HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/10/17, 03/12/17, & 03/16/17w ;: _.: .. _ ., <: •. • ,. .. , _.. .. , ,, No.~Z ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah •Ltareh 10th ig)~ •. ~ At a celled meeting o! the Board of Commiaeionsse hel¢ !n the Council ` Chamber of the Cifq Ha12, Paducah, l~,v. on L4aroh .10, 191? upon Del l of the roll the ~ `-following anawereQ,their names: Burns, Gnrdner,.Gravee, itarton and Washington- b. ,.j a 1lr, Bho:, o! the State Hoard of Underarltere, together with his aeelaLant0, • ~ ~ ~ a . ., ~~ ~/,,,~'~~ addressed the Board regarding the condition of the Fare Department anQ the probable ~ ~"'" regniremsnte by the State Board of Underarriters fo;'the changing of the rnte heels o!•! .. the C1tq of Paducah from three to e; two and one hall basis. '. ~ `~ , On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by the following vote': ~ • Yeas. Hur.ns, t}ardner, Graves, 1{arton and Washington- 6, r, • h `: ltaroh 12th, 1917. j • ~ ii ~t s regular meeting of the Board of Commisaionars held in the Council Chamber4 F; ' . •. .C of the,Clty Hall, Paduooti, Sy. oa L'sroh 12, 1917, upon call of the roll tha,Yoliowing ~ • ~ ~ answered their names; Burns,-Gardner,- Graves, itarton and Washington- 6. j ~, On !notion of IIember Graves, tho minutea o! a regular -.~eeting held on ltaroh bth+ ' and of a epeolel meeting held on.118roh 8th, 1917Vwere adopted ea read upon Dell of ths~ ~~ _. k roll by 5 yeae. E ~~' On motion oY'}lembar Lfsicton,. that the oommunioation from the Citizens Savings B~• i in regard to assesarient on property boated on lteyera 3t.,ba rooeived and fi16d and that 8.~9.~ n the report. of the Hoard of Supervisors be oomurred in as fbllowe: j Ip~¢~`, ~~~ .,eseas7sent Citizens Sav. Bank X12,955. ~ ~; J. L. Looquot,Trustee, Bann of ~ ' " Benton..... ~, E00.. ,~3,16b.. ! aud.that the Delinquent to:.sallootor be instructed to aolleot taxes from the Hank o? , "' t, , . ~ eenton• for the ye are 1Ni1 to, 1916 ea above assessed, and that the 'Citisens Savings Bk. ; bs exempt from pgvment oi'the rmount assessed against theme Dome having bees listed ink'" t . ~: the bank's assessment Yor fazes- carrlad upon Doll of the roll by b yeae. d ,. Oa motlon of ltamber Cardner, that btr. Gao. L~. auguatus, owing to hie advanced Q.R.~~ aRe and hie phyeioAl inability to do, manual labor,. bs relieved from. payment of poli:. ~({ ~, I a.y. 1! taxes for the year 191?.'and any Yutura years oY his life, as per hie nritten`requsst . ji hereto attaohed- same carried upon Dell oY the. roll by b yeas. ~ ~ + ~ On motion oY ISember Graves, that the Com'r of Pub11o Property be lnetruoted to v ~ ~ ~~ have an ero light placed nt the oorner.of 8th & Harrison Sts., in aooor.darioe with the potation of aitizens hereto attaohed- sense oarried upon call oY the roll by 6 yeas. ! is On motion of Clamber Gardner, that, the Ltayor end Commisaioners meet every after ~;. /~ lpr,.«.~+.~-~"~+~ a; noon -exempt on Saturday for one hour- from. two to three o'clock- for ooneultation in _ ~"'~"~ ; regard_to the city's affairs. unless aalledsway by other offlalal dutles, oarried,• ~ ~ upon sell 08 the roll by b yeas.: f~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ) , ~,rt. ~ ~ On motion of t'na above, that the City Sollattor prepare au ordinanas to'be.eub± l.~ereL ~ muted to a vote of the people, after passage by thfs 'body, placing the Police Dept. ,' c x ~~ ~^ Mrs Dept., Street Dept., .Sexton of Oak Crove Cemetery,. 