that the Oom'r of Pnbiio forks, L. i. Rsehingtob,~ be inatrnotsd tp prepare plane end apeolfioetions foe a eto:m water ssw.er from 8th and ~~ 8dame streets down or Bast on Aasme street to the Tennaesee river os to Seoona ens ' gashington etTeet and oonnoot with the Washington street sewer, ae hs deems moat ,• ', advlsable-.oarsied upon oats of the roll by b yeas. /4/J ~~pn~ ~ On motion of 3[ayos Burns. that ~20.00•bs .allowed J. p. 9tewsrt for boarding f Y i ~ssv l6rs. 7saper end daughter while quarantined under order of Health pept., -some to be , (_e.N_,"p",C~~ oharged to the pest house fund. oarrisd upon oell of the X11 by 6 yeas. ~ P~'" On motion of Member Graves. that the City Solicitor bo inettuoted to prepare ens bring in m ordinance ragniring the oonstrnotion of concrete sidewalks and grewite, ~~~ , N,, .l•~ ' anrbing on both aides o! Thirteenth street between Jef9~raon street and Monroe strast~ ' end providing that said work be done on the tap year pe~yment plan, oarrie3 upon cell, ~; of the roll by the following"vote: Yeas. Borne. Graves, Marton ens Washington- 4. Hay. Gardner. 1. , `YM~a ~~~, On motion of Mambor Marton. that the aommuaioation of Mrs. Eagan regarding the r1y ~ purchase of certain property owned by the city of Yaduoah, be referred to the Oom'r of public Property- carried upon rill of the toll by 6 yeas. /1~ ~~~ Q~ On motion of Mayor Horne, that the oommnniaation tmm the Paducah Hand Oonart~. t A ralatlve to an appropriation from the city. Ds raoeived and filed, to be further con- ~"W". .~,~/" sideroa in the appostlonment ordinance- oarrled upon cell of th6 roll by 6 yeas. l~~ _.u~"'_~ On motion of Member Marton, that the oommnnioation from the Baptist State ~ • lA•e'^~,~'" _ _~ Board of Missions of Louisville, 8y., in regard to the ezemption o! city taxes, be p'- ~ referred to tbs City Solicitor- oerrled upon cell of the roll by b yeas. a On motion the Board adjourned upon calf of the roll by the following votsi ` Yeas, Hurna, Gardner, Graves, Marton sad Washington- b. Aie ei C , i- 191.::, .3FPR0 V' ~ ', , ~ i er, errr M.SX~PC.: . , ~ inril 2, 1917. et a re nlar meoti I ',~ "~" g ng of the Eoard of Commiesionese bald in the Council ; , 'Chamber of the City Hall. paduaah, $q. on 6pril E, 1917, upon call of the roll the ~ '~~ ~~ . following answered their names: Borne. Gardner. Graven, Marton and Washington. 6. ; • .i On motion of Member Graven, the minutes of a regular meeting held on Maroh.~ $6', 1917 were'edopted ae read upon call of the roll by b yeas. ~ {! n ~. 1 On motion of Member Marton, that the petition of property owners on Borth 1Sth?• , /yLVG.K i s~1,f3.aC ~ etsest between Jeff reon and Monroe streets protecting the rsoonstruotioa of that ~ , block, bs received and filed- carried upon call of the toll ~ b yeas. On motion of ltamber Gardner, that a deed be aseouted and delivered to tVeltes ~ ~ • •'w~"~~Yewbura for Lot X47 Block Two oa Miller street, Oak Grc-e cemetery, treasurer's receipt • ~~ ~ for X40.00 being hereto attached- carried upon calf o! tho roll by bye ea. " On motion of the above, that WHLBEeB, the omerioen Cigar Co. has setaDliehed a , .~ '' msnnfaoturing plant in this city, and under the ordinance of the oily of Paducah exempt. w~h ~ ing monufaotesere approved Jnns E3, 1906, this 'company is entitled to sxenption from ' taxation for a period of five years. I move that said 4merioan Cigar Co. bs ordered , `~ pieced upon the list of manufeotcff ire ezempted from taxation foot s period of five ysare from this spar. E. 1917- oarriod upon cell o! the mli by 6 yaee. Y~ ~ ~ • ' ~.~, ,r.. .. - ...r~,;.~~ i nor -_. _:-.:~-n,r..-err., r .., ~.-:-.- r--.,~~: r.- . ~ , ~ ,q - , ~ ~~~..T i. ~~~~,.... ,,~..~,q~:w„~T