11ar&et btastar, City NtelgherR Supt. and employees of tho City Light Plant under oisil service iulee- also the sewer -` ~~ department,, eo they will hold their respective positions-during good behavior and that;, r ; ~' ~ positions will depend on oompegenoy and effioionoy, and daYining Douses Yor removal- _ r ,,;~ oarried upon Dell of the'roll by b yeas. { G ~ ~ r _ ~ ~ { Z . , ,. ~, .. i • t~ , .. g§ " ~ ~ .. .. h . .. 9 , ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 1',Saroh lzth 1917 continued On motion oY Ltember Gardner, that the ooromuniaation of iir. J. a. Gardner in regard °A'~d''&'~ to the overflow at 8th and adama streets by the excessive rainfalls, be referred to the tl°"A'jl~ 1r4ayor and Commieeionera as a irhole Yor investigation- carried upon call of the mll by j ~``R' ~~~IIIR the following vote: Yeea. Burns, Gardner, Craven, Clarion and ~Jaahington- 6. On motion oY btember Graves, that the aommuniontion of 1Jember Gardner in regard to ~~ ~ the payment for water in 1917 to be used from the 204 fire hydrants, the oontraot upon` " ~ 1~~ d whioh hoe heretofore eap.ired. be received; filed and spread upon"t_he records and re- ,~. ferrod to the Hoard of Commiesionere ae a whole for consideration end action-'carried ' upon coil of tho roll by 6 yeas. !~ $aid aommunioation is ae.follows: "iSaroh 12, 1917. • Honorable 1lnyor & Commieaionere, ,, ~ Oity. J Gentlemen : On Feb. 19" the ].tuyor Tequeatod the heads of the different departmonta • to make auggeatione as to how eapenees oY the city should be reduced. I think I. • know of a very good way we can ourta3l one item, to-wit: the water bill for the fire plugs. ua you know, in 1884 these plugs were installed and leased for u term of tvrenty years at a stipulated rental. There wero at first 160 and subsequently ~.` ~ ~ 3b0 hydrants installed nndor this oontraot. 21ow the contrast has expired -ae • - aontompleted in the ordinanoo- on 204 of ttrese hgdranta. You are .no doubt aware of the fact that we should now only pay for the crater actually used-that is, for the sole value oY the vrater, not on the oontraot prive,as the oontraot has already . expired. I have made repeated investigations and find that the City oY Paducah only uses one million gallons of water for fire protection in the entire city, ' and as the sale vallle of water in the city of Paduaalr is regulated by that oY .' otlm r oitiea set out iri an ordinnnve•approved Svpt. 30, 1884, I think we"should - ' arrive at what should be paid for theao fire plugs by-ascertaining what is the sale value of n million gallons of water in the oitiea named in our original oontraot catered Into with one J. a. Jones of St. Iauis in 1884. I_am. satisYied~ howoger, the sale vrilue of the. water would not exceed l6~ in these vities on each thousand gallons, and ae it to}.ea one thousand thovsnnd gallons to make a " million, at 16~r a thousand- whioh Ism satisfied would cover the sale value- the fair prise to be ~sid by the City for the water used at these expired hydrants _ would not exveed y150.00, but to be liberal and on the safe aide, I vA u1d favor ` giving them 'tho sum of x200. for the year 1917 on 'the 204 fire hydrants on which the oontraot hoe expired.. " In nwking this reaomrencation may Y advise you that the sale value of water for the ontiro city of Detroit -hsving a population of 600.,000 people -foT ~~ " the year ending June '•;0, 1916 was only Y649,90, and in Cleveland, a city of siz " t+~` `,,.' or seven hundred thousand people, the sale value of the vrater for the year 1913 wsa + given at y2174.40, sad it certainly looks to me that we are paying exorbitant '+ water rates .in Paducah on these expired fire hydrsnta. I therefore ae3: you gentlemen to think over this matter before the apportionment ordixu.noe is drulvn, . and I am satisfied that upon investigation you will find ~2D0.00 is a fair price. ' for the water on the expired hyldrante. ~. I v+ish,nlso to oaTl your attention to the fast that there are approai- mutely 300 fire hydrants on whioh our oontraot hna sot expired, altho' they'sre expiring every year, and for these 300 hydrants re are paying. according to oontraot, ~7b00. in addition to what we pay on tIIe 204 hydrants above mentioned, +, and ae the fire pressure has to be maintained on these unexpired hydrants all " 'the timo on the water mains, it doesn't take any extra Pressure on the mains where • the oontraot has slready.expired. . ~"+ I trust you will give this matter your earnest consideration ss it seems a great hardship to tax the people of Paduonh and to assess license taxes against your rnerohnnta and business of every ahareater in Paducah to psy such eaoessive ' fire hydrant rentals. • - It seems to me only common senee.andYairness to the tax payers oY Paducah to say that if the private vompany now furnishing water in this oitq•is • not eatiafiod with v+hat we should pay them, and should any differem a arias as to ~ what they think they should have and .what we, tho tax payers, feel we should pay, `~~ we van very easily dotennine the matter before a fury in our Circuit Court oY °. ~ Kentucky, v+ith a right of appeal on either side to the Court of appeals of Kentucky, and they will then tell us whether or not our contention is correct in th~6 matters Respectfully, - W. arrnovr Gardne r, • Cvmrnisaioner of Public property. P. $• Y have ~uat reoeivod a letter from the L;ayor oS Owensboro,.enolosing report of the Ovreneboro municipal water. pant for 1;he'yenr 1916, tmd I find that the operating~und maintenance of this plant for lust your was ohly ,20,266.29. ae you are 'aware, .they are pumping and delivering. annually into the mains about b60 million gallons of water, and as this only coats them the sum of v?A,266.29,. you can readily see that.when we .pay v12,b00. (more than half oY the entire ' • operating expense of their water works plant) for. the use of one million gallons ' of water for Piro protection, that' we nrs paying very much more than we ehoald. W1.G• n ~r i . ~• •. ;~>~:. Commissioner's Proceedings, ~, - Na.1~ 99 , ofPBduCAh Ltarah lEth. jgj.? oontiaued ~~ ! On motion of Ltamber Ginvea, that the oommunioation of J»ecrber Gardner in regard ~~ to th.e sinking of a teat well for water for the municipal water plant be reoeived, . ~ filed end ref erred. to the aommiesioness ae a whole for oonaideration- carried upon ! .' ~. i cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas', Hurna,, Gardner,"Gr.avee, L'arton and I , • ~ Clashington- 5. On motion of the above. that the motion of Member bQarton end oommunioation • ~f.P~~"'--T ? aoooclpanying same with refsreaoe to the easeeement of G. L. Heasley, W. N. Alarren, y • ry-tJ~w"" ; ~~~ 'Lire. C. 0. Las and e. Switzer be referred to the City Solicitor for hie opinion ~ se to whether or not the 'Hoard has any power to correct same as requested- carried '. 1 upon call of the roll by b yeas. j. a?~ (!--,A_.. ~,O ,~ ~ On motion of Ltanber Ltarton. that the City Clerk be outhorized and inetrnoted to i. ~~~~,wd~ isaue_deed to Ltre. L.' Shoemaker to Lot 67 Block E Qak Gmve Cemetery, she having . ~ Dought "this lot on the installment plan and now paid same, as per treasurer's receipt • ~~ i hereto attached- carried upon cell of the .roll by b yeas. , ' On motion of Clamber paehington, that the pay roll for' the Street Dept. for the ~. - ! s week ending ltaroh 9, 1917, amounting to x"135.80, not covered by ordinance, be allowed ' ~; + as per statement uttuahad- curried upon cal l of the roll ty 6 yeas. ~ ( ~', , ,,.,•, t. 't ~ ~~~i.ei. On motion ~of Clamber Graves, that tale oommunioution of L. ,-. Graham, Chief of ~ ,' - Police. requesting that the City procure new outfits for all uniformed men on the police force, be referred to the Commlaaionere ae a vole for their ooneideratlon- ', ~. carried upon cull of the roll by 5 yeas. • • ~ ~ ~"~' On motion of• Ltmlber Rtaehington, that the opinion of the City Solioltos in ~ • _~ . E~ regerd•to exemption of taxes of the Paducah Loe Co. be reoelvo.d, filed and concurred .j . .. (}~..;•^.ibvv ;, .. in. carried upon cull of the roll by the following wte: Yeas, Burns, Graves, Ltarton ~ • ! and Washington- 4s 1iey, Gardner, 1. ! i j' ~ ~~ On motion of the above, that the opinion o! the City Solicitor regarding tho , ~ ' ~"" 3,~ ~w ~ exemptioa of taxes of the Ohio Yulley Fire ~ Lturins.Ina. Oo. bs rooeived, filed end .~„~, s oonou;red in, game carried upon call of the roll by 6 was, ~ " ' 6~~ ;' On motion of Liayor Surlu, that the opinion of the City Solicitor regarding Lhe l• .. - ga.,.ar ',~n.....~, , ~ . • Y30,000. sewer Rind bs reoeived and filed- carried upon cell of the roll by b yeas. ''+ ~ On motion of the above, that the report of the Com'r oY Public iYorh regarding' ~'~~ ~ fW `~ `~..wvu ~ pp system to take care of the storm water on Uaehingtod a roYh.'Iata 00st Of, atOr10 se*'Br~ ! ~ ~' ~. ' ~ •' ~: ~ ,fir ~- ~ : ~ •. ~, • . • ! St. from. the oust side oY 3d stroat to tlu vreat side of 6th street- carried upon cull i ;. 'of tho >oll by b yeas. ~ - - , ~. ~~Q.,,,,,we, On motion of tho above, shut tie eam of y4.GE be refunded the Paducah Browery ~ , • r+ ~tef..~••.Q,F po• for tuxes erroneously paid for 191G on the properly of Emest Yarbro, curried f ' y ~ iN upon call of the loll by b yeas. i ~` Un motion of the above, that the petitions of citizens requesting that the Oity got , • ~,;~„ ~ abolish giL•e Station j9, bs reoeived and flied- carried upon sell o! the roll. by b yeas. .' On motion of tho above, that the request of LIr. R. 1'l.•Padgitt asking for.an ., ' /-'w~ ellowanoo ti:ie yeas for municipal concerts, end the request of the Co161red Home of caw,. fin., t~-_ the Friendless.for a donation, be referred to the oommisaionera us a whole to be i • .. . considered in making up the apportionment ordinance, curried upon call of the roll by ~ . b yeas. ~• • ' On motion of Clamber Graves, that .the cammuniantion from Ltargaret Woodrox Ylileon ~ , , ~ f this meetin aor ~e oaxrled u o Bu b read u n th inutes ddr d t lt o : p n po , . a oase o ay r rns e sp e m o Et- ~;~ -y,,,,,.~pu,~ ;; call of the roll by b yeas. ~ • • -~,a)..:4'''~ , „ Said oommunioation is ea follows; F ~, "Lty dear Ltr. L~eyor: ~ . h : I hope that Ctrs. Walls conveyed to you my deep apprsoiation ~ ~ `" -~__ --~ .. ~. , I' # .I ' - -^ . ~ , ?1rSExtA~S{'?~'' off. r'.~ _,. _ _ .. ~, _~ ,_ ,~; i ~ r =;~'r ~ ~~ ~ r °-i=uric ~~r~~~4,/,..~~~:r~. , ~~'~-. ,-r~~, ,;gym ,, Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ITaroh 12th 191? of the gilt which the oommiaeionere of Paducah presented Lo me on behalf of the city. Since I left Puduouh to go bank to ieashington for the inauguration my j _~.;; •" time has been over-full, Dias •I ahonld have written to you before now Lo try to ; express some of the 'appreciation whiali is in my heart ¢P the courtesy and kindness' " ehovm to me in Paducah. The kindly thoughts of me expressed in your prose and by " ,your people and firolly symbolised in the beautiful: silver vase will always be a • ' ;, source oY deep joy to me. •• The loving appreciation and confidence which-the pe ople oY Paducah expressed ! toward my Futher, !n the ireneroue reception Y+hioh they gave me, made me happier than I can say. • I hove thought of Puduoah hundreds of Limes since 1 1Sft there, and I assure a you that the Puduoa~h people will ever linger in my memory oa m:ong the lovelieet . ., ?:;'. and kindest I have ever mat. ,;. , "~ The :beautiful Tatter a+hiah eooompanied the silver vase I shall keep eil.wgve, ~~ . and I em sure that it will sot ae un inspiration to" me..in times of tronb.le. With my heartiest thanks to you end gout Pellow aommiselonere end to the r! 'people of Paducah, I am, " g~ . .. Boat sincerely you; e, ,!' 1Sargaret plood=ow 1911tron. " i • On' motion of ISember Graves, that the picopoeed ordinance changing the salaries u~^""^""` ~ ~oY certain miployeea enfl officers of the city be referred to the aommissioners to be r~N 1. ooneiderod by them ea a committee of the whole- carried upon call oY the roll by 6 yeas. ::~, . ~• On motion the Hoard adjourned, upon call of the roll by the. following vote: !~ Yeas;•Buxne. Gardner, Graveai, Marton emd.Nnshington- b.. , die ei -/.9wi91 -,_ '" _ . • •" `, ~ . ~ :BPIF ~,;~T~'L~ i; . ua ca,.r ... _ ._ , j' _ .. '. _ .. r '' Marsh 16, 1917 ~ r At a,speoiel meeting oY the Hoard of Commissioners held in the Coumil i; :;. ; Ohamber of the City Hall, Paducah, ly., biaroh 16, 1917, upon Dail of the mil t}e following answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Graves, Barton and Wuahington- b. • ,. On motion of Member biarton•.that the tmount of ~3,7b3.82 be alloped and aheoke `' issued for same. being the semi-monthly allowance'for biaroh, ae per repeat oY Com'r oY Finaxne and. City auditor hereto attached. carried upon call of the mil by b yeas. p.~.r~V.E Fe~• On motion oY 1iayor Burns, that the report of hissers. Pmutt and Dubney embodying. ii n jt."' the findings and oonolusiona of the survey of the municipal light plant, be received, ~~ - . 17~+-~ , approved and filed, and that eaxid original report De ]Dept on file in Lh.e fire proof • vault under th"e auetody of the Com'r of Finame- carried upon call of the .roll by b. yeas. '11 ~. (~o-~ ~ On motion of the above, thut the report of the Board oP Supervisors for the 'C q~ ~W~~ ~ ~ year 1917 be received and filed- carried upon Dail of the roll by b yeas. Un motion of the above, AN OADINaiiCE .ib~TiDII7G 3UBSECTIO2i 1 OF SECTION 3, SUBSECTION ~~ ~ 6 OF SECTION 3, SUBSECTION 7 OF SECTION 3, SUBSECTION 4 OF SECTION 4, SECTION 1 OF 9ECTIOH 6, BUBSECa^ION 2 OF SECa^ION 'S, SUBSICTIOIi 3 OF SECTION b, d[iD SUBSECTIOT 6 OF SyCTIOIi . b " ~~ OF dN U.~DIN+.TiCE ENTITIF,D "Ati OADINnI7CE PisOYIDIIiG FOR ThE riPP0II7Tb1EiL' OR $ETE{iTION BY THE BOARD OF' C01t1iI33I017EAS OF aIiE CITY OF PADIJCxii QF CEAT.iIIi CITY 0: FICEi;B, +aGII7TS i,ND b3,tPL0YEE9 OF ^a'IiE.CITY OF PADUCnIi, ILEi7TUCBY, nI7D FIXING "i4iETR 5.11;ARIES, Y(KEA9 eliD DUfYEB" •-' PbSSED BY ~iE BOARD OF dOblbiISSIOTiER3 JbNUAAY 3, 1916, AND RECORDED JxtiliefC( 3, 1916. •" - f, ~~~~`A, J ~ Lember Gardner oPfere tl~ follaaing anaidment: That the salary of the Chief of aMlutil `Police be ;j100.00 per month instead of one hundred and twenty-five doTiara- said amendment was.rnled out of order, receiving no second. was ^ahe original ordinance above/given ita.psasage upon oasll oY the roll by 6 yeas. • On motion the Hoard adjourned upon call of the roil yY the following vote: Yeas. ~,«;; „Burns, Gardner ~a0,~aves, >tiexton and riaehington- b. ,,:~: ~ _- Aieel• 1r t• ~ ~~t _s~//~~~ - ,~ " q W_ <,t. ~' . v r ~b " t, . . C ~99 • 6